View Full Version : I was born a black boy. Now i am aryan

03-10-2018, 10:15 AM
When i was born, I was black. I used to have an afro and everything, it was great. I grew up to be 6 foot 4 and i used to get racist people callin me nigger and everything, it was a sad life. This is because i wasnt aryan enough to be accepted amongst the white community. When I was ten years old, I was playing basketball with my black friends, we used to call eachother nigger, and be cool with it. But when I left the basketball lifestyle, I would get aryan people coming up to me calling me black shit and stuff. I wanted to commit suicide, I hated being black, the only things i liked about it was having a big dick, that was it, I also enjoyed smashing booty 24/7. I wanted to be aryan, I wanted to have a crazy transformation. Anyways the day after all the racism happened, I woke up and I saw a tall 6 foot 7 punjabi jatt aryan. He was really tall, he was right infront of my bed. He was very aryan indeed, more aryan than me. Anyways he told "I am the aryan overlord starseed My whole family is aryan and more caucasian than u, I am half afghan and my family come from some ching chong clan, that is why they have green/blue eyes and light hair!" He had a wand with him, he called it the aryan wand, he waved this wand and said "aryan u shall be, aryan u shall be, aryan aryan u shall be" And suddenly I had a pale face and Greenish eyes, my ethnicity turned into afghan pashtoon/tajik (who are known to be the original aryans, just like the jatts). I was 6 foott 3 now, because aryans tend to be smaller, I also had a smaller dick, so the bed wasnt as much fun for my gal,, but the whites would accept me from now on, I WOULD BE THE ARYAN OVERLORD and i would overtake starseed!

Thanas Django
03-10-2018, 10:21 AM
Google can list the psychotherapists in your region. I suggest you find one.

03-10-2018, 10:22 AM
Google can list the psychotherapists in your region. I suggest you find one.

IDK what ur talking about!

Thanas Django
03-10-2018, 10:25 AM
IDK what ur talking about!

First step to becoming a true hero, whatever the colour of your skin, is to master Mongolian throat singing... with the dick.

03-10-2018, 10:26 AM
First step to becoming a true hero, whatever the colour of your skin, is to master Mongolian throat singing... with the dick.

Can u tell me please??? How to have big dik plz

Thanas Django
03-10-2018, 10:34 AM
Can u tell me please??? How to have big dik plz

Yes, would you like the free method or the premium method? (premium will cost you 5 US dollars for 1 day access).

03-10-2018, 10:36 AM
Yes, would you like the free method or the premium method? (premium will cost you 5 US dollars for 1 day access).

sheeet. Since i am aryan i can afford to buy things, so i would like the premium method.

Thanas Django
03-10-2018, 10:46 AM
sheeet. Since i am aryan i can afford to buy things, so i would like the premium method.

Since you have chosen the premium method, you have activated my special offer, this first post will come free of charge.

As you know, I am not like any other bigdick merchants, I am impeccable, terrific, awesome and know what I am doing. I can also give you a link with pictures of my big, huge, enormous gigantic, colossal, titanic manhood if you so desire. For a price of course. Well, as I was saying, I am not like the rest and the reason is because I am the best at what I do and the best at what I have. My towering manpiece reaches all the way from the southern fringes of Cyprus through the Med Sea, pierces through Mersin Turkey like a sword and reaches all the way to the village of Rize in the Laz region of Turkey. There it rests atop the cemenhanli bridge a unique type of Georgian bridge that is suitable for my pants behemoth.

Now, that I have given you a modest introduction about how modestly great I am let's proceed with fixing your manhood.

The first part of the program is about cleaning your blood from all the impurities that clog your system and do not allow your penis to grow to its full true size.

Do you like red beets?

03-10-2018, 10:48 AM
Since you have chosen the premium method, you have activated my special offer, this first post will come free of charge.

As you know, I am not like any other bigdick merchants, I am impeccable, terrific, awesome and know what I am doing. I can also give you a link with pictures of my big, huge, enormous gigantic, colossal, titanic manhood if you so desire. For a price of course. Well, as I was saying, I am not like the rest and the reason is because I am the best at what I do and the best at what I have. My towering manpiece reaches all the way from the southern fringes of Cyprus through the Med Sea, pierces through Mersin Turkey like a sword and reaches all the way to the village of Rize in the Laz region of Turkey. There it rests atop the cemenhanli bridge a unique type of Georgian bridge that is suitable for my pants behemoth.

Now, that I have given you a modest introduction about how modestly great I am let's proceed with fixing your manhood.

The first part of the program is about cleaning your blood from all the impurities that clog your system and do not allow your penis to grow to its full true size.

Do you like red beets?

I love red beets, will my dick be as big as urs if i try ur method??? PLzzz tell me i ned beg dickz

Thanas Django
03-10-2018, 10:52 AM
I love red beets, will my dick be as big as urs if i try ur method??? PLzzz tell me i ned beg dickz

Yes, if you are wise enough to follow my method your dick will rise first like the Big Ben in London England, and later like the tallest skyscraper in Singapore.

You need to boil fresh red beets with black sugar to make red beet syroup jam. You can then use this red beet syroup jam every day for breakfast.

This is the first step brother jamakzai.

If you want the second step to get that Big Ben dick you desire you have to link here your 4 favourite youtube videos with a 4 sentence summary of each one in your own words.

03-10-2018, 10:56 AM
How about i just pay u 100 million dick dollars? I think that would be better than showing utube vids, I heard these dick dollars have some special powers of making ur dick wider (which is the next thing i wanna do). Do you accept the dick dollars?