View Full Version : Classify motocross champion

12-24-2017, 03:22 PM
He is Polish:




12-24-2017, 03:24 PM
Looks South Slavic

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12-24-2017, 03:26 PM
Looks South Slavic

A large random sample of 81 Polish guys was classified as South Slavic looking by a lot of users: http://i.imgur.com/fr1KJ31.png

I think it proves that South Slavs including Dinarids are more Slavic-descended than they think.

12-24-2017, 03:31 PM
Is he just Dinarid? I think not, I think Dinarid + something else.

What about the girl interviewing him? Classify her as well.

12-24-2017, 03:53 PM
Looks South Slavic

He looks Polish and Croat I guess:


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8400692_Craniometric_relationships_among_medieval_ Central_European_populations_Implications_for_Croa t_migration_and_expansion

BTW, he is not from Southern Poland.

12-24-2017, 06:16 PM
Cracile Med

12-24-2017, 06:21 PM
carpathid and dinarid.

12-24-2017, 06:26 PM
carpathid and dinarid.


12-24-2017, 06:47 PM
Is he just Dinarid? I think not, I think Dinarid + something else.

What about the girl interviewing him? Classify her as well.

who is she?

12-24-2017, 06:53 PM
He looks Croat.

Atlanto-Pontid + Dinarid.

12-24-2017, 06:55 PM
He looks Croat.

Atlanto-Pontid + Dinarid.

he looks like a lot of things, even british, french or irish in the second pic.

12-24-2017, 06:59 PM
A large random sample of 81 Polish guys was classified as South Slavic looking by a lot of users: http://i.imgur.com/fr1KJ31.png

I think it proves that South Slavs including Dinarids are more Slavic-descended than they think.

Yet this guy doesn't look anything like the rest of the Poles, and I've seen many of them here in England.
At least he is an atypical looking Pole...
Rate me, do I pass as a Pole...

12-24-2017, 07:09 PM
Yet this guy doesn't look anything like the rest of the Poles

Did you see those 81 Poles that I posted, or are you talking about Poles in England?

Rate me, do I pass as a Pole...

With your current avatar you don't pass. You look Greek IMO. But "exotic" people happen from time to time:


and I've seen many of them here in England.

But how do you recognize them as Poles? For example here is a Polish couple that lives in the UK:


12-24-2017, 07:30 PM
Did you see those 81 Poles that I posted, or are you talking about Poles in England?

With your current avatar you don't pass. You look Greek IMO. But exotic looks "happen" from time to time:


But how do you recognize them as Poles? For example here is a Polish couple that lives in the UK:


No, I haven't seen them to be honest, I was just talking about the Poles I've met in England.

And honestly I can't recognize that couple as Poles, I've even seen some Germans/Austrians looking as the guy on the picture.
Both of them can pass not only in the Balkan countries but also in Central Europe.
I can't see the eastern features on their faces...
But also the pictures can lie and the most certain way to tell someone apart is to see him in person.

12-24-2017, 07:40 PM
And honestly I can't recognize that couple as Poles

Well both of them have very typically Polish DNA results (both of them bought DNA tests - FTDNA).

As for geographical origin, the guy is:

33.33% - Mazovia
33.33% - Lesser Poland
16.67% - Greater Poland
16.67% - Polish Sudovia

The girl (his wife) is:

100% - Kociewie (Northern Poland)

Both of them can pass not only in the Balkan countries but also in Central Europe.

Poland is in Central Europe. But a lot of Poles look pseudo-Balkan as well, especially in Southern Poland.

She cannot really pass in the Balkans because she is blonde-haired.

12-24-2017, 07:49 PM
Here is this guy's DNA.Land:


Compared to 16 other Poles:


I'm number "3" on that list.

12-24-2017, 07:54 PM
She cannot really pass in the Balkans because she is blonde-haired.

Well mate, you probably haven't seen many Balkan people in your life than to be honest, as there are many blond people around the Balkans, you can find them in every Balkan country, not only the Slavic speaking countries, although not as many as in Northern Europe and Poland.

The blond hair however is not the sign to tell someone apart, but the facial features!
And also the girl looks like Sandra Bullock in the first picture, not because she has blond hair but because of her facial features!

12-24-2017, 07:58 PM
Here is this guy's DNA.Land:


Compared to 16 other Poles:


I'm number "3" on that list.

What this means is that phenotype and autosomal dna doesn't go hand in hand!

12-24-2017, 08:00 PM
What this means is that phenotype and autosomal dna doesn't go hand in hand!

Or that you have no idea how Polish people look like?

I posted here a lot of people from my family and from my region for classification, and lots of people also called them Non-Polish looking. My uncle was called German-looking, I was called Scottish-looking, etc. But the results were consistent, we all get similar anthropological types (mainly North Pontids in my region). So we are typical, contrary to what they claim. People here are just ignorant.

BTW, the girl I posted is 100% from this region (grandparents born in neighbouring villages):


12-24-2017, 08:03 PM
I can't see the eastern features on their faces...

She has chinky eyes, and he has a broad Baltid-influenced face. So they do have eastern features.

They just have a "western" style in terms of fashion and haircuts.


She has Siberian and Central Asian admixtures according to FTDNA MyOrigins (hence chinky eyes):


12-24-2017, 08:12 PM
And also the girl looks like Sandra Bullock in the first picture, not because she has blond hair but because of her facial features!

And Sandra Bullock looks Eastern, which is common among Germans (I think she is of German heritage).

Germany is not Western Europe, it has mixed western and eastern influences. Southern and northern too.

12-24-2017, 08:14 PM
She has chinky eyes, and he has a broad Baltid-influenced face. So they do have eastern features.

They just have a "western" style in terms of fashion and haircuts.


She has Siberian and Central Asian admixtures according to FTDNA MyOrigins (hence chinky eyes):


As I said, pictures can lie, I need to see them in person to better reason how they look like!

12-24-2017, 08:14 PM
The girl I posted scores 90% Eastern Europe, 3% Central Asia and Siberia, and she has chinky eyes like Sandra Bullock.

And you claim that she looks Western. ROTFL.

You are desperate to associate every phenotype with the West, even if it is more common or just as common in the East.

12-24-2017, 08:18 PM
The girl I posted scores 90% Eastern Europe, 3% Central Asia and Siberia, and she has chinky eyes like Sandra Bullock.

And you claim that she looks Western. ROTFL.

You are desperate to associate every phenotype with the West, even if it is more common or just as common in the East.

Mate, I said that they look Central European and can pass in many countries in Central Europe including Germany/Austria not that they look western!

For sure they don't look like English people!

12-24-2017, 08:20 PM
he looks like a lot of things, even british, french or irish in the second pic.

Really? He would never pass west of the Elbe River in my opinion.

12-24-2017, 08:21 PM
Really? He would never pass west of the Elbe River in my opinion.

have you ever traveled outside of Poland?

12-24-2017, 08:23 PM
have you ever traveled outside of Poland?

Of course. But his face screams eastern. I even thought that he is Pamirid or something like that (from the Steppes), but that was back when I was more ignorant about physical anthropology. Now I agree with his classification as Carpathid + Dinarid.

12-24-2017, 08:27 PM
A large random sample of 81 Polish guys was classified as South Slavic looking by a lot of users: http://i.imgur.com/fr1KJ31.png

I think it proves that South Slavs including Dinarids are more Slavic-descended than they think.

Cool, we need to create Pan-Slavic Empire and conquer all non-Slavic nations.



Let's see whose on the list:

Greece? Turkey? too much non-slavic component there... they need some our admixture


12-24-2017, 08:30 PM
Some British and Irish people look eastern, this must be due to Steppe invasions during the Bronze Age. So maybe he could pass as an eastern-looking British or Irish. France has a large and long-established Polish minority, so he would pass as part-Polish there.

12-24-2017, 08:31 PM
Some British and Irish people look eastern, this must be due to Steppe invasions during the Bronze Age.

So maybe he could pass as an eastern-looking British or Irish.

More like Bell beaker folk.

12-24-2017, 08:33 PM
More like Bell beaker folk.

I think Bell Beakers were mostly Alpine, not Carpatho-Dinarid:


Thankerton Bell Beaker skull and reconstruction (IMO Alpine):


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/27/18/2AE24B1700000578-3176232-Working_from_detailed_analysis_of_the_skull_specia lists_in_the_C-a-21_1438016587395.jpg

12-24-2017, 08:35 PM
Dinarid + Alpine.

12-24-2017, 08:37 PM
I think Bell Beakers were Alpine, not Carpatho-Dinarid:

then from where did this phenotype come from?


"An Englishman from Yorkshire; an excellent example of the Dinaric seafarers who invaded Britain in the Early Bronze Age. This man may be considered a type specimen of Bell Beaker brachycephal."

from Coon's TROE

12-24-2017, 08:39 PM

"An Englishman from Yorkshire; an excellent example of the Dinaric seafarers who invaded Britain in the Early Bronze Age. This man may be considered a type specimen of Bell Beaker brachycephal."

from Coon's TROE

Well he looks nothing like the guy in the OP. And he isn't even brachycephalic.

12-24-2017, 08:46 PM
Cool, we need to create Pan-Slavic Empire and conquer all non-Slavic nations.


Can you tell apart West Slavs from South Slavs in this video (BTW, it is not my video, I think it is some Russian guy's channel):


I don't know why he combined dark West Slavs and dark South Slavs in one video. But I can't tell who is who in most cases.