View Full Version : Doesn't Dinarid racial phenotype look very middle eastern?

01-11-2018, 05:58 PM

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2018, 06:01 PM

01-11-2018, 06:03 PM
It's not an accurate description. Dinarids usually have intermediate pigmentation just like alpines.

01-11-2018, 06:05 PM
Looks like an average Iraqi.

01-11-2018, 06:08 PM
THere's are plenty of pale dinarid, so this statemant is annoying.

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2018, 06:09 PM
THere's are plenty of pale dinarid, so this statemant is annoying.

Nothing to do with paleness or darkness, at first.

01-11-2018, 06:10 PM
Only Non-Europeans complain about Dinaric race.. or people who are severly mena influenced.

01-11-2018, 06:10 PM
Nothing to do with paleness or darkness, at first.

Big nose and bored eyes may look more middle eastern, but still looks european.

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2018, 06:16 PM
Big nose and bored eyes may look more middle eastern, but still looks european.


01-11-2018, 06:18 PM
The phenotype doesn't look middle eastern you fools...

01-11-2018, 06:18 PM
Dinarids are probably one of the strongest (tall,muscular) and most masculine type of europeans. Jealous midgest are trying to make fun of them

01-11-2018, 06:22 PM

"The name derives from the Dinaric Alps in former Yugoslavia, where the type is commonly found among Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosniaks and their relatives."

If this Serbian basketball player Nedovic is not dinarid, then Serbs are not dinarid race.

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2018, 06:29 PM
"The name derives from the Dinaric Alps in former Yugoslavia, where the type is commonly found among Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosniaks and their relatives."

If this Serbian basketball player Nedovic is not dinarid, then Serbs are not dinarid race.

The phenotype doesn't look middle eastern you fools...

So these two guys belong to the same subrace???

01-11-2018, 06:30 PM
So these two guys belong to the same subrace???

Nedovic is part Cromagnid/Upper Palaeolithic

01-11-2018, 06:38 PM

01-11-2018, 06:42 PM
Lol, looks like another OWD Turk just joined

01-11-2018, 06:46 PM
So these two guys belong to the same subrace???

I don't know which race they belong, but Nedovic is the most common Serb whose look could be described as dinaric (prominent nose). I could not say that typical Serb has very, very giant nose and looks Middle Eastern, if it is not true.

This is Serbian class:


01-11-2018, 06:47 PM
"The name derives from the Dinaric Alps in former Yugoslavia, where the type is commonly found among Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosniaks and their relatives."

If this Serbian basketball player Nedovic is not dinarid, then Serbs are not dinarid race.

Why have you post cherrypicked person ? It does not average Serbian. Average Serbian has dark pigmented hair eye color. Deal with it.

01-11-2018, 06:54 PM
Serbian university students

Serbian university students

Faculty of Economics, Singidunum university, Belgrade
Website where the photos is taken from : http://fthm.singidunum.ac.rs/gallery/album/SvecaniPrijemBrucosaPoslovniFakultetUBeogradu02


Faculty of Economics, Kragujevac
Website where the photos is taken from :http://www.ekfak.kg.ac.rs/gallery_fakultet_brucosi_2010

Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Website where the photos is taken from : http://www.arh.bg.ac.rs/2013/09/24/odrzan-prijem-brucosa-201314/


Technical faculty, Belgrade
Website where the photos is taken from :http://fthm.singidunum.ac.rs/gallery/album/SvecaniPrijemBrucosaFakultetZaInformatikuIRacunars tvoITehnickiFakultet

01-11-2018, 06:59 PM
Instead of thinking about imaginary races about which everyone has different perception, why could not we ask "Doesn't Turkish phenotype look very middle eastern?"

01-11-2018, 07:00 PM
Lol, looks like another OWD Turk just joined

We have so many of them here.

01-11-2018, 07:02 PM
Serbian people (ignore the dyed hair of the women, concentrate on men):
https://www.insidethegames.biz/media/image/32799/o/Backed%20by%20his%20Serbian%20fans,%20Djokovic%20c losed%20in%20on%20victory%20in%20the%20fourth%20se t.jpg

01-11-2018, 07:03 PM
No it doesn't go fuck youreself

01-11-2018, 07:04 PM

It's much more euro Then spanish North African berberids

01-11-2018, 07:10 PM
Lol, looks like another OWD Turk just joined

Why do you take this thread as an insult?

01-11-2018, 07:11 PM
No it doesn't go fuck youreself

Why do you take this thread as an insult?

01-11-2018, 07:12 PM
Why do you take this thread as an insult?

Stop posting troll threads, dinarids are european

01-11-2018, 07:17 PM
Stop posting troll threads, dinarids are european

I did not say they are not European.

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2018, 07:18 PM
It's much more euro Then spanish North African berberids

No. Dinarid is the euphemism that you Balkanites like to call its real name: ARMENOID.
Live with it.

01-11-2018, 07:25 PM
Norids too are middle-eastern looking according to some people here as they too are Dinaric http://humanphenotypes.net/Norid.html

01-11-2018, 07:30 PM
No. Dinarid is the euphemism that you Balkanites like to call its real name: ARMENOID.
Live with it.

Wrong, it is a med type brachycephalized by alpine

01-11-2018, 09:59 PM
Lol, looks like another OWD Turk just joined

Latest thread: "Is Turanid a Europid race or a Eurasian race such as Tungid + Pontid or something that sort?"

01-11-2018, 10:02 PM
Latest thread: "Is Turanid a Europid race or a Eurasian race such as Tungid + Pontid or something that sort?"
Some Turks here are fine whilst others are completely delusional and are wannabe Europeans, it's funny when they try and portray Greeks as non-whites/Europeans but in reality Greeks are +1000000000x whiter and more European than them

Sebastianus Rex
01-11-2018, 10:05 PM

I agree, between Dinarid and Armenid there's frequently a considerable overlap.

Vlatko Vukovic
01-11-2018, 10:09 PM
Why are commenting usually uneducated, inferior-complexed monkeys on threads such like that?

01-11-2018, 10:12 PM
Some Turks here are fine whilst others are completely delusional and are wannabe Europeans, it's funny when they try and portray Greeks as non-whites/Europeans but in reality Greeks are +1000000000x whiter and more European than them

But we are Scythianssss with R1b Norse & Proto-indo-European haplogroup!!!! Just look at this 1/2 Turkish basketball player with blond hair!!!!! Oh wait did I mention he's from Kosovo? :lmao

01-11-2018, 10:18 PM

01-11-2018, 10:18 PM
I agree, between Dinarid and Armenid there's frequently a considerable overlap.

No there isn't

Vlatko Vukovic
01-11-2018, 10:22 PM
I agree, between Dinarid and Armenid there's frequently a considerable overlap.

To claim that Dinarid phenotype looks Middle-Eastern could say just non-educated and man who is totally unfamiliar about phenotypes.

01-11-2018, 10:25 PM
I agree

Some of these are Dinarid skulls IMO, and they are from Bronze Age Pomerania:





Possibly Dinarid too:



01-11-2018, 10:26 PM
But we are Scythianssss with R1b Norse & Proto-indo-European haplogroup!!!! Just look at this 1/2 Turkish basketball player with blond hair!!!!! Oh wait did I mention he's from Kosovo? :lmao

I do not have such an inferiority complex like the ones who try to show ancient Greeks as mostly blondes.

Vlatko Vukovic
01-11-2018, 10:30 PM
I do not have such an inferiority complex like the ones who try to show ancient Greeks as mostly blondes.

Who are trying it? Grab the Gauge?

01-11-2018, 10:32 PM
Who are trying it? Grab the Gauge?

The Greek tour guide once I have visited Greece. She had claimed that ancient Greeks were mostly blonde but most turned brunette because of Ottoman invasion.

Vlatko Vukovic
01-11-2018, 10:36 PM
The Greek tour guide once I have visited Greece. She had claimed that ancient Greeks were mostly blonde but most turned brunette because of Ottoman invasion.

Bullshit. But this thread is nonsense as well.

01-11-2018, 10:37 PM
The Greek tour guide once I have visited Greece. She had claimed that ancient Greeks were mostly blonde but most turned brunette because of Ottoman invasion.


01-11-2018, 10:39 PM
Perhaps but they are not Middle Eastern. Many can argue they are the superior race in Europe as Switzerland is a very prosperous country and Dinarid areas of Bavaria,Austria and Italy tend to prosper. Mozart was Dinaric.

01-11-2018, 10:57 PM
I do not have such an inferiority complex like the ones who try to show ancient Greeks as mostly blondes.

Man I don't care about them, they have nothing to do with this conversation. It's just online where people enjoy studying ancient people anthropologically and genetically because it is exciting. Just stop making threads like these. Dinarics are European.

01-11-2018, 11:10 PM
Man I don't care about them, they have nothing to do with this conversation. It's just online where people enjoy studying ancient people anthropologically and genetically because it is exciting. Just stop making threads like these. Dinarics are European.

I have never said Dinarid race is not European.

01-11-2018, 11:13 PM
I have never said Dinarid race is not European.

Dinarics are all over Southern Germany,Switzerland,Italy, and Austria. They are very very European and tend to live in very wealthy areas, they are highly intelligent people. You find them in the Balkans and Greece.

01-11-2018, 11:21 PM
The phenotype doesn't look middle eastern you fools...
Looks Turkish/Kurdish.

01-11-2018, 11:23 PM
Looks Turkish/Kurdish.

You could say the Turkish/Kurdish look like him.

01-11-2018, 11:25 PM

01-11-2018, 11:27 PM
cause they have long, narrow faces and prominent noses like many middle easterners do

01-11-2018, 11:31 PM
My nose is big and I like my nose.

01-11-2018, 11:32 PM
My nose is big and I like my nose.

Try rogaine.

01-11-2018, 11:32 PM
Dinarids are european.

01-11-2018, 11:32 PM
Looks Turkish/Kurdish.


01-11-2018, 11:33 PM
The Greek tour guide once I have visited Greece. She had claimed that ancient Greeks were mostly blonde but most turned brunette because of Ottoman invasion.

She may be onto something.

01-11-2018, 11:34 PM
very common in the Caucasus, Iran, Turkey. Its the R1b migration route.

01-11-2018, 11:34 PM

i agree that they do not look like turkish or kurds, but in my opinion those guys looks like istanbul migrants, maybe from arab or levant

Sebastianus Rex
01-11-2018, 11:35 PM
No there isn't

To claim that Dinarid phenotype looks Middle-Eastern could say just non-educated and man who is totally unfamiliar about phenotypes.

Not all Dinaric types overlap with Armenoids of course, in most cases their look is easily distinguishable, European Dinarics are influenced/mixed with other European types such as Alpine, Atlanto-Med, Nordic, CMs etc while predominantly Armenoid populations are mostly influenced/mixed with other middle-eastern types such as Orientalid, Syrid, Irano-Afghan etc. But there's indeed an overlap between the two types, it is anthropologically aknowledged.

From the Races of Europe by Coon:https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/index2.htm

The proposed classification of living whites and near-whites, which is shown on the top of the chart, may be listed in more detailed form as follows:


(1) Brünn: (Crô-Magnon, to some extent) found in solution with Borreby, Nordic, and other elements, mostly in Scandinavia and the British Isles, also in North Africa and Canary Islands. May appear in comparatively pure form among individuals although nowhere as a total population.

(2) Borreby: Large-headed brachycephals of Ofnet-Afalou type, the unreduced brachycephalic strain in Crô-Magnon; found in solution in peripheral regions of northwestern Europe, and as a major population element in most of northern and central Germany, and in Belgium. Like the Brünn race, with which it is often associated, it occurs also in North Africa and the Canary Islands.


(3) Alpine: A reduced and somewhat foetalized survivor of the Upper Palaeolithic population in Late Pleistocene France, highly brachycephalized; seems to represent in a large measure the bearer of the brachycephalic factor in Crô-Magnon. Close approximations to this type appear also in the Balkans and in the highlands of western and central Asia, suggesting that its ancestral prototype was widespread in Late Pleistocene times. In modern races it sometimes appears in a relatively pure form, sometimes as an element in mixed brachycephalic populations of multiple origin. It may have served in both Pleistocene and modern times as a bearer of the tendency toward brachycephalization into various population.

(4) Ladogan: I propose to give this name to the descendants of the mesocephalic and brachycephalic forest-dwelling population of northern Europe east of the Baltic in Kammkeramik times. This type is a blend of a partly mongoloid brachycephalic element with a mesocephalic form of general Upper Palaeolithic aspect; these elements are seen in crania from Lake Ladoga and Salis Roje. (See Chapter IV, section 13, pp. 125-126.) Corded and/or Danubian elements are inextricably blended here, although the mongoloid and Upper Palaeolithic elements seem at present more important. In its present form this composite type shows two numerous variants:

(a) Neo-Danubian: Strongly mixed with the old Danubian, and to a lesser extent other elements, to form the common peasant type of eastern Europe, with many local variants.

(b) East Baltic: Strongly mixed with Corded, Iron Age Nordic, and western Palaeolithic survivors to form the predominant population of much of Finland and the Baltic States.

(5) Lappish: A stunted, highly brachycephalized, largely brunet relative of the Ladogan, originally living to the east of the Ladogan type area, in the Urals and western Siberia. Has probably assimilated some evolved mongoloid, but owes its partly mongoloid appearance more to the retention of an early intermediate evolutionary condition. In modern times much mixed with Ladogan and Nordic.


(6) Mediterraneans: Within this general class, which still retains much of its original racial unity, the following sub-classes may at present be distinguished:

(a) Mediterranean Proper: Short-statured, dolicho- and mesocephalic form found in Spain, Portugal, the western Mediterranean islands, and to some extent in North Africa, southern Italy, and other Mediterranean borderlands. Its purest present-day racial nucleus is without doubt Arabia. Most of the Cappadocian, isolated in the skeletal material, seems to have been absorbed into the western Mediterranean variety after its early Metal Age migration, while that which remained in Asia Minor became assimilated into the Dinaric and Armenoid. It still appears, however, among individuals in its original form, and is particularly common among Oriental Jews.

(b) Atlanto-Mediterranean: The tall, straight-nosed Mediterranean, not mesocephalic, as Deniker erroneously stated, but strongly dolichocephalic. Today this race forms the principal element in the population of North Africa, and is strong in Iraq, Palestine, parts of Arabia, and the eastern Balkans; in solution with varying degrees of negroid it is also the principal race in the whole of East Africa. In Europe it is a minority element in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, and the British Isles.

(c) Irano-Afghan: The long-faced, high-headed, hook-nosed type, usually of tall stature, which forms the principal element in the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and the Turkoman country, and which is also present in Palestine, parts of Arabia, and North Africa. It is probably related to the old Corded type of the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

(7) Nordics: The basic Nordic is the Corded-Danubian blend of the Aunjetitz and of the Early Iron Age in central Europe. This type includes some Bell Beaker Dinaric absorbed in early Metal Age times. Although Danubian and Corded types may appear as individuals, they may nowhere be isolated as populations. The most important living Nordic varieties are:

(a) Keltic Iron Age Type: The Keltic sub-type, mesocephalic and low-vaulted, with a prominent nose. Commonest in the British Isles where in places it forms the principal element in the population. Also a major element in Flanders and the Frankish country in southwestern Germany.

(b) Anglo-Saxon Type: The old Germanic Reihengräber type, a heavy-boned, rather high-headed Nordic variety, most prevalent in northern Germany and England.

(c) Trondelagen Type: A hybrid type of Nordic with Corded and Brünn elements, frequent in the central coastal provinces of Norway, north of the Dovre Mountains; the principal form in Iceland, and among the Frisians, and common in the British Isles. The Anglo-Saxon type lies between it and the true Nordic.

(d) Osterdal Type: The original Hallstatt Nordic, smaller-headed and finer boned than (b) or (c); occurs in many populations as individuals, typical only in Sweden and in the eastern valleys of Norway.


(8) Dinarics: A tall, brachycephalic type of intermediate pigmentation, usually planoccipital, and showing the facial and nasal prominence of Near Eastern peoples. The basic population of the whole Dinaric-Alpine highlands from Switzerland to Epirus, also in the Carpathians and Caucasus, as well as Syria and Asia Minor. Apparently a brachycephalized blend in which Atlanto-Mediterranean and Cappadocian strains are important, with Alpine acting as the brachycephalizing agent in mixture. Borreby and Corded elements, also Nordic, appear to be involved in some regions.

(9) Armenoids: A similar brachycephalic composite type, with the same head form as the Dinaric, but a larger face and nose. The pigmentation is almost entirely brunet, the pilous development of beard and body abundant, the nose high rooted, convex, and the tip depressed, especially in advanced age. The difference between the Armenoid and the Dinaric is that here it is the Irano-Afghan race which furnishes the Mediterranean element, brachycephalized by Alpine mixture.

(10) Noric: A blond, planoccipital brachycephal frequently encountered in South Germany and elsewhere in central Europe. This is apparently an Iron Age Nordic brachycephalized by Dinaric mixture and seems in most respects to take the form of a blond Dinaric variant. Both Deniker and Czekanowski have recognized this type, and it is a standard race, under various names, in most Russian studies. The name Noric was gived it by Lebzelter. A brachycephalized Neo-Danubian, common in Jugoslavia, is a parallel or variant form.

01-11-2018, 11:39 PM
i agree that they do not look like turkish or kurds, but in my opinion those guys looks like istanbul migrants, maybe from arab or levant

Those are Turks from Alanya.

very common in the Caucasus, Iran, Turkey. Its the R1b migration route.

There might be some similar types in the Caucasus, but not in Turkey (unless they have Balkan ancestry) or Iran.


01-11-2018, 11:40 PM
Try rogaine.

I have no hope for me, lol.

01-11-2018, 11:42 PM
very common in the Caucasus, Iran, Turkey. Its the R1b migration route.

What is the big deal if it is true. Does it really mean anything? Who really cares that much.

01-11-2018, 11:47 PM
Those are Turks from Alanya.

There might be some similar types in the Caucasus, but not in Turkey (unless they have Balkan ancestry) or Iran.


In Caucasus but not in Turkey. Why?

01-11-2018, 11:50 PM
In Caucasus but not in Turkey. Why?

Because Turks are mostly alpine, cappadocian med and turanid

01-11-2018, 11:50 PM
There might be some similar types in the Caucasus, but not in Turkey (unless they have Balkan ancestry) or Iran.
Oh sorry, I forgot, Turkey and Iran are arabic countries. my fault lol

01-11-2018, 11:57 PM
Looks Turkish/Kurdish.

His name is Dražen Dalipagić. He could be good example of dinaric gigantism.
The most dinarized areas in former Yugoslavia are Montenegro, southern Croatia (Dalmatia) and some parts of Herzegovina.
South Slavic speaking Dinarics ranges from light pigmented and medium pigmented to darker pigmented or from slight dinarization to the extreme cases of dinaric gigantism. Very dark pigmentation combined with extreme dinaric gigantism could produce pseudo Middle Eastern/Turkish look, but usually they don't look Middle Eastern/Turkish. South Slavic dinarics tend to be lighter pigmented in Bosnia, darker pigmented in Dalmatia and Montenegro. Majority of South Slavic dinarics are slightly or medium dinarized. Female examples are more refined due to the effects of estrogen and not having increased secretion of testosterone in adolescence.
I am speaking about South Slavic speaking Dinarics, while dinarized Mediteranians of Southern Europe are probably something totally different racially and genetically.

01-12-2018, 12:35 AM
Looks Turkish/Kurdish.

No he doesn't.

01-12-2018, 12:47 AM
His name is Dražen Dalipagić. He could be good example of dinaric gigantism.
The most dinarized areas in former Yugoslavia are Montenegro, southern Croatia (Dalmatia) and some parts of Herzegovina.
South Slavic speaking Dinarics ranges from light pigmented and medium pigmented to darker pigmented or from slight dinarization to the extreme cases of dinaric gigantism. Very dark pigmentation combined with extreme dinaric gigantism could produce pseudo Middle Eastern/Turkish look, but usually they don't look Middle Eastern/Turkish. South Slavic dinarics tend to be lighter pigmented in Bosnia, darker pigmented in Dalmatia and Montenegro. Majority of South Slavic dinarics are slightly or medium dinarized. Female examples are more refined due to the effects of estrogen and not having increased secretion of testosterone in adolescence.
I am speaking about South Slavic speaking Dinarics, while dinarized Mediteranians of Southern Europe are probably something totally different racially and genetically.

Some Serb Dinarics:

My Great Great Great Grandfather:

My Great Great Grandfather:

My Great Grandfather:

01-12-2018, 12:51 AM
From the Races of Europe by Coon:https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/index2.htm

Quoting pseudoscientist Coon (who used to write about the areas that he have never visited) as some sort of holy book is ridiculous today. His main idea that races evolved into Homo sapiens at different times was refuted by modern scientific evidences. Why should anything else he wrote be considered as truth, especially when it looks so messy. By today's scientific standards, he is not only psedoscientist, he is charlatan par excellence.

01-12-2018, 12:59 AM
If you are not a nordid of some form you look non euro deal with it you arabid looking dinarids

01-12-2018, 01:10 AM
If you are not a nordid of some form you look non euro deal with it you arabid looking dinarids

Not true at all. The Basque and Sardinians are the oldest inhabitants of Europe. So what if some Euroepeans/Dinarids look Middle Eastern. I really could care less. Many Nordids do also especially some Keltid Nordids with their Dinaric leaning looks. I have seen many Nordids with very Near Eastern looking noses.

01-12-2018, 01:23 AM
If you are not a nordid of some form you look non euro deal with it you arabid looking dinarids

Dinarids are European caucasoids they would kick your ass

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 02:17 AM
Quoting pseudoscientist Coon (who used to write about the areas that he have never visited) as some sort of holy book is ridiculous today. His main idea that races evolved into Homo sapiens at different times was refuted by modern scientific evidences. Why should anything else he wrote be considered as truth, especially when it looks so messy. By today's scientific standards, he is not only psedoscientist, he is charlatan par excellence.

Stop writting nonsense, Coon was the most reputed scholar of his field for decades, teaching at the most prestigious university in the World. Besides the Dinaric and Armenoid correlation was sustained by all anthropologists I know of, they belong to the same Taurid group.

About the evolution of races/mankind much is to explain, nothing has been conclusively demonstrated, just theories after theories.

But tell me, what are "today's scientific standards" that refute the anthroplogical connection between Armenoid and Dinaric types ?

01-12-2018, 02:23 AM
Dinarids are European caucasoids they would kick your ass

Dream on kid.

01-12-2018, 02:29 AM
Dream on kid.

No dreaming required. It is what it is. Switzerland would kick your country's ass economically.

01-12-2018, 02:30 AM
No dreaming required. It is what it is. Switzerland would kick your country's ass economically.

Physically dinarids
From the Balkans would kick the living shit out of him in a fight

01-12-2018, 02:33 AM
Physically dinarids
From the Balkans would kick the living shit out of him in a fight

I think most under estimate the # of Dinarids in South Central Europe in the Alps, Dinaric Alps and the Apennines mountain ranges.

01-12-2018, 02:33 AM
Dinarid is not unique.

Dinarid is a result of a population mix of different ethnics.

* Old European - I1 and I2a - this is the original population of the Balkan during ice age
* Paleolithic and Mesolithic immigrants at the end of ice age; most of them had been Asians, we don't know their phenotype - maybe Asiatic Alpine; later the E1b1 Immigrants entered the southern Balkan, they came from Levante and the Greek Islands - we don't know their phenotype - maybe they looked like the Phoenicians with slight North African admixture
* Neolithic Immigrants - from Anatolia (farmers) and Caucasus (shepherders) and Levante
* Indoeuropean Invasion from The Steppe (Yamnaya) - cattle herders - Bronze Age - We guess that they had a Pontid phenotype - not sure.
* Invasion - the Roman Empire - the whole crowd of the Romans and their foreign fighters.
* Invasion of the Gotones und Huns at the end of the roman empire
* Finally the Invasion of the Slavs, Veneti, Croatians, Serbians, Bulgarians - and this invasion makes the Dinarid phenotype complete!

01-12-2018, 02:39 AM
I think most under estimate the # of Dinarids in South Central Europe in the Alps, Dinaric Alps and the Apennines mountain ranges.

The highest quantity are in southeastern Europe Dinaric alps. The Swiss Austrians and Bavarians are much more alpinid then Dinaric

01-12-2018, 02:42 AM
Dinarid is not unique.

Dinarid is a result of a population mix of different ethnics.

* Old European - I1 and I2a - this is the original population of the Balkan during ice age
* Paleolithic and Mesolithic immigrants at the end of ice age; most of them had been Asians, we don't know their phenotype - maybe Asiatic Alpine; later the E1b1 Immigrants entered the southern Balkan, they came from Levante and the Greek Islands - we don't know their phenotype - maybe they looked like the Phoenicians with slight North African admixture
* Neolithic Immigrants - from Anatolia (farmers) and Caucasus (shepherders) and Levante
* Indoeuropean Invasion from The Steppe (Yamnaya) - cattle herders - Bronze Age - We guess that they had a Pontid phenotype - not sure.
* Invasion - the Roman Empire - the whole crowd of the Romans and their foreign fighters.
* Invasion of the Gotones und Huns at the end of the roman empire
* Finally the Invasion of the Slavs, Veneti, Croatians, Serbians, Bulgarians - and this invasion makes the Dinarid phenotype complete!

They are not just in the Balkans. Many in Switzerland and Italy from what I have seen. Austria also has some areas that are Dinarid I believe.

My Swiss Uncle is very very Dinarid and my Aunt whom is Italian is very Noric.

01-12-2018, 02:45 AM
The highest quantity are in southeastern Europe Dinaric alps. The Swiss Austrians and Bavarians are much more alpinid then Dinaric

Yes,but they have a Dinaric look especially in the nose. My aunt is Noric and she is Italian from the Apennines Mountains in Central Italy, it is not just the Balkans.

01-12-2018, 02:46 AM
Yes,but they have a Dinaric look especially in the nose. My aunt is Noric and she is Italian from the Apennines Mountains in Central Italy, it is not just the Balkans.

Of course there are dinarids elsewhere I was just stating that they are most common in the balkans

01-12-2018, 02:48 AM
Of course there are dinarids elsewhere I was just stating that they are most common in the balkans

I know.

Central Italian Noric,, from the Apennines mountains. You find Dinaric/Noric in the these places.


01-12-2018, 02:51 AM
I know.

Central Italian Noric,, from the Apennines mountains. You find Dinaric/Noric in the these places.


He looks just Dinarid to me I am lighter then him but still i am classified now as part Dinarid not part noric. Norics are usually much lighter with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes

01-12-2018, 02:53 AM
He looks just Dinarid to me I am lighter then him but still Dinarid. Norics are usually much lighter with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes

He has blue eyes, and compared to a real Dinaric he leans Noric. However, it is difficult to tell sometimes.

Here is another pic:


01-12-2018, 02:54 AM
He looks just Dinarid to me I am lighter then him but still i am classified now as part Dinarid not part noric. Norics are usually much lighter with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes

I did not know you were Dinaric. I kind of remember your pic I did not think you were Dinaric,, you had a small nose I thought,lol.

01-12-2018, 02:55 AM
I did not know you were Dinaric. I kind of remember your pic I did not think you were Dinaric,, you had a small nose I thought,lol.

I'm not really dinarid just a little bit I have a roman nose on the side

01-12-2018, 02:57 AM
He has blue eyes, and compared to a real Dinaric he leans Noric. However, it is difficult to tell sometimes.

Here is another pic:


To me he still leans Dinarid though his hair is probably in direct light making it look lighter. Anyone can do that when I take a picture of myself with the direct light shining in my hair it looks almost blond

01-12-2018, 02:58 AM
I'm not really dinarid just a little bit I have a roman nose on the side

Many have debated if I am KN or Dinaric,, they are very similar in head shape and features.

01-12-2018, 02:59 AM
Many have debated if I am KN or Dinaric,, they are very similar in head shape and features.

I would say KN but you have some Alpine too

01-12-2018, 03:02 AM
To me he still leans Dinarid though his hair is probably in direct light making it look lighter. Anyone can do that when I take a picture of myself with the direct light shining in my hair it looks almost blond

I do not think you have to be blond to be Noric. Blue eyes is usually good enough. Real Dinarics have dark eyes and hair. Looking at the hair in the sun is the best way to know what the color is I think.

Some of these types are hard to tell.

01-12-2018, 03:05 AM
I do not think you have to be blond to be Noric. Blue eyes is usually good enough. Real Dinarics have dark eyes and hair. Looking at the hair in the sun is the best way to know what the color is I think.

Some of these types are hard to tell.

My great uncle has blue eyes and was classified as Dinarid, anthropologists described norics to have light hair but you are right it is hard to tell

01-12-2018, 03:24 AM
The highest quantity are in southeastern Europe Dinaric alps. The Swiss Austrians and Bavarians are much more alpinid then Dinaric

I agree with this. There are some Austrian and S. German Dinarids, but most are mixed with Alpine from my experience. Of course, some true Dinarids do exist in these countries.

01-12-2018, 03:58 AM
no it doesnt

however ...some dinarids will look similar (or will give off a similar vibe at least) to armenids and vice versa . armenid is not a "middle eastern type" and it is also a similar type to dinarid . it is a northwest asian type . mainly caucasus , turkey , north levant (also mesopotamia) and north iran . I know I know ...that is MEEENAAA to you but it doesnt change the fact that northwest asia has big differences from most of middle east . you will have trouble finding dinaric resembling people in al-hudaydah for example but you will find enough in erzincan etc

it doesnt change the fact that dinarid is an european type and looks european

Because Turks are mostly alpine, cappadocian med and turanid

that man can pass as both turkish and kurdish . it wouldnt be my first guess and kipchak hakan exeggerated by saying "LOOKS turkish/kurdish" because that is a stretch . but he would blend in for sure . there are dinarics among turks and kurds too btw. but more so armenids espcially among kurds which can give off a dinarid resemblance sometimes especially in more mountaineous areas

it doesnt change the fact that dinarid is a european type and looks european . you have to look at it more objectively . and posting bad pics of a group of men with mustaches and kebab bellies doesnt have anything to say ma friend lol :D

01-12-2018, 04:51 AM
Physically dinarids
From the Balkans would kick the living shit out of him in a fight

Pah pointless threats online. Dinarids are a bunch of mountain dwelling araboid monkeys. Have a cry kiddo. Nordids>Dinarid

01-12-2018, 05:25 AM
I would hope so, Middle Easterners are good looking people

01-12-2018, 08:44 AM
His name is Dražen Dalipagić. He could be good example of dinaric gigantism.
The most dinarized areas in former Yugoslavia are Montenegro, southern Croatia (Dalmatia) and some parts of Herzegovina.
South Slavic speaking Dinarics ranges from light pigmented and medium pigmented to darker pigmented or from slight dinarization to the extreme cases of dinaric gigantism. Very dark pigmentation combined with extreme dinaric gigantism could produce pseudo Middle Eastern/Turkish look, but usually they don't look Middle Eastern/Turkish. South Slavic dinarics tend to be lighter pigmented in Bosnia, darker pigmented in Dalmatia and Montenegro. Majority of South Slavic dinarics are slightly or medium dinarized. Female examples are more refined due to the effects of estrogen and not having increased secretion of testosterone in adolescence.
I am speaking about South Slavic speaking Dinarics, while dinarized Mediteranians of Southern Europe are probably something totally different racially and genetically.

Serbs are much darker than Dalmatian Croats. But I'm agree, they do not dinaric looking. They have weird eastern faces like the Romanians.

01-12-2018, 11:59 AM
Stop writting nonsense, Coon was the most reputed scholar of his field for decades, teaching at the most prestigious university in the World. Besides the Dinaric and Armenoid correlation was sustained by all anthropologists I know of, they belong to the same Taurid group.

About the evolution of races/mankind much is to explain, nothing has been conclusively demonstrated, just theories after theories.

But tell me, what are "today's scientific standards" that refute the anthroplogical connection between Armenoid and Dinaric types ?

Coon became university professor in 1927. At that time there were U.S. immigration restrictions based on presumed racial differences and racial segregation in the USA. At that time science about races was a reflection of society, just as science in Nazi Germany was a reflection of such society. Today science is based on evidences, not on political agenda, fairy tales and subjective vague descriptions of "races".
Pseudoscience written in the books of Carleton Coon is not studied at any university today. In mainstream academic circles, such pseudoscience had been refuted by the 1940s, but pseudoscientific racial ideas survived in some circles and some people seriously believe in it just as some believe in astrology.
It is considered outdated and discredited pseudoscience, although it could be based on or contain a little truth. For instance, there are people whose look could be described as "dinaric", but ''dinaric race'' as a biological category doesn't exist.

01-12-2018, 01:23 PM
No he doesn't.

oh, he does

01-12-2018, 01:29 PM
Dinarids may look like Taurids and Anatolids, but not Arabids.

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2018, 01:54 PM
no it doesnt

some dinarids will look similar (or will give off a similar vibe at least) to armenids and vice versa .
Enough :thumb001:

It is the Balkanite excuse to not be called Armenoids. Everybody know this.

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 03:19 PM
Coon became university professor in 1927. At that time there were U.S. immigration restrictions based on presumed racial differences and racial segregation in the USA. At that time science about races was a reflection of society, just as science in Nazi Germany was a reflection of such society. Today science is based on evidences, not on political agenda, fairy tales and subjective vague descriptions of "races".
Pseudoscience written in the books of Carleton Coon is not studied at any university today. In mainstream academic circles, such pseudoscience had been refuted by the 1940s, but pseudoscientific racial ideas survived in some circles and some people seriously believe in it just as some believe in astrology.
It is considered outdated and discredited pseudoscience, although it could be based on or contain a little truth. For instance, there are people whose look could be described as "dinaric", but ''dinaric race'' as a biological category doesn't exist.

Nice theories, and why is anthropology more of a pseudo-science than arbitrary genetic calculators and pca plots ? You actually know that racial anthropology was casted away because it was considered politically incorrect after World War II. Besides Coon was not a proponent of any racial hierarchy, he was even criticised by some nordicist circles for sustaining that the nordic races/skulls is of mediterranean origin wich until today he was never anthropologically refuted since the type of nordic skulls were never found in northern Europe dated before the neolithic period, only UP survivors skulls.

Nowadays scientists even defend that there are no races or subraces, as a biological category there's only margin to talk about one Human race, that's what they teach at many universities.

01-12-2018, 03:24 PM
Enough :thumb001:

It is the Balkanite excuse to not be called Armenoids. Everybody know this.

not so fast mister :laugh: . you have berids and sometimes even berberids . berids can resemble berberids too

dont do double standards

your fight about "europeanness" is quite silly tbh

01-12-2018, 03:25 PM
Yes,but they have a Dinaric look especially in the nose. My aunt is Noric and she is Italian from the Apennines Mountains in Central Italy, it is not just the Balkans.
Nose shape is of no significance in Taxonomy. What you call "Dinaric" nose is also typical in Nordics, Mediterraneans and such.

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2018, 03:31 PM
not so fast mister :laugh: . you have berids and sometimes even berberids . berids can resemble berberids too

dont do double standards

your fight about "europeanness" is quite silly tbh
How is that, if Berids are just Alpine Cromagnons and their features have nothing to do with Berberids, rather all the opposite?
Dinarids and Armenoids do have share features, Berids and Berberids are like the sun and the moon.

01-12-2018, 03:37 PM
How is that, if Berids are just Alpine Cromagnons and their features have nothing to do with Berberids, rather all the opposite?

berberids are also cromagnids

Berids and Berberids are like the sun and the moon.

nah . they are different yes but sometimes share similarity . same as armenid and dinarid

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2018, 03:39 PM
nah . they are different yes but sometimes share similarity . same as armenid and dinarid

No, not the same. Your example is not legit. Berids have round face and small nose while Berberids have large face and long nose.
In the other hand Dinarids and Armenoids do have the same nose.

01-12-2018, 03:42 PM
No, not the same. Your example is not legit. Berids have round face and small nose while Berberids have large face and long nose.
In the other hand Dinarids and Armenoids do have the same nose.

berids have rounder faces than berberids you are right on that . but they still can resemble each other

dinarids and armenids dont have always the stereotypical big hooked nose :) and if hooked then armenids have more extreme hooks

I dont understand why you talk like this btw. . there are also dinarics in iberia . mainly baskid . in before "baskid is entirely different from dinarid" lol

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2018, 03:45 PM
berids have rounder faces than berberids you are right on that . but they still can resemble each other

dinarids and armenids dont have always the stereotypical big hooked nose :) and if hooked then armenids have more extreme hooks

I dont understand why you talk like this btw. . there are also dinarics in iberia . mainly baskid . in before "baskid is entirely different from dinarid" lol

Myself have been clasified as Baskid. This proves I am not partial.
Classify these Spanish, pls. Some are Berids so I guess they resemble Berberids :cheer_icoon:

01-12-2018, 03:55 PM
Myself have been clasified as Baskid. This proves I am not partial.
Classify these Spanish, pls. Some are Berids so I guess they resemble Berberids :cheer_icoon:

you are not baskid but atlantid mostly with a little dinarization if I remember right

and the spanish footballers you linked me to : I see no berids except maybe cris montes a little . thy are mostly atlantid and atlanto med . but Álvaro Vázquez is alpinized dinarid and resembles armenid a little :D very good for the thread lol

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2018, 04:41 PM
you are not baskid but atlantid mostly with a little dinarization if I remember right
Not entirely Baskid, yeah.

and the spanish footballers you linked me to : I see no berids except maybe cris montes a little . thy are mostly atlantid and atlanto med . but Álvaro Vázquez is alpinized dinarid and resembles armenid a little :D very good for the thread lol
Hey, if there is a Spanish Armenoid, no problem, man :noidea:

01-12-2018, 04:47 PM
Not entirely Baskid, yeah.

Hey, if there is a Spanish Armenoid, no problem, man :noidea:

I know I know :) but Armenid is rare in all of europe anyway

01-12-2018, 06:59 PM
Pah pointless threats online. Dinarids are a bunch of mountain dwelling araboid monkeys. Have a cry kiddo. Nordids>Dinarid

They would kick the shit out of you skinny mongol pussy

01-12-2018, 07:00 PM
oh, he does


01-12-2018, 10:33 PM
They would kick the shit out of you skinny mongol pussy

Prove it you soy boy. Get rid of your man tits before you make bold claims.

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 10:45 PM
you are not baskid but atlantid mostly with a little dinarization if I remember right

Congratulations, but that's basically a Baskid : Atlanto-Med/Atlantid + dinarcization + typically pointy features

01-12-2018, 10:48 PM
Congratulations, but that's basically a Baskid : Atlanto-Med/Atlantid + dinarcization + typically pointy features

yes but he leans way more towards atlantid

also baskid is pretty specific type . there are also atlanto med + dinarization in east and southeast europe etc . but they are not baskids . it has a reason why the name is baskid

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 10:50 PM
I know I know :) but Armenid is rare in all of europe anyway

Pure Armenid yes, it is not common, BUT Armenid influenced/hybrids are common (Carpathids, Dinarics and their variants, Littorids).

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 10:54 PM
yes but he leans way more towards atlantid

also baskid is pretty specific type . there are also atlanto med + dinarization in east and southeast europe etc . but they are not baskids . it has a reason why the name is baskid

No they are not baskids because their Dinaric/Taurid component is stronger overall while the Baskid are basically Atlanto-Meds/Atlantos (West Med types/skulls) with dinariform element. The same way Keltic Nordics are distinct from Norics.

01-12-2018, 10:57 PM
No they are not baskids because their Dinaric component is stronger overall while the Baskid are basically Atlanto-Meds/Atlantos (West Med types/skulls) with dinariform element.

nah . baskids are very dinaricized actually . at least if I go by examples



but ok I wont argue against you in this . you are the iberian :)

Sebastianus Rex
01-12-2018, 11:11 PM
nah . baskids are very dinaricized actually . at least if I go by examples



but ok I wont argue against you in this . you are the iberian :)

Wrong, you are simplistically mistaking dinarcization with nose convexity, dinarcization process is much more than that, a fully dinarcized individual is (hyper) bracycephalic, planoccipital and with very sloping foreheads. While Baskids still have Atlanto-Med skulls but with the dinariform element wich is mostly visible in the nose.




01-12-2018, 11:15 PM
I dont disagree . Just thought the dinaric component of baskid is not less strong . I gave too much importance to the nose hou are right :)

01-12-2018, 11:26 PM
Prove it you soy boy. Get rid of your man tits before you make bold claims.

Mongol shit you would get you're ass beaten by dinarids

Cristiano viejo
01-13-2018, 12:08 AM
Mongol shit you would get you're ass beaten by dinarids

Mongols (Russians) saved you, strong and powerful Dinarids, of Ottomans.

01-13-2018, 12:40 AM
Mongol shit you would get you're ass beaten by dinarids

You are such an estrogenic soy boy your dinarids only achievment if taking goat and turk dick in the mouth

01-13-2018, 12:49 AM
Many have debated if I am KN or Dinaric,, they are very similar in head shape and features.

LOL, I have the same issue

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01-13-2018, 01:02 AM
Do I look Dinaric?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/391dfc66d5f4971b8840fcc3d2a2de8c.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/b2a2eb1bd5af4fabbba32779f6e50f17.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/97d9884b562845ae5ac313f083679217.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/fb10b8038418a19df653982c1e101c52.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/9eba6649b7dc39a4e1f70ee5a0bff0d6.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/e5f6c754ebade6c9226d6f7568305d12.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/750990e8716c267fd60e48b1e0abd3c5.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/e03a43e9c7322c3c8a25ca5eb013d5d8.jpg

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01-13-2018, 01:25 AM
Mongols (Russians) saved you, strong and powerful Dinarids, of Ottomans.

Russians are not mongols dumb bitch just this man Norka is he is part tatar and we saved our own asses a Dinarid would kick you're gracile North African ass

01-13-2018, 01:26 AM
You are such an estrogenic soy boy your dinarids only achievment if taking goat and turk dick in the mouth

False our achievements are fighting and slaying Turks we were the biggest killers of turanid ottomans while you're tatar ancestors were buttraped by mongoloids

01-13-2018, 01:37 AM
Do I look Dinaric?

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yes you actually look like user minecrafter11 and you also look like croatian leader :

01-13-2018, 01:55 AM
yes you actually look like user minecrafter11 and you also look like croatian leader :

That’s a compliment because the great Nick Saban is Croatian https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/9552246dd5aa8550c1e440b499608e0e.jpg

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01-13-2018, 01:56 AM
That’s a compliment because the great Nick Saban is Croatian https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180113/9552246dd5aa8550c1e440b499608e0e.jpg

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it was meant to be a compliment you look very dinarid, i am part dinarid

01-13-2018, 02:06 AM
I get those Dinaric looks from a handful of South German ancestors

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01-13-2018, 02:07 AM
I get those Dinaric looks from a handful of South German ancestors

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Makes sense. Dinarics live in that area.

01-13-2018, 02:08 AM
I get those Dinaric looks from a handful of South German ancestors

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bavarian, as fuck

01-13-2018, 02:09 AM
bavarian, as fuck

No, Swabian

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01-13-2018, 02:11 AM
Makes sense. Dinarics live in that area.

The irony is just less than 90% of my ancestry is from Britain/Ireland. Those Dinaric genes are strong to be so few

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01-13-2018, 02:14 AM
The irony is just less than 90% of my ancestry is from Britain/Ireland. Those Dinaric genes are strong to be so few

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Britian have Dinarics in the form of Keltic Nordid. Like Ringo Starr and John Lennon types.

01-13-2018, 02:17 AM
Britian have Dinarics in the form of Keltic Nordid. Like Ringo Starr and John Lennon types.

I have noticed that. In my family the Lewis’s (English) have a very similar look to the Beam’s(Czech/German) and Hackles(Swabian)

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01-13-2018, 03:37 AM

lol your avatar looks like king mahmud al-Hussein the magnificent.

01-13-2018, 03:42 AM
lol your avatar looks like king mahmud al-Hussein the magnificent.

Lol why because of his beard?

01-13-2018, 05:50 AM

01-13-2018, 05:56 AM
False our achievements are fighting and slaying Turks we were the biggest killers of turanid ottomans while you're tatar ancestors were buttraped by mongoloids

Please save me your bullshit araboid gypsy you took it like good boys from the Turks a power which Russia fought and won many victories against while you bent over. The mongol invasion did not leave a genetic mark on ethnic Russians. I take pride in my siberian/steppe ancestry not sure why you think you are offending me by calling me a mong I still look more euro than you do.

01-13-2018, 05:57 AM

01-13-2018, 05:59 AM
Fine you are right I am a subhuman reduced armenoid I never made fun of Russians just of you

Good soy boy give yourself a cookie.

01-13-2018, 06:05 AM

01-13-2018, 06:15 AM
That's right I'm a pussy a beta male I let the girl of my dreams fall in love with a fatass I'm basically A combination of Mongoloid and Churka (West Asian) and I have a G2a churka Anatolian shitskin haplogroup and on top of that my ancestors are stupid balkanites that sold there asses and wives to turks. It fucking sucks to be me.

Get off the internet your puberty is unhealthy

Cristiano viejo
01-13-2018, 12:18 PM
Russians are not mongols dumb bitch just this man Norka is he is part tatar and we saved our own asses a Dinarid would kick you're gracile North African ass


01-13-2018, 12:56 PM
Do I look Dinaric?

Not at all.


01-13-2018, 12:56 PM
yes you actually look like user minecrafter11 and you also look like croatian leader :
That is no Dinaric in fact.

Alpine type.

01-13-2018, 01:03 PM
Med's look more MENA than Dinarids.
Dinarids are similar to Nordids, just swarthier.

Vid Flumina
01-13-2018, 02:48 PM
Can this look be described as dinaric and how common is it among South Slavs?


01-13-2018, 03:04 PM

01-13-2018, 03:08 PM

That photo was taken in Italy.

01-13-2018, 09:11 PM
I get those Dinaric looks from a handful of South German ancestors

This is possible. In the area of Austria and in Bavaria there are a part of Dinarid looking people living. Maybe you remember my pic of the Austrian hunters 1957 ;)

01-14-2018, 02:01 PM
Can this look be described as dinaric and how common is it among South Slavs?


She can pass as South Slav, but she is not pure Dinarid.

01-14-2018, 02:17 PM
Med's look more MENA than Dinarids.
Dinarids are similar to Nordids, just swarthier.

Dinarics are not similar to Nordics at all... they are complete opposites actually.

Vid Flumina
01-14-2018, 05:11 PM
She can pass as South Slav, but she is not pure Dinarid.

Thanks for the input. So how would you classify her and which type of South Slav do you reckon she would pass better as?

01-14-2018, 07:21 PM

01-21-2018, 01:27 PM
The Greek tour guide once I have visited Greece. She had claimed that ancient Greeks were mostly blonde but most turned brunette because of Ottoman invasion.

This is pure gold. LMAO.

01-21-2018, 03:05 PM
Britian have Dinarics in the form of Keltic Nordid. Like Ringo Starr and John Lennon types.

Ringo looks suspect.

01-21-2018, 03:11 PM
Ringo looks suspect.

No he doesn't.

01-21-2018, 03:39 PM
Yeah he's a tough one. Strange looking though.

01-21-2018, 03:41 PM
These are Arabs and Turks according to Cristiano Vejo:


07-14-2021, 10:20 PM
Let's not forget that some ancient Roman leaders were Dinarid and Norid.

07-14-2021, 10:22 PM
It does.

07-14-2021, 10:52 PM
Looking Indid or Middle Eastern is always seen as an insult here. lol :D

The question itself is tough because middle eastern is geographic and not really racially identifiable. There are Dinarids, Atlantid and Nordid types seen in the middle east too so are we comparing those?

07-14-2021, 11:36 PM
Oh my God

Every day I go to this forum I find out that I'm blacker than celebrities like Jayz and Beyonce ;D

How do I get into wakanda?

07-14-2021, 11:39 PM
Borreby look like fair-skinned australoids

And I've never seen anyone creating a topic about it.

black hole
07-15-2021, 12:06 AM
It is a Taurid family


Dinarids, Carpathids, Mtebids, Anatolids, Armenids etc

07-15-2021, 12:36 AM
It is a Taurid family

Dinarids, Carpathids, Mtebids, Anatolids, Armenids etc

Taurid/ Dinaro morphic features are way more spread than this map shows, this map shows only the brachy zone but brachyness isnt really what makes Dinaric really exotic, Oriental Jews are along with Arabs and North Africans the most dolicho people on the planet- enough Russians look Taurid influenced too, its just a matter of recognizing it. SCartem, travv and Kommi are masters in it.

like this lady with that fine booty:

05-02-2022, 02:37 AM
The phenotype doesn't look middle eastern you fools...

He looks Turanid with some Iranid trace

05-02-2022, 07:03 AM
Maybe its the closed set eyes and hooked nose. If they have olive skin or curlier hair it may add to that as well. Some Europeans of certain Med phenotypes may look pseudo-South Asian or West Asian or be mistaken as such. At the end of the day, "race" is a social construct.

05-02-2022, 11:38 AM
Yes it is the evolution of the armenoid type with European influences

05-02-2022, 01:34 PM
In its darker variations it may.

05-02-2022, 01:36 PM
He looks Turanid with some Iranid trace

He looks like my maternal grandfather, moustache included.

08-09-2022, 08:07 PM
At it’s purest form, yes. Because it is originally a Middle Eastern type. Racial anthropologists often used Dinarid and Armenoid interchangeably because they both stem from a common ancestor and look relatively similar.

This should not confuse people into thinking that Balkan people look Middle Eastern though. Balkan people (especially the Slavic ones) are also heavily mixed with European types such as Gorid, Baltid, East-Nordid, North-Pontid, etc.

08-09-2022, 08:43 PM
It is a Taurid family


Dinarids, Carpathids, Mtebids, Anatolids, Armenids etc

This map is flawed. I think most of Greece should be colored in as well, and central & southern Italy should be colored in rather than northern Italy where Alpine is more common. Also I don’t think France has a large enough Dinarid component to be colored in with that of Albanians and Croatians.

08-09-2022, 10:34 PM
Dinarid is baiscaly Europoid with armenid influeced , Countries with highly neolithic farmer dna are armenid influeced

08-09-2022, 10:37 PM
Dinarid is baiscaly Europoid with armenid influeced , Countries with highly neolithic farmer dna are armenid influeced

nahhhhh....Sardinians have kind of lowest dinarid in south Euro

Taurid features came party with Indo-Europeans (who were half CHG) and partly with later Imperial Roman East Med migrations heavy in CHG and west Asian DNA.

South Euro Neolitics (Barcin N) were mostly Meds.

08-09-2022, 10:39 PM
Bell Beakers were quite Dinaric as well (source of Keltic Nordid phenotype I assume)

08-10-2022, 12:37 AM
nahhhhh....Sardinians have kind of lowest dinarid in south Euro

Taurid features came party with Indo-Europeans (who were half CHG) and partly with later Imperial Roman East Med migrations heavy in CHG and west Asian DNA.

South Euro Neolitics (Barcin N) were mostly Meds.

If that’s the case then why aren’t Germans or Poles as much Dinarid as Balkan people? Because Northern Europe has way more IE Steppe input than the Balkans.

08-10-2022, 12:45 AM
If that’s the case then why aren’t Germans or Poles as much Dinarid as Balkan people? Because Northern Europe has way more IE Steppe input than the Balkans.

whats your problem, pal? you seem to be confused.

we have the metrics and the skulls


skullmetrics will not tell you how you look. Those Dinarics do not look like Armenians or Albanians necessary, like Meds do not necessary look like Arabs or whatever, is that too hard for you?

08-10-2022, 12:57 AM
whats your problem, pal? you seem to be confused.

we have the metrics and the skulls


skullmetrics will not tell you how you look. Those Dinarics do not look like Armenians or Albanians necessary, like Meds do not necessary look like Arabs or whatever, is that too hard for you?

Ding ding someone finally admits it: Albanians look like Armenians, as Coon stated himself.

08-10-2022, 11:43 AM
Doesn't Dinarid racial phenotype look very middle eastern?

The dinarid race is considered a sister race of the armenid race and separated with a deviating long development in Europe. I can agree to that.

Atlantic Reptilian
08-10-2022, 11:59 AM
I think it originated from the ME at some point in time, but that doesn't make it MENA. And they don't look semitic.
Many dinarids are blue eyed and light skinned. I've noticed that it's not uncommon for the men to have very strong eyebrows. And the face looks slimmer at young age.
For instance, Mirza Delibasic:

08-10-2022, 12:07 PM
Ding ding someone finally admits it: Albanians look like Armenians, as Coon stated himself.
Where? Coon wrote an entire book on Albanians, take a look at it. "Dinaricization" is the result of hybridization and to a large extent cranial deformation, it is not indicative of common descent.

08-10-2022, 12:49 PM
It usually doesn't.

08-10-2022, 01:29 PM
Dinarids are probably one of the strongest (tall,muscular) and most masculine type of europeans.

https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon5.png "The typical Dinarid is short skulled and long faced. He fits the type."resisting the nordicists,
vladimir dvorniković (https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Dvorniković) wrote articles and offered lectures
illustrating that dinarics were the acme of races.

the realpolitik (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Realpolitik), scientific, technological, and industrial successes of germanics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_peoples)
diminished the enthusiasm of his audience.

https://i.imgur.com/DTANs0x.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/6zTrMSe.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#)https://i.imgur.com/DTANs0x.png

DINARID (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARIC) (Homo dinaricus Lapouge (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Vacher_de_Lapouge), Adriatic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adriatic_Sea) Deniker (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?73486&p=1520510&viewfull=1#post1520510), Epirotic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epirus))
Central and southeastern Europid (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#EUROPID), named with reference to the Dinaric Alps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinaric_Alps). The Dinarid is considered a Taurid (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss2.htm#TAURID), being a product of the dinaricization (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARICIZATION) of an ancestral population of uncertain affiliation (a Borreby-like Cro-Magnoid type has been suggested). Dinarids are typically brachycephalic (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#BRACHYCEPHALIC) and planoccipital (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss2.htm#PLANOCCIPITAL), long-faced (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#FACIAL%20INDEX%20(F.I.)) and long- and convex-nosed (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss2.htm#NASAL%20INDEX%20(N.I.)), and intermediate to dark in pigmentation. They are most common in the Balkans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkans), especially in the region of former Yugoslavia, and a Dinarid "belt" extends from France through southern Germany, the Alps and northern Italy, terminating in the western shoreline populations of the Black Sea.

https://i.imgur.com/FSAsN1Y.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/qbBCYb7.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-main.htm)https://i.imgur.com/FSAsN1Y.png

https://i.imgur.com/upcFxvm.png (https://www.worldcat.org/title/osnovi-biogeneze-i-biodinamike-dinarske-rase/oclc/989156224)

https://i.imgur.com/cJY99YH.png (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?326117-do-you-agree-that-im-paleo-pontid-dinarid&p=7202734&viewfull=1#post7202734)

08-10-2022, 02:50 PM
Dinarid is baiscaly Europoid with armenid influeced , Countries with highly neolithic farmer dna are armenid influeced

It can look like swarthy version of Norid.

08-10-2022, 06:38 PM
Outdate racial classification.

04-30-2024, 09:58 PM
Dinarid is very near armenoid type so, yes, is strong near east link.

04-30-2024, 10:29 PM
To begin witch,The Celine type Dinarid texbooks are quite rare(literally even in Croatia Where they are most prevalent,they would be 1 in every 30-40 other contries,not mention),in general they have lighter pigmentation and also some mixture of Alpine,Nordic,Baltic or Mediterranean phenos

05-01-2024, 03:23 AM
This phenotype is found in extremely pure form throughout Eastern Turkey where it most likely originated from. Got spread to the Balkans through the Neolithic invasions then to other areas of Europe to a lesser extent

05-17-2024, 08:22 PM
Celine is far more Armenoid than Dinaric.

This Romanian woman is a regular Dinaric:
