View Full Version : Fish depression is no laughing matter

11-03-2017, 01:00 AM
Can a fish be depressed? This question has been floating around my head ever since I spent a night in a hotel across from an excruciatingly sad-looking Siamese fighting fish. His name was Bruce Lee, according to a sign beneath his little bowl.

Here we were trying to enjoy a complimentary bloody mary on the last day of our honeymoon and there was Bruce Lee, totally still, his lower fin grazing the clear faux rocks on the bottom of his home. When he did finally move, just slightly, I got the sense that he would prefer to be dead.

The pleasant woman at the front desk assured me that he was well taken care of.

Was I simply anthropomorphising Bruce Lee, incorrectly assuming his lethargy was a sign of mental distress?

When I sought answers from scientists, I assumed that they would find the question preposterous. But they did not. Not at all.

It turns out that not only can our gilled friends become depressed, but some scientists consider fish to be a promising animal model for developing anti-depressants. New research, I would learn, has been radically shifting the way that scientists think about fish cognition, building a case that pet and owner are not nearly as different as many assume.

The neurochemistry is so similar that it's scary," said Julian Pittman, a professor at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Troy University in Alabama, where he is working to develop new medications to treat depression, with the help of tiny zebrafish.

We tend to think of them as simple organisms, "but there is a lot we don't give fish credit for", he said.

Dr Pittman likes working with fish, in part, because they are so obvious about their depression. He can reliably test the effectiveness of antidepressants with something called the "novel tank test".

A zebrafish gets dropped in a new tank. If after five minutes it is hanging out in the lower half, it's depressed. If it's swimming up top - its usual inclination when exploring a new environment - then it's not.

In Dr Pittman's lab, researchers induce depression in a fish by keeping it drunk on ethanol for two weeks, then cutting off the supply, forcing it into withdrawal.

Give a depressed bottom lurker an effective antidepressant and within two weeks it will swim up to the top again.

The severity of the depression, he said, can be measured by quantity of time at the top versus the bottom all of which seemed to confirm my suspicions about Bruce Lee.

All of this, of course, may sound fishy to any of the one in six people who has experienced clinical depression. How could a striped minnow relate to what you've been through? Is "depression" the right word?

While scientists have used animals, such as mice, to study emotional problems for decades, the relevance of those models to human experience is sketchy at best.

There's the obvious issue that "we cannot ask animals how they feel", said Diego Pizzagalli, the director of the Centre For Depression, Anxiety and Stress Research at Harvard Medical School.

Though researchers may find parallels in serotonin and dopamine fluctuations, neither fish nor rat can "capture the entire spectrum of depression as we know it", Dr Pizzagalli said.

There is a heated debate in the fish research community about whether "anxious" or "depressed" is a more appropriate term.

But what has convinced Dr Pittman, and others, over the past 10 years is watching the way the zebrafish lose interest in just about everything: food, toys, exploration - just like clinically depressed people.

"You can tell," said Associate Professor Culum Brown, a behavioral biologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, who has published more than 100 papers on fish cognition.

"Depressed people are withdrawn. The same is true of fish."

The trigger for most domestic fish depression is probably a lack of stimulation, said Victoria Braithwaite, a professor of fisheries and biology at Penn State University, who studies fish intelligence and fish preferences.

Study after study shows how fish are defying aquatic stereotypes: some fish use tools, others can recognise individual faces.

"One of the things we're finding that fish are naturally curious and seek novel things out," said Dr Braithwaite.

In other words, your goldfish is probably bored. To help ward off depression, she urges introducing new objects to the tank or switching up the location of items.
Dr Brown agrees, pointing to an experiment he conducted, that showed that, if you leave a fish in an enriched, physically complex environment - meaning lot of plants to nibble on and cages to swim through - it decreases stress and increases brain growth.

The problem with small tanks is not just the lack of space for exploration, said Dr Brown, but the water quality tends to be unstable and there may not be sufficient oxygen.

"A goldfish bowl for example is the worst possible situation," he said.

If you own fish, you might want to consider where Dr Brown keeps his: an extensively landscaped 1.8-metre tank. He recommends a "two-foot [60-centimetre] tank with lots of plants and stuff" for your average Siamese fighting fish.

The last time a guest posted Bruce Lee to Instagram, he was looking good and lively. Perhaps that new green leaf in his bowl had provided the enrichment he craved.

But then, my heart sank. The internet produced photos of other Bruce Lees from the same hotel in several colours - red, blue and purplish.
I wondered whether the monotony would eventually drive these Bruces to hover, immobile, near their transparent rocks.



11-03-2017, 01:02 AM
According to a study published in Scientific Reports, researchers have found that fish have emotional states caused by how they perceive external stimuli. The study reinforces similar findings regarding the emotional lives of other animals.

While evaluating emotional states in nonhuman animals is difficult because their emotions can't be verbalized, scientists can detect and study emotional states through the behavioral and physiological changes associated with them. In this study, the team of scientists, led by Rui Oliveira, placed the fish in a series of different environments and measured their brain activity and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. The scientists observed that individual fish responded differently to the same stimulus depending on how they assessed that stimulus.

Oliveira said:
This is the first time that physiologic and neuromolecular responses have been observed in the central nervous system of fish in response to emotional stimuli based on the significance that the stimulus has for the fish. The occurrence of the cognitive assessment of an emotional stimulus in fish means that this cognitive capacity may have "computational" requirements simpler than what has been considered until now, and may have evolved around 375 million years ago.
This isn’t the first study, however, to show that fish are sentient beings with emotional lives. A recent article in The New York Times reveals that fish who linger at the bottom of the tank may be suffering from depression.

Last year, a study by Royal Society Open Science revealed that farmed salmon suffer from severe depression. According to the study, many salmon at fish factory farms appear to give up and float lifelessly in their enclosures. These depressed fish are known as “drop outs.”

Like land animals, fish are intelligent and sensitive beings. An article by Vox detailed a multitude of fish abilities, including their abilities to "learn from each other, recognize other fish they've spent time with previously, know their place within fish social hierarchies, and remember complex spatial maps of their surroundings." Similarly, a study published in Nature Scientific Reports found that fish look out for each other when searching for food.

Scientists have found time and again that fish experience pain. They even compare fish to dogs, cats, and other animals in the way they feel pleasure.

Sadly, the seafood industry treats fish as mere objects. A 2011 Mercy For Animals undercover investigation at a fish slaughter facility exposed fish being skinned alive. As the fish gasped for oxygen, their skin was ripped off with pliers. They thrashed and fought to escape the workers' knives.

See for yourself.




05-26-2018, 06:11 PM
All creatures have the need to live to their potential, develop relationships and do what they were created to do. Fish probably feel pain and sadness more than we do, because they can't rationalize it. Their experience is all they have.