View Full Version : Classify Turkish Far-Right guy

03-23-2018, 09:21 PM
Asal Polat. He later became a joke and a meme after his outrageous ideas.




03-23-2018, 09:22 PM
What were his ideas?

03-23-2018, 09:27 PM
What were his ideas?

He just liked to say outrageous things. People started not taking him seriously after a while, and started to make fun of him.

He was trying to get as hard core as he could get with the far-right. I don't remember all of them now.

He's the admin of Tigir:Er Facebook page. You may have heard about it.

03-23-2018, 09:33 PM
Looks Atlantid to me

03-23-2018, 09:55 PM
EastMed/pontic mix

03-24-2018, 02:45 AM

03-24-2018, 03:01 AM
He looks cool. East-Med

03-24-2018, 03:08 AM
East Med + Robust Iranid + Anatolid

He looks Iranian and Kurdish.

03-24-2018, 07:16 AM

03-24-2018, 09:40 PM
East Med + Robust Iranid + Anatolid

He looks Iranian and Kurdish.


03-24-2018, 09:41 PM
He looks like a mix of Levant and South Europe

03-24-2018, 09:50 PM
Looks euro. Med

02-22-2020, 09:09 PM


02-22-2020, 09:10 PM
Looks Iberian, especially with beard. Atlanto-Med. One of rare guys who looks better with beard than clean shaved, in my opinion. And in that version, he's quite hot.

02-22-2020, 09:24 PM
Iranid Caspid

Best Pass in Azerbaijan and Caspian region of Iran

brennus dux gallorum
02-22-2020, 09:41 PM
mediterranean, not sure which type exactly.

02-23-2020, 09:51 AM
He probably thinks he's a direct descendant of Kul-Tegin.


02-23-2020, 10:02 AM


best pass: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran

02-23-2020, 10:09 AM
The greatest Turkic nationalists and radicals are Balkan influenced people like this guy, because even a drop of Serbian & Albanian blood is enough.. xD xD

02-23-2020, 12:00 PM
Looks Kurd or Iranian.

02-23-2020, 12:17 PM
Looks Iberian, especially with beard. Atlanto-Med. One of rare guys who looks better with beard than clean shaved, in my opinion. And in that version, he's quite hot.

He looks like the Welsh ex-singer Ian Watkins actually:

Lol at Iranid and Kurd classifications. xD

02-23-2020, 12:41 PM
He looks like the Welsh ex-singer Ian Watkins actually:

Lol at Iranid and Kurd classifications. xD

You must be joking. Welsh guy looks White and European while Turk looks typical kebab.
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14947459_1825642630907611_4134465542412370956_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=EVvU1H_4GQEAX_5frqy&_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.xx&oh=eb7561259e8c4b3173e9b3b84d39d094&oe=5EFFE235

02-23-2020, 03:32 PM
You must be joking. Welsh guy looks White and European while Turk looks typical kebab.
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14947459_1825642630907611_4134465542412370956_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=EVvU1H_4GQEAX_5frqy&_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.xx&oh=eb7561259e8c4b3173e9b3b84d39d094&oe=5EFFE235

Its the Iranian Neolithic farmer ancestry that shows up in Turkish people even among the blonde most Irano Nordoids in the region.

02-23-2020, 03:34 PM
He's the forefather of prime numbers("asal sayılar" in Turkish) ;) :rotfl:

02-23-2020, 03:34 PM
He looks like he has had a nose job.

02-23-2020, 03:37 PM
Hahahhaa jandarma olmus bu

02-23-2020, 03:37 PM
"We were born in the World, but we won't die there"
- Prime number (ASAL sayı)

I listen this song everytime I read his articles & look up his photos :rotfl::rotfl:


Ensaaaaaaayyyy & ASAL sayılar(prime numbers) are good duo! ;)

02-23-2020, 03:40 PM
Hahahhaa jandarma olmus bu

Gerçekten şaka gibi abla ya!

02-23-2020, 03:41 PM
"We were born in the World, but we won't die there"
- Prime number (ASAL sayı)

I listen this song everytime I read his articles & look up his photos :rotfl::rotfl:


Ensaaaaaaayyyy & ASAL sayılar(prime numbers) are good duo! ;)

Asal sayilar birden ve kendinden baska sayiya bolunemez fakat Asal Polat kendisi disinda herkesi boler yanlisin var hahahaha

02-23-2020, 03:42 PM
Its the Iranian Neolithic farmer ancestry that shows up in Turkish people even among the blonde most Irano Nordoids in the region.

Your trolls are not able even to be funny. He is not Iranid, no matter how you cherrypick weird pictures of him. Neither blonde Turks look like Irano Nordids (Irano Nordoids actually are not always blonde).

https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/58570844_826975034362025_3526638723812818944_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=hFoK_i2-TysAX9aYt14&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=cf499a9f5251a456ac1ae669c5d1a11a&oe=5EBE80E0

https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/43950891_713558745703655_1822280625701257216_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=eKbSzghZFk0AX9M544w&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=fca8dedf8f31f9cdc7840e522f97b633&oe=5EFA34C3

https://scontent.fjdo1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s261x260/60191449_2268589606792244_5975747569844748288_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=Vw4Arf7VxN4AX_uc2LY&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-2.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=2a0af132dc2576e8493a8e30d88f8c3d&oe=5EFF71D8

A person with Iranid look would be spoted as Kurdish in first place.

02-23-2020, 03:43 PM
Its the Iranian Neolithic farmer ancestry that shows up in Turkish people even among the blonde most Irano Nordoids in the region.

He do not stand out among Turks for sure.


02-23-2020, 03:46 PM
Your trolls are not able even to be funny. He is not Iranid, no matter how you cherrypick weird pictures of him. Neither blonde Turks look like Irano Nordids (Irano Nordoids actually are not always blonde).

https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/43950891_713558745703655_1822280625701257216_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=eKbSzghZFk0AX9M544w&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=fca8dedf8f31f9cdc7840e522f97b633&oe=5EFA34C3

In that pic he looks Afghan refugee. I agree with Afghano-Iranid.

02-23-2020, 03:48 PM
Your trolls are not able even to be funny. He is not Iranid, no matter how you cherrypick weird pictures of him. Neither blonde Turks look like Irano Nordids (Irano Nordoids actually are not always blonde)

A person with Iranid look would be spoted as Kurdish in first place.

I think he hasn't been classified as Iranid yet. Y so paranoid? To me he kind of looks NW Iranian though, which is why I classified him Irano-Pontid. Eastern Pontid.

He is Pontid pred.

Pontid pheno:

02-23-2020, 03:54 PM
I think he hasn't been classified as Iranid yet.

I was talking about meson and laag's comment.

Tooting Carmen
02-23-2020, 03:58 PM
East Med + Robust Iranid + Anatolid

He looks Iranian and Kurdish.

More-or-less agree with your classification. Is he your wank fantasy? xD

02-23-2020, 09:15 PM
He do not stand out among Turks for sure.


well I did not disagree with you. You called him a Kebab and I merely said that the Kebab appearance in all of the West Asian groups comes from Iran_N ancestry IMO.

02-23-2020, 09:33 PM
Your trolls are not able even to be funny.

Trash talk means nothing.

no matter how you cherrypick weird pictures of him.

I have not posted any pic of him. I was basing my opinion on the photos by you in the OP.

Turkish score high Iran_N (almost equivalent to Iranian scores). Which is why I think they look different from Europeans. Any individual who looks more euro shifted may score less but I am talking about average scores. You can deny and I will start posting results. I would guess lighter Iranics may score less Iran_N but its there in all cases be it Iranian or Turkish.

https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/58570844_826975034362025_3526638723812818944_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=hFoK_i2-TysAX9aYt14&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=cf499a9f5251a456ac1ae669c5d1a11a&oe=5EBE80E0

https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/43950891_713558745703655_1822280625701257216_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=eKbSzghZFk0AX9M544w&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=fca8dedf8f31f9cdc7840e522f97b633&oe=5EFA34C3

https://scontent.fjdo1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s261x260/60191449_2268589606792244_5975747569844748288_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=Vw4Arf7VxN4AX_uc2LY&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-2.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=2a0af132dc2576e8493a8e30d88f8c3d&oe=5EFF71D8

In the above pics this man now looks like an Afghan. I can post few examples which resemble him.

He is not Iranid, I called Him Caspid which is more of Iranian Azeri type, basically Iranid or Nord Iranid altered by Turanid elements. Usually Turkish people do not have the chiseled facial bone structure or progressive skull shape to be considered Iranid. Most populated Turkish phenos are fairer in skin tone and brachycephalic (Anatolid, Alpine, Armenoid) shorter skulled than Iranid subtypes.

A person with Iranid look would be spoted as Kurdish in first place.

This is an Iranid proper man, Larger and linear skull with chiseled facial structure. He is like from a village in Zagros Mountain region so he is ethnically a Persian or a Lur with no other input.


The one you posted is more of Robust Iranid with mild Turan elements in Eyes. He looks like Kurmanji Kurd mixed with Turkish.

02-23-2020, 09:41 PM

I mistook your post with the one of the other guy in the previosu page.

If OP looks Afghan the football player you posted is what? Indian?
There are plenty of Afghan illegal immigrants in Turkey and any Turkish user will agree with me.

And anyway, i have nothing against Iranians, but these trollish posts against Turks here are annoying.

02-23-2020, 09:48 PM
If OP looks Afghan the football player you posted is what? Indian?

No Turkish or Indian phenotype is that progressive or chiseled in terms of bone structure that this man in my Post has. These traits are only possible among Iranid sub types in the region or their descendants.

And anyway, i have nothing against Iranians, but these trollish posts against Turks here are annoying.

I use facts and numbers. I do not care about nationalities.

Do you still disagree on Iran neolithic component among Turkish ? Its very high. Why do you want to disown it ?

02-23-2020, 10:03 PM
No Turkish or Indian phenotype is that progressive or chiseled in terms of bone structure that this man in my Post has. These traits are only possible among Iranid sub types in the region or their descendants.

I use facts and numbers. I do not care about nationalities.

Do you still disagree on Iran neolithic component among Turkish ? Its very high. Why do you want to disown it ?

Whatever. I was talking about the troll post you quoted in the previous page. You did that to troll stealthly. Don't think i'm naive.

02-23-2020, 11:30 PM

02-24-2020, 12:28 AM
i clearly see some anatolian/iranian vibes
wouldnt stick in in southern europe

The Lawspeaker
02-24-2020, 12:30 AM
Sieg Fail-oid.

02-24-2020, 01:44 AM
Whatever. I was talking about the troll post you quoted in the previous page. You did that to troll stealthly. Don't think i'm naive.

If I wanted to troll I would have posted heavy Iran_N (Baloch) with proper S-Indian results of Turkish people, along with SNP Autosomal clustering with Iranians (Average not one guy) but I did not do that since I respect other Turkish members here and in general the Turkish nation.

My points in this thread which I stand on,

OP man is Caspid (Iranid + Mild Turanid). All other users have said the same or similar thing. You can agree or disagree with everyone the way it suits you since this is pseudoscience.

Turkish Kebab look or non European facial features that OP man has, that another user has pointed out (not me), comes from Iran_N ancestry which Turkish have lots on average (similar numbers to Iranians). You can deny it and then we can go in details with results and published papers (average population).

02-24-2020, 02:04 AM
If I wanted to troll I would have posted heavy Iran_N (Baloch) with proper S-Indian results of Turkish people, along with SNP Autosomal clustering with Iranians (Average not one guy) but I did not do that since I respect other Turkish members here and in general the Turkish nation.

My points in this thread which I stand on,

OP man is Caspid (Iranid + Mild Turanid). All other users have said the same or similar thing. You can agree or disagree with everyone the way it suits you since this is pseudoscience.

Turkish Kebab look or non European facial features that OP man has, that another user has pointed out (not me), comes from Iran_N ancestry which Turkish have lots on average (similar numbers to Iranians). You can deny it and then we can go in details with results and published papers (average population).

Don't make me laugh. Are you saying that having ancestry provenient from Iran is some kind of insult?
I have seen samples of Iranians with %15+ of South Asian admixture (far more than any Turk).

If you had respect, you would not wondering that Turks will be replaced by Kurds like you did in another thread here.
If you had respect, you would not siding with troll (the cretin who thumbed up your post) who insult Turks here constantly.
And don't spread lies/misinformation. There are threads in these forum about average genetics of Turks in general.

You have clearly an agenda to Iranize Turks and Azeris here. I even remember you posted once a guy who looked straight up Nordid and claimed he looked like a "typical Iranian Nordoid"...

OP is not Iranid neither Turanid, he looks Mediterranean. Far from looking like an average Iranian:

Btw, that photo you shared in other thread here.

I'm out. Arguing with haters is waste of time.
Have a nice day.

02-24-2020, 03:23 AM
having ancestry provenient from Iran

Baloch admixture in Turkish is not "provenient", its actually heavy, which gives Turkish people on average a non European and rather exclusive facial feature, the soft tissue proportions are usually off. Anyone can see that. Individual variety exists off course like any other nation but we are talking about averages here.

I have seen samples of Iranians with %15+ of South Asian admixture (far more than any Turk).

Individual results mean nothing. Any one can find any biased individual result in geographically large nations to fit their agendas. True results are always average population based like this SNP admixture result where Indian component among Turkish and Iranians are like closest to each other. Look at the similar green Indian component in Turkish and Iranians (higher than Syrians, Palestinians, Saudis etc). Your logic is wrong.


Even if we go by individuals (totally wrong approach but for sake of argument) South Asian Influence among Iranians average stands at around 3-8 % ASI which itself is like 50 % Iranian Neolithic. Turkish score like 2-5 %. Big deal. Baloch component is high in both and again almost equivalent. Below are random results of dozen of Iranians (southern, south west, central, north east, eastern). Compare them to Turkish ones posted in between.


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 41.56
2 Baloch 24.44
3 SW-Asian 16.76
4 Mediterranean 6.97
5 Siberian 3.62
6 S-Indian 2.09
7 NE-Asian 1.42
8 NE-Euro 0.85
9 SE-Asian 0.63
10 W-African 0.63
11 Papuan 0.52
12 E-African 0.43
13 American 0.09


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 44.45
2 Baloch 21.59
3 SW-Asian 13.22
4 Mediterranean 8.73
5 NE-Euro 7.8
6 S-Indian 3.23
7 NE-Asian 0.65
8 American 0.24
9 Siberian 0.08


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 37.14
2 Baloch 26.46
3 SW-Asian 14.06
4 NE-Euro 6.45
5 Mediterranean 6.25
6 S-Indian 4.75
7 Siberian 2.92
8 E-African 1.29
9 Papuan 0.35
10 San 0.2
11 W-African 0.08
12 American 0.04

Persian from Mashad

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 37.43
2 Baloch 25.25
3 SW-Asian 10.29
4 NE-Euro 8.74
5 Mediterranean 6.56
6 S-Indian 5.66
7 Siberian 1.59
8 American 1.37
9 SE-Asian 1.06
10 Papuan 1.06
11 Beringian 0.7
12 W-African 0.16
13 Pygmy 0.11
14 E-African 0.04


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 40.46
2 Baloch 28.99
3 SW-Asian 12.45
4 Mediterranean 7.99
5 S-Indian 3.15
6 NE-Euro 2.14
7 Beringian 2.1
8 Siberian 1.37
9 Papuan 0.81
10 Pygmy 0.29
11 W-African 0.18
12 San 0.04
13 E-African 0.04

Iranian Kurd

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 42.45
2 Baloch 28.82
3 SW-Asian 16.35
4 NE-Euro 4.03
5 S-Indian 3.36
6 Mediterranean 2.87
7 Siberian 0.64
8 Papuan 0.57
9 W-African 0.53
10 E-African 0.4


# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 45.28
2 Baloch 21.03
3 SW-Asian 8.81
4 NE-Euro 8.03
5 Mediterranean 5.13
6 S-Indian 4.5
7 Siberian 1.68
8 E-African 1.63
9 Beringian 1.52
10 SE-Asian 1.27
11 NE-Asian 0.54
12 Papuan 0.43
13 San 0.1
14 Pygmy 0.06

Turkish Ankara

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 42.1
2 Baloch 24.14
3 SW-Asian 11.75
4 Mediterranean 8.01
5 NE-Euro 5.99
6 Siberian 2.67
7 S-Indian 2.62
8 Beringian 1.5
9 Papuan 0.98
10 San 0.24
11 Pygmy 0.01

Iranian Kurd

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 40.79
2 Baloch 27.95
3 SW-Asian 13.29
4 Mediterranean 8.05
5 NE-Euro 4.3
6 S-Indian 2.99
7 Siberian 0.96
8 American 0.67
9 San 0.63
10 Papuan 0.28
11 E-African 0.07

Fars Persian

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 39.47
2 Baloch 28.41
3 SW-Asian 10.33
4 NE-Euro 6.59
5 Mediterranean 6.34
6 S-Indian 3.25
7 NE-Asian 2.79
8 W-African 1.44
9 San 0.66
10 Siberian 0.57
11 E-African 0.16

Iranian Kurd

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 43.17
2 Baloch 24.25
3 SW-Asian 13.4
4 Mediterranean 7.01
5 NE-Euro 3.62
6 S-Indian 2.93
7 Siberian 2.76
8 SE-Asian 0.8
9 NE-Asian 0.8
10 San 0.54
11 American 0.37
12 Papuan 0.34


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 41.56
2 Baloch 24.44
3 SW-Asian 16.76
4 Mediterranean 6.97
5 Siberian 3.62
6 S-Indian 2.09
7 NE-Asian 1.42
8 NE-Euro 0.85
9 SE-Asian 0.63
10 W-African 0.63
11 Papuan 0.52
12 E-African 0.43
13 American 0.09

Shiraz Persian

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 39.91
2 Baloch 28.91
3 SW-Asian 12.73
4 NE-Euro 5.47
5 Mediterranean 4.9
6 S-Indian 4.81
7 Papuan 1.58
8 American 1.02
9 W-African 0.52
10 San 0.16

You have clearly an agenda

Posting actual DNA results does not mean agenda, it means bringing out genetic facts since this is a genetics themed forum. It is not my problem if such number are not in line with someone's OWD insecurities.

As for Azeris ... by DNA we are mostly median Iranians who got layered with turkified genetics. I acknowledge both admixtures, I am myself a swarthy Iranian looking MENA man with turanid soft tissue proportions. Azeris also happen to cluster with surrounding other NW Iranic groups like Kurds. I do not see how that is a problem with you ?

I even remember you posted once a guy who looked straight up Nordid and claimed he looked like a "typical Iranian Nordoid"... xD

An Iranian (of Irano nordoid type) can be extra light blonde to brown haired (depends upon Proto Nordoid ancestry and mixing). He or she will still be classified as Irano Nordoid because their genetics will cluster with other Iranians and no one else. Below two Iranian man will genetically produce similar results to each other being from same area. I would not go around calling the first man Nordoid european because genetically he is far from being one.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Aibiffm_Hb31J3RHwvVC561mrMrPqaAKpTXSclnzJw3ZsMhMB7 oyAe9nhkBqgYCCxrlMp8IBfKPeIH9gyzlf-WgufLmHu2JfIDTsSf1d


OP is not Iranid neither Turanid, he looks Mediterranean. Far from looking like an average Iranian:

Btw, that photo you shared in other thread here.

Iranid itself is a sub med type.

The people you posted look different from Turkish crowds because on average they are darker and with more progressive traits. What is the point here ?

OP IMO is caspid type with a weak chin (others agree). You can repeat your opinion and I will repeat mine. Pseudoscience is flexible.

02-24-2020, 04:12 AM
An Iranian (of Irano nordoid type) can be extra light blonde to brown haired (depends upon Proto Nordoid ancestry and mixing). He or she will still be classified as Irano Nordoid because their genetics will cluster with other Iranians and no one else. Below two Iranian man will genetically produce similar results to each other being from same area. I would not go around calling the first man Nordoid european because genetically he is far from being one.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Aibiffm_Hb31J3RHwvVC561mrMrPqaAKpTXSclnzJw3ZsMhMB7 oyAe9nhkBqgYCCxrlMp8IBfKPeIH9gyzlf-WgufLmHu2JfIDTsSf1d

For Kivan any person with light eyes, light skin, and light hair is automatically Nordid. Mohammad-Ali Ramin is textbook Irano-Afghan type I think. Similar to this Pashtun from Coon. An example of Irano-Afghan type.

FIG. 7, (2 views, photo Gordon T. Bowles) Closely similar to the Syrian desert border tribesman is this Afridi from eastern Afghanistan. Its high, narrow cranial vault, in combination with a great facial and nasal height, and its general cast of cranial features makes this type nearly identical with that of the Corded people who invaded Europe from the east toward the beginning of the third millennium B.C.

Kivan thinks that if he classifies Turks as Atlanto-Med, Atlantid, Paleo-Atlantid, Nordid then Turks will look more European.

02-24-2020, 05:41 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Aibiffm_Hb31J3RHwvVC561mrMrPqaAKpTXSclnzJw3ZsMhMB7 oyAe9nhkBqgYCCxrlMp8IBfKPeIH9gyzlf-WgufLmHu2JfIDTsSf1d


The basketball player is Arab from Ahwaz.

02-24-2020, 07:16 AM
The basketball player is Arab from Ahwaz.

Replace him with any dark Farsi from Khuz (Ramin is from Khuzestan) and you get my point.

02-24-2020, 07:19 AM
For Kivan any person with light eyes, light skin, and light hair is automatically Nordid. Mohammad-Ali Ramin is textbook Irano-Afghan type I think. Similar to this Pashtun from Coon. An example of Irano-Afghan type.

FIG. 7, (2 views, photo Gordon T. Bowles) Closely similar to the Syrian desert border tribesman is this Afridi from eastern Afghanistan. Its high, narrow cranial vault, in combination with a great facial and nasal height, and its general cast of cranial features makes this type nearly identical with that of the Corded people who invaded Europe from the east toward the beginning of the third millennium B.C.

Kivan thinks that if he classifies Turks as Atlanto-Med, Atlantid, Paleo-Atlantid, Nordid then Turks will look more European.

Yeah thats a Pashtun man and they have even higher Iran_N then any other Iranic sub category. Like twice than average Iranian I think (not sure).

02-24-2020, 08:45 AM
More-or-less agree with your classification. Is he your wank fantasy? xD
Nope. Although he has a wog appearance, I don't find him attractive. His eyes are cold and bulgy. Can't really put a finger on it. :confused:

As far as classifications go, I'd classify him as a Cappadocian Med with some Anatolid leanings.

02-24-2020, 12:52 PM
No Turkish or Indian phenotype is that progressive or chiseled in terms of bone structure that this man in my Post has. These traits are only possible among Iranid sub types in the region or their descendants.

I use facts and numbers. I do not care about nationalities.

Do you still disagree on Iran neolithic component among Turkish ? Its very high. Why do you want to disown it ?

TBH, ethnic turks dont get it THAT high either. Specially not from the west. They even seem to get the amount of gedrosian inbetween many iranians and iraqis and euros(and almost as much as some euros)

02-24-2020, 01:09 PM

02-24-2020, 01:11 PM
TBH, ethnic turks dont get it THAT high either. Specially not from the west. They even seem to get the amount of gedrosian inbetween many iranians and iraqis and euros(and almost as much as some euros)


Pashtun: 35
Iran_Persian: 28-30
Lezgin: 27.5
Lurs: 27.5
Talysh: 25.5
Turkmens: 25
Avars: 25
Kurds: 25
Hazara: 24
Kumyk: 22
Azeri: 21
Georgian: 19.5
Assyrian: 19.5
Circassian: 19
Ossetian: 18.5
Armenian: 18
Turk_Anatolia: 12.5 (West) - 20 (East) Average: 14.5
Turk_Thrace: 10
Greek_Crete: 8.5
Bulgarian: 6

ioan assen
02-24-2020, 01:27 PM
What's a Turkish far right? Wahhabism?

02-24-2020, 01:49 PM
What's a Turkish far right? Wahhabism?

Yes and no. Both Wahhabists & extreme racists are far-rights

ioan assen
02-24-2020, 01:54 PM
Yes and no. Both Wahhabists & extreme racists are far-rights
On what base is a Turkish racist? I mean the Ottoman empire was one of the melting pots of the world. Its well known fact that Ottoman sultans were never from one nationality. Also the original Turks left some mark, but not much. You absorbed a lot of Byzantines...

02-25-2020, 09:09 PM
TBH, ethnic turks dont get it THAT high either. Specially not from the west. They even seem to get the amount of gedrosian inbetween many iranians and iraqis and euros(and almost as much as some euros)

If we go by numbers the Iran_N Iranian average is somewhere around 25 and Turkish is around 14-20. Big deal ? and 14-20 is a big number which IMO is the major reason that average Turkish have bit different facial features then proper Europeans. Same case is with Armenians who also score similarly. Makes sense with the geographic proximity as well.

Look at the green part in Turkish and Iranian averages and compare them to other West Asian and Caucasus groups. By admixtures the Iranians, Turkish have the most similar results. Iraq, Syria despite sharing border is so different.


02-25-2020, 09:21 PM
TBH, ethnic turks dont get it THAT high either. Specially not from the west. They even seem to get the amount of gedrosian inbetween many iranians and iraqis and euros(and almost as much as some euros)

Iranians score more Gedrosia than any Turk, by far, as Kyp_Snow has shown. I doubt even meson believes in the lies he posts. That are average of some provinces of Turkey:




02-25-2020, 09:51 PM
Iranians score more Gedrosia than any Turk

No one disputed that. Almost every nation descends from their ancient ancestors. Including Turkish and Iranians.

Kyp_Snow has shown.

Kyp snow thinks your national average Iran_N is 15 and Iranian one is like 24 (I took average of his given numbers). I said the same thing in my above post. What is the point ?

I doubt even meson believes in the lies he posts.

Peer reviewed published research in high impact factor journals is a lie to you ?

your images

Provide a doi number of the article where the national autosomal average and cluster plots of Turkish nation (except Kurds) are published in a peer reviewed international journal like I did. These unpublished images of few selected provinces with few samples mean nothing in literary terms.

Here is my claim "Turkish cluster closely to their Middle eastern and Caucasus neighbors". The source of my claim is this published paper below. You can check the doi. Be civil and dispute it with evidence. Being an unbiased rational person, I am open to change my mind if you provide convincing results.


02-26-2020, 06:01 AM
If we go by numbers the Iran_N Iranian average is somewhere around 25 and Turkish is around 14-20. Big deal ? and 14-20 is a big number which IMO is the major reason that average Turkish have bit different facial features then proper Europeans. Same case is with Armenians who also score similarly. Makes sense with the geographic proximity as well.

Look at the green part in Turkish and Iranian averages and compare them to other West Asian and Caucasus groups. By admixtures the Iranians, Turkish have the most similar results. Iraq, Syria despite sharing border is so different.


The thing is though, euros get gedrosia as well(or would have gotten, if they dont, since avg euros get 8% baloch on hw).
Turks on avg get like 13%(i found many turkish kits with 14-11% baloch). Unless youre gonna say euros get a lot as well, turks get FAR lower gedrosia/baloch than iranians. But anyway turks are still closer to many/most iranians than any euros though

02-26-2020, 06:23 AM
East med and Pontid

02-26-2020, 08:48 AM

02-27-2020, 11:26 AM
The thing is though, euros get gedrosia as well(or would have gotten, if they dont, since avg euros get 8% baloch on hw).
Turks on avg get like 13%(i found many turkish kits with 14-11% baloch). Unless youre gonna say euros get a lot as well, turks get FAR lower gedrosia/baloch than iranians. But anyway turks are still closer to many/most iranians than any euros though

Europeans have other higher admixtures that dilute the neolithic component, which is not true for Turkish or Iranians. IMO Iran_N is the single factor behind the Kebab appearance of (non arab) West Asians in general.

And btw 25 is the average for Iranians while its like 14-15 for Turkish. Its not FAR by any means considering the fact that other components are also in similar proportions. Again, look at the green component in my posted plot.

02-27-2020, 11:44 AM
Anatolid/ Pontid

02-27-2020, 11:46 AM
Europeans have other higher admixtures that dilute the neolithic component, which is not true for Turkish or Iranians. IMO Iran_N is the single factor behind the Kebab appearance of (non arab) West Asians in general.

And btw 25 is the average for Iranians while its like 14-15 for Turkish. Its not FAR by any means considering the fact that other components are also in similar proportions. Again, look at the green component in my posted plot.

Im not denying the other components between both turks and iranians are very similiar(although turks on AVG get like 0,5% SI and iranians 4,5% SI, and turks get around 9% east asian and most of the time twice/thrice as much NE-euro as iranians and higher med), and that turks obvs would be closer to iranians than to most of south europeans even by far.

Just saying that turks and euros(now i think avg gedrosian is 9,5%.......found quiet a handfull of 11% baloch euros even) get more similiar amount of gedrosian compared to iranians.