View Full Version : Can Jennifer Lopez pass as full European?

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02-12-2011, 11:50 PM
Some say yes, some say no. So before some of you get defensive and think I'm blind, I say no. lol.


Comte Arnau
02-12-2011, 11:51 PM
No. Period.

02-12-2011, 11:52 PM
lol are you a troll ?

02-12-2011, 11:52 PM
I have seen people parade her around on these sites as an example of a white Puerto Rican. That's why I ask.

I'd guess she is no more than 70% European, and at least 20% African.

EDIT; No I'm not a troll. It's a legitimate question. Look on other sites and see how many people think she counts as white.

02-12-2011, 11:53 PM
I have seen people parade her around on these sites as an example of a white Puerto Rican. That's why I ask.

I'd guess she is no more than 70% European, and at least 20% African.

EDIT; No I'm not a troll. It's a legitimate question. Look on other sites and see how many people think she counts as white.
I would say she has far more amerind than african..

02-12-2011, 11:54 PM
I would say she has far more amerind than african..

Maybe 70% Euro, 15% Afro, 15% Amerindian. But I see some African.

02-12-2011, 11:54 PM
My penis has often answered this question. The sticky tissues are my reports.

02-12-2011, 11:58 PM
I think they have made her look whiter over the years. If you look at her when she first became famous she looked more exotic.

02-13-2011, 12:04 AM
Of course, She can fits in Madrid, In the Madrid of the last 8 years.

02-13-2011, 12:05 AM
Of course, She can fits in Madrid, In the Madrid of the last 8 years.

So true.

02-13-2011, 12:10 AM
Has she had any plastic surgury to her face? I I think she would be accepted in European life as a European. Most of us are not anal about race. She is pretty with visible African and native American strains. In Sweden we have a preminister that is 1/8 or 1/16 black, no one seems to care.

02-13-2011, 12:19 AM
It also depends on the picture. In this one, it's very evident she is mixed.


In this one, there are probably some people who would not notice.


02-13-2011, 12:19 AM
She could pass as a typical full time european maid, yes.

02-13-2011, 12:24 AM
Her sister, in my opinion would have a much better chance passing than she would.


02-13-2011, 12:25 AM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrzO3QgODBrCl5uoAjeVCAeCJYlKsMm JpkUfTJWj-ANZ2vT8XRjw&t=1

She has at least some % of Negroid.

Dat ass, y'all!

Grumpy Cat
02-13-2011, 04:50 AM
No. But I disagree on African admix like people have said. Looks like a European/Amerindian mix.

If she has any African it has to be waaaay back.

02-13-2011, 06:12 AM
No, but I thought her father look predominately European


02-13-2011, 06:25 AM
Here is her mother.


02-13-2011, 06:29 AM
She looks not unlike many Spaniards. She could easily pass as a Spaniard.

02-13-2011, 06:38 AM
I think both of her parents (and her sister) look whiter than her. Her mom looks more 'off white' than the father.

Dario Argento
02-13-2011, 07:05 AM
I could make her a fully European looking baby, if she pleased.

02-13-2011, 10:52 AM
She looks not unlike many Spaniards. She could easily pass as a Spaniard.


02-13-2011, 11:01 AM
cg93, any chance you could extend the good people here the courtesy of an introduction?:


No need to describe looks as we already know you look like Jennifer Lopez...

02-13-2011, 11:25 AM
I think both of her parents (and her sister) look whiter than her. Her mom looks more 'off white' than the father.

Agreed. Both her parents look quite european and "pinkish white in appearance but somehow she is brownish and show clear amerindian features. Maybe she is adopted!

02-13-2011, 01:27 PM
She looks not unlike many Spaniards. She could easily pass as a Spaniard.
Spaniard is not the same as Hispanic Lol

02-13-2011, 01:33 PM
In Sweden we have a preminister that is 1/8 or 1/16 black, no one seems to care.

Are you sure about that?


I don't see it in any of the parents.

Fortis in Arduis
02-13-2011, 01:50 PM
Jennifer Lopez nigh suffocated me to death when she sat on my face forcing me to breathe through her tiny asshole!!!

Back on topic:

No because her stupid big fat brown bum is far too big, even if she has

***anal bleaching***

Stupid questions beget stupid answers. :)

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 02:01 PM
She looks not unlike many Spaniards. She could easily pass as a Spaniard.

You didn't finish the sentence: She could easily pass as a Spaniard in North America.

02-13-2011, 02:12 PM
No, she would not look out of place in Spain at all...

You didn't finish the sentence: She could easily pass as a Spaniard in North America.

02-13-2011, 02:18 PM

I actually knew a girl who looked a bit simillar to her.

02-13-2011, 02:30 PM
No, she would not look out of place in Spain at all...

Technically thats right. The streets and brothels of Madrid or Barcelona are filled with latin american prostitutes. They almost match the local women in numbers.

02-13-2011, 03:03 PM
Yes, they need to take these Spaniard/Indio mong who are all invading my country. They created them, should be their problem, not ours...

They speak and look like the people already there, as you said...

Technically thats right. The streets and brothels of Madrid or Barcelona are filled with latin american prostitutes. They almost match the local women in numbers.

02-13-2011, 03:07 PM
The answer is no.

02-13-2011, 03:08 PM
Those who voted "yes" must be fucking crazy. She doesn't even look predominantly European, but Amerindian with some Spanish and slight Negro influences.

02-13-2011, 03:10 PM
Here's why I disagree with the term Hispanic. It implies that someone from say, Mexico who is 75% Native American and 25% European is somehow profoundly connected to Spain and that their connection to Spain is special, yet people make the distinction between other Caribbean groups and their European colonials (you never hear people associating Haitians as French or Jamaicans as British even if they are mixed).. How does a "mestizo" of significant Native ancestry somehow have a profound connection to Spain that other mixed people don't have with their white ancestry?

It's like a backhanded way of saying Iberia is less European, since it's perfectly fine and commonplace to confuse mixed race people with us. :rolleyes:

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 03:38 PM
Here's why I disagree with the term Hispanic. It implies that someone from say, Mexico who is 75% Native American and 25% European is somehow profoundly connected to Spain and that their connection to Spain is special, yet people make the distinction between other Caribbean groups and their European colonials (you never hear people associating Haitians as French or Jamaicans as British even if they are mixed).. How does a "mestizo" of significant Native ancestry somehow have a profound connection to Spain that other mixed people don't have with their white ancestry?

It's like a backhanded way of saying Iberia is less European, since it's perfectly fine and commonplace to confuse mixed race people with us. :rolleyes:

I wonder what Englishmen would think if African Americans were called Britannics.

02-13-2011, 03:39 PM
I wonder what Englishmen would think if African Americans were called Britannics.

Seriously. I don't see how mestizo "Latinos" have some special connection with Spain that even needs to be mentioned. People don't associate Haitians and Jamaicans with Europe, so don't associate Mexicans and Peruvians with us either.

02-13-2011, 03:42 PM
They speak and look like the people already there, as you said...

I never said such a thing.

J. Lopez look as similar to an iberian as a swarthy frenchmen.

And you should praise the spaniards for barely civilize the caribbean indians, otherwise they would be even a worst problem to face for your people today in terms of noxious inmigration.

02-13-2011, 03:44 PM
LOL!! Amerindian blood like me? Interesting, even geneticists weren't able to find any, but you can... And no, my FB is not "full of" anything. The only person who's "full of" anything is you, being full of steaming Spanish shit. You already got called out on your bullshit before, claiming that I was Amerindian, then posting pics of a white male with blue eyes and brown hair. LOL!!! Since then, you've been obsessively trying to hack my FB, being the swarthy homosexual stalker that you are. FB even sent me a warning today that someone in Spain has tried to access my account...

xD xD xD your facebook is full of people with amerindian blood like you xD do not ask me to invite you to give me permission to post pictures again, save yourself the embarrassment xD

02-13-2011, 03:46 PM
That turd cannot walk the European streets and be considered a native.
She is a turd with no artistic merit who attracts young dumb girls. Oh, how I feel sad and disappointed in the Western youth, to make such an abomination relevant.

02-13-2011, 03:47 PM
That's because Hatians and Jamaicans aren't genetically related to Europeans. However white Americans are genetically related to Europeans, and Mexicans are genetically, linguistically, and ancestrally related to Spaniards. This is why they ought to be Spains problems, not ours. They are the offspring of Spain, and Spain's doing alone. Not the USA.

Seriously. I don't see how mestizo "Latinos" have some special connection with Spain that even needs to be mentioned. People don't associate Haitians and Jamaicans with Europe, so don't associate Mexicans and Peruvians with us either.

02-13-2011, 03:52 PM
Iberians are on average far more swarthy than Frenchmen. The Spaniards barely civilized any of South America;that's why it's mostly such a dump, and they are all a problem for us, because of Spain's failed states and colonial efforts. Those hispanic mongrels need to go back to their parent nation, Spain, not our country. Because their impoverished hispanic asses can not figure out how to get across an ocean, they keep coming to my country.

Then again, when DON'T we have to deal with the problems created by incompetent nations..

I never said such a thing.

J. Lopez look as similar to an iberian as a swarthy frenchmen.

And you should praise the spaniards for barely civilize the caribbean indians, otherwise they would be even a worst problem to face for your people today in terms of noxious inmigration.

02-13-2011, 03:52 PM
That's because Hatians and Jamaicans aren't genetically related to Europeans. However white Americans are genetically related to Europeans, and Mexicans are genetically, linguistically, and ancestrally related to Spaniards. This is why they ought to be Spains problems, not ours. They are the offspring of Spain, and Spain's doing alone. Not the USA.

By that approach, African Americans are England's problem since a number of self-identified and accepted African Americans have a significant amount of colonial English mixture.

02-13-2011, 03:54 PM
Iberians are on average far more swarthy than Frenchmen. The Spaniards barely civilized any of South America;that's why it's mostly such a dump, and they are all a problem for us, because of Spain's failed states and colonial efforts. Those hispanic mongrels need to go back to their parent nation, Spain, not our country. Because their impoverished hispanic asses can not figure out how to get across an ocean, they keep coming to my country.

Then again, when DON'T we have to deal with the problems created by incompetent nations..

They aren´t our problem anymore so now it´s yours hihi

Fuck u :)

02-13-2011, 03:55 PM
No, not at all. "Self identification" doesn't matter. Genetics matter. African Americans have little white admixture, unlike Mexicans who have significant spaniards admixture. The fact that they speak the same language is just a corollary to the shared genetic ancestry with Spain. They are Spanish diaspora.

By that approach, African Americans are England's problem since a number of self-identified and accepted African Americans have a significant amount of colonial English mixture.

02-13-2011, 03:57 PM
Mexicans have significant Spanish admixture alright, that's why their eyes resemble Asian people's and their skin is brown and hair jet black and straight. :rolleyes:

And don't post Eva Longoria and Salma Hayek as rebuttal, or any other famous Mexican, as the celebrities tend to be whiter.

02-13-2011, 04:01 PM
Since then, you've been obsessively trying to hack my FB, being the swarthy homosexual stalker that you are. FB even sent me a warning today that someone in Spain has tried to access my account...

No idiot, I am not a hacker, you had your facebook address on your photo, and in your old facebook you appear hugging a girl with amerindians traits, I'm not a hacker, you're an inept, deal with it and stop cry to Moderators.

02-13-2011, 04:06 PM
Savant, sorry to say this but if you consider mestizos to be heirs of Iberia and can't distinguish them from us, maybe this site isn't the right one for you..

02-13-2011, 04:07 PM
Bullshit. That girl is white as can be. You are the only one stalking me obsessively on this forum and now coincidentally my someone is trying to hack my FB from Spain? After you are following me around like some kind of weird queer stalker desperately trying to get people to believe I am an Amerindian? And then it just happens that someone from Spain is trying to get into my FB? When I happen to have a queer Spanish stalker on this website who is posting my FB address?? And no the pic did NOT have my FB address in it. You are some obsessive faggot internet stalker and I'm reporting your queer ass.

No idiot, I am not a hacker, you had your facebook address on your photo, and in your old facebook you appear hugging a girl with amerindians traits, I'm not a hacker, you're an inept, deal with it and stop cry to Moderators.

02-13-2011, 04:08 PM
They are certainly heirs of Iberia, liguistically, culturally, and genetically. Just as Brazilians are to Portugal. If you can't distinguish that, this isn't the right site for you...

Savant, sorry to say this but if you consider mestizos to be heirs of Iberia and can't distinguish them from us, maybe this site isn't the right one for you..

02-13-2011, 04:08 PM
No, not at all. "Self identification" doesn't matter. Genetics matter. African Americans have little white admixture, unlike Mexicans who have significant spaniards admixture. The fact that they speak the same language is just a corollary to the shared genetic ancestry with Spain. They are Spanish diaspora.
Mexicans have only 28% european admixture :

African Americans from the Southwest (ASW), Utah Whites (CEU), Beijing Chinese (CHB), Mexicans from Los Angeles (MEX), Toscans (TSI), and Yoruban from Nigeria (YRI).

02-13-2011, 04:11 PM
We (Iberians) want nothing to do with them, and wish they would stop claiming to be us when they're not. Tell me, do these Mexicans look Spanish to you? They'd pass better in Samoa than in Spain.


Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 04:11 PM
But do you seriously think he needs any data? Lol, at most he needs some Almagate and child attention.

02-13-2011, 04:14 PM
Other studies have shown as high as low 50s%, you just pick the data you like. Either way, even at 28%, that's still highly significant. That's over 1/4th. If your grandfather was Black or Japanese, and you were 1/4th, that would be significant wouldn't it? Of course, well they are even MORE than 1/4th Spanish, by anyone's measure... Yes, they are hispanic, genetically, culturally, and linguistically...

Mexicans have only 28% european admixture :

African Americans from the Southwest (ASW), Utah Whites (CEU), Beijing Chinese (CHB), Mexicans from Los Angeles (MEX), Toscans (TSI), and Yoruban from Nigeria (YRI).

02-13-2011, 04:16 PM
Other studies have shown as high as low 50s%, you just pick the data you like. Either way, even at 28%, that's still highly significant. That's over 1/4th. If your grandfather was Black or Japanese, and you were 1/4th, that would be significant wouldn't it? Of course, well they are even MORE than 1/4th Spanish, by anyone's measure... Yes, they are hispanic, genetically, culturally, and linguistically...

You've made it clear that you don't belong on this site.

Okay even if a Mexican is 50% Spanish, what's their other half? Native American. And Native American features are very strong, hence why Eva Longoria who is 70% white still has slanty eyes and jet black hair.

02-13-2011, 04:16 PM
It doesn't matter if you want anything to do with them. They are your relatives. They are related to you genetically, culturally, and linguistically. Your nations started those states, they are a product of Iberian colonies and statecraft. Iberia is their mother nation. They know it, and many Iberians know it.

We (Iberians) want nothing to do with them, and wish they would stop claiming to be us when they're not. Tell me, do these Mexicans look Spanish to you? They'd pass better in Samoa than in Spain.


02-13-2011, 04:16 PM
No idiot, I am not a hacker, you had your facebook address on your photo, and in your old facebook you appear hugging a girl with amerindians traits, I'm not a hacker, you're an inept, deal with it and stop cry to Moderators.

You will quit your creepy stalking behaviour right now, or else there will be no place on this forum for you any longer. I have warned you, you seem to have ignored it.

02-13-2011, 04:17 PM
You´re a retard. Genetically, culturally and linguistically

02-13-2011, 04:19 PM
It's not your call to make what site I belong on. You've made it clear you don't belong on this site. Many mexicans are 100% Spanish.


Of course, these mexicans are whiter than most Iberians. It doesn't matter which features are strong or not, it matters that mexicans descend genetically from Spaniards and share common culture and language. You don't have to like it, but it's a fact. Deal with it. I don't see what enrages you guys about this so much. Mexicans DO have genetic and ancestral ties to Spain. Linguistic and cultural ones also.

You've made it clear that you don't belong on this site.

Okay even if a Mexican is 50% Spanish, what's their other half? Native American. And Native American features are very strong, hence why Eva Longoria who is 70% white still has slanty eyes and jet black hair.

02-13-2011, 04:20 PM
You've made it clear that you don't belong on this site.

Okay even if a Mexican is 50% Spanish, what's their other half? Native American. And Native American features are very strong, hence why Eva Longoria who is 70% white still has slanty eyes and jet black hair.
We all know this already, he is only an attention whore, stop fucking feeding this troll

02-13-2011, 04:21 PM
Mexicans of full (or close to it) Spanish ancestry look like this. I have no complaints if they want to call themselves Spanish.


02-13-2011, 04:22 PM
We all know this already, he is only an attention whore, stop fucking feeding this troll

Then he should be banned. :)

02-13-2011, 04:27 PM
Just found this:

The recent work of the Mexican Genome Project which calculates that 65% of Mexican genetic material is indigenous (i.e., American Indian) and 35% is non-indigenous (principally European)

I don't see how anyone could honestly say that 35% is insignificant. If you were considering a new mate and they were 35% black would that not be significant? How is 35% of your genome not significant?

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 04:29 PM
Such a hot-tempered troll can only be Latino. :coffee:

02-13-2011, 04:34 PM
Oh come on- so you want to be able to pick and chose which Mexicans can claim Spanish heritage? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. It's not some contest where you get to pick who you want to be Iberian.

It's genetic. We can tell precisely how much of their genetic code is European, and we've found it's significantly (about 35%) European. They also speak the language and share a strong cultural influence. No one can honestly deny that, and no serious scholar does either. Those bonds are MUCH stronger than with the USA. Hence my point. Mexicans and Latin Americans ought to be Spain's problem, not the USA's.

To the original point of the thread- Yes J. Lopez could pass for a native in Spain I believe. Perhaps not her mother as much... If the pic posted is indeed her mom. Her father looks far more white than her mother IMHO.

Mexicans of full (or close to it) Spanish ancestry look like this. I have no complaints if they want to call themselves Spanish.


02-13-2011, 04:36 PM
Go away, seriously

la bombe
02-13-2011, 04:40 PM
Ignoring Savant's retarded, inane trolling, no she cannot pass as full European. She's had some subtle plastic surgery but I think she has some clearly SSA and Amerindian features. She looks like what she is IMO - a Caribbean triracial.


Agreed. Both her parents look quite european and "pinkish white in appearance but somehow she is brownish and show clear amerindian features. Maybe she is adopted!

No, that's just what happens when you have multigenerational mixes. In the Caribbean (and among African-Americans and other mestizos/triracials too), you can have families with many different looks. You may have a light parent and a dark child or vice versa and all different combinations of features. You can't just rely on appearance in groups that have been mixing for centuries.

02-13-2011, 04:43 PM
Ignoring Savant's retarded, inane trolling, no she cannot pass as full European. She's had some subtle plastic surgery but I think she has some clearly SSA and Amerindian features. She looks like what she is IMO - a Caribbean triracial.


The first picture here it is very evident. I think she looks whiter nowadays than when she first became famous.

02-13-2011, 04:54 PM
LOL!!!! Powerful rebuttal. Very convincing!! :D

Go away, seriously

02-13-2011, 04:55 PM
You've made it clear that you don't belong on this site.

Then he should be banned. :)

Go away, seriously

As kooky as Savant's ideas are, it's seems awfully presumptuous for someone who just registered to barge in and start telling members that they don't belong here and should be banned.

Dario Argento
02-13-2011, 04:57 PM
It's not your call to make what site I belong on. You've made it clear you don't belong on this site. Many mexicans are 100% Spanish.


Of course, these mexicans are whiter than most Iberians. It doesn't matter which features are strong or not, it matters that mexicans descend genetically from Spaniards and share common culture and language. You don't have to like it, but it's a fact. Deal with it. I don't see what enrages you guys about this so much. Mexicans DO have genetic and ancestral ties to Spain. Linguistic and cultural ones also.

Those Mexican girls are more likely of German, Austrian or other Euro descent other than Spanish.

The whiter (real) Mexicans look more like this:

I honestly don't believe Mexicans are only 28% European, that'd make them more native than Peru. a 50/50 figure for Mexico or even 60% euro and 40% Indigenous seems more correct to me. Mexicans resemble Chileans or Paraguayans more than Peruvians or Bolivians

02-13-2011, 05:09 PM
I agree with you regarding the pics, and those guys could very easily be Spaniards just as well as they could mexicans. As per genetics, like I said, I've seen reports of lower 50s. Regardles, 28%, 35%, 53%, whatever, any of those amounts are significant by any objective standard... Further the Spanish cultural and linguistic ties are also hard to deny.

Those Mexican girls are more likely of German, Austrian or other Euro descent other than Spanish.

The whiter (real) Mexicans look more like this:

I honestly don't believe Mexicans are only 28% European, that'd make them more native than Peru. a 50/50 figure for Mexico or even 60% euro and 40% Indigenous seems more correct to me. Mexicans resemble Chileans or Paraguayans more than Peruvians or Bolivians

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 05:12 PM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Mexican_Girls.jpgThose Mexican girls are more likely of German, Austrian or other Euro descent other than Spanish.

The only one who's got a face that's shouting out loud she comes from Britain is the one on the left. The other two look perfectly Iberian.

02-13-2011, 05:13 PM
Those men also do not look like the typical Mexicans you see in the US.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 05:15 PM
I honestly don't believe Mexicans are only 28% European, that'd make them more native than Peru. a 50/50 figure for Mexico or even 60% euro and 40% Indigenous seems more correct to me. Mexicans resemble Chileans or Paraguayans more than Peruvians or Bolivians

I've seen one or two (million) Mexicans in my day and PLENTY of them look 100% Indio. I had a friend who's from Peru visit my city recently and he remarked the same thing.

And anyone who thinks any significant proportion of Mexicans are 100% European needs to put down whatever drugs they're smoking. Certainly there are many more fully indigenous Mexicans than Mexicans who are fully European.

02-13-2011, 05:22 PM
I wouldn't kick her out of my room.

02-13-2011, 05:26 PM
Way to kill the strawman.

Roughly 10% of mexicans are 100% Euro. That's "significant" by any common understanding of the word. However, noone ever made that argument. The argument was that the average Mexican has significant European ancestry, and they do. The mexican genographic project has said roughly 35%. Others have said in the low 50s. That is, the european component of the average mexican's genome.

The point is Mexicans have significant Spanish genetic ancestry, cultural ancestry, and also share the same language. Mexicans should be Spain's problem, not ours... Spain's failed endeavors created that shit hole, and most S. American shit holes. They are Spain's problem, not America's... I'm tired of America having to shoulder the consequences of everyone else's messes. If those people want to leave Mexico to "make a better life", they need to find a way to Spain, not to the USA. The Spanish government even now makes guides and brochures for Mexicans on how to sneak into the USA.

I've seen one or two (million) Mexicans in my day and PLENTY of them look 100% Indio. I had a friend who's from Peru visit my city recently and he remarked the same thing.

And anyone who thinks any significant proportion of Mexicans are 100% European needs to put down whatever drugs they're smoking. Certainly there are many more fully indigenous Mexicans than Mexicans who are fully European.

02-13-2011, 05:27 PM
They look like Mexicans you see in Mexico, and Spaniards you see in Spain...

Those men also do not look like the typical Mexicans you see in the US.

Don Brick
02-13-2011, 05:30 PM
I wouldn't kick her out of my room.

No wonder. Her ass probably couldn´t fit out of the doorway anyway. Not a bad thing. ;)

la bombe
02-13-2011, 05:34 PM
Way to kill the strawman.

Roughly 10% of mexicans are 100% Euro. That's "significant" by any common understanding of the word. However, noone ever made that argument. The argument was that the average Mexican has significant European ancestry, and they do. The mexican genographic project has said roughly 35%. Others have said in the low 50s.

The point is Mexicans have significant Spanish genetic ancestry, cultural ancestry, and also share the same language. Mexicans should be Spain's problem, not ours... Spain's failed endeavors created that shit hole, and most S. American shit holes. They are Spain's problem, not America's... I'm tired of America having to shoulder the consequences of everyone else's messes. If those people want to leave Mexico to "make a better life", they need to find a way to Spain, not to the USA. The Spanish government even now makes guides and brochures for Mexicans on how to sneak into the USA.

Of course Mexicans have Spanish genetic heritage (although I would say the main connection is a linguistic one). But economically, Mexico is far more connected with the rest of North America and culturally, with the rest of the Latin American world, than it is with Spain.

Mexico's problems are... Mexico's problems. They are an independent nation, they don't need to "go back" to Spain OR to the US.

02-13-2011, 05:46 PM
No wonder. Her ass probably couldn´t fit out of the doorway anyway. Not a bad thing. ;)



shake appeal :cool:

02-13-2011, 05:47 PM
Those Mexican girls are more likely of German, Austrian or other Euro descent other than Spanish.

The whiter (real) Mexicans look more like this:

I honestly don't believe Mexicans are only 28% European, that'd make them more native than Peru. a 50/50 figure for Mexico or even 60% euro and 40% Indigenous seems more correct to me. Mexicans resemble Chileans or Paraguayans more than Peruvians or Bolivians
These two guys don't look spanish at all, they have obvious amerind admixture

02-13-2011, 05:47 PM
The entire latin American world is strongly connected with Spain culturally. Mexicos economics are irrelevant to it's cultural heritage and ancestry.

Mexicans have been leaving Mexico in droves. If they want to go somewhere, it ought be to Spain, not to the USA. They have far more cultural, linguistic, and ancestral grounds to migrate to Spain than to the USA. I don't care what they do, but if they are going to leave latin America, that's where they ought to go. Latin America = Spanish Americas.

There were tons of Catholic immigrants to the USA, indeed Catholicism is the largest single Christian denomination in the USA, yet the USA is not considered to be "Latin American". Why do you think that is? Because Latin America coincides with Spanish endeavors in the new world.

Of course Mexicans have Spanish genetic heritage (although I would say the main connection is a linguistic one). But economically, Mexico is far more connected with the rest of North America and culturally, with the rest of the Latin American world, than it is with Spain.

Mexico's problems are... Mexico's problems. They are an independent nation, they don't need to "go back" to Spain OR to the US.

02-13-2011, 05:48 PM
No, they could easily pass as Spaniards, any day...

In fact they look more European than this actual continental Spaniard:


or this one:

These two guys don't look spanish at all, they have obvious amerind admixture

02-13-2011, 05:49 PM
But since the other half of Mexicans is Amerindian and they are native/indigenous to the area they currently live in, you could just argue they should stay put, fix their own country and stop migrating elsewhere altogether.

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 05:51 PM
Mexicans go to their former land. Texas.

02-13-2011, 05:54 PM
No, they could easily pass as Spaniards, any day...

In fact they look more European than this actual continental Spaniard:


or this one:

These men you posted look fully European.

02-13-2011, 05:54 PM
The entire latin American world is strongly connected with Spain culturally. Mexicos economics are irrelevant to it's cultural heritage and ancestry.

Mexicans have been leaving Mexico in droves. If they want to go somewhere, it ought be to Spain, not to the USA. They have far more cultural, linguistic, and ancestral grounds to migrate to Spain than to the USA. I don't care what they do, but if they are going to leave latin America, that's where they ought to go. Latin America = Spanish Americas.

There were tons of Catholic immigrants to the USA, indeed Catholicism is the largest single Christian denomination in the USA, yet the USA is not considered to be "Latin American". Why do you think that is? Because Latin America coincides with Spanish endeavors in the new world.
What is spanish in mexican culture ? Their music, food, culture, clothes, everything is different. Pluse one-third of spaniards have other native languages than spanish.

02-13-2011, 05:54 PM
Sure, I'm fine with that too... I'm just saying that if they are to go anywhere, it ought to be Spain or some other Latin American country, not the USA.

But since the other half of Mexicans is Amerindian and they are native/indigenous to the area they currently live in, you could just argue they should stay put, fix their own country and stop migrating elsewhere altogether.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 05:55 PM
The entire latin American world is strongly connected with Spain culturally. Mexicos economics are irrelevant to it's cultural heritage and ancestry.

Mexicans have been leaving Mexico in droves. If they want to go somewhere, it ought be to Spain, not to the USA. They have far more cultural, linguistic, and ancestral grounds to migrate to Spain than to the USA. I don't care what they do, but if they are going to leave latin America, that's where they ought to go. Latin America = Spanish Americas.

There were tons of Catholic immigrants to the USA, indeed Catholicism is the largest single Christian denomination in the USA, yet the USA is not considered to be "Latin American". Why do you think that is? Because Latin America coincides with Spanish endeavors in the new world.

Well you know, African-Americans have significant British genetic heritage (the average African-American being 20% European, with Aframs in some regions of the US having much higher Euro input not to mention all of those English and Irish surnames) and linguistic ties, so I think they should go back to the British Isles, where they belong.

Flawless logic, bro.

02-13-2011, 05:55 PM
No. She cant.

But we...''yes we can''. :laugh:
(I'm just happy, sorry for the stupidbeing).

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 05:56 PM
Well, going by this picture, one must admit Savant is very American, while La Bombe is a bad American.

-How Americans see Europe--

02-13-2011, 06:00 PM
LOL!! The official language of Mexico is Spanish. Official publications are in Spanish, school is taught in Spanish, Mexicans communicate in Spanish. They have btwn 28-52% Spanish genetics on Average. 10% are even PURELY Spanish. The music is highly similar and derived from Spanish music.

I don't know about the 1/3 of Spaniards who have native languages other than Spanish, they are probably Arabic LOL!!! I didn't think it was already 1/3rd of Spain though. Ouch!! Regardless the country is called "Spain", and the language which is spoken in Spain is "Spanish", which is what all official communication is in. Spain founded Mexico, and inherited it's culture, language, and a large portion of it's genetics from Spain. Not to mention it's basic legal structure and form of government. Same with the rest of Latin America. Those are the facts.

What is spanish in mexican culture ? Their music, food, culture, clothes, everything is different. Pluse one-third of spaniards have other native languages than spanish.

02-13-2011, 06:02 PM
Well unlike LB, I've actually resided in Europe. According to LB, she's never even been there...

Well, going by this picture, one must admit Savant is very American, while La Bombe is a bad American.

-How Americans see Europe--

02-13-2011, 06:04 PM
I don't know about the 1/3 of Spaniards who have native languages other than Spanish, they are probably Arabic LOL!!! I didn't think it was already 1/3rd of Spain though. Ouch!! Regardless the country is called "Spain", and the language which is spoken in Spain is "Spanish", which is what all official communication is in.
Wow, stop embarassing yourself already. Other than Castillian there is also Galician, Basque, Catalan, Astur-Leonese, Aragonese, etc.

02-13-2011, 06:06 PM
What a stupid comparison. Non sequitur really isn't your forte is it?

African Americans are on average 12% European, not 20. I know they both have "2"s in them, but they are different numbers. Further, only around 15-20% of Americans have British heritage. So 15-30% of 12% isn't very significant, by any stretch of the imagination... The English and Irish surnames amongst blacks exist because slaves took the surname of their owners, not because the slaves were English and Irish. Flawless logic, bro.

Well you know, African-Americans have significant British genetic heritage (the average African-American being 20% European, with Aframs in some regions of the US having much higher Euro input not to mention all of those English and Irish surnames) and linguistic ties, so I think they should go back to the British Isles, where they belong.

Flawless logic, bro.

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 06:07 PM
The music is highly similar


02-13-2011, 06:08 PM
*Yawn*. Thanks for that irrelevant interjection into this unrelated conversation. Unless you're making the assertion that Spanish isn't a Spanish language (which wouldn't surprise me at this point), then this is absolutely irrelevant to the fact that Mexicans have substantial Spanish cultural, linguistic, and genetic influence.

Wow, stop embarassing yourself already. Other than Castillian there is also Galician, Basque, Catalan, Astur-Leonese, Aragonese, etc.

02-13-2011, 06:09 PM
It's clear you don't know shit about Spain, other than what you have seen on american TV, where spaniards are potrayed as mexicans lol

02-13-2011, 06:10 PM
The music is highly similar and derived from Spanish music.

Ethiopian music is highly similar to Middle Eastern music, doesn't make them Middle Eastern does it?

02-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Ok mate, what makes you think that Spain and Europe isn´t already filled with this taco benders? and not only from Mexico but from another latin america countries. But they multiply like cockroaches to put their arse on welfare for the rest of their lives so I ´m not sure if there would be enough space in America and Europe for all of them in a few decades.

I dont see what would be the difference if they speak spanish or french, or how that would change their amerindian, uneuropean and inherently problematic nature.


In Spain they are in a serious mess dealing with all the inmigrant masses coming from south america and from Morocco, the beaners in particular usually form criminal bands called "Latin Kings" to fight -in their own words the racism of the spaniards. Thats not what I´d expect from someone who supposedly looks and behaves the same as the people of the country they moved on. They´re obviously not integrated with the spaniards and hardly they ever be. Quite the opposite, Spain is expected to be in a worst shape than America in a few years precisely because of this kind of people.

02-13-2011, 06:10 PM
I don't know about the 1/3 of Spaniards who have native languages other than Spanish, they are probably Arabic LOL!!! I didn't think it was already 1/3rd of Spain though. Ouch!!

You never heard of Basque and Catalan? Sadly statements like these just reinforce some stereotypes such as "dumb americans".

02-13-2011, 06:12 PM
The new drama thread, sponsored by Savant.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 06:12 PM
What a stupid comparison. Non sequitur really isn't your forte is it?

African Americans are on average 12% European, not 20. I know they both have "2"s in them, but they are different numbers. Further, only around 15-20% of Americans have British heritage. So 15-30% of 12% isn't very significant, by any stretch of the imagination... The English and Irish surnames amongst blacks exist because slaves took the surname of their owners, not because the slaves were English and Irish. Flawless logic, bro.

Yeah, it is a stupid comparison. Equally as stupid as your idiotic assertion that Mexicans should "go back" to Spain.

And only 15% of Americans have British Isles heritage? LOL, now you know that's a lie.

02-13-2011, 06:12 PM
Yes, I think it's funny too. For some reason, you guys like the shit... And it sounds nearly just like Mexican music




02-13-2011, 06:13 PM
It's kinda funny/sad/retarded/telling that even in a thread where the ideas found offensive are coming from a Canadian, little snips about how dumb Americans are still have to be tossed in.

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 06:13 PM
I don't know about the 1/3 of Spaniards who have native languages other than Spanish, they are probably Arabic LOL!!!

You're nothing but a jerk. And what's sadder, likely to be so IRL too.

02-13-2011, 06:13 PM
Mexican music:

Spanish music (and I say SPANISH, not gypsie flamenco):mfSklg8BHog

Big difference.

02-13-2011, 06:15 PM
I never said that Mexicans should "go back" to Spain. You just pulled that out of your ass. Of course you are reduced to manufacturing fictional statements to support your debate...

Yes, 15-20% of Americans have British heritage. Don't argue with me, I didn't arrive at that conclusion, the United States census did. I never used the term "British Isles", you just made that up too. It's really sad that your argument has been reduced to making fictional statements and non sequitur. Good thing you are't considering law school...

Yeah, it is a stupid comparison. Equally as stupid as your idiotic assertion that Mexicans should "go back" to Spain.

And only 15% of Americans have British Isles heritage? LOL, now you know that's a lie.

02-13-2011, 06:17 PM
Really? Who is a Canadian in this thread?

It's kinda funny/sad/retarded/telling that even in a thread where the ideas found offensive are coming from a Canadian, little snips about how dumb Americans are still have to be tossed in.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 06:19 PM
Yes, I think it's funny too. For some reason, you guys like the shit... And it sounds nearly just like Mexican music

WTF is "Mexican music"? Mexico has a very diverse musical scene with influence from all over the world >.<

02-13-2011, 06:21 PM
Really? Who is a Canadian in this thread?

Oh, you're not? Nevermind then.

02-13-2011, 06:22 PM
That Mexican music posted above sounds like circus music. Nothing like anything you'll find in Europe.

02-13-2011, 06:23 PM
Sure, but they are irrelevant to this discussion, and further aren't relevant to anyone but the groups of people who speak them, save linguists and academics...

You never heard of Basque and Catalan? Sadly statements like these just reinforce some stereotypes such as "dumb americans".

02-13-2011, 06:25 PM
Well it's clearly referred to as "traditional Spanish music". Let me guess, it's all part of the big American conspiracy to make Spanish people and Mexican people seem similar? LOL!!

That Mexican music posted above sounds like circus music. Nothing like anything you'll find in Europe.

02-13-2011, 06:27 PM
We're not talking about Mexico's "music scene". We're talking about traditional Mexican music. And it sounds highly similar to Spanish music. Some of it is in fact indistinguishable, much like the language.

WTF is "Mexican music"? Mexico has a very diverse musical scene with influence from all over the world >.<

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 06:28 PM
Sure, but they are irrelevant to this discussion, and further aren't relevant to anyone but the groups of people who speak them, save linguists and academics...

Lol. At least we're much more relevant in a European forum than what you'll ever get to be.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 06:31 PM
We're not talking about Mexico's "music scene". We're talking about traditional Mexican music. And it sounds highly similar to Spanish music. Some of it is in fact indistinguishable, much like the language.

What is traditional Mexican music? There are many genres of "traditional" Mexican music FYI, multiple of which were highly influenced by German and Polish immigrants and interactions with white Americans so I'm not sure exactly how that would make it indistinguishable from traditional Spanish music.

02-13-2011, 06:32 PM
If Savant knew what "European preservation" meant, he wouldn't be saying Mexicans should move to Spain because he'd know it would destroy the Spanish gene pool.

02-13-2011, 06:36 PM
Yep. Brave words from someone who poses like a cholo gangster in his avatar pic.

02-13-2011, 06:37 PM
Maybe he should actually go to Spain and tell them they are the same as Mexicans and see what happens.

02-13-2011, 06:38 PM
Traditional Spanish clothing:



Traditional Mexican clothing:




Yep, no similarity or influence at all... LOL!!!

02-13-2011, 06:40 PM
And again another Internet Warrior bashing spaniards. Why all the loosers borderlines of the net have a thing wiht us? :confused:

02-13-2011, 06:41 PM

02-13-2011, 06:44 PM
He's also being stereotypical. Try going to Asturias or Cantabria where much of the culture is CELTIC influenced and see if you feel like you're in Mexico.

02-13-2011, 06:45 PM
Nobody is "bashing Spaniards". Stating the FACT that Mexico is a hispanic nation and derives much of it's culture, form of government, music, language, and genetic ancestry from Spain is not "bashing Spaniards". It's stating easily verifiable facts.

I don't know what kind of delusional la-la land you'd have to live in not to acknowledge them...

And again another Internet Warrior bashing spaniards. Why all the loosers borderlines of the net have a thing wiht us? :confused:

02-13-2011, 06:46 PM
Well he convinced me with that last argument. You´re all like mexicans, more or less. Face it.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 06:50 PM
Nobody is "bashing Spaniards". Stating the FACT that Mexico is a hispanic nation and derives much of it's culture, form of government, music, language, and genetic ancestry from Spain is not "bashing Spaniards". It's stating easily verifiable facts.

I don't know what kind of delusional la-la land you'd have to live in not to acknowledge them...

Most of your "facts" about Mexican and Spanish culture are stereotypes, some of which have pretty much zero basis in reality. You clearly know little to nothing about either country.

02-13-2011, 06:54 PM
Ok. I'll do this once again.
Typical spanish clothes (from Madrid region called Chulapo&Chulapa):http://www.old.esnuam.org/files/u1/chulapos.jpg

Other from Asturias:

Other from Valencia (from Fallas):


Mexican clothing:


Big difference.

02-13-2011, 06:56 PM
And also while he's at it he should look at the people in the pictures. The Spanish pictures, the people could be French, or from Italy. The Mexicans in the last 2 pictures resemble Native Americans (and to a lesser extent, Asians).

02-13-2011, 06:57 PM

The fact that Spaniards speak Spanish and Mexicans speak Spanish is a "stereotype". LOL!!!

The fact that the average mexican is somewhere between 28% and 50% Spanish, genetically and descend directly from Spaniards="stereotype"...

The fact that Mexican music is pretty much a rebranding of Spanish music = "stereotype"

The fact that traditional Spanish clothing and traditional Mexican clothing are almost identical = "stereotype"

The fact that the Mexican government is based on Spanish government and Statecraft= "sterotype"

The fact that Mexico was founded by the Spanish = "stereotype"

The fact that mexicans are called "hispanics" = "stereotype"

LMAO!!!! :rotfl: :pound:

Yeah, if you consider hard facts to be "stereotypes", I guess so... LOL!!!

Oh, and unlike you, I've actually been to both countries... LOL!!

Most of your "facts" about Mexican and Spanish culture are stereotypes, some of which have pretty much zero basis in reality. You clearly know little to nothing about either country.

02-13-2011, 06:58 PM
Indeed. Only about 9% of Mexico population is of pure spanish stock and you unlikely would find those crossing illegally the border of the states or Canada. They conform the rich ruling elite of the country -think people like Guillermo del Toro.

And they´re a bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

02-13-2011, 07:00 PM
Yeah, you can cherry pick pictures and songs to try to create the impression you want. But the fact is there's huge similarity across the entire sociocultural landscape and the Spanish influences are apparent everywhere. From music, to government, to language, to religion, to clothing, to architecture, to names, to gene sequences. The Spanish influence in Mexico is so overwhelming that it's just utter stupidity to deny...

And also while he's at it he should look at the people in the pictures. The Spanish pictures, the people could be French, or from Italy. The Mexicans in the last 2 pictures resemble Native Americans (and to a lesser extent, Asians).

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:01 PM
Most of your "facts" about Mexican and Spanish culture are stereotypes, some of which have pretty much zero basis in reality.

Most of the Spanish stereotypes are in fact a product of Andalusian Gypsies of the 19th century popularized by Romantic Brit and French writers who visited Southern Spain and found those swarthy Gypsies exotical and beautiful.

As a European, if I don't see Americans dressing as cowboys in the streets of New York or San Francisco when I visit the US, I'll be extremely disappointed. :D

02-13-2011, 07:01 PM
So overwhelming that the people in those pictures posted probably have Spanish ancestry in the single digits.

02-13-2011, 07:04 PM
No, if they are Mexicans then they likely have Spanish ancestry btwn 28-53%, and that's just genetic ancestry. Obviously culturally it's far more..

So overwhelming that the people in those pictures posted probably have Spanish ancestry in the single digits.

02-13-2011, 07:09 PM
Let me guess, you also think that tacos and tortillas are part of traditional Spanish cuisine. :rolleyes:

la bombe
02-13-2011, 07:10 PM
Most of the Spanish stereotypes are in fact a product of Andalusian Gypsies of the 19th century popularized by Romantic Brit and French writers who visited Southern Spain and found those swarthy Gypsies exotical and beautiful.

As a European, if I don't see Americans dressing as cowboys in the streets of New York or San Francisco when I visit the US, I'll be extremely disappointed. :D

You'd be more likely to see Mexicans dressed like cowboys in many places, but sssshh, don't tell Sav that :p


Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:11 PM
Let me guess, you also think that tacos and tortillas are part of traditional Spanish cuisine. :rolleyes:

Don't forget nachos, burritos and tequila. Obviously a 'rebranding of Spanish cuisine'. :laugh:

02-13-2011, 07:14 PM
No, if they are Mexicans then they likely have Spanish ancestry btwn 28-53%, and that's just genetic ancestry. Obviously culturally it's far more..

The problem with mexicans its not their european side but the amerindian...all the cholos criminal bands have names like Mayans or Aztecs and identify themselves with such culture, both in America and Europe. And yes it is ironic that they claim being more natives than european mongrels when almost none of them can speak nahuatl, the language of the natives, and they do it in spanish.

02-13-2011, 07:16 PM
Don't forget nachos, burritos and tequila. Obviously a 'rebranding of Spanish cuisine'. :laugh:


Also, while we are elaborating on how much Spain is like Mexico, here's some good Galician music. Makes you think of tortillas and sombreros doesn't it?


02-13-2011, 07:20 PM
she can never be fully european since to be fully european involves...you know, being an actual european from europe.

she is white enough to be considered white for me though

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:20 PM

Also, while we are elaborating on how much Spain is like Mexico, here's some good Galician music. Makes you think of tortillas and sombreros doesn't it?


Given that the music by which Spain is known worldwide, flamenco, is actually alien to Iberian native tradition, I do not expect neither Americans nor Europeans to know much about the real Iberian music scene.

02-13-2011, 07:23 PM
When did I ever mention cowboys?

LB, in again with the strawman... Attacking an argument I never made... I said traditional mexican clothing, and traditional spanish clothing... and it's nearly identical...

You'd be more likely to see Mexicans dressed like cowboys in many places, but sssshh, don't tell Sav that :p


02-13-2011, 07:25 PM
Spanish music!



Of course this not sell beyond our borders.

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:26 PM
When did I ever mention cowboys?

Cowboy clothes are worn by all Americans on a daily basis. I know. I saw it in the movies.

02-13-2011, 07:31 PM



as oposed to


personaly i find more resemblance between mexican and south-west US dressing habits


02-13-2011, 07:31 PM
Spanish culture(s) is much closer to Italian, French, Portuguese or even Greek than to Mexican.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 07:32 PM
Spanish music!

Of course this not sell beyond our borders.

I admittedly don't know much about different types of traditional Spanish music, but this sounds very "Celtic" to me.

Compare to a popular form of Mexican folk music, norteño


02-13-2011, 07:34 PM
She cannot. Even on the inside, she radiates something that is not white to me.

02-13-2011, 07:35 PM
The top pictures could easily be Mexican too... The truth hurts, I know...




as oposed to


personaly i find more resemblance between mexican and south-west US dressing habits


Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:35 PM

Of course this not sell beyond our borders.

Hevia was quite known for a time among many European followers of "Celtic" music. This Busindre Reel was played in several music channels abroad in the 90's.

02-13-2011, 07:37 PM
LOL!!!! The height of self delusion...


Spanish culture(s) is much closer to Italian, French, Portuguese or even Greek than to Mexican.

02-13-2011, 07:37 PM
The top pictures could easily be Mexican too... The truth hurts, I know...

No, I'd more likely assume France or Italy before ever thinking Mexican. Besides, the people in that picture look European.

02-13-2011, 07:39 PM
I admittedly don't know much about different types of traditional Spanish music, but this sounds very "Celtic" to me.

Yeah, the atmosphere Celt, and of course music with bagpipes (Gaita in Spanish) is common here, especially across the northern third, hide by the Romanization and christianity.

02-13-2011, 07:39 PM
The top pictures could easily be Mexican too... The truth hurts, I know...

Don´t you see more resemblance with other southern euro habits such as greek and other balcanic peoples? or even south french?

I am not saying that there isn´t a connection between mexican and spanish folk dresses.

Only that the conexion is rather small, and not bigger than the conection than mexico has with south west US. Spanish folk customes are overall european, mainly mediterranean european, but also atlantic

Jack B
02-13-2011, 07:40 PM
Of course this not sell beyond our borders.

I know Busindre Reel, good song ;)

02-13-2011, 07:45 PM
There are more mexicans speaking spanish than spaniards... LOL!!!

Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world. The overwhelming majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish.

Some Spanish vocabulary in Mexico has roots in the country's indigenous languages, which are spoken by approximately 6% of the population.

The Spanish arrival and colonization brought Roman Catholicism to the country, which became the main religion of Mexico.

The last census reported, by self-ascription, that 95% of the population is Christian. Roman Catholics are 89% of the total population.

Modern Mexican literature was influenced by the concepts of the Spanish colonialization of Mesoamerica. Outstanding colonial writers and poets include Juan Ruiz de Alarcón and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Much of the traditional contemporary music of Mexico was written during and after the Spanish colonial period, using many European instruments.

Mexico is known for its folk art traditions, mostly derived from the indigenous and Spanish crafts.

The Spanish Colonial Style dominated in early colonial Mexico. During the late 17th century to 1750, one of Mexico's most popular architectural styles was Mexican Churrigueresque, which combined Amerindian and Moorish decorative influences.

Delusion fail...

02-13-2011, 07:45 PM
I know Busindre Reel, good song ;)

this one is way better


02-13-2011, 07:48 PM
I know Busindre Reel, good song ;)

It is true, Hevia is known outside Spain, but the point is that it calls more attention a flamenco dancer, more exotic.

Listen this one.


02-13-2011, 07:48 PM
No, honestly. In fact traditional spanish dress and traditional mexican dress are nearly identical... Not the indian looking work attire, but traditional clothing... I think Spanish influence is highly visible in the language, religion, architecture, style of government, and the genetics of mexicans. I think it resembles Spain much more than France, Greece, or Italy, and most French, Greeks, and Italians would agree... Most of them will also tell you that Mexico shares more culturally in common with Spain than they do, and they'd be right...

Don´t you see more resemblance with other southern euro habits such as greek and other balcanic peoples? or even south french?

I am not saying that there isn´t a connection between mexican and spanish folk dresses.

Only that the conexion is rather small, and not bigger than the conection than mexico has with south west US. Spanish folk customes are overall european, mainly mediterranean european, but also atlantic

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 07:49 PM

If there is one music/dance distinctly Iberian, that is the jota indeed. Even if the Aragonese is the most famous one and it's more clearly an inland thing, you can find a variant almost all over. Even we peripheral peoples, Catalans and Galician/Portuguese, have our own variants in parts of our territory.

The Ripper
02-13-2011, 07:50 PM
No, honestly. In fact traditional spanish dress and traditional mexican dress are nearly identical... Not the indian looking work attire, but traditional clothing... I think Spanish influence is highly visible in the language, religion, architecture, style of government, and the genetics of mexicans. I think it resembles Spain much more than France, Greece, or Italy, and most French, Greeks, and Italians would agree... Most of them will also tell you that Mexico shares more culturally in common with Spain than they do, and they'd be right...

Whenever you post, a kitten is chainsawed in half.

la bombe
02-13-2011, 07:50 PM
Given that the music by which Spain is known worldwide, flamenco, is actually alien to Iberian native tradition, I do not expect neither Americans nor Europeans to know much about the real Iberian music scene.

Can you please post some Catalan music?

02-13-2011, 07:50 PM
Yep, and this sort of music, and these artists are played on Mexican radio, however, it's rarely played on British or Scottish radio...

It is true, Hevia is known outside Spain, but the point is that it calls more attention a flamenco dancer, more exotic.

Listen this one.


02-13-2011, 07:54 PM
this one is way better

More classical, yes. watch this one.


02-13-2011, 07:55 PM
Some spanish folk music from different regions :

Galician :


Asturian :


Cantabrian :


Basque :


Catalan :


Castilian :


02-13-2011, 07:56 PM
That's a weird urge man. The winter is almost over, you will get some more light soon... Don't let those weird urges get to you...

Whenever you post, a kitten is chainsawed in half.

02-13-2011, 07:57 PM
Yep, you'll find all that being played on Mexican radio most likely...

Some spanish folk music from different regions :

Galician :


Asturian :


Cantabrian :


Catalan :


Castilian :


Basque :


02-13-2011, 08:01 PM
yeah, of course.. then again you consider north african muslims who have immigrated to europe to be "white" too... to you "european" means living on a parcel of land in europe...

she can never be fully european since to be fully european involves...you know, being an actual european from europe.

she is white enough to be considered white for me though

Comte Arnau
02-13-2011, 08:03 PM
Can you please post some Catalan music?

I'll make a post, since the Catalan music tradition is too long and varied to answer you here. But just to have a taste of what the traditional sardana is, here I post the typical way it is danced. Not that I like it, but hey, it's our national dance. As you can appreciate, it looks similar to some other circle dances of the Mediterranean you can find in Italy or Greece. You can see people dancing it in the streets during local festivals.


Some have become patriotic ones and I appreciate their music. Probably the most appreciated by Catalans is the Holy Thorn. One can notice a very Catalan instrument in it, the gralla, the Catalan double reed that also marks the steps in human towers.


02-13-2011, 08:06 PM
yeah, of course.. then again you consider north african muslims who have immigrated to europe to be "white" too... to you "european" means living on a parcel of land in europe...

no.we consider them north african muslim migrants. white does not apply to them. plus europeans nevertheless tend to call each other by their nationality or ethnic group rather than colour tags À l'Américaine

02-13-2011, 08:13 PM
Well, going by this picture, one must admit Savant is very American, while La Bombe is a bad American.

If Savant is the offspring of Britain, I'd willingly put him up for adoption :p

02-13-2011, 08:14 PM
No, honestly. In fact traditional spanish dress and traditional mexican dress are nearly identical... Not the indian looking work attire, but traditional clothing... I think Spanish influence is highly visible in the language, religion, architecture, style of government, and the genetics of mexicans. I think it resembles Spain much more than France, Greece, or Italy, and most French, Greeks, and Italians would agree... Most of them will also tell you that Mexico shares more culturally in common with Spain than they do, and they'd be right...
Y tu que cojones sabrás de España retrasado mental, piérdete ya

la bombe
02-13-2011, 08:15 PM
Basque :


This made me look up more Basque music. I like it.

02-13-2011, 11:35 PM
yeah, of course.. then again you consider north african muslims who have immigrated to europe to be "white" too... to you "european" means living on a parcel of land in europe...

You´re talking about the ancestors of the spaniards here right?

Heh, they´re so easy to provoke.

02-13-2011, 11:59 PM
Me Aburrrooooooooooo :zzz

02-14-2011, 01:53 AM
Way to kill the strawman.

Roughly 10% of mexicans are 100% Euro. That's "significant" by any common understanding of the word. However, noone ever made that argument. The argument was that the average Mexican has significant European ancestry, and they do. The mexican genographic project has said roughly 35%. Others have said in the low 50s. That is, the european component of the average mexican's genome.

The point is Mexicans have significant Spanish genetic ancestry, cultural ancestry, and also share the same language. Mexicans should be Spain's problem, not ours... Spain's failed endeavors created that shit hole, and most S. American shit holes. They are Spain's problem, not America's... I'm tired of America having to shoulder the consequences of everyone else's messes. If those people want to leave Mexico to "make a better life", they need to find a way to Spain, not to the USA. The Spanish government even now makes guides and brochures for Mexicans on how to sneak into the USA.

Yes, but Mexico is right next to the USA. That's why Mexicans immigrate to the USA and not to Spain. Ecuadorians emmigrate mostly to Spain (you don't see that many of them in the US).

The reason the USA borders Mexico is because the USA was expansionist in the 19th century, and ended up conquering large parts of Mexico (Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, etc). So that's when Mexico started being a problem for the US. It's the price of success. If the 13 colonies had remained 13 and just at the Atlantic Ocean, maybe Mexicans wouldn't emmigrate to the US, since there'd be vasts tracts of undeveloped land for them in what's now the US West Coast.

02-14-2011, 02:24 AM
She's cute, but no.

02-14-2011, 02:34 AM

Comte Arnau
02-14-2011, 02:46 AM
Apparently she can speak Spanish. Clearly limited, but I thought she could only speak it the way other US "Hispanics" do. :D


Great Dane
02-14-2011, 03:23 AM
No. I am curious as t to what kind of European the 5 persons who voted yes think she can pass for?

I think her butt is African.

I think part of the problem is that in Latin America there is a different definition of white or European.


Gloria Estefan is a 'white' Cuban. But she looks part Indian to me and maybe some African also? Her hair seems to be natural kinky.

02-14-2011, 07:34 AM
Your use of the term "we" references your delusional notion that you think you speak for all Europeans; that you have some delusional fantasy that you are some kind of European spokesperson. When the fact is there are many many Europeans who see things racially more so than genetically.

In a racial context, there is no such things as a nonwhite European.

no.we consider them north african muslim migrants. white does not apply to them. plus europeans nevertheless tend to call each other by their nationality or ethnic group rather than colour tags À l'Américaine

The Ripper
02-14-2011, 07:35 AM
For God's sake think of the kittens.

Dario Argento
02-14-2011, 07:47 AM
These two guys don't look spanish at all, they have obvious amerind admixture

They do, but that's usually how the "White" Mexicans look like (the one with the goatee, the other guy looks more mestizo) and not like the girls Savant posted.

I don't understand this fetish Savant has of equating Spain and Mexico.

Certainly there are things in common, but I thing one shouldn't be saying it's the same. Mexico is a category of its own even within Hispanic America. The other 2 outliers being Chile and Paraguay.

Dario Argento
02-14-2011, 07:52 AM
I've seen one or two (million) Mexicans in my day and PLENTY of them look 100% Indio. I had a friend who's from Peru visit my city recently and he remarked the same thing.

I've seen just as much Peruvians and Bolivians closer and believe me, for every Mexican who is 100% indio, you'd find 10 Bolivians or Peruvians who look 100% or even 120% Indio.

And anyone who thinks any significant proportion of Mexicans are 100% European needs to put down whatever drugs they're smoking. Certainly there are many more fully indigenous Mexicans than Mexicans who are fully European.

Anyone who doesn't think a very big portion of Mexicans are at least partially European and/or is on par with Peru / Bolivia is just nuts. And I don't say because their TV actors, I actually have some coontacts here and while most of them look Mestizo, they don't look like extreme indios like our northern neighbors.

This isn't to say they're Spaniards or look closely like them (but they look more like Spaniards than Peruvians do) but attempting to completely dissasociate them as if they were a big Indian reservation as a reaction to Savant's incesant trolling is wrong.

02-14-2011, 11:52 AM
Yes, but Mexico is right next to the USA. That's why Mexicans immigrate to the USA and not to Spain. Ecuadorians emmigrate mostly to Spain (you don't see that many of them in the US).

The reason the USA borders Mexico is because the USA was expansionist in the 19th century, and ended up conquering large parts of Mexico (Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, etc). So that's when Mexico started being a problem for the US. It's the price of success. If the 13 colonies had remained 13 and just at the Atlantic Ocean, maybe Mexicans wouldn't emmigrate to the US, since there'd be vasts tracts of undeveloped land for them in what's now the US West Coast.

I think that mexicans would have also emigrated to 13 colonies. Mexico is poor because is populated by mexicans. Menonite people, mormon people or europan inmigrants havent had problems to improve their conditions in Mexico.

02-14-2011, 12:19 PM
Listen here, I never said they were "the same" so quit falsely quoting me.
What I said is that Mexico and Latin America have Spanish origins, and that Spain is the largest cultural influence in them, and that's a fact. Latin America is for the most part, culturally, linguistically, and to a large degree even genetically, SPANISH.

MOST Spaniards even recognize this very easily observed, commonly known fact.

Latin America is an extension of the Spanish civilization just in the same way that the USA, Canada, and Australia are extensions of the English civilization. Hence if Mexicans or Latin Americans have any "right" to "go back" to anywhere, it would be Spain, NOT the USA. That's my point, and it's a solid one. Stating facts is not "trolling", get over it.

They do, but that's usually how the "White" Mexicans look like (the one with the goatee, the other guy looks more mestizo) and not like the girls Savant posted.

I don't understand this fetish Savant has of equating Spain and Mexico.

Certainly there are things in common, but I thing one shouldn't be saying it's the same. Mexico is a category of its own even within Hispanic America. The other 2 outliers being Chile and Paraguay.

02-14-2011, 12:34 PM

Latin america is mixed, spain is not, therefor they are not the same. Only because they have similarities it does not mean they are the same people.

02-14-2011, 12:34 PM
Most latin americans are genetically amerindian, they can´t "get back" to europe because they´ve never belonged to there. Latin america culture is a blend of spanish and caribbean culture, in fact old native languages like guarani and nahuatl are co-official along with spanish in all the central and south american countries, even in the most european ones like Argentina or Uruguay.

The colonial policies were also very different to those practiced in Spain, the caste system exclusively stablished in latin america prevented those of non pure european and mixed stock to move upward neither social of economically in any legal way. Hence the high rate of criminality and misery existing in those places. Most of them are not precisely well received in Spain.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 12:38 PM
She could.. if you believe the average Labour voter. But they shouldn't be taken seriously.

02-14-2011, 12:53 PM
Yeah, but as you've enlightened us, the only thing that matters is her passport. So, if she went to get a dutch passport, then she'd be dutch, right? LOL!!

She could.. if you believe the average Labour voter. But they shouldn't be taken seriously.

Sword of the Morning
02-14-2011, 01:32 PM
Anyone who doesn't think a very big portion of Mexicans are at least partially European and/or is on par with Peru / Bolivia is just nuts. And I don't say because their TV actors, I actually have some coontacts here and while most of them look Mestizo, they don't look like extreme indios like our northern neighbors.

Freudian slip? :D

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 01:33 PM
Yeah, but as you've enlightened us, the only thing that matters is her passport. So, if she went to get a dutch passport, then she'd be dutch, right? LOL!!
NO. And you know that too, troll.

02-14-2011, 01:54 PM
I wonder why he writes always LOL!! after every sentence. Is it supposed to be somehow funny? :confused:
Because it´s more like ridiculous and embarrasing to me

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 02:09 PM
A passport should only (IMHO) be awarded ub certain circumstances: birth (One of the parents is Dutch), marriage, adoption (when the Dutch parent adopts the children of his/her foreign spouse) and in case a person has been living here for a long time and having served the community and the country with distinction (the kind of stuff that earns you a medal and a statue at the local market square so.. a war hero or sorts) and should only be awarded after a local referendum + approval by the States-General.

02-14-2011, 02:44 PM
Oh, so you've changed your mind then.... Because, as you've passionately pointed out on numerous occasions before, what determines ones race and ethnicity is which passport the posses...

NO. And you know that too, troll.

02-14-2011, 02:46 PM
Sorry, I don't mean to embarrass you. It just happens to be easy given your fragile ego and the nature of the remarks you make...

I wonder why he writes always LOL!! after every sentence. Is it supposed to be somehow funny? :confused:
Because it´s more like ridiculous and embarrasing to me

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 02:47 PM
LOL. it's both. You could not get an English passport or a German passport because you're neither of them.

You are just a foreigner. So it's both.

Dario Argento
02-14-2011, 02:48 PM
Most latin americans are genetically amerindian, they can´t "get back" to europe because they´ve never belonged to there. Latin america culture is a blend of spanish and caribbean culture, in fact old native languages like guarani and nahuatl are co-official along with spanish in all the central and south american countries, even in the most european ones like Argentina or Uruguay.

The colonial policies were also very different to those practiced in Spain, the caste system exclusively stablished in latin america prevented those of non pure european and mixed stock to move upward neither social of economically in any legal way. Hence the high rate of criminality and misery existing in those places. Most of them are not precisely well received in Spain.

No Indigenous language is co-official in Argentina (or Uruguay, I don't know anyone who speaks charrua)

And you really think there's Tainos left in that intense negro area known as Caribbean?

Fortis in Arduis
02-14-2011, 03:20 PM
What is the truth about Savant? This is pissing me off now.

Please what is all this about. Loki, someone, anyone, sort this out please!

02-14-2011, 03:20 PM
I could get an English or a German passport, half of Turkey and Pakistan have unfortunately... It's not very difficult....

LOL. it's both. You could not get an English passport or a German passport because you're neither of them.

You are just a foreigner. So it's both.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:22 PM
While it shouldn't be. But you can't claim to have blood ties. And no one would see you as one of theirs.

02-14-2011, 03:22 PM
A truth about me? What are you talking about?

Why are you asking Loki questions about me?

What is a truth about Savant? This is pissing me off now.

Please what is all this about. Loki, someone, anyone, sort this out please!

02-14-2011, 03:23 PM
Sure I can, all I have to do is take an autosomal DNA test. That proves blood ties. It's quite easy actually...

While it shouldn't be. But you can't claim to have blood ties. And no one would see you as one of theirs.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:25 PM
Sure I can, all I have to do is take an autosomal DNA test. That proves blood ties. It's quite easy actually...
They still wouldn't see as one of theirs. Not ever. So whatever you say: doesn't matter at all.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:25 PM
A truth about me? What are you talking about?

Why are you asking Loki questions about me?
Because you are as welcome as a Turk and a troll.

02-14-2011, 03:37 PM
That's not up to you to decide, now is it? Just as you presume that you can speak for your whole nation, so too do you decide that you can speak for the whole website. You are far more likely to have Turkish blood than I. We hardly have any of them here...

Anyhow, carry on with your daily tantrum....

Because you are as welcome as a Turk and a troll.

02-14-2011, 03:38 PM
LOL!! Sure they would. They even see all those Muslims as "one of theirs" according to them... Yet they wouldn't accept someone like me, with genetic ties to the native peoples, as one of theirs? While they bend over backwards to accommodate Muslims who are hostile to Western societies? LOL!!! Your dream world is a funny place...

They still wouldn't see as one of theirs. Not ever. So whatever you say: doesn't matter at all.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:39 PM
LOl they would always consider you a foreigner and given the way in which you behave (you're a cunt !) a hated one at it.

02-14-2011, 03:40 PM
I could get an English or a German passport, half of Turkey and Pakistan have unfortunately... It's not very difficult....

Look at you, a mestizo with inferiority complex, trying to be something that is not. So pathetic.

02-14-2011, 03:44 PM
Hmm, really, you'd never know it given how friendly they were to me when I lived there. Some of them even suggested that I move there, complaining about how the migrants these days are all nonwhites. A couple even offered me jobs in Switzerland... Yet according to you they would hate me and want me to leave (despite giving me residency and allowing me to say...) I guess it was just some sort of hidden hate they had for me, but they couldn't express it due to some conspiratorial americans controlling their behavior from tents across the Atlantic... LOL!!!! :laugh:

LOl they would always consider you a foreigner and given the way in which you behave (you're a cunt !) a hated one at it.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:46 PM
I am sure that no one here believes you.

02-14-2011, 03:48 PM
If anyone is the mestizo, it's you. Indeed it's you who starts your own threads on your mestizo spanish inferiority complex("why does everyone give Spanish people a hard time", just like a whiny victim complex minority would). Not me... Now if you will kindly quit your homosexual stalking so I don't have to report you...

Look at you, a mestizo with inferiority complex, trying to be something that is not. So pathetic.

02-14-2011, 03:50 PM
It's usually mexicans who are obsessed in equating Spain with Mexico, we already know Savant is Henry the mexican :thumb001: Venga quitáte la máscara y empieza a hablar en español..

02-14-2011, 03:54 PM
No most of the world relates Spain to Mexico and the rest of Latin America, as well they should. Spain founded it all. It's Spain's posterity...

I'm a mexican? You'd better tell Mexico that, because they haven't given me a passport. If they only knew I was a Mexican, I'd actually be allowed to buy land in Mexico! Of course, you WOULD be able to tell them that, because unlike me, YOU speak spanish... like them...

It's usually mexicans who are obsessed in equating Spain with Mexico, we already know Savant is Henry the mexican :thumb001: Venga quitáte la máscara y empieza a hablar en español..

02-14-2011, 03:55 PM
Again, you arrogantly trying to speak for the whole forum...

I am sure that no one here believes you.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 03:55 PM
Yap. I think it's that cunt that we threw out some 3 times over by now.

The Ripper
02-14-2011, 03:59 PM
Again, you arrogantly trying to speak for the whole forum...

No most of the world relates Spain to Mexico and the rest of Latin America, as well they should.

While you think you speak for the whole world. And if you asked "most of the world" about anything, the answer would be a cacophony of ignorance. Sort of like this thread. :coffee:

02-14-2011, 04:04 PM
I don't speak for them, it's the prevalent opinion. They speak for me. You DO realize that you are trying to argue that most of the world,(that including most all Spaniards and Mexicans) do NOT associate Spain and Mexico? LOL!!


Funny I've never seen seen any symbols like that of Spain and America for some reason... The Spain/Mexico imagery is quite common for some reason... Hmmm... wonder why.... :D

While you think you speak for the whole world. And if you asked "most of the world" about anything, the answer would be a cacophony of ignorance. Sort of like this thread. :coffee:

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:09 PM
Yap.. this guy should be kicked out and IP-banned. The guy is like a fucking computer virus: it keeps on popping up no matter how you delete it.

02-14-2011, 04:09 PM
Another retarded american conspiracy gone awry. I have never registered on this forum before this this registration. Keep going though, these American conspiracies of yours are entertaining...

Yap. I think it's that cunt that we threw out some 3 times over by now.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:09 PM
Another retarded american conspiracy gone awry. I have never registered on this forum before this this registration. Keep going though, these American conspiracies of yours are entertaining...
LOL. Just looking for a way out. Yap you're guilty, Henry.

The Ripper
02-14-2011, 04:10 PM
I don't speak for them, it's the prevalent opinion. They speak for me. You DO realize that you are trying to argue that most of the world,(that including most all Spaniards and Mexicans) do NOT associate Spain and Mexico? LOL!!


Funny I've never seen seen any symbols like that of Spain and America for some reason... The Spain/Mexico imagery is quite common for some reason... Hmmm... wonder why.... :D

So, you found a picture of two flags. I guess you see it as a great accomplishment. ROFLMAOTSETUNG. Well done, you can google.


02-14-2011, 04:16 PM
Who was the sage who speaks only once and then returns to his cave? The participant in this thread might consider emulating him rather than a broken record.

02-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Who is Henry? What am I guilty of? :D Is this a new American conspiracy?? Do tell... :D

LOL. Just looking for a way out. Yap you're guilty, Henry.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:36 PM
LOL. No Henry.. we just know who you are because you always follow the same pattern - now it just took us a bit longer.

02-14-2011, 04:37 PM
No,it's the diabolical mind of a single Americunt at work :D

02-14-2011, 04:39 PM
Cool, you found a picture of two mexicans, on "hispanically speaking news".... Imagine that... :D

So, you found a picture of two flags. I guess you see it as a great accomplishment. ROFLMAOTSETUNG. Well done, you can google.


The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:40 PM
LOL.. fuck off dude.

02-14-2011, 04:41 PM
Ahhh, I see... now who is "we", who am I, and who is "Henry", in this conspiracy? :D

Is he a black mexican american who hides under your bed and follows you on the internet? :laugh: Is that how the conspiracy works? Come on, tell us...

LOL. No Henry.. we just know who you are because you always follow the same pattern - now it just took us a bit longer.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:44 PM
LOL ! Yap it's getting ever clearer that our "Spanish are not white/Spanish are not European" friend has returned. Probably he isn't even a Mexican (the Mexicans I have met are way too respectful for that) but some Americ..t that hides behind several nationalities in an attempt to smear them all.

02-14-2011, 04:52 PM
Not even in her wildest dreams.

02-14-2011, 04:57 PM
Huh? I never said that Spanish are not European. Your schizophrenia is getting to you man. You need to hit up that fine Dutch health care system of yours and get back on the meds... Because I never said those things, and you apparently forgot to take your pills today. I also never said that they are not white. I have said that they have nonwhite admixture, and they do. That's a fact. However, most Spaniards are white Europeans, and the nonwhite admixture is only prevalent in some regions according to geneticists... I never said categorically that Spaniards are "non european" or "non white". You just made that up. Then again, you make lots of shit up,which you apparently actually believe...

As far as me? No I'm not a mexican. I am, however, an American, which I have acknowledged the entire time I've been here... I also haven't "smeared" any nationality. I simply state facts, and my opinions based on those facts. If you don't like the facts, or you don't like my opinions, too bad, deal with it. All your childish tantrums don't supersede my freedom to discuss any fact or opinion I like. You haughty arrogance, which would be offensive, is rendered humorous by the fact that you are so woefully uninformed and ignorant. You are obviously used to having your ass wiped and getting your way by whining, stomping your feet, and throwing a little fit like a 4 year old little girl. However, I'm not your mommy who's basement you live in, and I don't care what side of the bed you woke up on. If you disagree with me on an issue, fine, discuss it. If not, deal with it, or continue to throw a little baby tantrum like you do when mommy doesn't do what you want... LOL!!!

Oh and btw, I've never registered here before, and the mods know this... No matter how much you protest and stomp your feet, it wont change that...


LOL ! Yap it's getting ever clearer that our "Spanish are not white/Spanish are not European" friend has returned. Probably he isn't even a Mexican (the Mexicans I have met are way too respectful for that) but some Americ..t that hides behind several nationalities in an attempt to smear them all.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Whatever you say, buddy. Go fuck yourself.

02-14-2011, 05:04 PM
Ah... a powerful and incisive retort indeed.. :D Then again, we have come to expect no less of you.. :pound:

Whatever you say, buddy. Go fuck yourself.


The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 05:08 PM
You know.. everything that you post reinforces it for us that you are indeed that Henry.

02-14-2011, 05:10 PM
Savant, can you please stop destroying this forum? relax man, no need to post in every thread about that Spain is Mexican, Arab, African ect ... you look fucking obsessed with Spain, are you aware of it, right?

02-14-2011, 05:57 PM
Listen here, I never said they were "the same" so quit falsely quoting me.
What I said is that Mexico and Latin America have Spanish origins, and that Spain is the largest cultural influence in them, and that's a fact. Latin America is for the most part, culturally, linguistically, and to a large degree even genetically, SPANISH.

MOST Spaniards even recognize this very easily observed, commonly known fact.

Latin America is an extension of the Spanish civilization just in the same way that the USA, Canada, and Australia are extensions of the English civilization. Hence if Mexicans or Latin Americans have any "right" to "go back" to anywhere, it would be Spain, NOT the USA. That's my point, and it's a solid one. Stating facts is not "trolling", get over it.

nah, you are getting it wrong. If something,the "shitholes" of latin america are to the Iberian empires what the "shitholes" of Africa and Asia are to Britain and France. While places such as Argentina or Uruguay, Southern Brazil and to a certain extent Chile, where the original population has been replaced majoritary by Europeans (Spaniards, Italians and Germans, plus many other), are the equivalent to those former areas of British colonialism where Anglo Saxon and other european migrants have replaced the original populations and still conform the majority of the population (Such as Canada, the US or Australia)

South Africa is to Britain what Brazil is to portugal. Haiti is to France or Surinam is to the netherlands what cuba or the dominican republic is to Spain...Barbados is to Britain, what Cabo Verde is to Portugal... all those are way more sensitive comparisons.

you can even say that Mexico is to Spain what India is to Britain. In Spain burritos and tacos are a rare sight outside a mexican restaurant (and there isn´t many) ... anybody up for some Chiken Tikka?

02-14-2011, 05:58 PM
No, but don't look now... me, Harry, and a bunch of other Americans are hiding under your bed waiting to kill you when you go to sleep!! :pound: :D

You know.. everything that you post reinforces it for us that you are indeed that Henry.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 05:59 PM
LOL keep trying.

02-14-2011, 06:22 PM
I'm not destroying anything. If you don't like my posts, then quit reading them. It's that simple...

I never said that Spain is Mexican. I said Mexico is Spanish. If your English is that bad, you should stick to the Spanish section of the website...

It's not me who is obsessed with Spain, but you and your little gang of (mostly Spanish) members who are obsessed with me. In fact the moderators of this site agree with ME on this observation: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23869&page=6

Please quit stalking me, and trying to hack my facebook account, which you probably found by hacking this website and getting my email address... You should consider yourself lucky they haven't banned you for it... Now quit stalking me, enough with your homosexual obsession. They have forums for you people you know, why don't you go find one of those...

Savant, can you please stop destroying this forum? relax man, no need to post in every thread about that Spain is Mexican, Arab, African ect ... you look fucking obsessed with Spain, are you aware of it, right?

Comte Arnau
02-14-2011, 06:26 PM
in fact old native languages like guarani and nahuatl are co-official along with spanish in all the central and south american countries, even in the most european ones like Argentina or Uruguay.

That's not exactly true. Guarani is the only really co-official one at country level. Other indigenous languages are only recognized as national, enjoy 'personal -not territorial- officiality', or if territorially co-official it's in regions where they are prevalent (mainly Quechua and Aymara).

No most of the world relates Spain to Mexico and the rest of Latin America,

Yeah, and England with India and Pakistan.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 06:26 PM
You forget about one thing. You respond on Facebook to TA-related issues. I remember that when TA was down you responded to Aemma and later on we talked here on the chat.

In that way people know who you are. That's how it works. So you're not being stalked in any way.

02-14-2011, 06:29 PM
Ouch, looks like someone needs a history lesson, some remedial course in critical thinking or logic wouldn't hurt either... LOL!!!

LOL!! So indians are 30-50% genetically the way that Mexicans are 30-50% Spanish? Haiti has the same racial composition as France? ROFL!! You're a funny guy... Oh and by the way, what is a "sensitive comparison"? :laugh:

USA, Canada, and Australia are to the UK and NW Europe what Latin America is to Spain. Many others have the same notion.

nah, you are getting it wrong. If something,the "shitholes" of latin america are to the Iberian empires what the "shitholes" of Africa and Asia are to Britain and France. While places such as Argentina or Uruguay, Southern Brazil and to a certain extent Chile, where the original population has been replaced majoritary by Europeans (Spaniards, Italians and Germans, plus many other), are the equivalent to those former areas of British colonialism where Anglo Saxon and other european migrants have replaced the original populations and still conform the majority of the population (Such as Canada, the US or Australia)

South Africa is to Britain what Brazil is to portugal. Haiti is to France or Surinam is to the netherlands what cuba or the dominican republic is to Spain...Barbados is to Britain, what Cabo Verde is to Portugal... all those are way more sensitive comparisons.

you can even say that Mexico is to Spain what India is to Britain. In Spain burritos and tacos are a rare sight outside a mexican restaurant (and there isn´t many) ... anybody up for some Chiken Tikka?

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 06:30 PM
Keep trying. Besides.. I remember that you indeed looked "dark" in your picture. Probably you are indeed Latin American or at least with some blood.

02-14-2011, 06:32 PM
Ouch, looks like someone needs a history lesson, some remedial course in critical thinking or logic wouldn't hurt either... LOL!!!

LOL!! So indians are 30-50% genetically the way that Mexicans are 30-50% Spanish? Haiti has the same racial composition as France? ROFL!! You're a funny guy... Oh and by the way, what is a "sensitive comparison"? :laugh:

USA, Canada, and Australia are to the UK and NW Europe what Latin America is to Spain. Many others have the same notion.
FAIL. The white population in Mexico is only 10%, the white population in USA, Canada or Australia is 70% or more

02-14-2011, 06:36 PM
So what? That wouldn't allow anyone to know what my TA handle was, OR my email address. For your flawed theory to be plausible, someone would have to 1) be on aemmas friends list, 2) observe the conversation then 3) magically be able to determine MY TA handle from that conversation, which my handle wasn't mentioned in.

So, your theory doesn't hold water, UNLESS you are accusing Aemma of distributing the private information of others... Otherwise your proposed flow of information has a missing link...

In any case, it still doesn't justify obsessive stalking...

You forget about one thing. You respond on Facebook to TA-related issues. I remember that when TA was down you responded to Aemma and later on we talked here on the chat.

In that way people know who you are. That's how it works. So you're not being stalked in any way.

The Lawspeaker
02-14-2011, 06:38 PM
I am quite sure that I am not the only one on the forum that's on Aemma's FB friends list. And of course the conversation was important enough as the entire forum had gone black. Well yes that's usually a conversation that is closely monitored by people.

Well it's no reason to stalk people but it would be difficult to stalk people if you had already seen them outside the forum.

And since we first had the conversation on FB and then in TA chat. Think for once.. it's easy to deduct stuff. 1+1=2.

02-14-2011, 06:39 PM
I know your English is really poor, so I'll work with you. I never said anything about the "white population in Mexico". You are talking about the 10% of Mexico which is still purely Spanish. I'm talking about the genome of the average mexican, which is 30-50% European (Spanish). That's beside the fact that 10% is purely Spanish.

FAIL. The white population in Mexico is only 10%, the white population in USA, Canada or Australia is 70% or more