View Full Version : Valhalla Rising(2009).

02-15-2009, 11:17 PM

Mute slave HARALD escapes his Scottish masters with the help of 10 year old ARE, torturing and killing them before joining a band of dispossessed Vikings. They go to sea, determined to return to Scandinavia to fight the spread of Christianity, but for HARALD the journey is also a personal one to discover his own origins. Caught in a terrible storm, the group drift in fog for 40 days until, on the verge of death, they find themselves in a freshwater river. The land seems at once strange yet familiar.

When they come under attack by unseen assailants, the groups' quest for their homeland takes on a bitter urgency as one-by-one they succumb to the onslaught, dying at the hands of the invisibles. Worse, they are no clearer about where they are or if this place even exists outside their imagination. Have they finally reached the new world, or Valhalla?

Meanwhile, HARALDS's search for identity is compromised when ARE is captured. As the enemy reveal themselves, HARALD realises he has finally found his identity but at too high a price. As ARE’s life is threatened, HARALD is faced with an impossible choice; save the boy or save his soul?

There is no video for it as yet, or one that I could find at least, but I did come across this woman's video diary of her experience being the assistant to the director.
It seems quite interesting to watch.


02-16-2009, 12:16 AM
Something just did not seem right when a Viking's "head" is kept in a pink shopping bag.

10-13-2009, 11:57 PM

10-14-2009, 12:04 AM
So, is this not the movie adaptation of Clive Cussler's novel of the same name?:( I know that the Dirk Pitt novels are hokey but they're still fun!

10-14-2009, 01:07 AM
Nicolas Winding Refn calls it a sci-fi movie.

He says: "Historical film quickly becomes cumbersome, because it is more about correctness. There are exceptional historical films, but it is a hard nut to crack because it is subject to many restrictions in terms of how it was. The fun by doing science fiction, is that you have to guess what will happen".