View Full Version : Classify Nepali girl

01-21-2018, 07:47 PM

01-21-2018, 08:23 PM
looks southeast asian

01-21-2018, 08:35 PM
SE asians are more dark with wider noses

01-21-2018, 11:52 PM
SE asians are more dark with wider noses

There's heavy skin tone diversity in Southeast Asia. Barring the natives, SE Asians can range from black to pale. I will admit the only suspect thing about her phenotype is her nose though

01-22-2018, 01:05 AM
I think this girl deviates from the "North East Indian" range of typical phenotypes and goes into a more "Neo Mongolid"/Sinid direction.

This isn't even an attempted "classification" at all. This is just a knee jerk reflex. This is something you are able to do, just growing up around Sinid people, having looked at thousands of Chinese over the years of your life. I don't even have to put thought into it, it just comes naturally.

- we can even tell the difference between broad nosed, unprogressive, round faced Eurasians and highly progressive, sharp narrow nosed, leptosomic (Nord)Sinids, even when in some cases some Eurasians look metrically indistinguishable from progressive Sinids
- refined progressive South East Asians from Sinids
- lighter South East Asians vs tanned North East Asians
- Thai people without the pseudo-Weddoid/Negrito look and light skin, can still look different from Chinese (actually almost in a more Europimorphic way)

There's heavy skin tone diversity in Southeast Asia. Barring the natives, SE Asians can range from black to pale. I will admit the only suspect thing about her phenotype is her nose though

We can tell Malay people, even when their skin is lighter, or their features are more refined/progressive, or even they are half-Chinese. Pinoys tend to show more neo/Sinid-like Mongoliform compared to Malays. But they also have other strange variants.

Malays from Malaysia are darker than Pinoys. Pinoys are darker than Vietnamese. Vietnamese are darker than Southern Chinese. Javanese are the darkest of the lot.

Nepalis/North East Indians are diverse and can range from
- Angami Naga, "progressive paleo Mongolid" which looks very similar to Sinids, just with darker skin, but overall lower facial subcutaneous fat, at least for males
- Balinese looking types
- some almost Eurasian looking, withOUT being obviously Indid influenced, refined nose, lacking Sinimorphic like Mongoloid, closer to PaleoMongolid in a way, likely having relations to other exclusively North East Indian types
- not very progressive, but more progressive than some S.E.Asian variants, somewhat paedomorphised, but stronger facial relief and sharper, longer, narrower nose types(in comparison to Southern Chinese) which look very different from and easily distinguishable from Sinids, I see this element quite frequently in North East Indian, they can neither pass for Chinese or S.E.Asians even
- more quasi S.E.Asian looking types, with more protomorphic features, in combination with relatively stronger facial reliefs, somewhat similar to Oceanic Mongoloids
- refined, quite progressive, "higher social type" types, which show relations to SudSinids and look almost just like darker Chinese

01-22-2018, 05:16 AM

07-21-2018, 05:33 PM
Yes this girl. Strong facial relief

Cannot be Chinese even if light skinned. Cannot be Malay either.

Very attractive.

07-21-2018, 05:34 PM
looks southeast asian

Not really, she look more East Asian, maybe Nepali+East Asian mix

07-21-2018, 05:35 PM
Yes this girl. Strong facial relief

Cannot be Chinese even if light skinned. Cannot be Malay either.

Very attractive.

She looks very Chinese actually, maybe a bit atypical but still looks Chinese

07-21-2018, 08:18 PM
she looks like an ethnic minority in southern china. Although her nose is sharp, there's something paleo mongoloid like in her features/facial structure. Maybe some indid mix is giving that vibe

Tibetid+slight indid/paleomongolid.