View Full Version : Classify Saami singer

01-15-2011, 10:56 AM
Well, it is obligatory in our forum that everyone has to say at least a word about Saami:p
Classify this Saami singer from Finland Armi Flink.Pictures aren´t very good because the face isn´t neutral.Her phenotype looks different than the rest/most of Saami individuals I have seen in the forum.



01-15-2011, 11:13 AM
Her website with two more pictures:

Can everybody estimate how common or rare is her phenotype among Saamis IRL?

01-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Her website with two more pictures:

Rather ironical name for her website.

Anyway, she gives me a Russian vibe, more than a Saami vibe. I would classify her as Pontid+Lappid

01-15-2011, 11:33 AM
Rather ironical name for her website
You mean that the name of the website wants to say that she is darker than average Saami?

She looks me, how to say it, "more Mongoloid" than Saamis I have seen in pictures.

01-15-2011, 11:40 AM
You mean that the name of the website wants to say that she is darker than average Saami?

She looks me, how to say it, "more Mongoloid" than Saamis I have seen in pictures.

She's considerably darker than a Saami and she also doesn't look like an average Saami by facial structure.

01-15-2011, 11:48 AM
She's considerably darker than a Saami and she also doesn't look like an average Saami by facial structure.

Indeed. Samoyed influences?

01-15-2011, 12:02 PM
Well, it is obligatory in our forum that everyone has to say at least a word about Saami:p
Classify this Saami singer from Finland Armi Flink.Pictures aren´t very good because the face isn´t neutral.Her phenotype looks different than the rest/most of Saami individuals I have seen in the forum.



Eurasian. This woman has clear Mongoloid admixture:
- hair is black, a non-existent condition among Uralids
- skin is darkish, a non-existent condition among Uralids
Her whole face has more of a Mongoloid than Uralid vibe. She is one of those Lapps that show Samoyed admixture (which reaches its maximum in Kola Peninsula, where contact took place).

01-15-2011, 12:25 PM
Here is a very unintelligent thought - with the odd clothes and all she looks gypsyish.. or someone from a Latin-American soap opera.

01-15-2011, 12:29 PM
Yeah,those clothes remind me of the ones used by Gypsy women here in Finland.

01-15-2011, 12:31 PM
Here is a very unintelligent thought - with the odd clothes and all she looks gypsyish.. or someone from a Latin-American soap opera.
I think she is simply an classical or oldie-songs singer.That may explain the clothes.

The Ripper
01-15-2011, 12:35 PM
What makes you think a woman called Armi Flink dressed in Gypsy attire is Sámi? :confused:

She is obviously Romani.

The Ripper
01-15-2011, 12:36 PM
You mean that the name of the website wants to say that she is darker than average Saami?

She looks me, how to say it, "more Mongoloid" than Saamis I have seen in pictures.

Dark, tumma = gypsy.

01-15-2011, 12:44 PM
What makes you think a woman called Armi Flink dressed in Gypsy attire is Sámi? :confused:

She is obviously Romani.

Very nice and not suprising if you know your contry better than me but that does "Lapin neito" mean?

Lapin neito pokkasi palkintonsa

Hiljaa tulee hyvä latu, Lapin neito veistää.


The Ripper
01-15-2011, 12:48 PM
Very nice and not suprising if you know your contry better than me but that does "Lapin neito" mean?

A maiden of Lapland. It means she lives in Lapland. Lapin neiu in eesti. Needless to say, only a small minority of Laplanders are Sámi.


From your link:

Flinkin voitto oli IskelmäHimoksessa oli historiallinen, sillä ensimmäistä kertaa romaninainen voitti tämän kokoluokan laulukilpailun omana itsenään, romaniasussa esiintyen.

01-15-2011, 01:00 PM
Type in Armi Flink to google and tell me whats the first thing you find.
I did it just now and for me it was "Armi Flink, a gypsy from Lapland who came to the contest with her four sisters . . ."


01-15-2011, 01:00 PM
A maiden of Lapland. It means she lives in Lapland. Lapin neiu in eesti. Needless to say, only a small minority of Laplanders are Sámi.

It is a surprise for me that Finnish Gypsies live in Lappland as well.She looks me btw, different from Gypsies I have seen here.There is really something Lapid in her.The eyes are dark but the skin isn´t.

Is this name-Armi Flink- a typical Gypsy name in Finland btw?

01-15-2011, 01:04 PM
She really don't strike me as Saami looking either way.

The Ripper
01-15-2011, 01:06 PM
She's just another gypsy. A small, inbred population.


01-15-2011, 03:06 PM
So the reason why she doesn't look like a Saami is because she isn't one. Typical trollish classification thread created by esäimä.

The Ripper
01-15-2011, 03:12 PM
Is this name-Armi Flink- a typical Gypsy name in Finland btw?

Gypsies usually have somewhat distinctive names. The men at least tend to have "oldish" sounding, 19th century Finnish given names. Their surnames are almost always Swedish. Women tend to have more exotic-sounding first names. Armi Flink is quite a "typical" gypsy name.

01-15-2011, 03:13 PM
Proto-Finno-Ugrian. Very Estonian look.

01-15-2011, 03:25 PM
Proto-Finno-Ugrian. Very Estonian look.

How can an Aryan be a Proto-Finno-Ugrian? Gypsies are Indo-Europeans and belong into the Aryan branch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Aryan_languages).

01-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Proto-Finno-Ugrian. Very Estonian look.

lol ...she is a gypsy:eusa_shifty:
this woman is as Saami as Bongo from Kongo.

01-15-2011, 03:40 PM
Typical trollish classification thread created by esäimä.
Not a nice comment.
I made this thread out of curiosity.I had found the pics at random by googlesearching photos "lapin nainen", "lapin neito" or etc (I had thought it means "Saami woman" in Finnish but I was wrong).I thought seriously that she was Saami.

Don Brick
01-15-2011, 03:59 PM
What a bizarre thread. Esäimä, don´t you have any gypsies in Estonia? It doesn´t take a genius to tell that she´s one. Also if you´re looking for pictures of Saami women for God´s sake don´t you use the words "Lapin nainen" when searching on Google. Most people from Lapland (at least in Finland) are not Saami.

Don Brick
01-15-2011, 03:59 PM
Proto-Finno-Ugrian. Very Estonian look.

More like proto-Indo-European you doofus.

Don Brick
01-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Eurasian. This woman has clear Mongoloid admixture:
- hair is black, a non-existent condition among Uralids
- skin is darkish, a non-existent condition among Uralids
Her whole face has more of a Mongoloid than Uralid vibe. She is one of those Lapps that show Samoyed admixture (which reaches its maximum in Kola Peninsula, where contact took place).

Now she if anybody is a true Aryan. Not quite like what you had pictured in your fantasies, eh?

01-15-2011, 04:05 PM
Most people from Lapland (at least in Finland) are not Saami.

Same in Northern Sweden were the majority of people are Swedes, also the majority of people in Troms and Finnmark are Norwegians, Saami are a miniority in 'Sapmi'.

01-15-2011, 04:06 PM
What a bizarre thread. Esäimä, don´t you have any gypsies in Estonia?
We have practically no Gypsies or at least have them less than you have.There are a few Gypsies in my town, but they all may be from one family or relatives, look similar to each other and different than this Finnish individual.

01-15-2011, 05:52 PM
Not a nice comment.
I made this thread out of curiosity.I had found the pics at random by googlesearching photos "lapin nainen", "lapin neito" or etc (I had thought it means "Saami woman" in Finnish but I was wrong).I thought seriously that she was Saami.

That classification thread(on a different forum) about an Estonian who looked like Evi(an individual who is a Latvian and Siberian/Khanty mix, looks very foreign to this part of Europe) is still in mind.

You also posted Latvians(on a different forum) and claimed that they were Estonians.

Your ultimate goal is to post extremely dubious individuals and in many cases, they do not belong into that ethnicity. Like this "Saami", I'll also eat my hat if that Estonian woman you posted, is an ethnic Estonian without any recent admixture.

This all brings me to a conclusion that you have a truly wicked sense of humor. Posting semi-Siberian/Evi looking individuals as Estonians and Gypsies as Saamis. Your "humor" doesn't stop with this, there are many other aspects, like claiming that Estonians are culturally closer to Moldavians than to Swedes. There's a long list of things that you have posted to entertain yourself, but I'm not going to mention all of them.

01-15-2011, 06:14 PM
Proto-Finno-Ugrian. Very Estonian look.

Interesting. Never seen an Estonian like that.

:P Or are you saying this coz someone sayd she looked like Russian and you are trying to get back?

01-15-2011, 06:18 PM
Interesting. Never seen an Estonian like that.

:P Or are you saying this coz someone sayd she looked like Russian and you are trying to get back?

Austrvegr is your typical chauvinistic Russian, he strongly dislikes(hates might be the correct word) Estonians and Finno-Ugric people in general. Ignore him.

01-15-2011, 06:19 PM
What a bizarre thread. Esäimä, don´t you have any gypsies in Estonia? It doesn´t take a genius to tell that she´s one. Also if you´re looking for pictures of Saami women for God´s sake don´t you use the words "Lapin nainen" when searching on Google. Most people from Lapland (at least in Finland) are not Saami.

We do have gypsies , Ive known an gypsy family personally and at least here they dont have funny small eyes like the woman in this thread... So you would have to be some sort of genius to just look at someone and know exactly who they are.

01-15-2011, 06:25 PM
We do have gypsies

But Estonia probably has one of the smallest Gypsy populations in entire Europe. I have seen a Gypsy family once, they were sitting in a car with Lithuanian number plates.


01-15-2011, 06:26 PM
I have seen a Gypsy family once, they were sitting in a car with Lithuanian number plates.

Did you call the police?, prolly stolen.

01-15-2011, 06:27 PM
That classification thread(on a different forum) about an Estonian who looked like Evi(an individual who is a Latvian and Siberian/Khanty mix, looks very foreign to this part of Europe) is still in mind
You are introducing yourself at your profile as an Jääkülm Põhjalane i.e. Ice-Cold Northerner.Why you are reacting so emotionallyif you are so icecold.:confused:

About the woman: I did say: the woman looked different than average.

You also posted Latvians(on a different forum) and claimed that they were Estonians.:rolleyes:I didn´t claim there anything.

Like this "Saami", I'll also eat my hat if that Estonian woman you posted, is an ethnic Estonian without any recent admixture.
She is probably more Estonian than you because you are partly Swede.

like claiming that Estonians are culturally closer to Moldavians than to Swedes.
You permanently misuse my words, I have repeated it for many times.Moldovans aren´t close to Estonians than Swedes, I told you.
But as you know Moldova and Estonia are both exsoviets and thus they share some similarities really.For instance: there is a big gap in Estonian between men´s salary and women´s salary.The biggest one in European union.In the so called nordic countries that difference isn´t that big, but in Moldavia the gap exists.

01-15-2011, 06:41 PM
You are introducing yourself at your profile as an Jääkülm Põhjalane i.e. Ice-Cold Northerner.Why you are reacting so emotionallyif you are so icecold.:confused:

No one is being emotional.

About the woman: I did say: the woman looked different than average.

She looked like the offspring of some Tatar mongrel.

:rolleyes:I didn´t claim there anything.

Yes you did.

She is probably more Estonian than you because you are partly Swede.

I probably have less foreign ancestors than she does.

For instance: there is a big gap in Estonian between men´s salary and women´s salary.The biggest one in European union.In the so called nordic countries that difference isn´t that big, but in Moldavia the gap exists.

Men work harder and do more job in 1 hour than a woman does. Thus a 8 hour workday of a man is more valuable than a 8 hour workday of a woman. Estonia just hasn't been affected by this leftist/socialist plague yet and people get their wages for working, not because they are male or female.

The Ripper
01-15-2011, 06:43 PM
Men work harder and do more job in 1 hour than a woman does. Thus a 8 hour workday of a man is more valuable than a 8 hour workday of a woman. Estonia just hasn't been affected by this leftist/socialist plague yet and people get their wages for working, not because they are male or female.

This shit just doesn't fly in Nordic countries, I'm afraid.

01-15-2011, 06:46 PM
Did you call the police?, prolly stolen.

Being a Gypsy isn't enough to get arrested in the Republic of Estonia.

This shit just doesn't fly in Nordic countries, I'm afraid.

No shit. :)

01-15-2011, 06:46 PM
Men work harder and do more job in 1 hour than a woman does.Thus a 8 hour workday of a man is more valuable than a 8 hour workday of a woman. Estonia just hasn't been affected by this leftist/socialist plague yet and people get their wages for working, not because they are male or female.

wellcome back to 19th century, Karl

This shit just doesn't fly in Nordic countries, I'm afraid.
maybe in Moldova?

No shit.
You support sexual discrimination?A very Nordic attitude, indeed....:rolleyes:

01-15-2011, 06:50 PM
wellcome back to 19th century, Karl

If men and women would be identical, then we would have men and women running side-by-side in the Olympics.

01-15-2011, 06:53 PM
This shit just doesn't fly in Nordic countries, I'm afraid.


01-15-2011, 06:53 PM
If men and women would be identical, then we would have men and women running side-by-side in the Olympics.
Yeah, but the winner gets a golden medal and here have been no olympics since now where woman athlete who wins gets 1/2 medal.

01-15-2011, 06:53 PM
You support sexual discrimination?A very Nordic attitude, indeed....:rolleyes:

On the contrary, I do not support sexual discrimination. I do not support certain groups of people getting special privileges, just because they are a member of that group(women, affirmative action for non-whites in America etc).

Yeah, but the winner gets a golden medal and here have been no olympics since now where woman athlete who wins gets 1/2 medal.

My point was that women compete separately from men, for obvious reasons.

01-15-2011, 11:33 PM
Men work harder and do more job in 1 hour than a woman does. Thus a 8 hour workday of a man is more valuable than a 8 hour workday of a woman. Estonia just hasn't been affected by this leftist/socialist plague yet and people get their wages for working, not because they are male or female.

Thanks, I appreciate your attitude. You sound just lovely.

01-16-2011, 10:58 AM
Thanks, I appreciate your attitude. You sound just lovely.

I am completely prepared for the very hostile reactions to my posts by a certain group of people.

Leaving the different sexes aside, should person A, who does more work in 8 hours than person B, get a bigger wage than person B?

The Ripper
01-16-2011, 11:03 AM
I am completely prepared for the very hostile reactions to my posts by a certain group of people.

Leaving the different sexes aside, should person A, who does more work in 8 hours than person B, get a bigger wage than person B?

Do you have something to back it up with? I don't find it unlikely that in some fields men do put in more hours / effort / work, but you're so convinced it would be nice to see some statistics and studies on the subjet.

01-16-2011, 11:06 AM
I am completely prepared for the very hostile reactions to my posts by a certain group of people.

Leaving the different sexes aside, should person A, who does more work in 8 hours than person B, get a bigger wage than person B?

Yea.. not leaving it aside.
Yeah.. so... how did you attain this information that men do more work in certain about of hours than a woman? Does a qualified woman work shittier on the same job as an unqualified man? How was this survey conducted? Sources please. If its true it should be quite easy to back it up. Only a fool goes loudmouthing around without any evidence.

01-16-2011, 11:15 AM
Do you have something to back it up with? I don't find it unlikely that in some fields men do put in more hours / effort / work, but you're so convinced it would be nice to see some statistics and studies on the subjet.

Yea.. not leaving it aside.
Yeah.. so... how did you attain this information that men do more work in certain about of hours than a woman? Does a qualified woman work shittier on the same job as an unqualified man? How was this survey conducted? Sources please. If its true it should be quite easy to back it up. Only a fool goes loudmouthing around without any evidence.

My opinion is the result of reading different researches(I read postimees.ee daily, at one point this was an active topic) and observing how things are in real life. There's a reason why Estonian men die almost 10 years earlier than the women, they work too much.

Anyway, one of the scariest things I have ever been through in my life is becoming under the wrath of a bunch of nutty feminists. Thus I'll end it right here and say that women should have 50% bigger wages than men. Because they're the pillars of our society and are also responsible for giving birth(which men aren't capable of doing). :)

Don Brick
01-16-2011, 11:15 AM
We do have gypsies , Ive known an gypsy family personally and at least here they dont have funny small eyes like the woman in this thread... So you would have to be some sort of genius to just look at someone and know exactly who they are.

Don´t the Estonian gypsies usually wear their traditional costumes? That´s what I was specifically referring to. She looks Romani otherwise as well.

01-16-2011, 11:17 AM
Don´t the Estonian gypsies usually wear their traditional costumes?

I don't think that they have traditional costumes in Estonian, they wear normal clothes just like us, human beings.

The Ripper
01-16-2011, 11:21 AM
Don´t the Estonian gypsies usually wear their traditional costumes? That´s what I was specifically referring to. She looks Romani otherwise as well.

I think Finnish gypsies are the only ones who wear such elaborate "traditional" costumes. I haven't seen Eastern European gypsies wear them.

Don Brick
01-16-2011, 11:25 AM
I think Finnish gypsies are the only ones who wear such elaborate "traditional" costumes. I haven't seen Eastern European gypsies wear them.

I know that most don´t wear such clothes in other parts of Europe, but since Estonia is so close I thought that maybe their traditions are similar...

01-16-2011, 12:27 PM
I know that most don´t wear such clothes in other parts of Europe, but since Estonia is so close I thought that maybe their traditions are similar...

There aren't enough Gypsies in Estonia for them to have their own traditions. There are about 500 of them here, scattered around the entire country and I have never seen an Estonian gypsy.

Contrary to Eastern-European countries, Estonia doesn't have a specific group of Gypsies.


01-17-2011, 03:52 PM
Heh, honestly I thought Gypsies have big eyes, not small and eastern-like that "Saami" woman has.

IMo, typical Gypsy looks something like this person http://www.samueljscott.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/gypsy-300x238.jpg

01-19-2011, 01:15 PM
I knew a gypsy family in Rakvere and they spoke their own language. Their first names were Gypsy like Peksi and Samira but their last name was Russian/Russianized.
I have seen some hanging around Narva street in Tallinn, too, again, speaking in their own language.