View Full Version : Preying on the opposite sex: Shocking video reveals female mantis ripping the HEAD off a male suitor

11-16-2017, 08:14 AM
Preying on the opposite sex: Shocking video reveals female mantis ripping the HEAD off a male suitor before mating with his body

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/11/16/00/4664A7E000000578-5087383-Scientists_have_discovered_that_not_even_decapitat ion_is_enough_-m-83_1510793394175.jpg
Scientists have discovered that not even decapitation is enough to stand in the way of a male mantis looking to mate. In the shocking footage, a decapitated male can even be seen walking around and mounting the female, before successfully depositing his sperm packet

Female praying mantises are notorious for their predatory skills; they’re bigger and stronger than males, and often devour their counterparts during sex. But, scientists have discovered that not even decapitation is enough to stand in the way of a male mantis looking to mate.

A jaw-dropping new PBS video shows how males can continue the act even after their head has been chewed off, turning into a ‘zombie mating machine’ that both fertilizes the eggs, and provides the mother with necessary fuel.


Slow-mo footage of the experiments revealed the extraordinary skill and precision of these predators.
The scientists found that the insect’s jump, lasts less than a tenth of a second from take-off to landing- faster than the blink of a human eye.
During the jumps, the insects rotated their legs and abdomen simultaneously yet in varying directions – shifting clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations between these body parts in mid-air – to control the angular momentum, or 'spin'.
This allowed them to shift their body in the air to align precisely with the target on which they chose to land.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5087383/Male-mantis-continues-mating-head-eaten-off.html#ixzz4yaI4hauo