View Full Version : Croatian teams

11-07-2017, 09:58 PM
1. Croatian football team Hajduk, the most successful Croatian team
2. Croatia national football team

Croatian football club Hajduk

There are several foreigners in the team of Hajduk. Players of Hajduk of Croatian nationality.

Dante Stipica

Ivo Grbić

Petar Bosančić

Josip Radošević

Josip Juranović

Zvonimir Kožulj

Ivan Pešić

Zoran Nižić

Karlo Letica

Toma Bašić

Fran Tudor

Robert Jandrek

Ante Erceg

Tonio Teklić

11-07-2017, 10:00 PM
They don't look very different from the Greeks.

11-07-2017, 10:00 PM
Hajduk is not most sucessful Croatian team. I presume they are chosen above Dinamo for being swarthy Dalmatians :laugh:

11-07-2017, 10:02 PM
They don't look very different from the Greeks.

They look nothing like Greeks.

11-07-2017, 10:03 PM
They look nothing like Greeks.

He is just trying to 'prove' that Greeks look Slavic. I agree that they don't look Greek

11-07-2017, 10:04 PM
Dinamo Zagreb are the most successful club with 18 titles overall, followed by Hajduk Split with six titles.

11-07-2017, 10:05 PM
List of players of Croatia national team from UEFA website:

Dominik Livaković

Lovre Kalinić

Daniel Subašić

Šime Vrsajako

Antonio Milić

Matej Mitrović

Dejan Lovren

Zoran Nižić
I have posted his photo (member of FC Hajduk)

Duje Ćaleta Car

Domagoj Vida

Josip Pivarić

Ivan Perišić

Ivan Rakitić
http://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/002/931/658/hi-res-136a18bd849993aff0549c205ba0dd40_crop_north.jpg?h= 533&w=800&q=70&crop_x=center&crop_y=top

Luka Modrić

Marko Rog

Filip Bradarić

Milan Badelj
https://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/image_landscape/public/milanbadelj-cropped_ieyszir17oj61ip1uwg54v1h8.jpg?itok=savYR7D Q&c=87b6d99828d88c1b8ffe17a08d24fc7d

Mario Pašalić

Mario Mandzukić

Andrej Kramarić

11-07-2017, 10:06 PM
page 2

Duje Čop

Ivan Santini
http://si.rosselcdn.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/univers_640x427/2016/09/13/1214471964_B979691096Z.1_20160913162351_000_G9R7IT I7L.3-0.jpg

11-07-2017, 10:06 PM
They look nothing like Greeks.

They look like the ones he posted in the other thread.

11-07-2017, 10:08 PM
They look like the ones he posted in the other thread.

WTF ? No Greeks look like them, neither is there genetic similarities. Please don't troll.

11-07-2017, 10:09 PM
WTF ? No Greeks look like them, neither is there genetic similarities. Please don't troll.

There is no similarity to north Italians either but a lot of Croatians want to be related to Italians rather than to Slavs.

11-07-2017, 10:09 PM
Mitrović, Badelj and Subašić are Serbs or part Serbs. Vida is partly Slovak or Hungarian.

11-07-2017, 10:10 PM
There is no similarity to north Italians either but a lot of Croatians want to be related to Italians rather than to Slavs.

Never heard that.

11-07-2017, 10:12 PM
There is no similarity to north Italians either but a lot of Croatians want to be related to Italians rather than to Slavs.

We are Slavs. You heard wrong. Dalmatians/Istrians share mediterranean culture with Italians, but they're well aware of being Slavic.

11-07-2017, 10:15 PM
North Pontids, Pontids and few Gorids.

11-07-2017, 10:43 PM
Hajduk is not most sucessful Croatian team. I presume they are chosen above Dinamo for being swarthy Dalmatians :laugh:

It is not like she cares for all these classifications. One swarthotoid is enough for this sneaky Serb to open thread.

Mitrović, Badelj and Subašić are Serbs or part Serbs. Vida is partly Slovak or Hungarian.

They are not except Subasic being half Serb.

11-07-2017, 10:49 PM
It is not like she cares for all these classifications. One swarthotoid is enough for this sneaky Serb to open thread.

They are not except Subasic being half Serb.

Mitrović is Serbian surname and I think from Serbia proper, not from Krajina Serbs. For Badelj I read in SN he was molested by some idiots for being Serb (and has name Milan) despite his father served Croatian army.
As for Vida, he is Šokac but his name seem to be Slovak; I stumbled upon one Slovak-Croatian on forum.hr who mentioned this surname as Slovak admix among Croats.

11-07-2017, 10:59 PM
Mitrović is Serbian surname and I think from Serbia proper, not from Krajina Serbs. For Badelj I read in SN he was molested by some idiots for being Serb (and has name Milan) despite his father served Croatian army.
As for Vida, he is Šokac but his name seem to be Slovak; I stumbled upon one Slovak-Croatian on forum.hr who mentioned this surname as Slovak admix among Croats.

I mean wtf. It says that Mitrovićs in Croatia are mostly Croats, rarely Serbs and Roma. It is an older Croatian surname. Dmitar, Mitar, ring a bell. It says that Badeljs in Croatia are exclusively Croats and he himself was surprised why they yelled Serb at him. Since Milan is also very common for Serbs he said to himself 'why, because my name is Milan'. It says that surname Vida is in Croatia in great majority croatian and rarely Slovak and Hungarian. You don't give your children names such as Domagoj and Hrvoje if you are not Croat. I mean, if his surname came with Slovaks you could have also mentioned Santini being part Italian which he may or may not be. It is so stupid.

11-07-2017, 11:03 PM
I mean wtf. It says that Mitrovićs in Croatia are mostly Croats, rarely Serbs and Roma. It is an older Croatian surname. Dmitar, Mitar, ring a bell. It says that Badeljs in Croatia are exclusively Croats and he himself was surprised why they yelled Serb at him. Since Milan is also very common for Serbs he said to himself 'why, because my name is Milan'. It says that surname Vida is in Croatia in great majority croatian and rarely Slovak and Hungarian. You don't give your children names such as Domagoj and Hrvoje if you are not Croat. I mean, if his surname came with Slovaks you could have also mentioned Santini being part Italian which he may or may not be. It is so stupid.

You're right :thumb001:

11-07-2017, 11:04 PM
Mitrović is Serbian surname and I think from Serbia proper, not from Krajina Serbs. For Badelj I read in SN he was molested by some idiots for being Serb (and has name Milan) despite his father served Croatian army.
As for Vida, he is Šokac but his name seem to be Slovak; I stumbled upon one Slovak-Croatian on forum.hr who mentioned this surname as Slovak admix among Croats.

Is that why Miladin Prso used the nickname "Dado" instead?

11-07-2017, 11:05 PM
Is that why Miladin Prso used the nickname "Dado" instead?

I guess because he always felt totaly Croat. He was idol among fans by the way :)

11-07-2017, 11:07 PM
I guess because he always felt totaly Croat. He was idol among fans by the way :)

His mother is Croatian. But maybe also because of what Dick said.

11-07-2017, 11:09 PM
His mother is Croatian. But maybe also because of what Dick said.

I think they attacked Badelj because of his preformances in the first place though. Insults for being suposedly Serbian were secondary folklore probably.

11-07-2017, 11:15 PM
Hajduk is not most sucessful Croatian team.

In former Yugoslavia Hajduk was the by far the most successful Croatian team and Croatian club with most fans. Here in Belgrade everyone know for Hajduk. Nobody cares for Tuđman's Croatia, Dinamo or whatever.

I presume they are chosen above Dinamo for being swarthy Dalmatians :laugh:


Stearsolina, strikes again. :rolleyes:

Mitrović is Serbian surname and I think from Serbia proper, not from Krajina Serbs. For Badelj I read in SN he was molested by some idiots for being Serb (and has name Milan) despite his father served Croatian army.

According to the this website about Croatian surnames, surname Badelj is Croatian : https://actacroatica.com/en/surname/Badelj/
"In Croatia, Badelj families are Croats (from Zagreb)."
Name Milan could be Serbian or Croatian, but it is more Serbian. Actually, it is almost stereotypical Serbian name which does not mean a person with that name is Serb.
In this interview (https://www.vecernji.hr/sport/max-badelj-vikali-su-mi-srbine-a-otac-mi-je-bio-ranjen-u-ratu-446688) he told that football hooligans insulted him shouting "Milane, Srbine" calling him Serb because of his name and because they hate him, not because he is really Serb.

11-07-2017, 11:20 PM
In former Yugoslavia Hajduk was the by far the most successful Croatian team and Croatian club with most fans. Here in Belgrade everyone know for Hajduk. Nobody cares for Tuđman's Croatia, Dinamo or whatever.
LOL because Tito liked Hajduk and it was suposedly partizan club. Dinamo was robbed of Yugo title more than once. Btw Dinamo has origins in inter war-period (between ww1 and ww2), nothing to do with Tuđman.
Ofcourse you don't like most Croatian club, it's honor.

By the way, I am Hajduk fan.

According to the this website about Croatian surnames, surname Badelj is Croatian : https://actacroatica.com/en/surname/Badelj/
"In Croatia, Badelj families are Croats (from Zagreb)."
Name Milan could be Serbian or Croatian, but it is more Serbian. Actually, it is almost stereotypical Serbian name which does not mean a person with that name is Serb.

In this interview (https://www.vecernji.hr/sport/max-badelj-vikali-su-mi-srbine-a-otac-mi-je-bio-ranjen-u-ratu-446688) he told that football hooligans insulted him shouting "Milane, Srbine" calling him Serb because of his name and because they hate him, not because he is really Serb.

We already concluded he is Croat. I forgot Milan is name among Croats too, like Milan Bandić.

Katniss, piss off and open threads about Serbs instead.

11-07-2017, 11:22 PM
Serbs like Hajduk because they think it has pro-Serbian (yugoslav) sympathies. But they would get dissapointed nowadays in Split :D


Night night :o

Vlatko Vukovic
11-07-2017, 11:28 PM
Serbs like Hajduk becouse they are claiming that they are founders of the club, just like Croats claiming that Partizan founders were Croats

11-07-2017, 11:28 PM
Serbs like Hajduk because they think it has pro-Serbian (yugoslav) sympathies. But they would get dissapointed nowadays in Split :D

Night night :o

Pa jeste, splitska novinarka Heni Erceg baš o tome govori u jednom inervjuu:


Heni Erceg:

"Sada iznova istražujem grad u kojemu sam rođena, nakon godina kućne izolacije, ali nemir je uvijek prisutan, jer to je takav grad, paradoksalan, pitom i grub istodobno, okrutan oduvijek, a od devedestih još i pozornica tolikih "zaslužnih" likova koji su Split naprosto preuzeli kao svoj ratni plijen. Takve skupine neandertalaca naravno ne vole svjedoke svojih nedjela, pa nije ništa neobično da te na ulici nazivaju Jugoslavenom. I misle, jadni, da te time vrijeđaju."

11-08-2017, 03:06 PM
Dinamo Zagreb are the most successful club with 18 titles overall, followed by Hajduk Split with six titles.

Dinamo Zagreb


Players born in Croatia; foreigners excluded.

Danijel Zagorac
Place of birth: Drniš, Dalmatia

Borna Sosa
Place of birth: Zagreb

Domagoj Antolić
Place of birth: Zagreb

Ante Ćorić
Place of birth: Zagreb

Filip Benković
Place of birth: Zagreb

Nikola Moro
Place of birth: Split, Dalmatia

Ivan Fiolić
Place of birth: Zagreb

Marko Mikulić
Place of birth: Zagreb

Dominik Livaković
Place of birth: Zadar, Dalmatia

Dino Perić
Place of birth: Osijek, north-eastern Croatia

11-08-2017, 03:09 PM
most typical Dalmatian Croat look is Lovre Kalinić

He could never be anything else.

11-08-2017, 03:15 PM
Ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska

Ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajde bori se za nas
pobjedi za nas

Mala smo zemlja
al srca velika
a zbog Hrvatske nam ponos teče
u našim žilama

Gdje god da se igra
mi sa njima
u raj i pakao
nema stadiona gdje nas nema
za sveti dres se navija

11-08-2017, 03:18 PM
Ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska

Ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajmo, ajmo Hrvatska
ajde bori se za nas
pobjedi za nas

Mala smo zemlja
al srca velika
a zbog Hrvatske nam ponos teče
u našim žilama

Gdje god da se igra
mi sa njima
u raj i pakao
nema stadiona gdje nas nema
za sveti dres se navija


I declare you honorary Croat!

11-09-2017, 05:32 PM

Why so serious
11-09-2017, 05:44 PM
Bice cetnikusa se pali na Rvate :D

11-09-2017, 06:51 PM

I declare you honorary Croat!

Hrvatska - Grcka 2:0


11-09-2017, 08:18 PM
Pontid, Dinarid, Norid, Baltid.

11-15-2017, 06:44 PM

11-24-2017, 02:11 PM

11-24-2017, 03:13 PM
Ivan Pešić, from his look in that pic I could imagine a few different nationalities but possibly I wouldnt guess Croatian if I didnt know he is.
Maybe its more how he look in that pic.

11-24-2017, 06:42 PM
Only two show some signs having a little Slavic blood. A mix of Med, Dinaric, Indid (?) and Aryan.