View Full Version : The Movement Hall of Shame

03-01-2018, 08:52 PM
Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how White Nationalism as judged by its flagship forum seems to have LITTLE INTEREST in helping White South Africans. We present the Stormfront HALL of Shame -- While SA farms burn and White Folk Live in Squalor these Cowards intend to 'bravely name the jew' from the comfort of the First World ... What kind of Nationalism does nothing for WHITE NATIONS but bitch about JEWS? We need better nationalists.

To be fair the Users Enzed Vod Mcduf Fred Boy Howdie and RedRosy among a few others really stand out as GOOD QUALITY PEOPLE with their mind right. We need more like this to drive out the clowns. Thank YOU.

Now Time to Shame These Clown World Chumps.

Phoenix1933 How do you suggest we save them? You didn't mention any solution.
I don't think confiscating farm land will lead to civil war, but south africa has 57 million people and 3 million are white.
There will be a lot of starvation.
It would be very interesting if there were a genocidal war though.
I see south africa as the worst place for whites in the world and whatever happens there is the future for other western nations if we don't save ourselves.

Reply: There are 5 million Whites ... 3 Million Afrikans speakers ... Try simple facts.
As to How? You know I have only had 24 hours to ponder the Subject -- What a demanding lot of harpies.
What I am 100% sure of at this time -- South Africa is OUR NATION ... it is the White World in Minature. As it goes; So we GO.
What else I know for 100% -- Nations are BLOOD GROUPS not flags, not lands, not anything else but BLOOD GROUPS. The Anglos in SA are OUR DIRECT Cousins and the Dutch Boers our more distant Kin. They are OURS to save. We are all they have. No one else at all. If you SHIRK -- they die -- that I know.
What do you know? That we should roll around and cry about magic hebrews?

Originally Posted by Phoenix1933 View Post
Lauren Southern is working on what looks to be a great, groundbreaking documentary on the plight of Afrikaners. She already put up some very good new videos on youtube.
Storm Tropper Mike -- How many black guys did she bang while she was there?

Reply:Any reason to be SPITEFUL PETTY AND VILE.

Wasn't it the White S. Africans themselves that gave away their country to the ambient savages in 1994?
And now they cry and want sympathy--Henry Louis Macken

Trash Bag Low Life ... NO KIND OF NATIONALIST AT ALL. You are the STINK that haunts White Nationalism ... Any excuse to SLAG off other Whites while you pretend to be a Race Warrior.

Roo -- #NotAnAnswer Show us how.

Any excuse to slip or evade. Show yourself AUS, since the White Race has NO need of dead weight. No more time for your tarbaby games.

Alfred White -- Why don't you haul your arse over there, dig yourself a fox hole, and send us some pics, lady.

Reply: Nobody but LOW IQ proles has suggested anything but WITHDRAWING OUR FOLK from SA ... take your race war fantasies back to VNN. Any excuse to DESTROY Rather than create.

Volodyamyr -- I am more of a man than you know, but I also have relatives to look after. I can't do that from a prison cell or a grave, and I may very soon be forced to fight in my own land. I'd help if I can, but now I have threats galore where I am now.

Reply: So you intend to do NOTHING ... Got it. Sell it as Courage or what not but you intend to do NOTHING. With Nationalists such as you, it is hard to believe ZOG is winning. Bravely Name the Jew ... the rest of us will do the Coward Stuff like Helping OTHER WHITES. Any Excuse to Play Act while doing NOTHING.

Holly Dolly If this video doesn’t redpill and Jew-wake anyone who sees it within 20 mins, nothing will. Please spread this video and share it everywhere you can! It’s very powerful!

Reply: What does your STUPID useful fucking VIDEO do for South African Whites in those POOR CAMPS BITCH? Any excuse to be worthless to other whites.

Originally Posted by Phoenix1933 View Post
Lauren Southern is working on what looks to be a great, groundbreaking documentary on the plight of Afrikaners. She already put up some very good new videos on youtube.
Storm Tropper Mike -- How many black guys did she bang while she was there?

Reply: Any reason to be SPITEFUL PETTY AND VILE.
Source: Some Random #AltRight Thoughts Round 23 The Movement Hall of Shame - YouTube
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