View Full Version : How similar are Iranid and Pontid?

01-21-2018, 10:58 AM
Sone sections say that Pontid is the eastern version of Atlanto Med and Iranid is the eastern version of Pontid. How similar are they?

01-21-2018, 01:13 PM
Lundman places both types in:
A- High Skulled (hypsicefalic) group (this would be the main difference with Western European types)
2. - Longheaded type. (This would be the main difference with Dinaric/Alpine types)


A. Caspid Southeastern High-Skulled Racial Group.
II. Progressive Protopomorphic Types - All Extremely Long-Skulled.
a) East-Mediterranean Race: dark pigmented, with many subraces.
1. The Pontid (in southern Russia).
2. The Iranid: partly influenced by the Arabid race, with narrow rectangular face.

01-21-2018, 02:59 PM
"2. The Iranid: partly influenced by the Arabid race, with narrow rectangular face."

This is what I read yet I see no demonstrations of it using pictures or descriptions.