View Full Version : Countries with the most overlooked/downplayed black, white, and Mestizo/Native populations

02-14-2018, 03:17 AM
Note: This is only for countries that have more of a minority group than people think. In order words, it makes sense that blacks will get overlook in Argentina and Bolivia and mestizos will get overlooked in Cuba and DR more than others. Also, this is opinion based.

Countries with the most overlooked/invisible black populations:

1. Colombia

A lot of people I've met in real life don't even know that black Colombians have a large presence in the country. Many people(including many Latinos and Colombians themselves) here confuse black Colombians for Dominicans, Afro-Cubans, and Panamanians and it gets on their(meaning the Afro-Colombians') nerves since they're very proud of their Cartagena Colombia background. Colombia is number one simply because its black population is almost completely overshadowed by its Mestizo and white population. The regional divides play a major role in this perception but it's still shocking that Colombia is up to 10% black with over 5 million Afro-Latinos with many of them blacker than Afro-Americans yet many people still think Colombians only look Mestizo or white. Of course, Mestizos and whites outnumber the blacks and mulattoes but it's still perplexing.

2. Ecuador

Even more so than Colombia, most people(who aren't futbol fans) aren't aware of the large black and zambo population of Ecuador, particularly in the coastal part. Most people see Ecuador as solely Amerindian and Mestizo and don't associate them with having a black presence at all. It's funny because I've started running into more and more Afro-Ecuadorians in NY/NJ, albeit the vast majority are Amerindian and Mestizo.

3. Uruguay

The whitest country in Latin America is up to 4-5% black and mulatto strangely enough. I believe most of them originate from Brazil. Not only does Uruguay have a black presence(responsible for the spread of candombe and the Yoruba faith) but Afro-Uruguayans were historically very politically and socially active in Uruguay, ranging from creating one of the earliest black political parties in Latin America(Partido Autoctono Negro) in 1936. Very interesting history: http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/afro-uruguay-brief-history

Countries with the most overlooked/downplayed white/European populations:

1. Brazil

For a country that literally has the largest population of European descendants in the Western Hemisphere after the U.S., the white population in Brazil is pretty overlooked. Of course, many people know that white Brazilians exist but many still can't fathom just how large of a scale their population/presence is in the country. Brazil's large Pardo and black populations seem to literally steal the spotlight from them. In this regard, you can say Brazil has the exact opposite perception of Colombia whose large black population is overshadowed by its white/Mestizo population. Brazil has some of the largest populations of Portuguese, Italians, Germans, Andalucian Spaniards, etc. and others outside of their home countries.

2. Peru

Peru has quite a few more whites than people give it credit for. Of course, it's one of the most Amerindian countries in Latin America but whites aren't as rare as people make them out to be. Number wise, white Peruvians are easily over 3 million in population which is hardly scarce. Many of them are wealthy and stay within wealthier/middle class circles and there's even been some controversy over exclusive nightclubs banning "cholos"(and I'm not talking about the West Coast Chicano type). It's very different from Mexico where there appears to be more integration among Criollos and Mestizos/Natives.

3. Modern day Cuba

I had to debate over this one or Nicaragua. However, I chose modern day Cuba simply because of how many people I know both in real life and the Internet who claim Cuba is a "black" country, no different from Jamaica, whereas I rarely encounter people who mention Nicaraguans aside from a few jingoist Costa Ricans. The funny thing is that these same people have never been to Cuba and are simply going by stereotypes. I've been to Cuba this summer with my Afro-Panamanian family(in-laws) and they were shocked that there were still a number of whites in Cuba(albeit no longer the majority). They expected all of Cuba to look like coastal Panama but there were a number of whites still around alongside the mulatto and black populations. I've met non-black Latinos who had similar views of Cuba before actually traveling to the country. Cuba historically received more European immigration than any other country in the Caribbean and genetic studies show that Cuban whites have some the highest percentage of white DNA in Latin America.

Countries with the most overlooked Mestizo and/or Amerindian populations

1. Argentina

We all saw this coming. Argentina, for years, has held the title for being the "whitest" country in Latin America. However, many genetic studies show that, while many Argentinians are predominately Euro or full white, a good chunk of the population consists of Castizos, Mestizos, and even full-fledged Amerindians. In fact, many full whites in Argentina are descendants of early 19th/20th century European immigrants from Italy, Germany, Spain, France, etc. That's not to say colonial whites aren't around but a good amount of colonial Argentines are Castizo. Of course, Argentina is stiil pretty white compared to most other Latin American countries.

2. Panama

Panama's large population of Mayans/Amerindians(10% - 15% of the population) is often very overlooked. Most people see Panama as a tri-racial country but the Amerindian population is actually one of the largest percentages in Latin America. In Panama, blacks and Amerindians often live in close proximity to each other, so the Zambo population is quite sizable as well.

3. Brazil

Once again, Brazil deserves to be mentioned here. I'd say the one aspect of Brazil that's downplayed more than its white component is it's native/Mestizo component. A lot of people think Pardos are simply mulattoes, even though the term encompasses Mestizos as well and there's a good number of Mestizos in Brazil. Also there's an Amerindian population in the Northwest area around the Amazon that gets overlooked as well.

Black Panther
02-14-2018, 11:26 PM
That might be true in real life, because here in TA, the Brazilian users downplay the African presence in Brazil. They say Blacks in Brazil are like 99% European or something.

02-15-2018, 04:10 PM
That might be true in real life, because here in TA, the Brazilian users downplay the African presence in Brazil. They say Blacks in Brazil are like 99% European or something.

Lol...In all honesty, the Apricity and most anthropology forums differ from real life. The Apricity is basically Eurocentric from inception so it doesn't surprise me. In real life, I've met white Brazilians who were very educated on their black population. Ditto for Venezuelans.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 05:17 PM
Lol...In all honesty, the Apricity and most anthropology forums differ from real life. The Apricity is basically Eurocentric from inception so it doesn't surprise me. In real life, I've met white Brazilians who were very educated on their black population. Ditto for Venezuelans.

What amazes me is The Apricity does exactly the opposite of what Stormfront does in that regard. Here, they want to claim Brazil is as White as possible (or impossible), in Stormfront, they just call 80% of Brazil Black.

Demon Revival
02-15-2018, 05:22 PM
One population that gets downplayed a lot (in favor of "whites") are the lighter mestizos in most countries. They are just piggybacked as white or "criollos" because they don't look like George Lopez.

I also have seen people using fully amerindian people to depict mestizos. This is why when you post a normal "halfie" you get a bunch of retards inflating their colonial European admix.

Tooting Carmen
02-15-2018, 05:27 PM
Good post.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 05:29 PM
I feel sorry for Afro-Ecuadorians. They are despised in Ecuador and are a minority. I wish I can fund programs to get them to Brazil in the future. No one should have to live like they do.

02-15-2018, 06:15 PM
I feel sorry for Afro-Ecuadorians. They are despised in Ecuador and are a minority. I wish I can fund programs to get them to Brazil in the future. No one should have to live like they do.

Yup. They're pretty stigmatized and shunned, except when it comes to futbol and beauty pageants. (Yes. Believe or not, Ecuador nominated two black women as Miss Ecuador including Lady Mina in 2010 and Monica Chala in 1995 and both looked straight up West African. Even Miss Ecuador 1998 looked tri-racial like a Pardo Brazilian. Go figure.)

It's weird how white Latinos are somehow less hostile towards blacks than Mestizos and Mulattoes sometimes. I remember, in high school, there were some fights where AA's and white-leaning PR's would team up to fight Mulatto DR's. This wasn't my high school at all but this was the norm: https://www.tapinto.net/articles/attacks-outside-eastside-problems-on-the-rise-wi

02-15-2018, 06:21 PM
One population that gets downplayed a lot (in favor of "whites") are the lighter mestizos in most countries. They are just piggybacked as white or "criollos" because they don't look like George Lopez.

I also have seen people using fully amerindian people to depict mestizos. This is why when you post a normal "halfie" you get a bunch of retards inflating their colonial European admix.

Heh? I don't think light-toned Mestizo/Castizos are overlooked at all. If anything Euro-looking Quadroons/Mulattoes are much more overlooked/downplayed, especially on Anthropology forums.

Demon Revival
02-15-2018, 06:49 PM
Heh? I don't think light-toned Mestizo/Castizos are overlooked at all. If anything Euro-looking Quadroons/Mulattoes are much more overlooked/downplayed, especially on Anthropology forums.

They are. Look at alnortedelsur threads. It's always a mestizo (usually a woman) with slightly lighter hair and eyes that gets passed as full european by the collective anthro-tards.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 06:56 PM
Yup. They're pretty stigmatized and shunned, except when it comes to futbol and beauty pageants. (Yes. Believe or not, Ecuador nominated two black women as Miss Ecuador including Lady Mina in 2010 and Monica Chala in 1995 and both looked straight up West African. Even Miss Ecuador 1998 looked tri-racial like a Pardo Brazilian. Go figure.)

It's weird how white Latinos are somehow less hostile towards blacks than Mestizos and Mulattoes sometimes. I remember, in high school, there were some fights where AA's and white-leaning PR's would team up to fight Mulatto DR's. This wasn't my high school at all but this was the norm: https://www.tapinto.net/articles/attacks-outside-eastside-problems-on-the-rise-wi

Wow. Ecuador has had more Black/mulatta beauty pageants than Brazil... Still, it's a worse place to be Black than Brazil.
I think White Latinos are less hostile to Blacks than Mestizos, but they are def. more hostile to Blacks than Mulattoes are, at least on average. In Brazil, mulattoes will mostly side with Blacks, especially in larger cities/towns or White-majority areas. It's just that Dominicans have bad blood with Haitians and that made them hate Blacks, which in combination with Spanish colonialism, led them to even hate themselves on a national scale (with due exceptions, of course).

Carlito's Way
02-15-2018, 07:10 PM
great thread

in Southern Mexico, the mestizo/white population gets downplayed a whole lot and even non-Mexicans really think its a super Amerindian region with here and there mestizos but the reality is different. They got this whole idea because non-Southern Mexicans would spread this stereotype around without even traveling out there

for example in Tabasco, the people on average look nothing like indo-mestizos or full blown Amerindians, I would never guess this was Guatemala for example, these people look a lot more mix race than the average Guatemalan




02-15-2018, 07:38 PM
Chile has a significant amount of white population too.

02-15-2018, 07:42 PM
Wow. Ecuador has had more Black/mulatta beauty pageants than Brazil... Still, it's a worse place to be Black than Brazil.
I think White Latinos are less hostile to Blacks than Mestizos, but they are def. more hostile to Blacks than Mulattoes are, at least on average. In Brazil, mulattoes will mostly side with Blacks, especially in larger cities/towns or White-majority areas. It's just that Dominicans have bad blood with Haitians and that made them hate Blacks, which in combination with Spanish colonialism, led them to even hate themselves on a national scale (with due exceptions, of course).

I agree with everything you say. I was actually comparing mulatto DR's to white-leaning PR's. However, U.S. born DR's can be pretty cool.

I guess, from my own experience, I found it easier to befriend white Latinos from different countries as well as Tri-racial and black ones compared to Mestizo/Amerindian ones although I have Mestizo and Amerindian friends as well. I was even in a band back in high school with a white Colombian named Santiago and he and his family were really cool.

I also had a white Hispanic guy who was half Venezuelan half PR teach me some phrases in Yoruba in 2015. It was kind of interesting. Ecuadorians, Southern Mexicans, Peruvians, and Salvadorans are a tougher shell to crack but they can be pretty cool. It really depends.

02-15-2018, 07:47 PM
I’d say the US has the most overlooked Mestee groups. Im not talking about Mexicans, who are just considered Mexican, but tri-racial Mestee groups all over the country that were forced to choose between black, white, or Indian back in the day.

02-15-2018, 07:48 PM
great thread

in Southern Mexico, the mestizo/white population gets downplayed a whole lot and even non-Mexicans really think its a super Amerindian region with here and there mestizos but the reality is different. They got this whole idea because non-Southern Mexicans would spread this stereotype around without even traveling out there

for example in Tabasco, the people on average look nothing like indo-mestizos or full blown Amerindians, I would never guess this was Guatemala for example, these people look a lot more mix race than the average Guatemalan




Very true. And Northern Mexicans can look pretty native as well. I believe there was a Chicano guy on the ABF who had roots in Jalisco but was Indo-Mestizo looking.

Carlito's Way
02-15-2018, 07:48 PM
I agree with everything you say. I was actually comparing mulatto DR's to white-leaning PR's. However, U.S. born DR's can be pretty cool.

I guess, from my own experience, I found it easier to befriend white Latinos from different countries as well as Tri-racial and black ones compared to Mestizo/Amerindian ones although I have Mestizo and Amerindian friends as well. I was even in a band back in high school with a white Colombian named Santiago and he and his family were really cool.

I also had a white Hispanic guy who was half Venezuelan half PR teach me some phrases in Yoruba in 2015. It was kind of interesting. Ecuadorians, Southern Mexicans, Peruvians, and Salvadorans are a tougher shell to crack but they can be pretty cool. It really depends.

most southern mexicans are actually central mexicans from Puebla, technically Poblanos are not southern but central mexicans
other than poblanos, you will not encounter other type of "southern" mexicans at all, not sure why you are grouping everyone together

Carlito's Way
02-15-2018, 07:52 PM
Very true. And Northern Mexicans can look pretty native as well. I believe there was a Chicano guy on the ABF who had roots in Jalisco but was Indo-Mestizo looking.

Garcia? he is genetically balance mestizo but looks indomestizo
Jalisco is in western mexico, not the north

but yes, you can find very amerindian looking mexicans in northern and western mexico with no problem
everywhere in Mexico you can find it, just some regions have a higher percentages than others

Carlito's Way
02-15-2018, 07:55 PM
another note is that, many people think southern mexico represents a large population of Mexico, the reality is that they are only 23% of the mexican population and on genetics they are the most represented along with central mexico, while northern/western-central mexico the least represented on genetic studies, yet Mexico still comes out with a balance mestizo percentage. Now how would dna studies change if they tested 3 northern/western-central mexican states, 2 central mexican states and 1 southern mexican state, which would represent where most of the population comes from


02-15-2018, 07:58 PM
I feel sorry for Afro-Ecuadorians. They are despised in Ecuador and are a minority. I wish I can fund programs to get them to Brazil in the future. No one should have to live like they do.

Let's bring Ecuadorians and Venezuelans to Brazil and send petistas to Ecuador and Venezuela in exchange.

Demon Revival
02-15-2018, 08:09 PM
I’d say the US has the most overlooked Mestee groups. Im not talking about Mexicans, who are just considered Mexican, but tri-racial Mestee groups all over the country that were forced to choose between black, white, or Indian back in the day.

True. A New Englander from this forum (Proctor) scored 6% Amerindian, which is a shitload for a white north american from such place.

02-15-2018, 08:36 PM
True. A New Englander from this forum (Proctor) scored 6% Amerindian, which is a shitload for a white north american from such place.

I score roughly a quarter MENA/Amerindian/SSA on some tests, some with more varying amounts because of the Medeterranean component (from Italy/Morroco). My familys been here 300 some odd years so its pretty astonishing.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 09:15 PM
Let's bring Ecuadorians and Venezuelans to Brazil and send petistas to Ecuador and Venezuela in exchange.

Well, if they are Afro-Ecuadorians, then it's fine. I think Afro-Venezuelans are not as threatened as the formerly mentioned group so I only worry about them in the sense that I worry about the social and economic security of all Venezuelans at this point. And yes, you can send petistas there in exchange, Ecuador is pretty socialist already if I am not mistaken.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 09:18 PM
I’d say the US has the most overlooked Mestee groups. Im not talking about Mexicans, who are just considered Mexican, but tri-racial Mestee groups all over the country that were forced to choose between black, white, or Indian back in the day.

The Melungeons?

Tooting Carmen
02-15-2018, 09:20 PM
Just LOL at whoever said that White Latinos dislike Mestizos more than Blacks. At least in Colombia's case, Whites and Mestizos are largely regarded as being part of the same spectrum, given that they predominate together in the Andean regions of the country and both can be found in all social classes, whereas Blacks and Mulattoes mostly come from the coastal regions and are regarded as much more distinct and 'outsiders'.

Tooting Carmen
02-15-2018, 09:23 PM
Oh and btw, I really love it how people in this forum and other similar fora grossly exaggerate the link between race and class in Latin American countries. You'd think that rich Latin Americans all looked like Swedes and all poor Latin Americans looked like Sri Lankans based on what they say.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 09:26 PM
Just LOL at whoever said that White Latinos dislike Mestizos more than Blacks. At least in Colombia's case, Whites and Mestizos are largely regarded as being part of the same spectrum, given that they predominate together in the Andean regions of the country and both can be found in all social classes, whereas Blacks and Mulattoes mostly come from the coastal regions and are regarded as much more distinct and 'outsiders'.

If you're talking about me, I said Whites like Blacks/Mulattoes more than Mestizos like Blacks/Mulattoes. Mestizo Peruvians are more hostile towards Black Brazilian players than White Argentinians are, for example.

Tooting Carmen
02-15-2018, 09:33 PM
If you're talking about me, I said Whites like Blacks/Mulattoes more than Mestizos like Blacks/Mulattoes. Mestizo Peruvians are more hostile towards Black Brazilian players than White Argentinians are, for example.

OK sorry, I misunderstood you.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 09:37 PM
Oh and btw, I really love it how people in this forum and other similar fora grossly exaggerate the link between race and class in Latin American countries. You'd think that rich Latin Americans all looked like Swedes and all poor Latin Americans looked like Sri Lankans based on what they say.

It's kinda true...

Brazilian billionaires:


Poor Brazilians:


Rich Colombians:


Poor Colombians:


02-15-2018, 11:29 PM
Just LOL at whoever said that White Latinos dislike Mestizos more than Blacks. At least in Colombia's case, Whites and Mestizos are largely regarded as being part of the same spectrum, given that they predominate together in the Andean regions of the country and both can be found in all social classes, whereas Blacks and Mulattoes mostly come from the coastal regions and are regarded as much more distinct and 'outsiders'.

You're totally right. Out of curiousity, how do Colombians in the Andean region define "mulatto."

For instance, this Colombian beauty vlogger is a quadroon(She admitted it plenty of times)


Are mulattoes more so in the balanced(40% - 50%) range by Colombian standards?

Tooting Carmen
02-15-2018, 11:33 PM
You're totally right. Out of curiousity, how do Colombians in the Andean region define "mulatto."

For instance, this Colombian beauty vlogger is a quadroon(She admitted it plenty of times)


Are mulattoes more so in the balanced(40% - 50%) range by Colombian standards?

Mulattoes are balanced in Colombia, yes.

Black Panther
02-15-2018, 11:34 PM
I score roughly a quarter MENA/Amerindian/SSA on some tests, some with more varying amounts because of the Medeterranean component (from Italy/Morroco). My familys been here 300 some odd years so its pretty astonishing.

Would you be a Black man by the Virginia one-drop rule?

02-16-2018, 01:45 AM
Would you be a Black man by the Virginia one-drop rule?

Most of the South is colored if you use the one drop rule. There was opposition to it from its creation because it didnt logically make sense. I would be white using older racial laws.

02-16-2018, 01:59 AM
The Melungeons?

Not a uniform group, nor even a traditional group. Theres a lot of weird shit in the hills. Ive seen Melungeons with loads of east Asian DNA from China/Japan and even Polynesian DNA. Ive also seen Melungeons with an assortement of ancestry from The Urals to Mesoamerica. I personally have a pretty confusing ancestry, though most of it is English in origin. Theres only one confirmed Asian, one confirmed black, 2-3 confirmed Indians in my family tree, and several Jews in my family tree. Most of these are family stories but the fact that DNA from those groups is present in my DNA kinda confirms them.

Heather Duval
02-16-2018, 02:05 AM
mixed colombians are all tri racials like pardos brazilians according to dna results
and whites arent majority in any latin america country
in sites like stormfront many brazilians calls brazil brownzil
guess why

Heather Duval
02-16-2018, 02:20 AM
It's kinda true...

Brazilian billionaires:


Poor Brazilians:


Rich Colombians:


Poor Colombians:


said that guy who doesnt live in brazil lol
everyone can poor and rich here
typical poor rural people from south brazil

makes latinus post my words

I have noticed that many foreigners have a binary view of Brazil regarding socioeconomic class: poor people from the slums or rich people from the south zone. They think that if you don't live in rich areas you're automatically from the slums, very poor and black/pardo. That's not true at all. Just like the US is not only rich WASPS and trailer "trash" Brazil's socioeconomic situation is not that simple. People from the suburbs are not rich (they wouldn't live there if they were rich), but they can have a good standard of living in their home: never lacking food, good clothes, studing at private schools, etc.

There is also the stereotype of white people all being rich. No, that's not true. Despite whites being the elite, many caucasians are middle class and live in suburbs or poorer areas from the coutryside. Julianne Trevisol, for example, was born in the suburbs of Rio. Despite her rich face, she wasn't born in an aristocratic family:

Regarding MJ's album Thriller... I would say "Billie Jean" is the best song from this album.

obs when he said south zone he was refering to rio de janeiro areas

02-17-2018, 02:43 AM
My mum went to Cuba last year and she told me most of the people she saw there would be considered to be Black here

02-17-2018, 02:48 AM
Chile has a significant amount of white population too.

But that's not really downplayed in my opinion.

What's downplayed or ignored is the fact that White Chileans are lighter than most White Latinos.

Blondes aren't uncommon in Santiago.. neither are blue eyes

02-17-2018, 02:52 AM
Black and mulatto populations in South America are overlooked with the exception of Brazil.

Bobby Martnen
02-17-2018, 02:56 AM
I feel sorry for Afro-Ecuadorians. They are despised in Ecuador and are a minority. I wish I can fund programs to get them to Brazil in the future. No one should have to live like they do.

Black Brazilians are significantly European genetically.

Tooting Carmen
02-17-2018, 12:34 PM
But that's not really downplayed in my opinion.

What's downplayed or ignored is the fact that White Chileans are lighter than most White Latinos.

Blondes aren't uncommon in Santiago.. neither are blue eyes

I don't remember seeing many there. On the other hand, there were quite a few in Buenos Aires.

Black Panther
02-17-2018, 01:34 PM
Black Brazilians are significantly European genetically.

I don't care. We're not dropping our racial awareness because of that. Besides, I don't trust these genetic studies. They were not done by Africans...

02-17-2018, 01:59 PM
mixed colombians are all tri racials like pardos brazilians according to dna results
and whites arent majority in any latin america country
in sites like stormfront many brazilians calls brazil brownzil
guess why

Stormfront is a circus...

Heather Duval
02-17-2018, 02:29 PM
Stormfront is a circus...

at least white latinos there are aware they are a minority living in this country

02-17-2018, 02:33 PM
I don't remember seeing many there. On the other hand, there were quite a few in Buenos Aires.

Yes but that's different.

Buenos Aires' rich area (Palermo, Recoleta, Puerto Madero) is very touristy so most tourists who go there will see upper-middle class Porteños where blondes are more common

Santiago's rich area (Vitacura, Las Condes, Lo Barnechea) is not touristy. Most tourists who go to Santiago go to La Moneda, the Human Rights Museum, Barrio Lastarria, Barrio Bellavista, Cerro Santa Lucía, Cerro San Cristóbal, Plaza de Armas... all of it in the city centre

In fact, if you go to Santiago these days and only go to Plaza de Armas and all the area around La Moneda.. you'll probably see more Black people than blonde people..

Ps: blondes are still more common in Buenos Aires by the way.. I'm just saying non-Mediterranean White Chileans are downplayed in this forum, as you're doing now

02-17-2018, 02:36 PM
I don't remember seeing many there. On the other hand, there were quite a few in Buenos Aires.

Yes, but here the most common hair color is between auburn to dark brown.
Blondes are a minority talking about people in adult age.

Tooting Carmen
02-17-2018, 02:36 PM
Yes, but the here the most common hair color is between auburn to dark brown.
Blondes are a minority.

Yes I know.

02-17-2018, 02:43 PM

02-17-2018, 02:44 PM
Yes but that's different.

Buenos Aires' rich area (Palermo, Recoleta, Puerto Madero) is very touristy so most tourists who go there will see upper-middle class Porteños where blondes are more common

Santiago's rich area (Vitacura, Las Condes, Lo Barnechea) is not touristy. Most tourists who go to Santiago go to La Moneda, the Human Rights Museum, Barrio Lastarria, Barrio Bellavista, Cerro Santa Lucía, Cerro San Cristóbal, Plaza de Armas... all of it in the city centre

In fact, if you go to Santiago these days and only go to Plaza de Armas and all the area around La Moneda.. you'll probably see more Black people than blonde people..

Ps: blondes are still more common in Buenos Aires by the way.. I'm just saying non-Mediterranean White Chileans are downplayed in this forum, as you're doing now

Costas, also among rich people, blondes are a minority in BA.
They are more common in many little towns of pampean region and south of "litoral region" and some parts of northeast, and of Patagonia.
But in BA blondes are a minority everywhere (not rare but a minority).

02-17-2018, 03:00 PM
Even though, in BA despite people of traditional families who are here since colonial times, many richest people are of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, and among them blondes are more common.
Probably that explain in some neightbourhoods you see more blondes as you said.

Heather Duval
02-17-2018, 03:11 PM
blondes are over represented in argentima telenovelas

02-17-2018, 03:31 PM
blondes are over represented in argentima telenovelas

And in some of them also maids and butlers are blondes, which is totally inaccurate and unreliable in the reality, because most of them are from neightbour countries (Paraguay, Bolivia and andean regions of Peru) or poor people of poor regions (especially north and north-west) of the country, and among them blondes are a little minority.
Another fail, talking about novelas is that people of domestic service not only are very light (sometimes blondes) but also they speak with "porteño" accent. That is also unreliable.
People of big cities of pampean region usually don't make those works.
Exception could be some baby sitters, but maids and butlers normally no...

02-17-2018, 03:34 PM
blondes are over represented in argentima telenovelas

Most of them are dyed blondes.

Heather Duval
02-17-2018, 03:59 PM
Most of them are dyed blondes.

i remember when i was a kid i watched casi angeles
their cast were almost all blonde

Heather Duval
02-17-2018, 04:12 PM
there were many blonde guys in casi angeles and there were some clearly fake blonde girls such as that actress maria eugenia suarez
shes part japa
shes brunette again
i bet argentinas loves blonde hair

02-17-2018, 04:29 PM
there were many blonde guys in casi angeles and there were some clearly fake blonde girls such as that actress maria eugenia suarez
shes part japa
shes brunette again
i bet argentinas loves blonde hair

Indeed, it seems many of them really "like to be blondes" although not natural blondes.
Or sometimes it could be a contagion effect.
My mother for example was a natural redhead.
When her hair started to become grizzly she started to dye her hair........... blonde...
I was 12 more or less at that time, and I remember I asked her why she decided to dye her hair blonde...
She answered that if I liked more her hair red/ginger she would dye with her natural colour again.
I answered that in my mind "nom was allways redhead".
Days after she dyed her hair with a very similar colour of her natural one... :p

02-17-2018, 04:49 PM
Costas, also among rich people, blondes are a minority in BA.
They are more common in many little towns of pampean region and south of "litoral region" and some parts of northeast, and of Patagonia.
But in BA blondes are a minority everywhere (not rare but a minority).

Of course they are.

I just said they're "more common". Never said they were the majority.

I've been to Buenos Aires. Most people look Mediterranean.

02-17-2018, 04:59 PM
Of course they are.

I just said they're "more common". Never said they were the majority.

I've been to Buenos Aires. Most people look Mediterranean.

Absolutely agree!
I think Gracile Med and dinaricized Med followed Atlanto Med could be the most common phenotypes. ;)

02-17-2018, 07:15 PM
Indeed, it seems many of them really "like to be blondes" although not natural blondes.
Or sometimes it could be a contagion effect.
My mother for example was a natural redhead.
When her hair started to become grizzly she started to dye her hair........... blonde...
I was 12 more or less at that time, and I remember I asked her why she decided to dye her hair blonde...
She answered that if I liked more her hair red/ginger she would dye with her natural colour again.
I answered that in my mind "nom was allways redhead".
Days after she dyed her hair with a very similar colour of her natural one... :p

In my opinion the natural redheads should not dye their hair have a very nice hair color especially among women and very rare among the population and they waste it by changing the hair color for my natural redheads should never dye their hair the same for natural blondes.

02-17-2018, 11:31 PM
Note: This is only for countries that have more of a minority group than people think. In order words, it makes sense that blacks will get overlook in Argentina and Bolivia and mestizos will get overlooked in Cuba and DR more than others. Also, this is opinion based.

Once again, Brazil deserves to be mentioned here. I'd say the one aspect of Brazil that's downplayed more than its white component is it's native/Mestizo component. A lot of people think Pardos are simply mulattoes, even though the term encompasses Mestizos as well and there's a good number of Mestizos in Brazil. Also there's an Amerindian population in the Northwest area around the Amazon that gets overlooked as well.

Similarly to Brazil, Venezuelan mestizo population is also very overlooked. Outsiders frequently assume that all non-white Venezuelans are mulattoes, triracials, zambos or blacks.

And Venezuela even has a higher native component than Brazil. It must have, percentage wise, as much or even more mestizos than Brazil.

Not saying that most non-white Venezuelans are mestizos, but Venezuelan mestizos are not rare at all.

Black Panther
02-17-2018, 11:35 PM
Similarly to Brazil, Venezuelan mestizo population is also very overlooked. Outsiders frequently assume that all non-white Venezuelans are mulattoes, triracials, zambos or blacks.

And Venezuela even has a higher native component than Brazil. It must have, percentage wise, as much or even more mestizos than Brazil.

Not saying that most non-white Venezuelans are mestizos, but Venezuelan mestizos are not rare at all.

I've always seen Venezuela as a second Colombia with slightly more triracials.

02-17-2018, 11:47 PM
I've always seen Venezuela as a second Colombia with slightly more triracials.

hmmm... not exactly. Venezuela is considerably more triracial compared to Colombia, but many of these Venezuelan triracials are more white/Amerindian than black, and Venezuelan mestizos, albeit of not being majority, are not uncommon either.

At the end, both countries have a very similar overall input of European, Amerindian and African, with the difference that Venezuela is more mixed, and the limits between mestizos and triracials, mulattoes, etc, is more blurry, compared to Colombia, where mestizos are more clearly separated from the African admixed population.

02-18-2018, 12:32 AM
hmmm... not exactly. Venezuela is considerably more triracial compared to Colombia, but many of these Venezuelan triracials are more white/Amerindian than black, and Venezuelan mestizos, albeit of not being majority, are not rare either.

At the end, both countries have a very similar overall input of European, Amerindian and African, with the difference that Venezuela is more mixed, and the limits between mestizos and triracials, mulattoes, etc, is more blurry, compared to Colombia, where mestizos are more clearly separated from the African admixed population.

Here's how Venezuelans in NY/NJ look:






Now's here's Colombians:




NY/NJ generally has a broader range of phenotypes among the two groups compared to Miami(which is mostly Euro leaning, just like with the Cuban and PR populations down there).

Generally, from my experience, Colombians and Venezuelans can overlap quite a bit. There's slightly more Tri-racials among Venezuelans but, honestly, I'm meeting more and more Colombians that give off a Tri-racial look. The phenotype is mainly Mestizo, white, and Tri-racial for both groups with slightly more Tri-racials among Venezuelans and more full blacks among Colombians(Brooklyn/Bronx has a scattered and growing Afro-Colombian community from Cartagena. The guy who sung "Move It Move It" from Madagascar was a Colombian who lived in NJ.)

Never met a predominately SSA Venezuelan in my life tbh.

03-29-2018, 02:32 AM
Note: This is only for countries that have more of a minority group than people think. In order words, it makes sense that blacks will get overlook in Argentina and Bolivia and mestizos will get overlooked in Cuba and DR more than others. Also, this is opinion based.

Countries with the most overlooked/invisible black populations:

1. Colombia

A lot of people I've met in real life don't even know that black Colombians have a large presence in the country. Many people(including many Latinos and Colombians themselves) here confuse black Colombians for Dominicans, Afro-Cubans, and Panamanians and it gets on their(meaning the Afro-Colombians') nerves since they're very proud of their Cartagena Colombia background. Colombia is number one simply because its black population is almost completely overshadowed by its Mestizo and white population. The regional divides play a major role in this perception but it's still shocking that Colombia is up to 10% black with over 5 million Afro-Latinos with many of them blacker than Afro-Americans yet many people still think Colombians only look Mestizo or white. Of course, Mestizos and whites outnumber the blacks and mulattoes but it's still perplexing.

2. Ecuador

Even more so than Colombia, most people(who aren't futbol fans) aren't aware of the large black and zambo population of Ecuador, particularly in the coastal part. Most people see Ecuador as solely Amerindian and Mestizo and don't associate them with having a black presence at all. It's funny because I've started running into more and more Afro-Ecuadorians in NY/NJ, albeit the vast majority are Amerindian and Mestizo.

3. Uruguay

The whitest country in Latin America is up to 4-5% black and mulatto strangely enough. I believe most of them originate from Brazil. Not only does Uruguay have a black presence(responsible for the spread of candombe and the Yoruba faith) but Afro-Uruguayans were historically very politically and socially active in Uruguay, ranging from creating one of the earliest black political parties in Latin America(Partido Autoctono Negro) in 1936. Very interesting history: http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/afro-uruguay-brief-history

Countries with the most overlooked/downplayed white/European populations:

1. Brazil

For a country that literally has the largest population of European descendants in the Western Hemisphere after the U.S., the white population in Brazil is pretty overlooked. Of course, many people know that white Brazilians exist but many still can't fathom just how large of a scale their population/presence is in the country. Brazil's large Pardo and black populations seem to literally steal the spotlight from them. In this regard, you can say Brazil has the exact opposite perception of Colombia whose large black population is overshadowed by its white/Mestizo population. Brazil has some of the largest populations of Portuguese, Italians, Germans, Andalucian Spaniards, etc. and others outside of their home countries.

2. Peru

Peru has quite a few more whites than people give it credit for. Of course, it's one of the most Amerindian countries in Latin America but whites aren't as rare as people make them out to be. Number wise, white Peruvians are easily over 3 million in population which is hardly scarce. Many of them are wealthy and stay within wealthier/middle class circles and there's even been some controversy over exclusive nightclubs banning "cholos"(and I'm not talking about the West Coast Chicano type). It's very different from Mexico where there appears to be more integration among Criollos and Mestizos/Natives.

3. Modern day Cuba

I had to debate over this one or Nicaragua. However, I chose modern day Cuba simply because of how many people I know both in real life and the Internet who claim Cuba is a "black" country, no different from Jamaica, whereas I rarely encounter people who mention Nicaraguans aside from a few jingoist Costa Ricans. The funny thing is that these same people have never been to Cuba and are simply going by stereotypes. I've been to Cuba this summer with my Afro-Panamanian family(in-laws) and they were shocked that there were still a number of whites in Cuba(albeit no longer the majority). They expected all of Cuba to look like coastal Panama but there were a number of whites still around alongside the mulatto and black populations. I've met non-black Latinos who had similar views of Cuba before actually traveling to the country. Cuba historically received more European immigration than any other country in the Caribbean and genetic studies show that Cuban whites have some the highest percentage of white DNA in Latin America.

Countries with the most overlooked Mestizo and/or Amerindian populations

1. Argentina

We all saw this coming. Argentina, for years, has held the title for being the "whitest" country in Latin America. However, many genetic studies show that, while many Argentinians are predominately Euro or full white, a good chunk of the population consists of Castizos, Mestizos, and even full-fledged Amerindians. In fact, many full whites in Argentina are descendants of early 19th/20th century European immigrants from Italy, Germany, Spain, France, etc. That's not to say colonial whites aren't around but a good amount of colonial Argentines are Castizo. Of course, Argentina is stiil pretty white compared to most other Latin American countries.

2. Panama

Panama's large population of Mayans/Amerindians(10% - 15% of the population) is often very overlooked. Most people see Panama as a tri-racial country but the Amerindian population is actually one of the largest percentages in Latin America. In Panama, blacks and Amerindians often live in close proximity to each other, so the Zambo population is quite sizable as well.

3. Brazil

Once again, Brazil deserves to be mentioned here. I'd say the one aspect of Brazil that's downplayed more than its white component is it's native/Mestizo component. A lot of people think Pardos are simply mulattoes, even though the term encompasses Mestizos as well and there's a good number of Mestizos in Brazil. Also there's an Amerindian population in the Northwest area around the Amazon that gets overlooked as well.

White brazilians are downplayed by the foreigner midia because they are boring and nothing exotic. Foreigners like to see different things, different dances, happy people, good athlets, amazing soccer players and euro brazilians cant offer that. We are not boring, we have very cool tropical lifes, but still most of the time we are working or studying. Foreigners dont like that, its not exotic, so Brazil in the Olympics and World Cups always prefer to show the low class of our society, they are coller than us.

03-29-2018, 02:37 AM
I've always seen Venezuela as a second Colombia with slightly more triracials.

I have always seen Venezuela as a second Colombia, but less mountain, more military, more dictatorial, more developed and rich, more mulato, less pure blacks, more trirracial, more african input and with more euros.

03-29-2018, 04:10 AM
I have always seen Venezuela as a second Colombia, but less mountain, more military, more dictatorial, more developed and rich, more mulato, less pure blacks, more trirracial, more african input and with more euros.

Venezuela has neither more African input than Colombia nor less Amerindian input than Colombia. As I said above, both countries have very similar percentages of overall European, Amerindian and African inputs. What is different in one country from the other, is how they are distributed.

03-29-2018, 04:39 AM
Venezuela has neither more African input than Colombia nor less Amerindian input than Colombia. As I said above, both countries have very similar percentages of overall European, Amerindian and African inputs. What is different in one country from the other, is how they are distributed.

It def has more african and i think less amerindian

03-29-2018, 05:21 AM
It def has more african and i think less amerindian

Bullshit. You don't know Venezuela better than myself.

Heather Duval
03-29-2018, 01:38 PM
White brazilians are downplayed by the foreigner midia because they are boring and nothing exotic. Foreigners like to see different things, different dances, happy people, good athlets, amazing soccer players and euro brazilians cant offer that. We are not boring, we have very cool tropical lifes, but still most of the time we are working or studying. Foreigners dont like that, its not exotic, so Brazil in the Olympics and World Cups always prefer to show the low class of our society, they are coller than us.

Você é chato sim, tu não tem nenhuma ginga. Pode admitindo os fatos. #jogueinacara

03-29-2018, 05:37 PM
Kkkk se comparado aos pardos temos menos graça sim, mas juntos com brancos australianos e brancos californianos devemos estar entre os menos chatos dos euros. Pelo menos eu espero...