View Full Version : The true faces of the Spaniards

01-29-2018, 05:01 PM
There are two crazy obsessions with Spaniards: one is to desperately endarken them as much as possible, and another one is to desperately enlighten them as much as possible. Of course neither of them is correct, as MOST Spaniards are neither Black or Nordic. Sure, there are SOME blond blue-eyed Spaniards, as well as SOME gypsies and mixed race folks born and raised in Spain, but neither extreme of the spectrum equals the reality of the vast majority of the Spanish folk. Cherry-picking brown-skinned gypsies and hybrids that appear when one types "Spaniards" on Google Images is a big mistake, since most of these results come from websites containing questions like "Are Spaniards White?" So, the best way of knowing the true looks of the average Spaniards is by visiting Spain, but if you currently can't do it, at least google "Españoles", because the best way of googling the looks of a folk is by typing their native name, in their native language: Españoles, NOT Spaniards. Nonetheless, here are some pictures of Spaniards:

La Dama de Elche, ancient Iberian bust which dates from around the 5th or 4th century B.C. Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España, Madrid.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Desembarco_de_Col%C3%B3n_de_Di%C3%B3scoro_Puebla.j pg/1024px-Desembarco_de_Col%C3%B3n_de_Di%C3%B3scoro_Puebla.j pg
Primer desembarco de Cristóbal Colón en América. (Exposición Nacional de 1862, Medalla de Primera clase).

Folks from Granada, Spain.


At last, but not least, different images of Spaniards in only one picture:


01-29-2018, 05:07 PM
They look stereotypical Southern European.

01-29-2018, 05:18 PM
They look stereotypical Southern European.

Thats what they are

01-29-2018, 05:25 PM
Portrait of a real Spanish man


01-29-2018, 05:36 PM
By the way I was surprised how common was this phenotype in Spain


01-29-2018, 05:39 PM
By the way I was surprised how common was this phenotype in Spain


Is it REALLY THAT common in Spain?

Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 05:39 PM
If they are Gypsies they are not Spaniards, same than any immigrant from China or Sudan is not Spanish neither.

Also posting busts or portraits does not help your claim.

Santa Teresa de Jesús was Jewish and the ex-king is a mutt, not Spaniard. Picasso being half Spanish half Italian.

You are not Spaniard, I dont know why you worry about how we look and our true faces are.

I did this thread recently. Since all of them are ethnic Spaniards, these are TRUE Spanish faces, if you are interested

01-29-2018, 05:43 PM
Is it REALLY THAT common in Spain?

Yes! I was expecting more like the first image I posted (Getty's image of a real spanish man, can you guys see it?), heavy eyelids and all, but it was this second type much more common. Very surprising.

01-29-2018, 05:43 PM
If they are Gypsies they are not Spaniards, same than any immigrant from China or Sudan is not Spanish neither.

I agree.

Also posting busts or portraits does not help your claim.

Why not?

Santa Teresa de Jesús was Jewish and the ex-king is a mutt, not Spaniard. Picasso being half Spanish half Italian.

Thank you, I didn't know any of this information.

You are not Spaniard, I dont know why you worry about how we look and our true faces are.

Because I'm a realist who fights against misconceptions and misinfo.

01-29-2018, 06:23 PM
I would say average Spaniard is somewhere between Banderas and Casillas.



01-29-2018, 06:30 PM
I would say average Spaniard is somewhere between Banderas and Casillas.

Have you been to everywhere in Spain or at least most of the areas?

01-29-2018, 06:34 PM
I would say average Spaniard is somewhere between Banderas and Casillas.



LOL. Both pretty unusual, but especially Casillas.

01-29-2018, 06:36 PM
Average spaniards:

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTh400k0FqYF8JWUXbE3vsVnhb4DmFKw RMLPxCtDuRwlbbm9pxiOWw6duYaiw

01-29-2018, 06:40 PM
Average spaniards:

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTh400k0FqYF8JWUXbE3vsVnhb4DmFKw RMLPxCtDuRwlbbm9pxiOWw6duYaiw

Troll confirmed.

01-29-2018, 06:43 PM
Troll confirmed.

What troll? This is the first result comes when search Spaniard on Google. They fit stereotypical spanish-speaker phenotype i've seen from American movies. They even wear Conquistador costume.

Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 06:45 PM
LOL. Both pretty unusual, but especially Casillas.
Casillas unusual?? LULZ!

Why not?
Do you think that a bust from 3000 years ago is a proof of something?

Because I'm a realist who fights against misconceptions and misinfo.
Why do you fight against misconceptions and misinfo about Spaniards? :eyes

01-29-2018, 06:48 PM
Do you think that a bust from 3000 years ago is a proof of something?

It's good for comparing ancient Iberians with modern ones and see the differences.

Why do you fight against misconceptions and misinfo about Spaniards? :eyes[/QUOTE]

Because I fight against misconceptions and misinformation about any folk, any subject, anything that exists in this universe.

01-29-2018, 06:48 PM
Casillas unusual?? LULZ!

Yes! His bone structure is very rare, coloring is normal. The man I posted is typical.

01-29-2018, 06:51 PM
What troll? This is the first result comes when search Spaniard on Google. They fit stereotypical spanish-speaker phenotype i've seen from American movies. They even wear Conquistador costume.

The one on the left looks like a typical mestizo Latin American farmer, the one on the middle looks like a typical mestizo Latin American urban, and the last one looks like a typical Chinese farmer. None of them look like they're from Spain. Have you ever heard of immigration in Spain? 10% of Spain's population is NOT ethnically Spaniard, according to the CIA's Factbook.

Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 06:53 PM
It's good for comparing ancient Iberians with modern ones and see the differences.
La Dama de Elche is not an example of an ancient Iberian.
You can read this in wikipedia:

En contraste con la indumentaria plenamente autóctona, los rasgos faciales revelan una fuerte influencia de la escultura griega.

In contrast to the fully native clothing, facial features reveal a strong influence of Greek sculpture.

Because I fight against misconceptions and misinformation about any folk, any subject, anything that exists in this universe.
ok, we will see how many threads you open about other misconceptions and misinformation...

Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 06:55 PM
Yes! His bone structure is very rare, coloring is normal. The man I posted is typical.


Thanks for trying to say me, although is a lie, who of my people are unusual and who not :laugh:
I appreciate it :thumb001:

01-29-2018, 06:57 PM

Thanks for trying to say me, although is a lie, who of my people are unusual and who not :laugh:
I appreciate it :thumb001:

You're not objective I've noticed. I encourage all who have been there to prove you wrong.

Crowd pics, any objective person would see who is right, you or me

https://www.google.com/search?biw=818&bih=481&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=DnZvWvWLG8S0ggfOspGQDQ&q=spanish+crowds&oq=spanish+crowds&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1604541.1607214.0.1607425. .1218.9j4.13.0....0...1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.13.1067...0j0i67k1j0i8i30k1j0i24k1.0.OFLJSGU Y3Is

01-29-2018, 06:59 PM
La Dama de Elche is not an example of an ancient Iberian.
You can read this in wikipedia:

Thank you for this information.:)

In contrast to the fully native clothing, facial features reveal a strong influence of Greek sculpture.

Sorry, I don't want to sound rude nor anything, but I understand simple Spanish sentences like this one without translation because my first language is Portuguese.

ok, we will see how many threads you open about other misconceptions and misinformation...

I'll open as many as I can, but only about subjects that I know. It would be irresponsible to open a thread about something that I have zero knowledge about.

Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 07:00 PM
You're not objective I've noticed. I encourage all who have been there to prove you wrong.

Crowd pics, any objective person would see who is right, you or me

https://www.google.com/search?biw=818&bih=481&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=DnZvWvWLG8S0ggfOspGQDQ&q=spanish+crowds&oq=spanish+crowds&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1604541.1607214.0.1607425. .1218.9j4.13.0....0...1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.13.1067...0j0i67k1j0i8i30k1j0i24k1.0.OFLJSGU Y3Is

I am more objective than you since I have been 34 years here :thumb001:

Choose another pics because these pics of that link dont prove anything... or do they do? :rolleyes:


Cristiano viejo
01-29-2018, 07:03 PM
I'll open as many as I can, but only about subjects that I know. It would be irresponsible to open a thread about something that I have zero knowledge about.

You did not seem to know much about Spaniards, when you said "some Spanish are Gypsies" or when you posted people who are not ethnically Spanish... but anyway you decided to open this thread...

01-29-2018, 07:13 PM
You did not seem to know much about Spaniards, when you said "some Spanish are Gypsies" or when you posted people who are not ethnically Spanish... but anyway you decided to open this thread...

I said some are Gypsies because they can be Spanish in their documents, though they'll never be ethnically Spanish, I agree they won't. Well, I opened this thread because I know enough: that Spaniards are neither as dark as trolls try to claim, nor are they as light as some Spanish Nordicists (such as this retarded self-loather: https://nacionalismocriollo.wordpress.com/category/nordicismo/) try to claim.