View Full Version : We are Winning -- PC Hysterics Aside

12-18-2017, 07:43 PM
They know we are winning

The PC Left, and Cuck Right and the Money Bags that they both front for ... they know they are losing. Their hysterics about 'racism' and 'hate' are merely projections of their own HATRED for us the historical Majority in the Western Lands. They mean to pillage us, and the terms they use are meant to force us into submission. The goal is to simply not care, and to remember that we can like the Hebrews simply leave Pharaoh's plantation.

This is their greatest fear: That YT will remember he is strong and does not need DC, PC, or $$$ since he is a builder, a creator and a dynamo that produces everything that $$$ can buy and many things that are not measured in $$$ like community, friendship, charity, loyalty, duty and the rest.
