View Full Version : Classify Khloe Kardashian

01-16-2018, 02:33 PM
Aka the blonde Kardashian. I don't think Khloe's been done here before (which is surprising).

https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn-img.instyle.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fstyles %2F684xflex%2Fpublic%2F1446755970%2F110515-khloe-k-lead.jpg%3Fitok%3DkBFYFF5M&w=700&q=85

01-16-2018, 02:39 PM
I would assume she was a fair-skinned woman with perhaps some native ancestry, even though I wouldn't be confident in that classification but I can't think of anything else

Heather Duval
01-16-2018, 02:41 PM
Some rumours that shes part black.

01-16-2018, 02:42 PM
Some rumours that shes part black.

If that's the case then why would she be the palest out of all of her siblings?

Heather Duval
01-16-2018, 02:54 PM
If that's the case then why would she be the palest out of all of her siblings?

Because her real father is an light skinned Afram and people like him makes a lot of quadroons etc.
Her real father and in the left her half sister, the daughter of her real father

01-16-2018, 02:59 PM
lol what? She does not look like lionel Ricci or his daughter.

Heather Duval
01-16-2018, 03:02 PM
She looked quadroon before her plastic surgery

01-16-2018, 03:07 PM
cant really calssify a child to be honest. Not to mention her face is chubbier. Just my opinion though... im not an expert. I think the kardashians are being pushed as being "secretly black" by tabloids because , they mainly date black people. Its mainstream America's weird way of coping.

01-16-2018, 03:08 PM
They all look like latinas to me. I know a girl that looks exactly like kim. Wanna see? http://subefotos.com/ver/?fc30eb6f4d507f38169a30bfd164dd80o.jpg

01-16-2018, 03:09 PM
Something is wrong with her lips. And nose.

Heather Duval
01-16-2018, 03:11 PM
She did nose job

01-16-2018, 05:26 PM
She did nose job

her nose looks the same

Carlito's Way
01-16-2018, 05:27 PM

01-16-2018, 05:41 PM
^^^^ she looks nothing like you

01-16-2018, 05:42 PM
For some reason she's the Kardashian I dislike the most. :confused:

Heather Duval
01-16-2018, 05:45 PM
^^^^ she looks nothing like you

Carlitos isnt a quadroon.

01-16-2018, 07:00 PM

01-16-2018, 09:27 PM

Carlito's Way
01-17-2018, 12:12 AM
^^^^ she looks nothing like you

Of course not, not even like my grandfather who was the quadroon one, shes too extremely ugly just like you, so ugly that no one wants to claim her just like you

In my family only good looking people, where we get begged to become models and be in Mr Mexico to represent the country with our good looks

Your family dont even wanna use you to reprsent their damn family, you stupid as camel tuga cunt

01-17-2018, 12:13 AM
Disguisting, The black genes made her look like that

Carlito's Way
01-17-2018, 12:14 AM
Carlitos isnt a quadroon.

That nigga obsessed with me, once he found out i have a big dick, he been obsessing
He either gay or wants to hire me to fuck his gal

01-17-2018, 12:14 AM


Armenian Bishop
01-17-2018, 12:38 AM
Some rumours that shes part black.

I vaguely remember that rumor, circulating around. So many times, her face has been remade that she's become more difficult to figure out. Perhaps, I see some Armenian features in her face, but I'm not 100% sure about it.

lol what? She does not look like lionel Ricci or his daughter.

I also don't think she's Lionel Ricci's daughter, but it's a remote possibility.

01-17-2018, 12:43 AM
Mixed or not (although there's no evidence of that), she does practically look Alpinid.

Btw, some people have even compared her to Elvis Presley. Lol.


01-17-2018, 01:20 AM
Hahahah faceless bandit

Carlito's Way
01-17-2018, 04:25 AM
Her mom had an affair with O.J Simpson, and she looks like him as well, nothing like that Armenian man named Robert Kardashian


O.J Simpson biracial daughter

01-17-2018, 06:19 AM

Heather Duval
01-17-2018, 11:49 AM
shes ugly as fuck

Queen B
01-17-2018, 11:56 AM
She is actually the most white looking sister (of the older ones)
There is a rumor that her biological father is a hairdresser which actually make sense (in terms of looks)

01-17-2018, 01:16 PM
What proof is there to all of these conspiracy theories? The "she's half black" theory has nothing even partially valid about it whatsoever. It only seems to be making traction on this forum because of multiple people agreeing with themselves in an echochamber...

Carlito's Way
01-17-2018, 03:41 PM
What proof is there to all of these conspiracy theories? The "she's half black" theory has nothing even partially valid about it whatsoever. It only seems to be making traction on this forum because of multiple people agreeing with themselves in an echochamber...

She part black, looks like it amd o.j simpson nutted on her mother, its known about the affair, she looks like o.j simpson biracial daughter too

Not to mention she loves black men

Khole also went to visit her father o.j simpson a couple of times when he was locked up....

01-17-2018, 04:03 PM
She part black, looks like it amd o.j simpson nutted on her mother, its known about the affair, she looks like o.j simpson biracial daughter too

Not to mention she loves black men

Khole also went to visit her father o.j simpson a couple of times when he was locked up....

I'm going to take these conspiracy theories as trolling at this point.

He's already said she's not his daughter anyway. (https://youtu.be/Wo02_cSJp3I?t=3m28s) He's a convict whose social reputation has been drug through the mud and has no redemption of reversing that, so I don't see what's stopping him from admitting it if it were true

01-14-2020, 05:01 AM
Alpine-Gorid. Now with surgery just Alpine. Looks totally European.

07-10-2021, 11:15 AM
Mixed or not (although there's no evidence of that), she does practically look Alpinid.

Btw, some people have even compared her to Elvis Presley. Lol.


JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA this killed me man XDXD.

07-10-2021, 11:25 AM
Its weird that shes the only sister that looks white considering that Kim and Kourtney look fully Armenian for some reason despite beign half white, and weirdly enough Kylie and Kendall look part Armenian despite being fully white, even though Kendall can still pass as white though (well she is fully genetically), and Kylie looked white before surgeries but that changed after.

I dont think shes adopted, I think Robert was her father, I am surprised that in a genetics forum no one consideres the reccesive genes and all the varieties u can inherit. I think Khloe ended up expressing more of her moms genes in her apperance and thats why she looks whiter than her sisters. She also doesnt look black at all, and just shows how biased this forum can be towards classifications, and how important it is to not reveal bakcground information if u want to be classified fairly, as well how this is just completely pseudoscience.

Anyways, end of my ramble.

Also this is how Khloe looks current day, she lost some weight, maybe got some surgeries, idk, she looks good.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvfiSB8qs_PrMnXQEHO2ttj_FTT1Naz 3uIEAIzEdhGCgg5bCuGXvRe5SI6__H4RYJ7q48&usqp=CAU


Also did Carlitos have mental issues, why are most Mexican Americans in these forum so delusional, short tempered, incoherent, mentally ill, and narcisistic in this forum?.

12-24-2023, 12:09 AM
She looked quadroon before her plastic surgery
She looked like a light skinned berid spaniard before. Her supposed father Alex Roldan has a spanish surname. So it figures.


12-24-2023, 06:28 AM