View Full Version : Classify him

03-03-2018, 08:52 PM
192cm 86kg
Light green eyes


03-03-2018, 08:54 PM

03-03-2018, 08:56 PM

03-03-2018, 09:07 PM
looks turkish to me, bro. (mainly because I have seen so many turks lately lel)
I would say anything mediteranian would pass though.
Well, on second thought, I would say somewhere along the lines of:
ATLANTO-MEDITERRANID (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTO-MEDITERRANID):
Tall, straight-nosed and strongly dolichocephalic (narrow head) Mediterranid type, the living equivalent of the skeletal Megalithic type (in the typology of Coon). It is markedly taller and more robust than the Gracile-Mediterranean type, by which it is outnumbered, and with which it is often mixed. The Atlanto-Mediterranid type is an important population element in the Iberian peninsula (prevailing in Catalonia and Valencia), in Italy, and northward along the western European coast, reaching the British Isles in mixed form (cf. North-Atlantid). Coon subsumed all tall-statured Mediterranids (including Pontid) in the Atlanto-Mediterranid category.

DINARID (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARID)
Central and southeastern Europid, named with reference to the Dinaric Alps. The Dinarid is considered a Taurid, being a product of the dinaricization of an ancestral population of uncertain affiliation (a Borreby-like Cro-Magnoid type has been suggested). Dinarids are typically brachycephalic and planoccipital, long-faced and long- and convex-nosed, and intermediate to dark in pigmentation. They are most common in the Balkans, especially in the region of former Yugoslavia, and a Dinarid "belt" extends from France through southern Germany, the Alps and northern Italy, terminating in the western shoreline populations of the Black Sea. Cf. Norid.

I hope I could help you out bro :thumb001:

03-03-2018, 09:20 PM
looks turkish to me, bro. (mainly because I have seen so many turks lately lel)
I would say anything mediteranian would pass though.
Well, on second thought, I would say somewhere along the lines of:
ATLANTO-MEDITERRANID (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTO-MEDITERRANID):
Tall, straight-nosed and strongly dolichocephalic (narrow head) Mediterranid type, the living equivalent of the skeletal Megalithic type (in the typology of Coon). It is markedly taller and more robust than the Gracile-Mediterranean type, by which it is outnumbered, and with which it is often mixed. The Atlanto-Mediterranid type is an important population element in the Iberian peninsula (prevailing in Catalonia and Valencia), in Italy, and northward along the western European coast, reaching the British Isles in mixed form (cf. North-Atlantid). Coon subsumed all tall-statured Mediterranids (including Pontid) in the Atlanto-Mediterranid category.

DINARID (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARID)
Central and southeastern Europid, named with reference to the Dinaric Alps. The Dinarid is considered a Taurid, being a product of the dinaricization of an ancestral population of uncertain affiliation (a Borreby-like Cro-Magnoid type has been suggested). Dinarids are typically brachycephalic and planoccipital, long-faced and long- and convex-nosed, and intermediate to dark in pigmentation. They are most common in the Balkans, especially in the region of former Yugoslavia, and a Dinarid "belt" extends from France through southern Germany, the Alps and northern Italy, terminating in the western shoreline populations of the Black Sea. Cf. Norid.

I hope I could help you out bro :thumb001:

Thank you mate you really helped me out! So accurate