View Full Version : classify my brother :)

02-17-2018, 08:14 PM
Please classify my younger brother. Thanks :)

02-17-2018, 08:29 PM
Looks like your regular Gracile Indid

Last pic looks more Indo-Brachid (brachycephalic and wider nose) but probably just the camera angle.

02-17-2018, 09:45 PM

02-17-2018, 10:03 PM
WOW! He could pass as Southern Italian, Greek, Turkish, Iranian or Afghan too like me and just not in India. I'm just kidding maybe he's just Gracile Indid? LOL :D

02-17-2018, 10:09 PM
WOW! He could pass as Southern Italian, Greek, Turkish, Iranian or Afghan too like me and just not in India. I'm just kidding maybe he's just Gracile Indid? LOL :D

Haha. Btw where can he pass best in the subcontinent? Can he pass in punjab?

02-17-2018, 10:17 PM
Haha. Btw where can he pass best in the subcontinent? Can he pass in punjab?


I went Mumbai and Goa last year and saw many people like him in those places, but for a Punjabi Jat Sikh he would be a bit atypical.

02-17-2018, 10:46 PM
hard to classify...

Weddoid admixtures are hard to figure out what the non-Weddoid elements are

He has Iranid admixture, I can see that...

I think he is Iranid-Indid of some kind mostly

02-17-2018, 11:02 PM
he has clean-cut features here


he has a longer, stronger, sharper nose than I do

which makes me wonder that if he is Weddoid, how even much more Weddoid I must be

(and if I am Weddoid too? then how come there are other Tamils even more Weddoid than me?)

I mean my mother actually really looks like an Australian Aboriginal straight up (you hear people comparing Weddoids with Aboriginals, but you can see the clear difference between the two and easily tell whose who, all the strongly Weddoid Tamils I see on an everyday basis look different from Aboriginals) but my mom actually looks like an Aboriginal

- but my father seems to show Iranio-Nordid tendencies -

so I must have some of that nasty corrosive pariah extreme Australoid shit making me less Europid than if I was mixed with a regular Weddid instead

02-17-2018, 11:04 PM
hard to classify...

Weddoid admixtures are hard to figure out what the non-Weddoid elements are

He has Iranid admixture, I can see that...

I think he is Iranid-Indid of some kind mostly

yup I agree. He is actually quite sharp featured despite being very dark. I'm lighter than my brother but I look slightly veddoid admixed compared to him.

Actually doesn't the indid element already include the iran neolithic type mix?

02-17-2018, 11:05 PM

02-17-2018, 11:07 PM
whatever the hell he is, he isn't predominantly Weddoid, that I know for sure

02-17-2018, 11:11 PM
he has clean-cut features here

he has a longer, stronger, sharper nose than I do

which makes me wonder that if he is Weddoid, how even much more Weddoid I must be

(and if I am Weddoid too? then how come there are other Tamils even more Weddoid than me?)

I mean my mother actually really looks like an Australian Aboriginal straight up (you hear people comparing Weddoids with Aboriginals, but you can see the clear difference between the two and easily tell whose who, all the strongly Weddoid Tamils I see on an everyday basis look different from Aboriginals) but my mom actually looks like an Aboriginal

- but my father seems to show Iranio-Nordid tendencies -

so I must have some of that nasty corrosive pariah extreme Australoid shit making me less Europid than if I was mixed with a regular Weddid instead

bro i'm sure your mom doesn't look like an aboriginal. Also south asians don't look fully europid/caucasian either way. Most are in mixed form so you dont need to add nasty, corrosive to describe the native features. Makes it seem like you are sucking up to caucasians. Be proud of your heritage macha. nee oru Tamizhan da :)

02-17-2018, 11:14 PM

yup bro I see that. I think some pontid and baltid are mixed in too with some congoid touch up though

02-17-2018, 11:17 PM
some members are making silly jokes . very uncalled for and stupid . especially towards such a nice member as Thambi

02-17-2018, 11:21 PM
Actually doesn't the indid element already include the iran neolithic type mix?

The geneticists say that Polynesians/Samoans/Maoris are really nothing but Taiwanese, and that they have Melanesian autosomes also

well if they are part Melanesian they should look more primitive and less Caucasoid than they should be, which they don't, they should just look like Sinoid-Melanesid mixes

yet they look like some kind of tribal Southern Chinese with rounder eyes and sharper features, "tweaked, photoshopped" Malays, NordSinids with slight Caucasoid photoshop, PaleoMongolid-Sinid-Weddoid and some people really really look standard Caucasoid

I mean doesn't this guy look rather Caucasoid?


02-17-2018, 11:27 PM
some members are making silly jokes . very uncalled for and stupid . especially towards such a nice member as Thambi

ma nigga, thanks for having my back :D

I think they are just joking rather than trolling though so its kewl. Makes me feel part of the family that they are willing to throw jokes at me XD most members on this forum are nice/friendly individuals.

02-17-2018, 11:29 PM
most members on this forum are nice/friendly individuals.


02-17-2018, 11:36 PM
The geneticists say that Polynesians/Samoans/Maoris are really nothing but Taiwanese, and that they have Melanesian autosomes also

well if they are part Melanesian they should look more primitive and less Caucasoid than they should be, which they don't, they should just look like Sinoid-Melanesid mixes

yet they look like some kind of tribal Southern Chinese with rounder eyes and sharper features, "tweaked, photoshopped" Malays, NordSinids with slight Caucasoid photoshop, PaleoMongolid-Sinid-Weddoid and some people really really look standard Caucasoid

I mean doesn't this guy look rather Caucasoid?


I think cause melanesians have some proto caucasoid seen in papuans for example. Thats probably why they look more caucasoid than pure southern chinese.

Also that guy looks like a skinny Dwayne johnson lol. He does look caucasoid but I can tell he is mixed with some non-caucasoid element as well. He looks as much caucasoid as an average Desi dude imo.

02-17-2018, 11:38 PM
bro i'm sure your mom doesn't look like an aboriginal.

She does actually. She doesn't look Weddoid whatever. I am quite a good phenotype anthropologist.

It's very wierd actually. We are of a higher caste, but as all ways, as with any race, the moment any particular group enters into/invades into a territory dominated by alien racial types, mixing takes place, to the point that the original founder phenotype becomes diluted and a minority.

I saw phenotypes in my caste that I never saw in other regular Tamils. So that means they really originally looked different.

Also south asians don't look fully europid/caucasian either way.

Yeah but many people are mixed especially in the North. In fact Caucasoid dominates in the North even for their low castes/Shudras.

Most are in mixed form so you dont need to add nasty, corrosive to describe the native features.

Yeah well mixed people are not particularly either and can choose which legacy to identify.

Well let's be honest nobody likes those Aboriginals, not Chinese, not Whites. There is something sincerely ugly about Australian Aboriginals. They are really even more extreme than Weddoids. Actually White men would select Negroe women over Aboriginal women.

No the Australoid element of my mother is not the standard Indo Australoid/Weddoid, again I repeat, I see pure Weddoids who look different.

02-17-2018, 11:46 PM
I am quite a good phenotype anthropologist.

no. you are horrible actually

02-17-2018, 11:57 PM
She does actually. She doesn't look Weddoid whatever. I am quite a good phenotype anthropologist.

It's very wierd actually. We are of a higher caste, but as all ways, as with any race, the moment any particular group enters into/invades into a territory dominated by alien racial types, mixing takes place, to the point that the original founder phenotype becomes diluted and a minority.

I saw phenotypes in my caste that I never saw in other regular Tamils. So that means they really originally looked different

Ok so you're a tamil brahmin? Cool I'm from andhra actually, not brahmin though, just a mid caste.

anyways regarding the phenotype thats interesting. Never knew some would resemble australoid. ASI/veddoid makes sense but the I've yet to see aboriginal looking South asians. If you don't mind, can you post a pic of you and your family members? or if privacy is a concern, can you PM me?

Yeah but many people are mixed especially in the North. In fact Caucasoid dominates in the North even for their low castes/Shudras.
idk actually, many low castes up there are quite mixed up. They have a lower frequency of veddoid type people compared to the south, but it still occurs among many people in the north especially in eastern UP, Bengal, and bihar. Central indian states such as Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, and eastern MP have far higher veddoid element, infact the highest in the subcontinent.

Yeah well mixed people are not particularly either and can choose which legacy to identify.

Well let's be honest nobody likes those Aboriginals, not Chinese, not Whites. There is something sincerely ugly about Australian Aboriginals. They are really even more extreme than Weddoids. Actually White men would select Negroe women over Aboriginal women.

No the Australoid element of my mother is not the standard Indo Australoid/Weddoid, again I repeat, I see pure Weddoids who look different.

It doesn't really matter what white men or chinese men pick lol. Black women are really beautiful. A lot of white men pick black women over indian women, chinese women, and their very own white women. Infact I like black women quite a bit and I pick them over many south asian girls. Also, Aboriginal folks in mixed form are really good looking. There are a decent number of aboriginal mixed models and they look very beautiful.

02-18-2018, 12:21 AM

it doesnt matter if your mom looks aboriginal or not . or if you and your people are caucasoid or not . stop insulting other peoples . you are a human . no matter what race you are or look . and your mom is your mom and a human too no matter how she looks and you love her not because of her race but because she is your mother.

you are not any less or more worth as a person if you are caucasoid or not ....thats bullshit. it is your heart and your actions that determine what kind of person you are . the same applies to the people you constantly insult . you also insulted hazaras before ...one of my best friemds is hazara and he has been on my side in the worst times in my life .

having an interest in anthropology and genetics is okay but dont involve hatred in it please . the same applies for everybody

02-18-2018, 12:36 AM
Gracile indid, he can easily pass in Pak Punjab.

Purohit ji
02-18-2018, 01:35 AM
Mostly gracile indid with indo melenid influence

02-18-2018, 01:37 AM
Mostly gracile indid with indo melenid influence

can he pass as a rajput in rajasthan?

Purohit ji
02-18-2018, 01:47 AM
can he pass as a rajput in rajasthan?

Yes. I know many who look like him.
Rajput are very diverse. Some are light skin some are very dark.
Rajput are mostly nord indid indo brachicd with some melenid influence

02-18-2018, 02:23 AM
Gracile-Indid + Indo-Brachid.

02-18-2018, 02:36 AM
Ok so you're a tamil brahmin?


We're unofficial "high castes". Actually we're "stranded high castes" because our exact caste can be found in Andhra.

I don't know how we ended up all the way in Madurai. But our caste apparently can be found all over Tamil Nadu.

In Tamil Nadu there are no "mid caste". Nobody talks like that. You're either higher caste or lower caste, period.

The Brahmins/Iyers, Mudaliars(which looks less Caucasoid than us) and Shaiva Pillais are the highest. The Mudaliars were probably just pre-Brahmin Upper Class Tamils whom the Brahmins Sanskritized. Even their name sounds like it, Mudaliars / Muthazhaali "boss"

The Vellalars are seen as the "highest and cleanest" of the low castes, and in a way "high caste".

Cool I'm from andhra actually, not brahmin though, just a mid caste.

Well what is a mid-caste actually?

anyways regarding the phenotype thats interesting. Never knew some would resemble australoid. ASI/veddoid makes sense but the I've yet to see aboriginal looking South asians. If you don't mind, can you post a pic of you and your family members? or if privacy is a concern, can you PM me?

I don't have a cam, I will when I get one.

idk actually, many low castes up there are quite mixed up. They have a lower frequency of veddoid type people compared to the south, but it still occurs among many people in the north especially in eastern UP, Bengal, and bihar. Central indian states such as Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, and eastern MP have far higher veddoid element, infact the highest in the subcontinent.

Really? Even more than Tamils?

It doesn't really matter what white men or chinese men pick lol. Black women are really beautiful. A lot of white men pick black women over indian women, chinese women, and their very own white women. Infact I like black women quite a bit and I pick them over many south asian girls. Also, Aboriginal folks in mixed form are really good looking. There are a decent number of aboriginal mixed models and they look very beautiful.

Yeah I have seen good looking, heavily Negroid Blacks.

02-18-2018, 03:07 AM

We're unofficial "high castes". Actually we're "stranded high castes" because our exact caste can be found in Andhra.

I don't know how we ended up all the way in Madurai. But our caste apparently can be found all over Tamil Nadu.

In Tamil Nadu there are no "mid caste". Nobody talks like that. You're either higher caste or lower caste, period.

The Brahmins/Iyers, Mudaliars(which looks less Caucasoid than us) and Shaiva Pillais are the highest. The Mudaliars were probably just pre-Brahmin Upper Class Tamils whom the Brahmins Sanskritized. Even their name sounds like it, Mudaliars / Muthazhaali "boss"

The Vellalars are seen as the "highest and cleanest" of the low castes, and in a way "high caste".

Well what is a mid-caste actually?

By mid caste I mean the castes that are in the forward caste section rather than OBC/SC, but are not brahmins.

So if your caste is found in andhra, I'm assuming Naidu? I'm confused, what's your exact caste lol? You haven't given a clear answer on what your caste is.

Also I thought Vellalars are higher in caste status than mudailars.

I don't have a cam, I will when I get one.
yes sure and as Hadouken mentioned you shouldn't just insult anyone, especially someone from your own family. She's your own mother and she took care of you and brought you up and that itself makes her a very beautiful person. You can't just insult your mother's looks that is immoral and messed up on so many levels. I also hope you clear up your obsession in looking caucasoid. The world will see you as an indian regardless on how caucasoid you look, and being more caucasoid doesn't put you on a pedestal in the society. It's about what you have achieved, how you treat others, and all other qualities dealing with personality. I'm sure you're a good person, but I'm just saying that you need to look at the world in a different perspective.

Really? Even more than Tamils?

Yes. They also appear more tribal imo since they have austro asiatic mixture in them.

02-18-2018, 04:11 AM

Indo-Brachids naturally have broader faces/heads, whether they're thin, fat, muscular, etc. You can tell if they're brachid looking at their head and face. This guy's skull seems mostly gracile and long. Just because he lifts, and therefore has broad shoulders and chest, doesn't mean his automatically "brachid" now.

P.S. He's cute btw.

02-18-2018, 04:15 AM