View Full Version : Most unwanted ethnicity on TA?

10-21-2017, 08:26 PM
Which single ethnic group, in your opinion, do you perceive to be the "most unwanted" ethnicity/ethnic-group on TA? And why?

10-21-2017, 08:28 PM
Maybe Polabians?

Germans from Lower Saxony are in denial of their Polabian Slavic roots:


I haven't met any Polabian on TA. They got extinct (culturally) before 1900.

"List of spoken and forgotten languages with full information and language families":

http://www.sharedlist.org/writing/The%20Drevani%20German%20Dravano%20polaben%20or%20 Drevanen%20were%20a%20tribe%20of%20Polabian%20Slav s%20settling%20on%20the%20Elbe%20river%20in%20the% 20area%20of%20the%20present%20day%20Luchow%20Danne nberg%20district%20of%20Lower%20Saxony-589/?i=1963

Drevanen were a tribe of Polabian Slavs settling on the Elbe river in the area of the present day Luchow Dannenberg district of Lower Saxony


10-21-2017, 09:05 PM
The ones who are trolled the most. Not because they are inherently the most ethnic unwanted per se, but this dissatisfaction towards some ethnic groups is rather a direct consequence of behavioral actions of certain members.
Apart from this "let's get's some reactions via trolling". I don't think there's truly an unwanted ethnicity around here.

10-21-2017, 09:09 PM
It's not about ethnic group, it's about person.

But indeed, there are some awful behaviour who are share by many people of the same ethnicity and who make this ethnicity unwanted.

10-21-2017, 09:10 PM
I dont think there is any unwanted ethnicity on TA tbh.
I havent noticed that anyway.

10-21-2017, 09:30 PM
I don't think theres an "Unwanted ethnicity", but rather people who make themselves look like shit which makes their ethnicity shit lol