View Full Version : Classify Albanian Mob Wife

12-26-2017, 08:42 PM
Drita Davanzo


Here's a picture of her when she was younger. Seems like all Albanian Americans gravitate towards brown people when they come here. Why is that?

12-26-2017, 08:48 PM
Gravitate towards brown people because they are lower class. Everyone can't be in the up-scale Manhattan circles from the get-go.

Albanian men in the US appear to be either wannabe Italians or wannabe Blacks. Nice.

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 08:51 PM
Whos wife was/is she?

Idk about the last part. Most Africans I met were friendly to me and seemed to of wanted to befriend me.

12-26-2017, 08:54 PM
Whos wife was/is she?

Idk about the last part. Most Africans I met were friendly to me and seemed to of wanted to befriend me.

Some wanna be mob guy who snatches purses for a living.

12-26-2017, 08:54 PM
She can pass as Italian and Greek.


Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 08:57 PM
Gravitate towards brown people because they are lower class. Everyone can't be in the up-scale Manhattan circles from the get-go.

Albanian men in the US appear to be either wannabe Italians or wannabe Blacks. Nice.

Only Albanian men?

Its not just in US but in Europe Albanians befriend other immigrants easily but also natives.

Many afro americans like the Albanians they meet too as ive seen this,

Also some Albanians like black people, both male and female.

I would lie if I said im not attracted to some black women, MENA or North African. But in general i dont care about race

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 09:01 PM
Some wanna be mob guy who snatches purses for a living.



12-26-2017, 09:02 PM
Gravitate towards brown people because they are lower class.

Albanian men in the US appear to be either wannabe Italians or wannabe Blacks. Nice.

You said it, not me. :noidea:

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 09:04 PM
Gravitate towards brown people because they are lower class. Everyone can't be in the up-scale Manhattan circles from the get-go.

Albanian men in the US appear to be either wannabe Italians or wannabe Blacks. Nice.

Then how do you explain the videos I posted above? Its obvious the admiration in many aspects is mutual

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 09:08 PM

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 09:09 PM
Some wanna be mob guy who snatches purses for a living.

Yeah like these dudes


12-26-2017, 09:09 PM
Then how do you explain the videos I posted above? Its obvious the admiration in many aspects is mutual

It is not admiration, just general interest in different cultures. Those blacks could've just as well have been speaking Italian if they had met Italians. It's like you want them to accept you or something? Don't worry, I'm sure they like you.

Bec Sinani
12-26-2017, 09:28 PM
It is not admiration, just general interest in different cultures. Those blacks could've just as well have been speaking Italian if they had met Italians. It's like you want them to accept you or something? Don't worry, I'm sure they like you.

I guess The Game saying he would like to be reborn Albanian is just general interest, and how when he met an Albanian friend of mine he said the same to him.

Nope, i just find it funny how you see Albanians as wannabe blacks or italian but blacks and others supposedly are not wannabe other things such as in many of their rap videos they mention italian mob and dress like mobsters etc.

According to your logic it is only one way, you obviously have the mentality of someone inferior, as if you assume there is nothing to like about you , it must only be the other way around therefor.. many Albanians are cool people, others that meet them end up liking them..

This whole act and wannabe thing is bullshit. Its just people adopting cultural aspects they think is cool , same way those guys chose to speak and befriend Albanians rather than italians and same way the.game wants to be Albanian and not Italian

As for acceptance, I see them equally as all other human beings , maybe they see us different from other white people, more energetic etc but OP concludes we are only drawn towards them and not the other way around
, same way you do.. this seems like some inferior mentality

Albanians being Italian wannabees cuz they dress in a certain style when they are neighboribg countries with similar cultural aspects lmao, many of the early italian american mobster families were Arbereshe in origin. But were supposedly wannabe guidos now.

The acceptance part is just some random bullshit insult you threw hoping it would stick as if you know a thing or two about me

Albanian people have went through struggles, we befriend people gone through similar struggles

12-26-2017, 09:32 PM
I guess The Game saying he would like to be reborn Albanian is just general interest, and how when he met an Albanian friend of mine he said the same to him.

Nope, i just find it funny how you see Albanians as wannabe blacks or italian but blacks and others supposedly are not wannabe other things such as in many of their rap videos they mention italian mob and dress like mobsters etc.

According to your logic it is only one way, you obviously have the mentality of someone inferior, as if you assume there is nothing to like about you , it must only be the other way around therefor.. many Albanians are cool people, others that meet them end up liking them..

This whole act and wannabe thing is bullshit. Its just people adopting cultural aspects they think is cool , same way those guys chose to speak and befriend Albanians rather than italians and same way the.game wants to be Albanian and not Italian

As for acceptance, I see them equally as all other human beings ,

Damn bro, I've also seen 50 Cent wave the Albanian flag in a video. Sheeeeit.

The reason I mention only the Albanian thread is because I'm referring to the thread topic. There's wannabes on all sides.

Right, that was my point, I'm inferior. You're so full of shit with the conclusions you draw just so that you can pretend in your head that you're right. You're upset because you only hang around black people so you don't want to imagine that Albanians may have become wannabe African Americans in a large sense.

Edit: I'll give you one thing though, you're right I'm being unfair against Albanians here. Simply trying to explain this leaning towards browns in America thing. I doubt upper class Albanians do the same. It's a class issue.

12-26-2017, 09:56 PM
Atlanto-Med + CM.

12-27-2017, 05:16 PM