View Full Version : Can Kiko Mizuhara pass as Japanese?

01-14-2018, 01:55 AM
Born to a white American father and Zainichi-Korean mother (ethnic Korean raised in Japan) and the surname comes from the mother as Kiko was raised in Japan




Father (pictured above her):


Imo I think her aesthetic fits well with Japan. However her sister looks more obviously western

01-14-2018, 02:17 AM
I think maybe she would be seen as a "hāfu" by ethnic japanese people but... What do i know.

01-14-2018, 02:24 AM
I think maybe she would be seen as a "hāfu" by ethnic japanese people but... What do i know.

I have a Korean associate who speaks Japanese and has a grandfather raised from there who told me Kiko looks "very Japanese". However I did come across one Japanese website where a number of Japanese people complained that Kiko looked "too Korean" and shouldn't be representing Japan

01-14-2018, 03:42 AM
If I dont know her ethnic background - I would classify her as Southeast Asian (maybe Philippina) with mixed ancestry - partly European admixture.

This was not the question. She can pass in Japan but I would not classify her as Japanese.

01-14-2018, 03:46 AM
Most Japanese on her is her name - her name lead to the imagination of Japanese - but the name is not equal to the phenotype

01-14-2018, 05:36 AM
If I dont know her ethnic background - I would classify her as Southeast Asian (maybe Philippina) with mixed ancestry - partly European admixture.

This was not the question. She can pass in Japan but I would not classify her as Japanese.

I can maybe understand the Southeast Asian but only if it was a highly-Chinese influenced phenotype, and even that I wouldn't agree with. She looks nothing like a Filipina, not even one with European mixture. There are some Filipinos with Japanese ancestry, however.

I think Kiko's western features are visible in certain pictures but for the most part they aren't explicit.

01-14-2018, 06:21 AM
If I dont know her ethnic background - I would classify her as Southeast Asian (maybe Philippina) with mixed ancestry - partly European admixture.

This was not the question. She can pass in Japan but I would not classify her as Japanese.

01-14-2018, 06:31 AM

Can you explain how she looks Southeast Asian? I can only see her as such as a Southeast Asian with significant Chinese/Japanese ancestry, the former more present than the latter. However she doesn't look like a typical Southeast Asian at all unless admixed with East Asian

For the most part she looks very East Asian. I can see her passing as fully Korean way before being Southeast Asian

01-14-2018, 11:45 PM
Nope, she looks Hapa.

Black Panther
01-14-2018, 11:55 PM
Looks like a textbook Hapa girl.

01-15-2018, 04:58 AM
Looks generic SE Asian. No Caucasoid influence visible whatsoever...

Grab the Gauge
01-15-2018, 10:16 AM
Looks like a southeastern European female, similar to the Romanian girl who posts here. Cannot pass for any central or West Asian nationality, including Turkish.

Grab the Gauge
01-15-2018, 10:17 AM
Looks generic SE Asian. No Caucasoid influence visible whatsoever...

You are fucking idiot.

01-15-2018, 06:45 PM
Looks like a southeastern European female, similar to the Romanian girl who posts here. Cannot pass for any central or West Asian nationality, including Turkish.

Why is this god damned troll not banned for good?:picard1:

Grab the Gauge
01-16-2018, 03:09 AM
Why is this god damned troll not banned for good?:picard1:2

Because it's not trolling, you're just a poor student.

01-16-2018, 03:11 AM
looks hapa

01-16-2018, 03:35 AM
Looks generic SE Asian. No Caucasoid influence visible whatsoever...

Can you show me a Southeast Asian (who is not mixed with Chinese or Japanese, especially the former as it's very common) who looks like this? Even Eurasians mixed with Southeast Asians do not look like her

01-16-2018, 03:38 AM
Kind of passes..
Doesn't have all the features. Looks a little too European to fulll pass with no questions

01-16-2018, 08:54 AM
Can you show me a Southeast Asian (who is not mixed with Chinese or Japanese, especially the former as it's very common) who looks like this? Even Eurasians mixed with Southeast Asians do not look like her

There are Thai persons who look partly Chinese, cause they have any Chinese ancestry. Thai and Lao migrated 1000 to 1500 years ago from South China to Indochine (Khmer kingdom).

Jia Mei
07-29-2021, 08:24 PM
Yes, I think she can, if you mean, whether she can pass for half-Japanese. I was a bit surprised to learn is actually half-Korean. I would assume her Asian part is Ishikawa or Chikuzen instead of more Korean type (based on her features, without knowing about her Korean ancestry). Daniel Henney is an example of half-Korean who doesn't look non-Korean East Asian to me, he has very Korean features.
However, Kiko's mother isn't atypical for Korea. Her daughter just doesn't resemble her that much.