View Full Version : Were early slavs pred nordid

12-06-2017, 01:23 AM
According to anthropologist Coon who lived in the mid of 20-th century: "On the whole, the Slavic racial type, as exemplified by skeletal series from Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Austria, and Russia, was reasonably uniform. In view of its geographical location, the Polish group probably represents most nearly the original form, while those who expanded southward and westward absorbed local Keltic and other Indo-European-speaking populations. The Slavs, like all the other Indo-European-speaking peoples whom we have been able to trace, were originally Nordic, and there is no suggestion in their early remains, in the regions studied, of the numerically predominant brachycephalic racial increments which today are considered typically Slavic. However, the Slavs who migrated to southern Hungary, like the Germanic Gepidae before them, mixed with a local short-statured, broad-faced, and broad-nosed brachycephalic people, who, antedating the historic arrival of the Magyars, were descended from the central Asiatic Avars.109 Most of the Slavs retained their original dolichocephalic cranial form until at the earliest the thirteenth, and the latest the fifteenth, century. At that time, those who inhabited Russia and central Europe grew progressively brachycephalic, at a rapid but consistent rate. Well-documented series from Bohemia and the Moscow government show how this change progressed from century to century, so that normal means of 73 to 75 rose as high as 83 by the nineteenth. Few Slavs were spared this change, which was parallel to that which affected the southern Germans and other peoples of central and eastern Europe. Although it took place in the full light of late mediaeval and modern history, no one fully satisfactory explanation has vet been offered."

Could someone also classify these reconstructions

12-06-2017, 01:25 AM
Ancient Slavs:


12-06-2017, 01:25 AM
Yes, with some Balto-CM elements.

12-06-2017, 01:28 AM
Yes, with some Balto-CM elements.

How could Baltid come I thought Baltid was a hybrid tpye Between Nordic Alpine and Lapp wouldnt this be more common in finno ugrics back in the day. Im betting that East Nordid was one of the most common phenotypes among them

12-06-2017, 01:31 AM
According to anthropologist Coon who lived in the mid of 20-th century: "On the whole, the Slavic racial type, as exemplified by skeletal series from Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Austria, and Russia, was reasonably uniform. In view of its geographical location, the Polish group probably represents most nearly the original form, while those who expanded southward and westward absorbed local Keltic and other Indo-European-speaking populations. The Slavs, like all the other Indo-European-speaking peoples whom we have been able to trace, were originally Nordic, and there is no suggestion in their early remains, in the regions studied, of the numerically predominant brachycephalic racial increments which today are considered typically Slavic. However, the Slavs who migrated to southern Hungary, like the Germanic Gepidae before them, mixed with a local short-statured, broad-faced, and broad-nosed brachycephalic people, who, antedating the historic arrival of the Magyars, were descended from the central Asiatic Avars.109 Most of the Slavs retained their original dolichocephalic cranial form until at the earliest the thirteenth, and the latest the fifteenth, century. At that time, those who inhabited Russia and central Europe grew progressively brachycephalic, at a rapid but consistent rate. Well-documented series from Bohemia and the Moscow government show how this change progressed from century to century, so that normal means of 73 to 75 rose as high as 83 by the nineteenth. Few Slavs were spared this change, which was parallel to that which affected the southern Germans and other peoples of central and eastern Europe. Although it took place in the full light of late mediaeval and modern history, no one fully satisfactory explanation has vet been offered."

Could someone also classify these reconstructions

Most of those reconstructions look something along the lines of proto-Nordid.

Crn Volk
12-06-2017, 01:32 AM
Yes and no



12-06-2017, 01:35 AM
Yes and no



South Slavs probably got darker pigmentation from mixing with Native Balkanites

12-06-2017, 01:36 AM
How could Baltid come I thought Baltid was a hybrid tpye Between Nordic Alpine and Lapp wouldnt this be more common in finno ugrics back in the day. Im betting that East Nordid was one of the most common phenotypes among them

I'm not sure but Baltid is a significant element in all Slavic nations. Must have been spread by early Slavs. Yes, early Slavs were mostly Nordid for sure. Skeletal remains and contemporary descriptions almost all describing them as a very blond people prove that beyond a doubt.

Grab the Gauge
12-06-2017, 03:39 AM
This Russian soldier with the blue-brown camoflauge shows a profile that exact IMO to early Slavs:


He also looks similar to some Scythian depictions:


12-06-2017, 05:27 AM
The Slavs are not unique - they have different roots !

1) Mesolithic - I2a - Prypjat area - Припятские болота
2) West Baltic - R1a1 - Z280
3) Western Slavic - R1a1 - M458
4) 2 + 3 had been followers (a result) of the Corded Ware Culture
5) Yamnaya descendants - R1b1
6) other admixture (Uralid, Central Asian, Caucasian, Eastern Mediterran, Dinarid,...)

Under these circumstances you cannot say - "this ist the Original Slav "!

12-06-2017, 05:35 AM
The soldier of #9 looks Northwestern Russian including the countries around from this area (Baltic states, Poland, Belarus, Czechia?, Ukraine?....)

12-06-2017, 05:43 AM
This graphic does not show exactly - what I mean - it shows approximately the connections
