View Full Version : #MeToo - Changing the face of dating forever

02-14-2018, 06:30 PM
I've been thinking about the whole Harvey Weinstein debacle and the #MeToo movement which came afterwards.

Harvey and all those guilty deserve what is coming their way, but it has some serious long-term implications.

Traditionally, the man is the one who pursues the woman. In a nutshell, he is the one taking all the risk. At the end of the day it is the woman who accepts or rejects him, but the pursuit is his.

Bring the #MeToo movement into it. Men will be too damned scared to do anything with a woman, in fear that it may be misconstrued. When something like asking her out on a date can be twisted into sexual harassment or even attempted rape, the man becomes powerless. In the end he'd rather do NOTHING than end up unfairly on the list of Harvey Weinstein and all the #MeToos.

On the other side, all the women will wonder why guys are no longer into them and bemoan the fact that nobody is pursuing them, when the reality is that the guy is too shit scared to make any move at all.

The face of male-female interpersonal relationships is changing and, sadly, it isn't temporarily.

The world is going to hell in a hand basket.

02-14-2018, 06:49 PM
The world is going to hell in a hand basket.

Not the whole world but only countries where this movement exists.

What we are seeing is the decline of Asabiyyah (= social cohesion & solidarity) in the Western World:



Asabiyyah (as described in Muqaddimah) is similar to C & V factors from the "Biohistory" theory:


We're living in transitional times when Anglos are losing their status as the dominant civilization. A list of dominant Eurasian (and Eurasian offshoot) civilizations according to A. Van Sloan & James Sheehan:

Time of domination (number of years) - civilization:

4300-2700 BC (1600) - Sumerians
2700-1075 BC (1625) - Egyptians
1075-745 BC (330) - Phoenicians
745-612 BC (133) - Assyrians
612-539 BC (73) - Babylonians
539-478 BC (61) - Persians
478-323 BC (155) - Greeks
323-197 BC (126) - Hellenistic
197 BC - 378 AD (575) - Romans
378-467 AD (89) - Gupta India
467-589 AD (122) - Byzantines
589-756 AD (167) - Tang China
756-976 AD (220) - Muslims
976-1071 AD (95) - Byzantines
1071-1294 AD (223) - Song China and Mongol China
1294-1527 AD (233) - Renaissance Italy
1527-1588 AD (61) - Spain
1588-1609 AD (21) - England
1609-1672 AD (63) - Netherlands
1672-1814 AD (142) - France
1814-1830 AD (16) - Austria
1830-1918 AD (88) - Great Britain
1918-2018 AD (100+) - the USA

The last two centuries have been times of the domination of Anglos (England + its offshoots). Now the Anglo world is in decline, its domination has lasted for a pretty long time anyway.

02-14-2018, 06:52 PM
The USA is on the verge of collapse and has nobody else to blame than itself.

I never realised the reign of the Persians and Babylonians was so short.

02-14-2018, 06:58 PM
Apricity must be the only place where, in a space of two posts, the topic changes from #MeToo's effect on long-term dating to the lifespan of ancient civilisations.

What makes it even better is that nobody is shocked or confused about it because, well... this IS Apricity after all. :D

Queen B
02-14-2018, 07:04 PM
I've been thinking about the whole Harvey Weinstein debacle and the #MeToo movement which came afterwards.

Harvey and all those guilty deserve what is coming their way, but it has some serious long-term implications.

Traditionally, the man is the one who pursues the woman. In a nutshell, he is the one taking all the risk. At the end of the day it is the woman who accepts or rejects him, but the pursuit is his.

Bring the #MeToo movement into it. Men will be too damned scared to do anything with a woman, in fear that it may be misconstrued. When something like asking her out on a date can be twisted into sexual harassment or even attempted rape, the man becomes powerless. In the end he'd rather do NOTHING than end up unfairly on the list of Harvey Weinstein and all the #MeToos.

On the other side, all the women will wonder why guys are no longer into them and bemoan the fact that nobody is pursuing them, when the reality is that the guy is too shit scared to make any move at all.

The face of male-female interpersonal relationships is changing and, sadly, it isn't temporarily.

The world is going to hell in a hand basket.

I'm finding hard (unless you are in USA), to confuse sexual harassment with flirting.

Asking out, talking to her to a bar, asking for a phone isn't harassement.
Using your power for sexual favors, touching innaproprietly when someone doesn't want it , trying to have her way with her with no consent, well this is .

Any man ''scared'' of persuing a woman due to #metoo, is probably a man that has already gone too far in the past, by recognizing some of his actions, to the actions of those now-famous predators.

02-14-2018, 07:06 PM
I'm finding hard (unless you are in USA), to confuse sexual harassment with flirting.

Asking out, talking to her to a bar, asking for a phone isn't harassement.
Using your power for sexual favors, touching innaproprietly when someone doesn't want it , trying to have her way with her with no consent, well this is .

Any man ''scared'' of persuing a woman due to #metoo, is probably a man that has already gone too far in the past, by recognizing some of his actions, to the actions of those now-famous predators.

My context is America specifically. It is a world unto itself. Normal human behaviour will hopefully carry on as it always has in other places, but the US is in trouble.

02-14-2018, 07:09 PM
I haven't approached a woman in public that I found attractive in 3 years. As a white male in America, you're demonized. If you complain about it, its "Awwww, poor cis white male.. poor you" sarcastically. Every time I want to talk with a woman I subconsciously stop myself by saying she won't feel comfortable by it.

Queen B
02-14-2018, 07:09 PM
My context is America specifically. It is a world unto itself. Normal human behaviour will hopefully carry on as it always has in other places, but the US is in trouble.
America has serious problems.

In America is a crime if you misgender someone but not to intentionally spread HIV. It's the country where illegal immigrants are more entitled than legal immigrants, so, what do you expect?

02-14-2018, 07:11 PM
I'm finding hard (unless you are in USA)

Well, the #MeToo movement exists only in North America.

I haven't heard about it existing in Europe? And apparently 1/4 of Americans think that asking a woman out for a drink is sexual harassment, compared to ~0% of Europeans:




02-14-2018, 07:11 PM
I too think we are due a good, proper civilisational collapse.

02-14-2018, 07:12 PM
I haven't approached a woman in public that I found attractive in 3 years. As a white male in America, you're demonized. If you complain about it, its "Awwww, poor cis white male.. poor you" sarcastically. Every time I want to talk with a woman I subconsciously stop myself by saying she won't feel comfortable by it.

You see. This is the EXACT backlash I was talking about in my first post.

02-14-2018, 07:15 PM
I can't really begin to describe the world which I am coming to experience. When I was 11, I could hop on a chatline on AOL and ask girls "age, sex, location" and people just typed to each other. Nowadays, just being a man on the internet gets you put into this one-dimensional radical feminist stereotype of a serial killer/rapist/stalker as if men aren't three dimensional human beings with other things to do other than hurt and kill women.

Oftentimes, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells when interacting with women. Having dates canceled or being ghosted is so routine that I have actually come to expect it, and don't count on there being a date even when I have one scheduled. Canceling has actually become the norm not the exception.

I am considering only being with prostitutes from now on as a well-thought out, rational, political decision. I no longer argue with, or attempt to reason with women. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing.

Keep in mind that I am good looking, I have an impeccable fashion sense, have been to Europe and India, speak 4 languages, and have a Masters degree. If its hard for a well-put-together, cultured man like myself than it's hard for a Hell of a lot of men.

This is the world we're living in. It's sad, but that's how it is. The sky isn't going to turn red by bitching and moaning about it. Just better to cut one's losses and accept the world the way it is.

02-14-2018, 07:15 PM
I too think we are due a good, proper civilisational collapse.

Put your sunglasses on and bring a picnic basket. It's happening already.

Queen B
02-14-2018, 07:20 PM
I haven't approached a woman in public that I found attractive in 3 years. As a white male in America, you're demonized. If you complain about it, its "Awwww, poor cis white male.. poor you" sarcastically. Every time I want to talk with a woman I subconsciously stop myself by saying she won't feel comfortable by it.
You are the enemy of some american leftist libtards. I mean, straight male and white? ?
Geez. I - myself, consider myself a feminist (a real one , not the manhater type) , but what's happening in USA is literally crazy. Many posts come to my instagram search page, and its literally crazy of how people thing over there. And to hate you just for being white, or straight, or male, or everything?

02-14-2018, 07:21 PM
Put your sunglasses on and bring a picnic basket. It's happening already.

Great, in that case, can we please not create more ethnic divisions within our societies that will inevitably turn violent when the resources run out?

02-14-2018, 07:23 PM
You see. This is the EXACT backlash I was talking about in my first post.

Partly the reason I'm leaving soon! Thank you for being in agreement that this country will not be soon. The United States will be dead in the next 50 years. Or at least what we KNOW as the United States.

02-14-2018, 07:29 PM
You are the enemy of some american leftist libtards. I mean, straight male and white? ?
Geez. I - myself, consider myself a feminist (a real one , not the manhater type) , but what's happening in USA is literally crazy. Many posts come to my instagram search page, and its literally crazy of how people thing over there. And to hate you just for being white, or straight, or male, or everything?

Being a white man gives everyone who isn't a white man a free pass at insulting you, calling you names etc. It's so simple to see. If you're a minority in America, you CAN'T be racist unless you're a woman in America you CAN'T understand the struggle. You are the visual interpretation of American Colonials with slaves and a whip. It's sickening. It's disturbing to me how my entire childhood and young adult life I spent so much time fighting for minorities and women's rights, only to be spat on by them in 2018. I'll admit it has turned me to the right, in search of answers. It's like Star Wars almost.. I'm a Jedi that has realized the happy stupidity of their ignorance, and now the Dark side is calling. The only thing that's kept me from becoming someone I don't want to be is America's strong Moderate leaders, and the philosophies of Jordan Peterson.

02-14-2018, 07:29 PM
I haven't approached a woman in public that I found attractive in 3 years. As a white male in America, you're demonized. If you complain about it, its "Awwww, poor cis white male.. poor you" sarcastically. Every time I want to talk with a woman I subconsciously stop myself by saying she won't feel comfortable by it.
Are you joking or for real. The chick's that I know want a guy with balls to approach them. You shouldn't feel scared or fear. If she tells you she's all uncomfortable then tell her to go fuck a vibrator or become a lesbian. Who cares what she would think?

02-14-2018, 07:32 PM
Are you joking or for real. The chick's that I know want a guy with balls to approach them. You shouldn't feel scared or fear. If she tells you she's all uncomfortable then tell her to go fuck a vibrator or become a lesbian. Who cares what she would think?

Those chicks are rapidly becoming a minority. All they have to do now is say you touched them inappropriately or said something crude and you're fucked.

02-14-2018, 07:32 PM
You are the enemy of some american leftist libtards. I mean, straight male and white? ?
Geez. I - myself, consider myself a feminist (a real one , not the manhater type) , but what's happening in USA is literally crazy. Many posts come to my instagram search page, and its literally crazy of how people thing over there. And to hate you just for being white, or straight, or male, or everything?

But I don't think that Non-White men have it any easier than White men.

For example Asian-American feminists also hate "Asian patriarchy", etc.

02-14-2018, 07:34 PM
But I don't think that Non-White men have it any easier than White men.

For example Asian-American feminists also hate "Asian patriarchy", etc.

in America, they have it much easier. You can still always pull the race card for support.

02-14-2018, 07:35 PM
Well, the #MeToo movement exists only in North America.

I haven't heard about it existing in Europe? And apparently 1/4 of Americans think that asking a woman out for a drink is sexual harassment, compared to ~0% of Europeans:

Not really, it is quite widespread here too. Brazil isn't just a shithole, it is a social-liberal shithole.

https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims3/GLOB/crop/1262x631+0+38/resize/630x315!/format/jpg/quality/85/http%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fhss%2Fstorage%2Fmidas% 2Fc96ceb36bf418b2448656e3c7fc76e83%2F205773880%2Fm e%2Btoo.PNG

02-14-2018, 07:39 PM
in America, they have it much easier. You can still always pull the race card for support.

They have it easier with Anti-White SJW White women maybe, but not with their own SJW women:




02-14-2018, 07:40 PM
Those chicks are rapidly becoming a minority. All they have to do now is say you touched them inappropriately or said something crude and you're fucked.

This must be an American thing.

02-14-2018, 07:41 PM
Being a white man gives everyone who isn't a white man a free pass at insulting you, calling you names etc. It's so simple to see. If you're a minority in America, you CAN'T be racist unless you're a woman in America you CAN'T understand the struggle. You are the visual interpretation of American Colonials with slaves and a whip. It's sickening. It's disturbing to me how my entire childhood and young adult life I spent so much time fighting for minorities and women's rights, only to be spat on by them in 2018. I'll admit it has turned me to the right, in search of answers. It's like Star Wars almost.. I'm a Jedi that has realized the happy stupidity of their ignorance, and now the Dark side is calling. The only thing that's kept me from becoming someone I don't want to be is America's strong Moderate leaders, and the philosophies of Jordan Peterson.
This is the thing that's nefarious about this modern feminist discourse (I like to call it 'neo-feminist' because it so wildly differs from what came before it in the 1920s), when you can blame everything on patriarchy and figure that laws and common human decency don't apply to you because you didn't make the rules 10,000 years ago, but somehow every man alive today is responsible for rules that some Sumerian warlord made up, then you don't have to take responsibility for anything. You can be a rotten, nasty, piece of shit with impunity and see all men as one-dimensional caricatures.

The thing is, I believe that patriarchy is a thing, and that it places restrictions on both men and women, but the problem comes when you just use it as a crutch, and an excuse to be a nasty cunt to people with no sense of common courtesy.

I also get angry with this attitude that just because I'm a "cis-White-male" I apparently don't have any problems that should be taken seriously.

02-14-2018, 07:47 PM
Óttar your problem is that you are liberal and hang around liberal women, who betrayed liberal men. You should go to the countryside and date some Rednecks, they will probably appreciate you more.

On a Polish forum there is an old guy nicknamed Phouty, he is a Prussian-American user from California (he is 50% Polish, 50% German and identifies as Prussian-American). And he wrote this:

"(...) we, by all means normal American people [he means countryside folks, conservative Trump-supporting Americans], treat these nests of degeneracy such as SF, LA, Denver, or Seattle like some curious types of zoological gardens, inhabited by large numbers of weird and very exotic creatures. It is only a matter of time, until we build high fences around these cities... and start demanding visas from people living inside, in case if any of them would like to move to our side of the fence. Some of you probably remember movies like this made in Hollywood itself, which were very popular circa 25 years ago. (...)"

^^^ BTW, he owns a lot of guns. Check his Photobucket:


As you can see he has a wife with similar conservative views.


Countryside = Trump's America; big cities = Clinton's America:


02-14-2018, 07:51 PM
This must be an American thing.

Dude, you live in Canada. Where misgendering someone gets you thrown in jail. If you don't seem where I'm coming from you have to be delusional.

02-14-2018, 07:55 PM
This is the thing that's nefarious about this modern feminist discourse (I like to call it 'neo-feminist' because it so wildly differs from what came before it in the 1920s), when you can blame everything on patriarchy and figure that laws and common human decency don't apply to you because you didn't make the rules 10,000 years ago, but somehow every man alive today is responsible for rules that some Sumerian warlord made up, then you don't have to take responsibility for anything. You can be a rotten, nasty, piece of shit with impunity and see all men as one-dimensional caricatures.

The thing is, I believe that patriarchy is a thing, and that it places restrictions on both men and women, but the problem comes when you just use it as a crutch, and an excuse to be a nasty cunt to people with no sense of common courtesy.

I also get angry with this attitude that just because I'm a "cis-White-male" I apparently don't have any problems that should be taken seriously.

The Patriarchy is just the way of existence in almost all creatures on Earth. It's Evolution. Some choose to continue the tradition, and some choose to fight against it. What bothers me is the people that pretend evolutionary psychology and biology have nothing to do with it.

02-14-2018, 07:57 PM
Of all ancestry groups in the USA, German-Americans supported Trump the most:


Followed by Swedish-Americans. Generally Germanic-Americans supported Trump.

On the other hand, great majority of Jewish-Americans supported Clinton.

02-14-2018, 08:02 PM
What that Pro-Trump user Phouty wrote sounds really scary, LOL.

He wants to round up leftists and put them into walled ghettos.

I didn't know that the political tension in the US is THAT serious.

It seems that you are heading towards the same situation as in Chile under Pinochet:


02-14-2018, 08:11 PM
I will watch U.S. news with as great interest as I was watching the news from Ukraine in 2014.

And BTW, I did predict that the crisis in Ukraine was going to end up as a civil war.

Already when first protests started, my gut feelings told me "there is gonna be a war there".

I have the same feeling regarding America. I think it will happen after Trump's re-election.

02-14-2018, 08:12 PM
Dude, you live in Canada. Where misgendering someone gets you thrown in jail. If you don't seem where I'm coming from you have to be delusional.


Demon Revival
02-14-2018, 08:13 PM
Being a white man gives everyone who isn't a white man a free pass at insulting you, calling you names etc. It's so simple to see. If you're a minority in America, you CAN'T be racist unless you're a woman in America you CAN'T understand the struggle. You are the visual interpretation of American Colonials with slaves and a whip. It's sickening. It's disturbing to me how my entire childhood and young adult life I spent so much time fighting for minorities and women's rights, only to be spat on by them in 2018. I'll admit it has turned me to the right, in search of answers. It's like Star Wars almost.. I'm a Jedi that has realized the happy stupidity of their ignorance, and now the Dark side is calling. The only thing that's kept me from becoming someone I don't want to be is America's strong Moderate leaders, and the philosophies of Jordan Peterson.

I get your white struggle bro. But you shouldn't bypass some factors such as:
-Most white homes aren't single mom households with 10 baby daddies
-Most white men are not in jail
-Most white women still retain some degree of feminity and fragility. If you want feminism in full force look up "strong black women"

If you think you have it hard just because of propaganda, have a look at minorities.

02-14-2018, 08:17 PM
Do you believe in conspiracy theories? :)

I'm sure the KGB was a capable force, so this guy might be right:


He basically claims that the KGB infiltrated all American universities during the Cold War, and educated generations of Marxists, leftists and SJWs that you are seeing in the USA today.

02-14-2018, 08:47 PM
I get your white struggle bro. But you shouldn't bypass some factors such as:
-Most white homes aren't single mom households with 10 baby daddies
-Most white men are not in jail
-Most white women still retain some degree of feminity and fragility. If you want feminism in full force look up "strong black women"

If you think you have it hard just because of propaganda, have a look at minorities.

You should come visit my neighborhood.

02-14-2018, 08:48 PM
Also, I don't want to call it a white struggle. That sounds ridiculous. But it's the same struggle from an oppsite end as the black struggle in 2018, and if you think differently, you're crazy.

02-14-2018, 08:49 PM

02-14-2018, 08:50 PM
Put your sunglasses on and bring a picnic basket. It's happening already.

What do you mean by civilization collapse anyway and what kind of civilization will it become after this supposed collapse?

02-14-2018, 08:51 PM
What do you mean by civilization collapse and what kind of civilization will it become after this supposed collapse?

I guess it means a civil war after which America will be a shithole country (compared to pre-war situation).

Maybe it will no longer be one country. For example California might secede.

02-14-2018, 08:53 PM
I guess it means a civil war after which America will be a shithole country (compared to pre-war situation).

a civil war between the left and right? Nah, ain't gonna happen. Majority of people are too preoccupied with their own problems and lives to worry about politics. I think you people across the pond take MSM from north america a bit too seriously.

02-14-2018, 08:55 PM
a civil war between the left and right?

Between Pro-Democrat and Pro-Republican factions. Just like it was back in 1861.

You learn at schools that it was over slavery, but we know it wasn't exactly that.

And today you can fight over patriarchy (or whatever) instead of slavery.

02-14-2018, 08:58 PM
Majority of people are too preoccupied with their own problems and lives to worry about politics.

I'm pretty sure that the majority of Germans in the 1930s were also too preoccupied with their own problems and lives to worry about the Jewish problem in Europe or about the Slavic problem, or about the Communist problem, or even about politics in general.

Ukrainians in 2014 were also preoccupied with their own problems and lives.

Wars don't start because the majority of people want...

02-14-2018, 09:01 PM
I'm pretty sure that the majority of Germans in the 1930s were also too preoccupied with their own problems and lives to worry about the Jewish problem in Europe or about the Slavic problem, or about the Communist problem, or about politics in general.

Ukrainians in 2014 were also preoccupied with their own problems and lives.

Europe is not North America, also different mentalities. I doubt anyone with a sane mind would be willing to die for a political ideology(except for a merc) unless they have nothing to live for. no family etc.

02-14-2018, 09:09 PM
"Six reasons why a new civil war is possible" (2016):



02-14-2018, 09:10 PM
Between Pro-Democrat and Pro-Republican factions. Just like it was back in 1861.

You learn at schools that it was over slavery, but we know it wasn't exactly that.

And today you can fight over patriarchy (or whatever) instead of slavery.

Alright, so what if it does happen? What will happen to Nato, UN, EU? same fate.

02-28-2021, 01:36 PM
The entire love/dating environment has rapidly changed in the past decade. Single mothers with slutty pictures, covered in tattoos, overtly political activists, #BLM, social media attention seeking whores who cannot comprehend that they will hit 30 and no reasonable guy will want anything to do with them anymore, since they aren't even fuckable. Add Instagram/OnlyFans and #MeToo into the mix and it's a fucking disaster if you aren't putting in effort while also not being an uggo.


If you just ask a girl out for a drink that's NOT harrassment, but survey data indicates that more than 10% of women consider this harassment. Granted, most of them are probably so dog shit ugly that nobody would ever ask them but still, the point remains that statistically you're rolling the dice on a harassment charge with at least 1:10 odds of it happening by simply asking a woman under 30 to join you for a social beverage and a conversation.

However, the #MeToo movement did some good things (brought some rich Jewish criminals to heel) at the expense of making it virtually impossible for a man to interact with a woman one-on-one in a business context ever again because the cost of a false accusation is far too great for the benefit you get from interacting with women in business.


Men know that if you get a false accusation (even if it's completely bogus with zero evidence) you will likely lose your job, likely lose the ability to work professionally in your field ever again, lose many friends, and could face bullshit legal hassles. This adds up to significantly reduced mentoring, business lunches, private one-on-one meetings, etc for the many great and honest women out there who wouldn't abuse their privilege. On balance, I'd say that #MeToo harmed women significantly more than it helped them.

Virtually every smart man since then adopted the Mike Pence Rule (don't have any individual meeting with a woman you're not dating). He went from looking like a cucked dude to the smartest guy in the room overnight.

#MeToo also made a lot of men in management view women as liabilities in the workplace. These sorts of things could actually help us get women out of the workplace and back into the kitchen, before it's too late lel.
