View Full Version : Classify persian reconstruction

12-06-2017, 12:09 AM
5000 years ago before any Indo-iranian migration



12-06-2017, 12:10 AM
is that an eyepatch?

12-06-2017, 12:10 AM
is that an eyepatch?

Artificial eye

12-06-2017, 12:11 AM
turanid ;)

12-06-2017, 12:12 AM
She looks more Caucasian than the average Persian does today

Classification: Ancient Iranian pirate

12-06-2017, 12:13 AM
She looks more Caucasian than the average Persian does today

Classification: Ancient Iranian pirate

Yea, probably when CHG-like population was rolling into the region.

12-06-2017, 12:14 AM
Yea, probably when CHG-like population was rolling into the region.

They were already present during Mesolithic times, looks like she has low Angry Negrito admixture :laugh:

12-06-2017, 12:14 AM
They were already present during Mesolithic times, looks like she has low Angry Negrito admixture :laugh:


12-06-2017, 12:19 AM
They were already present during Mesolithic times, looks like she has low Angry Negrito admixture :laugh:

Scythian reconstruction 2500 years ago


12-06-2017, 12:20 AM
Scythian reconstruction 2500 years ago


Lmfao, its broken xD

12-06-2017, 12:20 AM

12-06-2017, 12:20 AM
Scythian reconstruction 2500 years ago



12-06-2017, 12:22 AM

Who tf are those?

12-06-2017, 12:22 AM
Who tf are those?

Bronze age eurasian scythians

12-06-2017, 12:24 AM


12-06-2017, 12:25 AM
Bronze age eurasian scythians

Looks like Uralic people, @Ded Mazai's ancient relatives xD

12-06-2017, 12:29 AM
Looks like Uralic people, @Ded Mazai's ancient relatives xD


The Beauty of Loulan, a 3000-4000 year-old mummy of a woman with red hair and Indo-European features found in the Tien Shan Mountains in northwest China. She was either a member of a proto-Iranian tribe or a proto-Celtic group that had migrated eastwards along with the proto-Iranians. The left photo is a resconstruction of how she would have appeared in life. irandokht - Culture & History

12-06-2017, 12:30 AM

The Beauty of Loulan, a 3000-4000 year-old mummy of a woman with red hair and Indo-European features found in the Tien Shan Mountains in northwest China. She was either a member of a proto-Iranian tribe or a proto-Celtic group that had migrated eastwards along with the proto-Iranians. The left photo is a resconstruction of how she would have appeared in life. irandokht - Culture & History

I think this one is Tocharian

12-06-2017, 12:31 AM
I think this one is Tocharian

Yea, thats what I think too. I just copied the text

12-06-2017, 12:35 AM
Scythian reconstruction 2500 years ago

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/84/3c/b5/843cb5a2af073d5f06cea017b785c33d.jpgDid all Scythians look like this or was there variation? Scythians inhabited a very large area, there must've been some differences in appearance.

12-06-2017, 12:36 AM
Did all Scythians look like this or was there variation? Scythians inhabited a very large area, there must've been some differences in appearance.

Eastern Scythians were obviously a mix of East Eurasians and West Eurasians, probably something alike modern Bashkirs. But the rest could easily have looked like the reconstructions we see here.

12-06-2017, 12:39 AM
Eastern Scythians were obviously a mix of East Eurasians and West Eurasians, probably something alike modern Bashkirs. But the rest could easily have looked like the reconstructions we see here.They were absorbed by Turks and Slavs right? Damn these are my ancestors, lol.

12-06-2017, 12:41 AM

12-06-2017, 12:42 AM
They were absorbed by Turks and Slavs right? Damn these are my ancestors, lol.

Yes, they've been absorbed into Turkic, Slavic, Iranic and Indic populations. As for Slavs, they mostly assimilated Sarmatians, since the Scythians ironically were conquered and absorbed by Sarmatian tribes migrating Westward.

12-06-2017, 12:44 AM
Now I know why we Levantines are so very hairy. I guess these ancient pre-Iranic Iranians didn't simply just brought goats, cows and other animals to the Levant but they also mixed with the locals which is why the genetic isolated groups of the Levant and some Muslims like randomguy and myself are in between south-west and west asia genetically.

12-06-2017, 12:49 AM
Now I know why we Levantines are so very hairy. I guess these ancient pre-Iranic Iranians didn't simply just brought goats, cows and other animals to the Levant but they also mixed with the locals which is why the genetic isolated groups of the Levant and some Muslims like randomguy and myself are in between south-west and west asia genetically.

Randomguy can pass as a robust iranian lol

12-06-2017, 12:54 AM
Randomguy can pass as a robust iranian lol

Which can be said about my dad as well, and he very closely resembles your great grand father. Regardless on what others say, women in general love guys who are hairy. Hell, even my own mother told me that men who don't have any body hair looks very feminine and unmanly.

12-06-2017, 12:56 AM
Now I know why we Levantines are so very hairy. I guess these ancient pre-Iranic Iranians didn't simply just brought goats, cows and other animals to the Levant but they also mixed with the locals which is why the genetic isolated groups of the Levant and some Muslims like randomguy and myself are in between south-west and west asia genetically.

Mesolithic and Neolithic Iranians lacked both Anatolian and Levantine admixture but that showed up in Chalcolithic Iranians, I think one Chalcolithic Iranian even had 25% SW Asian admixture. SW Asian admixture has also been found in Anatolians, they basically spread that out all over Europe and West Asia too.

Natufian culture:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 SW_Asia 58.54
2 SW_Europe 34.81
3 West_Asia 3.66
4 East_Africa 2.64
5 NE_Europe 0.32
6 Oceania 0.03


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 SW_Europe 66.79
2 SW_Asia 19.62
3 West_Asia 11.97
4 NE_Europe 1.62

Neolithic Iranian:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asia 77.14
2 South_Asia 14.58
3 SW_Asia 4.38
4 West_Africa 2.96
5 Oceania 0.71
6 East_Africa 0.23

12-06-2017, 12:58 AM
Mesolithic and Neolithic Iranians lacked both Anatolian and Levantine admixture but that showed up in Chalcolithic Iranians, I think one Chalcolithic Iranian even had 25% SW Asian admixture. SW Asian admixture has also been found in Anatolians, they basically spread that out all over Europe and West Asia too.

Natufian culture:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 SW_Asia 58.54
2 SW_Europe 34.81
3 West_Asia 3.66
4 East_Africa 2.64
5 NE_Europe 0.32
6 Oceania 0.03


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 SW_Europe 66.79
2 SW_Asia 19.62
3 West_Asia 11.97
4 NE_Europe 1.62

Neolithic Iranian:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asia 77.14
2 South_Asia 14.58
3 SW_Asia 4.38
4 West_Africa 2.96
5 Oceania 0.71
6 East_Africa 0.23

Yeah, but I was talking abut the west Asian admixture among Levantines from Anatolia and Iran.

12-06-2017, 01:02 AM
Yeah, but I was talking abut the west Asian admixture among Levantines from Anatolia and Iran.

My point was that all these groups migrated and mixed with each other. Goats have been documented to be native in West Iran, "muh ancesturs" hunted them before they became farmers lol. As for hairiness, I can't say much since I'm not that hairy, but those Iranians might be the culprits xD

12-06-2017, 01:06 AM
K12 btw

1 Caucasus 35.66
2 Gedrosia 26.55
3 Southwest_Asian 14.09
4 North_European 8.17
5 South_Asian 6.03
6 Atlantic_Med 4.64
7 Sub_Saharan 2.21
8 Siberian 1.03
9 East_African 1.02
10 Northwest_African 0.6

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 72.6% Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) + 27.4% Pathan (HGDP) @ 3.68
2 93.1% Iranians (Behar) + 6.9% Russian_B (Behar) @ 4.07
3 92.7% Iranians (Behar) + 7.3% Ukranians (Yunusbayev) @ 4.08
4 93.7% Iranians (Behar) + 6.3% Lithuanian (Dodecad) @ 4.13
5 93.1% Iranians (Behar) + 6.9% Russian (HGDP) @ 4.13
6 93.3% Iranians (Behar) + 6.7% Belorussian (Behar) @ 4.14
7 92.9% Iranians (Behar) + 7.1% Mordovians (Yunusbayev) @ 4.15
8 93% Iranians (Behar) + 7% Mixed_Slav (Dodecad) @ 4.16
9 94.1% Iranians (Behar) + 5.9% Lithuanians (Behar) @ 4.18
10 77% Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) + 23% Jatt (Dodecad) @ 4.19
11 94.2% Iranians (Behar) + 5.8% Finnish (Dodecad) @ 4.23
12 94.1% Iranians (Behar) + 5.9% FIN30 (1000Genomes) @ 4.25
13 93.2% Iranians (Behar) + 6.8% Polish (Dodecad) @ 4.28
14 75% Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) + 25% Burusho (HGDP) @ 4.33
15 92.7% Iranians (Behar) + 7.3% Chuvashs (Behar) @ 4.36
16 90.2% Iranians (Behar) + 9.8% Romanians (Behar) @ 4.53
17 63.8% Georgia_Jews (Behar) + 36.2% Pathan (HGDP) @ 4.53
18 89.9% Iranians (Behar) + 10.1% Bulgarian (Dodecad) @ 4.55
19 87.1% Kurds (Yunusbayev) + 12.9% Brahmins_from_Uttar_Pradesh (Metspalu) @ 4.57
20 90.4% Iranians (Behar) + 9.6% Bulgarians (Yunusbayev) @ 4.6