View Full Version : Classify Egyptian actor Farouk El Fishawi

03-02-2018, 10:21 AM
http://photo.elcinema.com.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/_640x_e3129cfa30e73da30f7baa6f44e528733c85e3207e24 1bd71b595072647f7b26.jpg

03-02-2018, 12:33 PM

03-02-2018, 07:41 PM

03-03-2018, 01:08 AM
He doesn't look stereotypical Egyptian though. He seems really atypical. Some light-featured Egyptians like Hussein Fahmy are Circassians. Wouldn't be surprised if this man is also, at least, half southern European or North Caucasian.

http://photo.elcinema.com.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/_640x_e96002aa469ddc60a071e7800fa6e1ea52b5653a4761 2fa4927be14ae2e4737d.jpg

Maybe Atlanto-Med and Alpine?

03-03-2018, 01:10 AM
He may pass as a coastal Maghrebi. Lighter and more 'Euro-looking' than stereotypical Egyptians yeah. Partial Circassian or Euro ancestry is not out of the question.

03-03-2018, 01:11 AM
Alpine/Asiatic Alpine

03-03-2018, 07:45 PM
He doesn't look stereotypical Egyptian though. He seems really atypical. Some light-featured Egyptians like Hussein Fahmy are Circassians. Wouldn't be surprised if this man is also, at least, half southern European or North Caucasian.

I would doubt it, he is actually the lighter version of this guy, featurewise.


Maybe Atlanto-Med and Alpine?

Certainly not Atlanto-Med. His phenotype is close to South-Med.

03-03-2018, 07:47 PM
There is a Portuguese look in some photos.

03-04-2018, 02:36 AM
I would doubt it, he is actually the lighter version of this guy, featurewise.

He looks nothing like this guy to me. This man has big lips, protruding mouth, curly hair and a really broad nose. Btw, there are old "dark" British men that look like this guy you linked (i.e. Jonathan Ross), doesn't mean they are, or have relations to, egyptids. ;)

Certainly not Atlanto-Med. His phenotype is close to South-Med.
I would say East-Med instead though. As a south Med, he can pass as Kabyle (Algerian ethnic group).

03-04-2018, 03:21 AM
MENA modified by SSA

03-04-2018, 04:04 AM
MENA modified by SSA
If someone like him is "modified by SSA" then the Kardashians must be 50% black.

Pronounced brows, thin lips, high forehead....hardly SSA. Not to mention his light brown hair and naturally light skin (Egypt is hot, so he is tanned). Moreover, that nose is typical among certain Caucasoid groups.

Anyway, I would say he's a Taurid.

03-04-2018, 09:04 PM
He looks nothing like this guy to me. This man has big lips, protruding mouth, curly hair and a really broad nose.

I was not talking about facial similarity. The guy in the OP has a large head, a square, low face, retreating forehead, heavy browridges, deep nasion depression, and a short and wide nose with a concave profile, his features are similar to the guy I posted except for pigmentation.

Btw, there are old "dark" British men that look like this guy you linked (i.e. Jonathan Ross), doesn't mean they are, or have relations to, egyptids.

I don't know whether you are being serious or trolling, particularly, when in relation to the rest of the world, the "dark" Brits are 9 out of 10 times more than just passable as light.

I would say East-Med instead though.

Aegyptid was a sub-race of Lundman's East-Mediterranean race, and closely related to Saharid/South-Med.

II. Progressive Procopomorphic Types - All Extremely Long-Skulled.
a) East-Mediterranean Race: dark pigmented, with many subraces.
1. The Pontid (in southern Russia).
2. The Iranid: partly influenced by the Arabid race, with narrow rectangular face.
3. The North-Indid: very tall, heavily bearded, large nose, and a high frequency of blood type gene q.
4. The Gangid: small, very gracile, with thin, sparse beard, and a high frequency of blood type gene q.
5. The Nesid (in the South Seas).
6. The Saharid or South-Mediterranean (in North Africa): rather tall and gracile, with a low frequency of blood type gene q.
7. The Aegyptid: very closely related to the Saharid, but with a high frequency of blood type gene q.

01-13-2023, 02:00 AM
He was a handsome actor, one of the few attractive egyptian actors! Passed away in 2019 sadly, much too soon!

No wonder biased dumbasses like you are not around anymore! Egyptid!? :picard1:

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNWM3MGIwYTAtMzJmMS00OGE3LTliMjEtODhjYzhmZGQyYj A2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzI4MTk3MTY@._V1_.jpg

Looks somewhere between turkish and georgian! Taurid leaning towards dinaro med....nobody would fucking think egyptid if he was a cypriot or a turk! :bored:

01-13-2023, 02:22 AM
Looks like a Greek

01-13-2023, 02:37 AM
There is a Portuguese look in some photos.
^^^Even my alter ego thinks he looks Portuguese. Can pass as Greek but not as the most typical type. Still more greek looking than egyptian looking but some biased autistic creeps here don't get it....

01-13-2023, 02:45 AM
^^^Even my alter ego thinks he looks Portuguese. Can pass as Greek but not as the most typical type. Still more greek looking than egyptian looking but some biased autistic creeps here don't get it....

He does, he looks like an Egyptian guy I know. He married a half jewish half french girl.

Also looks like Richard Gere a bit.

01-14-2023, 01:02 AM
He does, he looks like an Egyptian guy I know. He married a half jewish half french girl.

Also looks like Richard Gere a bit.
Richard gere, but more so heath ledger. I have never seen an egyptian that looks like that, not unless if they're of foreign admixture like Hussein Fahmy...! This guy could be half armenian or has some circassian as there are egyptians of caucasus descent...His look is not a common egyptian look, let alone the hilarious 'egyptid' that one troll here imposed on him! Lets be real here. And i'm sure your egyptian guy is mixed or has levantine ancestry like omar sharif...

And if farouk is egyptid/egyptian looking, then adel emam must be ethiopian looking:

Jingle Bell
01-14-2023, 01:22 AM
East-Med + minor Alpine?
ENF genes stronk

01-14-2023, 01:27 AM
Egyptid + Armenid :)

01-14-2023, 01:34 AM
Richard gere, but more so heath ledger. I have never seen an egyptian that looks like that, not unless if they're of foreign admixture like Hussein Fahmy...! This guy could be half armenian or has some circassian as there are egyptians of caucasus descent...His look is not a common egyptian look, let alone the hilarious 'egyptid' that one troll here imposed on him! Lets be real here. And i'm sure your egyptian guy is mixed or has levantine ancestry like omar sharif...

And if farouk is egyptid/egyptian looking, then adel emam must be ethiopian looking:

Are you saying most Egyptians look like him?
I know a woman too and she looked like a non descript Med. You were kinda right about "my" guy, I repped you his last name and googled it and first example was a syrian footballer.

Look at the range below


01-14-2023, 09:01 PM
Looks Egyptian, a little like Omar Sharif imo.

01-14-2023, 10:52 PM
Are you saying most Egyptians look like him?
I know a woman too and she looked like a non descript Med. You were kinda right about "my" guy, I repped you his last name and googled it and first example was a syrian footballer.

Look at the range below

There you go, he was a syrian footballer. I said most Egyptians, REAL egyptians, look nothing like farouk. You can tell that he's an outlier with his looks...And that range is just an individual photo collection of soccer players. Again, one or two could be levantine.

Looks Egyptian, a little like Omar Sharif imo.
Omar is of Lebanese origin. Most "Egyptian" actors that have a somewhat western/med look are not even ethnic Egyptian! They're either circassian, armenian, lebanese and even southern european.

Pure ethnic egyptians like those below will rarely be the main characters in film, not unless if they're very gifted like adel emam...They're usually village comic reliefs or delivery boys in egyptian cinema:


Same reason why Mexican telenovelas mostly feature europeans as the main characters and mestizos as housemaids.

For those wondering, I'm a huge fan of egyptian cinema. Grew up watching their movies with my mother because she enjoyed world cinema.

01-14-2023, 11:34 PM
South med.

Looks Egyptian, a little like Omar Sharif imo.

I thought so too

01-15-2023, 12:47 AM
There you go, he was a syrian footballer. I said most Egyptians, REAL egyptians, look nothing like farouk. You can tell that he's an outlier with his looks...And that range is just an individual photo collection of soccer players. Again, one or two could be levantine.

Omar is of Lebanese origin. Most "Egyptian" actors that have a somewhat western/med look are not even ethnic Egyptian! They're either circassian, armenian, lebanese and even southern european.

Pure ethnic egyptians like those below will rarely be the main characters in film, not unless if they're very gifted like adel emam...They're usually village comic reliefs or delivery boys in egyptian cinema:


Same reason why Mexican telenovelas mostly feature europeans as the main characters and mestizos as housemaids.

For those wondering, I'm a huge fan of egyptian cinema. Grew up watching their movies with my mother because she enjoyed world cinema.

Hmm, I see.
The only Egyptian I know is a Copt. He looks very fair, by comparison to the "real Egyptian" above, and he's pretty adamant that he's Egyptian. Are Coptic Egyptians "authentic Egyptians"?
Isn't that Rami guy Egyptian? He played Freddie Mercury (Indian/Parsi).

01-15-2023, 01:01 AM
There you go, he was a syrian footballer.

Not him, the first google result with his last name was a Syrian footballer. This guy never said he was anything else other than Egyptian. I think you are darkwashing Egyptians a bit. The woman Egyptian I know wasnt like the people you posted either.

01-15-2023, 01:13 AM
Hmm, I see.
The only Egyptian I know is a Copt. He looks very fair, by comparison to the "real Egyptian" above, and he's pretty adamant that he's Egyptian. Are Coptic Egyptians "authentic Egyptians"?
Isn't that Rami guy Egyptian? He played Freddie Mercury (Indian/Parsi).
Rami Malek is a quarter greek. He looks his ethnic makeup.

Not him, the first google result with his last name was a Syrian footballer. This guy never said he was anything else other than Egyptian. I think you are darkwashing Egyptians a bit. The woman Egyptian I know wasnt like the people you posted either.
Where did I darkwash them? I just said what their actual ethnicity was, such as the lebanese omar sharif, the circassian hussein fahmy and Yousra apparently has an half English mother. There's also an armenian egyptian actress that I forgot her name. But in all honesty, these curly haired, chubby faced egyptians are more purer and common types in egypt.