View Full Version : Classify my niece

01-08-2011, 05:17 AM
She is 13 years old and 100% Romanian (dark blond hair, hazel eyes, thin constitution)...

01-08-2011, 06:22 AM
Is incredible, again I know a Romanian girl like her, here in Spain, are very much alike. Especially I think her lips and mouth+ eyes are very classic in that area.

01-08-2011, 07:35 AM
I think we must wait until she grows up and will be more mature. Her facial features seem to be still mild which is a sign of her being more a child than an adult

Don Brick
01-08-2011, 09:37 AM
She is 13 years old and 100% Romanian (dark blond hair, hazel eyes, thin constitution)...

Her hair is more like medium to perhaps even dark brown (with possibly a reddish tinge) and her eyes appear to be just brown as well imho. She may still be a little too young for a proper classification, but I´ll say Gracile Med + minor Turanid, perhaps? Maybe it´s just her expressions and the camera angles....

01-08-2011, 01:16 PM
Her hair is more like medium to perhaps even dark brown (with possibly a reddish tinge) and her eyes appear to be just brown as well imho. She may still be a little too young for a proper classification, but I´ll say Gracile Med + minor Turanid, perhaps? Maybe it´s just her expressions and the camera angles....

Camera angles and light were manipulated to bring her face into better perspective (standard portrait technique). She truly has light brown/ dark blond hair, hazel eyes (more green than brown) and very light skin tone. Anyway, I think she shows undeniable Mongoloid admixture, which is unusual among Romanians...

As for being too young for classification, I agree. Still, I cannot imagine these Eurasian features won't be retained in adulthood...

01-08-2011, 02:26 PM
Can be proud, good traits, progressive-harmonious (chin-jaw weaker because of age and), leptomorphic constitution.

In my opinion pred. Pontid with Dinarid, other influences are hard to determine. She doesn't strike me as particularly Mongoloid, if, only slight is possible, probably even rather Eastbaltid derived, slight Eastalpinid possible too.

In some years the Dinarid might get stronger or the unknown element, I don't know, but by now she looks like many people from Hungary, Czechs, Slovaks, Romania, Balkan etc. by racial traits.

Most Lapps and Eastbaltids are for sure WAY more Mongoloid than her, just look at her nasal root and bridge, also in relation to the cheekbones and that even at that age, while she is still maturing.

01-08-2011, 07:43 PM
Can be proud, good traits, progressive-harmonious (chin-jaw weaker because of age and), leptomorphic constitution.
She also finds herself "so gorgeous":) There is no Dinarid element in her. I've noticed she is hyper-dolichocephalic (a very nice head form). If Mongoloid elements are excluded, she is a typical Pontid + Alpine mix. If only latter would be present, though, she would be a typical Romanian, but she is not. Her slanted eyes are very unusual, hence she is mocked as "chinky" by her classmates.

01-08-2011, 08:03 PM
She also finds herself "so gorgeous":) There is no Dinarid element in her. I've noticed she is hyper-dolichocephalic (a very nice head form). If Mongoloid elements are excluded, she is a typical Pontid + Alpine mix. If only latter would be present, though, she would be a typical Romanian, but she is not. Her slanted eyes are very unusual, hence she is mocked as "chinky" by her classmates.

Well, "chinky" or not, better watch her, because every healthy guy will be after her latest in the next years... :coffee:

But even if she is rather longheaded, a Dinaroid influence might still be present, yet I would really consider her ancestry and relatives, because probabilities are low exotic traits pop up out of nothing - they might be in an unusual combination f.e. darker + something of an Eastbaltid morphology, but not totally new.

01-08-2011, 09:26 PM
I think she looks similar to the Brazilian princess Paola de Orléans e Bragança (who is approx. half Polish), or at least has the same vibe, both look quite longheaded. I posted Paola here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22355).

01-09-2011, 04:50 AM
Well, "chinky" or not, better watch her, because every healthy guy will be after her latest in the next years... :coffee:.

They are already after her... The fact she still looks like a total child at nearly 14 is a good sign, though, that her youthful beauty won't wither that easily. I can't imagine how someone not of her age could be attracted of her (yet she told me many times being approached by men in fourties or something).

Here is one more picture where she shows clear asian features:

Magister Eckhart
01-09-2011, 05:01 AM
They are already after her... The fact she still looks like a total child at nearly 14 is a good sign, though, that her youthful beauty won't wither that easily. I can't imagine how someone not of her age could be attracted of her (yet she told me many times being approached by men in fourties or something).

Here is one more picture where she shows clear asian features:

I didn't get the feeling of immaturity or child-like qualities in her face myself, but that's perhaps because I always associate child-like qualities with pure Alpinid females. Also, she's 13 and she wears make-up like that? You have very different standards in Romania than those to which I am accustomed as regards young teenage girls. Then again, I like to discourage the use of any kind of make-up in women in general.

It seems to me fairly plain that she's Dinaric; she may bear resemblance to Mediterraneans in Spain, Brazil, and elsewhere but her facial structure suggests Dinaricisation, probably coming from her origins in Romania; the country, after all, has a sizeable Alpinid influence due to Southern Germans and Hungarians settling there in centuries past, but the bulk of the population remains Mediterranean. Such an admixture would definitely produce these Dinaric traits. As for the Asiatic influence, such occurrences are common amongst Eastern Alpinids, so I would say that the Alpine half of the Dinaric blend produced that phenomenon. I do not believe any actual Mongoloid admixture has occurred at any point here, otherwise the Asiatic traits would not be as subtle.

01-09-2011, 07:14 AM
Also, she's 13 and she wears make-up like that? You have very different standards in Romania than those to which I am accustomed as regards young teenage girls.

No... I have same standards as you do, only her parents don't. As for Dinaric influence, she under no circumstance qualifies. She may be an odd case of Pontid-Alpine mixture. We all wonder where did her special features popped out. Her father looks like a Tatar (despite being totally Romanian), but in his daughter Mongoloid elements are more proeminent (see the picture attached). The point of this thread is that Turanid elements are by no means absent among my people. If I wasn't honest and said she was Romanian, there is no way any of you would have classified this girl as White. Castizas look whiter than her, despite having FAR more mongoloid ancestry. She looks slightly Eurasian, even though genetically she must be as European as Prince Charles:)

Magister Eckhart
01-09-2011, 08:30 AM
No... I have same standards as you do, only her parents don't. As for Dinaric influence, she under no circumstance qualifies. She may be an odd case of Pontid-Alpine mixture. We all wonder where did her special features popped out. Her father looks like a Tatar (despite being totally Romanian), but in his daughter Mongoloid elements are more proeminent (see the picture attached). The point of this thread is that Turanid elements are by no means absent among my people. If I wasn't honest and said she was Romanian, there is no way any of you would have classified this girl as White. Castizas look whiter than her, despite having FAR more mongoloid ancestry. She looks slightly Eurasian, even though genetically she must be as European as Prince Charles:)

Oh well, one can choose one's friends but not one's relatives as they say.

That background info is interesting. There's always a possibility that she's displaying dormant traits from generations gone by. The Pontid-Alpinid admixture would definitely make sense of the Dinaric appearance despite complete lack of Dinaric influence. If her father displays Mongoloid influences then the only thing I can think is that the family history has a tie to Asia, or at the very least Eastern Alpinids. Do you know the genealogy, and if so how far back?

01-09-2011, 09:11 AM
Do you know the genealogy, and if so how far back?

Her father comes from a peasant family in the middle of Oltenia, a region which has no minorities other than (lots of) Gypsies. He is obviously not a gypsy, he has an Old Romanian last name which is either Dacian or Gothic in origins, nobody however remote in his family has ever been from outside Oltenia let alone Romania. In the Middle Ages, there were still some Bulgarian speakers in Oltenia, but, judging from how they look South of Danube, they must have been racially identical to Romanians (Slavicized Daco-Romans). During the Dark Ages, however, Oltenia had Turkic tribes (Cumans) stationed for hundreds of years and they were all absorbed into emerging Romanians. As a matter of fact, the dinasty that founded Vallachian state was Cuman. Our language shows definite traces of Turkic vocabulary far older than Ottoman Turkish. Many placenames also attest Cumans being settled in regions where forests were cleared. There is no reason to believe they didn't left a racial mark as well, no matter how minor. My niece simply came out with Eurasian features typical of Cumans...

Magister Eckhart
01-09-2011, 09:17 AM
Her father comes from a peasant family in the middle of Oltenia, a region which has no minorities other than (lots of) Gypsies. He is obviously not a gypsy, he has an Old Romanian last name which is either Dacian or Gothic in origins, nobody however remote in his family has ever been from outside Oltenia let alone Romania. In the Middle Ages, there were still some Bulgarian speakers in Oltenia, but, judging from how they look South of Danube, they must have been racially identical to Romanians (Slavicized Daco-Romans). During the Dark Ages, however, Oltenia had Turkic tribes (Cumans) stationed for hundreds of years and they were all absorbed into emerging Romanians. As a matter of fact, the dinasty that founded Vallachian state was Cuman. Our language shows definite traces of Turkic vocabulary far older than Ottoman Turkish. Many placenames also attest Cumans being settled in regions where forests were cleared. There is no reason to believe they didn't left a racial mark as well, no matter how minor. My niece simply came out with Eurasian features typical of Cumans...

That definitely makes sense. If it's that far back it makes perfect sense that the traits would be dormant and appear inexplicable when they reëmerged. I also wonder how much influence the Scythians may have had on his ancestry going back even further. The Scythians likely bore extremely strong semblance to the contemporary Afghan-Iranian branch of the Mediterranean race.

01-09-2011, 10:33 AM
They are already after her... The fact she still looks like a total child at nearly 14 is a good sign, though, that her youthful beauty won't wither that easily. I can't imagine how someone not of her age could be attracted of her (yet she told me many times being approached by men in fourties or something).

Here is one more picture where she shows clear asian features:

I don't think she looks like a child any more and obviously she has certain signals, especially the lips, which are highly attactive for most males, yet she is still not fully mature yet if looking at the complete package, but how she attracts older males, if they are normal, might also depend on her way to go out to put it that way - heavy make up, short skirts etc., some girls make themselves older than they are...

Well, in that picture the eye region looks really somewhat Mongoliform, almost no Epicanthus, but a weak folding tendency visible and the eyes are slanted.

The eye shape is however still more Europid even from this perspective than what you usually see in Eastbaltids or the Lappid core type, it is just a hint rather.

Whether this comes from a more extreme Eastbaltid or Turanid or just individual variation is hard to determine, as I said, only by looking at ancestors and relatives. Her father has similar eyes, they are just not slanted and age-type related different, I guess it is really just an odd recombination. I ask myself now whether slanted eyes are recessive, I really don't know it ad hoc...

01-09-2011, 06:44 PM
That definitely makes sense. If it's that far back it makes perfect sense that the traits would be dormant and appear inexplicable when they reëmerged. I also wonder how much influence the Scythians may have had on his ancestry going back even further. The Scythians likely bore extremely strong semblance to the contemporary Afghan-Iranian branch of the Mediterranean race.

Scythians were Aryans and looked just Aryan (East Nordid with CroMagnid tendencies), because they never left core steppe territory. Irano-Afghan is the native type of pre-Aryan peoples of Iranian plateau, themselves holders of R1A genes and probably involved in late Neolithic settlement of India. There is really no doubt that Iranid was one of the ingredients of Aryan race (something hinted before genetics by Carleton Coon by simply studying skulls)...

01-09-2011, 07:07 PM
Slavic type.

01-09-2011, 07:12 PM
Isn't she a bit too young for a serious classification attempt?

01-09-2011, 07:16 PM
It's sure that racial classification is impossible for very young persons, but it's possible to classify someone who have 13

01-09-2011, 07:28 PM
It's sure that racial classification is impossible for very young persons, but it's possible to classify someone who have 13

Yes, you can try earlier too, but obviously it is better to deal with mature persons.

Males are more difficult in this regard, because they change more and later craniofacial wise, beard growth etc., while females don't. Males also have the stronger racial traits on average in comparison to their female counterparts when being mature, which is particularly visible in types like Dinarid f.e.

01-09-2011, 07:53 PM
Yes, I agree that is better earlier.

04-01-2012, 10:19 PM
North Pontid with some Alpine, maybe? But 13 is too young to classify, IMO.

Those Alpine features may be just because of her age

04-01-2012, 10:24 PM
North Pontid with some Alpine, maybe? But 13 is too young to classify, IMO.

Those Alpine features may be just because of her age

I agree with all of this.

04-01-2012, 10:24 PM
She look like she's from Aryanistan.

04-01-2012, 10:28 PM
How about Ubermenschistan. :D

07-19-2019, 03:18 PM
She also finds herself "so gorgeous":) There is no Dinarid element in her. I've noticed she is hyper-dolichocephalic (a very nice head form). If Mongoloid elements are excluded, she is a typical Pontid + Alpine mix. If only latter would be present, though, she would be a typical Romanian, but she is not. Her slanted eyes are very unusual, hence she is mocked as "chinky" by her classmates.


07-19-2019, 03:36 PM
Pontid + Gorid with tendencies to Alföld.