View Full Version : Nikola Tesla in Albanian national coustume?

03-02-2018, 11:14 AM
there are theories of him being Albanian by origin

Vlatko Vukovic
03-02-2018, 11:15 AM
in short = bullshit

03-02-2018, 11:15 AM
This is ridiculous. First of all there is no proof that guy on that picture is Nikola Tesla, its just some myth that spread over internet.
Second Tesla was from Lika, and Serbian costumes from Lika dont look like that. Also this is not necessarily only Albanian cloths as Serbs from southern Serbia and Macedonia also wore it.

I wont even waste words on those theories..

03-02-2018, 11:19 AM
Op is albanian from montenegro going by his posts..dont bother.

03-02-2018, 11:22 AM
Op is albanian from montenegro going by his posts..dont bother.

nope, true Montenegrins like Albanians. We are very closely related people.

03-02-2018, 11:26 AM
nope, true Montenegrins like Albanians. We are very closely related people.

you are a troll, your first post in this forum was 'I dont have any data on Albanians from Montenegro, but in my opinion they are quite close to us Montenegrins in both cultural and genetic way.' ... the average montenegrin dislikes albanians just as much as serbs do...followed by separatist and this albanian Tesla thread.

03-02-2018, 11:29 AM
nope, true Montenegrins like Albanians. We are very closely related people.

Nikola Tesla was R1a-M458, which is Slavic marker https://www.eupedia.com/genetics/famous_y-dna_by_haplogroup.shtml#R1a-M458

03-02-2018, 11:32 AM
you are a troll, your first post in this forum was 'I dont have any data on Albanians from Montenegro, but in my opinion they are quite close to us Montenegrins in both cultural and genetic way.' ... the average montenegrin dislikes albanians just as much as serbs do.

what i said is true. We have many shared traditions and our tribes greatly mixed. Average Montenegrin is generally serbophile thats why they hate Albanians but some of us resist this.

03-02-2018, 11:45 AM
what i said is true. We have many shared traditions and our tribes greatly mixed. Average Montenegrin is generally serbophile thats why they hate Albanians but some of us resist this.

A montenegrin user already explained the tribes had marginal admixture, you joined to praise albanian-montenegrin relationship and troll serbians, Tesla was as albanian as Hitler was a jew.
This type of fringe theories are only made by people with an agenda.

03-02-2018, 11:58 AM

03-02-2018, 12:23 PM
nope, true Montenegrins like Albanians. We are very closely related people.
Stop pretending being Montenegrin, halfwit.

03-02-2018, 12:25 PM
Stop pretending being Montenegrin, halfwit.

He is from Kuči tribe.

03-02-2018, 12:29 PM
Stop pretending being Montenegrin, halfwit.

Ja se uopste ne pertvaram. Sve sto sam reko je istina, i ti je ne mozes promijeniti.

Vlatko Vukovic
03-02-2018, 12:36 PM
Ja se uopste ne pertvaram. Sve sto sam reko je istina, i ti je ne mozes promijeniti.

Istina je da je čovjek bio R1a-M458, što je ekstremna rijetkost za etničkog Albanca.

03-02-2018, 12:43 PM
Istina je da je čovjek bio R1a-M458, što je ekstremna rijetkost za etničkog Albanca.

Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.

03-02-2018, 12:45 PM
Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.

Nije tačno, Srbi iz Krajine autosomalno imaju više severne genetike od Srba i Srbije i od Crnogoraca.

03-02-2018, 12:46 PM
Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.

Go fuck youreself albo troll serbs from Krajina have nothing to do with albanians

03-02-2018, 12:47 PM
Ja se uopste ne pertvaram. Sve sto sam reko je istina, i ti je ne mozes promijeniti.
Are you not, Shqip? Whom do you have assisting you with translation? Or are you one of the few living in Montenegro?
Tesla nije bio Albanac, što mu potvrđuje haplogrupa, niti jedno jedino crnogorsko pleme, sem dijela Pipera, ima ikakve genetske veze po muškoj liniji sa njima.
I "pravi Crnogorci" nisu maloumnici poput Ćosovića, Šiptaru.

03-02-2018, 12:51 PM
Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.
Srbi Krajine su naseljeni mahom iz Hercegovine i sjeverozapadne Crne Gore, a "vlah" je u zapadnobalkanskom kontekstu termin koji označava zanimanje (stočarstvo), a ne narod.

Vlatko Vukovic
03-02-2018, 12:59 PM
Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.

Prezime u nekim slučajevima ne znači ništa. Recimo Tesla je Vlaško prezime, ali vrlo je vjerovatno da čovjek nema veze sa njima.

03-02-2018, 01:03 PM
Prezime u nekim slučajevima ne znači ništa. Recimo Tesla je Vlaško prezime, ali vrlo je vjerovatno da čovjek nema veze sa njima.

Izvorno prezime Teslinih predaka je bilo Draganić.
Prezime Tesla je nastalo zato što je jedan njegov predak imao krive (teslaste) zube kao alatka tesla.
Tesla je govorio o tome da su se nekad prezivali Draganić.
U Raduč u Lici su došli oko 1690 iz severne Dalmacije pod prezimenom Teslić.
U Dalmaciju su došli vrv u 16-om veku po jednoj verziji sa Kupresa, a po drugoj iz Hercegovina a u Hercegovinu iz Raške.

03-02-2018, 01:04 PM
Are you not, Shqip? Whom do you have assisting you with translation? Or are you one of the few living in Montenegro?
Tesla nije bio Albanac, što mu potvrđuje haplogrupa, niti jedno jedino crnogorsko pleme, sem dijela Pipera, ima ikakve genetske veze po muškoj liniji sa njima.
I "pravi Crnogorci" nisu maloumnici poput Ćosovića, Šiptaru.

Nije to samo po genetici no i po tradiciji,obicaju i cojstvu. Ako nijesi znao Malezori su veoma postovani medju Crnogorcima i mi smo uvijek imali dobre odnose sa njima.
Pravi Crnogorci nijesu posrbice ko ti.

03-02-2018, 01:04 PM
This is ridiculous. First of all there is no proof that guy on that picture is Nikola Tesla, its just some myth that spread over internet.
Second Tesla was from Lika, and Serbian costumes from Lika dont look like that. Also this is not necessarily only Albanian cloths as Serbs from southern Serbia and Macedonia also wore it.

I wont even waste words on those theories..

Serbs from Southern Serbia have alot of Albanian Y-DNA. After all, Kelmendi tribes pillaged and settled southern Serbia in the 13-1400s. Most of them are ethnically Serbian today. Of course this doesnt necessarily mean that it explains the pants. After all, the Mijaks with exception of their hat dress like Albanians, their Teshkoto is a textbook folk dance of Albanian tribes in Diber(Albanian and Macedonian side). It could also just be shared culture and tradition passed via border regions.

03-02-2018, 01:08 PM
Serbs from Southern Serbia have alot of Albanian Y-DNA. After all, Kelmendi tribes pillaged and settled southern Serbia in the 13-1400s. Most of them are ethnically Serbian today. Of course this doesnt necessarily mean that it explains the pants. After all, the Mijaks with exception of their hat dress like Albanians, their Teshkoto is a textbook folk dance of Albanian tribes in Diber(Albanian and Macedonian side). It could also just be shared culture and tradition passed via border regions.

and yet you have serb ydna:thumb001:

03-02-2018, 01:10 PM
and yet you have serb ydna:thumb001:

Dibran have Serbian origin by male line - R1a-M458.

03-02-2018, 01:10 PM
and yet you have serb ydna:thumb001:
No, he belongs to his own cluster within L1029*

03-02-2018, 01:15 PM
Serbs from Southern Serbia have alot of Albanian Y-DNA. After all, Kelmendi tribes pillaged and settled southern Serbia in the 13-1400s. Most of them are ethnically Serbian today. Of course this doesnt necessarily mean that it explains the pants. After all, the Mijaks with exception of their hat dress like Albanians, their Teshkoto is a textbook folk dance of Albanian tribes in Diber(Albanian and Macedonian side). It could also just be shared culture and tradition passed via border regions.

Well actually similar pants like these can be found across many Slavic highlander peoples. For example here are Polish highlanders.
And Kelmendi surely couldn't have pillaged anything before 16th century.

03-02-2018, 01:16 PM
and yet you have serb ydna:thumb001:

Nope. Nice try though. Considering its more dominant in Bulgarians, Macedonians and Northern Greeks, the earliest ancestor was most probably one of these. I also represent my own founder effect within L1029* and share none of the SNPs associated with the migrations. My relation to any other L1029 is 2300ypb. Serbs also have a preponderance of I2-Din and Z280. Retard.

03-02-2018, 01:29 PM
Well actually similar pants like these can be found across many Slavic highlander peoples. For example here are Polish highlanders.
And Kelmendi surely couldn't have pillaged anything before 16th century.

Whilst they are mildly similar(after all cultures share), you can clearly make a distinction. I have seen some more Serb dress similar to the pants in the second photo. The first is completely representative to the detail, in Albanian Highlander dress. Obviously not the hats. There is a book that mentions them settling in the 1400s. It is called the tribes of Albania(edith durham) and uses some ottoman statistics from later settlements etc. Mentions the Kelmend had a huge settlement in Southern Serbia, and that within time eventually there were only 5 houses left speaking Albanian.

03-02-2018, 01:35 PM
Nije to samo po genetici no i po tradiciji,obicaju i cojstvu. Ako nijesi znao Malezori su veoma postovani medju Crnogorcima i mi smo uvijek imali dobre odnose sa njima.
Pravi Crnogorci nijesu posrbice ko ti.Nije da "nije samo" po genetici, nego nije uopšte, vlahbanologu Ćosovićev.
Kakvo crno čojstvo i poštovanje? Ti isti Malisori su sačinjavali glavninu vojske svakog skadarskog paše koji je ikada krenuo na Crnu Goru. Samo pitaj Vasojeviće o njima, i saznaćeš dovoljno.

Što se tiče izjašnjavanja, poštujem i one koji se izjasne kao Srbi i one koji se izjasne kao Crnogorci, pod određenim uslovima.
One koje prezirem, međutim, su oni koji se izjašnjavaju kao Crnogorci, a bratime se sa Šiptarima, i oni koji se izjašnjavaju kao Srbi, a za svoju domovinu smatraju Srbiju, a ne Crnu Goru.

Posebno ste mi mrski vi cikote koji LARPate kao najbolji Crnogorci, a sami ste potomci najvećih nikogovića (s tim da si ti Šiptar).

03-02-2018, 01:40 PM
These pants are common in Ghegnia, but were also used in Southern parts of Serbia and Hercegovina so the picture does not tell much, if anything.

03-02-2018, 01:41 PM
i oni koji se izjašnjavaju kao Srbi, a za svoju domovinu smatraju Srbiju, a ne Crnu Goru.

Тешко је веома за Србе из Црне Горе да сматрају ову садашњу милову Црну Гору за отаџбину. Да је ово она стара Црна Гора имао би право, ал овако сасвим је логично да ће им блискија бити Србија.

03-02-2018, 01:43 PM

03-02-2018, 01:44 PM
These pants are common in Ghegnia, but were also used in Southern parts of Serbia and Hercegovina so the picture does not tell much, if anything.
They are similar to our Tirq but they have different stripes. These pants are common all over Albania even in the south.

03-02-2018, 01:45 PM
They are similar to our Tirq but they have different stripes. These pants are common all over Albania even in the south.

03-02-2018, 01:53 PM
Тешко је веома за Србе из Црне Горе да сматрају ову садашњу милову Црну Гору за отаџбину. Да је ово она стара Црна Гора имао би право, ал овако сасвим је логично да ће им блискија бити Србија.Današnja Srbija nije ni po čemu bolja od "Milogore", niti je ijedan Crnogorac može smatrati za svoju domovinu, kada jedva da iko ima predaka koji su makar i kročili na njenu teritoriju.

03-02-2018, 02:00 PM
Današnja Srbija nije ni po čemu bolja od "Milogore", niti je ijedan Crnogorac može smatrati za svoju domovinu, kada jedva da iko ima predaka koji su makar i kročili na njenu teritoriju.

Данашња Србија је у лошем стању у сваком смилсу али је овде српство израженије него у Црној Гори где влада покушава да га истреби. Можда нису имали претке са њене територије али су свакако су имали претке који су сањали о ујдињењу свих Срба у једну државу.

03-02-2018, 02:11 PM
Данашња Србија је у лошем стању у сваком смилсу али је овде српство израженије него у Црној Гори где влада покушава да га истреби. Можда нису имали претке са њене територије али су свакако су имали претке који су сањали о ујдињењу свих Срба у једну државу.I šta ako je srpstvo samo po sebi izraženije? Kakvu vrijednost nacionalno izjašnjavanje uopšte ima samo po sebi?
Stari Crnogorci nisu imali svijest o vestfalskom modelu nacije-države, niti su sanjali o svesrpskom ujedinjenju po horizontalnoj osnovi, tj. po nacionalnoj pripadnosti. Njihovo društvo je bilo striktno uređeno po tradicionalnoj, vertikalnoj osnovi koja se temeljila na djelima i zaslugama kao jakoj podlozi, a ne na jednostavnoj nacionalnoj pripadnosti.

Ta ideja o jedinstvenoj državi koju pominješ nije postojala među Crnogorcima prije kraja 19. vijeka, i tipičan je odraz nacional-romantističkih tendencija kojih je tada bilo svugdje.

03-02-2018, 02:16 PM
Nikola Tesla

The Man posted by the OP is not Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was darker and had sharper more elegant features.

This man looks like a Peasant

03-02-2018, 02:36 PM
Nikola Tesla

The Man posted by the OP is not Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was darker and had sharper more elegant features.

This man looks like a Peasant
It is the same person. The first one is the younger version.

03-02-2018, 02:39 PM
It is the same person. The first one is the younger version.

I have googled all sorts of pictures with Tesla also where he was younger.

I none he looks like that guy

I don't have acess to upload them all
but here https://www.google.de/search?q=Nikola+Tesla&rls=com.microsoft:de&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKnfjG_c3ZAhXQzaQKHaI5Cy0Q_AUICigB&biw=1034&bih=556

Nikola Tesla was born an ethnic Serb (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbs) in the village Smiljan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiljan), Lika (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lika) county, in the Austrian Empire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian_Empire) (present day Croatia), on 10 July [O.S. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Style_and_New_Style_dates) 28 June] 1856.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#cite_note-FOOTNOTECheneyUthGlenn1999143-13)[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#cite_note-FOOTNOTEO'Neill20079,_12-14) His father, Milutin Tesla (1819–1879),[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#cite_note-FOOTNOTECarlson201314-15) was an Eastern Orthodox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Orthodox_Church) priest.
Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić; 1822–1892), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,[20] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#cite_note-FOOTNOTEO'Neill194410-20)had a talent for making home craft tools and mechanical appliances and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_epic_poetry).

Young Tesla 1879

Tesla in 1884

03-02-2018, 02:50 PM
His autosomal dna would solve all this questionings...and we can have it, if there is will to do that.

03-02-2018, 02:55 PM
I šta ako je srpstvo samo po sebi izraženije? Kakvu vrijednost nacionalno izjašnjavanje uopšte ima samo po sebi?
Stari Crnogorci nisu imali svijest o vestfalskom modelu nacije-države, niti su sanjali o svesrpskom ujedinjenju po horizontalnoj osnovi, tj. po nacionalnoj pripadnosti. Njihovo društvo je bilo striktno uređeno po tradicionalnoj, vertikalnoj osnovi koja se temeljila na djelima i zaslugama kao jakoj podlozi, a ne na jednostavnoj nacionalnoj pripadnosti.

Ta ideja o jedinstvenoj državi koju pominješ nije postojala među Crnogorcima prije kraja 19. vijeka, i tipičan je odraz nacional-romantističkih tendencija kojih je tada bilo svugdje.

Па човече логично да неко ко се осећа Србином неће моћи да воли земљу где се његов народ,историја и језик негира. Идеје о националним држава се и појављују тек у 19.веку, а ако читаш дела Црногорских владара или старе примерке Црногорских новина из тог периода видећеш да они јесу желели слободу за сав српски род. По мени је глупо дељење међу Србима на Црногорце,Шумадинце,Војвођане... Али оно што је најгоре јесте негирање својих српских корена као што случај са великим делом данашњих Црногораца.

03-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Original death mask of Nikola Tesla still contains his DNA

''Frederick Moynihan - so called a sculptor - did, at that time, be a real feat. Through the whole head he waxed, took the imprint, and in the impregnated plaster he blew the dead body of Nikola Tesla, according to the ancient burial customs, whose meaning was tied to the return of soul to the body, like those in ancient Egypt, Asia and the civilization of Inca. Did the sculptor knowingly or unconsciously was somewhat obscured, did he shake his hand, we will never know, but when processing the deceased's face with wax (paraffin will only be used later) he picked up brownies and hair, even tissues, and made an amazing the service of science of the 21st century by giving it an invaluable gift: Tesla's DNA.

True, in the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, where the entire legacy of scientist has been preserved today, five casts of the same masks have long been heard, but for the original decades there was no trace. And he has, together with a certificate that proves the authenticity and gift of the former owner, had been at his fingertips for more than a decade in the seaside in Zagreb. The exact location of the hood is known only to its owners, the two Croatians who shared their story of long hidden treasures for the first time with our readers, subject to anonymity. It does this on the occasion of his decision to hand over the mask to the City of Zagreb, with the wish that this most important artefact of Tesla's legacy - and the only one that is not in the state, but privately owned - remains in the homeland of the genius.

Experts were trained by two women: art historian Zorica Civrić and then director and curator of the museum, Marija Šešić. For this work they did not need to be particularly motivated, professional curiosity did theirs. For a number of years, both knew that the mask existed, but until that moment they did not know where to find it: it was in their hands. For expert testimony, which unquestionably proved to be the original work of the American sculptor, they only needed two days of work when they both put their signature on the certificate. Director Shešić, the most respected curator since the foundation of the museum, during which UNESCO put Tesla's archives into a protected world heritage, was soon abandoned, so we have contacted her husband, Dr. Velimir Abramovic, who was happy to recall that fascinating discoveries.

Director Sesic, the most valuable curator of the museum's foundation, during which UNESCO's mandate included Tesla's archive in a protected world heritage, soon, unfortunately, died, so we have contacted her husband, Velimir Abramovic, who is fond of remembering this fascinating discovery. This Belgrade retired professor, one of the world's best known acquaintances of Tesla's legacy, admits that he himself, like his wife, searched for at least 30 years for the post mortem location, while his wife did not believe that two Croatians turned to her for expert witnessing. "It quickly became clear that it was an original whose value is unreliable. Namely, at the Belgrade Museum of the 1950s, there were five outflows, which, like the original, were made by an American sculptor, but the prints are, however, incomparably less valuable. In addition, over time, two castings disappeared from the museum: one passed through all the laws in Ukraine and the other was stolen, so the museum now has only three castings. But, unlike 'copies', the first mask is much more detailed because it has collected all biological material from the late Tesla's head, "says prof. Abramovic, explaining how this fact allows pure fantasy: isolating DNA and determining genotypes at the level of the entire genome.

Science would thus be able to perceive the entire picture of all Tesla's beings' inheritance data. By analyzing the genes, one could draw a conclusion about, say, his creativity and compare it to the databases in which there are already hundreds of thousands of samples and to scientifically determine what this actually makes of a genius. Well, if you want, SF dimensions are also possible to open the door one day and possible cloning of Nikola Tesla, "says prof. Abramovic. In order to treat the Tesla's genome, it meant a scientific sensation on a global scale, the Zagreb-based owner of the posthumous mask soon realized. Therefore, after consulting with the Belgrade professor, he came to the door of two Croatian scientists and informed them of the existence of the mask.

Both of us, we find, have shown a strong interest in the implementation of DNA analysis, however, none of the two institutions have the technology to record and take biological residues from a plaster mask, for which reason the expertise has been postponed - until further notice. And the time at this moment is not working for Tesla. Namely, for 72 years, since it was made, the mask was stored in inadequate conditions.

If Zagreb likewise begs its legacy in this way, it is all the chance that a deadly mask will travel across the ocean and that some US scientist will study Tesla's DNA in the near future. Despite the fact that it belongs here, somebody else will find the answer to the paradigm of man who is still too far ahead and above scientific methods today. And without us, who almost share the same genes, unlock the way for a new world.

03-02-2018, 03:11 PM
Ja nidje ne rekoh da je on bio stvatno Albanac vec da postoje teorije. Srbi sa tih podrucja krajine su mahom mijesani i asimilirani Vlasi i Albanci koji su bijezali od Turaka. Imas mnogo srpskih prezimena tipa naprimjer Kangrge koja ocigledno imaju albansko porijeklo.

Znači on nije znao da je Albanac, nikad ništa o Albancima nije pisao, ali je imao albansko poreklo, pa je zato nosio "albansku" nošnju jer su ga geni vukli?
To je ta logika?

03-02-2018, 03:13 PM
His autosomal dna would solve all this questionings...and we can have it, if there is will to do that.
There is no mystery to solve, you just hope he is croatian as he the greatest personality in the balkans by far... by your logic we should test all croatian personalities because you may never know but unlike them Tesla is worth as all of them combined.

03-02-2018, 03:25 PM
There is no mystery to solve, you just hope he is croatian as he the greatest personality in the balkans by far... by your logic we should test all croatian personalities because you may never know but unlike them Tesla is worth as all of them combined.

Nice try pathetic worm. Idiot, he won't be tested to determine his ethnicity (even though it will certanly settle the case), but to try to dicover special genes for intelligence his genome certanly posess.

Whose sockpuppet are you, Deymark's ?

Serb Tesla was greatest Croatian scientist. We love him.

03-02-2018, 03:28 PM
His autosomal dna would solve all this questionings...and we can have it, if there is will to do that.

If his autosomal DNA is closest to Croats, then he would still be an ethnic Serb and not an ethnic Croat. Serb and Croat are primarily cultural identities not genetic ones.

03-02-2018, 03:29 PM
Serbs from Southern Serbia have alot of Albanian Y-DNA. After all, Kelmendi tribes pillaged and settled southern Serbia in the 13-1400s. Most of them are ethnically Serbian today. Of course this doesnt necessarily mean that it explains the pants. After all, the Mijaks with exception of their hat dress like Albanians, their Teshkoto is a textbook folk dance of Albanian tribes in Diber(Albanian and Macedonian side). It could also just be shared culture and tradition passed via border regions.

How you know?
There is some results for Kopaonik region:

I hg 41.1%
R1a hg 21.1%
E1b hg 15.2%
G2 hg 10.5%
J hg 9.5%

Its not look like "a lot Albanian".

03-02-2018, 03:31 PM
If his autosomal DNA is closest to Croats, then he would still be an ethnic Serb and not an ethnic Croat. Serb and Croat are primarily cultural identities not genetic ones.

why do you try to imply what I haven't said ? It will determine was he pred. Slavic or Vlach, for a start.

03-02-2018, 03:32 PM
Even Skenderbeu is Serbian.

03-02-2018, 03:33 PM
Nice try pathetic worm. Idiot, he won't be tested to determine his ethnicity (even though it will certanly settle the case), but to try to dicover special genes for intelligence his genome certanly posess.

Whose sockpuppet are you, Deymark's ?

Serb Tesla was greatest Croatian scientist. We love him.

why do you try to imply what I haven't said ? It will determine was he pred. Slavic or Vlach, for a start.

because we all know that in many cases what you say is not what you think.

03-02-2018, 03:34 PM
because we all know that in many cases what you say is not what you think.

America never produced scientist that can match Tesla , you only tried to steal his patents and awards trough sneaky Edison.

Live with it.

03-02-2018, 03:35 PM
America never produced scientist that can match Tesla , you only tried to steal his patents and awards trough sneaky Edison.

Live with it.

I agree.

03-02-2018, 03:37 PM
Serb Tesla was greatest Croatian scientist.

i got eye cancer form reading that.
He is as much as "Croatian scientist" as Momčilo Đujić iz Croatian war leader.

03-02-2018, 03:39 PM
i got eye cancer form reading that.
He is as much as "Croatian scientist" as Momčilo Đujić iz Croatian war leader.

Laughable lies. Tesla loved Croatia and his leagcy belongs to it (even though Serbs have right to it trough ethnic origin)

He is as Croatian hero as Napoleon Bonaparte is French hero, or Franz Liszt Hungarian hero.

03-02-2018, 03:40 PM
i got eye cancer form reading that.
He is as much as "Croatian scientist" as Momčilo Đujić iz Croatian war leader.

He was born in Croatia thats what she means. God... when will these argumentations stop already?

It doesnt even matter since Croats and Serbs are just seperated by religion.

03-02-2018, 03:44 PM
He was born in Croatia thats what she means. God... when will these argumentations stop already?

It doesnt even matter since Croats and Serbs are just seperated by religion.

Not true....

But Tesla is something that connects the two in this case. Like Ivo Andrić, Croat by blood, born in Bosnia and made his best literature in Serbia (on ekavian).

03-02-2018, 03:49 PM
He was born in Croatia thats what she means. God... when will these argumentations stop already?

It doesnt even matter since Croats and Serbs are just seperated by religion.

He was born in Austro-Hungary in administrative of Military frontier(aka Krajina).

03-02-2018, 03:51 PM
He was born in Austro-Hungary.

No, he was not, he was born before Austro-Hungary was created.

03-02-2018, 03:52 PM
No, he was not, he was born before Austro-Hungary was created.

Austrian empire then

03-02-2018, 03:55 PM
Austrian empire then

In Croatian military frontier, which was crown land of the Austrian Empire.

''The Croatian Military Frontier (Croatian: Hrvatska vojna krajina or Hrvatska vojna granica) was a district of the Military Frontier, a territory in the Habsburg Monarchy, first during the period of the Austrian Empire and then during Austria-Hungary.''

In 1783 it was placed under the unified control of the Croatian General Command headquartered in Zagreb. The Military Frontier was demilitarized on 8 August 1873. Croatian Military Frontier existed until 15 July 1881, when it was abolished and incorporated into the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Military_Frontier

03-02-2018, 03:59 PM
In Croatian military frontier, which was crown land of the Austrian Empire.

''The Croatian Military Frontier (Croatian: Hrvatska vojna krajina or Hrvatska vojna granica) was a district of the Military Frontier, a territory in the Habsburg Monarchy, first during the period of the Austrian Empire and then during Austria-Hungary.''

In 1783 it was placed under the unified control of the Croatian General Command headquartered in Zagreb. The Military Frontier was demilitarized on 8 August 1873. Croatian Military Frontier existed until 15 July 1881, when it was abolished and incorporated into the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_Military_Frontier

It was know just as Military frontier(Vojna Krajina/Militärgrenze) no one called it Croatian Military frontier, simply look at maps from that time...

03-02-2018, 04:01 PM
It was know just as Military frontier(Vojna Krajina/Militärgrenze) no one called it Croatian Military frontier, simply look at maps from that time...

So ? It was leagal part of Croatian Kingdom that was put under direct Imperial control for defense puroses and later reunited with civil Croatia.

It developed very different culture though and it can still be felt today.

brennus dux gallorum
03-02-2018, 04:01 PM
there are theories of him being Albanian by origin

9 out of 10 national costumes in Europe and Asia are consisted of a bollero and shirt, I don't think that Albanians have their copyrights

03-02-2018, 04:07 PM
So ? It was leagal part of Croatian Kingdom that was put under direct Imperial control for defense puroses and later reunited with civil Croatia.

It developed very different culture though and it can still be felt today.

It was not part of this "Croatian" "kingdom", it was its own administrative unit. It later became part of "Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia", and that "kingdom" was only Croatian in name.

03-02-2018, 04:15 PM
It was not part of this "Croatian" "kingdom", it was its own administrative unit. It later became part of "Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia", and that "kingdom" was only Croatian in name.

LOL, it was ten times more Kingdom than was Ottoman pashaluk of Serbia.

And we don't try to put you don't with mentioning that. Have some respect.

03-02-2018, 04:23 PM
LOL, it was ten times more Kingdom than was Ottoman pashaluk of Serbia.

And we don't try to put you don't with mentioning that. Have some respect.

Wait you mean that you had more self management than Principality of Serbia?

wow well this one of the most supid things i have read from Croats.
Did "your" "Kingdom" have its own constitution? Its own Dynasty? Its own army? Ability to make its own decisions?
Nope, you were just nice little loyal konjušari.

03-02-2018, 04:26 PM
It was know just as Military frontier(Vojna Krajina/Militärgrenze) no one called it Croatian Military frontier, simply look at maps from that time...

There was a Croatian Military Frontier, it’s not a new name. There was also a Kingdom of Croatia, with its own parliament, ban, flag, coat of arms... No alternative history which you keep deceiving yourself with to feel better about yourself is going to change that :lol:

03-02-2018, 04:30 PM
Wait you mean that you had more self management than Principality of Serbia?

wow well this one of the most supid things i have read from Croats.
Did "your" "Kingdom" have its own constitution? Its own Dynasty? Its own army? Ability to make its own decisions?
Nope, you were just nice little loyal konjušari.

OK. Croatia was Hungarian and Austrian land and part of Europe. Serbia was Turkish land and part of Asia.


03-02-2018, 04:38 PM
9 out of 10 national costumes in Europe and Asia are consisted of a bollero and shirt, I don't think that Albanians have their copyrights
It's not that which has been causing the debate(not really a debate since Telsa is proven Slav) but whats causing it is the trousers which resemble the Albanian Tirq although they are different as Albanians use different stripes

03-02-2018, 06:29 PM
Laughable lies. Tesla loved Croatia and his leagcy belongs to it (even though Serbs have right to it trough ethnic origin)

He is as Croatian hero as Napoleon Bonaparte is French hero, or Franz Liszt Hungarian hero.

Despite the fact that your kin massacred almost an entirety of his extended family during NDH regime, and what was left of it banished during 90's?

03-02-2018, 06:43 PM
Па човече логично да неко ко се осећа Србином неће моћи да воли земљу где се његов народ,историја и језик негира. Идеје о националним држава се и појављују тек у 19.веку, а ако читаш дела Црногорских владара или старе примерке Црногорских новина из тог периода видећеш да они јесу желели слободу за сав српски род. По мени је глупо дељење међу Србима на Црногорце,Шумадинце,Војвођане... Али оно што је најгоре јесте негирање својих српских корена као што случај са великим делом данашњих Црногораца.Vidim da i ti, kao i ostali izvanjci, živiš u paralelnoj stvarnosti u kojoj Crnogorce koji se izjašnjavaju Srbima bezmalo bacaju lavovima.
Niko im ne negira istoriju, to što im se mišljenja razilaze na temu posebnosti Crnogoraca kao naroda ne znači "negiranje istorije". Čak šta više, istoričari zvanične CANU nas i dalje smatraju dijelom srpskog naroda.

Davnašnjim Crnogorcima je, ponavljam, koncept nacije-države i jedinstva po horizontalnoj osnovi bio potpuno stran.
Uzgred, Crnu Goru, koja je od davnina imala svoju zasebnu državu, vladarske dinastije, i jednu veliku posebnost u vidu plemenskog sistema, jednostavno ne možeš uporediti sa Šumadijom i proglasiti je ni po čemu posebnom srpskom pokrajinom. Upravo to se zove nipodaštavanje istorije, da ne pominjem koliko se Crna Gora žrtvovala kroz istoriju samo da bi Crnogorcima na kraju bivši čifčije nabijali na glavu termine poput navodnog izdajništva, "kompleksa nadsrpstva", i, na kraju, "montenegrinstva".

03-02-2018, 06:52 PM
Despite the fact that your kin massacred almost an entirety of his extended family during NDH regime, and what was left of it banished during 90's?

Really ? My ''kin'' :picard2:

NDH massacred tousands of Croats too, so what ?

Holocaust don't make Einstein less German scientist, or Freud Austrian.

03-02-2018, 08:41 PM
Can new members please stop posting the same shit 1000 times ??

We've seen this thread atleast 5 times since i've been here...

03-02-2018, 09:25 PM
Really ? My ''kin'' :picard2:

NDH massacred tousands of Croats too, so what ?

Holocaust don't make Einstein less German scientist, or Freud Austrian.
Spare me your relativism, being born on a certain soil (in a time when Croats serfed away for the Krauts) which happens to be a part of modern-day Croatia means exactly nothing.

03-02-2018, 09:27 PM
Spare me your relativism, being born on a certain soil (in a time when Croats serfed away for the Krauts) which happens to be a part of modern-day Croatia means exactly nothing.

Croats are not Slovenes, thank you very much.

It would be irrelevant if he didn't care about it, but he did and expressed it several times during his life.

Btw, to me ancestry means little. I support French concept of nation.

03-03-2018, 12:06 AM
nope, true Montenegrins like Albanians. We are very closely related people.


03-03-2018, 03:12 AM
Serbs from Southern Serbia have alot of Albanian Y-DNA. After all, Kelmendi tribes pillaged and settled southern Serbia.

and yet you have serb ydna:thumb001:

Dibran have Serbian origin by male line - R1a-M458.


03-03-2018, 03:59 PM
Vidim da i ti, kao i ostali izvanjci, živiš u paralelnoj stvarnosti u kojoj Crnogorce koji se izjašnjavaju Srbima bezmalo bacaju lavovima.
Niko im ne negira istoriju, to što im se mišljenja razilaze na temu posebnosti Crnogoraca kao naroda ne znači "negiranje istorije". Čak šta više, istoričari zvanične CANU nas i dalje smatraju dijelom srpskog naroda.

Davnašnjim Crnogorcima je, ponavljam, koncept nacije-države i jedinstva po horizontalnoj osnovi bio potpuno stran.
Uzgred, Crnu Goru, koja je od davnina imala svoju zasebnu državu, vladarske dinastije, i jednu veliku posebnost u vidu plemenskog sistema, jednostavno ne možeš uporediti sa Šumadijom i proglasiti je ni po čemu posebnom srpskom pokrajinom. Upravo to se zove nipodaštavanje istorije, da ne pominjem koliko se Crna Gora žrtvovala kroz istoriju samo da bi Crnogorcima na kraju bivši čifčije nabijali na glavu termine poput navodnog izdajništva, "kompleksa nadsrpstva", i, na kraju, "montenegrinstva".

A šta je Šumadija, odakle je njeno stanovništvo većinski poreklom?

03-03-2018, 04:03 PM
Brand new facts that

Isaac Newton

Albert Einstein

Sylvester Stallone (Only when he is starring in Rambo tho)

Neil Armstrong

And the cavemen that invented the wheel

were all Albanians. WOW

03-03-2018, 04:11 PM
Brand new facts that

Isaac Newton

Albert Einstein

Sylvester Stallone (Only when he is starring in Rambo tho)

Neil Armstrong

And the cavemen that invented the wheel

were all Albanians. WOW

Sylvestor Stallone yes

He said once he has some ancestry form Arbereshe "Albanian Italians"

All the others no.

But honestly why do people even respond further to this thread and bump it:?