View Full Version : Tommy Robinson knocks out murder-threatening African migrant.

03-09-2018, 06:06 PM



03-09-2018, 06:34 PM

03-09-2018, 07:10 PM
He is my hero. No joke. I love that guy!

03-09-2018, 07:29 PM
Honestly, it looks like the black guy was performing a dance. :)

Anyway bullshit video. The black guy turned sideways and didn't expect to be physically assaulted. If he planned to physically hurt Tommy, he would face him frontways.

03-11-2018, 12:21 AM

03-11-2018, 12:29 AM
Great stuff. But I don't think Tommy gave it his all. He could have punched harder and broken his jaw.

03-11-2018, 12:37 AM

How did this expose funding of Tommy by Zionists?

03-11-2018, 12:42 AM
Not a fan of sucker-punching someone.
But this guy did have it coming, and was making serious threats.
A clear case of self defense.
Lucky Tommy wasn't in the UK, the cops there would have charged him with all kinds of bogus crimes.

03-11-2018, 12:52 AM
These so called 'far-right extremists' labelled by MSM are actually patriots. Islam has no place in Europe, America, or any civilized nation. And those who facilitate the invasion and colonization of their nations by these hordes are disloyal to their nations.

03-11-2018, 03:29 AM
that was satisfying to watch

03-11-2018, 07:01 AM

03-11-2018, 09:30 AM

Always come in groups.

Notice the reference to the white Muslim. The white Muslims are the most deluded and dangerous type of Muslim today. They are usually the most weak minded and vulnerable of us. Muslims take them in and brainwash them. It's sad to see young Christian Europeans being brainwashed and converting to Islam. Christianity needs to fight back against it because we are losing the religion war.

03-11-2018, 10:18 PM
How did this expose funding of Tommy by Zionists?

From the video:

Questioner: What do you think of the BNP?

Robinson: Nazis, backward ... they fight anything that's not white. Our sole purpose is to tackle Islam. They tackle and have hatred for anything that's not white. ... I was part of the BNP in 2004.

Questioner: I notice you are wearing a button saying "I am a Zionist". What does a Zionist mean?

Robinson: Well, a Zionist is someone who believes in a homeland for the Jewish people.

Question: My definition when I've looked at that in the dictionary is "Israel first"

Robinson: It means Israel first? Well, I believe in Israel's right to exist and I believe in their right to defend themselves, I believe that Jews have been persecuted and when I've talked, and when I look at the Israeli thing I look at it from my own point of view, growing up in Luton town.

Questioner: Can you possibly serve two masters? Can you serve Israel and England at the same time?

Robinson: Yeah, my battle is in my homeland England and with regards to the Zionist Nick Griffin from the BNP made a recent video where all he went on about was that I am a Zionist. So this is humour as well. I've just put this picture on twitter and directed it straight at Nick Griffin, this one is just for you hahaha.

He never appears to work, but claims to have 7 rental houses on Twitter, he has been saying for several years the state have frozen his assets, forcing him to live on £200 a week for himself and his family. Previously he claimed, he had a high street sunbed business, he said it brought in 75k per year profit, this does not ring true, such high street shops usually struggle to survive with high rents etc. And he used to work for Rebel Media owned by Ezra Levant, and Rebel Media has the word kosher written all over it. (https://forward.com/fast-forward/366253/meet-ezra-levant-the-jewish-founder-of-canadas-alt-right-rebel-media/) This backs up my view that these "Far Right" personalities are only in it for the money. Some of these folks make more money in a month than most people make in a year just telling idiots and incels online what they want to hear. I laugh at suckers who throw Patreon money at them.

03-11-2018, 10:20 PM
From the video:

He never appears to work, but claims to have 7 rental houses on Twitter, he has been saying for several years the state have frozen his assets, forcing him to live on £200 a week for himself and his family. Previously he claimed, he had a high street sunbed business, he said it brought in 75k per year profit, this does not ring true, such high street shops usually struggle to survive with high rents etc. And he used to work for Rebel Media owned by Ezra Levant, and Rebel Media has the word kosher written all over it. (https://forward.com/fast-forward/366253/meet-ezra-levant-the-jewish-founder-of-canadas-alt-right-rebel-media/) This backs up my view that these "Far Right" personalities are only in it for the money. Some of these folks make more money in a month than most people make in a year just telling idiots and incels online what they want to hear. I laugh at suckers who throw Patreon money at them.

What a disgusting guy he is.

03-11-2018, 10:42 PM

Typical Anglo slave for his Zionist masters

Cristiano viejo
03-11-2018, 10:51 PM
Who is Tommy Robinson?

Nice video. Blacks bark much but bite few.

03-12-2018, 12:55 AM
From the video:

He never appears to work, but claims to have 7 rental houses on Twitter, he has been saying for several years the state have frozen his assets, forcing him to live on £200 a week for himself and his family. Previously he claimed, he had a high street sunbed business, he said it brought in 75k per year profit, this does not ring true, such high street shops usually struggle to survive with high rents etc. And he used to work for Rebel Media owned by Ezra Levant, and Rebel Media has the word kosher written all over it. (https://forward.com/fast-forward/366253/meet-ezra-levant-the-jewish-founder-of-canadas-alt-right-rebel-media/) This backs up my view that these "Far Right" personalities are only in it for the money. Some of these folks make more money in a month than most people make in a year just telling idiots and incels online what they want to hear. I laugh at suckers who throw Patreon money at them.

Ok, more conspiracy theories. Why do conspiracy theories always have to pop up at every opportunity. We can't claim to know Tommy's income, or what he owns, or how much money he has.

I watched the video, and still no proof that he is funded by Jews. He supports Jews against Muslims, Israel against Palestine. Which is inline with his ideological views for obvious reasons.

Tommy is a patriot and genuine in his cause. You can just tell. I mean, he has a bounty on his head, and even gets death threats aimed at his wife and kids. If he wasn't genuine about his cause, do you think he'd be risking his and his families life on a daily basis? He only needs to walk down the street and he gets abused.

At the same time, when activism becomes something full time, it becomes a job too. He needs a way to support his family like everyone else. Here is his book. He'd be getting a nice income from it i'd assume.


03-12-2018, 01:01 AM
Who is Tommy Robinson?

Nice video. Blacks bark much but bite few.

British patriot. co founder of the English Defence League. Strongly against the Islamisation of Europe, but most importantly for him his native Britain.

Oh and white antifa scum hate him, and he hates them back.
Here are a group trying to fight him alone with his female cameraman:


03-13-2018, 01:37 AM
We can't claim to know Tommy's income, or what he owns, or how much money he has.

Prior to his involvement with the EDL, he was involved in drug dealing. (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/01/07/edl-leader-stephen-lennon-jailed-false-passport_n_2423750.html) He did business with the Muslim crime family the Kahns. Then there was the fiasco of him being allowed to use a name which was not his own on his birth certificate in court. This usually only allowed for people working for the state undercover. Of course, I'm not saying he is working for the state. But he is not some random disgruntled working class guy for sure.

I watched the video, and still no proof that he is funded by Jews.

If you did watch the video, he actually says that he got no funding, and all the money he made was by selling t-shirts. The hysterical Left claims that his money comes from robbing EDL funds. But I doubt the EDL raise the kind of cash he claims to have. Most in the EDL don't look like high rollers exactly. You cannot deny that the EDL came from nowhere with anonymous backers and Tommy Robinson is allowed to use a pseudonym in court and looks to have had extensive PR training.

He supports Jews against Muslims, Israel against Palestine. Which is inline with his ideological views for obvious reasons.

I knew the Jew train wasn't gonna be late.

Tommy is a patriot and genuine in his cause. You can just tell. I mean, he has a bounty on his head, and even gets death threats aimed at his wife and kids. If he wasn't genuine about his cause, do you think he'd be risking his and his families life on a daily basis? He only needs to walk down the street and he gets abused.

Well, this dude is wealthy, I am sure its worth all the risk. Lets say all his rental houses cost 150k each (small estimate), that's that's over a million dollars property portfolio. Landlords have to put down 30% and prove their income. Therefore, he has put down over 300k as a deposit and prove to lenders he has accounts or income for such an investment. This is from a guy who used to be a small time drug dealer. Someone is obviously paying him well.

Why do conspiracy theories always have to pop up at every opportunity.

Believe what you want.

05-26-2018, 04:16 PM
I hate this 'man'