View Full Version : Guess the Greek survivor participants

Queen B
02-14-2018, 10:54 AM
I did the same last year, let's have the guess game for this year as well.
All the ''Greek experts'' are welcomed

''Famous squad"

1 Pontic Greek

1 from Dodecanese

3 Peloponese

2 Central Greek

1 Pelloponese / Mainlander?

1 Greek - Ukranian

2 from Makedonia

1 i have no info about , surname is all over mainland Greece

1 from Epirus








http://www.protothema.gr/Images/ImageHandler.ashx?m=AnchoredFit&f=Ly8xMC4xNTAuMC40L3B0d2VibC9maWxlcy8xLzIwMTgvMDEv MTAvY2hhbGtpYTAxLmpwZw%3D%3D&t=0&w=820&h=457&a=Center










http://www.athensmagazine.gr/photos/w_800px/articles/201801/15621821_780477372100812_1509015785464025980_n.jpg ?0.02329244379066342









Queen B
02-14-2018, 10:54 AM

" Non-famous squad ''

2 from Central north Greece

1 from Greek minority in Albania

1 from Epirus

1 half-Russian half - Ukranian

1 from Dodecanese

1 half African

1 from Crete

1 Cypriot (somewhere I read is actually half Ionian islander)

2 from mainland (1 possible from Peloponese)

1 ionian islander

1 from Makedonia














http://www.gossip-tv.gr/media/com_news/galleries/2018/01/15/102338/photos/full/1896903_10202221840099960_5615694309152893676_n.jp g






https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4aMbVFbCr5Y/WlqSow8uPlI/AAAAAAAHf5U/RDr0MbGMS6YVlhZTI6uORf5e-QyfYk_ogCKgBGAs/s1600/21105462_10155314857128801_2659333234740673436_n.j pg




http://dailystarscy.com/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/242-13467.26994076_2049431351992044_449506992628698170 3_n.430568a192c4d2e1ce4cad71f035c596.jpg



Tooting Carmen
02-14-2018, 12:02 PM
I am no expert on Greek looks, but this one looks strikingly like Katie Price:
http://www.athensmagazine.gr/photos/w_800px/articles/201801/15621821_780477372100812_1509015785464025980_n.jpg ?0.02329244379066342

Tooting Carmen
02-14-2018, 12:05 PM
2 is Epirote (he does look strikingly Albanian/Balkan), 4 is Greek-Ukrainian, 15 is Cypriot (she even could pass in Pakistan), 16 is half-African, 17 is half-Russian. The rest I am not sure of.

Queen B
02-14-2018, 12:10 PM
2 is Epirote (he does look strikingly Albanian/Balkan), 4 is Greek-Ukrainian, 15 is Cypriot (she even could pass in Pakistan), 16 is half-African, 17 is half-Russian. The rest I am not sure of.
2 is not an Epirote
4 is not Greek - Ukranian
15 is not Cypriot
16, yeah, obviously - correct
17 is the halfRussian - half Ukranian - correct.

Queen B
02-14-2018, 12:58 PM
I am no expert on Greek looks, but this one looks strikingly like Katie Price:

Its the idiotic duck face and the masculine face-structure, I guess.

Queen B
02-14-2018, 07:49 PM

02-14-2018, 07:51 PM
DAMNNN , number 20 is hot af...

The real question is , who tf watches TV in 2018 ???

Queen B
02-14-2018, 07:57 PM
The real question is , who tf watches TV in 2018 ???
No idea. My TV broke down 3.5 years ago, and never replaced it . I just see these around internet, and it's fun to post such threads, with so many random faces.

02-14-2018, 07:57 PM
Sikeliot should pin point each and every one of them considering he has stalked Greeks on facebook and spammed this forum with photos almost at daily basis.

I would be disappointed after 7 million photos he has yet to learn anything.

02-14-2018, 08:06 PM
Guys who is that girl at number 20 ? i really need to know her name , she might be my future wife.

02-14-2018, 08:12 PM
Guys who is that girl at number 20 ? i really need to know her name , she might be my future wife.

Its Marina Pichou (I think) and you are too late she is taken.

02-14-2018, 08:17 PM
Its Marina Pichou (I think) and you are too late she is taken.

Well , that photo tricked me she is not that good looking... I guess i'll keep searching...

02-14-2018, 08:19 PM
Well , that photo tricked me she is not that good looking... I guess i'll keep searching...

Whats wrong with the Albanian girls in Greece - there's plenty. Surely you go to Albanian parties or have they been self-Hellenized as well.

02-14-2018, 08:22 PM
Whats wrong with the Albanian girls in Greece - there's plenty. Surely you go to Albanian parties or have they been self-Hellenized as well.

I prefer eastern euro girls (Romanians, Ukrainians , Moldovans etc) .

Albanians and Greeks are mixing like there is no tomorrow in Athens.. Not a big fan..

02-14-2018, 08:23 PM
I prefer eastern euro girls (Romanians, Ukrainians , Moldovans etc) .

Albanians and Greeks are mixing like there is no tomorrow in Athens.. Not a big fan..

Haha fair enough.

02-14-2018, 08:23 PM
Nice idea..
Thanks for the inspiration.