View Full Version : What kiełbasa do you recommend?

10-23-2017, 05:54 PM
I recommend Kiełbasa Kmicica by Gzella, really good! :thumb001:


http://www.gzella.pl/pl/dlaciebie/przepisy/salatka_z_kielbasa_krucha_kmicica_i_karmelizowanym i_przepisami

Haven't tried this yet, "boczek faszerowany nadzieniem z kiełbasą Kmicica":



10-24-2017, 04:04 PM
last football match of "Kiełbasa" = Grzegorz Piechna --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzegorz_Piechna

Grzegorz Piechna is a retired Polish footballer. He scored 21 goals in 36 matches in Polish Ekstraklasa and has been the top league goalscorer one time. (striker).
Grzegorz was born on September 18, 1976 in Opoczno (Poland). His nickname is Kiełbasa (a sausage), because before he started his career he worked for a butchery.


10-24-2017, 04:52 PM
for rethel personally


and some vodka


10-24-2017, 04:54 PM
If you wanna eat it from real meat - make it by yourself. Or buy from people whom you know and respect.

10-24-2017, 04:54 PM
^^ kosherna iz svininy?

10-24-2017, 04:57 PM
^^ kosherna iz svininy?

ofc, it's our national secret how to make cosher and halal pig meat.

10-24-2017, 04:59 PM
ofc, it's our national secret how to make cosher and halal pig meat.

yeah, I know, I saw

not always. I'm sorry but on russian lang only



10-24-2017, 05:59 PM
I wanted once to buy some normal meat in Moscow, becasue this in Markets was uneatable.
So I went to some local neighbourhoodish store and saw Krakowskaya!!! I as so happy, that
even narrow size doesn't bothered me, and I took it with me, thinking, that it will be normal,
from Poland. When I was going to eat it, it was awefull - not only was narrow and contain a
lot of fat (some 70%) but tasted even worse... I coundn't eat it. But some guy to whom I
gave it, ate it gladly :) So later I was eating only cheese and other non-meat products
(often corn flakes) until the end of my zalesian journey. The meat there is uneatable...

A! I almost forgot the best. This Krakowskaya was made under Moscow! :picard2:

10-24-2017, 06:23 PM
oh, liitle bro, you reminds me other poles in moscow whom i've met.
Let me give you some hint: there aren't good meet in any kinds of industrial dishes. By definition. Hunting, only hunting in this case.
Just don't eat rats and birds - they are the same rats, just winged ones.

11-10-2020, 01:43 PM
There are different brands but nothing personally I think nothing can beat fresh homemade one

11-10-2020, 04:53 PM
I recommend Kiełbasa Kmicica by Gzella, really good! :thumb001:


http://www.gzella.pl/pl/dlaciebie/przepisy/salatka_z_kielbasa_krucha_kmicica_i_karmelizowanym i_przepisami

Haven't tried this yet, "boczek faszerowany nadzieniem z kiełbasą Kmicica":



In Poznan you have many Gzella shops? In Torun it is quite popular. I know than in southern part of Poland those shops are not existent.

11-30-2020, 07:29 AM
In Poznan you have many Gzella shops? In Torun it is quite popular. I know than in southern part of Poland those shops are not existent.

Tak, sklepy Gzella w tych stronach też są dość często spotykane. Ty masz wyłączone prywatne wiadomości?

11-30-2020, 08:28 AM
In Poznan you have many Gzella shops? In Torun it is quite popular. I know than in southern part of Poland those shops are not existent.

W centrum świata też ich nigdy nie widziano...

11-30-2020, 08:39 AM
W centrum świata też ich nigdy nie widziano...

where is that center, for a moment I thought it is Warsaw, but....


11-30-2020, 11:04 AM

To jakaś podpucha. Ja tam nigdy tego nie widziałek.

11-30-2020, 12:32 PM
To jakaś podpucha. Ja tam nigdy tego nie widziałek.

Żałuj. Mają też dobry schab z warkoczem, czyli z tłuszczykiem. Zajebisty schabowy z tego wychodzi.

12-02-2020, 06:43 AM
Sounds tasty

12-03-2020, 11:05 AM
This one is good - Kiełbasa na piwie (http://bezfartuszka.pl/kielbasa-na-piwie/):

- 500g kiełbasy zwyczajnej
- 100g masła
- 1 cebula
- 0,5 l piwa (poeksperymentuj i z jasnym i ciemnym)
- musztarda
- pieprz i chili

Zacznij od przygotowania cebuli, obierz ją i posiekaj niebyt drobno. Wrzuć na patelnie i przyduś na maśle. Następnie przygotuj kiełbasę. Ponakłuwaj ją wykałaczką lub czubkiem ostrego noża, tak aby w czasie gotowania wypuściła trochę tłuszczu, ale też wchłonęła piwo.

Następnie do garnka (3-5l) wlej połowę piwa i doprowadź do wrzenia.

Kiełbasę gotuj około 10-15 min następnie dolej resztę piwa, dodaj około 4 łyżek musztardy oraz przyprawy (nie żałuj chili), na koniec dodaj cebulę.

Po zagotowaniu dolewki piwa, przytrzymaj ją jeszcze wrzącą około 1-2 min i gotowe. Możesz ją zejść z chlebem lub ziemniakami, lub czym tylko chcesz, ale pamiętaj że najlepiej smakuje popijana piwem.