View Full Version : Classify some Kurds

03-10-2018, 12:45 PM
just general main types . thanks











03-10-2018, 12:45 PM






hello hehe :-D
















The Blade
03-10-2018, 02:04 PM
Mostly Iranid, Alpine, some generally Mediterranean and Armenoid traits.

The Blade
03-10-2018, 02:07 PM
This one looks Atlantid and could fit in France and Iberian peninsula, in my opinion:

03-10-2018, 02:09 PM
Mostly Iranid , Alpine, some generally Mediterranean and Armenoid traits.

thanks for the answer but will the bias ever end ? I included a few iranids/iranocm people but most are not iranid imo . I know I am asking for others opinions but damn man .."mostly iranid"

not sure what iranid is supposed to mean anymore either . many of the iranid examples and plates posted around dont even pass as kurdish

The Blade
03-10-2018, 02:18 PM
thanks for the answer but will the bias ever end ? I included a few iranids/iranocm people but most are not iranid imo . I know I am asking for others opinions but damn man .."mostly iranid"

not sure what iranid is supposed to mean anymore either . many of the iranid examples and plates posted around dont even pass as kurdish
Well, man, I only said these four are the most common looks I see. Didn't say Iranid is the sole one prevailing.
In plates I don't always grade things like:
I say what are the most common looks and some other things I have observed (types that could fit in different regions, some strongly pronounced features and whatever else catches my attention).

The Blade
03-10-2018, 02:40 PM
And, by the way, Hadouken (All-In), I am not biased towards you or Kurds in general at all.
You remember when you sent me your photo (there is a photo of yours in this gallery, too) a long time ago I said you could best fit as Turkish, Albanian or Greek and after that as Armenian.
Biased people are the ones who said you could fit in India, not I.
In fact, one of the things I dislike the most is morons with agendas (like that Italian that used to appear here and there and got banned like 10 times in a row).
You are a sane man and you have showed this numerous times and I have no problem with you.
If some people here piss you off, I understand but this isn't my fault.

03-10-2018, 02:47 PM
And, by the way, Hadouken (All-In), I am not biased towards you or Kurds in general at all.
You remember when you sent me your photo (there is a photo of yours in this gallery, too) a long time ago I said you could best fit as Turkish, Albanian or Greek and after that as Armenian.
Biased people are the ones who said you could fit in India, not I.
In fact, one of the things I dislike the most is morons with agendas (like that Italian that used to appear here and there and got banned like 10 times in a row).
You are a sane man and you have showed this numerous times and I have no problem with you.
If some people here piss you off, I understand but this isn't my fault.

I dont mean it bad my friend . regarding me : most people place me in turkey , armenia , georgia , azerbaijan , cyprus , lebanon , assyria etc. . yes sometimes I also get south europe and balkans but mostly west asia

only a couple of people ever said indian . very rarely will someone say that and in 2/3 cases it is trolls or AFTER they know I am kurdish = which is so ridiculous since we are very far from indians I dont know why people would even think that . people are extremely ignorant about my ethnicity . I remember people changing their opinion where I pass DRAMATICALLY after I revealed my ethnicity :D it doesnt happen much anymore because people know better now

I also present my people very realistically . all the people in this thread except 1-2 or so are extremely typical

what I mean by bias is that for some odd reason people classify kurds always as iranid . I think I dont need to open classify threads anymore since I just can think kurd = iranid I guess . lol

also not sure what iranid means anymore as I said . many iranians dont fit well as kurds . if they are iranid then it confuses me ...

03-10-2018, 02:49 PM
just general main types . thanks











The women can definetely pass for italian and some south european countries, the men tend to be a tad bit darker hence could pass in cuontries like lebanon, assyrian countries and iran.

03-10-2018, 02:52 PM
The women can definetely pass for italian and some south european countries, the men tend to be a tad bit darker hence could pass in cuontries like lebanon, assyrian countries and iran.

your mother passes in a bordell

03-10-2018, 02:52 PM
As individuals, most of them can easily pass in the Levant while some look very Anatolian to me, espicially the first pictures of the Kurdish women. I think some men like pictures 3, 8 and 11 fit better among Persians than to other west asiatic groups.

03-10-2018, 02:57 PM
more european looking than expected, if these are average kurds, kurds are definitely more european looking than turks

03-10-2018, 02:57 PM
your mother passes in a bordell


03-10-2018, 02:58 PM
As individuals, most of them can easily pass in the Levant while some look very Anatolian to me, espicially the first pictures of the Kurdish women. I think some men like pictures 3, 8 and 11 fit better among Persians than to other west asiatic groups.

I dont think that any of them fit better as persian than other west asian . seriously I will post typical persians later when I am back home

03-10-2018, 03:00 PM
more european looking than expected, if these are average kurds, kurds are definitely more european looking than turks

this is just a set of 40 people . I have more people in my signature link where you see more wider range

we are not more "european looking" than turks . but not much less either . we are one of the most darkwashed ethnicity on the net . we also have foreigners living with us not everybody in kurdish inhabited lands is kurdish

and yes all these people are very typical for kurds except 2 people

I dont have the goal to show us as "european looking" . I just want us to be shown and known as how/what we are . I think that is my "right" lol

03-10-2018, 03:02 PM
more european looking than expected, if these are average kurds, kurds are definitely more european looking than turks

Yh these looks much different from the ones I have seen, these are probably more typical amongst turkish kurds dont you think?

03-10-2018, 03:02 PM
I dont think that any of them fit better as persian than other west asian . seriously I will post typical persians later when I am back home

Hmm, I don't know. It's simply because I live in a country where more than half a million iranians are living here, and I do have a lot of Persian friends as well. It's just that these three men had given me the Iranian vibe.

03-10-2018, 03:03 PM
Yh these looks much different from the ones I have seen, these are probably more typical amongst turkish kurds dont you think?

fuck off from my thread

@mods remove this scum

03-10-2018, 03:04 PM
Hmm, I don't know. It's simply because I live in a country where more than half a million iranians are living here, and I do have a lot of Persian friends as well. It's just that these three men had given me the Iranian vibe.

I know many persians myself

03-10-2018, 03:04 PM
fuck off from my thread

@mods remove this scum

WTF IS WRONG WITH U DUDE WHAT DID I DO TO YOU. The mods cant just kick me off here for no reason i just dont understand why u hate me so much.

03-10-2018, 03:05 PM
I know many persians myself

I guess it all depends on the region on where they come from I suppose.

03-10-2018, 03:08 PM
I guess it all depends on the region on where they come from I suppose.

we will talk about it later and exchange opinions

I have to go now will be back in 3-4 hours

03-10-2018, 03:19 PM
woman are mostly alpinized/Dinaricized with one of local Med element(Ponid/Cap med)

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:14 PM
Some of them could pass in southern Europe, most of them look to me like they are from Turkey. I don't know about phenotypes.

03-10-2018, 05:18 PM
Some of them could pass in southern Europe, most of them look to me like they are from Turkey. I don't know about phenotypes.

Do you think any of them could pass in levant or arab countries?

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:23 PM
Do you think any of them could pass in levant or arab countries?


maybe the man on this photo, at least on that photo

03-10-2018, 05:25 PM
I see thats interesting.

03-10-2018, 05:27 PM
maybe the man on this photo, at least on that photo

That guy could pass in Europe

03-10-2018, 05:36 PM
Some of them could pass in southern Europe, most of them look to me like they are from Turkey. I don't know about phenotypes.

they are all from turkey but all are ethnic kurds

thanks for your answer but I would like to know about phenotypes

I dont see how that guy is supposed to look arab btw. . he is pontid + asiatic alpine mostly

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:38 PM
That guy could pass in Europe

Not really, according to eyebrows and eyes, at least on that photo.

But he could pass in Europe:


03-10-2018, 05:40 PM
Not really, according to eyebrows and eyes, at least on that photo.

But he could pass in Europe:


I've seen Europeans look more MENA than him, he's not atypical for certain regions in Europe

03-10-2018, 05:41 PM
I know this is a european cultural forum but does it always have to be about who passes as european and who not ? this is just a classify thread I didnt ask if they look european .

more people should post like member Odin does for example

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:45 PM
I dont see how that guy is supposed to look arab btw. . he is pontid + asiatic alpine mostly

That is my impression and all what together makes him arab looking in my opinion (at least on that photo): rounded face, lot of facial hair, visible dark eyelashes (very specific feature) and somewhat "sleepy" eyes(very specific feature).

03-10-2018, 05:45 PM
I was raised in the Southeast, place where have many people of european descent. I'm pretty sure that many of the people in the pics could blend easily among white brazilians. People are saying that they don't pass only because they are kurdish.

03-10-2018, 05:46 PM
That is my impression and all what together makes him arab looking in my opinion (at least on that photo): rounded face, lot of facial hair, visible dark eyelashes (very specific feature) and somewhat "sleepy" eyes(very specific feature).

Dont a lot of iranian kurds have hooked noses (could explain arab influence)?

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:46 PM
I've seen Europeans look more MENA than him, he's not atypical for certain regions in Europe

Well I said that he CAN pass in Europe. Just the nose could be suspicious a bit.

03-10-2018, 05:48 PM
I was raised in the Southeast, place where have many people of european descent. I'm pretty sure that many of the people in the pics could blend easily among white brazilians. People are saying that they don't pass only because they are kurdish.

I was just asking for phenotypical classification though


Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:49 PM
Dont a lot of iranian kurds have hooked noses (could explain arab influence)?

The guy from photo I posted don't have hooked nose.

03-10-2018, 05:50 PM
I was just asking for phenotypical classification though


Seems like they have strong alpine and (east ??) Mediterranean influence.

03-10-2018, 05:50 PM
i know but i was asking if it was typical if iranian kurds had hooked noses

03-10-2018, 05:53 PM
alpine, east med, and armenoid seem to be common in many of these people with a decent number of iranids as well.

Moje ime
03-10-2018, 05:55 PM
I know this is a european cultural forum but does it always have to be about who passes as european and who not ? this is just a classify thread I didnt ask if they look european .

more people should post like member Odin does for example

No it doesn't have to be who passes in Europe. I said that most of your examples passes in Turkey.

I unfortunately I'm not good in phenotypes like Odin but wanted to contribute. Don't be so sensitive in place like this.

03-10-2018, 05:59 PM
No it doesn't have to be who passes in Europe. I said that most of your examples passes in Turkey.

I unfortunately I'm not good in phenotypes like Odin but wanted to contribute. Don't be so sensitive in place like this.

Yeah hadouken is very sensitive about classifying races lol.

03-10-2018, 06:03 PM
why am I the "sensitive" one . you are the troll and sockpuppet . your other account jamakazai is banned and you continue to spam the forum with this shitty account now and talk nonsense about people including my ethnicity . why am I "sensitive" only because that annoys me

this forum gets more and more bizarre

03-10-2018, 06:04 PM
why am I the "sensitive" one . you are the troll and sockpuppet . your other account jamakazai is banned and you continue to spam the forum with this shitty account now and talk nonsense about people including my ethnicity . why am I "sensitive" only because that annoys me

this forum gets more and more bizarre

U are sensitive, even if i was a troll, u should have just ignored it. I dont know why u think im a troll, I am asking genuine question, first ur telling me i was some mexican person now i am some person called jamazkai ?

03-10-2018, 06:10 PM
U are sensitive, even if i was a troll, u should have just ignored it. I dont know why u think im a troll, I am asking genuine question, first ur telling me i was some mexican person now i am some person called jamazkai ?

but I dont want to ignore it . what now ?

the problem is not you actually . you are just another idiot who sees the need to troll people online to feel better about himself because of real life interaction problems . basically a guy who if he meets a person who he trolls online in real life will become a road runner per exellence . the problem is how this site is kept . horrible modwork . every shitty idiot can join and spam like nothing . people can not talk and exchange opinions in a normal manner anymore and the quality is just getting more and more crappy

you should maybe watch some comedy movie or spongebob or something . if you want entertainment and laughs

and it is obvious you are that jamazkai guy I mean really now ....:D

03-10-2018, 09:12 PM
West asian eyes + iranic elements.

03-11-2018, 12:15 AM
Mainly Iranids, Taurids, East-Alpines, and few East-Meds.

03-11-2018, 12:54 AM
Mainly Iranids, Taurids, East-Alpines, and few East-Meds.


03-11-2018, 01:00 AM
Some can pass in Greece like this guy


His Greek lookalike


03-11-2018, 01:02 AM
Albanian origin comes from the Kurds. Kurds are a mixture of Median Iranians and the Vainakh Caucasian Hurricanes. That is our ALBANIAN heritage. We are the true Aryans.

03-13-2018, 06:39 PM
I am curious to know what you guys have in mind when you classify someone as Iranid . like how much do you know about the type and what plates/pics do you have in mind ?

these are apperently Iranid type plates . they look foreign to me and I can not see much relation to us . only one of them has a slight resemblance to a cousin of mine :D but yeah they dont look kurdish at all for example




of course plates (especially such old ones) are not the be all end all to tell something but the Iranid type seems too unstable to me and should be defined better . a lot of the supposedly Iranid types I see people post or classify dont fit among us much

I say the main types in the pics in this thread of my people are East Med (Cappadocid) , Armenid/Taurid , Asiatic Alpine , robustIranid(CM) , some west iranid (again . what I personally think as Iranid) and pontid here and there . . but I guess it depends on what the topic name is . if it is kurds it is mostly iranids (I guess this includes the blonde dude too ? :) ) if we were armenians people would say "mostly armenoids" etc. .

I do include people who I personally also classify as iranid regularly in my gallery but I have the feeling that what is iranid and what isnt is not clear . as I said if I look at all the "iranids" posted/classifed (mostly people east from us) and if they are the benchmark of iranid then we barely have any iranids . to be fucking honest yo

but maybe I shouldnt expect too much because we have members who spam maps with countries (or even several countries at once) having only 1 phenotype written on it haha

03-13-2018, 06:46 PM
They are mostly Meds

03-13-2018, 06:59 PM
Kurds are interesting people. They are very diverse by physical appearance. For example: I'll talk about my 4 Kurdish friends in my class; Shehriban, Sedanur, Berivan and Zeynep. Shehriban has light features( blondish or caramelized-brown hair and amber eyes( or hazel eyes)), Sedanur looks like brunette Japanese( I said Japanese because of her eye shape :D She has childish-round Asian eyes), Berivan is very dark for average Kurd and slim. Zeynep has some dark features and dark skin.

03-13-2018, 07:04 PM
Kurds are interesting people. They are very diverse by physical appearance. For example: I'll talk about my 4 Kurdish friends in my class; Shehriban, Sedanur, Berivan and Zeynep. Shehriban has light features( blondish or caramelized-brown hair and amber eyes( or hazel eyes)), Sedanur looks like brunette Japanese( I said Japanese because of her eye shape :D She has childish-round Asian eyes), Berivan is very dark for average Kurd and slim. Zeynep has some dark features and dark skin.

we are no more diverse than other peoples tbh. little sis

the same you said can also be applied to turks and other people

03-13-2018, 07:07 PM
we are no more diverse than other peoples tbh. little sis

the same you said can also be applied to turks and other people

Yes. It's true, elder brother, but in my class there are many differences. Even the majority of my class is Kurdish, the minority is Turk only.

03-13-2018, 07:15 PM
Iraqi Kurds probably have Arabian admixture, and I believe most often it would be on their maternal side. However most Iraqi Kurds are still very Iranic and very close to Azeris and Persians genetically. Though few do have Arab blood no doubt about that.

03-13-2018, 07:20 PM
Iraqi Kurds probably have Arabian admixture, and I believe most often it would be on their maternal side. However most Iraqi Kurds are still very Iranic and very close to Azeris and Persians genetically. Though few do have Arab blood no doubt about that.

I still dont understand what "iranic" is supposed to mean in this context . azeris are turkic to begin with

and we get iranian in our oracles high but we have a big shift to the west/north compared to them as I showed with my own results . also many persians dont pass as kurdish phenotypically

03-13-2018, 07:23 PM
I still dont understand what "iranic" is supposed to mean in this context . azeris are turkic to begin with

and we get iranian in our oracles high but we have a big shift to the west/north compared to them as I showed with my own results . also many persians dont pass as kurdish phenotypically

I agree, I mean genetically they seem close to Iranian people. Yeah I saw that maybe Anatolian Kurds have Caucasian admixture. Some Iraqi Kurds do have Arab ancestry but not all of them of course. Iraqi Kurds tend to look slightly different from Anatolian Kurds.

03-13-2018, 07:29 PM
I agree, I mean genetically they seem close to Iranian people. Yeah I saw that maybe Anatolian Kurds have Caucasian admixture. Some Iraqi Kurds do have Arab ancestry but not all of them of course. Iraqi Kurds tend to look slightly different from Anatolian Kurds.

not sure about the caucasian admixture thing . and I dont think it is the reason for what I said . north iranians actually have a lot of caucasus if I am not wrong ...and probably more than us

I am talking about the fact that we get them in the oracle lists in a close distance but when you take them as reference population we are shifting pretty much west/north

especially if you take north iranians for whatever odd reason . let me show you examples using my own results :

50% Iran_Mazandarani +25% Cypriot +25% Greek @ 3.903663

88.6% Iranian + 11.4% Spanish_Canaries @ 3.47
7 84.9% Iranian + 15.1% Bulgarian @ 3.5
8 87.7% Iranian + 12.3% Romanian @ 3.51
9 89.6% Iranian + 10.4% Spanish_Northeast @ 3.58
10 89.1% Iranian + 10.9% French @ 3.59
11 83% Iranian + 17% Sicilian_West @ 3.61
12 84% Iranian + 16% Greek @ 3.65
13 84.7% Iranian + 15.3% Albanian @ 3.65
14 90.9% Iranian + 9.1% French_South @ 3.67
15 87.4% Iranian + 12.6% Croatian @ 3.68
16 85.1% Iranian + 14.9% Tuscan @ 3.68
17 88.4% Iranian + 11.6% Italian_Bergamo @ 3.68

74.8% Iranian_Shirazi + 25.2% Italian_South @ 3.54

regardless of that ...as I said many persians dont fit as kurdish . they often have their own look imo . it is an anthromyth that we are looking as close to each other as people assume

oracles dont always explain looks . genotype is not phenotype :) armenians who are not iranic look more familiar and pass better as kurds than most persians for example . but then again I also get armenian pretty close on oracles but yeah you get the point ...

03-13-2018, 07:35 PM
People say that Kurds and Turks look alike, but I don't see any resemblance at all.

03-28-2018, 04:58 PM
Hm, Kurds are a kind of rough looking lot (many of the ones I've met from international events had sort of stumpy builds or physiognomy), and also rather robust anthropologically, but they're badass battlehardened warriors and I'd never want to cross or mess with them lol. I got to give them props for what they're able to do in the Middle East with those militias. They deserve a country some day.

They also do look different from Turks on average (who are more Anatolid and Cappadocian with some occasional Turanid), I would agree. Principal types seem to be Iranid, East Med, some Asiatic Alpines, and other types based on where they are, like Armenoid/Taurid (I would say some even branch into a more eastern kind of Pontid); local CroMagniform type seems influential in many, and a few have Eurasian influences. Like many transnational people without a homeland of their own, they can vary based on the host country a bit, but not as much as others. There still seems to be some uniformity. I guess there's some overlap with Armenians/South Caucasus popoulatins but I think also northern/western Iran.

03-28-2018, 05:17 PM
People say that Kurds and Turks look alike, but I don't see any resemblance at all.

Turks and Kurds look significantly different and can easily be told apart. The exception is with very eastern Turks and very western Kurds. Both don't resemble their own population but more Armenians or Assyrians.

03-28-2018, 05:18 PM
Turks and Kurds look significantly different and can easily be told apart. The exception is with very eastern Turks and very western Kurds. Both don't resemble their own population but more Armenians or Assyrians.

i dont see uch resemblance to armenians either, except some individuals.

03-28-2018, 06:03 PM
Mainly iranids. Dont look like turks and armenians, they look kinda unique in the region

03-29-2018, 01:35 AM
The female Peshmerga fighters are particularly impressive. Mad respect


Actually a surprising amount seem to have some kind of minor Turanid influence, making some look sort of pseudo-Latina. Possibly from Seljuk Turks and such, or the Ilkhanate

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQDPpnOVMm4M1ZCZEAAh0oe9SbhSemi MvpKu9bPqgo2wY9SF7Phw

I've heard Yezidis are also basically Kurds. Is that true


03-29-2018, 01:57 AM
The female Peshmerga fighters are particularly impressive. Mad respect


Actually a surprising amount seem to have some kind of minor Turanid influence, making some look sort of pseudo-Latina. Possibly from Seljuk Turks and such, or the Ilkhanate

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQDPpnOVMm4M1ZCZEAAh0oe9SbhSemi MvpKu9bPqgo2wY9SF7Phw

I've heard Yezidis are also basically Kurds. Is that true


They are not all Peshmerga, some of them are YPG/YPJ militants. Yezidis are an ethno-religious group. They speak Kurdish (Kurmanji) and originated from Kurds but they consider themselves a thing of their own. Kurmanji is the most common Kurdish dialect but in Iraq the most common and official dialect is Sorani. Kurdish dialects are very distinct and unintelligible, so sometimes considered seperate languages. Speaking different dialects (or languages) makes a confusion and strengthens Yazidis' seperate identity.

03-29-2018, 02:08 AM
They are not all Peshmerga, some of them are YPG/YPJ militants. Yezidis are an ethno-religious group. They speak Kurdish (Kurmanji) and originated from Kurds but they consider themselves a thing of their own. Kurmanji is the most common Kurdish dialect but in Iraq the most common and official dialect is Sorani. Kurdish dialects are very distinct and unintelligible, so sometimes considered seperate languages. Speaking different dialects (or languages) makes a confusion and strengthens Yazidis' seperate identity.

Some Yazidis claim Indian origin, and I have seen others claiming Ummayd Arab origin from Yazid I. However genetically they don't differ from other Kurds. Often on forums such as this Yazidis blondism and blue eyes are exaggerated by forums like this, however Yazidis do have a higher blondism than other Kurds or groups in the region. This is mostly due to endogamy rather than anything. Not to mention Kurds themselves can have blondism. Yazidis are subset of Kurds, but their religion is has Abrahamic influences from Islam, Christianity, Judaism and mixed with ancient Iranian believes. They are often said to be Devil Worshipers because they honor the fallen angel Malek Tous, Peacock Angel in Islam/Christianity he is Iblis/Lucifer, in their believe, who refused to bow down to Adam, because of his love to God. Interestingly some say they might have originated as a Sufi order before developing into this faith. There is some evidence, apparently they do venerate and honor Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir who was an Ummyad Arab, who they believe was Malouk Tous in human form. Interesting thing is he was born in Lebanon's becca valley, but was buried in Iraq, it's said he did live among the Kurds.

03-29-2018, 05:53 AM
The female Peshmerga fighters are particularly impressive. Mad respect
They look so different from Assyrians. I used to think Kurds resembled us on average thanks to the photos Hadouken provided on his links. This group looks distinct and mostly impassable as Assyrian. Perhaps they are Iranian Kurds? Hadouken did say that Kurds differ in looks depending on the country. This pack looks more Iranian/Caspid to me.

03-29-2018, 06:45 AM
They look so different from Assyrians. I used to think Kurds resembled us on average thanks to the photos Hadouken provided on his links. This group looks distinct and mostly impassable as Assyrian. Perhaps they are Iranian Kurds? Hadouken did say that Kurds differ in looks depending on the country. This pack looks more Iranian/Caspid to me.

Iraqi Kurds have strong overlap with Assyrians

03-29-2018, 09:03 AM
Iraqi Kurds have strong overlap with Assyrians
Are all these pictured fighters even from Iraq? Kurds and Assyrians usually lookalike, but the ones pictured just looked off and 'foreign' to me. Btw, Assyrian tribes were based in southeastern Turkey since 500AD or so. It was not until the 1920s where we moved back to northern Iraq, after the Ottoman Empire displaced us.

Assyrians may have some clustering with Kurds generally, but we're mostly close with Armenians, Kurdish Jews, Iraqi Jews, Iranian Jews, Maronites and Mandeans.

03-29-2018, 09:05 AM
Iraqi Kurds have strong overlap with Assyrians
Are all these pictured fighters even from Iraq? Kurds and Assyrians usually lookalike, but the ones pictured just looked off and 'foreign' to me. Btw, Assyrian tribes were based in southeastern Turkey since 500AD or so. It was not until the 1920s where we moved back to northern Iraq, after the Ottoman Empire displaced us.

Assyrians may have some clustering with Kurds, but we're mostly close with Armenians, Kurdish Jews, Iraqi Jews, Iranian Jews, Maronites and Mandeans.

03-29-2018, 12:16 PM
They look so different from Assyrians. I used to think Kurds resembled us on average thanks to the photos Hadouken provided on his links. This group looks distinct and mostly impassable as Assyrian. Perhaps they are Iranian Kurds? Hadouken did say that Kurds differ in looks depending on the country. This pack looks more Iranian/Caspid to me.

They're all Turkish-Kurds (Hadouken's pics)

03-29-2018, 04:39 PM
Yeah some of the Yazidis there remind me a bit of Roma children in Europe. A lot of them actually end up having a West Asian kind of look.

And then there's the Zaza people of Turkey, who are also basically part of the Kurdish group right? Which are Alevi I think

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Diyarbekir_shepherd%2C_Mardin_Kurd%2C_Aljazeera_Ku rd%2C_1873.jpg/220px-Diyarbekir_shepherd%2C_Mardin_Kurd%2C_Aljazeera_Ku rd%2C_1873.jpg

03-29-2018, 04:42 PM
Yeah some of the Yazidis there remind me a bit of Roma children in Europe. A lot of them actually end up having a West Asian kind of look.

And then there's the Zaza people of Turkey, who are also basically part of the Kurdish group right? Which are Alevi I think

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Diyarbekir_shepherd%2C_Mardin_Kurd%2C_Aljazeera_Ku rd%2C_1873.jpg/220px-Diyarbekir_shepherd%2C_Mardin_Kurd%2C_Aljazeera_Ku rd%2C_1873.jpg

Zazas are culturally Kurdish and included as a Kurdish subgroup, but their language is different. Only some of them are Alevi, others are ordinary Sunni.

08-28-2018, 01:17 AM

08-28-2018, 02:08 AM
hello ^_^

08-28-2018, 02:14 AM
Asiatic-Alpines, East-Meds, a few Iranid influenced individuals and one Irano-Nordid guy.

08-28-2018, 09:30 PM

08-30-2018, 05:08 PM
anybody ?

08-30-2018, 05:18 PM
How are you darkwashed ? Some of these people you posted I consider dark , for example. They would be considered wogs in Northern and Central Europe. It is an ambiguous term that can mean a lot of things.

Kurds can also be paler than the people you posted and probably even darker but probably atypical.

Like those girls I posted in that other thread I consider maybe medium , they could pass in the Balkans.

08-30-2018, 05:22 PM
How are you darkwashed ? Some of these people you posted I consider dark , for example. They would be considered wogs in Northern and Central Europe. It is an ambiguous term that can mean a lot of things.

Kurds can also be paler than the people you posted and probably even darker but probably atypical.

well as you see I am not cherrypicking . I post also dark kurds but nope ...darker than the dark types you see is either mixed with something non kurdish or extremely atypical

we are very darkwashed bro . it is actually pretty crazy how darkwashed we are . people have a wrong pic in their head when they think of kurds . they base it on their imagination and/or 2-3 weird photos that float around

and of course we are overall darker than europeans

10-09-2018, 01:28 AM

10-12-2018, 04:41 PM
anybody ?

10-12-2018, 04:47 PM
anybody ?

You're better off making another account, posting "Classify these random people" threads and not tell anyone they're Kurds to get non-bias answers.

Or just lie and post some and say they're Greek to see what people say, I don't know lol. That's the reality on TA

10-13-2018, 06:19 PM

10-14-2018, 04:27 PM
üfff bump !

10-16-2018, 11:41 AM
Bro I am lousy with classifications, but I will say they look like Turks or Armenians generally and many can pass as Southern Europeans. Some of the women are beautiful.:)

Seth MacFarlane
10-17-2018, 08:17 PM
mediterrean , east mediterrean , pontid and a few north pontid . alpine and armenoid

10-21-2018, 11:47 PM
Broad mix of mostly E. Mediterranean to near east; Taurid/MTEBID, Pontid and Armenoid influences in varying degrees. Some Proto-Iranid.
A few of the women have mild 'alpinization', at least because of the oval shape of face.

11-01-2018, 12:04 AM

11-03-2018, 10:05 AM
time for some kurdish bumps

Cristiano viejo
11-06-2018, 05:35 PM


Do I continue, Hadouken? this would take me many time...

11-06-2018, 05:38 PM
^ they look nothing NA

wtf cristiano are you blind or what

Cristiano viejo
11-06-2018, 05:41 PM
^ they look nothing NA

wtf cristiano are you blind or what

Now I get it, you know a shit about how North Africans look :rolleyes:

11-06-2018, 05:43 PM
Now I get it, you know a shit about how North Africans look :rolleyes:

you dont know how they look it seems

do you know how many moroccans I know in real life and how many I have seen ? poah ...so many

and they look NOTHING like us . I also saw other north afrians on galleries and most dont look like us either . in fact the lighter and less ssa influenced north africans look iberian before kurdish lol

03-11-2023, 11:14 AM
photos besides kurds are:
Generally Robust-Iranid(The Kurdish Type)
sometimes proper Iranid is transitional to robust one
Sometimes Proto-Nordid(it can be straight up P-N or especially Battle Axe type, some people call those kurds Kurdo-Nordid [closer to RI] & Iranic Nordids)
Occasionally/Sometimes Indo Iranid, Taurid(froggy eyes), Alpine
Rarely Indo Nordic, Gracile Mediterranean

Armenoid features and especially proper Armenid can be seen on crypto-armenians. Turanid influences can be seen on Turcomans who tried to change their identity and also could come from Seljuks who settled there. Some people are mixed with arabs (with marriages), in Syria and Southern parts of Iraqi Kurdistan they have less light features (maybe rarely in places with arab minority on turkey too[or its just because those places are too hot lol]

03-11-2023, 12:34 PM
Mostly Armenids, some Assyroids, some Iranids, some Alpinid-admixed.