View Full Version : Ex-pat Views of Finland under Survey

The Ripper
01-12-2011, 11:44 AM
The University Consortium of Pori has launched a study to determine how ex-pat Finns view their home country. The aim is to find out what it would take for Finns living abroad to return home.

Researchers are also interested in learning what children of ex-pats think of Finland. The project has seen an enthusiastic response so far. In the past three weeks alone, some 500 Finns overseas have completed the online survey. Most responses stem from Europe, but many are also from Australia and the United States.

The survey will be open online through mid-February.


01-13-2011, 07:58 PM
Did you notice that the author of the survey is Tarja Laine, one of PeterThaGreat's permasources for Finns' "inferior-complex" and "messianic self-believe"?

Laine's English seems to be almost up to PTG'an standards:

Please give reasons for your visits to Finland.

My circle of friends include:

What do you prefer to be the most positive in Finland?

What do you prefer to be the most negative in Finland?

In the end you have a possibility to tell your "Own Story" - your life as an expat Finn

The Ripper
01-14-2011, 05:26 AM
I'm not at all acquainted with Laine.

Motörhead Remember Me
01-14-2011, 06:50 AM
Did you notice that the author of the survey is Tarja Laine, one of PeterThaGreat's permasources for Finns' "inferior-complex" and "messianic self-believe"?

Laine's English seems to be almost up to PTG'an standards:

Intresting. Laine seems to be digging the same grounds as Dutton.
This intriguing study . . . challenges the myth of Finnish uniqueness through a remarkably direct approach . . . The study itself becomes unique by means of an original and distinctive form of argumentation.'

Dr Tarja Laine, Amsterdam University.

She was right about Duttons originality, the man mixed all strangest myths (some based on Laestadian hearsay) I never knew about in one bag and used a methodology which is close to desperation to prove them right. His distintive form of argumentation was distinct in the sense that he argued around an invented subject using fictional myths.

I found this piece:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?hl=fi&lr=&safe=active&q=cache:ZLVLZPz4LUUJ:http://www.leido.nl/nieuwsbrief/documents/TertiaryeducationinFinlandishighlyregardedworldwid e.doc+edward+dutton+tarja+laine&ct=clnk

It seems he cannot quit his obsession about analysing Finns from the race perspective as he has recycled his "findings" in virtually every article he's written. Here he also uses his old friends Laine and Janhunen again and again. The man is not an academic, he's lost in a parallel universe.