View Full Version : Average Georgian female phenotype

11-23-2017, 10:47 AM
http://s018.radikal.ru/i523/1711/b3/96d9d699a7f0.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i643/1711/64/9226da36a0af.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 11:27 AM
Paler greeks or bulgarians. Attractive btw

11-23-2017, 11:39 AM
Paler greeks or bulgarians. Attractive btw

Yeap,much paler than average Greeks.

11-23-2017, 11:42 AM
Yeap,much paler than average Greeks.

Lol not according to TA :p

11-23-2017, 11:47 AM
Yeap,much paler than average Greeks.

have u heard of someone called nicolas marr?

11-23-2017, 12:07 PM
have u heard of someone called nicolas marr?

Yes of course :p He was a famous Scottish-Georgian historian.I've studied about him at school

Lol not according to TA
Then TA lies

11-23-2017, 12:12 PM
Yes of course :p He was a famous Scottish-Georgian historian.I've studied about him at school

I didnt think hed be known that much actually. does he look more georgian to u?

11-23-2017, 12:20 PM
I didnt think hed be known that much actually. does he look more georgian to u?

Well in Georgia he's definitely well-known as every child studies about him. According to his photos not really.I'd say he has a Georgian expression on his eyes but doesn't look like a Georgian

11-23-2017, 05:24 PM
http://s018.radikal.ru/i523/1711/b3/96d9d699a7f0.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

Lol, she looks like Alana Gagloeva.
A georgian politician with osetian roots.
http://s010.radikal.ru/i311/1711/df/f2253e9e6095.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 05:52 PM

Lol, she looks like Alana Gagloeva.
A georgian politician with osetian roots.
Nah,thx god she doesn't lol.

http://s011.radikal.ru/i315/1711/55/84c089048cf5.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 06:04 PM
Yes of course :p He was a famous Scottish-Georgian historian.I've studied about him at school

Then TA lies

I don't mean to shit on your cereal, but Georgians certainly look more exotic overall IMO;

11-23-2017, 06:20 PM

Lol.They are max 8-9 and the photos are multiplied or the shape of noses are changed.WTF?! + Most of them don't even look like Georgians and photos of several sportsmen doesn't represent the ethnicity.There are bunch of Azeris and Armenians living here.

but Georgians certainly look more exotic overall IMO;
Says a person who obviously haven't even seen Georgians,or have seen them only on google(where there are photos of Azeris,Kurds and Armenians instead of Georgians)lol
p.s. This thread is about women, not men

11-23-2017, 06:35 PM

Lol.Most of them don't even look like Georgians and photos of several sportsmen doesn't represent the ethnicity.There are bunch of Azeris and Armenians living here.

Says a person who obviously haven't even seen Georgians,or have seen them only on google(where there are photos of Azeris,Kurds and Armenians instead of Georgians)lol
p.s. This thread is about women, not men

So then post group photos representative of Georgians?
Genetics do not lie.
Clearly Georgians are more like west Asians than Europeans and Greeks are more like the average European than Georgians. IDK about skin tone since Georgians have evolved for a while probably in a much colder environment than Greeks so you might be lighter. I was just talking about overall phenotypical difference from the average European.

11-23-2017, 06:40 PM
http://s018.radikal.ru/i503/1711/9a/c5931672cf13.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i638/1711/56/e8e62aa9f35a.png (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i626/1711/2d/e018011c9bfd.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://i062.radikal.ru/1711/9d/c1b0f12b7fe1.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s011.radikal.ru/i317/1711/4e/01225416306c.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s013.radikal.ru/i325/1711/87/2b94666bb95f.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i608/1711/84/00c15c140105.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s013.radikal.ru/i322/1711/f6/34ad05ade7c7.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i624/1711/74/d7e1e0c80602.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i640/1711/65/489340fe2af8.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i604/1711/0b/8cfc7eed0500.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s48.radikal.ru/i119/1711/1f/947ce1a1cafc.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 07:02 PM
http://s011.radikal.ru/i316/1711/fd/e8cf8d530162.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i638/1711/dd/0dbc87165ad4.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i502/1711/79/f3d2f2cb1a08.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i601/1711/78/9aed3d073da2.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s011.radikal.ru/i318/1711/05/80d0dc43a133.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s41.radikal.ru/i093/1711/97/1c09ce064e04.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s015.radikal.ru/i330/1711/28/2ccb4c72434d.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i508/1711/6e/0a52f840ba49.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i510/1711/2d/384d1d553e47.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i617/1711/49/d9c8ee965f40.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s02.radikal.ru/i175/1711/90/0fba623b1259.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i630/1711/7b/b2ff67d887bf.png (http://radikal.ru)

http://s008.radikal.ru/i306/1711/bc/a976815f5de9.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i510/1711/30/e829b3d5b45f.png (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i520/1711/ba/38497375eed3.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i634/1711/96/e9ce45f47a44.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

Clearly Georgians are more like west Asians than Europeans

Georgians in fact are the first ancient Europeans lol according to science and Blumenbach even named white race Caucasoid because of the Georgian skull he had found which he thought was the most perfect European type.He thought that Georgians were the perfect example of Europeans and other Europeans are their offsprings.

"Caucasian variety - I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind." - Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, The anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach 1865.''

''Fossils may be 'first Europeans' The Remains of what may be the earliest human ancestors to migrate from Africa into Europe have been found in the Republic of Georgia. Two skulls, which are probably about 1.7 million years old, were unearthed during an archaeological dig at a medieval castle at Dmanisi.''

11-23-2017, 07:40 PM
Only minorities look Asian in Georgia,most of Georgians are indeed European-looking.And despite Turkish and Persian invasions we stayed even culturally European,+ Georgians are one of the first nation to adopt Christianity.
It's a shame saying that Georgians aren't European :)

11-23-2017, 07:45 PM


11-23-2017, 08:17 PM

Lol.Most of them don't even look like Georgians and photos of several sportsmen doesn't represent the ethnicity.There are bunch of Azeris and Armenians living here.


Some of the darkest 'Greeks' are Georgians, you will find that a few Pontians are just accultured Georgians even. But I can't understand what your trying to convey here, that you are closer to Europe then you are to the rest of the Caucasus?

11-23-2017, 08:50 PM


You definitely could've chosen a better pic of them :D Still they can't be average Georgians as they're half-poles but in general it's hard to say what is a typical look of a Georgian girl,cause there are many phenotypes.I can only recognize a Georgian in a crowd of foreighners by her/his eyes and expression.

http://s013.radikal.ru/i324/1711/dc/4d0bbc26db9c.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s010.radikal.ru/i311/1711/c5/8443d9888950.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s014.radikal.ru/i328/1711/a7/4fb9dfdd6ed4.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://i013.radikal.ru/1711/df/ca07387b36c0.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i644/1711/35/86f02362eb4a.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s014.radikal.ru/i328/1711/ca/4f3f09d573dd.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i634/1711/ce/333d0ebc17b9.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 08:52 PM
Georgians are culturally and historically west asians.

11-23-2017, 09:03 PM
But I can't understand what your trying to convey here, that you are closer to Europe then you are to the rest of the Caucasus?
And when did I mention the rest of the Caucasus? People of Caucasus in general are Europeans.Georgians are white,culturally European and I consider myself as a European(as the rest of Georgians).Case closed.

Georgians are culturally and historically west asians.
No and not even genetically,and how is our culture west-asian when religion has such a big influence on culture and we're Orthodox Christians for centuries?

11-23-2017, 09:05 PM
http://s010.radikal.ru/i311/1711/c5/8443d9888950.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

The right one is very attractive

11-23-2017, 09:07 PM
And when did I mention the rest of the Caucasus? People of Caucasus in general are Europeans.Georgians are white,culturally European and I consider myself as a European.Case closed.

Is Georgia a caucasus country or European country? That's all I was getting at, no need to get so antsy.

11-23-2017, 09:07 PM
You definitely could've chosen a better pic of them :D Still they can't be average Georgians as they're half-poles but in general it's hard to say what is a typical look of a Georgian girl,cause there are many phenotypes.I can only recognize a Georgian in a crowd of foreighners by her/his eyes and expression.

they are 100% Georgian or at least from Georgia

their channel ---> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnYblaR424qXMVwkZzbJLkg

and facebook site ---> https://www.facebook.com/gruzinskipopolsku/

11-23-2017, 09:14 PM
Is Georgia a caucasus country or European country? That's all I was getting at, no need to get so antsy.


11-23-2017, 09:32 PM
they are 100% Georgian or at least from Georgia
I thought they were half-Poles.

The right one is very attractive
http://s019.radikal.ru/i608/1711/e7/a3ce86e80721.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i500/1711/5b/c9d596d855a8.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s018.radikal.ru/i502/1711/23/de428222b9a8.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

11-23-2017, 09:45 PM
Is Georgia a caucasus country or European country?
Caucasian is a geographical definiton and yes Georgia is in Caucasus and it's a European country.

p.s. I guess many of you need to watch this.


Not a Cop
02-16-2018, 11:11 PM
And when did I mention the rest of the Caucasus? People of Caucasus in general are Europeans.Georgians are white,culturally European and I consider myself as a European(as the rest of Georgians).Case closed.

No and not even genetically,and how is our culture west-asian when religion has such a big influence on culture and we're Orthodox Christians for centuries?

He-he what a severe case of OWD, Georgians with abkhazians are the most West-Asian ethnicities genetically actually.

02-16-2018, 11:17 PM
http://s018.radikal.ru/i523/1711/b3/96d9d699a7f0.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

http://s019.radikal.ru/i643/1711/64/9226da36a0af.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

The woman on the right is exactly what my Georgian neighbor girls used to look like.

02-16-2018, 11:19 PM
We WuZ yUrOpEeNs LoOk HoW wHiTe OuR sKiN iS

02-16-2018, 11:40 PM
To be fair I always thought that Georgians looked closer to Armenians and Azeris but Georgian users on here have convinced me that they are a Nordic :laugh:

02-17-2018, 06:52 AM
To be fair I always thought that Georgians looked closer to Armenians and Azeris but Georgian users on here have convinced me that they are a Nordic :laugh:
Not nordic and not caspid.
Pontid+mtebid mix.
In pigmentation greeks are closer to armenians and azerbsijanians, than georgians are actually.

https://a.radikal.ru/a43/1802/cf/0d3e1fff36a7.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a25/1802/a8/ce5f6e01a450.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a32/1802/b4/ff7c79599bb0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b30/1802/cd/7d9b95945ae0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d11/1802/da/3e5c9b3d667b.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b16/1802/a2/d3fb0121654d.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d04/1802/33/16609ceb6532.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b23/1802/da/fa1a69f5db96.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d15/1802/31/d67749ae69cf.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d03/1802/6d/8b202e95a260.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a23/1802/8d/625e856af4fb.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d17/1802/60/0934bfbce2e0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d13/1802/36/8fa5464ea174.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://c.radikal.ru/c10/1802/65/c704c7ba9dad.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-17-2018, 08:34 AM
Georgians are diverse but a good lot can pass in Europe. Culturally they're distinct from most west asian ethnic groups.


02-17-2018, 08:54 AM
He-he what a severe case of OWD, Georgians with abkhazians are the most West-Asian ethnicities genetically actually.

tobe fair they are still predominantly European racially even of their Y DNA is J.

J is 2nd most frequent y dna among Indian uper castes after R1a-Z93

02-17-2018, 09:10 AM
tobe fair they are still predominantly European racially even of their Y DNA is J.

J is 2nd most frequent y dna among Indian uper castes after R1a-Z93

Are you talking Genetically? Because they are not, Georgians are the purest West Asians of them all.

02-17-2018, 12:13 PM
Are you talking Genetically? Because they are not, Georgians are the purest West Asians of them all.

So what? So called west asian component is just csucasian component and leads among georgians, abkhazians, circasians and is closer to north euro component, than south euro is to north euro.

brennus dux gallorum
02-17-2018, 12:34 PM
Paler greeks or bulgarians. Attractive btw

Agree with paler, but their facial structure is completely different, especially from Greek

02-17-2018, 04:35 PM
In pigmentation greeks are closer to armenians and azerbsijanians, than georgians are actually.

No they are not. No offence, but it's kind of obvious you cherrypicked the girls for the morph. Even the morphs for Croatians, Slovakians, and Slovenians aren't as colorfully Nordic as the one you've posted.

If I saw the photos you've posted without context I would just assume they were Russian. Most Georgians I know just look like a cross between slightly lighter Armenians and slightly darker Albanians. I think Georgian and caucasus genetics is interesting though.

I agree with the guy who said Georgia is diverse in looks. Everyone on the Georgian national football team has a unique Georgian look to me though, they are what I identify with Georgians:


02-17-2018, 05:31 PM
No they are not. No offence, but it's kind of obvious you cherrypicked the girls for the morph. Even the morphs for Croatians, Slovakians, and Slovenians aren't as colorfully Nordic as the one you've posted.

They are not nordics, they are local caucasian light types, some of them can give pseudo nordic vibe, but they are not.

02-17-2018, 06:03 PM
No they are not. No offence, but it's kind of obvious you cherrypicked the girls for the morph. Even the morphs for Croatians, Slovakians, and Slovenians aren't as colorfully Nordic as the one you've posted.

Georgia is fairly close to Russia so why shouldn't they have similarities with Russians also?

Why are you so desperatly arguing about if Greeks or Georgians are paler what will you achieve or what will it be good for if Greeks would be paler than Georgians?

02-17-2018, 06:11 PM
https://a.radikal.ru/a32/1802/b4/ff7c79599bb0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

I'll take these two. Thanks. Nosferatu should hire u to post "hotter" pictures. She is lacking testesterone so she can't post right ones. :)

02-17-2018, 06:13 PM
Why are you so desperatly arguing about if Greeks or Georgians are paler what will you achieve or what will it be good for if Greeks would be paler than Georgians?

I never said anything about Greeks in this thread dude, what is your problem?

02-17-2018, 06:18 PM
No they are not. No offence, but it's kind of obvious you cherrypicked the girls for the morph. Even the morphs for Croatians, Slovakians, and Slovenians aren't as colorfully Nordic as the one you've posted.

If I saw the photos you've posted without context I would just assume they were Russian. Most Georgians I know just look like a cross between slightly lighter Armenians and slightly darker Albanians. I think Georgian and caucasus genetics is interesting though.

I agree with the guy who said Georgia is diverse in looks. Everyone on the Georgian national football team has a unique Georgian look to me though, they are what I identify with Georgians:

Many Georgians look Slavic.

02-17-2018, 06:21 PM
I'll take these two. Thanks. Nosferatu should hire u to post "hotter" pictures. She is lacking testesterone so she can't post right ones. :)

It's not a lack of testosterone it's just a luck of male chromosomes :))

02-17-2018, 06:22 PM
I never said anything about Greeks in this thread dude, what is your problem?

Not nordic and not caspid.
Pontid+mtebid mix.
In pigmentation greeks are closer to armenians and azerbsijanians, than georgians are actually.

No they are not. No offence, but it's kind of obvious you cherrypicked the girls for the morph. Even the morphs for Croatians, Slovakians, and Slovenians aren't as colorfully Nordic as the one you've posted.

If I saw the photos you've posted without context I would just assume they were Russian. Most Georgians I know just look like a cross between slightly lighter Armenians and slightly darker Albanians. I think Georgian and caucasus genetics is interesting though.

I agree with the guy who said Georgia is diverse in looks. Everyone on the Georgian national football team has a unique Georgian look to me though, they are what I identify with Georgians:


02-17-2018, 06:40 PM
Many Georgians look Slavic.

Many women who have a classical Georgian look and look uber Georgian to me are called ,,Slavic or Russian looking'' here so apparently you're right.

02-17-2018, 06:41 PM
I'll take these two. Thanks. Nosferatu should hire u to post "hotter" pictures. She is lacking testesterone so she can't post right ones. :)

Sure, you are welcome :)

https://a.radikal.ru/a07/1802/13/c58e2d54f5fb.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-17-2018, 06:54 PM

Thanks for proving my point, please stop following me around this forum, thank you.

02-17-2018, 07:06 PM
Sure, you are welcome :)

https://a.radikal.ru/a07/1802/13/c58e2d54f5fb.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

Let's make a competition.

https://d.radikal.ru/d17/1802/98/86104c34419f.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b20/1802/2b/4d2594245028.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a36/1802/32/d9c6bd486cfd.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a05/1802/b9/36666794e35e.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b12/1802/3b/b40219dcd0f2.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d09/1802/6d/4a5e491cf7af.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://c.radikal.ru/c16/1802/1b/095955a4d96a.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-17-2018, 08:58 PM
Let's make a competition.

I win.
https://b.radikal.ru/b34/1802/cf/ea8597d4bb1d.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-17-2018, 09:05 PM
It seems to me that Georgians are the lighest looking people in transcaucasia. Azeris tend to be the darkest of the group.

02-17-2018, 09:15 PM
Can my big brother pass in Georgia?

02-17-2018, 09:21 PM
Can my big brother pass in Georgia?

He can probably,mostly in Kakheti(south-east region)

Of course georgians are the lightest in that region.

02-17-2018, 09:29 PM
Lol, she looks like Alana Gagloeva.
A georgian politician with osetian roots.
http://s010.radikal.ru/i311/1711/df/f2253e9e6095.jpg (http://radikal.ru)

The Ossetian politician looks kinda Central Asian Turkic (at least from that angle).

02-17-2018, 09:35 PM
I win.
https://b.radikal.ru/b34/1802/cf/ea8597d4bb1d.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

She's hot can't argue with that :)

https://a.radikal.ru/a26/1802/37/1bfb449ae164.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://c.radikal.ru/c11/1802/8e/be8c124f940f.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://d.radikal.ru/d08/1802/35/df6a58c24736.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b20/1802/33/f22abf859685.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a27/1802/b1/533b2e5186f4.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-17-2018, 09:36 PM
Georgia is fairly close to Russia so why shouldn't they have similarities with Russians also?

The Russians that live in the regions neighboring Georgia/Caucasia are colonists so aren't representative for natives of that region. Georgia isn't close to the native lands of Russians.

02-17-2018, 09:45 PM
^Russia borders Georgia. They're right next to each other.

02-17-2018, 09:46 PM
^Russia borders Georgia. They're right next to each other.

No shit. But the Russians living there aren't native. Learn some English.

02-17-2018, 09:54 PM
No shit. But the Russians living there aren't native. Learn some English.

You just said that "Georgia isn't close to the native lands of Russians." It's you that can't read. I'm just stating the facts.

If they consider themselves Georgians, then they're Georgians.

02-17-2018, 09:57 PM
You just said that "Georgia isn't close to the native lands of Russians." It's you that can't read. I'm just stating the facts.

:picard1: The native lands of Russians are here (in purple and maybe some blue/orange): https://ribttes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Russian-Map.jpgp

If they consider themselves Georgians, then they're Georgians.


02-17-2018, 10:00 PM
:picard1: The native lands of Russians are here (in purple and maybe some blue/orange): https://ribttes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Russian-Map.jpgp


Page not found and that's not an argument.


Religious affiliation and culture is an important factor here, something that you don't seem to understand.

02-17-2018, 10:24 PM
They look eastern euro and actually much lighter hair and eyes than us

brennus dux gallorum
02-17-2018, 10:27 PM
BTW female classification, especially in terms of morphs is not easy, as makeup makes them looking closer to each other, something that doesn't apply for males

02-17-2018, 10:39 PM
Page not found and that's not an argument.


USA also borders Mexico. Just like Europeans aren't native to the US, Russians aren't native to the Caucasus.

Btw, I am not denying that some Georgians can look Russian. But them looking like that has nothing to do with Russia sharing a political border with Georgia.

Here is a better image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Russia_macro_regions_map.png (Russians are native mainly to the purple region)

Religious affiliation and culture is an important factor here, something that you don't seem to understand.

What does that have to do with what I said? You really should learn some English. You have no idea what I am talking about and just going off an irrelevant tangent.

02-17-2018, 11:03 PM
USA also borders Mexico. Just like Europeans aren't native to the US, Russians aren't native to the Caucasus.

What kind of retarded analogy is that? America as a nation was founded by European settlers. Most people in America are of European origins. You're an extraordinarily dumb individual.

Btw, I am not denying that some Georgians can look Russian. But them looking like that has nothing to do with Russia sharing a political border with Georgia.

Here is a better image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Russia_macro_regions_map.png (Russians are native mainly to the purple region)

There is an overlap so you can't deny it even if you wanted to. Russia sharing a border with Georgia means that ethnic Russians share a border with ethnic Georgians. Otherwise, why would there be an overlap between them in the first place?

What does that have to do with what I said? You really should learn some English. You have no idea what I am talking about and just going off an irrelevant tangent.

Is that the best response that you have, to argue that I should learn some English? You're asking me, what does culture and religion have to do with anything? Really? It means that they're possibly an assimilated population (which works because they have a similar religious and cultural background) from God knows when. Or perhaps genetically they're not even Slavic, they may just share the same phenotypes. But hey, if we go by the retarded argument that you're putting forward, since you claim the Russians don't live in that border region, there shouldn't be an overlap in the first place. And yet, there's an overlap.

Maybe you shouldn't talk about things you have little to no understanding of.

02-17-2018, 11:14 PM
What kind of retarded analogy is that? America as a nation was founded by European settlers. Most people in America are of European origins. You're an extraordinarily dumb individual.

Dumbass, the Russians in the Caucasus are descended from settlers. Similar to how Europeans in USA are descended from settlers.

There is an overlap so you can't deny it even if you wanted to. Russia sharing a border with Georgia means that ethnic Russians share a border with ethnic Georgians. Otherwise, why would there be an overlap between them in the first place?

Yes, there is an overlap. But not because "Russia" borders Georgia. The part of Russia that borders Georgia is Circassia, Chechen, etc. land and the land north of it wasn't either originally Russian.

Is that the best response that you have, to argue that I should learn some English? You're asking me, what does culture and religion have to do with anything? Really? It means that they're possibly an assimilated population (which works because they have a similar religious and cultural background) from God knows when. Or perhaps genetically they're not even Slavic, they may just share the same phenotypes. But hey, if we go by the retarded argument that you're putting forward, since you claim the Russians don't live in that border region, there shouldn't be an overlap in the first place. And yet, there's an overlap.

Maybe you shouldn't talk about things you have little to no understanding of.

Russians didn't have a significant impact on the Georgian gene pool. Native Georgians with no Slavic blood can look Slavic.

There's an overlap (however small it may be) between Greeks and Spaniards even though they don't border each other and are genetically not close to each other.

02-17-2018, 11:24 PM
Dumbass, the Russians in the Caucasus are descended from settlers. Similar to how Europeans in USA are descended from settlers.

So what? How long ago was that? How does that even support the retarded argument that you're making? Also, I don't know if you're upset because of something I said or if you suffering the symptoms of withdrawal from bachabazi.

Yes, there is an overlap. But not because "Russia" borders Georgia. The part of Russia that borders Georgia is Circassia, Chechen, etc. land and the land north of it wasn't either originally Russian.

How does any of that make any of the people posted in this thread, not Georgians? You don't even know if they're genetically distinct or slavic.

Russians didn't have a significant impact on the Georgian gene pool. Native Georgians with no Slavic blood can look Slavic.

So why are you then claiming that these people are not Georgians? You're contradicting yourself and you don't even realize it.

02-17-2018, 11:27 PM
So what? How long ago was that? How does that even support the retarded argument that you're making? Also, I don't know if you're upset because of something I said or if you suffering the symptoms of withdrawal from bachabazi.

Russia bordering Georgia means nothing if they're not native there.

Similarly, China bordering Afghanistan means nothing if the Chinese people living in the part of Afghanistan are not native.

How does any of that make any of the people posted in this thread, not Georgians? You don't even know if they're genetically distinct or slavic.


So why are you then claiming that these people are not Georgians?

Where did I claim that? Typical illiterate slum-dwelling South Asian liar.

02-17-2018, 11:40 PM
Russia bordering Georgia means nothing if they're not native there.

Similarly, China bordering Afghanistan means nothing if the Chinese people living in the part of Afghanistan are not native.

Flawed analogy. The vast majority of Chinese don't look a thing like Afghans. Whereas there is a significant population of Georgians that look Slavic.


Where did I claim that? Typical illiterate slum-dwelling South Asian liar.

Pot calling the kettle black, eh? What'd you do in your spare time? Fcuk goats?

02-17-2018, 11:43 PM
Russia bordering Georgia means nothing if they're not native there.

And you think Georgians got no admixture from Russians or Russians from Georgians over
the centuries?

02-17-2018, 11:49 PM
Flawed analogy. The vast majority of Chinese don't look a thing like Afghans. Whereas there is a significant population of Georgians that look Slavic.

Yes, Georgians can look Slavic. But that has nothing to do with sharing a border. Borders are just political constructs. Some Italians (a small minority) can also look Slavic.

02-17-2018, 11:49 PM
And you think Georgians got no admixture from Russians or Russians from Georgians over
the centuries?

Not really. If they did, the amount would be insignificant. It's possible to look Russian with zero Russian ancestry.

02-17-2018, 11:55 PM
Not really. If they did, the amount would be insignificant. It's possible to look Russian with zero Russian ancestry.

I love to see how alot of people in these discussions measure with double standards
when it comes to these things

When i see them talking about the Greek Mainland which is much more far away from Russia or the Steppes than Georgia they
always talk about Slavic like Northern admixture and Invadors from the Steppes who left their language and genetic footprint

Seems as if they don't care at all about the subjects itself but post on intent whatever serves their particular interests

02-17-2018, 11:57 PM
I love to see how alot of people in these discussions measure with double standards
when it comes to these things

When i see them talking about the Greek Mainland which is much more far away from Russia or the Steppes than Georgia they
always talk about Slavic like Northern admixture and Invadors from the Steppes who left their language and genetic footprint

Seems as if they don't care at all about the subjects itself but post on intent whatever serves their particular interests

Slavs mass settled in Greece (though many were expelled later). There's a reason why some north Greeks cluster with Slav-Maks and Bulgars.

Slavs didn't mass settle in Georgia. They just conquered Georgia. There wasn't a recorded massive migration from Russia to Georgia like there was from Central Europe to Southeast Europe.

02-18-2018, 12:06 AM
Slavs mass settled in Greece (though many were expelled later). There's a reason why some north Greeks cluster with Slav-Maks and Bulgars.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-18-2018, 12:58 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There was a mass migration of Slavs: http://www.historyofmacedonia.org/AncientMacedonia/greekmyth.html

You can argue how much Slavs settled there since many were expelled later, but a migration did happen.

02-18-2018, 01:10 AM
There was a mass migration of Slavs: http://www.historyofmacedonia.org/AncientMacedonia/greekmyth.html

You can argue how much Slavs settled there since many were expelled later, but a migration did happen.


02-18-2018, 01:40 AM
I love Georgian culture. You guys are definitely "white" to me. Yes, I have met Georgians in person. I can't wait to visit for an extended period of time and watch your lovely dances in person.

Much love, ME. :D ;)

02-18-2018, 03:40 AM
There is no significant influence from russians in Georgia. What you call slavic, or russian is just light caucasian.
This women is from Svaneti, the most 'pure'georgian, for many centuries they lived isolated. Do you think she has french grandmother, or austrian grandfather, because she can pas in most parts of west europe? But she is geneticaly almost pure west asian person.
https://c.radikal.ru/c20/1802/cb/6f6acfd701e1.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-18-2018, 03:46 AM
No actually russians impacted georgians, but not in the way you think.
During Russian empire they brought a lot if armenians from Osman empire, there was a time, when georgians were minority in Tbilisi, because of huge armenian migration. Finally many of them changed there names and became georgians.
But that is true for east Georgia, western part is still almost 95% georgian.

Not a Cop
02-18-2018, 03:53 AM
They look eastern euro and actually much lighter hair and eyes than us

That's just cherrypicked photos, on average there is no significant difference between Georgians and Southern Balkantes in pigmentation.

So what? So called west asian component is just csucasian component and leads among georgians, abkhazians, circasians and is closer to north euro component, than south euro is to north euro.

It's not closer, georgians have way less WHG than any South European.

02-18-2018, 04:11 AM
It's not closer, georgians have way less WHG than any South European.

Thats what I am saying. Despite this they are lighter than most of south europe. Why? Because west asian component itself do not make people darker, otherwise geos and circasians should be the most dark pigmented population in the region.
Caucasians can be light without north euro.

02-18-2018, 04:43 AM
There is no significant influence from russians in Georgia. What you call slavic, or russian is just light caucasian.
This women is from Svaneti, the most 'pure'georgian, for many centuries they lived isolated. Do you think she has french grandmother, or austrian grandfather, because she can pas in most parts of west europe? But she is geneticaly almost pure west asian person.
https://c.radikal.ru/c20/1802/cb/6f6acfd701e1.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

She can't pass in West Europe, she just looks caucasus to me man. You don't think she would pass in surrounding Caucasus countries rather...?



02-18-2018, 04:56 AM
She can't pass in West Europe, she just looks caucasus to me man. You don't think she would pass in surrounding Caucasus countries rather...?



I think she pass in central Europe or France before Azerbaijan.
Though after Georgia the best place where she fit is Kabardino Balkaria of Russia.

https://d.radikal.ru/d13/1802/39/db4769d42292.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-18-2018, 04:59 AM
I think she pass in central Europe or France before Azrebaijan.

https://d.radikal.ru/d13/1802/39/db4769d42292.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

Or in Balkans

02-18-2018, 05:26 AM
Another girls from Svaneti.
The most west asian population.
https://c.radikal.ru/c03/1802/3d/3078c6620bd7.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b14/1802/37/7128f303ad9d.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-18-2018, 05:33 AM
She can't pass in West Europe, she just looks caucasus to me man. You don't think she would pass in surrounding Caucasus countries rather...?



I think she could pass as atypical in the southern part of Central Europe and maybe France.

02-18-2018, 05:35 AM
I think she pass in central Europe or France before Azerbaijan.
Though after Georgia the best place where she fit is Kabardino Balkaria of Russia.

You are crazy if you think she would pass anywhere in Europe. She is Taurid/Armenid, has a clearly Caucasus look that is foreign to nearly every European ethnicity, let alone central Europe. The last girl you posted would probably pass perfectly fine on the other hand.

I think she could pass as atypical in the southern part of Central Europe and maybe France.

I've never seen an Armenid Frenchman, Slovene, or Austrian in my life. She just looks Caucasian to me. I don't know if users on here are trolling me with some of their posts on here the past 2 days or if I'm just going crazy...

On a side note, I've never seen a Yamna-looking European before either but it's clear they got a lot of their features from some west Asian population.


02-18-2018, 05:53 AM
double post

02-18-2018, 06:03 AM
double post

You are probably kidding if you think this girl is armenid.
https://c.radikal.ru/c35/1802/27/b12c38578ebe.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

Let me remind you what is armenid.

https://b.radikal.ru/b31/1802/e7/76e49df1e0e0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

02-18-2018, 06:23 AM
The Georgian woman looks more Alpine than Armenoid

02-18-2018, 07:11 AM
You are probably kidding if you think this girl is armenid.

Let me remind you what is armenid

First girl is Armenid and im not kidding. That second girl is Iranid.

'Mtebid' is a completely made up taxon, they are just slightly modified Armenids, but the differences are so minor that they don't justify constituting a new race. Its like saying a German alpine is different from a Serbian alpine because they 'look different', in which case we should just get rid of the word Alpine all together and start using words like Serbid and Germanid or Germano-Alpinid - none of these make sense because classes/taxons aren't supposed to be region specific.

Long face, high-rooted or convex nose, high cheek bones, etc. these are all armenid traits. The girl you posted has them all. All anthropologists who wrote about the armenid race recognized it as one of the main races among all West Asian and Caucasus people including Georgains.

If they named it "Georgid" you would have no problem with me classifying her as such.

02-18-2018, 07:22 AM

02-18-2018, 08:05 AM
Pale or light olive skin, brown/light brown hair, mostly hazel eyes, wide face, medium height, narrow eyes, thick eyebrows etc.

02-18-2018, 11:02 AM
First girl is Armenid and im not kidding. That second girl is Iranid.

'Mtebid' is a completely made up taxon, they are just slightly modified Armenids, but the differences are so minor that they don't justify constituting a new race. Its like saying a German alpine is different from a Serbian alpine because they 'look different', in which case we should just get rid of the word Alpine all together and start using words like Serbid and Germanid or Germano-Alpinid - none of these make sense because classes/taxons aren't supposed to be region specific.

Long face, high-rooted or convex nose, high cheek bones, etc. these are all armenid traits. The girl you posted has them all. All anthropologists who wrote about the armenid race recognized it as one of the main races among all West Asian and Caucasus people including Georgains.

If they named it "Georgid" you would have no problem with me classifying her as such.


https://c.radikal.ru/c01/1802/3f/00bb08e190a1.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://b.radikal.ru/b36/1802/14/d7f91e60dfa7.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://c.radikal.ru/c14/1802/3b/173a92d6ce20.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

It's pretty entertaining for me to observe people with deep inferiority complexes here.

Not a Cop
02-18-2018, 11:11 AM
Thats what I am saying. Despite this they are lighter than most of south europe. Why? Because west asian component itself do not make people darker, otherwise geos and circasians should be the most dark pigmented population in the region.
Caucasians can be light without north euro.

Pigmentation is controlled by a very few SNPs, so it's possible to be West-Asian and dark like Azeris or Armenians. Depigmentation itself is a complex process, involving many factors.

02-18-2018, 11:30 AM
Pigmentation is controlled by a very few SNPs, so it's possible to be West-Asian and dark like Azeris or Armenians. Depigmentation itself is a complex process, involving many factors.

Armenians and Azeris are darker not because of west asian admixture, they are darker because they have extra semitic and south asian admixtures, that most of Georgians and nord caucasians lack, or have very few.

02-18-2018, 11:46 AM
You are probably kidding if you think this girl is armenid.
https://c.radikal.ru/c35/1802/27/b12c38578ebe.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

Let me remind you what is armenid.

https://b.radikal.ru/b31/1802/e7/76e49df1e0e0.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

She has some 'pamirid' influence

Porn Master
02-22-2018, 07:16 PM
She has some 'pamirid' influence
