View Full Version : GDP 2018 ( + forecast till 2022; IMF)

03-14-2018, 04:59 PM

Let's discuss about the economic situation/economic development in Europe.

03-14-2018, 05:13 PM
As usual, western Europe takes the win in being the most developed in all of Europe. Nothing unusual.

03-14-2018, 05:18 PM
As usual, western Europe takes the win in being the most developed in all of Europe. Nothing unusual.

You didn't notice that many former EE countries are on the level/beyond the level/almost on the level of former West-Southern European countries?

03-14-2018, 05:22 PM
You didn't notice that many former EE countries are on the level/beyond the level/almost on the level of former West-Southern European countries?

Yeah, but I was talking about on average really. I don't count central European countries like Czech republic and so on as part of eastern Europe either. What I've noticed is that certain eastern European countries like Montenegro, Kosovo, Russia and so on are growing in a more slower pace than their western counterparts.

03-14-2018, 06:08 PM
Yeah, but I was talking about on average really. I don't count central European countries like Czech republic and so on as part of eastern Europe either. What I've noticed is that certain eastern European countries like Montenegro, Kosovo, Russia and so on are growing in a more slower pace than their western counterparts.

Russian results are not bad at all currently.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 06:10 PM
How did Russia do so well despite economic sanctions?


Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-14-2018, 06:13 PM
Let us be reminded that this doesn't translate as what the average person earns in a year.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 06:16 PM
You have to take national income inequality into account.

03-14-2018, 06:16 PM
How did Russia do so well despite economic sanctions?


Russia isn't economically addicted to EU/the rest of Europe.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 06:18 PM
Russia isn't economically addicted to EU/the rest of Europe.

Russia has become self-sufficient. They don't depend on anyone, ever since the western world turned its back on them.

03-14-2018, 06:19 PM
It's pretty strong for a country like France with it's enormous non-productive, non-White population to still grow stronger than many other European countries who are basically 95%+ white.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 06:20 PM
Sweden has low income inequality and has a high GDP per capita. Yeah!

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-14-2018, 06:22 PM
Sweden has low income inequality and has a high GDP per capita. Yeah!

Sweden has one of the highest income equalities in the world :picard1: I don't get how someone from Sweden can know so little about his own country.

Edit: Misread.

03-14-2018, 06:24 PM
Let us be reminded that this doesn't translate as what the average person earns in a year.

But gives quite proper information what are lives in countries about and allows the international comparison.
On the other hand information about incomes doesn't. It is much more complicated then because at the same time we need to know information about costs at least.

03-14-2018, 06:25 PM
Let us be reminded that this doesn't translate as what the average person earns in a year.

Neither industrial power or anything really relevant, otherwise many developped countries would be third world compared to some micro states like Luxembourg, Monaco,.. and generally places with very easy going tax politics like Ireland.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-14-2018, 06:26 PM
But gives quite proper information what are lives in countries about and allows the international comparison.
On the other hand information about incomes doesn't. It is much more complicated then because at the same time we need to know information about costs at least.

I wish those stats represented the reality. Wages in Portugal probably raise on average 20€ a year yet there we see the per capita income raising by nearly 5 thousand dollars by the end of 2022, lol.

It seems far too optimistic.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 06:26 PM
Sweden has one of the highest income equalities in the world :picard1: I don't get how someone from Sweden can know so little about his own country.

Edit: Misread.


03-14-2018, 06:28 PM
As usual, western Europe takes the win in being the most developed in all of Europe. Nothing unusual.

Western Europe never experienced any major wars in recent times.
They had colonises. They looted, murdered and raped third world countries.
Actually the Swedes did the same thing stealing and murdering from Poland, Russia, Germany.
They arent better in any way. They have geography on their side.

Western Europe also benefits from usury.
Look at the debt percentages.

When they fall, they will fall hard.

Btw look into 2050 projections. E7, BRIC, and economy is shifting East.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-14-2018, 06:29 PM
Neither industrial power or anything really relevant, otherwise many developped countries would be third world compared to some micro states like Luxembourg, Monaco,.. and generally places with very easy going tax politics like Ireland.

Those countries opted for different economic strategies and they seem to be doing fine, good for them. I still find that this economic predictions are far too optimistic and unpredictable.

You have nations that are industrial and military powers like China or Brazil but they are still fairly backwards on the other hand.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-14-2018, 06:32 PM
Concerning economy to me most important measurement should be average salary one citizen earns, not GDP.

Cristiano viejo
03-14-2018, 06:37 PM
lol Eastern Europe lol Albania lol Ukraine lol Serbia lol Bosnia lol Montenegro lol Kosovo (a war for this? seriously??) LOL MOLDOVA :picard1:

The Illyrian Warrior
03-14-2018, 06:42 PM
Kosovo (a war for this? seriously??) LOL MOLDOVA :picard1:

Raised from ashes yet better than Moldova who haven't had a war recently, clearly we should & can do better.

03-14-2018, 06:43 PM
Western Europe never experienced any major wars in recent times.
They had colonises. They looted, murdered and raped third world countries.
Actually the Swedes did the same thing stealing and murdering from Poland, Russia, Germany.
They arent better in any way. They have geography on their side.

Western Europe also benefits from usury.
Look at the debt percentages.

When they fall, they will fall hard.

Btw look into 2050 projections. E7, BRIC, and economy is shifting East.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Western Europe, even countries without colonies like Scandinavia had higher GDP/capita than eastern Europe even before Soviet.

03-14-2018, 06:46 PM
Concerning economy to me most important measurement should be average salary one citizen earns, not GDP.
Have you ever been to Luxembourg? I have. Everything is expensive there I guess for most Europeans. So yeah, their citizens need high salary to could survive...

03-14-2018, 06:47 PM
Dont care for Europe, sad that the development in Germany is slowing down.

Not a good future for my country.

03-14-2018, 06:48 PM
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Western Europe, even countries without colonies like Scandinavia had higher GDP/capita then eastern Europe even before Soviet.

lol a Semite pretending to be Swedish. Whatever hellhole you came from was probably poor., and you are arguing like you are Swede.

Most of my comment relates to before Soviets anyway.

Try going back to 1500s.

Anglosaxon mass murders raped from multiple continents.
Swedish homosexuals murdered millions of Poles in Deluge alone (back then they werent homos just mass murderers). They took tons of wealth from Continental Europe.
French wankers did the same in North America and Africa.

Anglos assaulted, North America, China, India, Australia, the Middle East.

So what does that have to do with Soviet Union?

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 06:49 PM
Have you ever been to Luxembourg? I have. Everything is expensive there I guess for most Europeans. So yeah, their citizens need high salary to could survive...

After a certain level of development, the only advantage in living in a country higher GDP per capita is that you are usually able to travel to places with low GDP per capita and feel like a rich person for a few weeks.

03-14-2018, 06:53 PM
lol a Semite pretending to be Swedish. Whatever hellhole you came from was probably poor.

Most of my comment relates to before Soviets anyway.

Try going back to 1500s.

Anglosaxon mass murders raped from multiple continents.
Swedish homosexuals murdered millions of Poles in Deluge alone (back then they werent homos just mass murderers). They took tons of wealth from Continental Europe.
French wankers did the same in North America and Africa.

Anglos assaulted, North America, China, India, Australia, the Middle East.

So what does that have to do with Soviet Union?
How could the Swedes just take millions from Poland? Why did the poor Poles let it happen? How about your slavic brother Russia and it's expansion east they didn't take from all those people?
Give me more excuses.

03-14-2018, 06:54 PM
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Western Europe, even countries without colonies like Scandinavia had higher GDP/capita then eastern Europe even before Soviet.

Easterners(especially certain balkanics) are clearly inferior to westerners.

03-14-2018, 06:55 PM
How could the Swedes just take millions from Poland? Why did the poor Poles let it happen? How about your slavic brother Russia and it's expansion east they didn't take from all those people?
Give me more excuses.

Stop talking about Sweden like it your country or you provided anything positive to it.

Where do you come from as Assyrian? Iraq? Look at your own country before talking about Poland.

03-14-2018, 06:55 PM
Easterners(especially certain balkanics) are clearly inferior to westerners.

How you define east?

03-14-2018, 06:56 PM
How could the Swedes just take millions from Poland? Why did the poor Poles let it happen? How about your slavic brother Russia and it's expansion east they didn't take from all those people?
Give me more excuses.

You keep talking about excuses.
Are you a supporter of mass murdering and raping and looting?
Sure sounds like it.

You sound like a Barbaric Arab/Muslim who thinks invasion and spreading your shit is right.
Same like the Westerners.

03-14-2018, 06:57 PM
You keep talking about excuses.
Are you a supporter of mass murdering and raping and looting?
Sure sounds like it.

You sound like a Barbaric Muslim who thinks invasion and spreading your shit is right.
Same like the Westerners.

He is neither a westerner nor a Swede.

03-14-2018, 06:57 PM
Stop talking about Sweden like it your country or you provided anything positive to it.

Where do you come from as Assyrian? Iraq? Look at your own country before talking about Poland.

It's not my country, why would Sweden be my country? However I'm far more familiar with Sweden than you for an example, since I was born here and I grew up around Swedes. But many eastern Europeans are hypocrites for thinking that the only reason NW Europe is rich today is because of luck.

03-14-2018, 07:00 PM
It's not my country, why would Sweden be my country? However I'm far more familiar with Sweden than you for an example, since I was born here and I grew up around Swedes. But many eastern Europeans are hypocrites for thinking that the only reason NW Europe is rich today is because of luck.

Ofc you are familiar with it, just a like a parasite is familiar with the organism it lives off.


03-14-2018, 07:01 PM
It's not my country, why would Sweden be my country? However I'm far more familiar with Sweden than you for an example, since I was born here and I grew up around Swedes. But many eastern Europeans are hypocrites for thinking that the only reason NW Europe is rich today is because of luck.

And I am a western European myself, the eastern are jealous alot and instead of improving stuff they just complain, thats the mentality they gotta change.

03-14-2018, 07:01 PM
You keep talking about excuses.
Are you a supporter of mass murdering and raping and looting?
Sure sounds like it.

You sound like a Barbaric Arab/Muslim who thinks invasion and spreading your shit is right.
Same like the Westerners.

Actually you sound more like those Barbaric muslims since you, just like them only come up with excuses for why your country is so garbage in comparison with NW Europe(and you're even saying that NW Europeans are the reason your country is trash). Just like the Muslims of the ME blaming the US and the Jews when they should be blaming themself for being so backward.

Why are you living in an Anglo-country?

03-14-2018, 07:03 PM
Ofc you are familiar with it, just a like a parasite is familiar with the organism it lives off.


Don't ever quote me again trashy Germanized Slav.

03-14-2018, 07:03 PM
Actually you sound more like those Barbaric muslims since you, just like them only come up with excuses for why your country is so garbage in comparison with NW Europe(and you're even saying that NW Europeans are the reason your country is trash). Just like the Muslims of the ME blaming the US and the Jews when they should be blaming themself for being so backward.

Why are you living in an Anglo-country?

Well Dragoon he got some points there.

03-14-2018, 07:03 PM
Don't ever quote me again trashy Germanized Slav.

Go back to your own country.

03-14-2018, 07:05 PM
And I am a western European myself, the eastern are jealous alot and instead of improving stuff they just complain, thats the mentality they gotta change.

Most former EE countries grow far faster than most former WE countries.

03-14-2018, 07:06 PM
Most former EE countries grow far faster than most former WE countries.

Thats a good thing, maybe their mentality is changing.

03-14-2018, 07:07 PM
Go back to your own country.

I will when you start learning your actual language(Polish) and move to the country where your people are living(Poland). Atleast I'm aware of my heritage, I can speak my actual mother tongue. You are just a Germanized slav. An imposter.

03-14-2018, 07:08 PM
Most former EE countries grow far faster than most former WE countries.

What you posted shows that even countries like France and Sweden are growing faster than Albania, Bosnia, Slovenia, and many other eastern countries.

03-14-2018, 07:09 PM
I will when you start learning your actual language(Polish) and move to the country where your people are living(Poland). Atleast I'm aware of my heritage, I can speak my actual mother tongue. You are just a Germanized slav. An imposter.

Haha where you got the information that I am polish?

Having a Scandinavian lastname and coming from a Region never conqured by slavs doesnt seem to make me a slav.

03-14-2018, 07:10 PM
Actually you sound more like those Barbaric muslims since you, just like them only come up with excuses for why your country is so garbage in comparison with NW Europe(and you're even saying that NW Europeans are the reason your country is trash). Just like the Muslims of the ME blaming the US and the Jews when they should be blaming themself for being so backward.

Why are you living in an Anglo-country?

1)Canada is AngloFrench (used to be)
2)Now its diverse. There are more Catholics than Protestants in Canada. Does that sound Anglo like?
3)Family > Nation > others
4)Barbaric means mass murdering, raping and stealing. What you call excuses are actually facts of history. And fact is Poland never did crimes anywhere close to what Anglos, Swedes, French, Mudslimes did.

03-14-2018, 07:11 PM
Haha where you got the information that I am polish?

Having a Scandinavian lastname and coming from a Region never conqured by slavs doesnt seem to make me a slav.

We all know you have East German ancestry. And from what we know today is that those Germans from Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe are actually germanized Slavs/Balts. How does it feel to not speak the actual language of your ancestors? You're like the Turks who have almost no Turkic heritage yet they speak Turkish. Exactly the same.

03-14-2018, 07:12 PM
Thats a good thing, maybe their mentality is changing.

Yeah, and maybe their mentality never was so bad.
Their economies just weren't supported by Marshall plan after WWII and they weren't able to built their own industries/business activities during most of the 20th century - the most important century. It is much more difficult to build something worthwhile now than it was in the last century.

03-14-2018, 07:14 PM
1)Canada is AngloFrench (used to be)
2)Now its diverse. There are more Catholics than Protestants in Canada. Does that sound Anglo like?
3)Family > Nation > others
4)Barbaric means mass murdering, raping and stealing. What you call excuses are actually facts of history. And fact is Poland never did crimes anywhere close to what Anglos, Swedes, French, Mudslimes did.

HAHAHAH you are delusional as fuck. First of, who the fuck made Canada what it is today? That's right Anglos and French. You are enjoying what Western euros built, you hypocrite.

03-14-2018, 07:14 PM
How to start a forum war:

Step 1: Find a forum where people are really self-conscious about their place of origin.
Step 2: Post GDPs of different countries. Don't even say anything else.


03-14-2018, 07:14 PM
We all know you have East German ancestry. And from what we know today is that those Germans from Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe are actually germanized Slavs/Balts. How does it feel to not speak the actual language of your ancestors? You're like the Turks who have almost no Turkic heritage yet they speak Turkish. Exactly the same.

Hes still German. Even he has some tiny amounts of Slavic (unproven).
Both are European neighbours. IndoEuropeans.

You are a Semite. You have no say.

03-14-2018, 07:15 PM
Russia isn't economically addicted to EU/the rest of Europe.

Honestly, considering that Russia is one of Europe's most corrupt countries I don't find it that impressive really.

03-14-2018, 07:16 PM
We all know you have East German ancestry. And from what we know today is that those Germans from Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe are actually germanized Slavs/Balts. How does it feel to not speak the actual language of your ancestors? You're like the Turks who have almost no Turkic heritage yet they speak Turkish. Exactly the same.

Im sad about not speaking any scandinavian language.

03-14-2018, 07:16 PM
HAHAHAH you are delusional as fuck. First of, who the fuck made Canada what it is today? That's right Anglos and French. You are enjoying what Western euros built, you hypocrite.

Canada was build by many ethnicities and races. Just like USA, Brazil, Argentina, etc.
I see Portuguese and Italians and Poles doing most of the real work here. Chinese and South Asians too. The Anglos and French were the founders. Which means nothing, since the country is no longer fully theirs. Most people dont care about the Queen of England or anything like that.

Europe is for Europeans.

the New World belonged to Native American. Later countries founded by Anglos,French,etc. But now its for anyone. Look how many Non-Anglo, Non-French there are here.

So im not a hypocrite.

03-14-2018, 07:17 PM
Hes still German. Even he has some tiny amounts of Slavic (unproven).
Both are European neighbours. IndoEuropeans.

You are a Semite. You have no say.

Thats the biggest jokes, a semit parasite probably living off welfare in Sweden dares to speak about Europeans.

03-14-2018, 07:17 PM
Western Europe never experienced any major wars in recent times.
They had colonises. They looted, murdered and raped third world countries.
Actually the Swedes did the same thing stealing and murdering from Poland, Russia, Germany.
They arent better in any way. They have geography on their side.

Western Europe also benefits from usury.
Look at the debt percentages.

When they fall, they will fall hard.

Btw look into 2050 projections. E7, BRIC, and economy is shifting East.

I know. I was not saying that eastern Europeans are incompetent people or anything. Communism had hit eastern Europe quite badly, and it's a miracle that most had managed to get back on their feet again in contrast to other ex-soviet countries in central Asia and beyond.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 07:18 PM
Thats the biggest jokes, a semit parasite probably living off welfare in Sweden dares to speak about Europeans.

Living off my taxes.

03-14-2018, 07:19 PM
Hes still German. Even he has some tiny amounts of Slavic (unproven).
Both are European neighbours. IndoEuropeans.

You are a Semite. You have no say.

You were just hating on the Germanics and now you're writing this? And no he doesn't have just tiny amount of Slavic. Most East Germans are completely Germanized, maybe at max 10% actual German in them.
And I have every right to say that you are considered a Wog(Blatte) in Sweden:

Blatte is an insulting term(insulting / decreasing), sometimes self-identifying, of a dark-haired person with an ethnic background perceived as non-Northern European or non-European, such as a person originating from southern Europe, eastern Europe, south america, africa, middle east or South Asia.

03-14-2018, 07:20 PM
Yeah, and maybe their mentality never was so bad.
Their economies just weren't supported by Marshall plan after WWII and they weren't able to built their own industries/business activities during most of the 20th century - the most important century. It is much more difficult to build something worthwhile now than it was in the last century.

You know nothing about the masrhall plan, thats another excuse you always use.

Do you even know how much gold and other goods have been stolen from germany?

Leaving that to us would be 1000times more worth than the marshal plan money we recieved.

France and UK got way more money from the marshall plan and didint had to pay reperations and had such an destroyed infrastructute, still we managed to outpower both of them.

But at the end we are only rich and developed because of marshall plan, yeah.

03-14-2018, 07:20 PM
Living off my taxes.

Deport him straight to Iraq.

03-14-2018, 07:22 PM
You know nothing about the masrhall plan, thats another excuse you always use.

Do you even know how much gold and other goods have been stolen from germany?

Leaving that to us would be 1000times more worth than the marshal plan money we recieved.

France and UK got way more money from the marshall plan and didint had to pay reperations and had such an destroyed infrastructute, still we managed to outpower both of them.

But at the end we are only rich and developed because of marshall plan, yeah.

Germany under Hitler was very rich and stable nation. Germans are NOT incompetent people considering that the country is still one of the most richest countries in the world despite on what the Judeo-Bolsheviks had done to the innocent German civilians and etc. There should be a remembrance day to the innocent people of Dresden that were bombed and killed by the allied forces.

03-14-2018, 07:23 PM
Canada was build by many ethnicities and races. Just like USA, Brazil, Argentina, etc.
I see Portuguese and Italians and Poles doing most of the real work here. Chinese and South Asians too. The Anglos and French were the founders. Which means nothing, since the country is no longer fully theirs. Most people dont care about the Queen of England or anything like that.

Europe is for Europeans.

the New World is for anyone.

So im not a hypocrite.

WHAT A JOKE. Canada was founded, built and ruled by the Anglo-French, the US by Anglo-Germans. The small amount of Polish and southern Euros in both countries contributed barely anything. How dare you speak so badly about westerners and yet you are living in Canada. You are delusional to the max. You should have emigrated to your brother nation Russia instead, I hear they treat Polacks great there.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:23 PM
As usual, western Europe takes the win in being the most developed in all of Europe. Nothing unusual.

In my opinion because they (W-E) cater to women in the work-force, which in turn motivates men to work better. It's been proven more women in the work force makes for better production because the guys get excited and work harder.

However the men suffer (mental & physical health) while catering to the same ungrateful women who crave power.

Women are taking over in the western world and this is not OK.

Natural dominance hierarchy says men should be in control always.

03-14-2018, 07:23 PM
Deport him straight to Iraq.

To Iraqi Kurdistan, yes.

03-14-2018, 07:23 PM
Thats the biggest jokes, a semit parasite probably living off welfare in Sweden dares to speak about Europeans.

I work harder and pay more taxes than any Germanized Polack could ever dream of doing.

03-14-2018, 07:24 PM
You were just hating on the Germanics and now you're writing this? And no he doesn't have just tiny amount of Slavic. Most East Germans are completely Germanized, maybe at max 10% actual German in them.
And I have every right to say that you are considered a Wog(Blatte) in Sweden:


I dont care what you say since you arent Swedish.

I am very white, blonde hair, green eyes. You are a semite from the sands.

You gave no sources that East Germans are completely Germanized Slavics either.
Only 23% of East Germans have R1a.

03-14-2018, 07:24 PM
Germany under Hitler was very rich and stable nation. Germans are NOT incompetent people considering that the country is still one of the most richest countries in the world despite on what the Judeo-Bolsheviks had done to the innocent German civilians and etc. There should be a remembrance day to the innocent people of Dresden that were bombed and killed by the allied forces.

Yea but talking to the kind of anti german eastern European always end up with them saying we are only rich cause of the marshall plan.

Logic is not something they are capable off.

03-14-2018, 07:24 PM
WHAT A JOKE. Canada was founded, built and ruled by the Anglo-French, the US by Anglo-Germans. The small amount of Polish and southern Euros in both countries contributed barely anything. How dare you speak so badly about westerners and yet you are living in Canada. You are delusional to the max. You should have emigrated to your brother nation Russia instead, I hear they treat Polacks great there.

Wrong. Back to the sands Muslim.

03-14-2018, 07:25 PM
Deport him straight to Iraq.

I want you deported to Poland first.

03-14-2018, 07:25 PM
In my opinion because they (W-E) cater to women in the work-force, which in turn motivates men to work better. It's been proven more women in the work force makes for better production because the guys get excited and work harder.

However the men suffer (mental & physical health) while catering to the same ungrateful women who crave power.

Not true, in the early BRD times till today less Western German women were in work force than eastern Germans.

Infact the golden age when we had the biggest economical development almost every woman was a housewife.

Women are useless as workforce in most cases.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:26 PM
Women are useless as workforce in most cases.

Not useless, they're good cheerleaders and motivators for men.

03-14-2018, 07:26 PM
I want you deported to Poland first.

Semit, stop talking about polish people, you are inferior to them, how dare you talking to them in a bad manner?

You are like a rat trying to say bad things about a Lion.

03-14-2018, 07:26 PM
Croatian's GDP growth is catarstrophic.

03-14-2018, 07:27 PM
Yea but talking to the kind of anti german eastern European always end up with them saying we are only rich cause of the marshall plan.

Logic is not something they are capable off.

Well, Germany had produced one of the most brilliant minds in history when it comes to philosophy, science, mathematics and so on. The same can be said about the British and their descendants in America and beyond like the English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and so on. Slavs had also contributed a lot for humanity as well.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:27 PM
BTW most of that is not growth, it's just rise in inflation of USD.

03-14-2018, 07:28 PM
Living off my taxes.

A black man paying taxes in Sweden, sure :rolleyes:

03-14-2018, 07:29 PM
Semit, stop talking about polish people, you are inferior to them, how dare you talking to them in a bad manner?

You are like a rat trying to say bad things about a Lion.

What a Lion you are! You are an imposter to Germany. Deal with it

03-14-2018, 07:30 PM
-Double Post-

03-14-2018, 07:31 PM
You know nothing about the masrhall plan, thats another excuse you always use.

Do you even know how much gold and other goods have been stolen from germany?

Leaving that to us would be 1000times more worth than the marshal plan money we recieved.

France and UK got way more money from the marshall plan and didint had to pay reperations and had such an destroyed infrastructute, still we managed to outpower both of them.

But at the end we are only rich and developed because of marshall plan, yeah.

Erhard, Schuman, Marshall - three men that built Germany after the WWII. Without these three men, without the international decision it would be better not to let Germany fell down - Germany would be nothing. Nobody would cooperate with European Evils. You paid reparations for WWI few years ago, world still wait to get their money for WWII.

03-14-2018, 07:31 PM
Well, Germany had produced one of the most brilliant minds in history when it comes to philosophy, science, mathematics and so on. The same can be said about the British and their descendants in America and beyond like the English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and so on. Slavs had also contributed a lot for humanity as well.

Dont forget the latins.

Every ethnicity had its time and peak when it comes to contibrute to humanity.

For you as an Arab this goes to Mesopotamia.

03-14-2018, 07:32 PM
Wrong. Back to the sands Muslim.

Back to the eastern European swamps Polack! There's so much hatred for Polacks around Europe that there's a big wiki article about it

03-14-2018, 07:32 PM
Erhard, Schuman, Marshall - three men that built Germany after the WWII. Without this three men, without the international decision it would be better not to let Germany fell down - Germany would be nothing. Nobody would cooperate with European Evils. You paid reparation for WWI few years ago, word still to get their money for WWII.

See you completly have zero clue but you know how they say success breed jealousy.

To bad no rich western man would pay a cent for you.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 07:33 PM
A black man paying taxes in Sweden, sure :rolleyes:

I guess you probably don't even go out of your basement to say such stupid shit.

03-14-2018, 07:33 PM
Deutschland über alles.

03-14-2018, 07:34 PM
Dont forget the latins.

Every ethnicity had its time and peak when it comes to contibrute to humanity.

For you as an Arab this goes to Mesopotamia.

Oh yeah, I forgot the Italians as well. Not really, no. If anything, it goes to places like ancient Egypt, Levant and Iran where the early Arabs took most of it's cultural achievements from. Mesopotamia was no longer a relevant land once the Iranians and their Babylonian allies turn the tables on the Assyrians. Besides, we Palestinians are genetically far more closely related to Egyptians, Arabians and other MENA folk than to west Asiatics and Europeans as a whole, and there's nothing wrong with that of course.

03-14-2018, 07:34 PM
Back to the eastern European swamps Polack! There's so much hatred for Polacks around Europe that there's a big wiki article about it

Most Europeans prefer Polish or other Europeans over Semite invaders.
Most North Americans prefer Polish or other Europeans over Semite invaders.

Semites: Often rapists, who dont assimiliate. Have no respect for Europe.
Poles work and often assimiliate.

You think you are so special?


03-14-2018, 07:34 PM
Imagine Czechs trying to achieve just 0.5% of what Germany achieved.

You couldnt even last a single day in both world wars in Germanys position.

03-14-2018, 07:36 PM
See you completly have zero clue but you know how they say success breed jealousy.
To bad no rich western man would pay a cent for you.
I know very well what I am talking about unlike you, sensitive boy. :)

03-14-2018, 07:36 PM
I guess you probably don't even go out of your basement to say such stupid shit.

Nah I don't cause I actually like many of the SSA blacks here in Sweden, you on the other hand...

03-14-2018, 07:37 PM
I know very well what I am talking about unlike you, sensitive boy. :)

You dont know anything, as you completly ignore the facts of the stolen German goods and gold reserves.

Your whole country is just the biggest brothel in Europe, I would remain silent knowing that.

03-14-2018, 07:38 PM
Nah I don't cause I actually like many of the SSA blacks here in Sweden, you on the other hand...

Marcus would slap his black cock on your forehead and you would fly back to Iraq.

03-14-2018, 07:38 PM
Most Europeans prefer Polish over Semite invaders.
Most North Americans prefer Polish over Semite invaders.

You think you are so special?


Neither Arab or Jew you trash. Most Europeans prefer if Polacks didn't invade their countries

03-14-2018, 07:39 PM
Back to the eastern European swamps Polack! There's so much hatred for Polacks around Europe that there's a big wiki article about it

At the risk of sounding impartial, even if he did go back to whatever ancestral province he originated from, he would still be returning to a relatively stable and prosperous land.

I'm not sure exactly where you come from in the Middle East, but chances are if you went back there your life could be in serious danger because the entire region is unstable and prone to burst into conflict at the slightest moments. To put it in perspective, several years ago Syria was one of the better countries in the MENA sphere but now it's a complete shithole. Just a testament to the volatility of civilization in that area right now.

03-14-2018, 07:39 PM
Neither Arab or Jew you trash. Most Europeans prefer if Polacks didn't invade their countries

Parasite these are inner European conflicts you have no saying with.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 07:39 PM
Nah I don't cause I actually like many of the SSA blacks here in Sweden, you on the other hand...

If you knew any Blacks in Sweden you'd know most are working and not leeching off the system like most M. Eastern refugees are.

03-14-2018, 07:40 PM
Marcus would slap his black cock on your forehead and you would fly back to Iraq.

He's busy fucking ethnic Swedes, Germans, French and other trash sluts in NW Europe. They have abandoned the white European male.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:40 PM
Germany didn't just recover from WW2 miraculously with their own hard-work..... they got a fuck-ton of funding from America to rebuild.
As did Israel, which was basically an American start-up experiment.

03-14-2018, 07:40 PM
Neither Arab or Jew you trash. Most Europeans prefer if Polacks didn't invade their countries

Poles never invaded lands on the same scale and murdered millions of people
like you Semites.

Im not clicking on your aljeez semite propaganda.

03-14-2018, 07:40 PM
He's busy fucking ethnic Swedes, Germans, French and other trash sluts in NW Europe. They have abandoned the white European male.

At least he will get some pussy without have to rape, wouldnt say the same about your sort of people.

03-14-2018, 07:41 PM
If you knew any Blacks in Sweden you'd know most are working and not leeching off the system like most M. Eastern refugees are.

If you think I'm gonna defend ME you are misstaking. And btw everyone knows Zoomalis are the least employed ethnic group in Sweden so don't lie.

Black Panther
03-14-2018, 07:42 PM
At least he will get some pussy without have to rape, wouldnt say the same about your sort of people.


Black Panther
03-14-2018, 07:43 PM
If you think I'm gonna defend ME you are misstaking. And btw everyone knows Zoomalis are the least employed ethnic group in Sweden so don't lie.

The Somali are one among many other Black ethnic groups in Sweden. And I know several Somalis working. Most are working, btw.

03-14-2018, 07:43 PM
Germany didn't just recover from WW2 miraculously with their own hard-work..... they got a fuck-ton of funding from America to rebuild.
As did Israel, which was basically an American start-up experiment.

Even slavic russians start to realize the truth, unlike you.

The gold reserved stolen from us, were used for the marshall plan. And even without this shitty plan we would be rich, just like we recovered from the Versaille Treaty.

Germans will always find a way, cant say the same about the czechs.


03-14-2018, 07:44 PM
At least he will get some pussy without have to rape, wouldnt say the same about your sort of people.

Why you think I even go after Swedish chicks? Damaged sluts, they will fuck anyone that's not a white European. There's a bigger chance they will rape me, with how they lust for swarthy cock.

03-14-2018, 07:45 PM
The Somali are one among many other Black ethnic groups in Sweden. And I know several Somalis working. Most are working, btw.

Why are there so many delsusional people here? Don't lie

Bristen på sysselsättning präglar somaliernas liv i Sverige. Bara 28 procent av männen och 18
procent av kvinnorna har jobb.

03-14-2018, 07:45 PM
Why you think I even go after Swedish chicks? Damaged sluts, they will fuck anyone that's not a white European. There's a bigger chance they will rape me, with how they lust for swarthy cock.

You react a bit sensitive to a totally pointless provocation of mine.

Did I hit a spot? Do you got complexes?

03-14-2018, 07:46 PM
You dont know anything, as you completly ignore the facts of the stolen German goods and gold reserves.
Your whole country is just the biggest brothel in Europe, I would remain silent knowing that.
Nothing was stolen only some debts were paid.
And forget I will answer your senseless insults caused by your sensitivity and weakness.
You can't insult me; I don't feel comfortable with this conversation not because you behave like an buthurt yokel, but because I feel to be mentally superior to you.

03-14-2018, 07:47 PM
You react a bit sensitive to a totally pointless provocation of mine.

Did I hit a spot? Do you got complexes?

Saying I'm a rapist is a pointless provocation? I called you Germanized slav and you started the insults, so the complexed one is you. You desperately don't wanna be Slavic.

03-14-2018, 07:47 PM
Nothing was stolen only some debts were paid.
And forget I will answer your senseless insults caused by your sensitivity and weakness.
You can't insult me; I don't feel comfortable with this conversation not because you behave like an buthurt yokel, but because I feel to be mentally superior to you.

GDR no marshall plan still superior to czechoslovakia.

success breeds jealousy you are the proof.

03-14-2018, 07:48 PM
Saying I'm a rapist is a pointless provocation? I called you Germanized slav and you started the insults, so the complexed one is you. You desperately don't wanna be Slavic.

Keep on pushing boy

03-14-2018, 07:51 PM
Even slavic russians start to realize the truth, unlike you.

The gold reserved stolen from us, were used for the marshall plan. And even without this shitty plan we would be rich, just like we recovered from the Versaille Treaty.

Germans will always find a way, cant say the same about the czechs.

I dont know too much about Marshal Plan.
I know some Westerners got it.

Here it says:

3,300 million UK
2,300 million France
1,400 million Germany
1,200 million Italy
1,100 million Netherlands


(Poland and East Germany no get)

03-14-2018, 07:52 PM
Even slavic russians start to realize the truth, unlike you.

The gold reserved stolen from us, were used for the marshall plan. And even without this shitty plan we would be rich, just like we recovered from the Versaille Treaty.

Germans will always find a way, cant say the same about the czechs.


Amazingly, there are far more neo-Nazis living in Slavic countries than in Germanic countries. I think that they realized the truth about WW2 and the Jewish role in Communism that had butchered millions of Christians in central and eastern Europe. At this point, I think many White nationalists are aware on the controlled opposition nature in Europe where many of the so called "right wing" mainstream parties in Europe are nothing more than Zionist controlled civic nationalist parties. The Nordic resistance in Scandinavia and the Golden Dawn in Greece aren't like that though, and they go for the truth 110%. No exceptions to any foreign group.

03-14-2018, 07:54 PM
I dont know too much about Marshal Plan.
I know some Westerners got it.

Here it says:

3,300 million UK
2,300 million France
1,400 million Germany
1,200 million Italy
1,100 million Netherlands


(Poland and East Germany no get)

And what now?

France and UK recieved way more and still we outpowered them.

Italy almost same amount, we outpowered them.

Netherlands alot for their size, we outpowered them.

Logical thinking, there must be more for Germany's success than the Marshal plan.

And East Germany and Poland were one of the richest in Eastern Europe indeed, nothing said against it.

War Chef
03-14-2018, 07:56 PM
As if economic development and $$$ makes one superior. NO! It makes you a slave, even if you're a boss, you sacrificed a ton of sleepless nights to get to the top.

Germans simply live to work, it's their genetic code, that's all. Look at their last-names. It's all about work.



03-14-2018, 07:56 PM
GDR no marshall plan still superior to czechoslovakia.

success breeds jealousy you are the proof.

GDR millions and millions Euro has been invested there by Western Germany; still not on the WG level. Facts not jealousy. I've never felt jealousy towards any country...

03-14-2018, 07:57 PM
GDR millions and millions Euro has been invested there by Western Germany; still not on the WG level. Facts not jealousy. I've never felt jealousy towards any country...

Living in your country I would feel sadness only.

03-14-2018, 07:58 PM
Germans are so fucking pretentious :p

03-14-2018, 07:58 PM
Yeah, and maybe their mentality never was so bad.
Their economies just weren't supported by Marshall plan after WWII and they weren't able to built their own industries/business activities during most of the 20th century - the most important century. It is much more difficult to build something worthwhile now than it was in the last century.

Eastern half of Europe lagged behind the West even before communism. But these eastern countries were not equally poor. Czechs were among the more prosperous eastern countries.

We all know you have East German ancestry. And from what we know today is that those Germans from Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe are actually germanized Slavs/Balts. How does it feel to not speak the actual language of your ancestors? You're like the Turks who have almost no Turkic heritage yet they speak Turkish. Exactly the same.

You're stupid. He's 1/4 prussian 3/4 rheinlander(west german) =100% german. You could argue genetically prussians are half slav half german, that would make him 1/8 polish by blood. But then again, he's linguistically and culturally 100% german and 0% pole.

03-14-2018, 07:58 PM
As if economic development and $$$ makes one superior. NO! It makes you a slave, even if you're a boss, you sacrificed a ton of sleepless nights to get to the top.

Germans simply live to work, it's their genetic code, that's all. Look at their last-names. It's all about work.



No its ALL the Marshall Plan, we even recieved it in HRE, 2nd and 3 Reich, thanks to American time travel.

We never were anything without marshall plan, and without it, Germany would be Somalia today.

03-14-2018, 07:59 PM
Eastern half of Europe lagged behind the West even before communism. But these eastern countries were equally poor. Czechs were among the more prosperous eastern countries.

You're stupid. He's 1/4 prussian 3/4 rheinlander(west german) =100% german. You could argue genetically prussians are half slav half german, that would make him 1/8 polish by blood. But then again, he's linguistically and culturally 100% german and 0% pole.

Thank god for Hungarians and their logical thinking!

03-14-2018, 08:00 PM
Germans are so fucking pretentious :p

Noone would even say that about Americans


War Chef
03-14-2018, 08:00 PM
Eastern half of Europe lagged behind the West even before communism.

Amen brother. It's because of epigenetics.

Germany had Fuedal system for 1,500 years, Slavic world only 500 years. Who had more time to perfect the system?

03-14-2018, 08:00 PM
Most East Germans are completely Germanized, maybe at max 10% actual German in them.

Bullshit. I think you read too much Peterski/Litvin propaganda. And Teutone's only 1/4 prussian xD

03-14-2018, 08:00 PM
Amazingly, there are far more neo-Nazis living in Slavic countries than in Germanic countries. I think that they realized the truth about WW2 and the Jewish role in Communism that had butchered millions of Christians in central and eastern Europe. At this point, I think many White nationalists are aware on the controlled opposition nature in Europe where many of the so called "right wing" mainstream parties in Europe are nothing more than Zionist controlled civic nationalist parties. The Nordic resistance in Scandinavia and the Golden Dawn in Greece aren't like that though, and they go for the truth 110%. No exceptions to any foreign group.

I dont believe it. At least by percentages. (there are more Slavic population than Germanic in Europe I believe).

There is a myth that Russia has the most Neonazis but its not true, by statistics.

Remember also that Fascism, White Nationalism, NeoNazism, Regular Nationalism etc are different things.

03-14-2018, 08:04 PM
Bullshit. I think you read too much Peterski/Litvin propaganda. And Teutone's only 1/4 prussian xD

I even told these idiots the history of the town my grandfather is coming from, they are to limited for that.

Its a town that was completly built by the teutonic order and the inhabitants were german settlers.

03-14-2018, 08:04 PM
As if economic development and $$$ makes one superior. NO! It makes you a slave, even if you're a boss, you sacrificed a ton of sleepless nights to get to the top.

Germans simply live to work, it's their genetic code, that's all. Look at their last-names. It's all about work.



I agree about economy. Being richest doesnt make you better. I already prefer middle class, mid income, with morals, rather than some degenerate ultrarich or limo liberal.
Having highest economy has many disadvantages.

03-14-2018, 08:04 PM
Living in your country I would feel sadness only.
Your happiness depends on the place you live, right? You seem to be a happy person deep inside, a person who knows own value. :)
Teutone, my sensitive German friend (you have to be Spanish - you are like a CV's brother), don't try to hurt me, it will not work. I am confident with the place I live. Unlike you I know the situation of the country I live. It is much more better than you think...

03-14-2018, 08:06 PM
Your happiness depends on the place you live, right? You seem to be a happy person deep inside, a person who knows own value. :)
Teutone, my sensitive German friend (you have to be Spanish - you are like a CV's brother), don't try to hurt me, it will not work. I am confident with the place I live. Unlike you I know the situation of the country I live. It is much more better than you think...

Please stay there, and make the low class immigrants in my country that are czechs, go back to their homeland ASAP.

03-14-2018, 08:07 PM
I dont believe it. At least by percentages. (since there are more Slavic population than Germanic).

There is a myth that Russia has the most Neonazis but its not true, by statistics.

Remember also that Fascism, White Nationalism, NeoNazism, Regular Nationalism etc are different things.

Yeah, but I find Slavs to be less apologetic about their views than their western European counterparts. PC culture isn't as widespread in places like Poland than in countries like Sweden and so on.

03-14-2018, 08:08 PM
Yeah, but I find Slavs to be less apologetic about their views than their western European counterparts. PC culture isn't as widespread in places like Poland than in countries like Sweden and so on.

Consindering we killed 20+ mio russians, they are still the most germanophiles slavs I have ever meet.

Dont know why.

Even Putin loves Germany(Culturally).

03-14-2018, 08:08 PM
Bullshit. I think you read too much Peterski/Litvin propaganda. And Teutone's only 1/4 prussian xD

And Prussians were ethnic Germans regardless on the fact that the name "Prussia" came from the old Baltic tribe in the early middle ages.

03-14-2018, 08:09 PM
Consindering we killed 20+ mio russians, they are still the most germanophiles slavs I have ever meet.

Dont know why.

Even Putin loves Germany(Culturally).

I think Czechs, Croats are more. And some PO (political party) type Poles.

03-14-2018, 08:10 PM
And Prussians were ethnic Germans regardless on the fact that the name "Prussia" came from the old Baltic tribe in the early middle ages.

Teutonic Order never existed, Nothern Crusades never happend.

And if Peterski will find out this all happend, he will claim those Teutonic Knights were Germanized Slavs.

Its so pointless discussing with this sort of people, it starts to be funny.

03-14-2018, 08:10 PM
Consindering we killed 20+ mio russians, they are still the most germanophiles slavs I have ever meet.

Dont know why.

Even Putin loves Germany(Culturally).

Hitler didn't even kill that many people either. In fact, a Jewish communist leader, Gingrich Yagoda, was responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people alone. Yes, Russians do love Germans, and I have some Russian friend who told me that fact.

03-14-2018, 08:11 PM
Yeah, but I find Slavs to be less apologetic about their views than their western European counterparts. PC culture isn't as widespread in places like Poland than in countries like Sweden and so on.

You seem like a more logical Semite (compared to other guy). And I respect that. Are you Palestinian?

03-14-2018, 08:11 PM
I think Czechs, Croats are more. And some PO (political party) type Poles.

True, but Croats and Bulgarians are old allies of us.

Czechs dont really like us and we dont like them.

Poles are the most anti-German people I ever meet in my entire life.

Except the poles living in Germany, they do everything to become Germans and even say they are Germans.

03-14-2018, 08:11 PM
You seem like a more logical Semite (compared to other guy). And I respect that. Are you Palestinian?

Yes. I'm living in the UAE and I'm not a Muslim either(ex-Muslim to be specific).

03-14-2018, 08:13 PM
Please stay there, and make the low class immigrants in my country that are czechs, go back to their homeland ASAP.
My dear friend, you another issue is - you lack of knowledge about things you try to speak. So for your information, Czechs don't migrate, we are not Poles; and yes eg our medical schools are full job advertisements from Germany. You have to ask your people why they want our doctors, engineers, even teachers.... and if it helps to your nerves, no I have no interest to work/live in Germany ; ).

03-14-2018, 08:13 PM
Hitler didn't even kill that many people either. In fact, a Jewish communist leader, Gingrich Yagoda, was responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people alone. Yes, Russians do love Germans, and I have some Russian friend who told me that fact.

They just rushed us by numbers on the Eastern Front, its logical they have such high casualties.

My Great-Uncle told my Grandfather they could kill 10k of them a day, the next day they will come with 100k

03-14-2018, 08:16 PM
My dear friend, you another issue is - you lack of knowledge about things you try to speak. So for your information, Czechs don't migrate, we are not Poles; and yes eg our medical schools are full job advertisements from Germany. You have to ask your people why they want our doctors, engineers, even teachers.... and if it helps to your nerves, no I have no interest to work/live in Germany ; ).

Your education leven is a joke, the Germans that are to mentally disabled to become a doctor here just go to study medicine in Czech Republic because of lower requirements.

You are like the Syrian that claim to be docotrs and engineers, but here they would be consindered as fruit salesmen.

03-14-2018, 08:17 PM
They just rushed us by numbers on the Eastern Front, its logical they have such high casualties.

My Great-Uncle told my Grandfather they could kill 10k of them a day, the next day they will come with 100k

When it comes to soldier causalities in places like eastern Europe then yes, it isn't unrealistic. However, I was talking about civilian lives. Slavs really had suffered quite a lot under communism which is true for people like Romanians and Hungarians as well.

03-14-2018, 08:17 PM
Consindering we killed 20+ mio russians, they are still the most germanophiles slavs I have ever meet.

Dont know why.

Even Putin loves Germany(Culturally).

Most educated Russians are aware of their countries more positive historical ties with Germany. Of course WW2 was violent and bloody, but if you look and the decades and centuries before that then these countries generally had very warm relations, especially if compared to Germany and France, or hell, even Germany and Austria.

There has always been cooperation between these countries. Napoleonic Wars, exchange in culture, science and technology, etc, etc. Prussia even wanted Russia to break it's alliance with France prior to WW1 and join the central powers.

03-14-2018, 08:17 PM
Teutonic Order never existed, Nothern Crusades never happend.

And if Peterski will find out this all happend, he will claim those Teutonic Knights were Germanized Slavs.

Its so pointless discussing with this sort of people, it starts to be funny.

It did exist. No debating it.


Catholics werent innocent either man. European history is not peaceful :)

Outside of the Battle Grunwald I forget details.

But I think Polish leader invited Teutonics against Baltic pagans. Then Teutonics didnt leave when job was done. So Poland and Lithuania kicked them out. (someone can correct me).

03-14-2018, 08:20 PM
Most educated Russians are aware of their countries more positive historical ties with Germany. Of course WW2 was violent and bloody, but if you look and the decades and centuries before that then these countries generally had very warm relations, especially if compared to Germany and France, or hell, even Germany and Austria.

There has always been cooperation between these countries. Napoleonic Wars, exchange in culture, science and technology, etc, etc. Prussia even wanted Russia to break it's alliance with France prior to WW1 and join the central powers.

Well we are the Same, Germans like Russia alot too

Especially the nationalists

I personally have mixed feeling about Russia.

03-14-2018, 08:22 PM
Your education leven is a joke, the Germans that are to mentally disabled to become a doctor here just go to study medicine in Czech Republic because of lower requirements.

You are like the Syrian that claim to be docotrs and engineers, but here they would be consindered as fruit salesmen.

Teutone, you seem to be an expert and it makes me feel how to say it ... abashed ...
I'm trying to imagine how would Germany be if all Germans were like you...

03-14-2018, 08:22 PM
It did exist. No debating it.


Catholics werent innocent either man. European history is not peaceful :)

Outside of the Battle Grunwald I forget details.

But I think Polish leader invited Teutonics against Baltic pagans. Then Teutonics didnt leave when job was done. So Poland and Lithuania kicked them out. (someone can correct me).

Its the past anyway, but my point was that with the Teutonic Knights and their crusade and recapture of lands.

Germans logically, this is just basic logic that Peterski will never realize, Germans settled there in hughe numbers. So Prussians (suprise suprise) were mayority ethnic Germans.

03-14-2018, 08:23 PM
Teutone, you seem to be an expert and it makes me feel how to say it ... abashed ...
I'm trying to imagine how would Germany be if all Germans were like you...

Not on the edge to become Germanistan for sure.

03-14-2018, 08:23 PM
Here are some statistics...

Poles who positive on Germans... 46%
Poles neutral on Germans...28%
Poles negative Germans ... 22%

03-14-2018, 08:24 PM
Here are some statistics...

Poles who positive on Germans... 46%
Poles neutral on Germans...28%
Poles negative Germans ... 22%

Where do I find these positive Poles? Silesia?

03-14-2018, 08:32 PM
I have to go.. would like if someone posted how Russians/Germans see German/Russians..
or how Germans view Poles.

03-14-2018, 08:37 PM
I have to go.. would like if someone posted how Russians/Germans see German/Russians..
or how Germans view Poles.

Germans like Russians

I would even say most Germans like Polaks.

03-14-2018, 08:47 PM
Germans like Russians

I would even say most Germans like Polaks.

I don't know any Russians personally (aside from my mother) and I've only been to the country a few times, but I certainly don't think there are any negative feelings towards Germans among Russians.

I'd venture to say both Germans and Russians acutely aware of recent history realize that their countries were the real victims of the First World War, which, obviously lead to the second world war. Global banksters were very consistent on their desire to see the war halt any kind of German financial and political ambitions and see that the Russian Empire was completely destroyed. I think any Russians or Germans conscience of this can feel and share each other's suffering.

I do personally know of one instance where Russians and Germans fought together against the Bolsheviks in the Baltic regions. This was probably the last time these two countries would fight together while not under a harmful political ideology.

03-14-2018, 08:54 PM
I don't know any Russians personally (aside from my mother) and I've only been to the country a few times, but I certainly don't think there are any negative feelings towards Germans among Russians.

I'd venture to say both Germans and Russians acutely aware of recent history realize that their countries were the real victims of the First World War, which, obviously lead to the second world war. Global banksters were very consistent on their desire to see the war halt any kind of German financial and political ambitions and see that the Russian Empire was completely destroyed. I think any Russians or Germans conscience of this can feel and share each other's suffering.

I do personally know of one instance where Russians and Germans fought together against the Bolsheviks in the Baltic regions. This was probably the last time these two countries would fight together while not under a harmful political ideology.

I find peace that even mainstream historians like Christopher Clark finally say that Germany didint started ww1.

03-14-2018, 10:13 PM
We all know you have East German ancestry. And from what we know today is that those Germans from Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe are actually germanized Slavs/Balts. How does it feel to not speak the actual language of your ancestors? You're like the Turks who have almost no Turkic heritage yet they speak Turkish. Exactly the same.

Lol moron.

03-14-2018, 10:14 PM
Lol moron.

I have Marmara on my side?

Do we have christmas today?

03-14-2018, 10:17 PM
I have Marmara on my side?

Do we have christmas today?

:D Well, i wasn't exactly supporting you, i have no idea what you guys are arguing about, i just wanted to call him moron, let me read the whole discussion so i will decide.

03-14-2018, 10:18 PM
:D Well, i wasn't exactly supporting you, i have no idea what you guys are arguing about, i just wanted to call him moron, let me read the whole discussion so i will decide.

Well thats a nice way to to tell me to go fuck myself, thank you very much for nothing.


03-15-2018, 07:14 AM
WHAT A JOKE. Canada was founded, built and ruled by the Anglo-French, the US by Anglo-Germans. The small amount of Polish and southern Euros in both countries contributed barely anything. How dare you speak so badly about westerners and yet you are living in Canada. You are delusional to the max. You should have emigrated to your brother nation Russia instead, I hear they treat Polacks great there.

+1. I also grew up in an area with a lot of Assyrians, they are very successful economically but I will say I don't like their behavior when they are in groups, and they tend to stare a lot.

But if I had to bet Assyrians are far more intelligent than these stupid Slavs and Southern Europeans.

03-15-2018, 07:16 AM
Germans like Russians

I would even say most Germans like Polaks.

In the USA, Germans are seen as nothing more than Western European Slavics. They associate you with Poles and Russians, not Brits or French.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-15-2018, 03:29 PM
Have you ever been to Luxembourg? I have. Everything is expensive there I guess for most Europeans. So yeah, their citizens need high salary to could survive...

No I haven't been there yet, but when everything clinches with visa liberalization I would come to visit your capital, don't run away because I'd love to have drink with you while I'm there. ;)

03-15-2018, 03:36 PM
Germans like Russians

I would even say most Germans like Polaks.

«Нам страшно»: немецкий Сноуден просит политубежища у России // "We are scared": German Snowden asks political asylum in Russia



Большую часть своей жизни Маркус служил в вооруженных силах Германии. Был инструктором по рукопашному бою, снайпером. Но его основная работа заключалась в обслуживании летной части аэродрома, где было размещено американское ядерное оружие на случай войны.

Most of his life Marcus served in the German armed forces . He was an instructor in hand-to-hand combat, a sniper. But his main job was to maintain the aerodrome's airfield, where American nuclear weapons were stationed in case of war.

03-15-2018, 03:47 PM
Have you ever been to Luxembourg? I have. Everything is expensive there I guess for most Europeans. So yeah, their citizens need high salary to could survive...

This explains pretty nicely how Luxembourg got rich.
