View Full Version : Odin What is your theory on RH-?

01-29-2018, 08:45 PM
If you are willing, discuss please.

Would you say this man looks Atlantid? 71984


01-30-2018, 04:43 PM
The man is Atlantid with Keltic-Nordid influence.

I had read some crazy stuff about RH- (that it's a leftover blood type from Atlantis, that it came from Aliens, and even means someone has Nephilim blood). I am skeptic of all these claims, however I do think it is strange that the Basque regions of France and Spain have the highest concentration of RH-. I also heard that the ethnic Hmong people in China have particular high frequencies of RH- blood type. I think it is supposed to hint towards Paleolithic origins.

01-30-2018, 04:48 PM
I am RH-. who else?

01-30-2018, 04:49 PM
I think it is supposed to hint towards Paleolithic origins.
Actually the RH- mutation is not older than 6000 years as far as I know.

01-30-2018, 05:59 PM
I am RH-... A-
The man is my dad.. hes O- ... (another thread he was classified as Borreby). 720017200272003

The last pic is his dad. Also O-
They claim to be mostly Germanic with some French way down the line.
The thing is, (and I posted the picture here), is there is a lady in some old photos I found that looks quite indianish. Although the family says she was French. It may be hard to tell from old photos but, her facial structure seems really off for any Europeans I've seen. But I hear she came from Europe. I've been trying to figure out wtf she is.

01-30-2018, 06:05 PM
I definitely think its from Atlantis. From what I've discovered with negatives is they seem to (especially O-s) have very high foreheads.
I think it's possible the Nordid long skulls come from the ancient civilization of Atlantis and when it was destroyed the long skulls migrated to different areas.
But there is a difference in the phenotype I am speaking of and I guess some of the phenotypes Coon presents.

It's pretty laid out in aryanism.net An oval or rectangular face.
Now there are RH-s who don't possess this. But its more about watered down genetics. I speak of the originals. They seem to be dolichocephalics with eyes place mid skull.. Perfect example of the two skulls. Left being RH- skull.

and another.. 72005

01-30-2018, 06:09 PM
Even among the Nordics you have someone who looks like this (probably O- if I had to guess). 72006

And then a Nordid who looks like this (definitely a positive). Shes in her face energy. Right hand. While the above is in the left handed energy. Creating a different type of look. 72007

It's about the Brain vs the Face

01-30-2018, 06:11 PM
Please enlighten me on what you call this in scientific terms. The two different types of skulls presented in the last post. 1) Low face, high brain 2) larger face proportion creating smaller brain (crown) area

01-30-2018, 06:16 PM
For a better depiction of what I speak of. See these photos. 7200872009

Negatives have upward energy, left hand.
Positives have downward projecting energy, heavy energy, right hand.

And it seems to form the body in this way. I can always tell when someone is negative or positive when I meet them irl.

12-05-2022, 10:00 PM
bump. hah. been a while!