View Full Version : EU to open 'job centre' in Africa

10-06-2008, 05:25 AM

Biggest financial crisis in Europe/America in our lifetimes, many jobs lost and record numbers unemployed. What do our governments do? Yes, you guessed it ... they open a job centre in Africa. :rolleyes:

10-06-2008, 06:36 AM
Yup, since Africa is renowned for its skilled workforce :D...

Says it all really :mad:...

The Dragonslayer
11-15-2008, 04:59 AM
That makes a lot of sense. lol Glad to see the European leaders are getting this sorted out over there. I'm sure Bush or Obama will decide to open a U.S one down in Mexico.

Arrow Cross
11-15-2008, 08:05 AM
These "leaders" will hang from lampposts one day.

11-15-2008, 11:03 AM

Bunch of traitors.

I've friends who can't find a job because of their age or education/workexperience, and these savages are permitted? :confused:

11-15-2008, 11:05 AM
The BBC's West Africa correspondent Will Ross says young Malians desperate for work would have hoped this new centre would be a recruitment agency, but at this point the EU is stressing that no specific job vacancies will be on offer.
At least there's that. It means there is still time for unemployed Europeans to put pressure on the EU not to extract workers from Africa.

[EU development commissioner Louis Michel] said a repressive response to migration was counter productive and dangerous because he said it would promote xenophobic or racist feelings.
What an idiot! Keeping foreigners out is not the source of these sentiments, it's being drowned in their numbers and alien culture - exactly the opposite.

11-15-2008, 02:35 PM
Overall, Negroes are a drag on the economy. Many in the US - especially college educated Negroes - tend to work in the public sector or in private sector jobs created by federal contracting laws. There is really no need for these jobs to exist except to provide employment & redistribute wealth to the Negroes. Not to mention the social costs asociated with their anti-social behavior.

White female labor is also wasted. Everyone of my female relatives with a 4-year college degree works for some branch of the government. In positions we could get along without. We don't properly utilize the labor force we already have, the last thing the West needs is more unskilled labor from the Third World.

11-15-2008, 03:06 PM
Nearly a quarter of a million (http://www.independent.ie/opinion/columnists/kevin-myers/hanafin-keeps-getting-it-all-so-horribly-wrong-1486439.html) unemployed in Ireland. Around 2 million (http://www.thisfrenchlife.com/thisfrenchlife/2008/09/record-spike-in.html) unemployed in France. Over 3 million (http://www.robert-schuman.org/breve.php?num=7498&typ=art) unemployed in Germany. 1.7 million (http://www.hwca.com/article.php?id=4344261) unemployed in the UK. I'm sure forcing the millions of unemployed EU citizens to compete with even more Third World immigrants will solve all our problems.

The Dragonslayer
11-15-2008, 04:14 PM
What gets me is the politicians, etc. who say that Mexican immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans won't do. That's a lot of bull. They are taking jobs away from American citizens. They also depress wages. They are a drag on the economy. Millions of dollars are spent due to illegal immigration. They also increase our crime. We need to be putting our people to work instead of bringing people in from the Third World.

11-15-2008, 04:22 PM
Nearly a quarter of a million (http://www.independent.ie/opinion/columnists/kevin-myers/hanafin-keeps-getting-it-all-so-horribly-wrong-1486439.html) unemployed in Ireland. Around 2 million (http://www.thisfrenchlife.com/thisfrenchlife/2008/09/record-spike-in.html) unemployed in France. Over 3 million (http://www.robert-schuman.org/breve.php?num=7498&typ=art) unemployed in Germany. 1.7 million (http://www.hwca.com/article.php?id=4344261) unemployed in the UK. I'm sure forcing the millions of unemployed EU citizens to compete with even more Third World immigrants will solve all our problems.

If you remove all those immigrants, every single European will have a job.

11-15-2008, 04:45 PM
If you remove all those immigrants, every single European will have a job.
Yeah but common sense doesn't make sense to the idiots in the EU. We need all these immigrants to keep wages down, or maintain competitiveness as they call it.

The Dragonslayer
11-16-2008, 04:58 PM
It's the same way here in the United States. We have at least probably 12 million illegal immigrants. The number could be much higher. If we removed them, there's no reason that every American couldn't have a job. It might not be a glamorous job, but it would pay the bills.