View Full Version : Que sigan bajando los sueldos

01-15-2011, 04:17 PM

Pues eso, que sigan bajando los sueldos a funcionarios a ver si los jueces actuan mucho y lo pagan electoralmente.

01-16-2011, 10:04 AM
The problem of Spain summed up is that once upon a time there were a party (FET-JONS) and a totalitarian state, both debatable but at least bearable. Nowadays there are 5-10 (relevant) parties (PSOE,PP,CiU,PNV,IU...) and 17+1 pseudodemocratic states with their correspondent crowd. And all sucking hard like parasites at our expenses. I'm myself a public servant by opposition (access proves) and, even I'm neither proud nor ashamed of it, what really gets on my nerves is I am worth, I'm the same that all of those people entering public administrations by unconfesable methods, once inside there's no difference between me and them. Well, in fact there's one: they used to be at better organizations, places and job conditions.:mad:

01-16-2011, 10:36 AM
The problem of Spain summed up is that once upon a time there were a party (FET-JONS) and a totalitarian state, both debatable but at least bearable. Nowadays there are 5-10 (relevant) parties (PSOE,PP,CiU,PNV,IU...) and 17+1 pseudodemocratic states with their correspondent crowd. And all sucking hard like parasites at our expenses. I'm myself a public servant by opposition (access proves) and, even I'm neither proud nor ashamed of it, what really gets on my nerves is I am worth, I'm the same that all of those people entering public administrations by unconfesable methods, once inside there's no difference between me and them. Well, in fact there's one: they used to be at better organizations, places and job conditions.:mad:

Hay una gran diferencia entre tu y los que entran a dedo, lo que cobrais unos y otros. Lo de la dedocracia es una vergüenza. Si yo pudiera acababa con los puestos a dedo (salvo contadas exepciones como secretarias de estado), las subvenciones a sindicatos, la financiacion publica de los partidos politicos y la intromision politica en el poder judicial. Y tb aunque quizas sea antidemocratico implantaba algun sacrificio para poder ejercer ese ejercicio de responsabilidad politica que es el votar. Es que es una vergüenza ver como muchos van a votar sin tener ni puñetera idea del programa del partido politico al que votan, ni del sistema electoral (se creen que hay circunscripcion nacional), o los que todavia votan a felipe gonzalez.

01-16-2011, 03:23 PM
Felipe Gonzalez es dios. Solo el era el unico en hacerlo todo rematadamente mal economicamente, robar por todos los lados , y crear grupos terroristas, y sin embargo ganar elecciones con mayoria absoluta.