View Full Version : Classify Osho

01-21-2018, 01:53 AM
https://realization.org/img/osho.1500.jpg http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories/2017January/osho3-650_011917012147.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/37/db/ca/37dbcad6bd128e5f5f93aea104482f84.jpg

01-21-2018, 02:15 AM
Nordid Indid + Indo Brachid

01-21-2018, 04:44 AM
He seems to be Weddoid-Indid mixed, I think he might be NordIndid influenced (deviates from the South Indian standard).

His books are mixture of interesting and liberal/new world order nonsense.

I think he is a charlatan and fraud made by the people who control the nations of the earth.

A few things about him that goes in line with the garbage that the new world order people peddle.

Euthanasia for crippled, blind, deaf and dumb children and genetic selection[edit]
Rajneesh spoke many times of the dangers of overpopulation, and advocated universal legalisation of contraception and abortion. He described the religious prohibitions thereof as criminal, and argued that the United Nations' declaration of the human "right to life" played into the hands of religious campaigners.

According to Rajneesh, one has no right to knowingly inflict a lifetime of suffering: life should begin only at birth, and even then, "If a child is born deaf, dumb, and we cannot do anything, and the parents are willing, the child should be put to eternal sleep" rather than "take the risk of burdening the earth with a crippled, blind child." He argued that this simply freed the soul to inhabit a healthy body instead: "Only the body goes back into its basic elements; the soul will fly into another womb. Nothing is destroyed. If you really love the child, you will not want him to live a seventy-year-long life in misery, suffering, sickness, old age. So even if a child is born, if he is not medically capable of enjoying life fully with all the senses, healthy, then it is better that he goes to eternal sleep and is born somewhere else with a better body."

This is strongly outside the realm of traditional Hindu stance "everyone is born into this world to work their karma out". Not only did he deviate from traditional Hindu discourse, he did this regarding so many matters, and often took it quite far.

Renunciation and the "New Man"[edit]
Rajneesh saw his "neo-sannyas" as a totally new form of spiritual discipline, or one that had once existed but since been forgotten.[190] He thought that the traditional Hindu sannyas had turned into a mere system of social renunciation and imitation.[190] He emphasised complete inner freedom and the responsibility to oneself, not demanding superficial behavioural changes, but a deeper, inner transformation.[190] Desires were to be accepted and surpassed rather than denied.[190] Once this inner flowering had taken place, desires such as that for sex would be left behind.[190]

Rajneesh said that he was "the rich man's guru" and that material poverty was not a genuine spiritual value.[191] He had himself photographed wearing sumptuous clothing and hand-made watches[192] and, while in Oregon, drove a different Rolls-Royce each day – his followers reportedly wanted to buy him 365 of them, one for each day of the year.[111] Publicity shots of the Rolls-Royces were sent to the press.[191][193] They may have reflected both his advocacy of wealth and his desire to provoke American sensibilities, much as he had enjoyed offending Indian sensibilities earlier.[191][194]

What kind of a person, who takes knowledge from "ancient holy men" like the sadhus and presents it to a wider audience only to criticize those very people. This type of behaviour can only come from people who have no emotional and ethnic connection to such people and are merely social engineer poseurs.

He had intelligence and boldness that just didn't seem natural and coming from someone born and raised in India. But more like "a westernized group within India, which had links to outside of India, in the West".

Theres just so much general knowledge in his works that its all impossible to come from one mind but rather an entire committee of shadow people "behind the scenes".

01-21-2018, 04:56 AM

01-21-2018, 01:16 PM
A few things about him that goes in line with the garbage that the new world order people peddle.

Overpopulation and pollution is gonna be problem, but not because Europeans, but because of Asians that overpopulate Earth.

01-21-2018, 02:08 PM
I certainly believe in eugenics for India and Bangladesh, people are breeding left, right centre there. The excessive population doesn't seem to imply higher quality of living either, greater population = higher chances of more creative/intelligent people. In fact this high population : low resources has created a messed up social interaction, dynamics, people flocking like vultures to cadavers.

01-21-2018, 03:01 PM
I certainly believe in eugenics for India and Bangladesh, people are breeding left, right centre there. The excessive population doesn't seem to imply higher quality of living either, greater population = higher chances of more creative/intelligent people. In fact this high population : low resources has created a messed up social interaction, dynamics, people flocking like vultures to cadavers.

That's reason why there's many ingenious Indians, not because they're superior than others in racial sense.

Too high population can create resource issues as we know many parts of Asia have.

On the other hand, Europe/North America have opposite problem.

01-21-2018, 03:07 PM
No I'm actually saying there AREN'T many ingenious Indians inspite of the high population.

01-24-2018, 09:26 AM
He seems to be Weddoid-Indid mixed, I think he might be NordIndid influenced (deviates from the South Indian standard).

His books are mixture of interesting and liberal/new world order nonsense.

I think he is a charlatan and fraud made by the people who control the nations of the earth.

A few things about him that goes in line with the garbage that the new world order people peddle.

This is strongly outside the realm of traditional Hindu stance "everyone is born into this world to work their karma out". Not only did he deviate from traditional Hindu discourse, he did this regarding so many matters, and often took it quite far.

What kind of a person, who takes knowledge from "ancient holy men" like the sadhus and presents it to a wider audience only to criticize those very people. This type of behaviour can only come from people who have no emotional and ethnic connection to such people and are merely social engineer poseurs.

He had intelligence and boldness that just didn't seem natural and coming from someone born and raised in India. But more like "a westernized group within India, which had links to outside of India, in the West".

Theres just so much general knowledge in his works that its all impossible to come from one mind but rather an entire committee of shadow people "behind the scenes".

lol agreed he was a fraudster. But charlaton or not he was an interesting character. My grandfather on my dad's side was a big follower and used to read his books (mostly in Hindi but English translations too), he has the entire collection.

Purohit ji
10-20-2018, 10:36 AM
Pan north indian