View Full Version : Classify this Sicilian Politician (Stefania Prestigiacomo), ex Environment minister

10-24-2017, 05:52 PM
She has been the Environment minister in a center-right government









10-24-2017, 06:00 PM

10-24-2017, 07:05 PM
Atlantid + Alpine?

Could pass as French indeed

10-24-2017, 07:23 PM
Nevertheless she has not any french relatives. She is pure sicilian.

10-24-2017, 11:54 PM
I wonder whether Sikeliot will find some MENA also in this sicilian politician......

10-24-2017, 11:58 PM
doesn't look spanish

10-25-2017, 12:17 AM
doesn't look spanish

Of course she does not. SHE IS NOT SPANISH. She is ITALIAN from SICILY

10-25-2017, 12:22 AM
doesn't look spanish

Doesn't look Japanese either.

10-25-2017, 02:48 AM
Looks most typical as French, but can pass anywhere in Italy and Spain I'd say. Atlantid.

10-25-2017, 02:59 AM
I wonder whether Sikeliot will find some MENA also in this sicilian politician......

You are so fucking obsessed with me it is NOT funny. You need to keep my name out of your damn mouth. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

10-25-2017, 03:03 AM
Her dyed hair discloses her as an Italian.

10-25-2017, 09:28 AM
Her dyed hair discloses her as an Italian.

She does not dye her hair, unlike the extremely blonde Brigitte Bardot whose hair were originally very dark

10-25-2017, 09:42 AM
You are so fucking obsessed with me it is NOT funny. You need to keep my name out of your damn mouth. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

among all your ancestries why do you obsess exclusively on sicilians? you have polish, iberian , black, etc ancestry too...

10-25-2017, 12:01 PM

10-25-2017, 12:05 PM
Quite hard to get an idea of real proportions and head shape.
Most likely Mediterranean with possibly option of Dinaric.
Outside Italy the closest equivalents would be in France or Spain I guess.

10-25-2017, 03:56 PM
among all your ancestries why do you obsess exclusively on sicilians? you have polish, iberian , black, etc ancestry too...

The Million Dollar question!

10-25-2017, 04:02 PM

I see some phoenician/jewish traits

10-25-2017, 07:18 PM
Very fine looking. Feminine and classy... Aryan + Med + Alpine: passes well both as French and Italian.

10-25-2017, 10:02 PM
I see some phoenician/jewish traits

Not me. She looks French. But I think she is more "Euro" than many Sicilians. Her surname is in my family btw.

10-25-2017, 10:22 PM
Atlantid/French, Italian.

10-26-2017, 05:28 AM
When it comes to Spaniards, the OP likes to over emphasize their most "exotic-swarthy" looks, implying that they represent the Spanish average, but when it comes to Italians, she likes to over-emphasize the most blonde/blondish looks, and imply that they are very average for Italy, and even for Sicily.

And then, she is the same female who accuse Spanish users of being racist Nordic wannabees :picard1:

10-26-2017, 08:16 PM
Atlanto-Med + Dinarid.

10-26-2017, 09:26 PM
When it comes to Spaniards, the OP likes to over emphasize their most "exotic-swarthy" looks, implying that they represent the Spanish average, but when it comes to Italians, she likes to over-emphasize the most blonde/blondish looks, and imply that they are very average for Italy, and even for Sicily.

And then, she is the same female who accuse Spanish users of being racist Nordic wannabees :picard1:

Ah here comes the fake Venezuelan. Do you know HOW MANY are trying to make italian pass as highly Mena or arabs or levantine etc. etc.? While in the same time there are IBERIANS that try to make them pass as swedish or british and convincing people (evidently never passed in Spain) that iberians are like Southern scandinavians?
If you would be attacked like we are you would be trying to show that the reality is not exactly what they think. There are some that are all the time making pass Sicilians as Cypriots or levantine, which in some cases could be, but the reality is different.
One told me that I should take away Longobard-celt from my avatar because I look Mena. And I am from Lombardy, not from northern Africa! It is an incredible racism that has not any sense! And please, you have never been in Italy, so shut up, you don't know us, rather than me that I was living in Spain 5 years and I KNOW YOU, I HAVE SEEN YOU.

By the way, Yesterday I posted a ex minister Mara Carfagna, to classify who is dark eyes/hairs from Campania (Southern Italy), so your theory on blondism is WRONG.

Please, stop it. You and all the other racists.

I will start to love all the Mena, jews, arabs, cypriots, turkish etc. etc. against all the racism here around.

10-27-2017, 05:30 AM
Ah here comes the fake Venezuelan.

Why should I be called "fake Venezuelan"?? Venezuelans like me are far from typical, but we are not uncommon either, since Venezuela received an important European immigration of mostly Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese, and their Venezuelan descendants are hundreds of thousands.

Do you know HOW MANY are trying to make italian pass as highly Mena or arabs or levantine etc. etc.?

Why do you tell me that, if I am NOT part of these people who troll Italians? Listen, I have got some Italian ancestry too (check my profile), because a paternal grand grandpa from my dad's side was an Italian immigrant, aside that I came up being genetically more Italian than what I expected, according to Ancestry DNA and MyHeritage, and I have also defended Italians when people try to pass Italians as Mena, Arabs or Levantine. I even have had arguments with Sikeliot about this in the past, and I have also defended that Italians are well into Europe in genetics and looks. I just opened a thread about Marisa Tomei (who is very beautiful IMO) and I have also mentioned (even if few times) that Italians are beautiful people in general, and that I am very proud in having some Italian on me, even if minor.

While in the same time there are IBERIANS that try to make them pass as swedish or british and convincing people (evidently never passed in Spain) that iberians are like Southern scandinavians?

You definitively must be autistic. Why did you never responded to this response of mine in another thread? I hate to repeat myself, but here I post it again:

Show comments (with links) in which any Spaniard on here has claimed such thing, or it never happened.

You're the one who is always saying that Italy is full of blondes and that Italians are lighter and "more Euro looking" than Spaniards, and always imply that Italy is like Germany and Spain is like Morocco, when that's NOT true.

And since when, just saying that Spaniards are well into Europe when it comes to genetics and phenotypes, just like Italians and other southern European populations, and just claiming that they also have their decent share of blondism and light eyes (WITHOUT claiming with it that most of them are blonde and light eyed) just like any other southern European population is the same as claiming that most of them are blond/light eyed, or that Spain is Scandinavia?

If you would be attacked like we are you would be trying to show that the reality is not exactly what they think.

Really... are you kidding me? You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Iberians (and particularly Spaniards) are way more trolled than Italians, in many different Internet forums by anti Spanish trolls like you, with bull shits about them being very mixed with Arabs, about Moors being 800 years in ALL Spain (when they only stayed 800 years in Granada, and in most of the Iberian peninsula they stayed much less), about Spaniards in general being more related to Northern Africans than to other Europeans, about Spaniards being particularly exotic for European standards, "dramatically different" from other Europeans, and darker than ALL Europeans (even than Italians and Greeks), about Spanish language and culture being heavily Arabic influenced, and all that crap.

When you find a Spanish (or Iberian forum) dedicated to troll Italians and talk shit about them, like Italic Roots does with Iberians, we talk.

There are some that are all the time making pass Sicilians as Cypriots or levantine, which in some cases could be, but the reality is different.

And I tell you the same: There are some that are all the time making Spaniards pass as Northern Africans or Middle Easterners, which some minority individual cases might have a pseudo vibe, but the reality is different.

One told me that I should take away Longobard-celt from my avatar because I look Mena. And I am from Lombardy, not from northern Africa! It is an incredible racism that has not any sense!

You can keep the avatar you want. I haven't trolled you as looking like this or that, so I don't know why do you tell me all this. You also keep trolling Spaniards, when trying to pass very exotic individuals as average Spaniards and babbling all kinds of shit to troll them... then, don't play the victim if some of them troll you back.

And I tell you the same: Spaniards are from the Iberian peninsula, which is in Europe, not from northern Africa.

And please, stop talking about being racist, when you come up with your trolling agenda of portraying Spaniards as being closer to North Africans and other non-Euro populations than to other Europeans.

And please, you have never been in Italy, so shut up,

I haven't been to Italy, but I have seen plenty of Italian and Italian descent people in my life. And I do NOT troll Italians, but rather defend that most of them are very well into Europe in genetics and looks, so I don't know why do you tell me this.

you don't know us, rather than me that I was living in Spain 5 years and I KNOW YOU, I HAVE SEEN YOU.

You're either a liar who have never been to Spain, and make it up that lived in Spain 5 years to give more credibility to your stupid claims about Spaniards, or you have really been 5 years in Spain, but as another user said, some Spaniard was mean at you, and you didn't get over it.

By the way, Yesterday I posted a ex minister Mara Carfagna, to classify who is dark eyes/hairs from Campania (Southern Italy), so your theory on blondism is WRONG.

You always imply that Italy is full of blondes and light eyed people, and that Spaniards are darker than ALL other southern Europeans.

And then, when Spaniards claim that they also have light people with blondish hair tones and light eyes, you accuse them or pretending that Spain is like Scandinavia.

Please, stop it. You and all the other racists.

I will start to love all the Mena, jews, arabs, cypriots, turkish etc. etc. against all the racism here around.

You are the one who is being racist against those populations, when you use them to troll Spaniards.

I am actually the one who asks you to stop it.