View Full Version : A monument to Ottoman soldiers is to be erected near the Wawel

01-29-2018, 08:02 AM
Duda and Erdogan agreed on the case of Krakow: a monument to Ottoman soldiers is to be built near the Wawel
in Polish language:

01-29-2018, 08:08 AM
Poles love muslims :D

01-29-2018, 08:16 AM
It is about the Wernyhora prediction, which assumed that Poland regains its independence when/after Turks water their horses in Wisła river. This was 1916-1917, when the Ottoman troops involved in World War I stopped in Krakow, where the Poles provided them with rest and medical assistance.

Chodzi o przepowiednię Wernyhory, która zakładała, że Polska odzyska niepodległość po tym, jak Turcy napoją swoje konie w Wiśle. Miało to się stać w latach 1916-1917, kiedy wojska osmańskie biorące udział w I wojnie światowej zatrzymały się w Krakowie, gdzie Polacy zapewnili im odpoczynek i pomoc medyczną.


01-29-2018, 02:11 PM
what we have now is:

15 nci Türk Kolordusu, Galiçya Muharebelerine katılmış, Ağustos 1916’da Uzunköprü ve Alpullu’dan hareketle Krakow’a, daha sonra da doğuya ilerleyerek 1917 yılının yaz aylarına kadar bu cephede kahramanca savaşmıştır. Bu süre içinde 15.Türk Kolordusu, cephenin değişik yerlerinde 1050’den fazla şehit vermiştir. Galiçya’da şehit olan askerlerimiz için 13 ayrı yerde şehitlik yapılmış. Rakowicki Mezarlığı içinde bulunan şehit sayısı 53. Mezarlığın içinde siyah mermerden yapılmış sembolik bir mezar var.

Üzerinde Lehçe ve Türkçe olarak “GALİÇYA CEPHESİNDE ŞEHİT OLAN TÜRK ASKERLERİNİN ANISINA. 1916-1917″ yazılı. Lehçe ve Türkçe metinlerin arasına metalden Türk Bayrağı bulunmaktadır.*


01-29-2018, 02:29 PM

01-29-2018, 02:42 PM
A spesific crusader-wannabe German must see this, he was saying Duda was his hero.

01-29-2018, 03:45 PM
btw, Polish-Turkish chemical military exercises


01-29-2018, 09:54 PM
Pokój i wieczna przyjaźń. Barış ve sonsuz dostluk. Gdansk’a 90 km uzaklıktaki Szymbark isimli köye yolunuz düşerse (ki düşürün) bu resmi görebilirsiniz. Türkiye’nin ve Polonya’nın mimarları.

or with google translate to polish language

01-29-2018, 10:03 PM
Duda and Erdogan agreed on the case of Krakow: a monument to Ottoman soldiers is to be built near the Wawel
in Polish language ay, vaasilliy we all know that putin did it

Bobby Martnen
02-15-2018, 04:59 AM
Ottoman monuments don't belong in Cracow, or Athens, or Berlin, or any other European city.

02-15-2018, 05:25 AM
Ottoman monuments don't belong in Cracow, or Athens, or Berlin, or any other European city.

Ottoman Empire was run predominantly by Europeans. Islamised, Serbs, Greeks, Vlachs, Bulgarians, Anatolians were 70% of Empire.

It's culturally not European you are right, but that's up to europeans who decided to maintain that empire.

your personal bias against islamic religion should not cloud your judgment on empire itself.

Bobby Martnen
02-15-2018, 05:33 AM
Ottoman Empire was run predominantly by Europeans. Islamised, Serbs, Greeks, Vlachs, Bulgarians, Anatolians were 70% of Empire.

It's culturally not European you are right, but that's up to europeans who decided to maintain that empire.

your personal bias against islamic religion should not cloud your judgment on empire itself.

This isn't because of my opinions on Islam, it's because Poland building a monument to the Ottoman Empire makes as much sense as France building a monument to the Mongol Empire.

Poland was never under Ottoman rule, thus, it makes no sense to for them commemorate the Ottomans.