View Full Version : What % of SSA do someone need to be considered black?

11-04-2017, 08:28 PM
70% for me

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 08:37 PM

11-04-2017, 08:39 PM


11-04-2017, 08:39 PM

are u kidding?

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 08:41 PM
I would generally say 60%, but it depends on the racial definitions of each country or region you are talking about. Black in Nigeria is different from Black in America or Black in Brazil (and there are regional differences in those two countries), for example. Obama would be a colored in South Africa, but he is seen as Black in America. I am seen as Black in Eastern Europe, but I am considered mixed race or "Latino" in most of Western Europe.

11-04-2017, 08:42 PM

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 08:42 PM

So 80-90% of Brazucas are Black from now on, lol.

11-04-2017, 08:43 PM
I would generally say 60%, but it depends on the racial definitions of each country or region you are talking about. Black in Nigeria is different from Black in America or Black in Brazil (and there are regional differences in those two countries), for example. Obama would be a colored in South Africa, but he is seen as Black in America. I am seen as Black in Eastern Europe, but I am considered mixed race or "Latino" in most of Western Europe.

I think he was referring to the anthropological question not a social.

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 08:45 PM
So 80-90% of Brazucas are Black from now on, lol.

Yes, everyone is black.

11-04-2017, 08:47 PM
Sub-saharan admixture probably becomes visible from 20-25% or so, and most people here would consider visibly admixed person with african somewhat black.

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 08:50 PM
I would generally say 60%, but it depends on the racial definitions of each country or region you are talking about. Black in Nigeria is different from Black in America or Black in Brazil (and there are regional differences in those two countries), for example. Obama would be a colored in South Africa, but he is seen as Black in America. I am seen as Black in Eastern Europe, but I am considered mixed race or "Latino" in most of Western Europe.


11-04-2017, 08:50 PM
Sub-saharan admixture probably becomes visible from 20-25% or so, and most people here would consider visibly admixed person with african somewhat black.

Yes,But less than 60% SSA is visible the non-black influence.

11-04-2017, 08:54 PM
Sub-saharan admixture probably becomes visible from 20-25% or so, and most people here would consider visibly admixed person with african somewhat black.

But what I asked what % of SSA someone needs to be considered BLACK, not mixed. I have visible SSA features, but I am considered white (for the brazilians) and hispanic/latino (for people in Europe and USA)

https://scontent.fbsb8-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22788841_341209752949182_4373695000462127027_n.jpg ?oh=9853fe1ef331d6982899accf4133448b&oe=5AA87B54

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 08:55 PM
But what I asked what % of SSA someone needs to be considered BLACK, not mixed. I have visible SSA features, but I am considered white (for the brazilians) and hispanic/latino (for people in Europe and USA)

Your black traits is what made you cute. Looks alpha.

11-04-2017, 08:56 PM
Your black traits is what made you cute. Looks alpha.

thanks haha

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 08:57 PM
thanks haha

nao to brincando
tu só precisa agir igual um homem bruto
pq ja tem cara de qm bate na cama

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 09:52 PM
I think he was referring to the anthropological question not a social.

But the problem is they are somewhat connected in the real world. To pure-blooded Africans, minor differences in phenotype are perceptible when talking about mixed race people as compared to Blacks. A 60% Black person will look Black to most White or Asian people, but not to Africans themselves because Whites are more likely to perceive differences between Whites and non-Whites, Asians are more likely to perceive differences between Asians and non-Asians, etc.

11-04-2017, 09:52 PM
But what I asked what % of SSA someone needs to be considered BLACK, not mixed. I have visible SSA features, but I am considered white (for the brazilians) and hispanic/latino (for people in Europe and USA)

I would guess you as Roberto's sock without that pic :p

I don't know how much black are you, but the SSA admix is showing just a little bit (ssa is very visible usually). I can see it basically in mouth, nose and jaw region and it is not that strong.

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 09:56 PM
thanks haha

You should be proud of your roots. I am proud to be Black.

11-04-2017, 10:00 PM
You should be proud of your roots. I am proud to be Black.

but I'm mixed, not black, and you are not black either

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 10:01 PM
Sub-saharan admixture probably becomes visible from 20-25% or so, and most people here would consider visibly admixed person with african somewhat black.

In Eastern Europe, yes. In Western Europe, we are mostly seen as mixed.

11-04-2017, 10:04 PM
In Eastern Europe, yes. In Western Europe, we are mostly seen as mixed.

You are not black. But the concept of "white" and "black" vary a lot. As example, a person like you from center west region and north region would consider herself as white.

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 10:05 PM
but I'm mixed, not black, and you are not black either

Then just be proud of your African heritage. Brazilians are one of the favorite immigrant groups here in Europe and in America. One of the reasons is because Brazilians are seen as a sexy, extroverted and friendly people and those traits are mostly a result of our unique mixture.

11-04-2017, 10:09 PM
In Eastern Europe, yes. In Western Europe, we are mostly seen as mixed.

I can see quite clearly Germanic traits in you by the way. Interesting.

11-04-2017, 10:10 PM
Then just be proud of your African heritage. Brazilians are one of the favorite immigrant groups here in Europe and in America. One of the reasons is because Brazilians are seen as a sexy, extroverted and friendly people and those traits are mostly a result of our unique mixture.

I prefer just to be proud of being a light skinned hispanic

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 10:13 PM
You are not black. But the concept of "white" and "black" vary a lot. As example, a person like you from center west region and north region would consider herself as white.

I am just half way joking when I say I am Black. I can't go to a group of Nigerians and say "I am Black like you", lol. They would laugh at me.
And it's true that many north easterners see me as "White", especially the Baianos. But they too know (to some extent) what a true White person is. My Bahian cousin always used to tell me; "When you go to Europe, you have to be careful. You are White Brazilian, but you are not White European, they will discriminate you", lol.

11-04-2017, 10:17 PM
Sub-saharan admixture probably becomes visible from 20-25% or so, and most people here would consider visibly admixed person with african somewhat black.

Much less than that can be visible. On a population level even 5% is visible probably. A population of genetically 100% Swedish people will look different than a population of genetically 95% Swedish and 5% SSA folks. The differences will be small probably, but they will be there - the latter group will have darker hair, wavier/curlier hair etc.

11-04-2017, 10:22 PM
Much less than that can be visible. On a population level even 5% is visible probably.

I agree. I have seen people with very small percentage of African blood looking very mixed.

I don't know if 5% is enough though, maybe 10-15%; but it's a randomic process, someone who is 80% white and 20% black can look white and someone with 90% European with the rest 10% split between black and amerindian can look mixed. There's no single explanation for phenotype.

11-04-2017, 10:23 PM

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 10:25 PM
Much less than that can be visible. On a population level even 5% is visible probably.

It would only be visible in a minority of the population where the Black genes had a striking effect on their phenotype, similar to how some Black Americans have natural green/blue eyes despite being only 10% White, for example. For the majority of the population to show SSA features, the average would have to be around 20-25% Black like in Brazil (but if it were a homogeneously mixed race country).

Black Panther
11-04-2017, 10:29 PM
I agree. I have seen people with very small percentage of African blood looking very mixed.

I don't know if 5% is enough though, maybe 10-15%; but it's a randomic process, someone who is 80% white and 20% black can look white and someone with 90% European with the rest 10% split between black and amerindian can look mixed. There's no single explanation for phenotype.

The genes for hair texture, skin color among others are very few, that's why it's so random.

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 10:31 PM
skin is a random gene
in brazil mixed blacks have siblings of different skin tone

11-04-2017, 10:31 PM

Do I look black to you?? :confused:

11-04-2017, 10:31 PM
The genes for hair texture, skin color among others are very few, that's why it's so random.

Yeah, it's very visible in Brazil. I have many friends who look somewhat mixed whose parents look white (true white, passable in Europe); also seen many people looking white but having mixed looking parents.

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 10:32 PM
Do I look black to you?? :confused:

lets sing jazz
make a group like old jazz

11-04-2017, 10:34 PM
lets sing jazz
make a group like old jazz

How about you sing and dance, and I'll watch. I didn't inherit the voice or rhythm genes. I've got a thin, reedy voice and two left feet. The African people at work love making me dance so they can laugh at me.

Heather Duval
11-04-2017, 10:36 PM
How about you sing and dance, and I'll watch. I didn't inherit the voice or rhythm genes. I've got a thin, reedy voice and two left feet. The African people at work love making me dance so they can laugh at me.

I can dance, but i cant sing.

11-04-2017, 10:37 PM
I can dance, but i cant sing.

Then we'll just dance. :D

(Edit: YOU will dance and I will watch.)

11-05-2017, 01:50 AM
10/15% in my humble opinion.

11-05-2017, 01:52 AM
23andme did a study on race and perception of black and white and self-identity. their conclusion americans with <28% SSA consider themselfes black. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?222584-Whiteness-and-Blackness-in-the-United-States&highlight=whiteness+blackness

so in your poll i would vote 25% since estimate

11-05-2017, 01:55 AM
40% at least.

11-05-2017, 01:59 AM
40% (Possibly what Neymar is).

Less than it is clearly mixed-race even for non-anthrotards

1~3% SSA still can look white like an american user called Sikeliot, he has no african features, I can see the african in you, but it is because you are probably 20% SSA, I wouldn't consider you black, but mixed.

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 02:02 AM
I would generally say 60%, but it depends on the racial definitions of each country or region you are talking about. Black in Nigeria is different from Black in America or Black in Brazil (and there are regional differences in those two countries), for example. Obama would be a colored in South Africa, but he is seen as Black in America. I am seen as Black in Eastern Europe, but I am considered mixed race or "Latino" in most of Western Europe.

Not true, you would be considered black in Spain and I am sure in the rest of Western Europe too.

11-05-2017, 02:04 AM
Not true, you would be considered black in Spain and I am sure in the rest of Western Europe too.

no he lives in sweden, and knows what he is considered as. as for spain also your only one spaniard and a racist one, we should ask more spaniards, like doing interview on the streets, to get a clearer picture. he is 10% black and 10% amerindian clearly he isnt black at all, but mixed race and looks more polynesian then black.

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 02:07 AM
no he lives in sweden, and knows what he is considered as. as for spain also your only one spaniard and a racist one, we should ask more spaniards, like doing interview on the streets, to get a clearer picture. he is 10% black and 10% amerindian clearly he isnt black at all, but mixed race and looks more polynesian then black.
You always with the same shit: you are the only Spanish racist here and blabla. For start that not even is true, ask Gold Fenix or Ibéricus what they think about immigrants.

Everybody consider in Spain Obama is black. This guy is not very different.

11-05-2017, 02:08 AM
[QUOTE=Domare;4752379]I would generally say

You always with the same shit: you are the only Spanish racist here and blabla. For start that not even is true, ask Gold Fenix or Ibéricus what they think about immigrants.

Everybody consider in Spain Obama is black. This guy is not very different.

because obama self-identifies as black and in media he was proclaimed first black president (also because he wanted it himself) and obama is 50% black this dude is 10% black. you are only one spaniard, and even if 3 spaniards say it, it still must be true for majority of spaniards, we need more interviews and such

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 02:13 AM
because obama self-identifies as black and in media he was proclaimed first black president (also because he wanted it himself) and obama is 50% black this dude is 10% black.
Yeah, surely Spanish consider black to Obama "because he considers black to himself... as if Spanish knew that he does... :lol:

you are only one spaniard, and even if 3 spaniards say it, it still must be true for majority of spaniards, we need more interviews and such

What makes you happy.

11-05-2017, 02:15 AM
Yeah, surely Spanish consider black to Obama "because he considers black to himself... as if Spanish knew that he does... :lol:

What makes you happy.

you misunderstood, obama considers himself black and thats why media and his party and his friends etc. shaped the image of him as black all over the world through media. the spaniards watched tv and heard obama is first black president of course they will say he is black.

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 02:23 AM
you misunderstood, obama considers himself black and thats why media and his party and his friends etc. shaped the image of him as black all over the world through media. the spaniards watched tv and heard obama is first black president of course they will say he is black.

And did himself or media lie per chance? :rolleyes: they said he is black because he is black, as easy as that. I remember how people called negro de mierda (fuck nigga, more or less) in the bar when we watched the Real Madrid-Barcelona games to Brazilian footballer Giovanni when he played for Barcelona in 90s


and of course Spanish did not heard Giovanni self-proclaiming as black, or to media doing it neither :rolleyes:

11-05-2017, 02:34 AM
And did himself or media lie per chance? :rolleyes: they said he is black because he is black, as easy as that. I remember how people called negro de mierda (fuck nigga, more or less) in the bar when we watched the Real Madrid-Barcelona games to Brazilian footballer Giovanni when he played for Barcelona in 90s


and of course Spanish did not heard Giovanni self-proclaiming as black, or to media doing it neither :rolleyes:

he is mixed race (50% white). not exactly black. its not really a lie but also not the full truth. if they focused more on him being mixed race or biracial and showed more his white mum, they would think he is mixed race or have that perception. this dude looks a bit black, (visibly african) thats why they said it, but if they know his full background they might not just consider him black or "just black". the question was not whether someone who is part black is white but if he is black. also it depends two people can be the same amount of black but one considers himself black and the other does not. it depends on the person.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 02:52 AM
Yeah, surely Spanish consider black to Obama "because he considers black to himself... as if Spanish knew that he does... :lol:

What makes you happy.

months ago u called me tri racial lol

11-05-2017, 08:08 AM
For some people I am considered black. WTF, I light hispanic, not black

11-05-2017, 08:09 AM

So..am I Black because I'm 3.6 SSA admixed?

11-05-2017, 08:12 AM
I think the more relevant question is:

At which percent of SSA does one start looking black?

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 08:31 AM
[QUOTE=Cristiano viejo;4753220]

because obama self-identifies as black and in media he was proclaimed first black president (also because he wanted it himself) and obama is 50% black this dude is 10% black. you are only one spaniard, and even if 3 spaniards say it, it still must be true for majority of spaniards, we need more interviews and such

3 Spaniards on TA... This place is not representative of society, lol.

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 08:44 AM
Not true, you would be considered black in Spain and I am sure in the rest of Western Europe too.

Haven't been called Black by anyone here except for (some) Eastern Europeans.

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 04:52 PM
Haven't been called Black by anyone here except for (some) Eastern Europeans.

Some EE... This place is not representative of society, lol.

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 05:00 PM
Some EE... This place is not representative of society, lol.

I noticed patterns after meeting a lot of them. Some of them weren't over the top racists, it's just the way things are taught to them there. Most of these EE I met were respectable and honorable people. Not racist drunkards.

11-05-2017, 05:00 PM
Any visible admixture.

11-05-2017, 05:01 PM
What's the logic of someone 1/4 SSA like Domare be considered black? He has more european genes. It doesn't make any sense

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 05:05 PM
What's the logic of someone 1/4 SSA like Domare be considered black? He has more european genes. It doesn't make any sense

Don't mind Smeagol and CV. They are among the top 10 anti-Black users here. Of course they'll say any SSA admixture makes you Black. It's how they were raised to think.

11-05-2017, 05:06 PM
10 percent

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 05:08 PM
Don't mind Smeagol and CV. They are among the top 10 anti-Black users here. Of course they'll say any SSA admixture makes you Black. It's how they were raised to think.

I am not anti-blacks per se. I do am anti-black if they live in my country.

11-05-2017, 05:09 PM
irrelevant question because SSA % does not always show in phenotype.
Look at the rapper Logic who is 50% black but looks predominantly white.

Cristiano viejo
11-05-2017, 05:11 PM
irrelevant question because SSA % does not always show in phenotype.
Look at the rapper Logic who is 50% black but looks predominantly white.

He has not why be 50% black. I doubt his mother was 100% black...

11-05-2017, 05:12 PM
irrelevant question because SSA % does not always show in phenotype.
Look at the rapper Logic who is 50% black but looks predominantly white.

He doesn't look 50% SSA according to his phenotype. I'd say he looks 10% SSA

11-05-2017, 05:14 PM
This guy has a white father, but looks 100% SSA


11-05-2017, 05:16 PM
irrelevant question because SSA % does not always show in phenotype.
Look at the rapper Logic who is 50% black but looks predominantly white.

No he isn't because blacks in America are already heavily mongrelized. Also i can see the negro admixture in most of his pictures.

11-05-2017, 05:21 PM
what I am saying is that your phenotype is not decided by your genotype.

11-05-2017, 05:58 PM
what I am saying is that your phenotype is not decided by your genotype.

It's obviously I asked about the phenotype. You won't believe, but the genotype of this guy is of 67% Euro


11-05-2017, 06:06 PM
a 23andme big study


11-05-2017, 06:24 PM
Nearly 1/4 of the people who responded would consider me black. Interesting....

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 06:27 PM
Nearly 1/4 of the people who responded would consider me black. Interesting....

It's the one drop rule, brotha.

de Burgh II
11-05-2017, 06:43 PM
80% and higher with SSA ancestry is predominantly Black. 15% and higher is mixed race when SSA features are usually prevalent via skin tone or physical features.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 07:45 PM
80% and higher with SSA ancestry is predominantly Black. 15% and higher is mixed race when SSA features are usually prevalent via skin tone or physical features.

70% is enough to be black
aframs in general are believed to be 70%+ and you have many people looking dark as serena williams

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 07:46 PM
70% is enough to be black
aframs in general are believed to be 70%+ and you have many people looking dark as serena williams

Many researches point out that Aframs might be just 20% European or less.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 07:50 PM
Many researches point out that Aframs might be just 20% European or less.

which would make more sense than that 23andme bullshit lol look at rap music videos on the hpods
they are dark as fuck and serena williams is a common afram not beyonce

11-05-2017, 08:13 PM

11-05-2017, 09:02 PM
imo when you are a smooth talker , have swag , can dance well , and with these traits together score at least 1%ssa on gedmatch then you are black

11-05-2017, 09:07 PM
imo when you are a smooth talker

Blacks aren't smooth talkers, most of them can barely string a sentence together.

11-05-2017, 09:13 PM
Blacks aren't smooth talkers, most of them can barely string a sentence together.

sorry but what you say is just a statement filled with prejudice and a generalization . and I also doubt that you can even know that to begin with since I believe that you are not a person that will talk much to blacks to know xD (you wont even talk to them because you dislike them)

11-05-2017, 09:29 PM
Haven't been called Black by anyone here except for (some) Eastern Europeans.

and eastern europeans
are the most racist people on earth
so don't take there thoughts
but it is ok i am dating a russian girl fuck them .

if you pass as non black in most europe
except eastern europe than you are not black my dear

11-05-2017, 09:33 PM

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 09:42 PM
and eastern europeans
are the most racist people on earth
so don't take there thoughts
but it is ok i am dating a russian girl fuck them .

if you pass as non black in most europe
except eastern europe than you are not black my dear

Most Europeans call me "Latino", which is very common for mixed people who are mulattoes or mestizos.

11-05-2017, 09:44 PM
i say 80%

hard to pass as unmixed with a lower percentage

11-05-2017, 09:47 PM
Don't mind Smeagol and CV. They are among the top 10 anti-Black users here. Of course they'll say any SSA admixture makes you Black. It's how they were raised to think.

i d love to see if cv is 1.1% black hahahah

11-05-2017, 09:48 PM
Most Europeans call me "Latino", which is very common for mixed people who are mulattoes or mestizos.

ok there are some Latinos like Mexican who are only 5% sub sharan by dna
most of there ancestry is mixed Iberian and native American tribes .

11-05-2017, 09:50 PM
No he isn't because blacks in America are already heavily mongrelized. Also i can see the negro admixture in most of his pictures.


11-05-2017, 09:51 PM
you are 50% swedish
the swedes are descendnets from vikings
you will never be black with 50% ancestery that you got from them

11-05-2017, 09:52 PM

yeah he's a nigger.

11-05-2017, 09:54 PM

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 10:16 PM
i d love to see if cv is 1.1% black hahahah

Not unlikely for a Spaniard to be SSA admixed.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 10:17 PM
ok there are some Latinos like Mexican who are only 5% sub sharan by dna
most of there ancestry is mixed Iberian and native American tribes .

there are blacks in mexico(1kk+ of the population) but they are genetically afro mestizos like most black brazilians
these women claims to be black mexicans
they look tri racials

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 10:23 PM
ok there are some Latinos like Mexican who are only 5% sub sharan by dna
most of there ancestry is mixed Iberian and native American tribes .

Yes, but many Latin Americans are far more SSA than 5% like most Brazilians, almost all Caribbeans as well as some Venezuelans, Colombians and Panamanians.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 10:37 PM
yeah he's a nigger.

no hes not black
but let him decide what he is
he prob dont let white people claims whats his identity
but to me he is not black
i can speak for all black people and we dont need cracker niggas in our community

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 10:39 PM
you are 50% swedish
the swedes are descendnets from vikings
you will never be black with 50% ancestery that you got from them

I agree.

11-05-2017, 10:39 PM
no hes not black
but let him decide what he is
he prob dont let white people claims whats his identity
but to me he is not black
i can speak for all black people and we dont need cracker niggas in our community

He probably considers himself black.

11-05-2017, 10:42 PM
He probably considers himself black.

he's mixed, not black. I look blacker than, but I consider myself as mixed

Black Panther
11-05-2017, 10:45 PM
he's mixed, not black. I look blacker than, but I consider myself as mixed

It's possible a guy like him might consider himself Black, but that would be a result of his affiliation to hip-hop culture. A random mixed guy like him wouldn't consider himself Black, not even in America, I think.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 10:45 PM
He probably considers himself black.

We dont care about what mongrels are but if they embrace their blackness we will support them unlike if they are trashs like Amber rose which is black when is convenient. In Brazil he would be called non black but even myself im often called moreninho here by some people, one drop rule never existed in Latin America.

Heather Duval
11-05-2017, 10:50 PM
I was called moreninho by a dark skinned black woman last year lol

11-05-2017, 11:16 PM
We dont care about what mongrels are

And Whites won't accept him either. That's the tragedy of race mixing. Almost all mongrels have major psychological problems.

11-06-2017, 12:08 AM
one-drop rule still persists

11-06-2017, 01:01 AM
I think the more relevant question is:

At which percent of SSA does one start looking black?

I am unsure when one looks "black" but I have a cousin whose African ancestry must be under 10% and she looks mixed.

11-06-2017, 01:18 AM
one-drop rule still persists

shes 0.60% ssa


11-06-2017, 03:18 PM
Imo if you are under 80% of any single racial group you are mixed.

11-06-2017, 03:23 PM
No specific percent. If they can pass, then I'd say that's enough as the Black identity in the New World is just based on passing as Black. That percentage is usually 50-70%.

11-06-2017, 03:30 PM
Imo if you are under 80% of any single racial group you are mixed.

what about 78-79%?


11-06-2017, 03:33 PM
what about 78-79%?

I think he is talking about averages. If someone is 79% white and looks white that person is white. The same for Blacks, Asians and any other group.

But the true fact is that race mixing is a very bad thing, it creates confusion and suffering.

11-06-2017, 03:38 PM
I think he is talking about averages. If someone is 79% white and looks white that person is white. The same for Blacks, Asians and any other group.

But the true fact is that race mixing is a very bad thing, it creates confusion and suffering.

In reality, no one suffers because he is race mixed, this is a anthroforum phenomenom and doesn't occurs in the real life at all, at least not in the 'new world'.
By the way, i don't support race mixing too, but for cultural and ethnosocial, not biological, reasons.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 03:40 PM
I think he is talking about averages. If someone is 79% white and looks white that person is white. The same for Blacks, Asians and any other group.

But the true fact is that race mixing is a very bad thing, it creates confusion and suffering.

But its hard to be black passing, even those really dark skinned dont look like people from Africa because negroes are the only pure race in the world

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 03:48 PM
In reality, no one suffers because he is race mixed, this is a anthroforum phenomenom and doesn't occurs in the real life at all, at least not in the 'new world'.
By the way, i don't support race mixing too, but for cultural and ethnosocial, not biological, reasons.

Yes, the Brazilian media and schools says no one here is pure race. So black brazilians knows that they are mixed, because I know many who say they are mixed.
But on TA they would be called self hatred by reproducing what they learn in schools, because one drop rule is present when is convenient in this forum: That bi racial user didnt liked to be called black but mixed race, I dont remember his name actually but TA users used to call him self hatred by that. On the other hand, Obama can not be black by TA users.

11-06-2017, 03:56 PM
Yes, the Brazilian media and schools says no one here is pure race. So black brazilians knows that they are mixed, because I know many who say they are mixed.
But on TA they would be called self hatred by reproducing what they learn in schools, because one drop rule is present when is convenient in this forum: That bi racial user didnt liked to be called black but mixed race, I dont remember his name actually but TA users used to call him self hatred by that. On the other hand, Obama can not be black by TA users.
Yes, full-blooded blacks are pretty rare just like the great majority of 'white' Brazilians scores some African and Amerindian. In the case of the Blacks here, they score 40% European and 10% or more Amerindian on average while in the Northeast, the most mixed area of Brazil, they are 50% European on average. If the one-drop rule was applied today, very few people would be considered white in America.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:15 PM
Yes, full-blooded blacks are pretty rare just like the great majority of 'white' Brazilians scores some African and Amerindian. In the case of the Blacks here, they score 40% European and 10% or more Amerindian on average while in the Northeast, the most mixed area of Brazil, they are 50% European on average. If the one-drop rule was applied today, very few people would be considered white in America.

I really dont care if bi racials considers to be black or mixed race. But these things are very convenient in this forum.

11-06-2017, 04:23 PM
But its hard to be black passing, even those really dark skinned dont look like people from Africa because negroes are the only pure race in the world

The standards to pass as black are different than the ones to pass as white. If someone is mostly white but have some black trait (a large nose, nappy -hair, etc.) this person would be considered black by someone. It's due to colonialism that considered ''whites'' the standard humans and everything that deviate from the white norm was considered non-white and closer to the other part of the admixture.

Most people with certain black traits can pass as black in Brazil. But it depends. This user johnsccp would never pass as black in Brazil but someone like Neymar would.

Honestly, I think John wouldn't pass as black anywhere, even in Eastern Europe they would think he is somekind of exotic European instead of a ''black'' person. Neymar would be considered black there (as he is by many in Brazil).

11-06-2017, 04:26 PM
I really dont care if bi racials considers to be black or mixed race. But these things are very convenient in this forum.

The fact is that no one cares about race apart from some insurgent, antisocial and pseudo-intelectual guys that are mostly found in the internet because they aren't men enough to stand by their views in person.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:29 PM
The standards to pass as black are different than the ones to pass as white. If someone is mostly white but have some black trait (a large nose, nappy -hair, etc.) this person would be considered black by someone. It's due to colonialism that considered ''whites'' the standard humans and everything that deviate from the white norm was considered non-white and close to the other part of the admixture.

Most people with certain black traits can pass as black in Brazil. But it depends. This user johnsccp would never pass as black in Brazil but someone like Neymar would.

Honestly, I think John wouldn't pass as black anywhere, even in Eastern Europe they would think he is somekind of exotic European instead of a ''black'' person. Neymar would be considered black there (as he is by many in Brazil).

Neymar isnt black by most Brazilians. Here in Rio de janeiro many would call him moreninho instead of negro or preto.

11-06-2017, 04:31 PM
The fact is that no one cares about race apart from some insurgent, antisocial and pseudo-intelectual guys.

Sure. Most people, even in places like USA, don't give a fuck about race.

Honestly, I think it's relevant, but it's not a defining factor as many racists here like to defend. I prefer to follow what Evola called ''spiritual race''. A educated and spiritual aware SSA is obviously superior to some dumbass degenerate white faggot/transgender.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:33 PM
And Neymar isnt black passing. He cant pass in Africa.

11-06-2017, 04:34 PM
Neymar isnt black by most Brazilians. Here in Rio de janeiro many would call him moreninho instead of negro or preto.

I don't know, I think it depends of social class. In places like Zona Sul in Rio I'm sure most people would consider him black.

And in some other parts of South/Southeast he would certainly be considered black. I have seen my mother calling people way lighter than Neymar as ''negroes'' and ''pretos''.

But I agree he isn't black.

11-06-2017, 04:40 PM
Neymar is socially black for me, but not racially

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:40 PM
I don't know, I think it depends of social class. In places like Zona Sul in Rio I'm sure most people would consider him black.

And in some other parts of South/Southeast he would certainly be considered black. I have seen my mother calling people way lighter than Neymar as ''negroes'' and ''pretos''.

But I agree he isn't black.

I doubt he would be black in Zona sul. In my family only my paternal grandfather appears to be a real black man, and because he is an old person, he knows how to distinguish blacks from mulattos.
He told me that my grandmother's family did not like him so much because he was black, and she was mixed black, so many old people with colonial background knew the difference between mulattoes and negroes.
And the people from zona sul are educated as him, obviously the older ones. The younger ones would say that Neymar is black because the black movement and the government says that pardo is colorism.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:42 PM
Older Brazilians loves to use the mulatta word

Your mother isnt prob culturally Brazilian but a recent immigrant family

11-06-2017, 04:47 PM
Older Brazilians loves to use the mulatta word

Your mother isnt prob culturally Brazilian but a recent immigrant family

Dude, I'm from São Paulo countryside but I live in a place very ''Brazilian'' culturally and I have seen many white people calling Neymar black here. It's not only my mother.

I mean, he wouldn't pass as African but he have clearly African ancestry and when he said in public he wasn't black many people were mad with him. I don't consider him black, but I bet most whites in Brazil would consider someone like him black.

The place you live probably have very few whites.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 04:54 PM
Dude, I'm from São Paulo countryside but I live in a place very ''Brazilian'' culturally and I have seen many white people calling Neymar black here. It's not only my mother.

I mean, he wouldn't pass as African but he have clearly African ancestry and when he said in public he wasn't black many people were mad with him. I don't consider him black, but I bet most whites in Brazil would consider someone like him black.

The place you live probably have very few whites.

The only people who cared about his declaration were black activists, because they consider colorism when mulattoes do not consider themselves black.

The Brazilian elite has always been able to differentiate blacks from mulattos, I do not know the new generation.

The first "black" Brazilian president was often called mulatto by the old society

"Casou-se com Ana de Castro Belisário Soares de Sousa, conhecida como "Anita", descendente de famílias aristocráticas e ricas de Campos dos Goytacazes, neta do Visconde de Santa Rita e bisneta do Barão de Muriaé e do primeiro Barão de Santa Rita. O casamento foi um escândalo social, pois a noiva teve que fugir de casa para se casar com um pobre e mulato, embora político promissor.[7]

Foi descrito como sendo mulato"

Only the new generation of Brazilians is being adapted to the movements that every pardo is black, my grandfather lived in rural area of Minas Gerais and everyone knew what was mulatto. And in his neighborhood there were many whites. Lol.
In his youth the term cabocla was also ofteb used, nowadays no one knows what it is. In my neighborhood there are more people looking like Roberto Grande than anything, and for them Neymar is moreninho.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:00 PM
Mulata and cabocla was very used terms in the colonial periods. And the first racial census of Brazil showed a large number of mulattos, this is because the old Brazilian society never considered mulattos and blacks the same thing.

11-06-2017, 05:01 PM
The only people who cared about his declaration were black activists, because they consider colorism when mulattoes do not consider themselves black.

I bet a person like Neymar would have problems with the police or with security guards anywhere in Brazil, so we can say that socially he is black. Most Brazilians when looking at him would knew immediately he isn't upper middle class just because of his phenotype. Many White women would ''segurar a bolsa'' if he walked around and would close the car's windows when he walks around.

My mother and other white people I have contact daily aren't particularly racist people, but I have seen many of them acting like this when blacks or people who look mixed with blacks are walking around. This kind of social racism exists in Brazil and denying it's existence would not solve the problem. This is one of the few things I actually agree with the black movement. You can't have a sane society when some of it's citizens are treated as second class persons.

11-06-2017, 05:12 PM
I bet a person like Neymar would have problems with the police or with security guards anywhere in Brazil, so we can say that socially he is black. Most Brazilians when looking at him would knew immediately he isn't upper middle class just because of his phenotype. Many White women would ''segurar a bolsa'' if he walked around and would close the car's windows when he walks around.

My mother and other white people I have contact daily aren't particularly racist people, but I have seen many of them acting like this when blacks or people who look mixed with blacks are walking around. This kind of social racism exists in Brazil and denying it's existence would not solve the problem. This is one of the few things I actually agree with the black movement. You can't have a sane society when some of it's citizens are treated as second class persons.

My mother is pretty racist but just towards poor blacks and pardos, when they are good-looking and well-dressed she treats them very well, even better than regular whites. The fact is that black man of good appearence and classy behavior is imposing and has a authority air. This type of behavior is common in the south, regular racism that exists in predominantly mono-ethnic places are just directed towards people of low class like favelados and others scum of society.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:13 PM
I bet a person like Neymar would have problems with the police or with security guards anywhere in Brazil, so we can say that socially he is black. Most Brazilians when looking at him would knew immediately he isn't upper middle class just because of his phenotype. Many White women would ''segurar a bolsa'' if he walked around and would close the car's windows when he walks around.

My mother and other white people I have contact daily aren't particularly racist people, but I have seen many of them acting like this when blacks or people who look mixed with blacks are walking around. This kind of social racism exists in Brazil and denying it's existence would not solve the problem. This is one of the few things I actually agree with the black movement. You can't have a sane society when some of it's citizens are treated as second class persons.

Obvious. Poor/middle class whites do not suffer as much as poor/middle class blacks or mixed in the streets by the police. But older Brazilians indeed knows and can tell who is true black.
Brazilian novelas
were really cultured in the past lol
this novela anjo mau was about the elite of São Paulo, and Taís Araújo was called mulatta the daughter of black female by them
In one scene she says that she is a proudly mulatta, and would be prouder if she was really black as her mother

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:18 PM
As many know, I go to umbanda. There are spirits of caboclos and mulattos, they apparently lived in colonial Brazil and use these terms naturally.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:23 PM
My mother is pretty racist but just towards poor blacks and pardos, when they are good-looking and well-dressed she treats them very well, even better than regular whites. The fact is that black man of good appearence and classy behavior is imposing and has a authority air. This type of behavior is common in the south, regular racism that exists in predominantly mono-ethnic places are just directed towards people of low class like favelados and others scum of society.

I had prejudice against favelados, I have no more. They are hardworking. There is everything in the favelas. But surely I do not respect criminals. Why would people hate this old lady?

Whats wrong with her? Just because she lives in a favela? She isnt dangerous.

11-06-2017, 05:27 PM
I had prejudice against favelados, I have no more. They are hardworking. There is everything in the favelas. But surely I do not respect criminals. Why would people hate this old lady?

Whats wrong with her? Just because she lives in a favela? She isnt dangerous.
She is not favelada, i'm talking about the sloppy stinky and ugly funkeiros that go to the city just to mess things up.

Black Panther
11-06-2017, 05:28 PM
I had prejudice against favelados, I have no more. They are hardworking. There is everything in the favelas. But surely I do not respect criminals. Why would people hate this old lady?

Whats wrong with her? Just because she lives in a favela? She isnt dangerous.

Same here. Most people in favelas are just victims of the system. Why would someone hate on poor people? But criminals (esp. murderers and rapists) should be killed, for sure.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:29 PM
She is not favelada, i'm talking about the sloppy stinky and ugly funkeiros that go to the city just to mess things up.

Yes, I know living in a favela doesnt mean youre favelado. Its your attitude that says.

Heather Duval
11-06-2017, 05:35 PM
Same here. Most people in favelas are just victims of the system. Why would someone hate on poor people? But criminals (esp. murderers and rapists) should be killed, for sure.

I think he meant funkeiros
these favelados are twerking in every streets, its hard to deal with them.

Black Panther
11-06-2017, 05:37 PM
I think he meant funkeiros
these favelados are twerking in every streets, its hard to deal with them.

Young people are hard to deal with anywhere. As long as they aren't doing any crimes, it's okay for them to have fun.

11-09-2017, 08:33 PM
Over 50 percent

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carlito's Way
11-09-2017, 11:29 PM
Anyone with more than 1% black and yes this includes mestizos as well who have more than 1% black, one drop rule bitches, we all black

11-10-2017, 08:16 PM
Anyone with more than 1% black and yes this includes mestizos as well who have more than 1% black, one drop rule bitches, we all black


12-10-2018, 10:29 PM
100% African to be black. Anything less is cope.

01-08-2019, 10:30 AM
african americans are not black then?

01-08-2019, 10:31 AM

01-08-2019, 10:40 AM
Shouldn't this be obvious?

01-08-2019, 10:41 AM
Shouldn't this be obvious?

This. Egyptians and other North Africans and so on are NOT Blacks despite on the fact that they're part Blacks genetically.

01-08-2019, 10:46 AM
This. Egyptians and other North Africans and so on are NOT Blacks despite on the fact that they're part Blacks genetically.

I guess me and you are black according to this poll bro...

Wakanda for life!

01-08-2019, 10:48 AM
I guess me and you are black according to this poll bro...

Wakanda for life!

I'm 4% Black myself, so it's kinda ridiculous to base the so called "one drop rule" on us, honestly.

01-08-2019, 10:58 AM
Shouldn't this be obvious?

Yes, but some retarded americans don't agree with you

01-08-2019, 04:10 PM
I guess me and you are black according to this poll bro...

Wakanda for life!

Did you take a DNA test?

11-10-2023, 11:39 PM

11-11-2023, 12:19 AM
One drop rule

11-11-2023, 11:30 AM