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03-22-2018, 08:21 PM

LOL hilarious.

Demand for American Sperm Is Skyrocketing in Brazil
Explosive growth spurred by more wealthy single women and lesbian couples turning to U.S. donors
The racial makeup of Brazil contrasts starkly with the country’s sperm imports from overwhelmingly white U.S. donors. MAURO PIMENTEL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Link copied…
By Samantha Pearson
Updated March 22, 2018 11:14 a.m. ET
SÃO PAULO—With “jewel-tone eyes,” blond hair and a “smattering of light freckles,” Othello looks nothing like most Brazilians, the majority of whom are black or mixed-race. Yet the “Caucasian” American cashier, described in those terms by the Seattle Sperm Bank and known as Donor 9601, is one of the sperm providers most often requested by wealthy Brazilian women importing the DNA of young U.S. men at unprecedented rates.

Over the past seven years, human semen imports from the U.S. to Brazil have surged some 3,000% as more rich single women and lesbian couples select donors whose online profiles suggest they will yield light-complexioned and preferably blue-eyed children.

Everyone wants a “pretty kid” and for many parents in Brazil, where prejudice often runs deep, that means “the white biotype—light-colored eyes and skin,” said Susy Pommer, a 28-year-old data analyst from São Paulo who decided to get pregnant last year after a breast-cancer scare left her eager to raise a child right away with her partner, Priscilla.

Favored Offspring
Sperm buyers in Brazil, which is more than 50% black or mixed-race, have an overwhelming preference for white, blue-eyed donors.

Brazil’s semen imports from the U.S., 2014-16


Source: Brazil's national health surveillance agency
The preference for white donors reflects the persistent racism in a country where social class and skin color correlate with glaring accuracy. More than 50% of Brazilians are black or mixed-race, a legacy of Brazil having imported more than 10 times as many African slaves than the U.S.; it was the last Western country to ban slavery, in 1888. The descendants of white colonizers and immigrants—many of whom were lured to Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the ruling elite explicitly sought to “whiten” the population—control most of the country’s political power and wealth.

In such a racially divided society, having fair-skinned offspring is often viewed as a way to provide a child with better prospects, from a higher salary to fairer treatment by the police.

Money is also a factor setting parameters for the DNA import boom. Carefully categorized and genetically vetted sperm from U.S. providers has to be procured from Brazilian fertility clinics at a cost of some $1,500 a vial, often as part of an in vitro fertilization procedure that costs roughly $7,000 an attempt. Whites are more likely able to afford that in a country where about 80% of the richest 1% are white, according to Brazil’s statistics agency.

Baby Boom
Brazilians' demand for human semen imports from the U.S. has skyrocketed, with demand growing fastest among same-sex couples.

Source: Brazil's national health surveillance agency
Imports are rising in part because many Brazilians simply don’t trust the national product. Unlike in the U.S., it is illegal to pay men to donate their sperm here, so domestic stocks are low and information about Brazilian donors sparse.

“It basically says ‘brown eyes, brown hair, likes hamburgers’ and what their zodiac sign is—that’s it,” said Alessandra Oliva, 31, of the information available on local donors. She has 29 pages of information on the American father of her 14-month-old son, from a photo of him as a child to genetic tests for cystic fibrosis.

U.S. sperm-bank directors said preferences like those of Brazilian purchasers hold across their global market. “The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors,” said Fredrik Andreasson, CFO of Seattle Sperm Bank, which provides about a quarter of Brazil’s imports.

Globally, 5% to 8% of sperm sales at Virginia-based Fairfax Cryobank, a large distributor and the biggest exporter to Brazil, come from donors who identify as black, said Michelle Ottey, the company’s laboratory director.

Brazil, however, buys almost all its imported sperm from donors characterized as Caucasian, with a smattering of Asian or Latino donors, according to Brazil’s health-care regulator, Anvisa. Almost a third of the specimens are from blond donors, and 52% from men with blue eyes.

Brazil also stands out globally for being one of the fastest-growing markets for imported semen over recent years, Ms. Ottey said. More than 500 tubes of foreign semen frozen in liquid nitrogen arrived at Brazilian airports last year, up from 16 in 2011. While Anvisa data isn’t yet available for 2017, officials and sperm-bank directors said semen imports continued to grow last year, putting the total increase since 2011 at more than 3,000%.

Alessandra Oliva, 31, a Brazilian mother who chose a U.S. sperm donor.
Alessandra Oliva, 31, a Brazilian mother who chose a U.S. sperm donor. PHOTO: SAMANTHA PEARSON/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
The trend speaks in part to social changes in Brazilian society. Success in reducing gender inequality means more women are pursuing professional careers and delaying childbirth. Some have little time or inclination to find husbands, and many can afford to raise a child alone. Meanwhile, more lesbian couples are seeking sperm donors after recent regulatory changes made it easier to register a child in both of their names.

In 2016, heterosexual couples bought 41% of Brazil’s imported sperm, single women purchased 38% and lesbian couples bought 21%, but demand is growing fastest among the latter two groups.

Eduardo Motta, a director at the Huntington fertility clinic in São Paulo, said his well-off patients often insist on blue-eyed donors because they see that characteristic as a surefire way to get a donor that “doesn’t put in jeopardy the color of the skin.” White heterosexual couples consider this important, he said, when an infertile husband plans to pass the child off as his own.

João Carlos Holland de Barcellos sees sperm donation as ‘an atheist’s way to achieve immortality.’
João Carlos Holland de Barcellos sees sperm donation as ‘an atheist’s way to achieve immortality.’ PHOTO: SAMANTHA PEARSON/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
For the many Brazilian women who can’t afford the imported version but long to have a blue-eyed baby, there is always Facebook . Every month, scores of Brazilian men post offers there to impregnate women free, either by having sex or with a needleless syringe.

Among them is João Carlos Holland de Barcellos, a 61-year-old computer scientist whose piercing blue eyes and silvery blond hair—a legacy of what he says are his English and German ancestors—make him popular with wannabe Brazilian moms. His wife manages his agenda and transfers his semen via syringe to the near-daily guests to their chaotic São Paulo home.

He sees children as a way to perpetuate his genes and ensure his existence beyond death. “It’s an atheist’s way to achieve immortality,” he said

03-22-2018, 08:57 PM
Meanwhile in Europe:

Bobby Martnen
03-22-2018, 09:01 PM
Here I'll donate

03-22-2018, 09:06 PM
White people are racist.

03-22-2018, 09:21 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist countries I know.

03-22-2018, 09:24 PM
61 year old allowed to be a sperm donor? Maybe a typo.

03-22-2018, 09:25 PM
I would donate the old fashioned way!

03-22-2018, 09:27 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist country I know.

The expression is used throughout Latin America. In countries with afro descended populations. Caribbean, Venezuela, Colombia etc.

03-22-2018, 09:27 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist country I know.

Wavy 2A. Wavy 2B. Wavy 2C.
Curly 3A. Curly 3B. Curly 3C.
Kinky 4A. Kinky 4B. Kinky 4C.


03-22-2018, 09:28 PM
61 year old allowed to be a sperm donor? Maybe a typo.

Why not? Men can be decently fertile at that age.

03-22-2018, 09:30 PM
The land's colonization ended centuries ago but the colonization of the mind is alive and kicking.

03-22-2018, 09:33 PM
Why not? Men can be decently fertile at that age.

Most won't allow over 35 even. 39 is the most but even that is rare.

Black Panther
03-22-2018, 09:34 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist country I know.

Indeed it is.

Black Panther
03-22-2018, 09:41 PM
The land's colonization ended centuries ago but the colonization of the mind is alive and kicking.

Brazil desperately needs Black nationalism!

03-22-2018, 09:54 PM
White people are racist.

Most these woman are white

03-22-2018, 09:55 PM
Black And mixed poor woman from Brazil dont have money for this

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 10:06 PM
but but i thought brazil was filled with blonde blue eyed nordic germans in southern brazil LOL
this is a good example of how blonde blue eyed latinos are very rare, you dont think theyd head out to southern brazil to catch their rare blue eyed blonde demon crackers
nah they want that foreign cracker sperm all the way from america

03-22-2018, 10:07 PM
Most these woman are white

Oops, yeah, seems so.

03-22-2018, 10:09 PM
Oops, yeah, seems so.

They are rich woman.

03-22-2018, 10:13 PM
Black And mixed poor woman from Brazil dont have money for this

They have it for this


Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:26 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist country I know.

Most Brazilians have natural curly hair.

And good hair is also known in the US at least in the black community(since you guys segregate people in neighborhoods), do not be dumb. These are beauty standards influenced by Euro centrism, some black people in black as well whites hates their curly hair



Taylor Swift said girls in schools called her ugly because she had curly hair. :rolleyes:
The large Brazilian population does not have the money to have access to American sperma. Delusional.

Well, at least we've never had racial segregation, KKK, Jim Crow, and stuff like that. And nobody here talks about races on TV or in society.

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:28 PM
Double post.

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:33 PM
They have it for this


The minimum salary of the Brazilian is 954 reais. The vast majority of Brazilians live without a monthly minimum wage:

The average nose job here cost 7.500,00 to 13.595,00 reais. Plastic surgery here are expensive, and also the export of sperm. Average women do not have access to these things, usually rich white women do it. Andressa Urach became a prostitute to be able to do her plastic surgeries. She was born into a humble family from the deep rural south. And she wrote a book about it
And everything in Brazil is based on appearance to fit into Eurocentrism (although the desire to have big butt is greater than having thin nose). No one hates blacks or non-whites for this reason. They just want to look what is considered beautiful.

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:43 PM
but but i thought brazil was filled with blonde blue eyed nordic germans in southern brazil LOL
this is a good example of how blonde blue eyed latinos are very rare, you dont think theyd head out to southern brazil to catch their rare blue eyed blonde demon crackers
nah they want that foreign cracker sperm all the way from america

In Brazil it is forbidden to have information about the sperm donor, so the women here export from the USA. Because they may have information about the donor and most women who export sperm are rich and white.

Thot Whisperer
03-22-2018, 10:51 PM
Does anyone here know what "having bad hair" means in Brazil?

Well, I personally didn't know until I spoke to a Brazilian exchange student at my college. "Having good hair" means having straight hair. "Having bad hair" means having coarse hair. Draw your conclusions. Brazil is one of the most racist country I know.
I believe the term they use is pelo malo it’s spanish but it’s used all over Latin America

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:51 PM
Brazil desperately needs Black nationalism!

In this case the blacks are no different. I know a lot of black girls who straighten their hair and call black women who do not straighten ugly and say they have bad hair/cabelo duro/ruim. My black neighbor said that a 3 year old girl has cabelo duro. It's just a standard of society's beauty.

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 10:52 PM
I believe the term they use is pelo malo it’s spanish but it’s used all over Latin America

Nope, its used among Aframs as I posted above. Beyoncé even used in her songs.


03-22-2018, 10:55 PM
The whole West is becoming sick and twisted.

Donating sperm.. selling sperm.. wtf?

Just have normal sex.

03-22-2018, 10:57 PM
Wavy 2A. Wavy 2B. Wavy 2C.
Curly 3A. Curly 3B. Curly 3C.
Kinky 4A. Kinky 4B. Kinky 4C.


For some reason I immediately thought of Kat Williams.."don't say my hair ain't luxurious when you know it is" lol

03-22-2018, 10:58 PM
Oops, yeah, seems so.

"White" as in dark Castizos/Octroons/Quadroons. Acutal whites are rare in Brazil.

03-22-2018, 11:00 PM
"White" as in dark Castizos/Octroons/Quadroons. Acutal whites are rare in Brazil.

You dont know any shit dumbass. Most these people are from High class. These people dont mixed much like the Low classes

Thot Whisperer
03-22-2018, 11:03 PM
Nope, its used among Aframs as I posted above. Beyoncé even used in her songs.


Yeah black Latinos use that word I’m not to sure about Brazil but you guys are surrounded by spanish speaking countries so I figured you would understand

03-22-2018, 11:04 PM
You dont know any shit dumbass. Most these people are from High class. These people dont mixed much like the Low classes

Yeah that's why they have to import blonde and blue eyed sperm from the US :lmao

Thot Whisperer
03-22-2018, 11:06 PM
Anyways I believe it’s the white Brazilians that are doing this mostly buying sperm from a different country must cost a lot

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:06 PM
Yeah black Latinos use that word I’m not to sure about Brazil but you guys are surrounded by spanish speaking countries so I figured you would understand

"Good hair vs bad hair" is common as fuck among Afram communities


That cracker didnt know because he dont live with blacks.

03-22-2018, 11:08 PM
Quite pathetic, but the colonial mentality rages on in Latin America, so it's not strange, and Brazil is not the only case.

03-22-2018, 11:09 PM
Anyways I believe it’s the white Brazilians that are doing this mostly buying sperm from a different country must cost a lot

Because in Brazil is forbidden to have information about sperm donor

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:15 PM
Because in Brazil is forbidden to have information about sperm donor

the problem is that these brazilians want those americans who have certain traits such as

1. being white
2. having blue eyes
3. being blonde

they are not after any type of white but the anglo-germanic stock since those are clearly the ones who posses the highest percentage of people in america with such traits

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:16 PM
"Good hair vs bad hair" is common as fuck among Afram communities


That cracker didnt know because he dont live with blacks.

yeah true, this is a very common thing in america, black men even call black girls "bald headed hoes" here in america

03-22-2018, 11:16 PM
the problem is that these brazilians want those americans who have certain traits such as

1. being white
2. having blue eyes
3. being blonde

they are not after any type of white but the anglo-germanic stock since those are clearly the ones who posses the highest percentage of people in america with such traits

Yep. This is Sad, but true

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:16 PM
Tais Araujo saying that her mother told her to straighten her hair when she was younger. In Brazil black people say that bad hair is ugly


So I do not understand why Marcus is talking about black nationalism.

03-22-2018, 11:16 PM
yeah true, this is a very common thing in america, black men even call black girls "bald headed hoes" here in america

Spread that I1 brother like cream cheese on a toasted bagel.

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:17 PM
Yeah black Latinos use that word I’m not to sure about Brazil but you guys are surrounded by spanish speaking countries so I figured you would understand

not in mexico among afro-mexicans, no such thing as pelo malo/pelo bueno there since they all wear their hair naturally

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:20 PM
Spread that I1 brother like cream cheese on a toasted bagel.


these elite brazilian hoes are waiting for your sperm, just tell them that youre the superior type of American called Canadian

03-22-2018, 11:20 PM
not in mexico among afro-mexicans, no such thing as pelo malo/pelo bueno there since they all wear their hair naturally

This is because the high indigenous admixture in them

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:25 PM
yeah true, this is a very common thing in america, black men even call black girls "bald headed hoes" here in america


Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:33 PM
This is because the high indigenous admixture in them

that doesnt mean anything. that doesnt stop them from having nappy hair at all
they simply wear it naturally because in Mexico, we dont consider black people hair texture bad

03-22-2018, 11:34 PM
Most Brazilians have natural curly hair.

And good hair is also known in the US at least in the black community(since you guys segregate people in neighborhoods), do not be dumb. These are beauty standards influenced by Euro centrism, some black people in black as well whites hates their curly hair



Taylor Swift said girls in schools called her ugly because she had curly hair. :rolleyes:
The large Brazilian population does not have the money to have access to American sperma. Delusional.

Well, at least we've never had racial segregation, KKK, Jim Crow, and stuff like that. And nobody here talks about races on TV or in society.

Yes. This guy dont know anyshit

Black Panther
03-22-2018, 11:37 PM
In this case the blacks are no different. I know a lot of black girls who straighten their hair and call black women who do not straighten ugly and say they have bad hair/cabelo duro/ruim. My black neighbor said that a 3 year old girl has cabelo duro. It's just a standard of society's beauty.

Black nationalism is for Blacks. That's what I'm talking about.

03-22-2018, 11:37 PM
that doesnt mean anything. that doesnt stop them from having nappy hair at all
they simply wear it naturally because in Mexico, we dont consider black people hair texture bad

Nappy are more commun in pure And predominant Blacks. Afro mexicans must have be more culry And wavy hair

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:37 PM
Yes. This guy dont know anyshit

It is nothing new "good hair, bad hair" among Aframs. Im fucking wtf because he was surprised by that term. He lives in a white area.

Black Panther
03-22-2018, 11:38 PM
Black And mixed poor woman from Brazil dont have money for this

That's good.

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:39 PM
not one single afro-mexican in this video wore fake hair or straighten her hair, they all wore it naturally

also Negrito Grande is a black american man obsessed with afro-mexican women and their natural hair, he has attacked black american females simply because of hair smh, so like Heather has posted, blacks in america are extremely obsessed with certain hair textures and have the bad hair/good hair shit in their community




03-22-2018, 11:40 PM
That's good.

É pq elas preferem a carne dentro do que uma inseminação artificial

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:40 PM
that doesnt mean anything. that doesnt stop them from having nappy hair at all
they simply wear it naturally because in Mexico, we dont consider black people hair texture bad

There are a lot of tri racials here with natural straight hair. This one is a good exemple

Her mother in this interview claimed to be mulatta

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:42 PM
not one single afro-mexican in this video wore fake hair or straighten her hair, they all wore it naturally

also Negrito Grande is a black american man obsessed with afro-mexican women and their natural hair, he has attacked black american females simply because of hair smh, so like Heather has posted, blacks in america are extremely obsessed with certain hair textures and have the bad hair/good hair shit in their community




I've seen 'black' Mexicans with natural straight hair.

Black Panther
03-22-2018, 11:42 PM
É pq elas preferem a carne dentro do que uma inseminação artificial

Não tem grana mesmo. A maioria fica com pardos e pretos segundo a estatística.

03-22-2018, 11:45 PM
it's like that all over the world.

it's why the beta hate us.


03-22-2018, 11:46 PM
Não tem grana mesmo. A maioria fica com pardos e pretos segundo a estatística.

Sim. Mas muitas tem relacionamentos com gringos aqui independente da raça e classe social

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:47 PM
There are a lot of tri racials here with natural straight hair. This one is a good exemple

Her mother in this interview claimed to be mulatta

well triracials have a better chance of having straight hair, Zambos even a much greater one, mulattoes less

Chaos One
03-22-2018, 11:50 PM
Ainda bem que tem gente que vê essa mina do BBB como triracial, porque ela é de fato. Ela é o caso de pessoa que se você falar que é, tem todo o perfil de dar piti e falar que é branca completa. E os traços dela são mais visíveis do que muita gente que se classifica como parda, por causa de um cabelo mais encaracolado ou algum traço específico.

Carlito's Way
03-22-2018, 11:55 PM
I've seen 'black' Mexicans with natural straight hair.

yeah zambos can have straight hair
but there are many with nappy hair

average afro-mexican has this hair texture though

these are common, very common to find very afro looking dark skin black mexicans like him with natural straight hair

but afro-mexicans with nappy hair are also common

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:58 PM
Ainda bem que tem gente que vê essa mina do BBB como triracial, porque ela é de fato. Ela é o caso de pessoa que se você falar que é, tem todo o perfil de dar piti e falar que é branca completa. E os traços dela são mais visíveis do que muita gente que se classifica como parda, por causa de um cabelo mais encaracolado ou algum traço específico.

Na internet vejo as pessoas dizendo que ela é morena, no sentido racial. Btw, o marido dela também é tri racial.

Heather Duval
03-22-2018, 11:59 PM
yeah zambos can have straight hair
but there are many with nappy hair

average afro-mexican has this hair texture though

these are common, very common to find very afro looking dark skin black mexicans like him with natural straight hair

but afro-mexicans with nappy hair are also common
A lot with straight hair here


Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 12:01 AM
Beautiful Afro Mexicanas

Aframs have the most bad hair among new world blacks.

Carlito's Way
03-23-2018, 12:04 AM
A lot with straight hair here


here is a better video, this will give you an idea about their hair texture and facial features, although this only represents Costa Chica Mexico and not other afro-mexican communities


03-23-2018, 12:07 AM

LOL hilarious.

Demand for American Sperm Is Skyrocketing in Brazil
Explosive growth spurred by more wealthy single women and lesbian couples turning to U.S. donors
The racial makeup of Brazil contrasts starkly with the country’s sperm imports from overwhelmingly white U.S. donors. MAURO PIMENTEL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Link copied…
By Samantha Pearson
Updated March 22, 2018 11:14 a.m. ET
SÃO PAULO—With “jewel-tone eyes,” blond hair and a “smattering of light freckles,” Othello looks nothing like most Brazilians, the majority of whom are black or mixed-race. Yet the “Caucasian” American cashier, described in those terms by the Seattle Sperm Bank and known as Donor 9601, is one of the sperm providers most often requested by wealthy Brazilian women importing the DNA of young U.S. men at unprecedented rates.

Over the past seven years, human semen imports from the U.S. to Brazil have surged some 3,000% as more rich single women and lesbian couples select donors whose online profiles suggest they will yield light-complexioned and preferably blue-eyed children.

Everyone wants a “pretty kid” and for many parents in Brazil, where prejudice often runs deep, that means “the white biotype—light-colored eyes and skin,” said Susy Pommer, a 28-year-old data analyst from São Paulo who decided to get pregnant last year after a breast-cancer scare left her eager to raise a child right away with her partner, Priscilla.

Favored Offspring
Sperm buyers in Brazil, which is more than 50% black or mixed-race, have an overwhelming preference for white, blue-eyed donors.

Brazil’s semen imports from the U.S., 2014-16


Source: Brazil's national health surveillance agency
The preference for white donors reflects the persistent racism in a country where social class and skin color correlate with glaring accuracy. More than 50% of Brazilians are black or mixed-race, a legacy of Brazil having imported more than 10 times as many African slaves than the U.S.; it was the last Western country to ban slavery, in 1888. The descendants of white colonizers and immigrants—many of whom were lured to Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the ruling elite explicitly sought to “whiten” the population—control most of the country’s political power and wealth.

In such a racially divided society, having fair-skinned offspring is often viewed as a way to provide a child with better prospects, from a higher salary to fairer treatment by the police.

Money is also a factor setting parameters for the DNA import boom. Carefully categorized and genetically vetted sperm from U.S. providers has to be procured from Brazilian fertility clinics at a cost of some $1,500 a vial, often as part of an in vitro fertilization procedure that costs roughly $7,000 an attempt. Whites are more likely able to afford that in a country where about 80% of the richest 1% are white, according to Brazil’s statistics agency.

Baby Boom
Brazilians' demand for human semen imports from the U.S. has skyrocketed, with demand growing fastest among same-sex couples.

Source: Brazil's national health surveillance agency
Imports are rising in part because many Brazilians simply don’t trust the national product. Unlike in the U.S., it is illegal to pay men to donate their sperm here, so domestic stocks are low and information about Brazilian donors sparse.

“It basically says ‘brown eyes, brown hair, likes hamburgers’ and what their zodiac sign is—that’s it,” said Alessandra Oliva, 31, of the information available on local donors. She has 29 pages of information on the American father of her 14-month-old son, from a photo of him as a child to genetic tests for cystic fibrosis.

U.S. sperm-bank directors said preferences like those of Brazilian purchasers hold across their global market. “The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors,” said Fredrik Andreasson, CFO of Seattle Sperm Bank, which provides about a quarter of Brazil’s imports.

Globally, 5% to 8% of sperm sales at Virginia-based Fairfax Cryobank, a large distributor and the biggest exporter to Brazil, come from donors who identify as black, said Michelle Ottey, the company’s laboratory director.

Brazil, however, buys almost all its imported sperm from donors characterized as Caucasian, with a smattering of Asian or Latino donors, according to Brazil’s health-care regulator, Anvisa. Almost a third of the specimens are from blond donors, and 52% from men with blue eyes.

Brazil also stands out globally for being one of the fastest-growing markets for imported semen over recent years, Ms. Ottey said. More than 500 tubes of foreign semen frozen in liquid nitrogen arrived at Brazilian airports last year, up from 16 in 2011. While Anvisa data isn’t yet available for 2017, officials and sperm-bank directors said semen imports continued to grow last year, putting the total increase since 2011 at more than 3,000%.

Alessandra Oliva, 31, a Brazilian mother who chose a U.S. sperm donor.
Alessandra Oliva, 31, a Brazilian mother who chose a U.S. sperm donor. PHOTO: SAMANTHA PEARSON/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
The trend speaks in part to social changes in Brazilian society. Success in reducing gender inequality means more women are pursuing professional careers and delaying childbirth. Some have little time or inclination to find husbands, and many can afford to raise a child alone. Meanwhile, more lesbian couples are seeking sperm donors after recent regulatory changes made it easier to register a child in both of their names.

In 2016, heterosexual couples bought 41% of Brazil’s imported sperm, single women purchased 38% and lesbian couples bought 21%, but demand is growing fastest among the latter two groups.

Eduardo Motta, a director at the Huntington fertility clinic in São Paulo, said his well-off patients often insist on blue-eyed donors because they see that characteristic as a surefire way to get a donor that “doesn’t put in jeopardy the color of the skin.” White heterosexual couples consider this important, he said, when an infertile husband plans to pass the child off as his own.

João Carlos Holland de Barcellos sees sperm donation as ‘an atheist’s way to achieve immortality.’
João Carlos Holland de Barcellos sees sperm donation as ‘an atheist’s way to achieve immortality.’ PHOTO: SAMANTHA PEARSON/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
For the many Brazilian women who can’t afford the imported version but long to have a blue-eyed baby, there is always Facebook . Every month, scores of Brazilian men post offers there to impregnate women free, either by having sex or with a needleless syringe.

Among them is João Carlos Holland de Barcellos, a 61-year-old computer scientist whose piercing blue eyes and silvery blond hair—a legacy of what he says are his English and German ancestors—make him popular with wannabe Brazilian moms. His wife manages his agenda and transfers his semen via syringe to the near-daily guests to their chaotic São Paulo home.

He sees children as a way to perpetuate his genes and ensure his existence beyond death. “It’s an atheist’s way to achieve immortality,” he said

I think that this News wants to attacks Brazil. Here in Brazil we can not even donate our sperm because its very burocratic.

03-23-2018, 12:10 AM
Yeah i dont imagine many brazilians going to a sperm bank really. Sounds like some exxagerated news.

03-23-2018, 12:12 AM
Everything that have sperm and genetic have a lot of barriers here, its sad we brazilians cant do what we want. I can not even easily take an genetic test.

03-23-2018, 12:16 AM
South America is a very complicated continent for everything, even for upper class whites the life has a lot of bureocracy and document barriers. To adopt here you need like more than 4 years, we have 10 times more families want to adopt than kids to be adopted. All the kids are locked in the orphanates waiting the documents.

03-23-2018, 12:20 AM
Yeah i dont imagine many brazilians going to a sperm bank really. Sounds like some exxagerated news.

Most gays and lesbian travel to US to do the incemination because here in Brazil it would take like 10 years to have the goverments approvement. OF COURSE THE SPERMS WILL BE AMERICAN. This News just attacks Brazil with manipulated and superficial informations.

03-23-2018, 12:26 AM
Most gays and lesbian travel to US to do the incemination because here in Brazil it would take like 10 years to have the goverments approvement. OF COURSE THE SPERMS WILL BE AMERICAN. This News just attacks Brazil with manipulated and superficial informations.

Gays and lesbians travel to US for insemination? So gay men travel for insemination?

03-23-2018, 12:35 AM
In Brazil it is forbidden to have information about the sperm donor, so the women here export from the USA. Because they may have information about the donor and most women who export sperm are rich and white.

They want Becky with the good hair. :thumb001:

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 12:38 AM
South America is a very complicated continent for everything, even for upper class whites the life has a lot of bureocracy and document barriers. To adopt here you need like more than 4 years, we have 10 times more families want to adopt than kids to be adopted. All the kids are locked in the orphanates waiting the documents.

Its funny when I read "it was the last Western country to ban slavery, in 1888. ". Before being banned, slavery in Brazil was in decline. Many were free pardos and free blacks according to the census. The biggest factor of slavery was the southern farms. I already explained this.

The elite(mostly politicans) in Brazil also lost many things after the end of slavery, slaves working at farms was basically their economy coz lavouras/coffee was everything here. Normal Brazilians/middle class etc celebrated the end of slavery. Pics of Brazilians celebrating(it was a street "party") the end of slavery:
The elite was upset but they found a way bringing new immigrants to work here: Italians, Germans and Açourianos. They worked in farms but had salary and a promised home.

Americans love to pretend to be experts about the world, but they do not study world history at school and can not tell where Texas is on the map.


Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 12:39 AM
They want Becky with the good hair. :thumb001:

This exists anywhere in Brazil. Try again.

03-23-2018, 12:39 AM
Its funny when I read "it was the last Western country to ban slavery, in 1888. ". Before being banned, slavery in Brazil was in decline. Many were free pardos and free blacks according to the census. The biggest factor of slavery was the southern farms. I already explained this.

The elite(mostly politicans) in Brazil also lost many things after the end of slavery, slaves working at farms was basically their economy coz lavouras/coffee was everything here. Normal Brazilians/middle class etc celebrated the end of slavery. Pic of Brazilians celebrating(it was a street "party") the end of slavery:
The elite was upset but they found a way bringing new immigrants to work here: Italians, Germans and Açourianos. They worked in farms but had salary and a promised home.

Americans love to pretend to be experts about the world, but they do not study world history at school and can not tell where Texas is on the map.


Wow Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to ban slavery, but you still have it now Congratulations!

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 12:43 AM
Wow Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to ban slavery, but you still have it now Congratulations!

We do? Black slavery was in decline. Free pardos and blacks were half the population at the time. And who delayed to ban it were the politicians(elites), because the slavery was a factor that favored them economically. Our economy was driven to coffee and farms. You dont know anything about the world.

03-23-2018, 12:44 AM
We do? Black slavery was in decline. Free pardos and blacks were half the population at the time. And who delayed to ban it were the politicians(elites), because the slavery was a factor that favored them economically. Our economy was driven to coffee and farms. You dont know anything about the world.

Must be a really racist place, wow so sad.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 12:47 AM
Must be a really racist place, wow so sad.

Not that this matters. The Jim Crow era is recent and is probably worse than slavery. Coz blacks died more often than in slavery. :lol:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/y5JukQjDSB-uaLEZSpL617jJhIRVEYdaNRkHuFQVZiJYGt0T8LeGSMRkx1w6Q _bIS0FC7Xz3oIuLPpQ9eAN8mrsljOz3nDtETUP0V_HC_ceJoUo EAcu1lrrudSfjOoj2eQ

03-23-2018, 01:00 AM
Yees, gays can buy ovulos to have kids. Gays have sperm, but need ovulos from women.

03-23-2018, 01:00 AM
Gays and lesbians travel to US for insemination? So gay men travel for insemination?


03-23-2018, 01:08 AM
I want to say one more thing, here in Brazil our laws prohibit to sell genetic materials like sperm. So if you are a gay or a lesbian you have to ask your closest friends to donate the genetic material to you, so basically you will have kids with your friends. Its a lot more COMPLEX, TERRIBLE, COMPLICATED, POLEMIC AND HORRIFIC. So of course our rich gays/lesbians will avoid this and simple travel to US to have their babies. Now your thread does not make sense anymore.

03-23-2018, 01:10 AM
Foreigner media always find an stupid way to creat, exagerate or overreact problems of Brazil.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:23 AM
Jim crow days were worse than slavery. Blacks were murdered more(as well more discriminated against)often by white supremacy, and KKK raised.

03-23-2018, 01:27 AM
Not that this matters. The Jim Crow era is recent and is probably worse than slavery. Coz blacks died more often than in slavery. :lol:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/y5JukQjDSB-uaLEZSpL617jJhIRVEYdaNRkHuFQVZiJYGt0T8LeGSMRkx1w6Q _bIS0FC7Xz3oIuLPpQ9eAN8mrsljOz3nDtETUP0V_HC_ceJoUo EAcu1lrrudSfjOoj2eQ

Just bust a move!!!!!!!!!!!!

More lynchings and murders than anywhere in the world, Brazil is #1.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:32 AM
Just bust a move!!!!!!!!!!!!

More lynchings and murders than anywhere in the world, Brazil is #1.

They were killed for being criminals, in your country people were killed by KKK because of racial issues. Jim crow were worse than slavery, blacks were more murdered and dis riminated by your system and it doesnt even have 80 years.

03-23-2018, 01:34 AM
Just bust a move!!!!!!!!!!!!

More lynchings and murders than anywhere in the world, Brazil is #1.

Lol, they were killed for being criminals, not for being black.

03-23-2018, 01:35 AM
They were killed for being criminals, in your country people were killed by KKK because of racial issues. Jim crow were worse than slavery, blacks were more murdered and dis riminated by your system and it doesnt even have 80 years.

Street justice, brilliant you need it congratulations. More murders there than anywhere in the WORLD!

03-23-2018, 01:36 AM
They were killed for being criminals, in your country people were killed by KKK because of racial issues. Jim crow were worse than slavery, blacks were more murdered and dis riminated by your system and it doesnt even have 80 years.

Brazil was not a racial paradise. But it seems foreigners are trying to make the situation look much worser than really was. Because of foreigner organizations Brazil is this chaos today with so much division.

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-23-2018, 01:36 AM

03-23-2018, 01:37 AM
Street justice, brilliant you need it congratulations. More murders there than anywhere in the WORLD!

What this have to do with Jiw Crow?

03-23-2018, 01:38 AM
Street justice, brilliant you need it congratulations. More murders there than anywhere in the WORLD!

You are changing the subject

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:41 AM
You are changing the subject

Racism were harder during jim crow than in slavery

03-23-2018, 01:42 AM
What this have to do with Jiw Crow?

Because it is common every day in Brazil. KKK is Brazil KKK all day.

03-23-2018, 01:42 AM
BRAZIL KKK on each other idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-23-2018, 01:43 AM
And Brazilians will say that Americans are more racist. This sound pretty racist to me.

03-23-2018, 01:45 AM
And Brazilians will say that Americans are more racist. This sound pretty racist to me.

We have the most Black millionaires on planet Earth.

03-23-2018, 01:45 AM
And Brazilians will say that Americans are more racist. This sound pretty racist to me.

They just have colonized minds. They think White is right LOL

03-23-2018, 01:46 AM
Because it is common every day in Brazil. KKK is Brazil KKK all day.

No, but we white brazilians are extremely educated and dont go out killing our blacks.

03-23-2018, 01:46 AM
And Brazilians will say that Americans are more racist. This sound pretty racist to me.

There is no Black hood that resembles Brazil favelas. I live in a majority Black hood. It is safe. No problems.

03-23-2018, 01:47 AM
I just do not get it, obviously people in Brazil prefer darker mates, otherwise, the population would not of be as mixed as they are!

03-23-2018, 01:47 AM
No, but we white brazilians are extremely educated and dont go out killing our blacks.

Same in the USA.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:47 AM
And Brazilians will say that Americans are more racist. This sound pretty racist to me.

Youre ignorant. And US is the only who created racist laws. I will ignore slavery at this point because that was an economic factor. But why jim crow, anti inter racial marriage laws and aframs wasnt even consudered americans by law?

03-23-2018, 01:48 AM
They just have colonized minds. They think White is right LOL

That sounds like a lame excuse.

03-23-2018, 01:48 AM
Since time immemorial, the female inhabitants of exotic locales have sought out the illustrious genetic material of the R1 Northman. They know that his DNA is the key to success and a functional, mature society. Breeding with any other league of male is an act of suicide. This is the future of human evolution: U.S. American Anglo-Saxon R1 men inseminating the world's women, so that the people of our planet may cast a more becoming reflection to our extraterrestrial audience.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:49 AM
Same in the USA.

KKK killed a lot of blacks for white supremacy reasons lol

03-23-2018, 01:49 AM
Youre ignorant. And US is the only who created racist laws. I will ignore slavery at this point because that was an economic factor. But why jim crow, anti inter racial marriage laws and aframs wasnt even consudered americans by law?

You are calling me ignorant yet you cannot admit that your country has some issues and you think everything is the Anglo Americans fault. I have already said the USA has issues I do not deny it but do not attack me for pointing out injustice in the world.

03-23-2018, 01:50 AM
KKK killed a lot of blacks for white supremacy reasons lol

Still we are talking about NOW! The USA has made a lot of progress.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:53 AM
You are calling me ignorant yet you cannot admit that your country has some issues and you think everything is the Anglo Americans fault. I have already said the USA has issues I do not deny it but do not attack me for pointing out injustice in the world.

Yes you are ignorant. I will not say again

In Brazil it is forbidden to have information about the sperm donor, so the women here export from the USA. Because they may have information about the donor and most women who export sperm are rich and white.

03-23-2018, 01:54 AM

03-23-2018, 01:55 AM
Still we are talking about NOW! The USA has made a lot of progress.

The USA is the greatest multi race country ever. No Country has succeed with so many different races.

03-23-2018, 01:55 AM
Same in the USA.

And some decades ago?

03-23-2018, 01:55 AM
Yes you are ignorant. I will not say again

KKK Brazil needs more laws.

03-23-2018, 01:55 AM

Why is it forbidden ?

Sacrificed Ram
03-23-2018, 01:56 AM
Pension seekers.

03-23-2018, 01:57 AM
The USA is the greatest multi race country ever. No Country has succeed with so many different races.

I agree. I am someone that is against racism but I still get attacked by a Black Brazilian here. I just do not understand some people, the world is not a utopia.

03-23-2018, 01:57 AM
And some decades ago?

Slavery still exists in Brazil. Fix it and come back and let me know.

03-23-2018, 01:58 AM
The USA is the greatest multi race country ever. No Country has succeed with so many different races.

Your country is very sucessfull, but its not like everybody want your sperm haha But it seems that you americans are ignoring the factors and laws here in Brazil and just loving the situation like the writer of news. What can I do? So ok, its really just your choice...

03-23-2018, 01:59 AM
Slavery still exists in Brazil. Fix it and come back and let me know.

Where? We must denunce it

03-23-2018, 01:59 AM
I agree. I am someone that is against racism but I still get attacked by a Black Brazilian here. I just do not understand some people, the world is not a utopia.

Never has been. And the USA has by far led the way for all people to succeed.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 01:59 AM
There is no Black hood that resembles Brazil favelas. I live in a majority Black hood. It is safe. No problems.

theres no black hood in brazil lol
most people in favelas are black or pardos(mulattoes, castizos, octoroons etc)
people can live in whereeverer they want here since always, if they have money enough
it was never like your country that during jim crow blacks couldnt live next to your anglo ass

03-23-2018, 02:00 AM
Your country is very sucessfull, but its not like everybody want your sperm haha But it seems that you americans are ignoring the factors and laws here in Brazil and just loving the situation like the writer of news. What can I do? So ok, its really just your choice...

I have no issues with Brazil. We are all New Worlders and brothers.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:01 AM
Where? We must denunce it

in his fanfics

03-23-2018, 02:01 AM
Where? We must denunce it

More than 300 Brazilian companies busted for modern-day slavery - campaigners
Slavery in the Amazon: Thousands forced to work on Brazil's cattle ranches

Brazil's fight against slavery seen at risk with new labor rules

03-23-2018, 02:02 AM
in his fanfics

KKK slave is Brazil.

03-23-2018, 02:04 AM
theres no black hood in brazil lol
most people in favelas are black or pardos(mulattoes, castizos, octoroons etc)
people can live in whereeverer they want here since always, if they have money enough
it was never like your country that during jim crow blacks couldnt live next to your anglo ass

Keep hating but then again I am not a gay prostitute like you. That must literally SUCK. I will pray for you!

03-23-2018, 02:05 AM
KKK Brazil.

03-23-2018, 02:05 AM
More than 300 Brazilian companies busted for modern-day slavery - campaigners
Slavery in the Amazon: Thousands forced to work on Brazil's cattle ranches

Brazil's fight against slavery seen at risk with new labor rules

Eaeee??? 300 in Brazil and 58.000 in USA

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:09 AM
Keep hating but then again I am a gay prostitute like you. That must literally SUCK. I will pray for you!

I found really funny because you dont even post anything by law. You cant do anything but troll. Maybe one day Trump will make laws against gays, US is knowking for making laws against minorities

03-23-2018, 02:10 AM
Eaeee??? 300 in Brazil and 58.000 in USA

300 Brazil companies. Your article references illegal aliens in the USA. There is no comparison between USA and Brazil. Heathers would be on the first plane to the USA if he/she could.

Sacrificed Ram
03-23-2018, 02:11 AM
Brazilian bankrupted middle class wants classify all poor people as criminal, all poor people labeled as criminal, to justify any violence commited against them, to feel none remorse in kill them. Brazilian middle class manipulated by high classes wants do a genocide. They already are defending that someone should be killed only because defend human rights...

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:11 AM
KKK Brazil.

The KKK wouldnt rise in Brazil at all because racism here is a crime by law since the year when Jim crow laws was in action around your country.

03-23-2018, 02:11 AM
I found really funny because you dont even post anything by law. You cant do anything but troll. Maybe one day Trump will make laws against gays, US is knowking for making laws against minorities

KKK Brazil. Even pardos can't get ahead Dear Lord.

03-23-2018, 02:12 AM
The KKK wouldnt rise in Brazil at all because racism here is a crime by law since the year when Jim crow laws was in action around your country.

KKK don't follow the law dummy.

03-23-2018, 02:13 AM
300 Brazil companies. Your article references illegal aliens in the USA. There is no comparison between USA and Brazil. Heathers would be on the first plane to the USA if he/she could.

You enslave mexicans and we enslave bolivians. Both countries are being dishonest.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:17 AM
KKK don't follow the law dummy.

KKK which is american and only exist there only have poor white people like you are
The jornal showed recently a rich woman arrested for racism. It would be easy to send white trash to the jail. Btw average Brazilians dont even know what KKK is, because your media tries to hide it

03-23-2018, 02:17 AM
You enslave mexicans and we enslave bolivians. Both countries are being dishonest.

Mexicans generally love the USA and will not want to go back to Mexico. Some have been deported several times and they come back over and over again. We also have a significant wealthy Latin American community.

03-23-2018, 02:19 AM
Mexicans generally love the USA and will not want to go back to Mexico. Some have been deported several times and they come back over and over again. We also have a significant wealthy Latin American community.

Bolivians also love Brazil and will not go back too

03-23-2018, 02:21 AM
You enslave mexicans and we enslave bolivians. Both countries are being dishonest.

No slavery in USA unless illegal sex trafficking. Most illegals in USA in the last 10 year is not Mexico, it is Salvador, Honduras etc they come illegally.
There is no comparison between Brazil and USA. USA poor live very well here. Brazil has 100 times more murders than USA not even adjusted for per capita.

03-23-2018, 02:23 AM
No slavery in USA unless illegal sex trafficking. Most illegals in USA in the last 10 year is not Mexico, it is Salvador, Honduras etc they come illegally.
There is no comparison between Brazil and USA. USA poor live very well here. Brazil has 100 times more murders than USA not even adjusted for per capita.

Do you that there is a difference between being poor and being a slave right?

03-23-2018, 02:23 AM
The KKK was a masonic Satanic front, and it was created by the satanist and Freemason Albert Pike and general Nathan Forrest.

03-23-2018, 02:24 AM
Do you that there is a difference between being poor and being a slave right?

Right, Slavery exists in Brazil in large measure. In the USA NO.

03-23-2018, 02:26 AM
The KKK was a masonic Satanic front, and it was created by the satanist and Freemason Albert Pike and general Nathan Forrest.

No just cry baby racists southern racists, some who were masonic, etc. There are a lot of Black Masons in the USA.

03-23-2018, 02:26 AM
I just do not see the point in fighting between Brazil and the USA. We are both very different countries that developed very different.

03-23-2018, 02:29 AM
I just do not see the point in fighting between Brazil and the USA. We are both very different countries that developed very different.

It isn't that.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:43 AM
No slavery in USA unless illegal sex trafficking. Most illegals in USA in the last 10 year is not Mexico, it is Salvador, Honduras etc they come illegally.
There is no comparison between Brazil and USA. USA poor live very well here. Brazil has 100 times more murders than USA not even adjusted for per capita.

Youre so obsessed with prostitutes that u want to label me one. Then you could buy me or something. Get over me.

03-23-2018, 02:48 AM
Youre so obsessed with prostitutes that u want to label me one. Then you could buy me or something. Get over me.

You admitted to being a gay prostitute on this forum not long ago.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:50 AM
You admitted to being a gay prostitute on this forum not long ago.

I am virgin.

03-23-2018, 02:54 AM
I am virgin.

Then you are a liar and you hate me. I don't hate you.

03-23-2018, 02:54 AM
Right, Slavery exists in Brazil in large measure. In the USA NO.

I saw US has 58.000 slavers, so sad..

Carlito's Way
03-23-2018, 02:55 AM
Do you that there is a difference between being poor and being a slave right?

illegal poor mexicans in america would be part of the elite in Brazil
stop trying to compare, your poor are extreme poor
american poor would be considered middle/upper class in your country smh

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:56 AM
Then you are a liar and you hate me. I don't hate you.

I dont hate u i was kidding

03-23-2018, 02:57 AM
illegal poor mexicans in america would be part of the elite in Brazil
stop trying to compare, your poor are extreme poor
american poor would be considered middle/upper class in your country smh

This stupid user Say that a mongrel Brazilian actress Cléo Pires is white

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:59 AM
This stupid user Say that a mongrel Brazilian actress Cléo Pires is white

Dont be rude. Hes a babe. Sometimes you look very angry like a black woman. Keep calm, mate.

Carlito's Way
03-23-2018, 03:01 AM
This stupid user Say that a mongrel Brazilian actress Cléo Pires is white

hes retarded, we can all agree on that

03-23-2018, 03:01 AM
The poor in the USA probably live in a bad area with government assistance. Most poor families in the USA will get government assistance in the form of motel vouchers. It is rare to see a family with children living on the streets. Most Americans will step in to help and there are government services to help.

After that much of the American poor live in run down apartments or trailers; however, most have electricity and access to hot water.

By looking at some places in Brazil, poor Americans could never live in some of those places because they would never pass inspection. Many of the places poor Brazilians live would be condemned in the USA and NO ONE would even have the chance to live there.

03-23-2018, 03:03 AM
hes retarded, we can all agree on that

You are always attacking me, its strange.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 03:04 AM
The poor in the USA probably live in a bad area with government assistance. Most poor families in the USA will get government assistance in the form of motel vouchers. It is rare to see a family with children living on the streets. Most Americans will step in to help and there are government services to help.

After that much of the American poor live in run down apartments or trailers; however, most have electricity and access to hot water.

By looking at some places in Brazil, poor Americans could never live in some of those places because they would never pass inspection. Many of the places poor Brazilians live would be condemned in the USA and NO ONE would even have the chance to live there.

Seems like US is so good that u guys needs to compare with Latin America.

03-23-2018, 03:04 AM
hes retarded, we can all agree on that

I just posted what said the News

03-23-2018, 03:06 AM
Seems like US is so good that u guys needs to compare with Latin America.

I dont understand why they changed the subject of racism to "How rich my country is" :confused:

03-23-2018, 03:07 AM
Seems like US is so good that u guys needs to compare with Latin America.

I said I do not like the fighting I have nothing against Brazil. I will defend my country like you defend yours; it is just a patriotic thing to do nothing wrong with that.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 03:09 AM
I dont understand why they changed the subject of racism to "How rich my country is" :confused:

Nem eu, nem tu e nem a Iggy Azalea. Pois somos rappers e não formadoras de opiniões.

03-23-2018, 03:19 AM
Dont be rude. Hes a babe. Sometimes you look very angry like a black woman. Keep calm, mate.

I am a Black woman

03-23-2018, 03:26 AM
I dont hate u i was kidding

That is good.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 03:29 AM
That is good.

i deserve a gift

03-23-2018, 03:36 AM
i deserve a gift

No I do for being so smart, kind, endearing, right and responsible. But then Christ has blessed me so I am thankful. That is all I need.

Carlito's Way
03-23-2018, 03:37 AM
I just posted what said the News

the news in your country make you believe that the poor in America are very poor and much more than Brazilian poor or at the same level?
the income of this poor neighborhood in Orange County is $53,335 (Santa Ana, CA), most residents there are Mexican
one of California's most dangerous and ghetto hoods income is $43,230 (Compton, CA), most residents there are Mexican and Black

03-23-2018, 04:41 AM
KKK Brazil

03-23-2018, 04:49 AM
Sooner or later we'll hear talk of a sperm-proof wall that Whitey will pay for.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 04:56 AM
I think Americans shares mental insanities with each others. While people in Brazil is protesting pro Marielle Franco, Americans last year were spreading hates and protesting in favor of KKK:
Sooner or later US will have a race war. They take it so seriously.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 05:24 AM
What might have happened if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War?

Slavery would have lasted far longer in the South. It’s a myth that slavery was on the way out anyhow - in 1861, at the start of the Civil War, the demand for slaves was booming and the price of slaves was rising as vast new lands were being cleared and put into agricultural use.
Considering that both the end of slavery and the end of segregation only came as a result of the North forcing it down the South’s throat and against vehement white Southern opposition, the lot of Blacks would have been far worse in subsequent history.
The USA and CSA, both competing for dominance in North America and the Western Hemisphere, would have spent a significant chunk of subsequent history dissipating their energies warring or preparing for war against the other.
Freed from Northern constraint in Congress, the CSA would probably pursue the Southern dreams of expanding in Central America and the Caribbean.
North and South would have allied with different European camps - CSA would probably be in the British camp, while the USA, resentful at British and French aid to the CSA and in a revanchist mood, would likely ally with Germany. So WW1 and WW2 (if there was a WW2) would have also been fought on North American soil.

03-23-2018, 07:17 AM
The minimum salary of the Brazilian is 954 reais. The vast majority of Brazilians live without a monthly minimum wage:

The average nose job here cost 7.500,00 to 13.595,00 reais. Plastic surgery here are expensive, and also the export of sperm. Average women do not have access to these things, usually rich white women do it. Andressa Urach became a prostitute to be able to do her plastic surgeries. She was born into a humble family from the deep rural south. And she wrote a book about it
And everything in Brazil is based on appearance to fit into Eurocentrism (although the desire to have big butt is greater than having thin nose). No one hates blacks or non-whites for this reason. They just want to look what is considered beautiful.

Essa crente é gostosa da porra. Já fapei muito pra ela.

03-23-2018, 07:23 AM
There are a lot of tri racials here with natural straight hair. This one is a good exemple

Her mother in this interview claimed to be mulatta

I don't see black features, just caucasian and amerindian.

03-23-2018, 07:29 AM
I just do not get it, obviously people in Brazil prefer darker mates, otherwise, the population would not of be as mixed as they are!

Of course not. Brazil, among with the majority of Latin America, is majority mixed race because there was a shortage of white women in the primordia of colonization.

Yankee, learn some facts before spreading shit. Brazilians prefer Euro phenotypes.

03-23-2018, 07:39 AM
The poor in the USA probably live in a bad area with government assistance. Most poor families in the USA will get government assistance in the form of motel vouchers. It is rare to see a family with children living on the streets. Most Americans will step in to help and there are government services to help.

After that much of the American poor live in run down apartments or trailers; however, most have electricity and access to hot water.

By looking at some places in Brazil, poor Americans could never live in some of those places because they would never pass inspection. Many of the places poor Brazilians live would be condemned in the USA and NO ONE would even have the chance to live there.


Bobby Martnen
03-23-2018, 07:43 AM
Americans are too nice to poor people.

03-23-2018, 12:02 PM
I don't see black features, just caucasian and amerindian.

I see the trirracial vibe

03-23-2018, 12:05 PM
the news in your country make you believe that the poor in America are very poor and much more than Brazilian poor or at the same level?
the income of this poor neighborhood in Orange County is $53,335 (Santa Ana, CA), most residents there are Mexican
one of California's most dangerous and ghetto hoods income is $43,230 (Compton, CA), most residents there are Mexican and Black

I know most mexicans live not so bad in USA and of course I know not even 1% of them are slavers. But News said most of the 60.000 american slavers were mexican and guatemalan in second place. I would like if you stop to attack me for no reason. Thank you

03-23-2018, 01:09 PM
I hit that puta so hard their eyes turn blue when we having sex.

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:04 PM
I don't see black features, just caucasian and amerindian.

she doesnt have amerindian ancestry at leat recent
her mother claims to be the daughter of a black man

Heather Duval
03-23-2018, 02:12 PM
I see the trirracial vibe

Her indigenous ancestry was never claimed. Her mother claims to be mulatta.

E a mãe de Munik, Doraci Nunes, também saiu em defesa da filha. "Tenho certeza que ela não é racista. Como ela seria se o avô dela, meu pai, era negro? E sou mulata. Ela falou isso sem maldade. Essa polêmica é coisa de gente recalcada", criticou.

Her mother

03-23-2018, 02:41 PM
To my eyes her mother trirracial too, but a bit less european than her

03-23-2018, 09:21 PM
Of course not. Brazil, among with the majority of Latin America, is majority mixed race because there was a shortage of white women in the primordia of colonization.

Yankee, learn some facts before spreading shit. Brazilians prefer Euro phenotypes.

Well they certainly didn't mind having children with non-white women. I do not see a problem with it. I think it is a good thing for Brazil to be open enough to mix throughout their history. I am not one of these white guys that thinks whiter is better. I do not look at darker mates as a bad thing like you do.

Sacrificed Ram
03-23-2018, 11:04 PM
Brazilians and Americans, both are racist, but brazilians are hypocrite racists while americans are sincere racists.

03-23-2018, 11:18 PM
she doesnt have amerindian ancestry at leat recent
her mother claims to be the daughter of a black man

Yep, but I can't see the SSA. It's one of those pseudo phenotypes it seems.

03-23-2018, 11:19 PM
Her indigenous ancestry was never claimed. Her mother claims to be mulatta.

E a mãe de Munik, Doraci Nunes, também saiu em defesa da filha. "Tenho certeza que ela não é racista. Como ela seria se o avô dela, meu pai, era negro? E sou mulata. Ela falou isso sem maldade. Essa polêmica é coisa de gente recalcada", criticou.

Her mother

Her mom, judging only by that picture, looks mestiza to me.

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 12:01 AM
Her mom, judging only by that picture, looks mestiza to me.

She doesnt look Mestiza, anyway.

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 12:03 AM
She reminds me Beyoncés mother
But Tina is more European, less blacker than her.

03-24-2018, 12:08 AM
Brazilians and Americans, both are racist, but brazilians are hypocrite racists while americans are sincere racists.

Me poupe. O povo tem mania de comparar o Brasil com o lixo dos EUA. Não temos nada a ver com eles. Parecemos mais com Cubanos, Porto riquenhos e Venezuelanos, do que com os lixos americanos. Dou graças a Deus por isso

03-24-2018, 12:09 AM
She reminds me Beyoncés mother
But Tina is more European, less blacker than her.

A mãe da munik é mais indígena que ela e menos africana

03-24-2018, 12:11 AM
She doesnt look Mestiza, anyway.

In this picture her triracial phenotype is visible.

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 01:09 AM
In this picture her triracial phenotype is visible.

Munik looks Dominican. Ive seen many girls from there looking like her, especially those from Drake music video.

03-24-2018, 01:17 AM
Munik looks Dominican. Ive seen many girls from there looking like her, especially those from Drake music video.

Dominican girls are 1000 X darker than her

Sacrificed Ram
03-24-2018, 01:45 AM
Me poupe. O povo tem mania de comparar o Brasil com o lixo dos EUA. Não temos nada a ver com eles. Parecemos mais com Cubanos, Porto riquenhos e Venezuelanos, do que com os lixos americanos. Dou graças a Deus por isso

Ah os sintomas do analfabetismo funcional, eu exatamente mostrei a diferença do racismo americano (explícito) para o racismo brasileiro (velado).

Aliás, está uma porra de merda, um monte de filho da puta dizendo coisas racistas e se defendendo dizendo que tem um parente preto, como se ter um parente preto desse carta branca para falar a bosta que quiser. Tem que virar gente e parar de se esconder atrás de parente ou se mudar para algum país com "free speech" (ou virar deputado com imunidade, se bem que teve uns aí que foram condenados por falar tranqueira)...

03-24-2018, 02:58 AM
Ah os sintomas do analfabetismo funcional, eu exatamente mostrei a diferença do racismo americano (explícito) para o racismo brasileiro (velado).

Aliás, está uma porra de merda, um monte de filho da puta dizendo coisas racistas e se defendendo dizendo que tem um parente preto, como se ter um parente preto desse carta branca para falar a bosta que quiser. Tem que virar gente e parar de se esconder atrás de parente ou se mudar para algum país com "free speech" (ou virar deputado com imunidade, se bem que teve uns aí que foram condenados por falar tranqueira)...

Com certeza analfabetismo funcional deve ter você. Doente mental de merda

03-24-2018, 03:00 AM

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:03 AM
Com certeza analfabetismo funcional deve ter você. Doente mental de merda

Amore, vc é mt estressada

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:04 AM

03-24-2018, 03:05 AM
Normal DR family looks just like the President and family.


03-24-2018, 03:05 AM
Amore, vc é mt estressada

Não tenho paciência pra gente burra.

03-24-2018, 03:06 AM
Normal DR family looks just like the President and family.


Dominicans are almost 45% ssa on average

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:07 AM
Normal DR family looks just like the President and family.


Nope. Average people there is way more darker:

03-24-2018, 03:08 AM
Nope. Average people there is way more darker:

Even Bahia is less ssa

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:09 AM
Dominicans are almost 45% ssa on average


03-24-2018, 03:10 AM
Nope. Average people there is way more darker:

80% are mixed with a little Native American DNA, but more so with Euro DNA.

03-24-2018, 03:11 AM
Dominicans are almost 45% ssa on average

Pretty accurate.

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:11 AM
80% are mixed with a little Native American DNA, but more so with Euro DNA.

They look mulatto leading tri racial

03-24-2018, 03:12 AM
Bahia are very ssa in Salvador.But in interior is less ssa

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:12 AM
Common Dominicans

03-24-2018, 03:13 AM
Pretty accurate.

Acording to genetics studies they are

03-24-2018, 03:14 AM
Common Dominicans

Good representation.

03-24-2018, 03:15 AM
El Presidente daughters look good!

03-24-2018, 03:15 AM
The ssa Ancestry in Dominicans, mostly comes from Senegambia. Senegambians are Very darks

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:16 AM
Good representation.

Brazilian crowd from Bahia, the biggest black State in Brazil

They can be Dominicans.

03-24-2018, 03:16 AM
Brazilian crowd from Bahia, the biggest black State in Brazil

They can be Dominicans.

I always thought it was filmed here in Rio.

03-24-2018, 03:17 AM
Bahia is the Brazilian state most similar to Dominican republic

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:18 AM
This American girl looks Brazilian
"Katya Elise Henry comes from a multi-ethnic background, with her family having African American, Native American (Sioux and Potawatomi tribes), Swedish, and Russian ancestry."

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:19 AM
I always thought it was filmed here in Rio.

"The first was shot in two locations in Brazil, in Pelourinho, the historic city center of Salvador, and in a favela of Rio de Janeiro called Dona Marta"

95% of the video was in Pelourinho, not in a favela of Rio.

Heather Duval
03-24-2018, 03:21 AM
The ssa Ancestry in Dominicans, mostly comes from Senegambia. Senegambians are Very darks

That hot girl in this video is from Republic Dominican

I just said she reminds me Munik

03-24-2018, 03:23 AM
That hot girl in this video is from Republic Dominican

I just said she reminds me Munik

Munik passes better as a Puerto rican triracial than a Dominican

03-24-2018, 03:41 AM

03-24-2018, 03:39 PM
The ssa Ancestry in Dominicans, mostly comes from Senegambia. Senegambians are Very darksNot senegambians.

03-24-2018, 08:46 PM
Not senegambians.

They were the majority of slaves send to Dominican republic

04-02-2018, 03:44 PM
They were the majority of slaves send to Dominican republicNo they werent...

04-02-2018, 09:56 PM
No they werent...

You can post links proving that they werent?

04-02-2018, 10:18 PM
Brazil desperately needs Black nationalism!

No, if you black people come back to Africa, there would be no problem.

04-02-2018, 10:21 PM
The only true Brazilians are only the pure whites, the mestizos, the amerindians and the Asians, does not matter if they are only a minority, they Always be the only true Brazilians because they are the ones who developed Brazil, the ones that most influentiated Brazil and they are still the most importante Brazilians nowadays. Blacks, mulatos, triracials and quadriracials shoul all go back to Africa.

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 10:28 PM
The only true Brazilians are only the pure whites, the mestizos, the amerindians and the Asians, does not matter if they are only a minority, they Always be the only true Brazilians because they are the ones who developed Brazil, the ones that most influentiated Brazil and they are still the most importante Brazilians nowadays. Blacks, mulatos, triracials and quadriracials shoul all go back to Africa.

you are not pure white lol and who care about brazil? as kmack says most brazilians would get out of this third world if they could

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 10:33 PM
"mestizos asians amerindians developed brazil" hahaha :lol:

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 10:46 PM
"asians influenced brazil" lol nigga i know you have fetish for asian culture but they have did nothing to our culture
our cousine have african and indigenous influence as well some words of our portuguese
even bunda(the most used word in brazil is african)
musically samba is an original brazilian genre and im sure it wasnt created by asians lol
samba is part of our culture and its on book
not funk
funk is a copy from USA

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 11:05 PM
when gringos comes to brazil they wants to dance samba
they only know about samba and carnaval
not pastels from asians lol
rio culture is influenced by africans
as well in nordeste
asians are recent immigrants that only sells pastels
they havent been here in the last 200 years

04-02-2018, 11:34 PM
but but i thought brazil was filled with blonde blue eyed nordic germans in southern brazil LOL
this is a good example of how blonde blue eyed latinos are very rare, you dont think theyd head out to southern brazil to catch their rare blue eyed blonde demon crackers
nah they want that foreign cracker sperm all the way from america

You are right that blondes are rare in Brazil as a whole but in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states there is a lot of blonde pure whites like Gisele Bündchen, she is pure German and her family is in Brazil for 6 generations! here is a lot of cases like her in RS e SC. Blonds are pretty common In the north of RS and in the south of SC. Lots of them are fully Germans and Italians but most of them are also very poor.
So i think most of these women who exports sperm are from other states where have more rich but also less white people like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

04-02-2018, 11:37 PM
this topic was created just for race bashing and should be deleted.

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 11:40 PM
You are right that blondes are rare in Brazil as a whole but in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states there is a lot of blonde pure whites like Gisele Bündchen, she is pure German and her family is in Brazil for 6 generations! here is a lot of cases like her in RS e SC. Blonds are pretty common In the north of RS and in the south of SC. Lots of them are fully Germans and Italians but most of them are also very poor.
So i think most of these women who exports sperm are from other states where have more rich but also less white people like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Gi is not blonde her hair is brown

04-02-2018, 11:42 PM
when gringos comes to brazil they wants to dance samba
they only know about samba and carnaval
not pastels from asians lol
rio culture is influenced by africans
as well in nordeste
asians are recent immigrants that only sells pastels
they havent been here in the last 200 years

At least, when Japanese came to Brazil, most of them where very poor but they don't needed crime to have sucess in Brazil, they had discipline and worked hard, now most of Asians have sucess in many áreas. Different to the blacks that are there for many years and vast majority of them are poor and criminals.

04-02-2018, 11:46 PM
Gi is not blonde her hair is brown

Ok but you understood what i mean. In fact, Blondes are not much common in Rio Grande do Sul also but in the north of Rio Grande do Sul it is. In rest of the state have a lot of non-whites nowadays, specially in the southeast of RS. In the metropolitan área of Porto Alegre also have a lot of non-whites maybe even more than Rio de Janeiro.

04-02-2018, 11:51 PM
At least, when Japanese came to Brazil, most of them where very poor but they don't needed crime to have sucess in Brazil, they had discipline and worked hard, now most of Asians have sucess in many áreas. Different to the blacks that are there for many years and vast majority of them are poor and criminals.

Maybe it can change in the future. I have nothing against blacks as a race, if they did less crime, they would be ok. Blacks are helped much Brazil in sports and one of the most importante soccer players of the history, Ronaldinho Gaucho was a black Brazilian and he was from Rio Grande do Sul, my state. Don't get me bad, sorry if i offended you, Heathers, it was not the intention.

Heather Duval
04-02-2018, 11:52 PM
At least, when Japanese came to Brazil, most of them where very poor but they don't needed crime to have sucess in Brazil, they had discipline and worked hard, now most of Asians have sucess in many áreas. Different to the blacks that are there for many years and vast majority of them are poor and criminals. Blacks did nothing good for Brazil. They only destroyed Brazil, if where not the blacks, maybe Brazil where a first world country now... So this is why Asians are more Brazilian than blacks. And i am not being racista, i am only telling the truth that everyone knows.

lol youre delusional as fuck
usa has more blacks and is first country
its not our fault that this country is a mess since the beggin
asians came to work and had a bit of support from the government
blacks came as slavers and build this economy as our economy was based in coffees farms n shit
dont be delusional
tri racials wont come back to africa because they are more european than anything and a product of brazil or u didnt know the lack of white women created them? :lol
blac culture is way more present in our cousine
language and stuffthan any pastel

04-02-2018, 11:52 PM

04-02-2018, 11:54 PM
lol youre delusional as fuck
usa has more blacks and is first country
its not our fault that this country is a mess since the beggin
asians came to work and had a bit of support from the government
blacks came as slavers and build this economy as our economy was based in coffees farms n shit
dont be delusional
tri racials wont come back to africa because they are more european than anything and a product of brazil or u didnt know the lack of white women created them? :lol
blac culture is way more present in our cousine
language and stuffthan any pastel

Ok, sorry, read my comment above.

Heather Duval
04-03-2018, 12:01 AM
Maybe it can change in the future. I have nothing against blacks as a race, if they did less crime, they would be ok. Blacks are helped much Brazil in sports and one of the most importante soccer players of the history, Ronaldinho Gaucho was a black Brazilian and he was from Rio Grande do Sul, my state. Don't get me bad, sorry if i offended you, Heathers, it was not the intention.

in the end of slavery black were sent out of the farms
most didnt have acess of a good education(having in mind educations was for rich people)
some women asked to stay in the farms working for a salary
asians here came with focus and not forced
many did restaurants
now the problem is our education system that most of the victims are poor people

04-03-2018, 12:03 AM
lol youre delusional as fuck
usa has more blacks and is first country
its not our fault that this country is a mess since the beggin
asians came to work and had a bit of support from the government
blacks came as slavers and build this economy as our economy was based in coffees farms n shit
dont be delusional
tri racials wont come back to africa because they are more european than anything and a product of brazil or u didnt know the lack of white women created them? :lol
blac culture is way more present in our cousine
language and stuffthan any pastel

ok, i admit i was not that blacks where importante for the constrution of Brazil, i was not being rational.

Heather Duval
04-03-2018, 12:08 AM
Ok, sorry, read my comment above.

you have your right to post your opinion :)
i think the education in brazil is a big problem that affects mostly poor people(black and pardos)
40 years ago there was no much violence in brazil and there were more blacks than now
negros foram jogados a sorte, as coisas estão mudando mas antes? as mulheres negras so sonhavam em ser empregadas domésticas

04-03-2018, 12:14 AM
in the end of slavery black were sent out of the farms
most didnt have acess of a good education(having in mind educations was for rich people)
some women asked to stay in the farms working for a salary
asians here came with focus and not forced
many did restaurants
now the problem is our education system that most of the victims are poor people

I agree but i think quotas for blacks in universityes are not the solution, it is unfair, there are a lot of poors thar are non-blacks . Also, assistentialism is not good, the only thing it does is creating deficits.

Heather Duval
04-03-2018, 12:15 AM
ok, i admit i was not that blacks where importante for the constrution of Brazil, i was not being rational.

sem problemas
a maioria dos moradores de favela são negros/tri racial/quadroons etc
negros construiram favelas quando foram jogados a sorte pelos fazendeiros
o serviço doméstico crescia mt pois as negras optavam p cuidar da casa de seus ex senhores
elas não tinham futuro melhor que esse
mas hj em dia as coisas estão mudando
e esse povo precisa de melhores educaçao
tem mt gnt vagabunda s mas tem pais de familia que acordam cedo

Heather Duval
04-03-2018, 12:19 AM
I agree but i think quotas for blacks in universityes are not the solution, it is unfair, there are a lot of poors thar are non-blacks . Also, assistentialism is not good, the only thing it does is creating deficits.

sinceramente? cota racial é pra quem quer
funkeiro nem enem faz
tenho conhecidos que não se importam c facul

04-03-2018, 12:24 AM
sem problemas
a maioria dos moradores de favela são negros/tri racial/quadroons etc
negros construiram favelas quando foram jogados a sorte pelos fazendeiros
o serviço doméstico crescia mt pois as negras optavam p cuidar da casa de seus ex senhores
elas não tinham futuro melhor que esse
mas hj em dia as coisas estão mudando
e esse povo precisa de melhores educaçao
tem mt gnt vagabunda s mas tem pais de familia que acordam cedo

Sim, é verdade, eu não estava pensando por este lado. Já conheci muitos negros inteligentes e que são boas pessoas. Conheço um pastor evangélico negro de Minas Gerais, ele é muito humilde, é um exemplo de pessoa. O problema é que algumas pessoas ~só enxergam o lado ruim das pessoas e nunca veêm o lado bom, os negros tem muitos pontos ruins mas também tem muitos pontos bons assim com todas as pessoas de qualquer raça. Acho que a solução da pobreza dos negros está em um uma economia mais liberal, assim todo mundo tem os mesmos direitos sem privilégios.

04-03-2018, 12:27 AM
No, if you black people come back to Africa, there would be no problem.

Você é idiota também. Ficar respondendo esse doente mental. Esse membro nem é pra ser levado a sério. Total doente

04-03-2018, 12:28 AM
sinceramente? cota racial é pra quem quer
funkeiro nem enem faz
tenho conhecidos que não se importam c facul

Escolas e universidades nem são tão necessárias mesmo, educação é um meio para o fim, que é o emprego. o que realmente importa é emprego. Há muitos exemplos de pessoas com pouca ou nenhuma formação profissional que se tornaram ricas e bem sucedidas na vida.

Heather Duval
04-03-2018, 12:29 AM
Sim, é verdade, eu não estava pensando por este lado. Já conheci muitos negros inteligentes e que são boas pessoas. Conheço um pastor evangélico negro de Minas Gerais, ele é muito humilde, é um exemplo de pessoa. O problema é que algumas pessoas ~só enxergam o lado ruim das pessoas e nunca veêm o lado bom, os negros tem muitos pontos ruins mas também tem muitos pontos bons assim com todas as pessoas de qualquer raça. Acho que a solução da pobreza dos negros está em um uma economia mais liberal, assim todo mundo tem os mesmos direitos sem privilégios.

Eu moro no Rio, aqui é lotado de negros. As pessoas no Rio se sentem incomodadas com crimes. Meu pai é negro e teve seu carro roubado, tu acha que ele gostou? Muitos negros são hostilizados pelos bandidos que são uma minoria..