View Full Version : Do Albanians have territorial pretensions on Slavic territories?

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02-18-2018, 04:04 PM
I've seen a lot of people discussing here about Slavic peoples on this forum.

Do Albanians have territorial pretensions on their ancient "Illyrian" territories in Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia?

How do Albanians feel being removed from 80% of their territory by Slavs?

If opportunity arise, would Albanians took the advantage and retake those territories back?

02-18-2018, 04:08 PM
Albanians just want the lands with a majority of Albanians to be part of Albania, I don't think we care about other lands like Dalmatia for example becoming part of Albania just because it was Illyrian

02-18-2018, 04:09 PM
Albanians just want the lands with a majority of Albanians to be part of Albania, I don't think we care about other lands like Dalmatia for example becoming part of Albania just because it was Illyrian

But Albanians are Illyrians, so Dalmatia was yours, do Albanians feel a loss of Dalmatia for example.

02-18-2018, 04:10 PM
But Albanians are Illyrians, so Dalmatia was yours, do Albanians feel a loss of Dalmatia for example.
Nope, or at least that's what I think

02-18-2018, 04:11 PM
Nope, or at least that's what I think

Probably Communists killed feelings about those things.

Hoxha effect. xD

02-18-2018, 04:12 PM
But Albanians are Illyrians, so Dalmatia was yours, do Albanians feel a loss of Dalmatia for example.
Nah. Only if I was 1400 years old ;)

02-18-2018, 04:13 PM
Albanians just want the lands with a majority of Albanians to be part of Albania, I don't think we care about other lands like Dalmatia for example becoming part of Albania just because it was Illyrian

But what if Albanians start mass migrating to places that are not Albanian majority today but were historically? Up until fairly recently, Kosovo was majority Slavic. Not too long ago, Northwestern Macedonia was Slavic majority. IIRC, Albanians became a majority there after the Ottoman Era. And the places where Albanians are a majority is increasing every day (at least in Macedonia). Albanians are a majority in Preshevo and Bujanovac. Should those regions become part of Kosovo? Also, Albanians say that Sanjak Bosniaks are of Albanian origin. Should Sanjak also join Albania?

02-18-2018, 04:15 PM
But what if Albanians start mass migrating to places that are not Albanian majority today but were historically? Up until fairly recently, Kosovo was majority Slavic. Not too long ago, Northwestern Macedonia was Slavic majority. IIRC, Albanians became a majority there after the Ottoman Era. And the places where Albanians are a majority is increasing every day (at least in Macedonia). Albanians are a majority in Preshevo and Bujanovac. Should those regions become part of Kosovo? Also, Albanians say that Sanjak Bosniaks are of Albanian origin. Should Sanjak also join Albania?
Albanians have always been native to northwestern FYROM. Sanxhak Bosniaks largely carry Albanian Gheg y-lineages.

Interesting that you choose to call it Macedonia, rather than FYROM.

02-18-2018, 04:18 PM
Freedom to the opressed Albos of Fyrom

02-18-2018, 04:20 PM
Freedom to the opressed Albos of Fyrom
"Ancient Macedonian" to the right ;)


02-18-2018, 04:22 PM
But what if Albanians start mass migrating to places that are not Albanian majority today but were historically? Up until fairly recently, Kosovo was majority Slavic. Not too long ago, Northwestern Macedonia was Slavic majority. IIRC, Albanians became a majority there after the Ottoman Era. And the places where Albanians are a majority is increasing every day (at least in Macedonia). Albanians are a majority in Preshevo and Bujanovac. Should those regions become part of Kosovo? Also, Albanians say that Sanjak Bosniaks are of Albanian origin. Should Sanjak also join Albania?
If Albanians became a majority in those places then I am not sure.The demographics of Kosovo in the middle ages is very much debatable, certain scholars suggest that the western part always had an Albanian population and that some were Slavicized later on and were counted as Serbs I think that genetics seems to back up the fact that a lot of Kosovar Albanians were in fact in Kosovo before the clans from the highlands migrated there as certain people who belong to those clans actually have different Ydna haplogroups than the average clan member would have, suggesting that they were in fact absorbed into the clan also I find it hard to believe that Kosovo was depopulated before the Slavs came lol. As for in Macedonia, some did become Torbeshi or Bulgarian as shown by certain "Bulgarians" from the regions close to Albania having typical Albanian clades and are close to them in terms of TMRCA although not all were of Albanian origin obviously. Sanxhak Bosniaks definitely have Albanian origin mainly from the Kelmendi, Kuqi and Shkreli clans and Albanians today to believe that Sanxhak is part of ethnic Albania

02-18-2018, 04:25 PM
Albanians have always been native to northwestern FYROM. Sanxhak Bosniaks largely carry Albanian Gheg y-lineages.

Interesting that you choose to call it Macedonia, rather than FYROM.

Which parts of FYROM/Macedonia have they been native to? If they become a majority in Skopje, then will you claim it too? Their numbers seem to be increasing every day.

Do you also claim Preshevo, Bujanovac, Epirus, Podgorica, etc?

I don't deny Sanjak Bosniaks have an Albanian origin. But do you claim their territory based off of that?

02-18-2018, 04:25 PM
Moje ime back at it again with the thumbs down, butthurt much xD

02-18-2018, 04:26 PM
Kosovo is just a small "Ghetto" where Slavs put all remaining Albanians in Western Balkans.

Western Balkans got cleansed of Albanians by Conquerors in 6th-8th century, and they put those people in Kosovo.

02-18-2018, 04:29 PM
Greeks pretend that Macedonia is Greece. So, they dont just want name change, they wanna annex free Macedonia. Now they want to destabilise Macedonia by promoting Albanian rebellion. Macedonia won’t be torn. Beside, Bulgaria declared full support (even their far right groups) for Macedonia, which they consider theirs.
Greece is now facing Bulgaria + Macedonia. There are also other regional countries which support Macedonia. Bulgaria is EU btw, so Greeks better forget European help.
If Albos want to destabilise a country, that could be Greece. There is Chameria and.... Arvanitas.

02-18-2018, 04:29 PM
Kosovo is just a small "Ghetto" where Slavs put all remaining Albanians in Western Balkans.

Western Balkans got cleansed of Albanians by Conquerors in 6th-8th century, and they put those people in Kosovo.
Huno-Avars, Cumans, Goths, Turkics, Bulgars.. Many conquerors... Many to fight.

02-18-2018, 04:29 PM
If Albanians became a majority in those places then I am not sure.The demographics of Kosovo in the middle ages is very much debatable, certain scholars suggest that the western part always had an Albanian population and that some were Slavicized later on and were counted as Serbs I think that genetics seems to back up the fact that a lot of Kosovar Albanians were in fact in Kosovo before the clans from the highlands migrated there as certain people who belong to those clans actually have different Ydna haplogroups than the average clan member would have, suggesting that they were in fact absorbed into the clan also I find it hard to believe that Kosovo was depopulated before the Slavs came lol. As for in Macedonia, some did become Torbeshi or Bulgarian as shown by certain "Bulgarians" from the regions close to Albania having typical Albanian clades and are close to them in terms of TMRCA although not all were of Albanian origin obviously. Sanxhak Bosniaks definitely have Albanian origin mainly from the Kelmendi, Kuqi and Shkreli clans and Albanians today to believe that Sanxhak is part of ethnic Albania

I agree that it was probably Albanian (Illyrian) before the Slavs came, but that was way too long ago. Dalmatia was also Illyrian majority if we go back far enough.

How much of the current crop of Kosovo Albanians descended from post-Ottoman era migrants?

Immediately before the Ottomans came to the Balkans, was Kosovo Alban or Serb majority?

02-18-2018, 04:30 PM
Huno-Avars, Cumans, Goths, Turkics, Bulgars.. Many conquerors... Many to fight.

Slavs defeated Avars and were the final conquerors till this day.

That includes Montenegrins :)

02-18-2018, 04:33 PM
I agree that it was probably Albanian (Illyrian) before the Slavs came, but that was way too long ago. Dalmatia was also Illyrian majority if we go back far enough.

How much of the current crop of Kosovo Albanians descended from post-Ottoman era migrants?

Immediately before the Ottomans came to the Balkans, was Kosovo Alban or Serb majority?
Idk tbh, we would need to test more Kosovar Albanians to actually know how many aren't descended from the highlanders. I would say that the regions of east Kosovo would of had a Serb majority although western Kosovo would have had people who were ethnic Albanians but it can be debated as many Serbs would have migrated into Kosovo when they ruled over it. The Albanian claim to Kosovo is because we are native to the region and because Kosovo still to this day has an Albanian population unlike Dalmatia and other Illyric lands

02-18-2018, 04:34 PM
Which parts of FYROM/Macedonia have they been native to? If they become a majority in Skopje, then will you claim it too? Their numbers seem to be increasing every day.

Do you also claim Preshevo, Bujanovac, Epirus, Podgorica, etc?

I don't deny Sanjak Bosniaks have an Albanian origin. But do you claim their territory based off of that?

Northern Epirus is already part of Albania. Greek Epirus has no Albanian minority.

02-18-2018, 04:36 PM
Northern Epirus is already part of Albania. Greek Epirus has no Albanian minority.
Really? What about Arta, Ioannina?

02-18-2018, 04:36 PM
If Albanians want to claim territories on the fact that they are currently Albanian majority, then would you consider giving the northern part of the Mitrovica district to Serbia since it is currently Serb majority?

02-18-2018, 04:38 PM
If Albanians want to claim territories on the fact that they are currently Albanian majority, then would consider giving the northern part of the Mitrovica district to Serbia since it is currently Serb majority?

But we came here in 7th century, those territories were Albanian LONG before arrival of Slavs.

They have Historical right to Claim, we don't.

02-18-2018, 04:39 PM
Greeks pretend that Macedonia is Greece. So, they dont just want name change, they wanna annex free Macedonia. Now they want to destabilise Macedonia by promoting Albanian rebellion. Macedonia won’t be torn. Beside, Bulgaria declared full support (even their far right groups) for Macedonia, which they consider theirs.
Greece is now facing Bulgaria + Macedonia. There are also other regional countries which support Macedonia. Bulgaria is EU btw, so Greeks better forget European help.
If Albos want to destabilise a country, that could be Greece. There is Chameria and.... Arvanitas.

No need to pretend. Macedonia is a province in Northern Greece and has always been for the past 4000 years.

Fyrom is not Macedonia and never was. Skopje never belonged in Macedonia, not even in the Roman province of Macedonia. It was included in the province of Dardania and/or Moesia, but never in Macedonia.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 04:40 PM
But we came here in 7th century, those territories were Albanian LONG before arrival of Slavs.

They have Historical right to Claim, we don't.

Proof for this?

02-18-2018, 04:41 PM
Proof for this?
The fact that Albanians stem from a non-Hellenic Paleo-Balkan ethnic group, or are we Caucasus slaves from Azerbaijan xD

02-18-2018, 04:43 PM
Proof for this?

Every single book you can find about the slavs? LOL?

What were you thinking?

Belgrade, Niš, Podgorica were Roman cities where Latinized Albanians and Romanians lived.

We came slaughtered them all, impossed Slavic language and culture.

We have done that in waves from 5-7th then we settled in late 7th century.

02-18-2018, 04:45 PM
Really? What about Arta, Ioannina?

There is no Albanian minority there. The Chams that were expelled were 18,000 according to all official records and nowadays there is no Albanian minority in those places. Other than recent immigrants.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 04:48 PM
Every single book you can find about the slavs? LOL?

What were you thinking?

Belgrade, Niš, Podgorica were Roman cities where Latinized Albanians and Romanians lived.

We came slaughtered them all, impossed Slavic language and culture.

We have done that in waves from 5-7th then we settled in late 7th century.

You can't be Montenegrin, maybe monte nigger.

Let's say that is the true what you say, then should Europeans left America today to Indians?

Btw I'm still waiting for links to proofs.

02-18-2018, 04:48 PM
Northern Epirus is already part of Albania. Greek Epirus has no Albanian minority.

Yes, but there are still some Albanian nationalists that still claim Greek Epirus cause it was originally Albanian according to them.

02-18-2018, 04:51 PM
You can't be Montenegrin, maybe monte nigger.

Let's say that is the true what you say, then should Europeans left America today to Indians?

Btw I'm still waiting for links to proofs.

What proofs?

Have you been in school?

"Arrival of Slavs" is the most basic subject being taught in schools lol.

First Slavic ruler was called "Višeslav" of house Vlastimirović, he came from Poland or Ukraine.

But Indians are almost extinct, Greeks and Albanians are not, one day they might ask our lands "back" lol.

Imagine if Greeks get some power in some post-WW3 scenario, they will remove us from the map :D

02-18-2018, 04:51 PM
But we came here in 7th century, those territories were Albanian LONG before arrival of Slavs.

They have Historical right to Claim, we don't.
A lot of your posts make sense. Welcome to the forum btw.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 04:52 PM
I don't think we are trying to claim territories like Dalmatia, but clearly we want territories that should be given to us but were not given in 1913 at london treaty.

Idk tbh, we would need to test more Kosovar Albanians to actually know how many aren't descended from the highlanders. I would say that the regions of east Kosovo would of had a Serb majority although western Kosovo would have had people who were ethnic Albanians but it can be debated as many Serbs would have migrated into Kosovo when they ruled over it. The Albanian claim to Kosovo is because we are native to the region and because Kosovo still to this day has an Albanian population unlike Dalmatia and other Illyric lands

You forgot Sandjak of Nis territory who had 850 Albanian settlements during 19th century, ethnically pure Albanian with territory circa Kosovo, I don't blame you however because we usually tend to forget about that part alot.

02-18-2018, 04:53 PM
A lot of your posts make sense. Welcome to the forum btw.

I was on a similar forum, glad to have found this one ^^

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 04:53 PM
A lot of your posts make sense. Welcome to the forum btw.

How sweet.

02-18-2018, 04:55 PM
You can't be Montenegrin, maybe monte nigger.

Let's say that is the true what you say, then should Europeans left America today to Indians?

Btw I'm still waiting for links to proofs.
You're like the Serbian version of Laberia, the very same mindset.

If any other Serbian/Montenegrin member conflicts with your narrow, hyper-nationalistic view, you disown them from your ethnic group.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 04:57 PM
Thread full of Albanians. You're writing your new history, don't you?

02-18-2018, 04:58 PM
Thread full of Albanians. You're writing your new history, don't you?
And what? You want it to be a thread full of Serbs so that all you can do is chat shit.

02-18-2018, 04:58 PM
How sweet.

We came from woods in 7th century armed with Axes and we butchered entire western balkans xD

Tribes that came were:

1. Brsjaci
2. Jezeriti
3. Vajoniti
4. Belegeziti
5. Smoljani
6. Berziti
7. Draguviti
8. Karantanci
9. Guduščani
10. Braničevci
11. Bodriči


There is book called "Kingdom of Slavs" that explains the massacre xD

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:00 PM
We came from woods in 7th century armed with Axes and we butchered entire western balkans xD

Tribes that came were:

1. Brsjaci
2. Jezeriti
3. Vajoniti
4. Belegeziti
5. Smoljani
6. Berziti
7. Draguviti
8. Karantanci
9. Guduščani
10. Braničevci
11. Bodriči


There is book called "Kingdom of Slavs" that explains the massacre xD

Yeah see how powerful we were, only axes and today you needed USA to help you with Kosovo.

02-18-2018, 05:04 PM
Albanians just want the lands with a majority of Albanians to be part of Albania, I don't think we care about other lands like Dalmatia for example becoming part of Albania just because it was Illyrian

It doesn't make much sense actually, the north of Kosovo is not Albanian majority but we still don't wanna lose it.

02-18-2018, 05:05 PM
I don't know how any other Slavs defeated and expelled Avars. Only Croats are metioned to do that.

02-18-2018, 05:05 PM
Yeah see how powerful we were, only axes and today you needed USA to help you with Kosovo.

Now you think I am Albanian lol?

I am neither Albanian neither Serbian, I am Montenegrin.

I am just stating the facts, if you don't like them then invent a new History like Macedonians are doing. xD

02-18-2018, 05:06 PM
I don't know how any other Slavs defeated and expelled Avars. Only Croats are metioned to do that.

True, but Croats assimilated a lot of other Slavic tribes. Croats are not a single tribe, but a biggest tribe.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:08 PM
Now you think I am Albanian lol?

I am neither Albanian neither Serbian, I am Montenegrin.

I am just stating the facts, if you don't like them then invent a new History like Macedonians are doing. xD

Probably have Albanian father

02-18-2018, 05:09 PM
Probably have Albanian father

You are example of Serb why we wanted to secede from Serbia.

You are all insane lol, even those in Montenegro.

02-18-2018, 05:10 PM
The slavs infested the Balkans like the immoral pest they are.
Its a tragedy that almost everywhere on the peninsula you can hear their ugly noises chattering about.

02-18-2018, 05:11 PM
Probably have Albanian father
You are wrong, he has a Slavic yDNA haplogroup.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:11 PM
The slavs infested the Balkans like the immoral pest they are.
Its a tragedy that almost everywhere on the peninsula you can hear their ugly noises chattering about.

Wonder what your ugly nose doing in Sweden

02-18-2018, 05:12 PM
The slavs infested the Balkans like the immoral pest they are.
Its a tragedy that almost everywhere on the peninsula you can hear their ugly noises chattering about.

Yes but Slavs became a global superpower.

It's not like we are pests.


Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:13 PM
You are example of Serb why we wanted to secede from Serbia.

You are all insane lol, even those in Montenegro.

Go with your brothers Albanians, we don't need you

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:14 PM
Yes but Slavs became a global superpower.

It's not like we are pests.


Do I see some spark of pride here? No can't be true.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:15 PM
It doesn't make much sense actually, the north of Kosovo is not Albanian majority but we still don't wanna lose it.

But you will

02-18-2018, 05:16 PM
Go with your brothers Albanians, we don't need you

Do you think Montenegro need you? Hahha

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:16 PM
Do you think Montenegro need you? Hahha


02-18-2018, 05:16 PM
Yes, but there are still some Albanian nationalists that still claim Greek Epirus cause it was originally Albanian according to them.

Epirus has always been historically Greek land. Even during Ottoman times, when Albanian rulers like Ali Pasha ruled on behalf of the Ottomans, it was a major center of Hellenism and majority Greek.

Ali Pasha spoke both Greek and Albanian as his native language and his wife was Greek.

Albanians can’t annex Greek territory where there are no Albanians. What they want is that Cham Albanians return to Greece and be compensated for their loss of properties. But they face trial if they do. They can be tried for war crimes.

The Chams lost their properties but so did many from the Greek minority in Albania, let alone the 200 billion euros in property the Cypriots lost or the much greater amount of properties that Turks confiscated from the Asia Minor Greeks.

02-18-2018, 05:18 PM
You are example of Serb why we wanted to secede from Serbia.

You are all insane lol, even those in Montenegro.

You have a weird sense of reasoning. By your logic, Montenegro should become part of Albania. Is that what you want?

02-18-2018, 05:19 PM
https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/IO1ktkpTURBXy8xOGY5YTQ0MTVkZmE2YjAyMDY2MzYzNzc4ZGJ mNzM2Yi5qcGeSlQLNAxQAwsOVAs0B1gDCww

“We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others; we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else’s misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying is the trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate smartness. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.”

- Dobrica Cosic, serbian writer and national icon.

02-18-2018, 05:19 PM

With such attitude you will loose Voivodina as well, people don't like Serbs like you.

Everyone dislikes Serbs:

1. Bulgarians
2. Bosnians
3. Croats
4. Magyars
5. Albanians

Than there is a problem with Serbs not with all those people!

02-18-2018, 05:20 PM
Kosovo is just a small "Ghetto" where Slavs put all remaining Albanians in Western Balkans.

Western Balkans got cleansed of Albanians by Conquerors in 6th-8th century, and they put those people in Kosovo.

Nema Albanaca severno od Drima u srednjem veku, takođe ih nije bilo ni na Kosovu do pada Srpske Despotovine.

02-18-2018, 05:21 PM
You have a weird sense of reasoning. By your logic, Montenegro should become part of Albania. Is that what you want?
Nope. But Montenegrins share close bonds with Albanians, Ghegs in particular. Marko Miljanov's mother was Albanian, and also his paternal ancestors, that were from Kuci, old Albanian tribe.



02-18-2018, 05:22 PM
Ptolemy be like :D


02-18-2018, 05:22 PM
Nema Albanaca severno od Drima u srednjem veku, takođe ih nije bilo ni na Kosovu do pada Srpske Despotovine.

Nema, problem Albanaca je rješen ... od 5 og do 8 vjeka smo im zatrli śeme

Vlatko Vukovic
02-18-2018, 05:23 PM
I've seen a lot of people discussing here about Slavic peoples on this forum.

Do Albanians have territorial pretensions on their ancient "Illyrian" territories in Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia?

How do Albanians feel being removed from 80% of their territory by Slavs?

If opportunity arise, would Albanians took the advantage and retake those territories back?

Being Illyrian and being Albanian is not the same. Dalmatia was never Albanian, becouse nationality "Albanian" didn't exist in this time.

02-18-2018, 05:23 PM
Nema Albanaca severno od Drima u srednjem veku, takođe ih nije bilo ni na Kosovu do pada Srpske Despotovine.
How retarded can you be lol? I already explained to you how the earliest records of Albanians are north of the Drin and that linguistic analysis shows that we originate somewhere near Kosovo and North-eastern Albania. Now piss of with your "There were no Albanians north of the Drin"

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:23 PM
https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/IO1ktkpTURBXy8xOGY5YTQ0MTVkZmE2YjAyMDY2MzYzNzc4ZGJ mNzM2Yi5qcGeSlQLNAxQAwsOVAs0B1gDCww

“We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others; we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else’s misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying is the trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate smartness. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.”

- Dobrica Cosic, serbian writer and national icon.

Self critique is good thing, Christian thing, I don't think you know what it is at all, but this is not meant to be used by malicious strangers like you.

02-18-2018, 05:24 PM
But we came here in 7th century, those territories were Albanian LONG before arrival of Slavs.

They have Historical right to Claim, we don't.

You acting like a classic Albanian troll.

Well, give Montenegro to Albania, Montenegro is Albanian "Historical" land lol

02-18-2018, 05:25 PM
Being Illyrian and being Albanian is not the same. Dalmatia was never Albanian, becouse nationality "Albanian" didn't exist in this time.

All Albanians are Illyrians, not a single Slav is Illyrian.

They call themselves Albanians for "Illyrian" was a name for many Albanian Clans and Tribes (nowdays extinct).

02-18-2018, 05:26 PM
https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/IO1ktkpTURBXy8xOGY5YTQ0MTVkZmE2YjAyMDY2MzYzNzc4ZGJ mNzM2Yi5qcGeSlQLNAxQAwsOVAs0B1gDCww

“We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others; we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else’s misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying is the trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate smartness. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.”

- Dobrica Cosic, serbian writer and national icon.

This couldn't be more accurate :lol:

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:26 PM
With such attitude you will loose Voivodina as well, people don't like Serbs like you.

Everyone dislikes Serbs:

1. Bulgarians
2. Bosnians
3. Croats
4. Magyars
5. Albanians

Than there is a problem with Serbs not with all those people!

Who loves Montenegrines like you? You don't know shit about me!

02-18-2018, 05:26 PM
Nema, problem Albanaca je rješen ... od 5 og do 8 vjeka smo im zatrli śeme

Ne lupaj i ne troluj.

02-18-2018, 05:26 PM
You acting like a classic Albanian troll.

Well, give Montenegro to Albania, Montenegro is Albanian "Historical" land lol

I am not giving them anything, I am just stating the facts.

They were here before us, now we took their land.

It's not like they want Montenegro back, it's just important historical fact.

I want to denounce Radical Serbian histeria about Albanians.

02-18-2018, 05:27 PM
You have a weird sense of reasoning. By your logic, Montenegro should become part of Albania. Is that what you want?
Do you think Kosovo should remain independent or should it become Serbia?

02-18-2018, 05:27 PM
You acting like a classic Albanian troll.

Well, give Montenegro to Albania, Montenegro is Albanian "Historical" land lol

You guys are totally crazy. When did he mention that Montenegro belongs to Albania? It doesn't belong to Serbia anymore so why do you care that much anyway?

Vlatko Vukovic
02-18-2018, 05:28 PM
All Albanians are Illyrians, not a single Slav is Illyrian.

They call themselves Albanians for "Illyrian" was a name for many Albanian Clans and Tribes (nowdays extinct).


02-18-2018, 05:29 PM
Who loves Montenegrines like you? You don't know shit about me!

Do you love Dedaić?


02-18-2018, 05:30 PM
Words of a Holy man against radical Serbian nationalism


Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:33 PM
Ma ja mislim da ovaj monteniger samo zeli da se uda za nekog Siptara ajde da organizujemo tu svadbu ovde pa da se slavi. :eek:

02-18-2018, 05:33 PM
Words of a Holy man against radical Serbian nationalism


Well Serbian Church is attacking Montenegrins, chasing us like animals... then they speak about "brotherhood"

02-18-2018, 05:34 PM
Well Serbian Church is attacking Montenegrins, chasing us like animals... then they speak about "brotherhood"
Pavle seemed decent. The new Serbian patriarch is very nationalistic.

02-18-2018, 05:35 PM
Pavle seemed decent. The new Serbian patriarch is very nationalistic.

Irinej is politician, he should found a political party.

02-18-2018, 05:40 PM
Well Serbian Church is attacking Montenegrins, chasing us like animals... then they speak about "brotherhood"

You are the ones attacking Serbian church in Montenegro, its becoming ridiculous how much butthurt you are about it.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:41 PM
With such attitude you will loose Voivodina as well, people don't like Serbs like you.

Everyone dislikes Serbs:

1. Bulgarians
2. Bosnians
3. Croats
4. Magyars
5. Albanians

Than there is a problem with Serbs not with all those people!

U Vojvodini ljudi zive normalno i civilizovano i niko nikog ne dira, ne brini se ti za Vojvodinu.

02-18-2018, 05:46 PM
Lol I thought Serbs and Montenegrins are BFFs :)

02-18-2018, 05:47 PM
U Vojvodini ljudi zive normalno i civilizovano i niko nikog ne dira, ne brini se ti za Vojvodinu.

vi ste bosnu izgubili a bili ste većina, a kamo li vojvodinu

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:48 PM
Lol I thought Serbs and Montenegrins are BFFs :)

One half of Montenegro people consider themselves of Serbian ethnicity other half of Montenegrins ethnicity.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:50 PM
vi ste bosnu izgubili a bili ste većina, a kamo li vojvodinu

Kako smo je izgubili sta je s rep. Srpskom?

Nemoj dzabe da "mrzis" kad nemas pojma da je mentalitet u Vojvodini kao nebo i zemlja u odnosu na jug.

02-18-2018, 05:51 PM
Montenegrins who are pro-Albanian are foolish. One day Albanians will want Ulcinj and other regions will you support them then? They had no relevant history in medieval times and only "historic" claim they have is that "WE WUZ ILLYRIANZ".

02-18-2018, 05:53 PM
One half of Montenegro people consider themselves of Serbian ethnicity other half of Montenegrins ethnicity.

I'm not sure if I believe that

02-18-2018, 05:53 PM
Kosovo is just a small "Ghetto" where Slavs put all remaining Albanians in Western Balkans.

Western Balkans got cleansed of Albanians by Conquerors in 6th-8th century, and they put those people in Kosovo.

You have to realize that south slavs are mainly natives

02-18-2018, 05:54 PM
One half of Montenegro people consider themselves of Serbian ethnicity other half of Montenegrins ethnicity.

28% identify as Serbs not 50%, 50% said they speak Serbian language.

02-18-2018, 05:54 PM
I'm not sure if I believe that

It's true.

02-18-2018, 05:54 PM
You have to realize that south slavs are mainly natives
Wrong. I2a1b-Din + R1a is higher than native haplogroups in most South Slavs, except Bulgarians.

Let's not forget Slavs brought other haplogroups to the area, too.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:55 PM
I'm not sure if I believe that


Moje ime
02-18-2018, 05:56 PM
28% identify as Serbs not 50%, 50% said they speak Serbian language.

Ok I'm not sure about percents

02-18-2018, 05:56 PM
Wrong. I2a1b-Din + R1a is higher in most South Slavs except Bulgarians.

Let's not forget Slavs brought other haplogroups to the area, too.

Y-DNA is like almost none of your genome, our autosomal is mainly native.

02-18-2018, 05:57 PM
Y-DNA is like almost none of your genome, our autosomal is mainly native.
Many South Slavs have more non-native autosomal, remember that.

Only the ones that mixed recently with Albanians, Greeks and other native folks have more native.

02-18-2018, 05:57 PM
28% identify as Serbs not 50%, 50% said they speak Serbian language.

Well those who said they speak Serban are clearly pro-Serb.

02-18-2018, 05:58 PM
Many South Slavs have more non-native autosomal, remember that.

Only the ones that mixed recently with Albanians, Greeks and other native folks have more native.


02-18-2018, 05:59 PM
Many South Slavs have more non-native autosomal, remember that.

Only the ones that mixed recently with Albanians, Greeks and other native folks have more native.

Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians and Bulgarians are mainly native while Bosniaks, Slovenians and Croats are more slavic.

02-18-2018, 06:00 PM
Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians and Bulgarians are mainly native while Bosniaks, Slovenians and Croats are more slavic.
Not all, their autosomal differ alot.

Vlatko Vukovic
02-18-2018, 06:00 PM
Lol I thought Serbs and Montenegrins are BFFs :)

Then you didn't hear for Milo Đukanović :D

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 06:03 PM

Can Croats say something about possible Albanian pretension on Dalmatia, when we speak about who owned lands first?

02-18-2018, 06:04 PM
Not all, their autosomal differ alot.

Not really, Serbs from Bosnia are close to Bosniaks but most serbs are more native tbh. Bulgarians and Macedonians are surely more native they plot pretty close to albanians and greeks

02-18-2018, 06:04 PM
I am not giving them anything, I am just stating the facts.

They were here before us, now we took their land.

It's not like they want Montenegro back, it's just important historical fact.

I want to denounce Radical Serbian histeria about Albanians.

Do you have any prove for ancient Albanians?
Or even early medieval? Where is their old states, culture etc?

By what logic they have more rights to Balkan than Slavs?

Is this mean Scots have more right for Britain than Englishman, becaouse they have Celtic origin?

02-18-2018, 06:04 PM
Can Croats say something about possible Albanian pretension on Dalmatia, when we speak about who owned lands first?

''Possible'', yeah it's very possible. Like Croatian pretension on Ukraine/Poland or wherever we came from...

02-18-2018, 06:05 PM
Can Croats say something about possible Albanian pretension on Dalmatia, when we speak about who owned lands first?

Albanians never lived in Dalmatia, Illyrians did. Illyrians are one of Albanian ancestors, but not Albanians.

I don't think any Albanian has such pretensions :)

02-18-2018, 06:05 PM
Not really, Serbs from Bosnia are close to Bosniaks but most serbs are more native tbh. Bulgarians and Macedonians are surely more native they plot pretty close to albanians and greeks
What about the Serbs from former Habsburg territories? They must plot really north, some even mixed with the Germans/Saxons there.

02-18-2018, 06:06 PM
''Possible'', yeah it's very possible. Like Croatian pretension on Ukraine/Poland or wherever we came from...

Yes, we should demand back Krakow! :cool:

02-18-2018, 06:06 PM
Yes, we should demand back Krakow! :cool:

It's a beautiful city, so why not! :)

02-18-2018, 06:07 PM
What about the Serbs from former Habsburg territories? They must plot really north, some even mixed with the Germans/Saxons there.

Decius is also from former Habsburg territories. Europa Nazione and Devil's Advocate have huge germanic admixture (much more than me for example) without any doubt.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 06:07 PM
Albanians never lived in Dalmatia, Illyrians did. Illyrians are one of Albanian ancestors, but not Albanians.

I don't think any Albanian has such pretensions :)

Are Illyrians actually Croats?

02-18-2018, 06:08 PM
Not really, Serbs from Bosnia are close to Bosniaks but most serbs are more native tbh. Bulgarians and Macedonians are surely more native they plot pretty close to albanians and greeks
The FYROM are a special case.

Many Orthodox Albanians since the last 100 years were assimilated into the Slavic populace there, creating mostly a Bulgaro-Albanian mix.

02-18-2018, 06:09 PM
It's a beautiful city, so why not! :)

Poles are already building little Croatia in there :D

Poland Is Building Its Own ‘Croatia’ In Kraków As Oasis For Relaxation And Cultural Appreciation

02-18-2018, 06:10 PM
Are Illyrians actually Croats?

Def. not :)

02-18-2018, 06:10 PM
Decius is also from former Habsburg territories. Europa Nazione and Devil's Advocate have huge germanic admixture (much more than me for example) without any doubt.
Those who have 1 German/Saxon grandparent will usually plot more non-native.

1 different grandparent can change where you plot really far.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:12 PM
I had impression that serbian women are in many cases more chetnik by nature than men, and it looks like my impression was not wrong after all, not only IRL but also here, all serbian women I met were ultra nationalistic whores who loath everyone.

02-18-2018, 06:12 PM
Kako smo je izgubili sta je s rep. Srpskom?

Nemoj dzabe da "mrzis" kad nemas pojma da je mentalitet u Vojvodini kao nebo i zemlja u odnosu na jug.

To su već poznate priče kako svi susedi mrze Srbe, a zapravo i naši susedi se mrze takođe i sa svojim ostalim susedima.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 06:12 PM
Def. not :)

Well then who Illyrians are actually? :)

02-18-2018, 06:14 PM
What about the Serbs from former Habsburg territories? They must plot really north, some even mixed with the Germans/Saxons there.

Sure they plot farther north than the usual serbs but some even plot with serbs from serbia. There was even this serbian person from northern dalmatia that apparently plotted even further south with Bulgarians/Romanians mostly.

02-18-2018, 06:15 PM
I had impression that serbian women are in many cases more chetnik by nature than men, and it looks like my impression was not wrong after all, not only IRL but also here, all serbian women I met were ultra nationalistic whores who loath everyone.

wish i had met same women. I have been living in Serbia my hole life and i haven't met more that 5 nationalistic woman. Fact is sadlly Albanians today are more nationalistic than Serbs.

02-18-2018, 06:15 PM
I had impression that serbian women are in many cases more chetnik by nature than men, and it looks like my impression was not wrong after all, not only IRL but also here, all serbian women I met were ultra nationalistic whores who loath everyone.
What makes you think they are actually real women? Anyone can put a different gender.

Serb women are way less nationalistic from what I have experienced IRL.

02-18-2018, 06:15 PM


02-18-2018, 06:16 PM
Well then who Illyrians are actually? :)

Well they are ''extinct'' nation from classical times. Extinct in a sense nobody continued their name, but their genetics mainly survived in modern-day Albanians, who have most right to their legacy.

02-18-2018, 06:16 PM
Those who have 1 German/Saxon grandparent will usually plot more non-native.

1 different grandparent can change where you plot really far.

All my ancestors that I know are serbs from villages except 1/8 of my ancestry is croats from dalmatia. I plot with serbs from serbia though and dont appear to have extra german admix

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:17 PM
Words of a Holy man against radical Serbian nationalism


A piece of shit he was, he was tenfold more radical/chetnik than any SN.....he was born in Kosovo, may his body rest in piss.

02-18-2018, 06:17 PM
A piece of shit he was, he was tenfold more radical/chetnik than any SN.....he was born in Kosovo, may his body rest in piss.
He was forced by the Serbian political administration to bind the Serbian church to politics in the early 90s.

He was actually sympathetic to the Albanians and anti-Milosevic in the late 90s.

Their politicians are the real mafia, not the church.

02-18-2018, 06:20 PM
A piece of shit he was, he was tenfold more radical/chetnik than any SN.....he was born in Kosovo, may his body rest in piss.

No, he was born in Slavonia, Croatia. He spent some time in Kosovo and Metohija later, and what makes you call him chetnik ?

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:22 PM
What makes you think they are actually real women? Anyone can put a different gender.

Serb women are way less nationalistic from what I have experienced IRL.

Maybe she is he, I'm judging by what I see here however not other scenario which could be a likelihood also.

Nigga, I was surrounded by these hate filled peasants for quite some time, I know good part of their mentality, when I say their women are chetnik, you should trust me on that.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:27 PM
No, he was born in Slavonia, Croatia. He spent some time in Kosovo and Metohija later, and what makes you call him chetnik ?

I thought he was born in Kosovo because he's work was mostly in Kosovo, he was a chetnik, his rhetoric was chetnik, similar what serbian church represents, an ultra nationalistic/religious chetnik nest where all atrocities stems from.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:33 PM
He was forced by the Serbian political administration to bind the Serbian church to politics in the early 90s.

He was actually sympathetic to the Albanians and anti-Milosevic in the late 90s.

Their politicians are the real mafia, not the church.

I do not recall any work from serbian church that actually benefited in Albanians, clearly not in 90', he might have been anti-Milosevic but clearly not pro Albanian.

02-18-2018, 06:33 PM
I thought he was born in Kosovo because he's work was mostly in Kosovo, he was a chetnik, his rhetoric was chetnik, similar what serbian church represents, an ultra nationalistic/religious chetnik nest where all atrocities stems from.

You clearly know nothing about him. Just some idiotic claims, only reason why he was called Chetnik is because he supported Serbian people in Croatia and Bosnia&Herezegovina, and i see nothing wrong with that. Or maybe you think everyone has right for freedom except us Serbs?

"So I say: if a Great Serbia should be held by committing crime, I would never accept it; may Great Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. If it were necessary to hold only a small Serbia by crime, I would not accept it. May small Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. And if there is only one Serb, and if I am that last Serb, to hold on by crime - I do not accept. May we disappear, but disappear as humans, because then we will not disappear, we will be alive in the hands of the living God."

02-18-2018, 06:37 PM
I do not recall any work from serbian church that actually benefited in Albanians, clearly not in 90', he might have been anti-Milosevic but clearly not pro Albanian.
He took many Kosovar-Albanian refugees to his monastery. He criticized the Serbian police brutality towards the Albanian population.

02-18-2018, 06:43 PM
Montenegrins who are pro-Albanian are foolish. One day Albanians will want Ulcinj and other regions will you support them then? They had no relevant history in medieval times and only "historic" claim they have is that "WE WUZ ILLYRIANZ".

Albanian expantion have traumatized lot of people it seems.

02-18-2018, 06:44 PM

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:46 PM
He took many Kosovar-Albanian refugees to his monastery. He criticized the Serbian police brutality towards the Albanian population.

So I say: if a Great Serbia should be held by committing crime, I would never accept it; may Great Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. If it were necessary to hold only a small Serbia by crime, I would not accept it. May small Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. And if there is only one Serb, and if I am that last Serb, to hold on by crime - I do not accept. May we disappear, but disappear as humans, because then we will not disappear, we will be alive in the hands of the living God.[21]

In September 1997, Pavle signed a declaration to the UN Security Council which demanded suspension of the proceedings against Karadžić before the Hague tribunal.[15] Pavle urged Belgrade not to give up Karadžić and Mladić, indicted for war crimes, to the ICTY.[16] He and other nationalist intellectuals also signed a declaration demanding their pardon.

See how his position was contradictory one with another, in one case he condemn greater serbia built on crime, yet he demanded from Serbia to pardon and not hand over two biggest criminals who among others committed genocide.

If you knew the negative role of church, you shouldn't be praising him.

02-18-2018, 06:48 PM
Albanian expantion have traumatized lot of people it seems.

nah man i am completely chill, but when i see those retarded monteniggers and your autistic nationalistic claims i get triggered a little bit.

02-18-2018, 06:49 PM
See how his position was contradictory one with another, in one case he condemn greater serbia built on crime, yet he demanded from Serbia to pardon and not hand over two biggest criminals who among others committed genocide.

If you knew the negative role of church, you shouldn't be praising him.

It's not the church itself, but many of its clerics are influenced by radical nationalism.

If no nationalism existed, Balkans would not have these problems.

Remember, Albanians still had their own identity before nationalism, through language. Nationalism breeds strong assimilatory tendencies.
The flaw of the Orthodox church is that it is very assimilatory when combined with this modern, broken system that we call nationalism.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:49 PM
You clearly know nothing about him. Just some idiotic claims, only reason why he was called Chetnik is because he supported Serbian people in Croatia and Bosnia&Herezegovina, and i see nothing wrong with that. Or maybe you think everyone has right for freedom except us Serbs?

"So I say: if a Great Serbia should be held by committing crime, I would never accept it; may Great Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. If it were necessary to hold only a small Serbia by crime, I would not accept it. May small Serbia disappear, but to hold it by crime - no. And if there is only one Serb, and if I am that last Serb, to hold on by crime - I do not accept. May we disappear, but disappear as humans, because then we will not disappear, we will be alive in the hands of the living God."

You forgot to point out that he backed Karadzic and Mladic, how bad you could possibly be to demand from state a pardon and not hand over to justice.

02-18-2018, 06:52 PM
nah man i am completely chill, but when i see those retarded monteniggers and your autistic nationalistic claims i get triggered a little bit.

I'm against any new war or any new conflict. But we Albanians are one of the least forgiving people, you can't expect to see our smile especially towards Serbia.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 06:57 PM
It's not the church itself, but many of its clerics are influenced by radical nationalism.

It's interchangeable to be honest, in 19th century church was responsibility of feeding illiterate masses with extreme nationalism to the point of chauvinism, back than there was no proper institutions of policymaking or even less, media to do that, so church done that. Besides, have you followed church reaction about Kosovo status, they are extremely against any independence, not only that but say openly that Kosovo is historical land of Serbia, the myth you keep hearing from random serbs too.

Moje ime
02-18-2018, 06:59 PM
j; you can't expect to see our smile especially towards Serbia.

It is mutual

02-18-2018, 07:01 PM
It's interchangeable to be honest, in 19th century church was responsibility of feeding illiterate masses with extreme nationalism to the point of chauvinism, back than there was no proper institutions of policymaking or even less, media to do that, so church done that. Besides, have you followed church reaction about Kosovo status, they are extremely against any independence, not only that but say openly that Kosovo is historical land of Serbia, the myth you keep hearing from random serbs too.
Again, it's nationalism. Not something attributed to religion.

Nationalism and religion are different things from one-another.

02-18-2018, 07:03 PM
Well they are ''extinct'' nation from classical times. Extinct in a sense nobody continued their name, but their genetics mainly survived in modern-day Albanians, who have most right to their legacy.

I wouldn't really say they are extinct. Albanians used to call themselves Arberesh but now call themselves Shqiptar (except for the ones in Italy that kept that name). That doesn't mean that the Shqiptars and Arbereshes are different people. The Albanians kept their language and genetics intact so they are their descendants like how the Greeks are the descendants of the ancient Greeks. But that doesn't mean Albanians can just lay claim on lands that were Illyrian once upon a time.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 07:11 PM
Again, it's nationalism. Not something attributed to religion.

Nationalism and religion are different from one-another.

Yet many wars have religion as primary trigger, you are confusing dogma with reality here I suppose......I know when you ask all religious leaders/or institution would say their religion calls for peace, but when back is turned you have among them most nationalistic bastards ever, just look at Burma, who you think fuels the nationalism there? Please leave the books, religious books becomes irrelevant, people are those who make, good or bad decisions/changes or those who made a religion in first place.

02-18-2018, 07:16 PM
Yet many wars have religion as primary trigger, you are confusing dogma with reality here I suppose......I know when you ask all religious leaders/or institution would say their religion calls for peace, but when back is turned you have among them most nationalistic bastards ever, just look at Burma, who you think fuels the nationalism there? Please leave the books, religious books becomes irrelevant, people are those who make, good or bad decisions/changes or those who made a religion in first place.
What about the times when our paternal ancestors peacefully wed Serbian brides?

We all sure have some Serbian female ancestors somewhere along our maternal lines. It's normal for two neighbors.

I mean, we have a half Albanian/Serb here in this very forum with Albanian father and Serbian mother. Her parents were surely in pure love with one-another.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-18-2018, 07:29 PM
What about the times when our paternal ancestors peacefully wed Serbian brides?

This so unnecessity point you brought up lol, but anyways, you honestly think you could have relaxing relation like we had (supposedly we had before)? I highly doubt.

First of, before people didn't had national consciousness like we have today, and second, back then we were related religiously one with another, people may now say, well for sake of good relations, let's forget this past 200 years and go back to your roots (previous religion), that's unlikely to happen for many reasons, but I name the two why is unlikely, 1. erase our past is not healthy for our society and nation, 2. no one will guarantee that this region would have a long lasting peace or stop any attempt of assimilation like has been done in middle age.

02-18-2018, 07:34 PM
I don't think they do, but I think Kosovo was initially Albanian, and is Albanian as of now, regardless if other countries/governments choose to 'recognize' it. I don't support anything Balkan governments do because they are sleazy and manipulative and I think everyone knows this...

02-18-2018, 07:49 PM
I wouldn't really say they are extinct. Albanians used to call themselves Arberesh but now call themselves Shqiptar (except for the ones in Italy that kept that name). That doesn't mean that the Shqiptars and Arbereshes are different people. The Albanians kept their language and genetics intact so they are their descendants like how the Greeks are the descendants of the ancient Greeks. But that doesn't mean Albanians can just lay claim on lands that were Illyrian once upon a time.
And do you think that Kosovo should be Independent or that it should become part of Serbia again?

02-18-2018, 07:51 PM
And do you think that Kosovo should be Independent or that it should become part of Serbia again?

It's already independent and mainly Albanian so I guess it would make more sense for it to stay that way.

02-19-2018, 12:58 AM
The worst Serbs have always been Montenigrin Serbs, interesting enough.

Milosovic was a Montenigrin Serb. Arkan was one too etc.

Interesting how the ones with the biggest hate for Albanians were actually the closest to them.

I wouldn't really say they are extinct. Albanians used to call themselves Arberesh but now call themselves Shqiptar (except for the ones in Italy that kept that name). That doesn't mean that the Shqiptars and Arbereshes are different people. The Albanians kept their language and genetics intact so they are their descendants like how the Greeks are the descendants of the ancient Greeks. But that doesn't mean Albanians can just lay claim on lands that were Illyrian once upon a time.

Same way Serbs can't lay claim to areas that were occupied by the supposed Serb medieval kingdom or the empire of Stefan Dusan prior to Ottoman occupation, and that for only briefly 200 years which is exactly what they base their claim on Kosovo on. Going by your logic Serbs have also a right to modern Albania , Macedonia and Northern Greece if modern Serbs can identify themselves with a medieval kingdom that they have no continuation to As if these lands, including Kosovo, had originally been Serbian from the start when in fact they weren't.

Under the Bulgarians , Kosovo was described as predominantly Bulgarian but there can be no question it contained a Vlach and Albanian population as at this time we even have a record of an Albanian village in Bulgaria known as Arbanas , and majority of these Albanians had Slavic names and were Orthodox Christians. What we are seeing is a Slavicization of Albanians and Vlachs in the plains of Kosovo and Macedonia. You see this process during Serbian rule of Kosovo too.

There were Albanians recorded as Arbanas.

Only area where a Albanian majority population survived was in isolated mountainous areas of Northern Albania right at the border of modern Kosovo. It is only natural that right when the Slavic occupation of Kosovo stopped the Albanian population in the area started increasing. You immediately see this pattern when you look at the demographic history. By 20th century even Southern Serbia contained a strong Albanian population.

The Bulgarians had occupied all these areas, the Byzantines also and later the Ottomans. It was under Ottoman occupation for 500 years and many of these areas had naturally become Albanian by the 20th century as Albanians weren't exposed to Slavicization any more they grew as a population instead of getting assimilated is the pattern that we are seeing.

Serbia gained its independence from the Ottomans in the 19th century which did not include modern Kosovo and many areas they hold today.

Some years later they expanded South and conquered Kosovo which contained mostly an Albanian population and various other areas. According to your logic this was justified because it was briefly held by some medieval Serbs 500 years prior therefor it must be Serbian forever? But according to you Albanians cannot claim former Ilyrian lands. Great logic.

But the claim on Kosovo doesnt lie on it being former Ilyrian land.

Mind you also that Serbia illegally incorporated Kosovo into its country. Therefor Serbia and Yugoslavia illegally occupied Kosovo from 1912 to 1999.

During that time they made sure to ethnically wipe out Albanians from most of those lands they had occupied and colonize those areas and move more Serbs in.

Northern Mitrovica and Northern Kosovo were prior to the war predominantly Albanian.

Your comparison with Dalmatia and Kosovo is also lame and shows your lack of knowledge regarding history.

Northern Albania is a mountainous area that originally contained mountain tribes and served as a refugee place. This was mentioned by various historians and anthropologists from Carleton Coon to Noel Malcolm. It is by far closer to Kosovo and Macedonia than it is to Dalmatia or Bosnia.

When the Slavs and Avars invaded the Balkans , the plains of Kosovo and Macedonia was depopulated of it's native population. It's population retreated into the mountainous areas of mostly Albania, Western Kosova, Western Macedonia which is the closest area. Migrations from Dalmatia and Bosnia and into Northern Albania happened much less since they are much further away. Same way migrations out happened to the closest areas. But the growth of an Albanian population in Kosovo is also the growth of a native population Arbanas + Malsi migrations.

My ancestors came from Malsia but we aren't migrants , we travelled some km. The mountain tribe we come from Gash I gurit is right at the border of Kosovo. Mind you that such modern borders did not exist at the time.

Slavs migrated much further. Serbs migrated into Croatia and Bosnia but nobody makes a fuss about this. Now they also want independent republika srpska.

Kosovo , Macedonia etc still had Albanian minorities under Slavic rule which were obvious sign of a native population whos land had been stolen.

Why would you expect Albanians to be a majority in these areas when they were made to become Slavs? Give their children Slavic names and become Slavic Orthodox. What you are seeing is technically cultural genocode or cultural marxism. Even Albanian churches turned into Slavic. You see this pattern in Kosovo.

Serbian modern nationalism bases its terrotorial claims on a medieval empire so long gone. This is how much of a brainwashed population they are. And Ottomans weren't the only problems for this empire. The Serbs had conquered Kosovo from the Bulgarians and Byzantiums, whos to say none of these would of been able to conquer it back? You also had the principality of Dukagjini that held Kosovo .. it stretched from Northern Albania all the way to the plains of Prishtina.

No Albanian is claiming Dalmatia or Bosnia , Kosovo is a totally different case. There are many lands we would of been majority if it wasnt for Serbian occupation or in general Slavic expansion . Us being majority is something that would of happened naturally. You see this pattern especially in areas that neighbor Malsia.

Since Kosovo , Albania etc was also under Ottoman occupation, the expansion or migration was technically legal. Your logic and reason makes no fucking sense.

Albania , Kosovo etc was under Serb medieval occupation also.. Malsors could of easily migrated into Kosovo during that time only to end up Serbianised anyway. The migration wouldn't of been illegal. Especially into a neighboring area.

But I guess its OK for Slavs to expand but not Albanians. As during that time of Dusan you even see an expansion of Serbs into modern Albania itself all the way down to Southern Albania and Macedonia and not just Kosovo.

Bosnia is a different case as it was never part of Serbia or part of the same kingdom as Serbia until Ottoman occupation. It was an own kingdom since the 10th century.

Montenegro occupied Northern Malsia from us too which is today Southern Montenegro.

Technically, the core of an Albanian population prior to Slavic rule lied in Dardania and modern Albania.

Serbs even made a large population in the plains of Albania during the time of Dusan, going by you peoples logic they also have a right to Albania ... why stop at Kosovo? They expanded into all these areas they occupied which they later lost anyway. They also wanted Albania after independence.

Their nationalism and terrotorial claims mostly lie on some medieval empire that eventually crumbled.

Kosovo served as its central and where some myhtified battle was fought but its largest interest for Serbian politicians to want it lies in the mines of Trepca rather than medieval myths.

They have made the greatest fuss about Kosovo brainwashed by their own media.

02-19-2018, 01:39 AM
For example we know that Kosovo wasn't always Serbian. We actually know that the Serbs occupied it from the Bulgarians. And they were at back and forth war with both the Bulgarians and Byzantiums over this area.

They briefly held it for 200 years and lost it but who is to say the Bulgarians or Byzantium wouldn't of been able to conquer it back if the Ottomans had never invaded the Balkans?

It wasn't just Albanians or Ottomans that were a threat to a Serbian dominated Kosovo or a greater Serbia. You also had Vlachs and those empires mentioned above.

Therefor Serbian claim on Kosovo is an absolute lie that makes no sense. Its a bunch of brainwashed chauvunists. Once you understand this you will see what type of people Albanians are dealing with here. Which is exactly why they worked on cleansing Albanians from lands they wanted to create a greater Serbia.

They will do anything to get rid of any threat of their greater Serbia be it genocide or propaganda. But once they lose they victimize themselves.

Arguably the most bastard nation there is. No question about this.

Even Bulgarians briefly wanted Kosovo in 20th century and occupied it.

Serbian nationalism is one of the greatest threats to the stability of the Balkans. Its based on the terrotorities held by a medieval empire that had obvious competition and collapsed and which has no continuity with modern Serbia. But they are like little children who think everything they touch is theirs.

You also see a Serbian expansion into plains of Albania, Macedonia etc. But Kosovo they have mythified the most.

There is no nation that should be able to identify itself with a ancient or medieval empire, especially when there is no continuity.

Their nationalism and dream of a greater Serbia has been also the cause of many Balkan wars.

02-19-2018, 03:09 AM
Somehow ancient Albanians defied the laws of nature and reason. They were simultaneously Dardanians, Albanoi, Dalmatae, Autariatae and all other Illyrian tribes on the peninsula. They also somehow lived in the Triballian lands where Nis (Naissus) was founded. How all of this is possible is beyond me. But it does maintain that whole victim complex they got going on...if they actually chose one of those tribes as their designated ancestor it would make their mantra about how the Slavs genocided their people in the early Middle Ages as well as many of their modern territorial claims pointless. They're ancestors persevered while all the other Illyrians were assimilated, so to appear as the victimized rightful lords of the peninsula they have to claim all the indigenous tribes and peoples for themselves.

02-19-2018, 03:21 AM
Somehow ancient Albanians defied the laws of nature and reason. They were simultaneously Dardanians, Albanoi, Dalmatae, Autariatae and all other Illyrian tribes on the peninsula. They also somehow lived in the Triballian lands where Nis (Naissus) was founded. How all of this is possible is beyond me. But it does maintain that whole victim complex they got going on...if they actually chose one of those tribes as their designated ancestor it would make their mantra about how the Slavs genocided their people in the early Middle Ages as well as many of their modern territorial claims pointless. They're ancestors persevered while all the other Illyrians were assimilated, so to appear as the victimized rightful lords of the peninsula they have to claim all the indigenous tribes and peoples for themselves.

We don't claim all those lands and most Albanians agree our area we originate around Dardania and modern Albania and we most certainly don't originate from one single tribe. That would technically be impossible considering when Balkans was invaded, tribes that seeked refugee into neighboring mountainous areas would of easily fused into eachother. We know Kosovo was depopulated and so was Macedonia. Dardania, Its population seeked refuge into Albania where they fused into some other Ilyrian mountain tribes.

Victim complexes are the Serbs that display such as most of your modern terrotorial claims make no sense , especially not Kosovo. If you take a look at my above post.

Albanians only ever claimed areas where they mostly are a majority. How could it possibly not make sense but I forgot I am replying to a Serb.

02-19-2018, 03:29 AM
We don't claim all those lands and most Albanians agree our area we originate around Dardania and modern Albania and we most certainly don't originate from one single tribe. That would technically be impossible.

Victim complexes are the Serbs that display such as most of your modern terrororial claims make no sense , especially not Kosovo. If you take a look at my above post.

Albanians only ever claimed areas where they mostly are a majority.

Dardanians were mixed with Thracians and were quite different from the Illyrians in contemporary Albania. They were also heavily colonised by Romans. You build history based on logical fallacies and then some of you, like Laberia, have the guts to complain about our ethnogenesis. Unreal

Also, forgot to mention that I agree with you that Montenegrins are absolutely the worst, most primitive and violent part of the Serbian people. They have the same mentality as you do, so it's no surprise.

02-19-2018, 03:51 AM
Somehow ancient Albanians defied the laws of nature and reason. They were simultaneously Dardanians, Albanoi, Dalmatae, Autariatae and all other Illyrian tribes on the peninsula. They also somehow lived in the Triballian lands where Nis (Naissus) was founded. How all of this is possible is beyond me. But it does maintain that whole victim complex they got going on...if they actually chose one of those tribes as their designated ancestor it would make their mantra about how the Slavs genocided their people in the early Middle Ages as well as many of their modern territorial claims pointless. They're ancestors persevered while all the other Illyrians were assimilated, so to appear as the victimized rightful lords of the peninsula they have to claim all the indigenous tribes and peoples for themselves.

This is literally the most autistically ignorant thing I’ve ever read. Are you saying a nation can’t have descent from more than one tribe? Wow. Looks like Germans don’t have a single drop of Goth blood because Saxons existed.

And the rest of your babble was just as autistic.

02-19-2018, 03:53 AM
Dardanians were mixed with Thracians and were quite different from the Illyrians in contemporary Albania. They were also heavily colonised by Romans. You build history based on logical fallacies and then some of you, like Laberia, have the guts to complain about our ethnogenesis. Unreal

Also, forgot to mention that I agree with you that Montenegrins are absolutely the worst, most primitive and violent part of the Serbian people. They have the same mentality as you do, so it's no surprise.

We barely know what the difference between Thracians and Illyrians are, and there was no real traceable difference other than linguistic. So how are Dardanians so different from Illyrians? Because they weren’t maritime? And we don’t claim pure Illyrian descent. Albanians have a lot of Thracian and Dacian blood too.

Also, Montenegrins were the only part of Serbia that was indepebdent under the Turks. You should be thanking them for even holding a piece of your shitty nation as independent.

02-19-2018, 04:00 AM
This is literally the most autistically ignorant thing I’ve ever read. Are you saying a nation can’t have descent from more than one tribe? Wow. Looks like Germans don’t have a single drop of Goth blood because Saxons existed.

And the rest of your babble was just as autistic.

Germans are a modern nation, created under totally different circumstances. If multiple balkan tribes participated in your ethnogenesis, then the strongest of them assimilated the others, just like the Slavic settlers in Albania were assimilated. You still haven't made up your mind which tribe/group that was, Mountain niggers.
Also, don't place so much importance on blood. We have more native than Slavic blood, but we are still Slavs because of our language, customs and history.

02-19-2018, 04:07 AM
We barely know what the difference between Thracians and Illyrians are, and there was no real traceable difference other than linguistic. So how are Dardanians so different from Illyrians? Because they weren’t maritime? And we don’t claim pure Illyrian descent. Albanians have a lot of Thracian and Dacian blood too.

Also, Montenegrins were the only part of Serbia that was indepebdent under the Turks. You should be thanking them for even holding a piece of your shitty nation as independent.

Of course, you are pan-balkan native sons that were massacred by the barbarian Slavs and the Serbian Orthodox Church, lol.

And what differences are two people who live on the same peninsula supposed to have other than cultural and linguistical? Romans and Latins were much more closely related to the other Italic tribes than the Illyrians were to the Thracians, yet they were all considered different people.
Also, Montenegrins were never independent from Turkish rule. That's a complete myth, discarded a long time ago by historiography.

02-19-2018, 04:12 AM
Of course, you are pan-balkan native sons that were massacred by the barbarian Slavs and the Serbian Orthodox Church, lol.

And what differences are two people who live on the same peninsula supposed to have other than cultural and linguistical? Romans and Latins were much more closely related to the other Italic tribes than the Illyrians were to the Thracians, yet they were all considered different people.
Also, Montenegrins were never independent from Turkish rule. That's a complete myth, discarded a long time ago by historiography.

Listen chief imma keep it �� wit u

If u think Slavs genocided the Illyrians

U a buck bitch

And that’s church ������

02-19-2018, 04:15 AM
Listen chief imma keep it �� wit u

If u think Slavs genocided the Illyrians

U a buck bitch

And that’s church ������

That's what I keep hearing from Albanians. Most of your compatriots call us Gypsies from Russia that invaded Illyrian/Albanian territory (most of the Balkans according to them), killed the people, and took their land. Some even identify as Pelasgians and claim that Hellenic culture was originally theirs, though that's probably not an official view....more like the Albanian version of Deretić's stories.

02-19-2018, 11:20 AM

You are one brainwashed guy without any self-respect.

What Albanians?

What are you talking about?


The Illyrian Warrior
02-19-2018, 11:23 AM

You are one brainwashed guy without any self-respect.

What Albanians?

What are you talking about?


Stop hiding, we know OP is your alter ego.

02-19-2018, 11:24 AM
Stop hiding, we know OP is your alter ego.

I am not Stears to have Stearsolina alter-ego

02-19-2018, 12:04 PM
I am not Stears to have Stearsolina alter-ego

Super opažanje :thumb001:

02-19-2018, 12:05 PM
Super opažanje :thumb001:

go away stears... you maniac.

02-19-2018, 12:06 PM
go away stears... you maniac.

Jebi se Vlajo ! ;)

02-19-2018, 12:37 PM
These are valid territorial claims:


02-19-2018, 12:53 PM
These are valid territorial claims:


I like this map better


02-19-2018, 12:57 PM
Dr. Jovan Deretić world-wide renown Serbian historian said: If we don't defeat Albanians and if we fail to retake our land, it doesn't matter cause Albanians are Serb.


The Illyrian Warrior
02-19-2018, 01:15 PM
Dr. Jovan Deretić world-wide renown Serbian historian said: If we don't defeat Albanians and if we fail to retake our land, it doesn't matter cause Albanians are Serb.


Cognitive dissonance and schizophrenia are killing that guy from inside.

02-19-2018, 01:16 PM
Dr. Jovan Deretić world-wide renown Serbian historian said: If we don't defeat Albanians and if we fail to retake our land, it doesn't matter cause Albanians are Serb.


Icelanders are the true Serbs, followed by Portuguese. :p

The Illyrian Warrior
02-19-2018, 01:22 PM
Srbija do tokija, slava, CCCC. muh heavenly people/moje ime©

02-19-2018, 01:48 PM
I am Montenegrin.
Stop pretending that you are Montenegrin, subhuman trash.

02-19-2018, 07:18 PM
Somehow ancient Albanians defied the laws of nature and reason. They were simultaneously Dardanians, Albanoi, Dalmatae, Autariatae and all other Illyrian tribes on the peninsula. They also somehow lived in the Triballian lands where Nis (Naissus) was founded. How all of this is possible is beyond me. But it does maintain that whole victim complex they got going on...if they actually chose one of those tribes as their designated ancestor it would make their mantra about how the Slavs genocided their people in the early Middle Ages as well as many of their modern territorial claims pointless. They're ancestors persevered while all the other Illyrians were assimilated, so to appear as the victimized rightful lords of the peninsula they have to claim all the indigenous tribes and peoples for themselves.
And what are we then? Some slaves from the Caucasus......xD, we are descended from a Paleo-Balkan group(most likely Illyrian) this is a fact.

02-19-2018, 07:58 PM
But Albanians are Illyrians, so Dalmatia was yours, do Albanians feel a loss of Dalmatia for example.

Albanians are not descended from all of Illyrians but just from some subgroups / tribes of Illyrians. What you claim is like saying that all of Slavic and formerly Slavic lands should be part of Russia.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 08:12 PM
And what are we then? Some slaves from the Caucasus......xD, we are descended from a Paleo-Balkan group(most likely Illyrian) this is a fact.

Fact needs proof. You don't have it.

Illyrians disappear from history scene 1000 years before your name Albanian appeared.

Where are your "Illyrian" buildings, letter, religion? Nowhere.

02-19-2018, 09:06 PM
There is no Albanian minority there. The Chams that were expelled were 18,000 according to all official records and nowadays there is no Albanian minority in those places. Other than recent immigrants.

Those 18.000 were just the remaining ones.

Greeks starting expelling chams since the early 1900s. In the population exchange with Turkey for example , chams were sent to Izmir , Istanbul , Bursa etc. Greeks considered them ''Turks'' because the majority were muslims. The majority of the Christian ones still live there , but the ones that left were split between southern Albanian and Izmir , Istanbul. In the decades before the war there was a huge anti Albanian climate in Epirus which made most of the remaining ones leave again for S.Albania and Western Turkey (My ancestors were some of them ).You know the story of the ones that stayed , the Greek side of things of course.

Chams numbered hundreds of thousands in the early 1900s.

02-19-2018, 09:16 PM
wish i had met same women. I have been living in Serbia my hole life and i haven't met more that 5 nationalistic woman. Fact is sadlly Albanians today are more nationalistic than Serbs.

It's mostly immigrant Albos that are nationalistic.

02-19-2018, 09:19 PM
That awkward moment when Wrong has more eastern Euro DNA than the ''slavic'' op of this thread.

02-19-2018, 09:20 PM
Fact needs proof. You don't have it.

Illyrians disappear from history scene 1000 years before your name Albanian appeared.

Where are your "Illyrian" buildings, letter, religion? Nowhere.

I suggest you go and read how Illyrians used to live. You will get all your answers there , just google it nothing special.

02-19-2018, 09:27 PM
It's mostly immigrant Albos that are nationalistic.

well tbh the only Albanian i met in person was a really nice guy. But man its clear that you are more nationalistic, you put flags of Greater Albania almost everywhere and your society supports. I think that most of you dont even find support for """""shqiperia etnike"""" nationalistic at all. While i in Serbia get warned "for spreading hatred" in school just for saying historical fact that montenegrins were Serbs.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:33 PM
I suggest you go and read how Illyrians used to live. You will get all your answers there , just google it nothing special.

Greeks described them as primitive and that they took a bath only two times in life - when born and for wedding, really great civilization.

Just give me examples of your ancient buildings on Kosovo? I gave examples of Serbian churches.

02-19-2018, 09:36 PM
well tbh the only Albanian i met in person was a really nice guy. But man its clear that you are more nationalistic, you put flags of Greater Albania almost everywhere and your society supports. I think that most of you dont even find support for """""shqiperia etnike"""" nationalistic at all. While i in Serbia get warned "for spreading hatred" in school just for saying historical fact that montenegrins were Serbs.

Oh yes that's true , even kids in school wear greater Albanian flags on t-shirts hahaha . If you talk shit to any Albanian about Albania chances are he will hit you without warning.

Without nationalism we wouldn't be on these lands for thousands of years.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:39 PM
Without nationalism we wouldn't be on these lands for thousands of years.

The same for Serbs.

02-19-2018, 09:39 PM
Greeks described them as primitive and that they took a bath only two times in life - when born and for wedding, really great civilization.

Just give me examples of your ancient buildings on Kosovo? I gave examples of Serbian churches.

I'm really bored typing the same shit every time. We have had this conversation 1000 times. If the Albanian subforum was not deleted i would link you many older threads...

But you are right about the primitive part , we were known to be the best and most fearless warriors. Everyone wanted to recruit us as warriors. War was what we were good at.

02-19-2018, 09:40 PM
Oh yes that's true , even kids in school wear greater Albanian flags on t-shirts hahaha . If you talk shit to any Albanian about Albania chances are he will hit you without warning.

Without nationalism we wouldn't be on these lands for thousands of years.

Yeah I have to admit that i actually respect you for your unity and love for your motherland.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:42 PM
I'm really bored typing the same shit every time. We have had this conversation 1000 times. If the Albanian subforum was not deleted i would link you many older threads...

But you are right about the primitive part , we were known to be the best and most fearless warriors. Everyone wanted to recruit us as warriors. War was what we were good at.

You can add any link from net if something exists.

Yes, that is strange if you were so great warriors, why some Slavs defeated you so easily?

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:43 PM
Yeah I have to admit that i actually respect you for your unity and love for your motherland.

You shouldn't. No Albanian would say that to Serbs.

02-19-2018, 09:45 PM
Yeah I have to admit that i actually respect you for your unity and love for your motherland.

Well , unity is a recent thing.

In all of our history the greatest enemy of Albanians were Albanians themselves.If we were united 400 years ago , the Ottoman empire would of become Albanian empire.

02-19-2018, 09:47 PM
You shouldn't. No Albanian would say that to Serbs.

You are delusional , no Albo gives a fuck about Serbs or Greeks in general.

02-19-2018, 09:49 PM
You can add any link from net if something exists.

Yes, that is strange if you were so great warriors, why some Slavs defeated you so easily?

WE WON , that's why we are the only paleo Balkanic people that are still around. Use your brain ffs.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:50 PM
You are delusional , no Albo gives a fuck about Serbs or Greeks in general.

That is what I'm saying to this naive Serbian kid.

02-19-2018, 09:50 PM
You shouldn't. No Albanian would say that to Serbs.

Можемо ми да мислимо шта хоћемо о њима али је чињеница да су сложни и да сви воле Албанију. Нема код њих изрода као наша Наташа Кандић,Чанак и остала другосрбијанска багра.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:51 PM
WE WON , that's why we are the only paleo Balkanic people that are still around. Use your brain ffs.

You won with NATO and we were won with axes only that is difference

02-19-2018, 09:52 PM
Можемо ми да мислимо шта хоћемо о њима али је чињеница да су сложни и да сви воле Албанију. Нема код њих изрода као наша Наташа Кандић,Чанак и остала другосрбијанска багра.

Samo Rakija. ... ovaj Sloga Srbina spasava XD

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-19-2018, 09:53 PM
You won with NATO and we were won with axes only that is difference

jesus christ , you're Raine number 2.

I'm talking about Albos vs Slavs in general.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:53 PM
Можемо ми да мислимо шта хоћемо о њима али је чињеница да су сложни и да сви воле Албанију. Нема код њих изрода као наша Наташа Кандић,Чанак и остала другосрбијанска багра.

Nije to tako jednostavno, ispod te "sloge" je mnogo straha i ispranih mozgova jer oni su ubijali i sopstveni narod koji nije bio "poslusan".

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 09:54 PM
jesus christ , you're Raine number 2.

I'm talking about Albos vs Slavs in general.

I don't see where you won, sorry I'm just talking how you got your current Kosovo status.

02-19-2018, 09:58 PM
Nije to tako jednostavno, ispod te "sloge" je mnogo straha i ispranih mozgova jer oni su ubijali i sopstveni narod koji nije bio "poslusan".

Има и тих случајева наравно али и ти људи које је Рамуш убијао су исто били сепаратисти и националисит само нису подржавали злочине над српским цивилима. Да су им испрани мозгови то је истина. Али не говорим ја да поштујем идеалогију њиховог национализма нити се далеко било слажем са њим, само поштујем њихову слогу коју ми немамо. Не видим шта је ту наивно.

02-19-2018, 09:59 PM
I don't see where you won, sorry I'm just talking how you got your current Kosovo status.

the fact that we STAND here today is the win.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 10:00 PM
само поштујем њихову слогу коју ми немамо. Не видим шта је ту наивно.

Naivno je da to govoris njima ;)

02-19-2018, 10:01 PM
the fact that we STAND here today is the win.

You talk as if the main purpose of Serbs was to exterminate poor Albanians lol

02-19-2018, 10:01 PM
Има и тих случајева наравно али и ти људи које је Рамуш убијао су исто били сепаратисти и националисит само нису подржавали злочине над српским цивилима. Да су им испрани мозгови то је истина. Али не говорим ја да поштујем идеалогију њиховог национализма нити се далеко било слажем са њим, само поштујем њихову слогу коју ми немамо. Не видим шта је ту наивно.

Postojao je i određen broj Albanaca koji su bili lojalni SRJ. Oni su takođe bili žrtve terorista.

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 10:02 PM
the fact that we STAND here today is the win.

You were standing much better when you had Tito for godfater, now you just have devastated economy and criminal

02-19-2018, 10:31 PM
You won with NATO and we were won with axes only that is difference

And you won with the biggest powers with you during WW1 and WW2.

02-19-2018, 10:37 PM
You were standing much better when you had Tito for godfater, now you just have devastated economy and criminal

At hoxhas time even if you wanted you couldn't do shit to Albania.

The economy is rising each year , and the criminals act outside of Albania :)

Moje ime
02-19-2018, 10:41 PM
And you won with the biggest powers with you during WW1 and WW2.

You talk like you don't have your mother country Albania. You got independent Albania in 1912 year after Ottomans went.

During WW2 you were cooperating with Italians so you got consequences from communists the same as Serbians chetniks.

02-20-2018, 03:04 PM
Fact needs proof. You don't have it.

Illyrians disappear from history scene 1000 years before your name Albanian appeared.

Where are your "Illyrian" buildings, letter, religion? Nowhere.
There are facts but even if I tell you them you will deny all. You can check previous threads on the topic where I showed genetic, Cultural etc evidence for a continuity. You can carry on thinking you are the natives and that we are from the Caucasus lol I don't care. Keep up with the thumbs downs btw you sad kid

02-20-2018, 07:56 PM
And what are we then? Some slaves from the Caucasus......xD, we are descended from a Paleo-Balkan group(most likely Illyrian) this is a fact.

I never said you aren't, I just think it's retarded to claim all the Illyrian and Dardanian lands as ancient Albanian territory. The Balkans were inhabited by many different tribes, you are not the successors of most of them, but of a smaller group who managed to avoid romanization and slavinization.

02-22-2018, 10:29 AM
I've seen a lot of people discussing here about Slavic peoples on this forum.

Do Albanians have territorial pretensions on their ancient "Illyrian" territories in Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia?

How do Albanians feel being removed from 80% of their territory by Slavs?

If opportunity arise, would Albanians took the advantage and retake those territories back?

After plagues and multiple wars, the roman empire could no longer field large armies to protect themselves. The slavs swarmed in large numbers then stole the land from the weakened roman empire.

Slavs as a people are a sneaky race who will strike at someone who has been weakened to steal from them, as was the case in the first balkan war when montengro with serbia stole albanian lands, and attempted to take Shkodra, the largest albanian city in northern Albania. The first chance you get you will steal albanian territory.

I believe albanians have been too naive, too content with just trying to live a good life. But if our people are to have a future we cannot have it with you as neighbors. This is why we must strive to expand, whatever it takes. Short term goals should be too join kosovo with Albania, grow the albanian population in Macedonia and Montenegro and gain influence there, to turn them into Albanian dominated states. With long term goals to join those states into Albania. Then our goal should be to have a large population and a strong army so that we may take vengeance on Serbia. This may sound violent and aggressive, but such is the slav nature, and we must become so as well. For we cannot be naive anymore, we must realize it is a dog eat dog world.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 12:48 PM
Slavs as a people are a sneaky race who will strike at someone who has been weakened to steal from them, as was the case in the first balkan war when montengro with serbia stole albanian lands, and attempted to take Shkodra, the largest albanian city in northern Albania. The first chance you get you will steal albanian territory.
...This may sound violent and aggressive, but such is the slav nature, and we must become so as well. For we cannot be naive anymore, we must realize it is a dog eat dog world.

You should been cooperating with Serbs in WW1 to get respect instead what did you do? You were killing Serbian soldiers when they were retreating weak and unarmed through Albania because Serbia was occupied by Germans. That is how you were "brave" warriors. You were just tribal savages.

Now you want to join EU with such plans of great albania? Funny.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 01:51 PM
You should been cooperating with Serbs in WW1 to get respect instead what did you do? You were killing Serbian soldiers when they were retreating weak and unarmed through Albania because Serbia was occupied by Germans. That is how you were "brave" warriors. You were just tribal savages.

Now you want to join EU with such plans of great albania? Funny.

Nothing was done, we should have annihilated every living pest that marched through Albania, we should have made a mountain out skulls of died invaders something like skull tower in Nish just to sent message that entering in Albania uninvited gets you killed esp. after Balkan war events.

02-22-2018, 03:47 PM
Then our goal should be to have a large population and a strong army so that we may take vengeance on Serbia. This may sound violent and aggressive, but such is the slav nature, and we must become so as well. For we cannot be naive anymore, we must realize it is a dog eat dog world.

We already know all about your goal. Any person who follows Balkan history and politics is aware of it and the only reason it isn't more widely known in the world is because your American overlords are trying so very hard to deny it. You aren't being any helpful to them, Tonibler.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 03:57 PM
We already know all about your goal. Any person who follows Balkan history and politics is aware of it and the only reason it isn't more widely known in the world is because your American overlords are trying so very hard to deny it. You aren't being any helpful to them, Tonibler.

You had your Russkies overlords, now its time for our American overlords, nothing against what you did actually, only difference persist that we were late on the business.

02-22-2018, 04:03 PM
You should been cooperating with Serbs in WW1 to get respect instead what did you do? You were killing Serbian soldiers when they were retreating weak and unarmed through Albania because Serbia was occupied by Germans. That is how you were "brave" warriors. You were just tribal savages.

Now you want to join EU with such plans of great albania? Funny.

If Serbia joins the Eu will Kosovo also join as part of Serbia?

02-22-2018, 04:04 PM
You had your Russkies overlords, now its time for our American overlords, nothing against what you did actually, only difference persist that we were late on the business.

Russians never had a military base on our territory and in all the past centuries they never did anything close for our plight as Americans had done for you in only these two past decades. The Russian bogeyman (replace Russian with Soviet pre 90s) is just a story Americans have always used to interfere and expand their influence in areas of the world that have nothing to with them. You're just a very fortunate benefactor of the 'Red Scare v2' campaign.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 04:07 PM
If Serbia joins the Eu will Kosovo also join as part of Serbia?

That is how it should be but better ask EU about that.

02-22-2018, 04:13 PM
That is how it should be but better ask EU about that.

Or at least shouldn’t it be a condition that the ethnically cleansed Serbs return to Kosovo.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 04:16 PM
Russians never had a military base on our territory and in all the past centuries they never did anything close for our plight as Americans had done for you in only these two past decades. The Russian bogeyman (replace Russian with Soviet pre 90s) is just a story Americans have always used to interfere and expand their influence in areas of the world that have nothing to with them. You're just a very fortunate benefactor of the 'Red Scare v2' campaign.

You had Russians in 1878 when you got Sandjak of Nis, you had Russians when you invaded yet again Albanian territories in 1913, Kosovo, parts of Montenegro, Macedonia, what more you could ask from someone to establish a Greater country like you have managed to gain, and you talk of US base like was a bigger project than circa 30k km2 you've got from Russkies throughout history.......Common sense needs more than just carrying a nickname, needs a critical thinking which you have not, chetnik scum.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 04:19 PM
Or at least shouldn’t it be a condition that the ethnically cleansed Serbs return to Kosovo.

Of course but like I said all depends of EU and foreign factors. On the other hand do you think Serbs would have guaranteed human rights when we see
those Albanian stories of ethnic cleansing here?

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 04:25 PM
Or at least shouldn’t it be a condition that the ethnically cleansed Serbs return to Kosovo.

Of course but like I said all depends of EU and foreign factors. On the other hand do you think Serbs would have guaranteed human rights when we see
those Albanian stories of ethnic cleansing here?

The only condition which may follow with Croatia's conditions is to recognize Kosovo, Serbs are free to come, however they do not want to, also many have already sold their properties, the only returnees I see are old individuals who want to die in Kosovo, Serb youth do not care about Kosovo anymore.

There was no ethnic cleansing because no one forced them to leave after the war, they just left freewillingly.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 04:30 PM
The only condition which may follow with Croatia's conditions is to recognize Kosovo, Serbs are free to come, however they do not want to, also many have already sold their properties, the only returnees I see are old individuals who want to die in Kosovo, Serb youth do not care about Kosovo anymore.

There was no ethnic cleansing because no one forced them to leave after the war, they just left deliberately.

Don't be so sure, beside that, if we talk about economy only, there are some things like mines on Kosovo that can't be forgotten just like that.

But young Albanians are leaving Kosovo as well and you know that.

02-22-2018, 04:42 PM
You had Russians in 1878 when you got Sandjak of Nis, you had Russians when you invaded yet again Albanian territories in 1913, Kosovo, parts of Montenegro, Macedonia, what more you could ask from someone to establish a Greater country like you have managed to gain, and you talk of US base like was a bigger project than circa 30k km2 you've got from Russkies throughout history.......Common sense needs more than just carrying a nickname, needs a critical thinking which you have not, chetnik scum.

The Russians' goal in 1878. was the creation of Great Bulgaria, a puppet state which would enable them hegemony in the entire region and access to the Mediterranean. The state was suposed to encompass (other than Bulgaria itself) the whole of Macedonia, not just the Vardar region, but the Aegean too and two counties that were supposed to be adjoined to Serbia (since the Serbian army liberated them), Pirot and Vranje. They didn't give a shit about Serbian intrests, they supported us in the war against the Turks until it was over when they excuted what was their plan from the start - back the Bulgarians and leave Serbia, who bled so much in that war, with the same insignificant territory it had before! That was supposed be carried out according to the peace treaty of San Stefano signed by Russia and the Ottoman Empire and the only reason it wasn't was because the Brittish did not want the Russians anywhere near the Meditteranean (because it would threaten their colonial schemes) and with French and Austrian support they enforced a revision of this treaty in the Congress of Berlin which took place from June till July that same year.

The territorial gains of Serbia in 1878. were carried out AGAINST the Russian imperialistic intrests, not in their name. Shows how much you know about history....

02-22-2018, 04:46 PM
There was no ethnic cleansing because no one forced them to leave after the war, they just left freewillingly.

Due to intimidation and threats by the UCK’s.

02-22-2018, 04:58 PM
Due to intimidation and threats by the UCK’s.

You're quite biased as always ( muh ordoksi broders), you already proved before how "informed" you are about the situation here . Serbs in Kosovo benefited from both governments after war, those who committed crimes never came back while the others who came back were helped by our government , even their houses were build by Albanian taxes.

It's Albanians from North Mitrovica who are threatened still to this day.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 05:00 PM
You're quite biased as always ( muh ordoksi broders), you already proved before how "informed" you are about the situation here . Serbs in Kosovo benefited from both governments after war, those who committed crimes never came back while the others who came back were helped by our government , even their houses were build by Albanian taxes.

So what? That should be like that but you didn't mention that Serbs are now only in small north part of Kosovo and they can't go to other parts where they were living before war.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 05:02 PM
The Russians' goal in 1878. was the creation of Great Bulgaria, a puppet state which would enable them hegemony in the entire region and access to the Mediterranean. The state was suposed to encompass (other than Bulgaria itself) the whole of Macedonia, not just the Vardar region, but the Aegean too and two counties that were supposed to be adjoined to Serbia (since the Serbian army liberated them), Pirot and Vranje. They didn't give a shit about Serbian intrests, they supported us in the war against the Turks until it was over when they excuted what was their plan from the start - back the Bulgarians and leave Serbia, who bled so much in that war, with the same insignificant territory it had before! That was supposed be carried out according to the peace treaty of San Stefano signed by Russia and the Ottoman Empire and the only reason it wasn't was because the Brittish did not want the Russians anywhere near the Meditteranean (because it would threaten their colonial schemes) and with French and Austrian support they enforced a revision of this treaty in the Congress of Berlin which took place from June till July that same year.

The territorial gains of Serbia in 1878. were carried out AGAINST the Russian imperialistic intrests, not in their name. Shows how much you know about history....

You are deliberately distorting the picture of history, you're spreading falsehood like usually see when I argue with you people.

As the fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina continued, Serbia suffered a string of setbacks and asked the European powers to mediate an end to the war. A joint ultimatum by the European powers forced the Porte to give Serbia a one-month truce and start peace negotiations. Turkish peace conditions however were refused by European powers as too harsh. In early October, after the truce expired, the Turkish army resumed its offensive and the Serbian position quickly became desperate. On October 31, Russia issued an ultimatum requiring the Ottoman Empire to stop the hostilities and sign a new truce with Serbia within 48 hours. This was supported by the partial mobilization of the Russian army (up to 20 divisions). The Sultan accepted the conditions of the ultimatum.

Aftermath of Russo-Turkish war and Treaty of San Stefano:

Serbia annexed the cities of Niš and Leskovac in Moravian Serbia and became independent (Article 3).

There's no supposing but a true event, an agreement that had only two forces met up and reached a deal, I do not care about unrelated to subject Great Britain interests, Russia helped you to gain territories that was once with Albanians, period.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 05:03 PM
Due to intimidation and threats by the UCK’s.

Project your fascist state policy here won't get you anywhere.

02-22-2018, 05:07 PM
So what? That should be like that but you didn't mention that Serbs are now only in small north part of Kosovo and they can't go to other parts where they were living before war.

Serbs in North Kosovo are brainwashed by Serbian government , they still have fantasies about Yugoslavia . I know that even Kosovo Serbs who went in Serbia after war are treated bad , they are not welcome there . I didn't made this but heard many stories from Kosovo Serbs who went there and came back .

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 05:10 PM
Serbs in North Kosovo are brainwashed by Serbian government , they still have fantasies about Yugoslavia . I know that even Kosovo Serbs who went in Serbia after war are treated bad , they are not welcome there . I didn't made this but heard many stories from Kosovo Serbs who went there and came back .

I don't understand you.

I'm just saying that Serbs were living in south Kosovo and Metohija before war. If you claim to protect human rights of minorities in your "country" you should allow them to
go back in south Kosovo where their homes are. I'm not sure that you claim they would be safe there.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 05:19 PM
I don't understand you.

I'm just saying that Serbs were living in south Kosovo and Metohija before war. If you claim to protect human rights of minorities in your "country" you should allow them to
go back in south Kosovo where their homes are. I'm not sure that you claim they would be safe there.

Make worries about serbs of northern Kosovo where your own people even high officials are killed by own criminal gangs eg. Oliver ivanovic, Serbs in south of Iber should be grateful to have more relaxed and safer atmosphere surrounding them, but you as people are known to spit on plate that feeds you, so I'm not surprised why you blame others for your state.

02-22-2018, 05:23 PM
I don't understand you.

I'm just saying that Serbs were living in south Kosovo and Metohija before war. If you claim to protect human rights of minorities in your "country" you should allow them to
go back in south Kosovo where their homes are. I'm not sure that you claim they would be safe there.

My ancestors were forced to leave Serbia but they were never asked to come back , while should we allow Serbs in Kosovo to come back even though we still do ? I wouldn't be surprised if you never heard about the massive expulsion of the Albanians 1877–1878

I don't see any problem with Serbs in "Kosovo Polje" , they already accepted the reality in Republic of Kosovo :D

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 05:24 PM
Make worries about serbs of northern Kosovo where your own people even high officials are killed by own criminal gangs eg. Oliver ivanovic, Serbs in south of Iber should be grateful to have more relaxed and safer atmosphere surrounding them, but you as people are known to spit on plate that feeds you, so I'm not surprised why you blame others for your state.

It is not relevant for what I was talking about. I was talking about current human rights situation in Kosovo (especially south part) for Serbs.

02-22-2018, 05:28 PM
Project your fascist state policy here won't get you anywhere.

Shortly after NATO “humanitarian” aggression on Yugoslavia (Serbia), it became clear that intervention actually resulted in an unprecedented scale of violation of human rights of Serbs and non-Albanians of Kosovo and Metohija Province. Alliance between NATO and the Albanian terrorists and separatists during the military aggression (KLA), continued ever since and reached its peak in February 2008 by unilateral proclamation of illegal secession of the Province from Serbia. This act would never be possible without NATO aggression and support. It violated the basic principles of the national and international laws, UN Charter and UN Security Council’s resolution 1244 (1999) which guaranties sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

After June 1999, International Red Cross noted some 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians who had been expelled by terror, intimidation and ethnic cleansing leave their birth places and homes in Kosovo and Metohija. Current UNHCR data show return of some 18,000 Serbs, but in reality this number is some 6,000, or 2.1%. UN Mission and other international stakeholders organized the process of the return, but no results. Therefore, Serbia remains the country with the highest number of refugees and displaced persons in the whole of Europe.

No justice for the victims:
After June 1999, close to 1,000 Serbian and other non-Albanian civilians have been abducted and eventually killed. Many of them were abducted in their working places. In July 1999, 14 people, including children, in the village of Staro Gracko were killed while harvesting in the field. In the winter 2002, a bomb was planted and set-off under a passenger bus killing many Serb passengers. In August 2003 a group of Serbian childre

n playing by the river in village of Gorazdevac, were killed. Thousands of other crimes against Serbs in the Province have been committed and non of the culprits brought to justice although justice and police are directly managed by UN and EU missions (UNMIK, EULEX).

Illegal occupation of Serbian-owned property

After June 1999, Kosovo Albanians simply occupied all immovable and movable possession of 250,000 Serbs who left Kosovo, but also of Serbs who remained. Often, owners were either killed or expelled by force from their properties. In September 1999, the UN founded a body that was supposed to facilitate return property to legal owners, the Housing and Property Directorate, but there are no results.

General insecurity:

Since June 1999, there was almost no freedom of movement outside the so-called enclaves in which Serbs found their safety in numbers, except in military-guarded convoys. Today Serbs still cannot access their businesses and land without risk of being attacked end even killed. They still cannot go churches and cemeteries without KFOR military escort.

Rewriting history :

Ever since NATO aggression in 1999, there has been systematic distraction of any traces of Serbian monuments and Christianity in Kosovo. Some 150 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries have been destroyed, originating from as early as 13th and 14th centuries, including some from the UNESCO List of World Heritage. In addition, there has been a wide-spread exercise to rename remaining churche

s and monasteries as “Byzantine” or “Albanian”, or “Albanian castles and towers”. There is a current diplomatic battle going on in UNESCO, where Kosovo Albanians try to present this cultural heritage as heritage of Kosovo what is absurd.

Violation of right to health:

Kosovo Albanian authorities have been stopping and seizing shipments of medical equipment and medical drugs intended for medical facilities in Serbian enclaves. In addition, they have been willfully and intentionally trying to worsen situation for Serbian populated areas, by cutting the electric power supply. For three years in the row, in winters of 2005, 2006 and 2007, they have been cutting power supply to Serbian enclaves on the pretext of payment etc. They have been rejecting offers of Serbian government for humanitarian and free-of-charge electric power supply, thus exposing population to health hazards. In 2009, they have stopped power supply to the Serbian enclave of Strpce in the southernmost part of Kosovo for three months, pressing local population to sign new contracts. Unfortunately, none of international stakeholders voiced any concerns over this act.

Violation of right to education:

Since June 1999, all cities and towns in Kosovo except Mitrovica in the north were ethnically cleansed and became mono-ethnically Albanian. Serbs and other ethnic groups were driven to villages. School facilities were inaccessible for Serbian schoolchildren. They had to resort to inadequate premises for schools. However, most drastic situation is in Gorani community. The Goranis are local Serbian speaking ethnic group of Muslim belief, who have been exposed to incessant assimilation attempts and forced to accept Albanian language and Albanian curriculum. This pressure still goes on.

02-22-2018, 05:40 PM
Make worries about serbs of northern Kosovo where your own people even high officials are killed by own criminal gangs eg. Oliver ivanovic, Serbs in south of Iber should be grateful to have more relaxed and safer atmosphere surrounding them, but you as people are known to spit on plate that feeds you, so I'm not surprised why you blame others for your state.

You got to love how people who never set foot in Kosovo teach us about what really happened here :D, especially me and you who experienced the last war in Kosovo.

The Illyrian Warrior
02-22-2018, 06:59 PM
It is not relevant for what I was talking about. I was talking about current human rights situation in Kosovo (especially south part) for Serbs.

It's strongly relevant because is wrong to assume that current position of serbs is due Albanians, it's not, it's your fault because your state legitimate criminal structures to have on control serb population, when they could simply integrate and be obeying citizens and have trust of others, you didn't do that, never was your intention in the first place anyways, you just wanted bigger serbia in our backyard, now enjoy it.

02-22-2018, 07:11 PM
You got to love how people who never set foot in Kosovo teach us about what really happened here :D, especially me and you who experienced the last war in Kosovo.

Yeah especially you, you were a kid back then, no? lol

02-22-2018, 08:20 PM
You are deliberately distorting the picture of history, you're spreading falsehood like usually see when I argue with you people.

Aftermath of Russo-Turkish war and Treaty of San Stefano:

There's no supposing but a true event, an agreement that had only two forces met up and reached a deal, I do not care about unrelated to subject Great Britain interests, Russia helped you to gain territories that was once with Albanians, period.

It's not an unrelated subject, but what would any of you know about it anyway. For you the history begins with Pelasgians and ends with the declaration of Kosovo's independence and is exclusively shqiptarocentric. What happened elsewhere in Europe and the world throughout millenia doesn't matter to you, because, of course, Albanians were the founders of all civilization and culture. The average Serbian, Croatian, even Bosniak historian or layman can talk about a much greater variety of subjects than the vast majority of Albanians. You all have permanent mirror-vision, it's impossible for you to see anything else other than your own arse!!


See how the Balkans would have looked like if the Russians had their way? How much of your precious Dardano-Illiro-Pelasgo-whatever land would have been subjected to Bulgaria? Make no mistake, there wouldn't have been any memorandums, expulsions, debates on what to do with the Albanian issue like there were in Serbia. You so called warriors would not have received any ounce of mercy, the burly linebackeroids would have annihilated you from the face of the Earth!! Keep thinking that the Brits were irrelevant in this matter, you have no clue how fortunate you are!

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 08:42 PM
It's strongly relevant because is wrong to assume that current position of serbs is due Albanians, it's not, it's your fault because your state legitimate criminal structures to have on control serb population, when they could simply integrate and be obeying citizens and have trust of others, you didn't do that, never was your intention in the first place anyways, you just wanted bigger serbia in our backyard, now enjoy it.

Just a simple question. If Serbs wanted to have a "greater Serbia" and to kill all other nations and minorities, how comes that we have lot of other minorities in Serbia, for example in Vojvodina who live here peacefully?
Why always only you Albanians had problem with us?
I'm talking now about Serbia only and it's minorities (you are minority here, just reminder).

My answer is - you were problem always, never wanted to integrate, you were and still are autistic people who can't live in multicultural society
and that organisation of societies are the only reality and possibility in civilized world today, especially EU.

Moje ime
02-22-2018, 11:21 PM
My ancestors were forced to leave Serbia but they were never asked to come back , while should we allow Serbs in Kosovo to come back even though we still do ? I wouldn't be surprised if you never heard about the massive expulsion of the Albanians 1877–1878

It was probably because Albanians cooperate with Ottomans and Serbia was gaining independency from Ottomans back then. Your fault.

Tell me one more thing, why so much of you accepted Islam as religion?

Islam came to Balkan with Ottomans, before that there was Byzantine spreading Orthodox Christianity.

If you were here for so long as you say why you didn't accept Byzantine religion as Slavs accepted it?

Especially if you claim Slavs came here after you, you should be with Byzantine in contact for much longer time, right?

But you have more Muslims now, which means you easily took Ottomans religion.

Isn't that because you came with Ottomans?

02-23-2018, 12:02 AM
It was probably because Albanians cooperate with Ottomans and Serbia was gaining independency from Ottomans back then. Your fault.

Tell me one more thing, why so much of you accepted Islam as religion?

Islam came to Balkan with Ottomans, before that there was Byzantine spreading Orthodox Christianity.

If you were here for so long as you say why you didn't accept Byzantine religion as Slavs accepted it?

Especially if you claim Slavs came here after you, you should be with Byzantine in contact for much longer time, right?

But you have more Muslims now, which means you easily took Ottomans religion.

Isn't that because you came with Ottomans?You got this all wrong. If i decide to upgrade my car for something newer the new buyer (serbs in this case) dont have the right to judge me why? And after serbs buy my older car (orthodoxy) they certainly cant claim they alwyas owned the car and claim they were always the sole owners of the car.
An honest buyer in this case would always tell the truth. But have serbs told the truth? Nope.
Why is it your buisness to ask why i choose to dump orthodox Christianity for something else?!
Do i have to travel to belgrade and explain to all serbs as if they’re little kids or what?!lol

Moje ime
02-23-2018, 01:00 AM
You got this all wrong. If i decide to upgrade my car for something newer the new buyer (serbs in this case) dont have the right to judge me why? And after serbs buy my older car (orthodoxy) they certainly cant claim they alwyas owned the car and claim they were always the sole owners of the car.
An honest buyer in this case would always tell the truth. But have serbs told the truth? Nope.
Why is it your buisness to ask why i choose to dump orthodox Christianity for something else?!
Do i have to travel to belgrade and explain to all serbs as if they’re little kids or what?!lol

Now you say that Albanians learned Slavs about Christianity? This is hilarious! :rolleyes:

You should learn who were Saints Cyril and Methodius. They were Greeks from Byzantine who were Christian missionaries and who spreaded Orthodox Christianity among Slavs (Serbs).

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Cyril_and_Methodius

While you still were some pagan tribe in a mountain.

Regarding to comparing car with religion and changing religion like socks - that also says lot about your character.

Serbs were 500 years under Ottomans but they preserved the religion and identity.

02-23-2018, 01:24 AM
Serbs were 500 years under Ottomans but they preserved the religion and identity.

Serbs weren't 500 years under the Ottomans, and many Serbs converted to islam which means that they were not preserved their religion and identity.
Muslim Serbs are known as Bosniaks and Gorani, but today they have their own identity.

02-23-2018, 01:25 AM
You got this all wrong. If i decide to upgrade my car for something newer the new buyer (serbs in this case) dont have the right to judge me why? And after serbs buy my older car (orthodoxy) they certainly cant claim they alwyas owned the car and claim they were always the sole owners of the car.
An honest buyer in this case would always tell the truth. But have serbs told the truth? Nope.
Why is it your buisness to ask why i choose to dump orthodox Christianity for something else?!
Do i have to travel to belgrade and explain to all serbs as if they’re little kids or what?!lol

Upgraded it? You mean downgraded it

02-23-2018, 01:27 AM
Serbs weren't 500 years under the Ottomans, and many Serbs converted to islam which means that they are not preserved their religion and identity.
Muslim Serbs are known as Bosniaks and Gorani, but today they have their own identity.

Those that were Islamized were no longer counted as Serbs. The bulk of the population remained Christians so the Serbian identity never died. Christianity helped preserve the Serbian identity and to keep Serbs from mixing with Muslims.

02-23-2018, 01:36 AM
Those that were Islamized were no longer counted as Serbs. The bulk of the population remained Christians so the Serbian identity never died. Christianity helped preserve the Serbian identity and to keep Serbs from mixing with Muslims.

Only Orthodox Serbs have been preserved national conscience.
Muslim and Catholic Serbs became somethimg else.
Last try of awakening national consciousness amomg Catholic Serbs was this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serb-Catholic_movement_in_Dubrovnik but it failed because of Austro-Hungarian repression.

02-23-2018, 09:33 AM
It was probably because Albanians cooperate with Ottomans and Serbia was gaining independency from Ottomans back then. Your fault

They had Albanians mercenaries and generals but Albanians never really officially supported Ottomans while Serbs were vassals of Ottomans.

Tell me one more thing, why so much of you accepted Islam as religion?

Islam came to Balkan with Ottomans, before that there was Byzantine spreading Orthodox Christianity.

If you were here for so long as you say why you didn't accept Byzantine religion as Slavs accepted it?

Especially if you claim Slavs came here after you, you should be with Byzantine in contact for much longer time, right?

It is simply , Albanians never cared about religion some of them converted because it did benefit them others were forced to convert . Religion never really played a big part for Albanians , we never identify with any religion we always had a strong Albanian identify while you can easily be today a Serb or Greek just convert to orthodoxy speak their language and you are sons of Achilles .

But you have more Muslims now, which means you easily took Ottomans religion.

Isn't that because you came with Ottomans?

You sound like a youtube troll now , Albanians were Christians long before even Serbs came in Balkan . The only people which came with Ottomans and is very well documented are Gypsies , Ashkalis , Turks and Circassians .

02-23-2018, 09:36 AM
Identity of Balkan people has been deleted multiple times, because religions changed I think 5 times.

Illyrian Paganism -> Slavic Paganism -> Catholicism -> Orthodoxy -> Bogomilism -> Islam

Moje ime
02-23-2018, 01:53 PM
They had Albanians mercenaries and generals but Albanians never really officially supported Ottomans while Serbs were vassals of Ottomans.

Because Ottomans didn't bother to go to your mountains, which means you were less important factor in that time so you could claim "independency".

while you can easily be today a Serb or Greek just convert to orthodoxy speak their language and you are sons of Achilles .

Not true.

Albanians were Christians long before even Serbs came in Balkan

If it is true then you are people who sells themselves easily.