View Full Version : Classify me,pls.

02-09-2011, 12:26 PM
Hello ppl of Apricity! I would like of you to classify me..I know the pictures are not of best quality,but those are the best I could find!
I am interested in detailed description of my subrace,so if you have the will and knowledge...pls help! :D Thx!

Some basic info that could help.
I'm 20yrs old.
I'm 182-185cm tall.
My weight is around 90kg.
Mother and father classified as mostly Alpinids with CM,altough I resemble more to my aunt (mother's sister) than my parents.

P.S. - The subracial info in my profile was made by Agrippa himself,so...I just want to hear the classification from other ppl.

02-09-2011, 12:28 PM
Agrippa is always right at classification (at least this is my opinion):p Cromagnoid influences by the forehead, Nordid features on nose, facial angles. Though I'm having a doubt with your eye shape (which would probably got the Alpinid shape, since you also said your mother was classified as so)...but well mostly you're that. :)

02-09-2011, 12:40 PM
Though I'm having a doubt with your eye shape...but well mostly you're that. :)

What about my eyes? xD I mean,I know they're small...lol.

The Journeyman
02-09-2011, 12:41 PM
Noric with Cromagnoid (robust) elements.

02-09-2011, 12:46 PM
What about my eyes? xD I mean,I know they're small...lol.

No hahaha! There's no ''problem'' with your eyes! Just that make me doubt with the Alpinid influence!

02-09-2011, 12:47 PM
Noric with Cromagnid (robust) elements.

Noric? I do not see the Dinarized part..:confused:

The Journeyman
02-09-2011, 12:48 PM
Noric? I do not see the Dinarized part..:confused:

I do. Prognathism is also more common in dinaricized populations.

02-09-2011, 12:51 PM
I do. Prognathism is also more common in dinaricized populations.

Ok but that doesnt do him dinarized in need:p

The Journeyman
02-09-2011, 12:55 PM
He is dinaricized, just deal with it.

02-09-2011, 12:56 PM
Now I'm officially confused. So,you do not agree with Agrippa's clasification,White Pony? If so,why...and what is exactly "noric" 'bout me,dear fellow? Aren't norics just some "whiter" kind of dinarid's?

02-09-2011, 12:57 PM
He is dinaricized, just deal with it.

Hahahah :laugh: okok, I respect your OPINION.:wink

02-09-2011, 01:02 PM
White Pony,why dont you list some spesific things that make me "noric" as you said,and not the type that Agrippa and Liia agreed on.

02-09-2011, 01:03 PM
Now I'm officially confused. So,you do not agree with Agrippa's clasification,White Pony? If so,why...and what is exactly "noric" 'bout me,dear fellow? Aren't norics just some "whiter" kind of dinarid's?


The term Norid, or more precisely Noric, was coined by Lebzelter, and derives from Noricum, the name of an ancient Roman province centered in the mountains of modern-day Austria, where the modern Norid type is found in its greatest concentration.

Other names:

- Sub-Adriatic (Deniker; Adriatic refers to Dinarid in the same typology)


Central European Nordid brachycephalized by Dinarid admixture (a varying though mostly stabilized blend). Coon speculated that the origin of the type was not so much a case of combination of Nordid and Dinarid strains, as an actual dinaricization of a Nordid population through interbreeding with Alpinids - a hypothesis which relies upon Coon's idea that Nordids are basically depigmented Mediterranids (click here for Coon's theory of dinaricization).


In most respects, the Norid type takes the form of a blond Dinarid variant. It displays features which are traditionally associated with the Dinarid race - a shallow nasion depression, leptorrhiny, great nose length, height, and convexity, great brachycephaly, and moderately tall stature. Norids are not, though, as accentuated in these Dinarid features as are the Dinarids themselves, but show a slightly less exaggerated nasality, a somewhat lower cephalic index (82-85), and a smaller stature, due to the predominance of the Nordid strain.

Norids are, like Dinarids, planoccipital. This means that the occiput of the skull, the lower posterior bone extending from the foramen magnum to lambda, is straight rather than curved or projecting.

Norids are characteristically blond, and approach Nordids in pigmentation. The hair is usually medium brown to golden blond, the eyes light or light-mixed, though this varies, and brown eyes are not uncommon. In areas where the Dinarid element predominates, pigmentation naturally tends in a more brunet direction.

Geographical distribution:

The modern Norid racial zone is centered in Austria and Switzerland, the greater Norid territory reaching eastward and southward from northern France - the Sub-Nordid country - through the Swiss Alps, and into the brunet Dinarid racial zone of northern Italy and the Balkans. In France it blends with Alpinids in the south and with Nordids in the terrirories to the north, and is everywhere transitional to the Sub-Nordid or Alpinid-mixed Nordid type. In southern Germany it is found in combination with Alpinid, Borreby, and other elements. Norids or Norid-looking individuals are found in most countries where relatively pure Nordid and Dinarids exist.

Related or similar types:

- Keltic Nordid
- Dinarid
- Sub-Nordid

Some examples:


For more info check: http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/index2.htm

02-09-2011, 01:06 PM
*Bows down to Liia* Thank you very much,this is rather interesting. Altough I really want to hear what Agrippa has to say about this.

The Journeyman
02-09-2011, 01:07 PM
Because I grew up around many norics in Austria, and I'm familiar with many dinarics from the former Yugoslavia (which you resemble). I don't doubt you have Nordic features (no apparent brachycephaly, nose is somewhat nordicized). However, I think the long face coupled with the nasal projection and prognathism indicate to me some dinaric influence. The eyes are definitely yugo.

02-09-2011, 01:10 PM
Yugo. I lol'd. :D As I stated before,I am really new to this stuff and I will look into it. Btw,is it strange to see a person with something nordic in these parts? (Especially coastal parts in Croatia,where I reside.)

02-09-2011, 01:12 PM
Yugo. I lol'd. :D As I stated before,I am really new to this stuff and I will look into it. Btw,is it strange to see a person with something nordic in these parts? (Especially coastal parts in Croatia,where I reside.)

Meta-Ethnicity: Germanic,Celtic

Well no, its not weird..:rolleyes:

02-09-2011, 01:18 PM
What is it then? And what's that smiley for? xD

02-09-2011, 01:19 PM
What is it then? And what's that smiley for? xD

Well sometimes it doesnt matter where you're living...what matters is origin. That smiley is for fun!:D

02-09-2011, 01:36 PM
I agree with Agrippa's classification, maybe some Norid can be attributed to you. I don't really see Alpinoid, even though you said your parents have a lot of that type. Well SNPA's account on Norids is rather false, though regarding other types often correct. In particular Agrippa regards Norids as light Dinarids with Nordoid influence or base (that is largely dinaricised Nordoids), while from that description, conclusion could be made that Norids are more Nordid than Dinarid, though aside from pigmentation and probably being somewhat more gracile in comparison, they have a lot more in common with Dinarids.
Eyes, their shape is not that Nordoid I'd say, yes I've seen some "Yugos" with it.

02-09-2011, 01:49 PM
Norid+dinariced I think.

02-09-2011, 10:49 PM
Norid+dinariced I think.

if you say "norid" it already means he's dinarized..norid is a dinarized nordid..in any case this guy's dinarization is pretty low..in my opinion.

02-18-2011, 07:55 PM
Cromagnoid with some