View Full Version : Men are like dogs, women like cats

War Chef
03-13-2018, 07:00 PM
A cat will only love you if you have something to offer it like food, however once you serve no utility the cat doesn't give a shit about you. In this way cats are like women.

The love from a dog is far superior. Dogs have been known to sacrifice themselves for their owners.


03-13-2018, 07:11 PM
I do see the similarities. Men have a natural need to provide for, and protect women. Even to die for them. Women are after men for their resources and status. Feeding a cat tricks its brain into thinking you are a member of its pack. My aunt's cat used to always swipe at me until I fed her one day and now I can pet her sometimes.

Interestingly, I find that male cats love everyone just as long as you pet them. Girl cats attach themselves to one owner i.e. their provider and act skittish toward everyone else. Lol.

03-13-2018, 07:12 PM
Comparision with animals make no sense.

War Chef
03-13-2018, 07:47 PM
I don't believe women can truly love a man. They can love small cute animals, or babies, but when it's their man he is only manipulated and used for the woman's personal gain.

03-13-2018, 10:21 PM
our mothers are women, women are weak and sensitive and they need to be protected & take much care of.. nowadays you can also find the male creatures who are like cats and the female creatures who are like dogs :p

03-13-2018, 10:50 PM
I think cats are more similar to women as they both tend to be fickle in their emotions. Just like women, cats are finicky creatures with moods that can change quickly and dramatically. One minute they are snuggled up on your lap, and the next they are giving you the cold shoulder.

I like cats and I actually own one, but that does not mean I am blind to them being more changeable than British weather xD

War Chef
03-13-2018, 11:28 PM
Oh shit, look who's lurking..... another deceitful, manipulative, calculative, cunning, machiavellian cat/woman


03-14-2018, 12:26 AM
Trying to assign human traits to an animal is ridiculous. If our beloved pets could talk to us in an actual, physical language, we would not understand a shit of what they'd try to say, since our notions of anything, which are just byproducts of the specific evolution of cognitive processes (=specific nervous system chemistry), would be utterly alien to them, as theirs would be to us. To the point though, why would you compare a beautiful animal, such as a humble house cat, to a creature, that actively deems around 85 percent of us to be inferior scum?

03-14-2018, 01:18 AM
Trying to assign human traits to an animal is ridiculous. If our beloved pets could talk to us in an actual, physical language, we would not understand a shit of what they'd try to say, since our notions of anything, which are just byproducts of the specific evolution of cognitive processes (=specific nervous system chemistry), would be utterly alien to them, as theirs would be to us. To the point though, why would you compare a beautiful animal, such as a humble house cat, to a creature, that actively deems around 85 percent of us to be inferior scum?
magyar lany thumbed you up for this (isn't she a chick?) XD and you thumbed down Mmmm for basically saying the exact same thing you are here? Wut?

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:37 PM
I think cats are more similar to women as they both tend to be fickle in their emotions. Just like women, cats are finicky creatures with moods that can change quickly and dramatically. One minute they are snuggled up on your lap, and the next they are giving you the cold shoulder.

I like cats and I actually own one, but that does not mean I am blind to them being more changeable than British weather xD

See, that's what I always liked about you. While most women say one thing and mean another, you actually mean what you say, nothing more nothing less. That straightforwardness almost makes me feel like you're secretly a male sometimes. :p But respect to you miss.

03-14-2018, 07:47 PM
See, that's what I always liked about you. While most women say one thing and mean another, you actually mean what you say, nothing more nothing less. That straightforwardness almost makes me feel like you're secretly a male sometimes. :p But respect to you miss.
Women often are the ones calling other women bitches because they are intimately acquainted with female nature.

03-26-2018, 02:52 AM
I have three cats that don’t leave me tf alone.

I myself am probably more similar to a dog. I want to be a cat. So, I’ve dyed my hair, did my nails, do my makeup regularly.

I tell my husband every morning my goal is for his heart to break when he looks at me. I feel like a wilted flower.

Does that make me a cat?

03-30-2018, 05:13 PM
I myself prefer dogs to cats.

The Blade
04-17-2018, 09:33 PM
To continue the metaphor, I must say that no man who acts like a dog can handle a cat-like woman.
Such individuals end up used and abused, or friendzoned (which is really the worst and most pathetic but is often observed), or broken and divorced (if the cat had married them because of their fortune).
Though many females won't admit it, women in general like men who are dominant characters.
And what every normal female would admit is that they want men who are mentally strong, decisive and have their goals in life. Males who are strong personalities, in other words.
No woman wants a crying boy, nor someone who dedicates everything in his life to her.
Respect yourself to get a lady's appreciation.
There is no 100% warrant you'll get her but it's far more likely achieving it this way than if you humiliate yourself in front of her. Even if you don't get her, you'll have her respect and she will see what you are made of.

09-14-2019, 11:51 AM
I don't believe women can truly love a man. They can love small cute animals, or babies, but when it's their man he is only manipulated and used for the woman's personal gain.

Yes, and most men are doing the same thing. This is human nature. People are selfish creatures

09-14-2019, 12:02 PM
Can't make up my mind about who's most selfish and self centered, women or cats

Turkish Mongol
09-14-2019, 12:04 PM
I have been an active member of incel spheres during 2015-2018. I thought this site is not influenced by them. But, it looks like here is also influenced by the black pills.

11-14-2020, 02:11 PM
It's actually the other way round.

Cats like to be nurtured, independent, to go their own way, to do what they want, and come to "mommy" for cuddles, and gets annoyed when it doesn't want it but "mommy" insists.

It comes home to be fed, it makes sure that it shits and pisses in the right place, it will curl on your lap when it wants attention, but it also fucks off for a long time and you don't know where it goes or what it does.

It basically does what it wants, when it wants, so you're forever chasing its affection in the knowledge that if you don't feed it for a couple of days it will leave and never come back. Basically, a cat does the absolute BARE MINIMUM in terms of displaying love and affection, but when it does decide to show you affection, it shows you with its entire body.

Dogs on the other hand wanna please the master. They wanna do good, fetch a stick/bone, dig up treasures, protect the house, and if trained right, they do as told.

Which is how a woman will be if you display the qualities of a cat. Always waiting for you when you get home, you can teach them new tricks (like cooking and cleaning) with patience and encouragement, will stick around with owners that beat the shit out of them (whereas a cat would just fuck off), know exactly who feeds them etc.

The opposite of a cat, a dog will show affection to anybody who feeds it and gives it attention.

In human psychology this reflects the way men and women work.

Men like to go out there and hunt, lay about, make the world his oyster, do whatever the fuck we want. We can feed ourselves, but it's nice when the wife just gives us a nice meal, and when we want loving, we go find it, and sometimes when we don't want the loving but it's handed on a silver platter, we can get annoyed, not that it's the usual thing that happens.

Women on the other hand, if given attention, will move the world to please you. They'll make crafts both to occupy themselves while "master" is making money and to impress you, raise your kids for you, clean the house, do whatever it takes to please their man.

11-14-2020, 02:49 PM
I don't believe women can truly love a man. They can love small cute animals, or babies, but when it's their man he is only manipulated and used for the woman's personal gain.

I disagree, and I'm sorry if that was your experience, but I think you might be around the wrong type of women then, yikes.

11-14-2020, 02:51 PM
Yes, and most men are doing the same thing. This is human nature. People are selfish creatures

Right... many men also use women, usually for sex, so... idk why everyone only complains about women. I think anyone that does that sucks, personally, but its not just women.

11-14-2020, 02:52 PM
It's actually the other way round.

Cats like to be nurtured, independent, to go their own way, to do what they want, and come to "mommy" for cuddles, and gets annoyed when it doesn't want it but "mommy" insists.

It comes home to be fed, it makes sure that it shits and pisses in the right place, it will curl on your lap when it wants attention, but it also fucks off for a long time and you don't know where it goes or what it does.

It basically does what it wants, when it wants, so you're forever chasing its affection in the knowledge that if you don't feed it for a couple of days it will leave and never come back. Basically, a cat does the absolute BARE MINIMUM in terms of displaying love and affection, but when it does decide to show you affection, it shows you with its entire body.

Dogs on the other hand wanna please the master. They wanna do good, fetch a stick/bone, dig up treasures, protect the house, and if trained right, they do as told.

Which is how a woman will be if you display the qualities of a cat. Always waiting for you when you get home, you can teach them new tricks (like cooking and cleaning) with patience and encouragement, will stick around with owners that beat the shit out of them (whereas a cat would just fuck off), know exactly who feeds them etc.

The opposite of a cat, a dog will show affection to anybody who feeds it and gives it attention.

In human psychology this reflects the way men and women work.

Men like to go out there and hunt, lay about, make the world his oyster, do whatever the fuck we want. We can feed ourselves, but it's nice when the wife just gives us a nice meal, and when we want loving, we go find it, and sometimes when we don't want the loving but it's handed on a silver platter, we can get annoyed, not that it's the usual thing that happens.

Women on the other hand, if given attention, will move the world to please you. They'll make crafts both to occupy themselves while "master" is making money and to impress you, raise your kids for you, clean the house, do whatever it takes to please their man.

i felt very sad when i read my previous post on this thread, then i read your response and this was so wonderfully written that i felt a need to tell you that. thank you for writing this.

11-14-2020, 03:05 PM
There are women who are like dogs and women who are like cats there are men who are like dogs and men who are like cats I'm both dog and cat though I have traits of a dog and traits of a cat

11-14-2020, 03:09 PM
I don't believe women can truly love a man. They can love small cute animals, or babies, but when it's their man he is only manipulated and used for the woman's personal gain.

That's quite sad

11-14-2020, 03:12 PM
I do see the similarities. Men have a natural need to provide for, and protect women. Even to die for them. Women are after men for their resources and status. Feeding a cat tricks its brain into thinking you are a member of its pack. My aunt's cat used to always swipe at me until I fed her one day and now I can pet her sometimes.

Interestingly, I find that male cats love everyone just as long as you pet them. Girl cats attach themselves to one owner i.e. their provider and act skittish toward everyone else. Lol.
Both men and women provide though but women don't traditionally financially but they provide with household chores cook clean nurture support you with cuddle and sex when you are down I think women love just as much as men and women also protect even physically my mum and sister protect me I don't know if wifes do though some do and nurture and protect guys in wheelchair

11-14-2020, 03:37 PM
Alternatively, Men are Pigs, Women are Sheep. I think that sums it up better.

11-30-2020, 05:09 PM
This thread is GOLD

11-30-2020, 05:11 PM
I don't believe women can truly love a man. They can love small cute animals, or babies, but when it's their man he is only manipulated and used for the woman's personal gain.

Women only love their children (their own children I mean)

11-30-2020, 05:14 PM
Weak men are pussies anyway

11-30-2020, 05:15 PM
I don't think you have ever had male friends or relatives if you believe that. Guys only care about getting laid and their ego; I find them to be pretty boring and disloyal unless you are engaged in some ultra masculine shit with no chance of women being around. Most guys are also snitches and snakes, not all but most especially the lower I.Q ones. I have always found women to be superior friends. All women are queens:venus:

11-30-2020, 05:39 PM
100% agree

11-30-2020, 05:48 PM
Humanity needs a restart button. Or better yet, an abort button.

11-30-2020, 05:54 PM
Alternatively, Men are Pigs, Women are Sheep. I think that sums it up better.

I agree but pigs are better than men.

11-30-2020, 06:02 PM
women are catty, it only fits :-)

11-30-2020, 06:27 PM