View Full Version : Uralid vs Indid

10-28-2017, 10:34 PM
Question for White Nationalists/Alt-Rightist especially Nordicist oriented, who would you rather marry full Caucasoid North Indid individual with dark features or partially Mongoloid Uralid individual with fair skin, light hair and eyes.

North Indid

http://content.gulte.com/content/2011/12/photos/events/Hamsa%20Nandini%20at%20Exotic%20North%20Indian%20F ood%20Festival/normal/Hamsa%20Nandini%20at%20Exotic%20North%20Indian%20F ood%20Festival_36.jpg



10-28-2017, 10:37 PM
im not a white nationalist or alt rightist but id rather marry a Uralid btw the Uralid example you posted isnt really Uralid

10-28-2017, 10:37 PM
The Indid is closer to you, so that is what you should chose.

10-28-2017, 10:37 PM
Most ''Nord-Indid'' aren't full Caucasoid even if they look it.

The less admixed groups in South Asia still have minor Veddoid influence genetically. But, yes, Nord-Indid phenotype is metrically equivalent with Atlanto-Med and non CM influenced Nordid types.

10-28-2017, 10:39 PM
Most ''Nord-Indid'' aren't full Caucasoid even if they look it.

The less admixed groups in South Asia still have minor Veddoid influence genetically. But, yes, Nord-Indid phenotype is metrically equivalent with Atlanto-Med and non CM influenced Nordid types.

Obviously nord indid has australoid

10-28-2017, 10:40 PM
The Indid is closer to you, so that is what you should chose.

Hes lighter than you no were close to nord indid if anything you are closer to nord indid then him

10-28-2017, 10:41 PM
Hes lighter than you no were close to nord indid if anything you are closer to nord indid then him

Uralid girl would be upgrade for guys like you. Because average Uralid is whiter than Serb.

Deal with it.

10-28-2017, 10:42 PM
Uralid girl would be upgrade for guys like you. Because average Uralid is whiter than Serb.

Deal with it.

The average Uralid has strong mongoloid influence id rather be a darker caucasoid then half mongol

10-28-2017, 10:44 PM
Btw Im not National Socialist, but to answer your question, I would marry the one which I like better as a person :D.

P.S. Man, if you are going to pick women by their phenotypes, you're fucked.

10-28-2017, 10:45 PM
Obviously nord indid has australoid

North Indid is a pure Caucasoid type but that doesn't mean people who look it don't have Australoid ancestry.

10-28-2017, 10:47 PM
Obviously nord indid has australoid

Only genetically, phenotypically it doesn't show. They look like pure Caucasoids.

Like this guy (he's Punjabi):


10-28-2017, 10:48 PM
North Indid is a pure Caucasoid type but that doesn't mean people who look it don't have Australoid ancestry.

But most Nord Indids probably have some australoid anyway i mean unless theyre ancesors were some isolated tribe in the mountains of North india

10-28-2017, 10:49 PM
Uralid > Serb > North Indid

10-28-2017, 10:50 PM
Btw Im not National Socialist, but to answer your question, I would marry the one which I like better as a person :D.

P.S. Man, if you are going to pick women by their phenotypes, you're fucked.

He is a sick guy.

10-28-2017, 10:50 PM
Uralid > Serb > North Indid

In your semi-mongoloid dreams yes, but not in realitty.

10-28-2017, 10:50 PM
But most Nord Indids probably have some australoid anyway i mean unless theyre ancesors were some isolated tribe in the mountains of North india

Well people with visible Australoid ancestry wouldn't be classified as North Indid. Most Indians look visibly part Australoid/Veddoid though.

10-28-2017, 10:52 PM
In your semi-mongoloid dreams yes, but not in realitty.

People like Mari, Udmurt, Chuvash, Bashkir, Tatar, Mordva etc all look more beautiful, better, nicer, healthier than any fucking Serb or Gypsy.

10-28-2017, 10:52 PM
Most ''Nord-Indid'' aren't full Caucasoid even if they look it.

The less admixed groups in South Asia still have minor Veddoid influence genetically. But, yes, Nord-Indid phenotype is metrically equivalent with Atlanto-Med and non CM influenced Nordid types.

I'm not saying North Indians as population, but North Indid phenotype which is fully Caucasoid.

Also instead North Indid, it could also be Arabid/Iranid, basically any dark Caucasoid type.

Uralid girl would be upgrade for guys like you. Because average Uralid is whiter than Serb.

Deal with it.

You are Slav, not Hun, deal with it.

Serbs are mix of Slavs, Illyrians, Teutons, Hellenes and Celts.

There's no Indian component among Serbian population.

Not even 1%.

Hungarians have strong Mongoloid component due to Magyar derivation and many of you guys are even proud of that. Check Hungarian Turanism. This guitarist looks Hispanic.


10-28-2017, 10:55 PM
I'm not saying North Indians as population, but North Indid phenotype which is fully Caucasoid.

Also instead North Indid, it could also be Arabid/Iranid, basically any dark Caucasoid type.

I know. I was just pointing out that despite looking fully Caucasoid most Nord-Indids have some residual Australoid admixture. Look at the guy I posted, he looks 100% Caucasoid but probably have around 10-15% Veddoid ancestry since he is from Punjab.

10-28-2017, 10:56 PM
People like Mari, Udmurt, Chuvash, Bashkir, Tatar, Mordva etc all look more beautiful, better, nicer, healthier than any fucking Serb or Gypsy.

Serbs are much whiter than you my dear Anatolian friend.

10-28-2017, 10:56 PM

10-28-2017, 10:57 PM
I know. I was just pointing out that despite looking fully Caucasoid most Nord-Indids have some residual Australoid admixture. Look at the guy I posted, he looks 100% Caucasoid but probably have around 10-15% Veddoid ancestry since he is from Punjab.

My point is simply dark Caucasoid vs light semi-mongoloid.

10-28-2017, 10:58 PM
I'm not saying North Indians as population, but North Indid phenotype which is fully Caucasoid.

Also instead North Indid, it could also be Arabid/Iranid, basically any dark Caucasoid type.

You are Slav, not Hun, deal with it.

Serbs are mix of Slavs, Illyrians, Teutons, Hellenes and Celts.

There's no Indian component among Serbian population.

Not even 1%.

Hungarians have strong Mongoloid component due to Magyar derivation and many of you guys are even proud of that. Check Hungarian Turanism. This guitarist looks Hispanic.


And you are stupid untermenschen obsessed with Hitler.

Hungarians are ''slavic'' only in your sick fantasy. Rather worry, how much really slavic your Serbians are....

I think, the reality won't be so pleasant for you Aryan cocksucker boys.

10-28-2017, 11:03 PM
And you are stupid untermenschen obsessed with Hitler.

Hungarians are ''slavic'' only in your sick fantasy. Rather worry, how much really slavic your Serbians are....

I think, the reality won't be so pleasant for you Aryan cocksucker boys.

Hitler is thief and manipulator.

His ideology have few good aspects, but overall he's tyrant.

Eastern Europeans are population closest to Proto-Indo-Europeans hence Aryans biologically and genetically speaking.

It's scientific fact.

Serbo-Croatian is very similar to Sanskrit.

Germanic language is 40% non-Indo-European.

Germanic peoples are Indo-Europeanized.

10-28-2017, 11:04 PM
Germanic language is 40% non-Indo-European.

Germanic peoples are Indo-Europeanized.


10-28-2017, 11:06 PM
Hitler is thief and manipulator.

His ideology have few good aspects, but overall he's tyrant.

Eastern Europeans are population closest to Proto-Indo-Europeans hence Aryans biologically and genetically speaking.

It's scientific fact.

Serbo-Croatian is very similar to Sanskrit.

Germanic language is 40% non-Indo-European.

Germanic peoples are Indo-Europeanized.

Hahaha, than the north indid is clear choice for you, because it is the real pure Aryan.

But I think real Aryans (Indians) don't want to date with Serbs.

10-28-2017, 11:06 PM
My point is simply dark Caucasoid vs light semi-mongoloid.

North Indids, also known as Indians, don't identify as White or Caucasian (lmao) and wouldn't want anything to do with someone with white nationalist or neo nazi views. And most of them don't date Whites or non-Indians either way at least not at the rate of other non-europeans.

Just saying.

10-28-2017, 11:08 PM
Aryan model for the Serbian boys

10-28-2017, 11:10 PM
Hahaha, than the north indid is clear choice for you, because it is the real pure Aryan.

But I think real Aryans (Indians) don't want to date with Serbs.

Indians are far away from real Aryans. They are predominantly australoid Dravidians with little Aryan influence, all Europeans and even MENA people and semi-mongoloid Turkic people from Central Asia are more close to real Aryans (which were invaded India 1500 BC) than modern Indians.

10-28-2017, 11:15 PM
Indians are not real Aryans. They are predominantly australoid Dravidians with little Aryan influence, all Europeans and even MENA people and semi-mongoloid Turkic people from Central Asia are more close to real Aryans (which were invaded India 1500 BC) than modern Indians.

Wrong. They are the real Aryans, who speak the Indo-Aryan languages, and they call each other Aryan.

But I have a solution for you. Marry a Gypsy girl, and there is a chance the children will inherit real Aryan look.

10-28-2017, 11:15 PM
North Indids, also known as Indians, don't identify as White or Caucasoid (lmao) and wouldn't want anything to do with someone with white nationalist or neo nazi views. And most of them don't date Whites either way well at least not at the right of East Asians or others.

Just saying.

I'm talking theoretically, not literally.

Hahaha, than the north indid is clear choice for you, because it is the real pure Aryan.

But I think real Aryans (Indians) don't want to date with Serbs.

Indians generally don't want to date non-Indians.

Hungarians are related to Turks and many of them even feel proud of that.


You guys are partially Asian.

Serbs have world best athlete Novak Đoković, most revolutionary scientist Nikola Tesla, also Mihajlo Pupin, Milutin Milanković...

10-28-2017, 11:18 PM
I'm talking theoretically, not literally.

Indians generally don't want to date non-Indians.

Hungarians are related to Turks and many of them even feel proud of that.


You guys are partially Asian.

Serbs have world best athlete Novak Đoković, most revolutionary scientist Nikola Tesla, also Mihajlo Pupin, Milutin Milanković...

You are much closer to the Turks than we are.

After all, you were their subjects for 500 years. And it is the main reason of your ethnic frustrations here on TA.

10-28-2017, 11:26 PM
Wrong. They are the real Aryans, who speak the Indo-Aryan languages, and they call each other Aryan.

But I have a solution for you. Marry a Gypsy girl, and there is a chance the children will inherit real Aryan look.

Wrong, ancestors of Indians which lived in India were australoid Dravidians (H haplogroup) and they were belong to the lowest Indian caste Dalit which is known as "untouchable."

Dravidian ancestors of Gypsies adopted IE language from their Aryan masters from Brahmin caste.

Gypsies have huge MENA influence because of mixing with locals in the Middle East.

Culture, religion, language, architecture, political system in India came with Aryan invaders, before Aryan invasion name for India was Dravidia and native Dravidians were at the same level of development as Amazon tribes.


10-28-2017, 11:31 PM
You are much closer to the Turks than we are.

After all, you were their subjects for 500 years. And it is the main reason of your ethnic frustrations here on TA.

Only in youre dreams we are closer to turks

Porn Master
10-30-2017, 02:19 AM
This is indid


11-13-2017, 11:57 PM

11-14-2017, 09:15 AM
North Indid men can be really attractive. So I'm going with them.

01-18-2020, 01:01 PM
I am against mixing Uralische girls with representatives of other nationalities. The total number of all Permo-Finnic peoples living in Russia is very small about two million while there are more than 1,5 billion Indids in the world. Even on the theory of probability there are much more chances to find an Indid beauty than a Uralische beauty.

01-18-2020, 01:08 PM
I am against mixing Uralische girls with representatives of other nationalities. The total number of all Permo-Finnic peoples living in Russia is very small about two million while there are more than 1,5 billion Indids in the world. Even on the theory of probability there are much more chances to find an Indid beauty than a Uralische beauty.

Nord Indid women can be very hot but so can uralid women as well, so it depends on taste.

01-18-2020, 01:13 PM
Nord Indid women can be very hot but so can uralid women as well, so it depends on taste.

Well I agree if I were a nordicist I would rather choose Indid girl than Uralische one.

01-18-2020, 02:13 PM
Question for White Nationalists/Alt-Rightist especially Nordicist oriented, who would you rather marry full Caucasoid North Indid individual with dark features or partially Mongoloid Uralid individual with fair skin, light hair and eyes.

North Indid

http://content.gulte.com/content/2011/12/photos/events/Hamsa%20Nandini%20at%20Exotic%20North%20Indian%20F ood%20Festival/normal/Hamsa%20Nandini%20at%20Exotic%20North%20Indian%20F ood%20Festival_36.jpg



Indid @ 3/10 or 4/10. Uralid @ 7/10 or 8/10. Actually, although my mother and wife both share the Aryan female mtDNA probably held in common with the Indid, I would rather fuck the Uralid one 100x more on any given day, if I wasn't already married with kids, because she actually resembles my wife when we were teenagers/young adults. Maybe the only reason I don't rate her 9/10 or 10/10, is because I prefer ginger or blonde (wife is both), but definitely would take her (hard and fast) despite being brunette.

01-18-2020, 02:17 PM
Only genetically, phenotypically it doesn't show. They look like pure Caucasoids.

Like this guy (he's Punjabi):


Looks Iranian.

01-18-2020, 02:52 PM
as honorary Uralid my vote goes to Uralid :rolleyes:

01-18-2020, 08:16 PM
North Indid is a pure Caucasoid type but that doesn't mean people who look it don't have Australoid ancestry.
North Indid is blend of Irano Afghan and Veddoid (60% Irano Afghan - 40% Veddoid).

01-18-2020, 08:18 PM
North Indid girl you posted is good example of Indobrachid + North Indid blend. North Indid is very long headed & look more progressive.

01-18-2020, 08:29 PM
North Indid is blend of Irano Afghan and Veddoid (60% Irano Afghan - 40% Veddoid).

Lol, 40%.....thats bit an exaggeration.

Avg "nord-indid" people(nw south asian desis) do look pretty different from avg pashtuns, but 40% veddoid?
Maybe more like 30-25 at least.

01-18-2020, 09:01 PM
Lol, 40%.....thats bit an exaggeration.

Avg "nord-indid" people(nw south asian desis) do look pretty different from avg pashtuns, but 40% veddoid?
Maybe more like 30-25 at least.
Maybe more like 75% - 25%. Genetically makes sense to be like Irano Afghan + 10% Veddoid. But phenotypically, Veddoid is more dominant (dark skin and less progressive features and less robust features compared to Irano Afghans). Btw, what S Asian people perceive as "real" North Indid/Nord Indid might be Indo Afghan type. The actor posted above isn't good example of Nord Indid imo. He clearly has more tilt towards Irano Afghan.

01-18-2020, 09:13 PM
Maybe more like 75% - 25%. Genetically makes sense to be like Irano Afghan + 10% Veddoid. But phenotypically, Veddoid is more dominant (dark skin and less progressive features and less robust features compared to Irano Afghans). Btw, what S Asian people perceive as "real" North Indid/Nord Indid might be Indo Afghan type. The actor posted above isn't good example of Nord Indid imo. He clearly has more tilt towards Irano Afghan.

I guess so

01-18-2020, 09:17 PM
the Indian girl looks better, also a tiny bit chubby, noice :cool: also, she can pass in the Balkans, so no culture shock. while the Uralic girl cannot pass outside Russia and Finland, so she is exotic. Indian girl is not exotic for Portugal/Spain/Italy/Greece/Albania/Romania/Turkey etc

01-18-2020, 09:31 PM
the Indian girl looks better, also a tiny bit chubby, noice :cool: also, she can pass in the Balkans, so no culture shock. while the Uralic girl cannot pass outside Russia and Finland, so she is exotic. Indian girl is not exotic for Portugal/Spain/Italy/Greece/Albania/Romania/Turkey etc

Wouldnt indian girl only pass in south italy or maltese? Or extreme southern parts of spain? Cant imagine her passing in the other countires tbh, apart from turkey

01-18-2020, 09:36 PM
Well I agree if I were a nordicist I would rather choose Indid girl than Uralische one.
I'm a Nordicist in a way, simply representing, but maybe there are better looking Indids than posted. Between these two, the Uralid is much more worthy bothering to make a wife and many babies. Totally different face and without even seeing the Uralid's body. Not saying this Indid isn't good-looking, just more platonic.

01-19-2020, 08:41 AM
North Indid is blend of Irano Afghan and Veddoid (60% Irano Afghan - 40% Veddoid).

Lol, 40%.....thats bit an exaggeration.

Avg "nord-indid" people(nw south asian desis) do look pretty different from avg pashtuns, but 40% veddoid?
Maybe more like 30-25 at least.

iranid is also not fully caucasoid because it has some australoid

01-19-2020, 09:51 AM
iranid is also not fully caucasoid because it has some australoid

Yeah, but not really much actually. "Irano-afghan" folks are supposed to be like 12-8% ASI, so Iranians should only be like 2% ASI.

04-04-2021, 10:37 PM
Uralid all the way