View Full Version : Why arent turkish people considered white?

03-10-2018, 02:33 PM
I am a traveller, I have travelled to turkey, iran, afghanistan and tajikstan. I remember going turkey once and seeing the vast diversity of people, when i went to istanbul, I asked the question why do these turks look so european??? they seem to be very white compared to how the media shows them to be. Shouldnt they be considered white, they are as pale as white people and basically pass for white people, but the media doesnt refer to them as white at all why is this?

03-10-2018, 02:34 PM
roberto grande you fucking idiot :picard1:

03-10-2018, 02:35 PM
Not again :picard1:

03-10-2018, 02:35 PM
roberto grande you fucking idiot :picard1:

dude i will block u for real, why are u trolling me for fucks sake

03-10-2018, 02:38 PM
dude i will block u for real, why are u trolling me for fucks sake

you wont find a woman and wont be happy if you continue like this roberto . I know you are roberto because I remember a sock of you getting banned who you made a similar thread with . 90% sure

is it really that bad for you to be castizo ? seriously . get over it . nothing wrong with being mixed and you are only a little mixed . go and do something which is good for you like working out or something so you will lose your ugly boobs

03-10-2018, 02:41 PM
you wont find a woman and wont be happy if you continue like this roberto . I know you are roberto because I remember a sock of you getting banned who you made a similar thread with . 90% sure

is it really that bad for you to be castizo ? seriously . get over it . go and do something which is good for you like working out or something so you will lose your ugly boobs

How do i prove to you i am not a troll.

03-10-2018, 02:42 PM
you wont find a woman and wont be happy if you continue like this roberto . I know you are roberto because I remember a sock of you getting banned who you made a similar thread with . 90% sure

is it really that bad for you to be castizo ? seriously . get over it . nothing wrong with being mixed and you are only a little mixed . go and do something which is good for you like working out or something so you will lose your ugly boobs

Can u send me the link of the thread that this troll made? I want to see why u keep accusing me of trolling.

03-10-2018, 02:43 PM
I am a traveller, I have travelled to turkey, iran, afghanistan and tajikstan. I remember going turkey once and seeing the vast diversity of people, when i went to istanbul, I asked the question why do these turks look so european??? they seem to be very white compared to how the media shows them to be. Shouldnt they be considered white, they are as pale as white people and basically pass for white people, but the media doesnt refer to them as white at all why is this?
I have met white Turks.
Ancient Anatolia was inhabited by a wide variety of Indo-Europeans, that are of European, or European like genetic stock.
Many Turks don't want to be considered white or European, and are proud of just being a Turk.
Turks arrived from Central Asia and settled in the Anatolian basin in around the 11th century through the conquest of Seljuk Turks.
Many white nationalists here have their own bizarre and arbitrary and capricious definition of so called "whiteness."

03-10-2018, 02:45 PM
I have met white Turks.
Ancient Anatolia was inhabited by a wide variety of Indo-Europeans, that are of European, or European like genetic stock.
Many Turks don't want to be considered white or European, and are proud of just being a Turk.
Turks arrived from Central Asia and settled in the Anatolian basin in around the 11th century through the conquest of Seljuk Turks.
Many white nationalists here have their own bizarre and arbitrary and capricious definition of so called "whiteness."

Yh i know its really silly, as if whiteness is only caption among europeans when u can find white people in the middle east and central asia any time lol. Of course they wouldnt want to be considered white european but would they want to be considered white without putting european next to it, since most of them pass for it.

03-10-2018, 02:52 PM
I'm sick of such threads. :picard1:

Media highlights darker, older, uglier people; this is something I noticed. Maybe it's by bias, but anyway I don't care about being white. Turkey is a Muslim country at the end.

03-10-2018, 02:52 PM
I am a traveller, I have travelled to turkey, iran, afghanistan and tajikstan. I remember going turkey once and seeing the vast diversity of people, when i went to istanbul, I asked the question why do these turks look so european??? they seem to be very white compared to how the media shows them to be. Shouldnt they be considered white, they are as pale as white people and basically pass for white people, but the media doesnt refer to them as white at all why is this?

I might close this thread because i keep getting smacked by people in the pms. But i want proper opinions, I dont know why people are so sensitive with classifications, thats what people do in this forum yet when i do it i get smashed for it?

03-10-2018, 02:53 PM
I'm sick of such threads. :picard1:

Media highlights darker, older, uglier people; this is something I noticed. Maybe it's by bias, but anyway I don't care about being white. Turkey is a Muslim country at the end.

very true. I did know i was gonna get hated by people, I just joined this forum and wanted some answers, why are people in this forum so judgemental and toxic i did nothing wrong

03-10-2018, 02:56 PM
very true. I did know i was gonna get hated by people, I just joined this forum and wanted some answers, why are people in this forum so judgemental and toxic i did nothing wrong

Get a life

03-10-2018, 02:58 PM
many turks can easily pass in north africa

03-10-2018, 03:00 PM
many turks can easily pass in north africa

I think they could pass among the berber communities, but not in north africa alone? I would have thought levant countries to the minimum. Turks could easily pass in south european countries dont u think?

03-10-2018, 03:00 PM
Get a life

I do have a life idiot

03-10-2018, 04:22 PM

03-10-2018, 05:46 PM
many turks can easily pass in north africa

here where I live we have a BIG amount of moroccans (and also some other north africans but moroccans more). I even posted a pic of a moroccan friend. maybe 5% of them can pass in turkey ....very very few

I know that north africa is big and also diverse and from the galleries I have seen there are indeed some people who will pass in turkey especially from coastal algeria/tunisia . but overal .... not many . many north africans have a foreign look for turkey

but I think the other way around makes more sense . there will be more turks who pass in north africa than the other way around

03-10-2018, 05:55 PM
I am a traveller, I have travelled to turkey, iran, afghanistan and tajikstan. I remember going turkey once and seeing the vast diversity of people, when i went to istanbul, I asked the question why do these turks look so european??? they seem to be very white compared to how the media shows them to be. Shouldnt they be considered white, they are as pale as white people and basically pass for white people, but the media doesnt refer to them as white at all why is this?

Some are white, I look it it this way if someone is describing another person that they saw and know nothing about to a police officer once the police man says was what race was the suspect and they say white there you go.

03-10-2018, 05:58 PM
Some are white, I look it it this way if someone is describing another person that they saw and know nothing about to a police officer once the police man says was what race was the suspect and they say white there you go.

i see that seems fair enough. Can be annoying for some people like me, everyone presumes i am white.

03-10-2018, 05:58 PM
many turks can easily pass in north africa

As Kabyle? Maybe

03-10-2018, 06:12 PM
Before I came to this forum; I had no idea that people somewhere took pride in skin color. As far as I've seen in real life; being white is not seen as such a perfect thing, I am mocked when I don't get a tan during summer, and tanned, darker people are seen as sexier and hotter tbh. They mock you for looking like a ghost because you are pale. Men and women always try to get a tan in summer.

In Turkey skin color is not a big deal. Might be because it is a diverse nation and we are exposed to all kinds of people, so given the fact that most people around here come from homogeneous places it makes sense that they are very defensive about it. Turkish people are wheat-skinned as a whole just like Mediterrenean people, with varying degrees of lightness.

03-12-2018, 03:51 AM
Before I came to this forum; I had no idea that people somewhere took pride in skin color. As far as I've seen in real life; being white is not seen as such a perfect thing, I am mocked when I don't get a tan during summer, and tanned, darker people are seen as sexier and hotter tbh. They mock you for looking like a ghost because you are pale. Men and women always try to get a tan in summer.

In Turkey skin color is not a big deal. Might be because it is a diverse nation and we are exposed to all kinds of people, so given the fact that most people around here come from homogeneous places it makes sense that they are very defensive about it. Turkish people are wheat-skinned as a whole just like Mediterrenean people, with varying degrees of lightness.

This forum is not real life,, getting a tan in the USA is something most normal white people get and want. I like the sun and getting a tan just like most others here. I would not use this forum as an example of what normal people do,lol.

A tan usually make people look more attractive. Of-course if someone is too dark that is not very attractive. There needs to be a happy medium.

04-08-2021, 12:22 AM
That's only in Istanbul. In mainland Turkey the average Turk isn't as light as Erdogan.

04-08-2021, 08:05 AM
That's only in Istanbul. In mainland Turkey the average Turk isn't as light as Erdogan.

Vast majority of Turks living in Istanbul are actually from various parts of Anatolia. And no, Erdogan is not considered to be a "light type" in Turkey.

As for the OP's question, we are not European therefore not white regardless of how we look.

04-08-2021, 09:20 AM
Some consider them white but some dont. I think actually it is disputed, if they are europeans. I have no opinion, we will see how things turn out.

04-08-2021, 09:55 AM
That's only in Istanbul. In mainland Turkey the average Turk isn't as light as Erdogan.

İstanbul is the melting pot of Turkey.

04-08-2021, 10:13 AM
We have been the oldest and biggest enemies of Indo-Europeans even older than Jews. An ethnic Turk claiming to be white is plain stupid.

04-08-2021, 10:40 AM
a fully Turk person from central anatolia or western anatolia genetically have significant east asian admixture
Phenotypically Turks can look european but at the same time Turks can look central asian or west asian too because Turks have these components in their genetics

04-08-2021, 10:44 AM
That's only in Istanbul. In mainland Turkey the average Turk isn't as light as Erdogan.

Erdoğan is not light he’s pretty average or maybe a bit lighter than average. I’m very curious, what’s the average Turk in your imagine?

04-08-2021, 10:46 AM
Erdoğan is not light he’s pretty average or maybe a bit lighter than average. I’m very curious, what’s the average Turk in your imagine?

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLlw1cTjbJzfNF26PSHy9a1Ap7TsjgA HInug&usqp=CAU

Mopi Licinius Crassus
04-08-2021, 11:21 AM
white or looking white in the early 21C has become synonymous with the anglo-saxon view of themselves

therefore in the anglo saxon world "white" is someone who looks NW euopean, or close enough to the usual NW euro phenotypes not to look out of place

this is the definition of "white" amongst the general population in the UK and USA imo.

99% of people are not like us on anthroboards, who have a more scientific knowledge of race and populations

"white" is strictly visual

Mopi Licinius Crassus
04-08-2021, 11:22 AM
so, in the UK at least...whether a Turk would be considered "white", would be entirely dependent on their phenotype, and how close it is to the standard NW Euro look

04-08-2021, 01:15 PM
Many non Euros and non whites think that for example Europeanness is a thing that you can buy like a goat or a ram in a Turkish bazaar. That’s why they so obsessed being Paleo-Atlantids and Nordocromagnids and post only blonde individuals their people. Typical cargo cult. Middle Easterner who looks somewhat European and who listen European music and post funny pictures never will be European. You can’t buy mentality. Asking to ban or insult someone just because you don't like their opinion is not European behavior. This is typical Middle Eastern behavior and doesn’t matter how European he looks. I think even me who looks like nothing mainstream European and if I wanted to, could be better European than all those “I am now listening to” Middle Easterner Paleo-Atlantids or even some real Europeans who behave like Middle Easterners.

04-08-2021, 03:45 PM
Many non Euros and non whites think that for example Europeanness is a thing that you can buy like a goat or a ram in a Turkish bazaar. That’s why they so obsessed being Paleo-Atlantids and Nordocromagnids and post only blonde individuals their people. Typical cargo cult. Middle Easterner who looks somewhat European and who listen European music and post funny pictures never will be European. You can’t buy mentality. Asking to ban or insult someone just because you don't like their opinion is not European behavior. This is typical Middle Eastern behavior and doesn’t matter how European he looks. I think even me who looks like nothing mainstream European and if I wanted to, could be better European than all those “I am now listening to” Middle Easterner Paleo-Atlantids or even some real Europeans who behave like Middle Easterners.
What the fuck did I just read?

04-08-2021, 05:24 PM
What the fuck did I just read?

Truth. And apparently you did not like it.

04-08-2021, 06:29 PM
Truth. And apparently you did not like it.

:bored: :rofl_002:

04-08-2021, 06:42 PM
I feel like I've hit right in your OWD heart. lel

04-08-2021, 06:52 PM
I feel like I've hit right in your OWD heart. lel

I never even made a claim, imbecile. You were the one connecting being a white/white wannabe with listening to music.
Honestly, get some help. Sure you need some. And also don’t reply to me back.

07-17-2021, 10:34 PM
Vast majority of Turks living in Istanbul are actually from various parts of Anatolia. And no, Erdogan is not considered to be a "light type" in Turkey.

As for the OP's question, we are not European therefore not white regardless of how we look.

Erdogan was literally born on the European side of Istanbul, so from a geographical perspective, he's European and hence "white".

07-17-2021, 10:40 PM
I am a traveller, I have travelled to turkey, iran, afghanistan and tajikstan. I remember going turkey once and seeing the vast diversity of people, when i went to istanbul, I asked the question why do these turks look so european??? they seem to be very white compared to how the media shows them to be. Shouldnt they be considered white, they are as pale as white people and basically pass for white people, but the media doesnt refer to them as white at all why is this?

Nobody refers to anyone as "white people", they call them by their nationality. Using race to categorize people is too general and doesn't consider the deeper levels of cultural identity many groups have that go beyond skin tone.

07-17-2021, 10:43 PM
From a cultural POV pure whiteness would be Anglo-Germanic-Nordic Protestant culture. Anything outside of that is murky territory.

07-17-2021, 10:47 PM
We have been the oldest and biggest enemies of Indo-Europeans even older than Jews. An ethnic Turk claiming to be white is plain stupid.

Enemy of Indo-European peoples? You do realize Muslim Persians are Indo-European? As well as Pakistanis and North Indians?

07-17-2021, 10:53 PM
Erdogan was literally born on the European side of Istanbul, so from a geographical perspective, he's European and hence "white".

So Turks who were born in Germany are European as well from the same geopraphical perspective.

Anyway, being born in Istanbul =/= Being originally from Istanbul. Erdogan's family is from Eastern Black Sea region and is of Georgian&Laz heritage.

07-17-2021, 11:22 PM
There are tooooo many threads on this forum about Turks being white or not. Apart from some individuals Turks don't care about being white.

07-17-2021, 11:42 PM
There are tooooo many threads on this forum about Turks being white or not. Apart from some individuals Turks don't care about being white.

In this forum if you are not white

you are nobody in the world

07-17-2021, 11:48 PM
white or looking white in the early 21C has become synonymous with the anglo-saxon view of themselves

therefore in the anglo saxon world "white" is someone who looks NW euopean, or close enough to the usual NW euro phenotypes not to look out of place

this is the definition of "white" amongst the general population in the UK and USA imo.

99% of people are not like us on anthroboards, who have a more scientific knowledge of race and populations

"white" is strictly visual

To be white you must have the Nordic look

so if you are not nordic

it's not white

so it's not worth discussing

07-18-2021, 03:01 PM
Erdogan was literally born on the European side of Istanbul, so from a geographical perspective, he's European and hence "white".

wtf lol.

then a pakistani born in uk is white.

erdoğan is from rize. (northeastern turkey)

07-18-2021, 03:17 PM
Most Southern Europeans are not white.
Why would they be?
Tanning is a necessary skill in the Mediterranean.
In Scandinavia where people have to resort to fermented cod in order to survive whiteness works.
In the South, being white is a liability.
Ask Danes and Scots who vacate in the South.
They are very content with their skin.

07-18-2021, 04:11 PM
Most Southern Europeans are not white.
Why would they be?
Tanning is a necessary skill in the Mediterranean.
In Scandinavia where people have to resort to fermented cod in order to survive whiteness works.
In the South, being white is a liability.
Ask Danes and Scots who vacate in the South.
They are very content with their skin.

Being white has nothing to do with skin color, a white person is native european with european genetic. Scandinavian nordicists doesn't represent the whole continent.

07-18-2021, 04:17 PM
because Paleo Atlantids aren't white

(...) wider and lower noses and faces, darker pigmentation, and strong pilous growth.

07-18-2021, 04:24 PM
Being white has nothing to do with skin color, a white person is native european with european genetic. Scandinavian nordicists doesn't represent the whole continent.
Scandos and Southern Euros have as much genetic distance as South Euros and Levantines do.
We are different peoples and Southerners rarely associate themselves with Scandos in a multiethnic community.
Geographically, yes, we are all Euros, but culturally and genetically, we are different.
I mean, you, a Southern German, are most likely more genetically related to Northern Italians than you are to true Germans from Hamburg or Kiel.

07-18-2021, 04:27 PM
Enemy of Indo-European peoples? You do realize Muslim Persians are Indo-European? As well as Pakistanis and North Indians?

Islam was not good for the Indian subcontinent! He may have a valid point.

07-18-2021, 04:57 PM
Scandos and Southern Euros have as much genetic distance as South Euros and Levantines do.
We are a different people and Southerners rarely associate themselves with Scandos in a multiethnic community.
Geographically, yes, we are all Euros, but culturally and genetically, we are different.
I mean, you, a Southern German, are most likely more genetically related to Northern Italians than you are to true Germans from Hamburg or Kiel.

1. white = european
2. just because you don't feel any pan european identity it doesnt mean its true for everyone. For example an average greek do care about a terror attack in Norway more than a terror attack in Iraq, simple because we are all europeans.
3. south germans are not closer to north italians than north germans. This north and south german bullshit is only internet thing. Once go to Germany you will see same faces in München and Hamburg.

07-18-2021, 05:00 PM
Islam was not good for the Indian subcontinent! He may have a valid point.

Islam wasn't good for any subcontinent...

07-18-2021, 05:26 PM
Genetics is no bullshit!
South Germans cluster with other alpine peoples and not with North Germans.
You are actually germanized Kelts.
Ich habe nach München und Rügen (ein Cousin hat dort gerarbeitet) gereist. Die Bewohner in diesen Orten wären ganz andere phänotypisch.

07-18-2021, 05:38 PM
Genetics is no bullshit!
South Germans cluster with other alpine peoples and not with North Germans.

This is complete bullshit, south germans are closest to other germans and french, north italians are far away:

And you should check the german history for example the modern great inner migration waves between and after the world wars, and after the unification. Look at these faces, they are same:



You have no idea what are you talking about.

07-18-2021, 05:39 PM
3. south germans are not closer to north italians than north germans. This north and south german bullshit is only internet thing. Once go to Germany you will see same faces in München and Hamburg.

I checked it in Dodecad K12b, but Bavarian_German was closer to Italian_Aosta_Valley than to German_Northwest when I didn't multiply the matrix of component percentages by the matrix of FST distances between the components. However when I did multiply by FST, it was not.

Not multiplied by FST:

Distance to Bavarian_German:
5.08 French_Northeast
5.13 Belgian
5.71 French_North
8.20 Dutch
8.71 Hungarian_Transylvania+Székely
9.10 Hungarian_Transdanubia+Budapest
9.11 English_South
9.14 French_Northwest
9.59 English
9.63 Hungarian
10.03 Slovenian
10.39 Hungarian_Alföld
10.53 English_North
10.84 Italian_Aosta_Valley
10.95 Croat_South
11.11 Croat
11.16 German_Northwest
11.36 Serb
11.44 Scottish
11.55 German
11.60 Hungarian_North
11.77 Italian_Trentino
12.10 Bosnian
12.43 Irish
12.50 Czech
12.85 Montenegrin
12.95 Italian_Friuli_VG
13.03 Moldovan_Central
13.44 Swiss_Italian
13.64 Icelandic
13.76 Moldovan_North

Multiplied by FST:

Distance to Bavarian_German:
2.10 Belgian
3.35 French_Northeast
3.86 French_Northwest
4.05 English_South
4.15 Croat_South
4.16 English
4.19 Slovenian
4.55 Croat
4.76 Serb
4.81 French_North
4.82 English_North
4.87 Bosnian
4.92 Dutch
5.26 Scottish
5.43 Montenegrin
5.56 German_Northwest
5.70 Hungarian_Transdanubia+Budapest
5.74 Irish
5.90 German
6.17 Czech
6.36 Hungarian
6.72 Hungarian_Alföld
6.74 Italian_Aosta_Valley
6.90 Hungarian_North
6.93 Romanian
7.20 Icelandic
7.20 Italian_Trentino
7.28 Danish
7.43 Bulgarian_West
7.48 Moldovan_Central
7.56 Moldovan_North




07-18-2021, 05:46 PM
Only Bavarians and Swabians are South "Germans".
People from Hesse or Thuringia are not South Germans.
The former are clearly germanized Kelts. The latter are a mix of Germans and Kelts.
East Germans, especially from Prussland, are mostly germanized Poles, wie eure Kanzlerin, Angela Merkelski.

07-18-2021, 05:53 PM
Only Bavarians and Swabians are South "Germans".
People from Hesse or Thuringia are not South Germans.
The former are clearly germanized Kelts. The latter are a mix of Germans and Kelts.
East Germans, especially from Prussland, are mostly germanized Poles, wie eure Känzlerin, Angela Merkelski.

Damn dimitri, you didnt need another account but your google translator german ist ätzend zu lesen. Und Merkel schaut nicht besonders Slawisch aus, du Ahnungsloser.

07-18-2021, 06:04 PM
Only Bavarians and Swabians are South "Germans".
People from Hesse or Thuringia are not South Germans.
The former are clearly germanized Kelts. The latter are a mix of Germans and Kelts.
East Germans, especially from Prussland, are mostly germanized Poles, wie eure Känzlerin, Angela Merkelski.

+austrians but this is a different story doesn't matter. The complete german nation is basically celto-germanic, the southern parts was obviously more celtic, but we live in 2021, between the both world wars there were big inner migration waves, just like after 1990. Also today south Germany is more richer and advanced than north, tons of north german go to south to work and live. The modern south and north germans are pretty same, maybe it was true 100-150 years ago what you said but not in modern times when everyone has car, airplane ticket etc and we are after many drastic historical events.

07-18-2021, 06:34 PM
I'm no Dimitri, but I ain't surprised others clock germanised Kelts on their delusion they are Germans.
Ja, das stimmt, mein Deutsch ist schlecht, aber du kannst kein Griechisch.
Angela Merkelski is a germanised Pole, which is ironic, because Nazis tried to exterminate Poles...
It's not the first time Northerners acted as what they truly are, barbarians.

07-18-2021, 06:36 PM
Genetics do not agree with you.
You are an alpine people.
All alpine peoples are advanced, both financially and culturally.
The pity is you share your advancement with barbarians.

07-18-2021, 10:13 PM
In my Ice Hockey thread average South German looked significantly different from average West German.
I will make morphs with bigger sample size.

07-19-2021, 08:55 AM
1. white = european
2. just because you don't feel any pan european identity it doesnt mean its true for everyone. For example an average greek do care about a terror attack in Norway more than a terror attack in Iraq, simple because we are all europeans.
3. south germans are not closer to north italians than north germans. This north and south german bullshit is only internet thing. Once go to Germany you will see same faces in München and Hamburg.

I dont think its completly a BS thing.
For instance British people can cluster to some degree with South Dutch, North Germans and or North West Germans but are less likely to cluster closely with East Germans , Austrians, or South Germans.

Austrians can cluster not too distantly to Hungarians but unlikely to cluster very close to North Germans, South Dutch or British people.

These differences in regional clustering shows there is genetic variations in different regions of Germany.

Below is autosomal clustering for Germanic regions , taken from MTA.


1. Hungarian (7.142)
2. Czech (7.372)
3. East_German (7.848)
4. Croatian (7.946)
5. Serbian (9.385)
6. Slovenian (9.488)
7. Moldavian (11.06)
8. Bosnian (12.77)

East German

1. German_Central (6.918)
2. Hungarian (7.070)
3. Czech (7.704)
4. Austrian (7.848)
5. South_Dutch (10.85)
6. Southwest_Finnish (10.90)
7. Croatian (11.18)
8. North_German (11.21)

North German

1. Danish (4.495)
2. North_Dutch (5.158)
3. Irish (5.981)
4. Southeast_English (6.127)
5. West_Scottish (6.675)
6. South_Dutch (7.252)
7. Southwest_English (7.299)
8. Flemish (8.450)

West German

1. Flemish (3.707)
2. South_Dutch (6.861)
3. Welsh (7.940)
4. Southwest_English (8.679)
5. French (9.047)
6. North_German (9.211)
7. North_Dutch (9.455)
8. Southeast_English (9.518

Rafael Passoni
07-19-2021, 09:19 AM
But they are white.

07-19-2021, 10:40 AM
But they are white.

No, we're not

07-19-2021, 11:18 AM
They’re 100% blonde white atheist porn director hallstatt non-binary European nordid Paleos. Too white to be white. Turks are so white they reflect the sun hence the Arctic temperatures in Turkey. Just a reminder that Turks are European!

12-22-2021, 03:22 AM
Turks are functionally white. They just aren't part of the "white social club" as people like to call it. There is more physical similarity between Greeks and Turks than Greeks and Poles. It's all a construct.

02-06-2022, 02:48 AM
Vast majority of Turks living in Istanbul are actually from various parts of Anatolia. And no, Erdogan is not considered to be a "light type" in Turkey.

As for the OP's question, we are not European therefore not white regardless of how we look.

Actually if we go by genetics many Turks ARE in fact white, if white means of European descent then by definition a good amount of Turks are white. Those of Greek descent, Albanian descent, other Balkan descent, etc. would make many Turks in fact genetically white.