View Full Version : Ancient Albanian alphabet

02-27-2018, 06:05 PM
https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21151386_338686803248203_2609370385507577132_n.jpg ?oh=dad00f6f32c635d375c6bc38c8ddd264&oe=5B44565A

The Todhri alphabet is an 18th century Albanian alphabet invented for writing the Albanian language by Dhaskal Todhri (born Theodor Todhri Haxhifilipi).
It is a complex writing system of fifty-two characters which was used sporadically for written communication in and around Elbasan from the late eighteenth century on.

The Todhri alphabet was discovered in Elbasan by Johann Georg von Hahn (1811-1869) who published it in 1854 his work Albanesische Studien in Jena.
He considered it to be 'the original' Albanian alphabet and a derivative of ancient Phoenician script.

Leopold Geitler (1847-1885) and Slovenian scholar Rajko Nahtigal (1877-1958) subsequently studied the alphabet, concluding that it was derived primarily from the Roman cursive.

Thanas Django
03-05-2018, 07:03 AM
18th century is not "ancient" it's contemporary.

It wasn't "discovered" it was invented.

03-05-2018, 07:16 AM
18th century is not "ancient" it's contemporary.

It wasn't "discovered" it was invented.

This is OLD...

2000 years before arrival of Greeks we were using Vinca Alphabet:


Thanas Django
03-05-2018, 07:23 AM
This is OLD...

2000 years before arrival of Greeks we were using Vinca Alphabet:

2000 years before the arrival of Greeks you hadn't arrived.

03-05-2018, 07:26 AM
This is OLD...

2000 years before arrival of Greeks we were using Vinca Alphabet:


Wikipedia says these are symbols that were used for religious/agricultural purposes and not a writing system/alphabet/script. Do you have anything to say?

03-05-2018, 07:32 AM
2000 years before the arrival of Greeks you hadn't arrived.

Byzantines said that we Triballians (Thracians) inhabited Balkans well before arrival of Ionian Greeks.

Poles came to Serbia not Serbs myfrend.

Thanas Django
03-05-2018, 07:47 AM
Byzantines said that we Triballians (Thracians) inhabited Balkans well before arrival of Ionian Greeks.

Poles came to Serbia not Serbs myfrend.

You are not a triballian.

03-05-2018, 07:55 AM
You are not a triballian.

yes I am xD

For example, Niketas Choniates (or Acominatus, 1155–1215 or-16) in his history about Emperor Ioannes Komnenos: "... Shortly after this, he campaigned against the nation of Triballians (whom someone may call Serbians as well)

the much later Demetrios Chalkondyles (1423–1511), referring to an Islamized Christian noble: "... This Mahmud, son of Michael, is Triballian (from Mother side)


Older than you Afro Greeks xD

Thanas Django
03-05-2018, 08:43 AM
For example, Niketas Choniates (or Acominatus, 1155–1215 or-16) in his history about Emperor Ioannes Komnenos: "... Shortly after this, he campaigned against the nation of Triballians (whom someone may call Serbians as well)

the much later Demetrios Chalkondyles (1423–1511), referring to an Islamized Christian noble: "... This Mahmud, son of Michael, is Triballian (from Mother side)


Quoting bits and pieces of Wikipedia articles from second hand sources is lying by omission.

"Even though the two names were used as synonyms by some Byzantine sources and certain heraldic inheritance, Serbian official historiography is not equalizing the Serbs and the Triballi nor it fabricates the cultural continuity between the two.[5]"

03-11-2018, 10:54 PM
Byzantines said that we Triballians (Thracians) inhabited Balkans well before arrival of Ionian Greeks.

Poles came to Serbia not Serbs myfrend.

Dude, your not triballians... Triballi actually means something in albanian. It means three tribal leaders, or three chiefs.

03-11-2018, 10:56 PM
yes I am xD

For example, Niketas Choniates (or Acominatus, 1155–1215 or-16) in his history about Emperor Ioannes Komnenos: "... Shortly after this, he campaigned against the nation of Triballians (whom someone may call Serbians as well)

the much later Demetrios Chalkondyles (1423–1511), referring to an Islamized Christian noble: "... This Mahmud, son of Michael, is Triballian (from Mother side)


Older than you Afro Greeks xD

Geographical reference, not ethnic reference.

03-12-2018, 09:54 AM
Dude, your not triballians... Triballi actually means something in albanian. It means three tribal leaders, or three chiefs.

03-12-2018, 10:02 AM

Triballians never heard for that Term.

It's HOW GREEKS called Triballians.

"Means something in Albanian" ROFL.....


03-12-2018, 10:03 AM
https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21151386_338686803248203_2609370385507577132_n.jpg ?oh=dad00f6f32c635d375c6bc38c8ddd264&oe=5B44565A

The Todhri alphabet is an 18th century Albanian alphabet invented for writing the Albanian language by Dhaskal Todhri (born Theodor Todhri Haxhifilipi).
It is a complex writing system of fifty-two characters which was used sporadically for written communication in and around Elbasan from the late eighteenth century on.

The Todhri alphabet was discovered in Elbasan by Johann Georg von Hahn (1811-1869) who published it in 1854 his work Albanesische Studien in Jena.
He considered it to be 'the original' Albanian alphabet and a derivative of ancient Phoenician script.

Leopold Geitler (1847-1885) and Slovenian scholar Rajko Nahtigal (1877-1958) subsequently studied the alphabet, concluding that it was derived primarily from the Roman cursive.

What Alphabet did Albanians use before the 18th century?

03-12-2018, 10:04 AM
Byzantines said that we Triballians (Thracians) inhabited Balkans well before arrival of Ionian Greeks.

Poles came to Serbia not Serbs myfrend.

Yeah Balkan regions North of Greece

Thanas Django
03-12-2018, 11:19 AM
Yeah Balkan regions North of Greece

You forgot the part where the little slavomuslim says "we Thracians".

03-12-2018, 11:22 AM
You forgot the part where the little slavomuslim says "we Thracians".

Not me, it's at least 12 Greek historians you bigoted motherfucker.

You spit your own historians just so you can discredit us.

03-12-2018, 11:29 AM
You forgot the part where the little slavomuslim says "we Thracians".

Going by different sayings in this forum i have learned so far that Goths,Slavs,Albanians,Illyrians,Dacians,Thracians, Paonians all were
one and the same people

03-12-2018, 11:36 AM
Ancient Thracian words in comparison to modern South Slavic group.

Is this enough to conclude the possibility of "slavic origins" on Balkans?

From the 30 additional words extracted from the Thracian toponyms and hydronyms 30 have very good matches in Bulgarian and the other Slavic languages. Lithuanian offers 16 matches, Greek 13, Latin 5 and English 4. We can see that again the Slavic languages offer the most and the best matches.

The resemblance of many names is so strikingly close that it can’t be called coincidence. And if we consider the fact that Thracian words were documented about 2000 years ago, it will not be an exaggeration to say that in fact they are identical with the Slavic ones. The comparision presented in the Tables 1, 2 and 3 has never been made by any scientist, who studied the ancient Thracian culture. That is why now we have the wrong impression that Thracians have disappeared into thin air and the Slavs came to the lands south of the Danube as invaders

Nobody has brought to attention the similarity of the Thracian and Old Slavic pantheon. In my opinion, Thracian Perkun corresponds to Slavic Perun, Thracian Seitovins to Slavic Sventovit, Thracian Ares to Slavic Jarovit, Thracian Balenos to Slavic Belen, Thracian Kerilos to Slavic Černobog, Thracian Zemi – Zemela to Slavic Zemina – Mati
Sira Zemlja. Even the common Slavic word for God – BOG is in fact the same as the Thracian one - BAGO – God. It


03-12-2018, 11:43 AM
Could it be that South Slavs and Gheg Albanians descend from Pontian Greeks?




03-12-2018, 11:47 AM
Not me, it's at least 12 Greek historians you bigoted motherfucker.

You spit your own historians just so you can discredit us.

I2a din came from Poland , proven years ago by researchers when they found its ancestral clade there

Triballi was just a geographical term , those writers assumed the people still living there were the same people as those that lived there thousands of years before they had come out of a vagina , same way Ilyrians was used .. fourtounately today we are a little bit more advanced and we have things like dna tests that debunks these theories

03-12-2018, 11:53 AM
Ancient Thracian words in comparison to modern South Slavic group.

Is this enough to conclude the possibility of "slavic origins" on Balkans?

From the 30 additional words extracted from the Thracian toponyms and hydronyms 30 have very good matches in Bulgarian and the other Slavic languages. Lithuanian offers 16 matches, Greek 13, Latin 5 and English 4. We can see that again the Slavic languages offer the most and the best matches.

The resemblance of many names is so strikingly close that it can’t be called coincidence. And if we consider the fact that Thracian words were documented about 2000 years ago, it will not be an exaggeration to say that in fact they are identical with the Slavic ones. The comparision presented in the Tables 1, 2 and 3 has never been made by any scientist, who studied the ancient Thracian culture. That is why now we have the wrong impression that Thracians have disappeared into thin air and the Slavs came to the lands south of the Danube as invaders

Nobody has brought to attention the similarity of the Thracian and Old Slavic pantheon. In my opinion, Thracian Perkun corresponds to Slavic Perun, Thracian Seitovins to Slavic Sventovit, Thracian Ares to Slavic Jarovit, Thracian Balenos to Slavic Belen, Thracian Kerilos to Slavic Černobog, Thracian Zemi – Zemela to Slavic Zemina – Mati
Sira Zemlja. Even the common Slavic word for God – BOG is in fact the same as the Thracian one - BAGO – God. It


These are just common shared indo european words that are also shared with Albanian. In fact, Albanian was linked to Balto Slavic and Thracian and Germanic and Armenian etc.

This doesnt mean Albanians descendant from Slavs

03-12-2018, 11:54 AM
I2a din came from Poland , proven years ago by researchers when they found its ancestral clade there

Triballi was just a geographical term , those writers assumed the people still living there were the same people as those that lived there thousands of years before they had come out of a vagina , same way Ilyrians was used .. fourtounately today we are a little bit more advanced and we have things like dna tests that debunks these theories

yes but I2 haplogroup came to Poland from Serbia. Do you Understand that?

Do you understand that I2a P37 (Serbian) was about 15% of people in Ancient Athenian Graveyard?

I2 came from IJ Haplogroup that came from Anatolia, so it can't be related to R1 IndoEuropeans.

Only R1a are "Scythians, Slavs" not I2.

Here ancient Greek escavations with I2a P37, amazing isn't it?

That's because ALL I2 Slavs are Thracians (Like numerous Greeks confirmed)


03-12-2018, 11:55 AM
These are just common shared indo european words that are also shared with Albanian. In fact, Albanian was linked to Balto Slavic and Thracian and Germanic and Armenian etc.

This doesnt mean Albanians descendant from Slavs

I have 60 everyday words in common with Thracians, how much do you have?

You think Thracians spoke some PROTO-PROTO Indo-European.

We SPEAK Thracian we don't share Thracian words.

Thanas Django
03-12-2018, 12:17 PM
I have 60 everyday words in common with Thracians, how much do you have?

You think Thracians spoke some PROTO-PROTO Indo-European.

We SPEAK Thracian we don't share Thracian words.

The English language has 400 words of Sanskrit origin being used everyday by English speakers.

You have more Turkish words in your language than "Thracian".

03-12-2018, 12:21 PM
The English language has 400 words of Sanskrit origin being used everyday by English speakers.

You have more Turkish words in your language than "Thracian".

There is a difference noob.

Our Thracian words we use EVERY DAY, those are common words like: Food, Ship, Milk, Mountain, Lake etc...

We do have many words from other languages as well, but they are not inter-connected to each other like those from Thracian pool and
that's because Thracian pool is OUR pool of words not foreign incorporations.

That is one of many proofs that we actually were "Thracians" how Greeks used to call us back then.

03-12-2018, 12:22 PM
I have 60 everyday words in common with Thracians, how much do you have?

You think Thracians spoke some PROTO-PROTO Indo-European.

We SPEAK Thracian we don't share Thracian words.

No you don't. You share Indo European words, same way Albanian shares it even more probably. Youre not able to read Thracian inscriptions because its not same language... closest to Thracian out of all balto slav languages is probably lithuanian and even thats not close.

yes but I2 haplogroup came to Poland from Serbia. Do you Understand that?

Do you understand that I2a P37 (Serbian) was about 15% of people in Ancient Athenian Graveyard?

I2 came from IJ Haplogroup that came from Anatolia, so it can't be related to R1 IndoEuropeans.

Only R1a are "Scythians, Slavs" not I2.

Here ancient Greek escavations with I2a P37, amazing isn't it?

That's because ALL I2 Slavs are Thracians (Like numerous Greeks confirmed)


Yes, it spread from the near east and into Europe with hunter gatherers that has nothing to do with Thracians which is a Indo European language therefor those people paternally werent originally Thracians but they were just hunter gatherers and later neolithic farmers absorbed into a indo europe population.

I2 spread across Europe and developed different subclades, all the native I2 at that point in the Balkans was absorbed by proto Thracians , Greeks and Ilyrians.. how xan you possibly link this with I2a din that probably and most certainly came with Slavic speakers and prior to that could of had also an expansion from North Western Europe.

03-12-2018, 12:26 PM
No you don't. You share Indo European words, same way Albanian shares it even more probably. Youre not able to read Thracian inscriptions because its not same language... closest to Thracian out of all balto slav languages is probably lithuanian and even thats not close.

Yes, it spread from the near east and into Europe with hunter gatherers that has nothing to do with Thracians which is a Indo European language therefor those people paternally werent originally Thracians but they were just hunter gatherers and later neolithic farmers absorbed into a indo europe population.

I2 spread across Europe and developed different subclades, all the native I2 at that point in the Balkans was absorbed by proto Thracians , Greeks and Ilyrians.. how xan you possibly link this with I2a din that probably and most certainly came with Slavic speakers and prior to that could of had also an expansion from North Western Europe.

Indo-Europeans are BARBARIANS, Horse Raiders, Pillagers and Bandits mostly R1a and R1b people.

They invented nothing, not to mention languages.

Languages of Europe are invented in Anatolia and Balkans. "INDO-EUROPEANS" what kind of lunacy is that?

People on Balkans were able to Talk when indo-europeans were next to animals.

Thanas Django
03-12-2018, 12:38 PM
Indo-Europeans are BARBARIANS, Horse Raiders, Pillagers and Bandits mostly R1a and R1b people.

They invented nothing, not to mention languages.

Languages of Europe are invented in Anatolia and Balkans. "INDO-EUROPEANS" what kind of lunacy is that?

People on Balkans were able to Talk when indo-europeans were next to animals.

I am T-M70 so you should listen to me.

03-12-2018, 12:45 PM
I am T-M70 so you should listen to me.

This is definetly very ancient

Thanas Django
03-12-2018, 12:53 PM
This is definetly very ancient

bro, I am so ancient, when my ancestors were building mudhats Bosniensis was jumping from branch to branch.

03-12-2018, 12:55 PM
bro, I am so ancient, when my ancestors were building mudhats Bosniensis was jumping from branch to branch.

Your Ancestors moved from Mainland Greece to Cyprus with their Danaean ships when Bosniensis even didn't knew to swim and cross the Danube river.

Thanas Django
03-12-2018, 01:07 PM
Your Ancestors moved from Mainland Greece to Cyprus with their Danaean ships when Bosniensis even didn't knew to swim and cross the Danube river.

I am so ancient, when my ancestors were mining copper and building ships, Bosniensis's ancestors were considered part of the lunch menu.

03-12-2018, 06:55 PM

Triballians never heard for that Term.

It's HOW GREEKS called Triballians.

"Means something in Albanian" ROFL.....


What does it mean in greek then?

03-12-2018, 06:56 PM
What Alphabet did Albanians use before the 18th century?

Over 95% ileteracy. But those who were learned wrote wither latin, greek or arabic letters. Depending on freligious affinity of course.

03-13-2018, 09:25 PM

Triballians never heard for that Term.

It's HOW GREEKS called Triballians.

"Means something in Albanian" ROFL.....


In greek it translates into triarchontas. Triballi is not greek word.

03-19-2018, 09:18 PM
18th century is not "ancient" it's contemporary.

It wasn't "discovered" it was invented.
18th century is neither ancient nor contemporary.

All alphabets are invented so you're not really saying anything. Anyhow, it was discovered in the sense that it wasn't part of the Albanian records, someone found texts where it was used and walaa, a discovery. Although 18th century seems not too far away for you, it was very much so for an individual Albanian alphabet. Albanian history, poems, and songs were orally transmitted rather than written down. When things were written down, they were done so by always using the Latin alphabet or Arabic or even Cyrillic (rarely) alphabets, this alphabet I suppose was developed as a counter, as a alphabet that would be more suitable for the Albanian language.