View Full Version : Classify and say what countries he can pass in?

02-17-2018, 09:10 AM

02-18-2018, 02:24 AM
Nord-Indid + Iranid. Pass in West Asia.

02-18-2018, 01:13 PM
Nord-Indid + Iranid. Pass in West Asia.

Hi Odin,

I agree and he has an interesting look and this Punjabi Jat Sikh has amazing blue/green eyes.

02-18-2018, 01:18 PM
I think he can pass in southern europe as well tbh. But yeah he can fit in MENA region as well as parts of latin america.

02-18-2018, 01:23 PM
I think he can pass in southern europe as well tbh. But yeah he can fit in MENA region as well as parts of latin america.

Hi Thambi,

I would think he would be an atypical Southern European and could easily pass in the Middle East, South America and other parts of India.

02-18-2018, 01:28 PM
Hi Thambi,

I would think he would be an atypical Southern European and could easily pass in the Middle East, South American and other parts of India.

he would pass as european . I even know germans who look similar . but he has some foreign vibe nonetheless .however he would still pass in europe especially south europe and balkans

he would actually pass better in europe than in most of the middle east / north africa

02-18-2018, 01:33 PM
Hi Thambi,

I would think he would be an atypical Southern European and could easily pass in the Middle East, South America and other parts of India.

I think he looks like a soccer player from the mediterranean region lol. I always though mickey singh looked very out of place for the south asian region, even for punjab. He can fit along the southern europe stretch imo. Besides if he can fit in latin america, he can fit in southern euro as well since he doesn't look like a mestizo.

02-18-2018, 01:33 PM
he would pass as european . I even know germans who look similar . but he has some foreign vibe nonetheless .however he would still pass in europe especially south europe and balkans

he would actually pass better in europe than in most of the middle east / north africa

Hi Hadouken,

He's full Punjabi Jat Sikh and not mixed whatsoever does that surprise you?

02-18-2018, 01:35 PM
Hi Hadouken,

He's full Punjabi Jat Sikh and not mixed whatsoever does that surprise you?

I know that he is I read it and have still placed him the way I did . and no it doesnt surprise me because I know that india or south asia has people with many kind of looks . however he is very very atypical for an indian and we both know that ;)

02-18-2018, 01:39 PM
I know that he is I read it and have still placed him the way I did . and no it doesnt surprise me because I know that india or south asia has people with many kind of looks . however he is very very atypical for an indian and we both know that ;)


I agree he's atypical for an Indian, but not that atypical for a Punjabi Jat Sikh because I have many relatives with features like him.

02-18-2018, 01:41 PM

I agree he's atypical for an Indian, but not that atypical for a Punjabi Jat Sikh because I have many relatives with features like him.

but it is possible that you and your family are also atypical for punjabi jat sikhs

02-18-2018, 01:43 PM
Nord-Indid + Iranid. Pass in West Asia.

just lol. this dude looks european

02-18-2018, 01:45 PM
but it is possible that you and your family are also atypical for punjabi jat sikhs

Yes! I agree with that statement to a certain extent, but this kind of look can be found among Jats more often than other communities in South Asia.

02-18-2018, 01:54 PM
just lol. this dude looks european

Hi Seya,

Could he pass where you're from? Plus, it's no surprise our caste has the most NE Euro DNA in Asia after the Tajiks I believe.

02-18-2018, 01:59 PM
Hi Seya,

Could he pass where you're from? Plus, it's no surprise our caste has the most NE Euro DNA in Asia after the Tajiks I believe.

yes, this guy can pass for a common looking romanian guy. i think he passes very well in the whole balkans, italy and many other more central euro countries as well.

02-18-2018, 02:04 PM

I agree he's atypical for an Indian, but not that atypical for a Punjabi Jat Sikh because I have many relatives with features like him.

What does typical Indian look like

02-18-2018, 02:26 PM
What does typical Indian look like


02-18-2018, 02:28 PM
What does typical Indian look like

Hi lameduck,

The typical Indian is smaller, darker and weaker compared to me and the other Indians I've posted so far who are a bit atypical like me.

02-18-2018, 02:30 PM

Hi Thambi,

Thanks for providing a photo and lameduck compared to Mickey Singh you can see the difference?

02-18-2018, 02:38 PM
Hi Thambi,

Thanks for providing a photo and lameduck compared to Mickey Singh you can see the difference?

no i was mocking as to what people typically think as a typical indian. Also mickey singh isn't a typical punjabi lol. As I said he passes better in europe and ME than he does in any region from south asia. Also smaller, weaker. I dont agree with. Typical keralite and tamil height is on par with punjabis and kashmiris. Weaker? I mean. You can check this video out and see how buffed indians from other regions can get. Probably is close to a porn video but proves my point.


02-18-2018, 02:38 PM
Hi Thambi,

Thanks for providing a photo and lameduck compared to Mickey Singh you can see the difference?

Not really, they look like palette swap of each other.

02-18-2018, 02:45 PM
Not really, they look like palette swap of each other.


I'm sorry, but you must be blind? It's because they look nothing alike and bye I've got other things to do and I won't reply until next weekend now.

02-19-2018, 02:52 AM
he would pass as european . I even know germans who look similar.

Germans of Kurdish origin?:rolleyes:

this dude looks european


^ Southern European you mean? If you are talking about Northern European, then absolutely no.

02-19-2018, 03:17 AM
no Odin I meant ethnic germans

also if such a guy can fit in south europe (which seya confirmed) he will also pass at least in central europe in many cases

on the pic you posted he wouldnt pass as german . but still as some kind of south euro or balkans . at least for the average person who is not well versed with taxonomy for sure

02-19-2018, 05:41 AM
Can pass easily as "white" brazilian. He looks italian + some other admixture to me.

02-19-2018, 07:31 AM
Am I the only one who thought this guy is European?

02-25-2018, 06:36 PM
Am I the only one who thought this guy is European?

It's surprising many thought he looked European, but his facial features are common among Punjabi Jats, but I think it's his fair skin, dark brown hair and blue/green eyes that make many think he's European when he's pure Punjabi Jat Sikh.

02-25-2018, 06:42 PM
It's surprising many thought he looked European, but his facial features are common among Punjabi Jats, but I think it's his fair skin, dark brown hair and blue/green eyes that make many think he's European when he's pure Punjabi Jat Sikh.

He looks like a typical Balkan-South Slav to my eyes... Surprising!

02-25-2018, 07:19 PM
He looks like a typical Balkan-South Slav to my eyes... Surprising!

I’ve not met many Balkan-South Slavic people in person so it’s difficult for me to judge if he looks similar to them. Also, why is it so surprising? He’s a Indo-Iranian Punjabi Jat Sikh and not a Tamil from South India so it shouldn’t be a surprise people in my caste can look like this.

03-04-2018, 07:35 PM
Looks like a romani

03-04-2018, 07:41 PM
He’s full Punjabi Jat Sikh and when are you going to post your photos because I bet you’re more handsome and Caucasian looking than this Jat? LOL :D

03-04-2018, 07:48 PM
he would pass as european . I even know germans who look similar . but he has some foreign vibe nonetheless .however he would still pass in europe especially south europe and balkans

he would actually pass better in europe than in most of the middle east / north africa

+1. This ^^

03-05-2018, 05:29 PM
i have a typical northern tajik look, why dont you search tajik up huh? I dont really care or bother to look more caucasian, being more white doesnt equal beauty. I know seen south indians that look beautiful, they be black af. He looks romani, fully romani, i have a few gypsy friends that look like him. I am sure if i met him irl i would have thought mexican/ gypsy. Def doesnt look indian, nor jatt sikh, very very atypical.

03-05-2018, 05:32 PM
This guy doesn't look Gypsy/Romani. He passes best as Romanian than as Romani, lol.

This jamakzai dude should be hanged , what a dumb prick.

03-05-2018, 06:30 PM
This guy doesn't look Gypsy/Romani. He passes best as Romanian than as Romani, lol.

This jamakzai dude should be hanged , what a dumb prick.

Hi Scar,

Afghans Pathan Muslims don’t like Punjabi Jat Sikhs because my far distant relative through marriage Maharajah Ranjit Singh defeated them many times and took Kashmir, West Punjab, Peshawar, Khyber Pass and the Kohinoor diamond the most valuable in the world from these pussies.

03-05-2018, 07:46 PM
This guy doesn't look Gypsy/Romani. He passes best as Romanian than as Romani, lol.

This jamakzai dude should be hanged , what a dumb prick.

I've looked him up and he looks more Romani in other photos:







But based on the photos the OP provided, he seems like he could pass better as Romanian than as Romani.

03-05-2018, 07:50 PM
Thanks so much mingle. You keep backing up my point each time lol. This jatt guy is trynna make jatts out as if they’ve are fucking white people lol. So embarrassing XDD

03-05-2018, 07:55 PM
Hi Scar,

Afghans Pathan Muslims don’t like Punjabi Jat Sikhs because my far distant relative through marriage Maharajah Ranjit Singh defeated them many times and took Kashmir, West Punjab, Peshawar, Khyber Pass and the Kohinoor diamond the most valuable in the world from these pussies.
It’s afghan Pashtun not Pathan dipshit. Secondly I don’t care what your far distant relatives did to my people. Pashtuns are known to be fierce warriors far more fierce than u Indians lol. When u type Afghanistan in wiki pedia it is known as “unconquerable land” because so many people have tried to conquer it and failed. U jatts are just waste products of afghans and South Indians loll.

03-05-2018, 08:20 PM
Hi Mingle,

I posted a variety of different photos of this Punjabi Jat Sikh, but I think people were confused because he’s not your typical South Asian Indian because he has blue/green eyes, dark brown hair and fair/tan skin.




03-05-2018, 09:41 PM
People got confused cause your pics were very misleading. He looks more Punjabi than European in the pics that I posted. He does look kinda atypical by Punjabi/Indian standards though, I agree.

12-27-2018, 01:29 PM
It’s afghan Pashtun not Pathan dipshit. Secondly I don’t care what your far distant relatives did to my people. Pashtuns are known to be fierce warriors far more fierce than u Indians lol. When u type Afghanistan in wiki pedia it is known as “unconquerable land” because so many people have tried to conquer it and failed. U jatts are just waste products of afghans and South Indians loll.

It's been "conquered" by ISIS and Taliban smart one, it's literally a shit hole. Lol, so "embarrassing". Not to mention Hari Singh Nalwa brought "unbeatable" Afghanistan to it's knees and made your men wear shalwars like women. You're a bunch of pedophiles, jokers and cucks.

